#region ================== Copyright (c) 2021 Boris Iwanski
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.If not, see.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Linq;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.UDBScript.Wrapper
internal class ThingWrapper : MapElementWrapper, IEquatable
#region ================== Variables
private Thing thing;
private MapElementArgumentsWrapper elementargs;
#region IEquatable members
public bool Equals(ThingWrapper other)
return thing == other.thing;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals((ThingWrapper)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return thing.GetHashCode();
#region ================== Properties
/// Index of the `Thing`. Read-only.
public int index
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the index property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Index;
/// Type of the `Thing`.
public int type
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the type property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Type;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the type property can not be accessed.");
thing.Type = value;
/// Angle of the `Thing` in degrees, see https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Angle.
public int angle
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the angle property can not be accessed.");
return thing.AngleDoom;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the angle property can not be accessed.");
/// Angle of the `Thing` in radians.
public double angleRad
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the angleRad property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Angle;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the angleRad property can not be accessed.");
/// `Array` of arguments of the `Thing`. Number of arguments depends on game config (usually 5). Hexen format and UDMF only.
public MapElementArgumentsWrapper args
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the args property can not be accessed.");
return elementargs;
/// `Thing` action. Hexen and UDMF only.
public int action
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the action property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Action;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the angle property can not be accessed.");
thing.Action = value;
/// `Thing` tag. UDMF only.
public int tag
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the tag property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Tag;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the tag property can not be accessed.");
thing.Tag = value;
/// If the `Thing` is selected or not.
public bool selected
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the selected property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Selected;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the selected property can not be accessed.");
thing.Selected = value;
/// If the `Thing` is marked or not. It is used to mark map elements that were created or changed (for example after drawing new geometry).
public bool marked
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the marked property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Marked;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the marked property can not be accessed.");
thing.Marked = value;
/// `Thing` flags. It's an object with the flags as properties. In Doom format and Hexen format they are identified by numbers, in UDMF by their name.
/// Doom and Hexen:
/// ```
/// t.flags["8"] = true; // Set the ambush flag
/// ```
/// UDMF:
/// ```
/// t.flags['ambush'] = true; // Set the ambush flag
/// t.flags.ambush = true; // Also works
/// ```
public ExpandoObject flags
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the flags property can not be accessed.");
dynamic eo = new ExpandoObject();
IDictionary o = eo as IDictionary;
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in thing.GetFlags())
o.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
// Create event that gets called when a property is changed. This sets the flag
((INotifyPropertyChanged)eo).PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler((sender, ea) => {
PropertyChangedEventArgs pcea = ea as PropertyChangedEventArgs;
IDictionary so = sender as IDictionary;
// Only allow known flags to be set
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Flag name '" + pcea.PropertyName + "' is not valid.");
// New value must be bool
if (!(so[pcea.PropertyName] is bool))
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Flag values must be bool.");
thing.SetFlag(pcea.PropertyName, (bool)so[pcea.PropertyName]);
return eo;
/// Position of the `Thing`. It's an object with `x`, `y`, and `z` properties. The latter is only relevant in Hexen format and UDMF.
/// The `x`, `y`, and `z` accept numbers:
/// ```
/// t.position.x = 32;
/// t.position.y = 64;
/// ```
/// It's also possible to set all fields immediately by assigning either a `Vector2D`, `Vector3D`, or an array of numbers:
/// ```
/// t.position = new Vector2D(32, 64);
/// t.position = new Vector3D(32, 64, 128);
/// t.position = [ 32, 64 ];
/// t.position = [ 32, 64, 128 ];
/// ```
public object position
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Vertex is disposed, the position property can not be accessed.");
return new Vector3DWrapper(thing.Position, thing);
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Vertex is disposed, the position property can not be accessed.");
object v = BuilderPlug.Me.GetVectorFromObject(value, true);
if (v is Vector2D)
catch (CantConvertToVectorException e)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException(e.Message);
/// Pitch of the `Thing` in degrees. Only valid for supporting game configurations.
public int pitch
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the pitch property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Pitch;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the pitch property can not be accessed.");
/// Roll of the `Thing` in degrees. Only valid for supporting game configurations.
public int roll
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the roll property can not be accessed.");
return thing.Roll;
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the roll property can not be accessed.");
#region ================== Constructors
internal ThingWrapper(Thing thing) : base(thing)
this.thing = thing;
elementargs = new MapElementArgumentsWrapper(thing);
#region ================== Update
internal override void AfterFieldsUpdate()
#region ================== Methods
public override string ToString()
// The Thing class doesn't have a proper ToString method, so we have to output something sensible ourself
return "Thing " + thing.Index.ToString();
/// Copies the properties from this `Thing` to another.
/// The `Thing` to copy the properties to
public void copyPropertiesTo(ThingWrapper t)
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the copyPropertiesTo method can not be accessed.");
/// Clears all flags.
public void clearFlags()
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the cleaFlags method can not be accessed.");
/// Snaps the `Thing`'s position to the grid.
public void snapToGrid()
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the snapToGrid method can not be accessed.");
/// Snaps the `Thing`'s position to the map format's accuracy.
public void snapToAccuracy()
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the snapToAccuracy method can not be accessed.");
/// Gets the squared distance between this `Thing` and the given point.
/// The point can be either a `Vector2D` or an array of numbers.
/// ```
/// t.distanceToSq(new Vector2D(32, 64));
/// t.distanceToSq([ 32, 64 ]);
/// ```
/// Point to calculate the squared distance to.
/// Distance to `pos`
public double distanceToSq(object pos)
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the distanceToSq method can not be accessed.");
Vector2D v = (Vector2D)BuilderPlug.Me.GetVectorFromObject(pos, false);
return thing.DistanceToSq(v);
catch (CantConvertToVectorException e)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException(e.Message);
/// Gets the distance between this `Thing` and the given point. The point can be either a `Vector2D` or an array of numbers.
/// ```
/// t.distanceToSq(new Vector2D(32, 64));
/// t.distanceToSq([ 32, 64 ]);
/// ```
/// Point to calculate the distance to.
/// Distance to `pos`
public double distanceTo(object pos)
if (thing.IsDisposed)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException("Thing is disposed, the distanceTo method can not be accessed.");
Vector2D v = (Vector2D)BuilderPlug.Me.GetVectorFromObject(pos, false);
return thing.DistanceTo(v);
catch (CantConvertToVectorException e)
throw BuilderPlug.Me.ScriptRunner.CreateRuntimeException(e.Message);
/// Deletes the `Thing`.
public void delete()
if (!thing.IsDisposed)
/// Determines and returns the `Sector` the `Thing` is in.
/// The `Sector` the `Thing` is in
public SectorWrapper getSector()
return new SectorWrapper(thing.Sector);