monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 888 { title = "Dog"; sprite = "internal:dog"; class = "MBFHelperDog"; width = 12; height = 28; } 889 { title = "Nightmare Spectre"; sprite = "SARGF1"; class = "Spectre"; width = 30; } 890 { title = "PSX Spectre"; sprite = "SARGF1"; class = "Spectre"; width = 30; } 6304 { title = "Former Human copy"; sprite = "POSSA2A8"; class = "ZombieMan"; } 6009 { title = "Former Sergeant copy"; sprite = "SPOSA2A8"; class = "ShotgunGuy"; } 6301 { title = "Imp copy"; sprite = "TROOA2A8"; class = "DoomImp"; } 6302 { title = "Demon copy"; width = 30; sprite = "SARGA2A8"; class = "Demon"; } 6058 { title = "Spectre copy"; renderstyle = "translucent"; alpha = 0.25f; width = 30; sprite = "SARGF1"; class = "Spectre"; } 6306 { title = "Lost Soul copy"; width = 16; sprite = "SKULA8A2"; class = "LostSoul"; } 6305 { title = "Cacodemon copy"; width = 31; sprite = "HEADA2A8"; class = "Cacodemon"; } 6303 { title = "Baron of Hell copy"; width = 24; sprite = "BOSSA2A8"; height = 64; class = "BaronOfHell"; } 6016 { title = "Cyberdemon copy"; width = 40; sprite = "CYBRA2"; height = 110; class = "Cyberdemon"; } 6007 { title = "Spider Mastermind copy"; width = 128; sprite = "SPIDG2G8"; height = 100; class = "SpiderMastermind"; } 6065 { title = "Chaingunner copy"; sprite = "CPOSA2"; class = "ChaingunGuy"; } 6069 { title = "Hell Knight copy"; width = 24; sprite = "BOS2A2C8"; height = 64; class = "HellKnight"; } 6068 { title = "Arachnotron copy"; width = 64; sprite = "BSPIA2A8"; height = 64; class = "Arachnotron"; } 6071 { title = "Pain Elemental copy"; width = 31; sprite = "PAINA2A8"; class = "PainElemental"; } 6066 { title = "Revenant copy"; sprite = "SKELA2D8"; class = "Revenant"; } 6067 { title = "Mancubus copy"; width = 48; sprite = "FATTC2C8"; height = 64; class = "Fatso"; } 6064 { title = "Archvile copy"; sprite = "VILEA2D8"; class = "Archvile"; } 6084 { title = "Wolfenstein SS copy"; sprite = "SSWVA2"; class = "WolfensteinSS"; } 6072 { title = "Commander Keen copy"; width = 16; sprite = "KEENA0"; height = 72; hangs = 1; class = "CommanderKeen"; } 6088 { title = "Icon of Sin copy"; width = 16; sprite = "BBRNA0"; height = 16; class = "BossBrain"; } 6089 { title = "Monsters Spawner copy"; sprite = "BOSFB0"; locksprite = true; height = 32; class = "BossEye"; } 6087 { title = "Monsters Target copy"; sprite = "internal:Target"; height = 32; class = "BossTarget"; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 25; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 6205 { title = "Chainsaw copy"; sprite = "CSAWA0"; class = "Chainsaw"; } 6201 { title = "Shotgun copy"; sprite = "SHOTA0"; class = "Shotgun"; } 6202 { title = "Chaingun copy"; sprite = "MGUNA0"; class = "Chaingun"; } 6203 { title = "Rocket launcher copy"; sprite = "LAUNA0"; class = "RocketLauncher"; } 6204 { title = "Plasma gun copy"; sprite = "PLASA0"; class = "PlasmaRifle"; } 6206 { title = "BFG9000 copy"; sprite = "BFUGA0"; height = 30; class = "BFG9000"; } 6082 { title = "Super Shotgun copy"; sprite = "SGN2A0"; class = "SuperShotgun"; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Ammunition"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; blocking = 0; hangs = 0; 6207 { title = "Ammo clip copy"; sprite = "CLIPA0"; class = "Clip"; } 6208 { title = "Shotgun shells copy"; sprite = "SHELA0"; class = "Shell"; } 6210 { title = "Rocket copy"; sprite = "ROCKA0"; height = 25; class = "RocketAmmo"; } 6247 { title = "Cell charge copy"; sprite = "CELLA0"; class = "Cell"; } 6248 { title = "Box of Ammo copy"; sprite = "AMMOA0"; class = "ClipBox"; } 6249 { title = "Box of Shells copy"; sprite = "SBOXA0"; class = "ShellBox"; } 6246 { title = "Box of Rockets copy"; sprite = "BROKA0"; height = 25; class = "RocketBox"; } 6017 { title = "Cell charge pack copy"; sprite = "CELPA0"; height = 25; class = "CellPack"; } 6008 { title = "Backpack copy"; sprite = "BPAKA0"; class = "Backpack"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 6211 { title = "Stimpack copy"; sprite = "STIMA0"; class = "Stimpack"; } 6212 { title = "Medikit copy"; sprite = "MEDIA0"; height = 25; class = "Medikit"; } 6214 { title = "Health bonus copy"; sprite = "BON1A0"; class = "HealthBonus"; } 6215 { title = "Armor bonus copy"; sprite = "BON2A0"; class = "ArmorBonus"; } 6218 { title = "Green armor copy"; sprite = "ARM1A0"; class = "GreenArmor"; } 6219 { title = "Blue armor copy"; sprite = "ARM2A0"; class = "BlueArmor"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Powerups"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 6213 { title = "Soulsphere copy"; sprite = "SOULA0"; height = 45; class = "Soulsphere"; } 6222 { title = "Invulnerability copy"; sprite = "PINVA0"; height = 30; class = "InvulnerabilitySphere"; } 6223 { title = "Berserk copy"; sprite = "PSTRA0"; class = "Berserk"; } 6224 { title = "Invisibility copy"; sprite = "PINSA0"; height = 45; class = "BlurSphere"; } 6225 { title = "Radiation suit copy"; sprite = "SUITA0"; height = 60; class = "RadSuit"; } 6226 { title = "Computer map copy"; sprite = "PMAPA0"; height = 35; class = "Allmap"; } 6245 { title = "Lite Amplification goggles copy"; sprite = "PVISA0"; class = "Infrared"; } 6083 { title = "Megasphere copy"; sprite = "MEGAA0"; height = 40; class = "Megasphere"; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 6005 { title = "Blue keycard copy"; sprite = "BKEYA0"; class = "BlueCard"; } 6040 { title = "Blue skullkey copy"; sprite = "BSKUB0"; class = "BlueSkull"; } 6013 { title = "Red keycard copy"; sprite = "RKEYA0"; class = "RedCard"; } 6038 { title = "Red skullkey copy"; sprite = "RSKUB0"; class = "RedSkull"; } 6006 { title = "Yellow keycard copy"; sprite = "YKEYA0"; class = "YellowCard"; } 6039 { title = "Yellow skullkey copy"; sprite = "YSKUB0"; class = "YellowSkull"; } } eternity { color = 8; // Grey arrow = 1; title = "Eternity Items"; width = 0; height = 0; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; 5003 { title = "Camera spot"; class = "SMMUCameraSpot"; } 1200 { title = "Enviro sequence 0"; } 1300 { title = "Enviro sequence param"; } 1400 { title = "Sector sequence 0"; } 1500 { title = "Sector sequence param"; } 5004 { title = "ExtraData thing"; } 5005 { title = "Error Marker"; } 5008 { title = "Aardgpl"; } 5006 { title = "Skybox camera"; class = "EESkyboxCam"; } 5007 { title = "Particle Drip"; class = "EEParticleDrip"; } 9001 { title = "Map spot"; class = "EEMapSpot"; } 9013 { title = "Map spot gravity"; class = "EEMapSpotGravity"; } 9027 { title = "Particle fountain red"; } 9028 { title = "Particle fountain green"; } 9029 { title = "Particle fountain blue"; } 9030 { title = "Particle fountain yellow"; } 9031 { title = "Particle fountain purple"; } 9032 { title = "Particle fountain black"; } 9033 { title = "Particle fountain white"; } 9300 { title = "Polyobject anchor"; class = "EEPolyObjAnchor"; } 9301 { title = "Polyobject spawn spot"; class = "EEPolyObjSpawnSpot"; } 9302 { title = "Polyobject spawn spot crush"; class = "EEPolyObjSpawnSpotCrush"; } 9303 { title = "Polyobject spawn spot damage"; class = "EEPolyObjSpawnSpotDamage"; } 9048 { title = "Sound reverb controller"; class = "EESoundEnvironment"; arg0 { title = "id1"; type = 0; } arg1 { title = "id2"; type = 0; } } 14001 { title = "Ambience 1"; } 14065 { title = "Ambience param"; } }