#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows { public partial class ScriptFindReplaceForm : DelayedForm { #region ================== Constants private const int MAX_DROPDOWN_ITEMS = 20; #endregion #region ================== Variables private bool appclose; private bool canreplace; #endregion #region ================== Properties internal bool CanReplace //mxd { get { return canreplace; } set { canreplace = value; if(!canreplace) { if(tabs.TabPages.Contains(tabreplace)) tabs.TabPages.Remove(tabreplace); } else if(!tabs.TabPages.Contains(tabreplace)) { tabs.TabPages.Add(tabreplace); } } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor // Constructor public ScriptFindReplaceForm() { InitializeComponent(); LoadSettings(); //mxd } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This makes the Find & Replace options private FindReplaceOptions MakeOptions() { FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions(); if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabfind) { options.FindText = findbox.Text; options.CaseSensitive = findmatchcase.Checked; options.WholeWord = findwholeword.Checked; options.ReplaceWith = null; options.SearchMode = (FindReplaceSearchMode)findinbox.SelectedIndex; } else if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabreplace) { options.FindText = replacefindbox.Text; options.CaseSensitive = replacematchcase.Checked; options.WholeWord = replacewholeword.Checked; options.ReplaceWith = replacebox.Text; options.SearchMode = (FindReplaceSearchMode)replaceinbox.SelectedIndex; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported tab type"); } return options; } // Close the window new public void Close() { appclose = true; base.Close(); } // This sets the text to find public void SetFindText(string text) { ComboBox target; //mxd if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabfind) target = findbox; else if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabreplace) target = replacefindbox; else throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported tab type"); target.Text = text; target.SelectAll(); //mxd. Add to combobox AddComboboxText(target, text); } //mxd private static void AddComboboxText(ComboBox target, string text) { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && !target.Items.Contains(text)) { target.Items.Insert(0, text); while(target.Items.Count > MAX_DROPDOWN_ITEMS) { target.Items.RemoveAt(target.Items.Count - 1); } } } //mxd private void LoadSettings() { // Load generic search settings bool matchcase = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".matchcase", false); bool matchwholeword = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".matchwholeword", false); int searchmode = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".searchmode", (int)FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE); // Load find settings string findtext = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".findtext", string.Empty); List<string> findtexts = new List<string>(); IDictionary findtextdic = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".findtexts", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry cde in findtextdic) findtexts.Add(cde.Value.ToString()); // Load replace settings string replacetext = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".replacetext", string.Empty); List<string> replacetexts = new List<string>(); IDictionary replacetextdic = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".replacetexts", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry cde in replacetextdic) replacetexts.Add(cde.Value.ToString()); // Apply find settings... findbox.MaxDropDownItems = MAX_DROPDOWN_ITEMS; findbox.Text = findtext; findbox.SelectAll(); findbox.Items.AddRange(findtexts.ToArray()); findinbox.SelectedIndex = searchmode; findmatchcase.Checked = matchcase; findwholeword.Checked = matchwholeword; // Apply replace settings... replacefindbox.MaxDropDownItems = MAX_DROPDOWN_ITEMS; replacefindbox.Text = findtext; replacefindbox.SelectAll(); replacefindbox.Items.AddRange(findtexts.ToArray()); replacebox.MaxDropDownItems = MAX_DROPDOWN_ITEMS; replacebox.Text = replacetext; replacebox.Items.AddRange(replacetexts.ToArray()); replaceinbox.SelectedIndex = searchmode; replacematchcase.Checked = matchcase; replacewholeword.Checked = matchwholeword; // Set selected tab tabs.SelectedIndex = General.Clamp(General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".selectedtab", 0), 0, tabs.TabCount); } //mxd private void SaveSettings() { // Save generic search settings General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".matchcase", findmatchcase.Checked); General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".matchwholeword", findwholeword.Checked); General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".searchmode", findinbox.SelectedIndex); General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".selectedtab", tabs.SelectedIndex); // Save find settings General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".findtext", findbox.Text); ListDictionary finddata = new ListDictionary(); for(int i = 0; i < findbox.Items.Count; i++) { finddata.Add("findtext" + i, findbox.Items[i].ToString()); } if(finddata.Count > 0) { General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".findtexts", finddata); } // Save replace settings General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".replacetext", replacebox.Text); ListDictionary replacedata = new ListDictionary(); for(int i = 0; i < replacebox.Items.Count; i++) { replacedata.Add("replacetext" + i, replacebox.Items[i].ToString()); } if(replacedata.Count > 0) { General.Settings.WriteSetting("windows." + configname + ".replacetexts", replacedata); } } #endregion #region ================== Events // Form is closing private void ScriptFindReplaceForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { SaveSettings(); //mxd if(!appclose) { General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor.CloseFindReplace(true); } } // Find Next private void findnextbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FindReplaceOptions options = MakeOptions(); //mxd AddComboboxText(findbox, options.FindText); //mxd General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor.FindNext(options); } //mxd. Find Previous private void findpreviousbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FindReplaceOptions options = MakeOptions(); AddComboboxText(findbox, options.FindText); General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor.FindPrevious(options); } //mxd. Bookmark all private void bookmarkallbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FindReplaceOptions options = MakeOptions(); AddComboboxText(findbox, options.FindText); // Determine script type ScriptType scripttype = ScriptType.UNKNOWN; switch(options.SearchMode) { case FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE: ScriptDocumentTab t = General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor.ActiveTab; if(t != null) scripttype = t.Config.ScriptType; break; } } //mxd. Replace private void replacebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var editor = General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor; FindReplaceOptions options = MakeOptions(); AddComboboxText(replacefindbox, options.FindText); AddComboboxText(replacebox, options.ReplaceWith); ScriptDocumentTab curtab = editor.ActiveTab; if(curtab == null) return; // Search from selection start, then replace if(!curtab.FindNext(options, true) || !editor.Replace(options)) { editor.DisplayStatus(ScriptStatusType.Warning, "Can't find any occurrence of \"" + options.FindText + "\"."); return; } // Find & show next match curtab.FindNext(options); } //mxd. Replace All private void replaceallbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var editor = General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor; FindReplaceOptions options = MakeOptions(); AddComboboxText(replacefindbox, options.FindText); AddComboboxText(replacebox, options.ReplaceWith); // Find next match // [ZZ] why are we doing this? we aren't limited to the current tab..... /* ScriptDocumentTab curtab = editor.ActiveTab; if(curtab == null || !curtab.FindNext(options, true)) { editor.DisplayStatus(ScriptStatusType.Warning, "Can't find any occurrence of \"" + options.FindText + "\"."); return; }*/ // Replace loop // We don't really want to do this outside of the script editor. int replacements = editor.FindReplace(options); // Show result if(replacements == 0) { editor.DisplayStatus(ScriptStatusType.Warning, "Can't find any occurrence of \"" + options.FindText + "\"."); } else { editor.DisplayStatus(ScriptStatusType.Info, "Replaced " + replacements + " occurrences of \"" + options.FindText + "\" with \"" + options.ReplaceWith + "\"."); // Find & select the last match on the now-current tab ScriptDocumentTab curtab = editor.ActiveTab; if(curtab != null) { options.FindText = options.ReplaceWith; options.ReplaceWith = null; curtab.SelectionStart = curtab.Text.Length; curtab.SelectionEnd = curtab.SelectionStart; curtab.FindPrevious(options); } } } //mxd private void tabs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Transfer settings... if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabfind) { findbox.Text = replacefindbox.Text; findbox.Items.Clear(); if(replacefindbox.Items.Count > 0) { string[] items = new string[replacefindbox.Items.Count]; replacefindbox.Items.CopyTo(items, 0); findbox.Items.AddRange(items); } findbox.SelectAll(); findbox.Focus(); findinbox.SelectedIndex = replaceinbox.SelectedIndex; findmatchcase.Checked = replacematchcase.Checked; findwholeword.Checked = replacewholeword.Checked; } else if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabreplace) { replacefindbox.Text = findbox.Text; replacefindbox.Items.Clear(); if(findbox.Items.Count > 0) { string[] items = new string[findbox.Items.Count]; findbox.Items.CopyTo(items, 0); replacefindbox.Items.AddRange(items); } replacefindbox.SelectAll(); replacefindbox.Focus(); replaceinbox.SelectedIndex = findinbox.SelectedIndex; replacematchcase.Checked = findmatchcase.Checked; replacewholeword.Checked = findwholeword.Checked; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported tab type"); } } //mxd. Focus text input private void ScriptFindReplaceForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabfind) findbox.Focus(); else if(tabs.SelectedTab == tabreplace) replacefindbox.Focus(); else throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported tab type"); } #endregion } }