// This is GZDB hints configuration file. It's dev-only stuff so bare minimum of boilerplate is present in the parser class // (e.g. create your Hints.cfg exactly the way it's done here or face consequences). // "class" should exactly match your classname; "group" can be anything. "general" and "multiselection" groups are shown automatically when appropriate. // Supported tags are for Bold and
for line break. Action name inside of tag will insert keyboard shortcut for given action in bold. // Only single-line comments are supported. class VerticesMode group general "Hold builder_pan_view to pan the view" "Press builder_classicselect to select a vertex" "Hold builder_classicselect and drag to use rectangular selection" "Press builder_clearselection to clear selection" "Press builder_insertitem to insert a new vertex" "Press builder_deleteitem to delete selected vertices" "Press builder_dissolveitem to delete selected vertices and try to preserve surrounding geometry" "Press builder_classicedit to edit properties of current selection" "Use builder_griddec and builder_gridinc to change grid size" "Press buildermodes_drawlinesmode to start drawing lines" "Check 'Vertices' menu for additional actions" group multiselection "Hold Shift to toggle additive selection" "Hold Ctrl to enable subtractive selection" "Hold Ctrl-Shift to intersect the new selection with already existing one" class LinedefsMode group general "Hold builder_pan_view to pan the view" "Press builder_classicselect to select a linedef" "Hold builder_classicselect and drag to use rectangular selection" "Press builder_clearselection to clear selection" "Press builder_deleteitem to delete selected linedef(s)" "Press builder_dissolveitem to delete selected linedef(s) and try to preserve surrounding geometry" "Press builder_classicedit to edit properties of current selection" "Use builder_griddec and builder_gridinc to change grid size" "Press buildermodes_drawlinesmode or builder_insertitem to start drawing lines" "Press buildermodes_flipsidedefs to flips the sidedefs on the selected linedefs around" "Press buildermodes_selectsinglesided to keep only the single-sided lines in your selection selected" "Press buildermodes_selectdoublesided to keep only the double-sided lines in your selection selected" "Check 'Linedefs' menu for additional actions" group multiselection "Hold Shift to toggle additive selection" "Hold Ctrl to enable subtractive selection" "Hold Ctrl-Shift to intersect the new selection with already existing one" class SectorsMode group general "Hold builder_pan_view to pan the view" "Press builder_classicselect to select a sector. Hold Alt to (de)select things inside of a sector" "Hold builder_classicselect and drag to use rectangular selection" "Press builder_clearselection to clear selection" "Press builder_deleteitem to delete selected sector(s)" "Press builder_classicedit to edit properties of current selection" "Use builder_griddec and builder_gridinc to change grid size" "Press buildermodes_joinsectors to join two or more selected sectors together and keep all linedefs" "Press buildermodes_mergesectors to join two or more selected sectors together and remove the shared inedefs" "Press buildermodes_gradientbrightness to create a brightness or color gradient over all selected sectors from the first to the last selected sector" "Press buildermodes_gradientfloors to create a floor heights gradient over all selected sectors from the first to the last selected sector" "Press buildermodes_gradientceilings to create a ceiling heights gradient over all selected sectors from the first to the last selected sector" "Press buildermodes_makedoor to create doors from the highlighted or selected sectors" "Press buildermodes_drawlinesmode or builder_insertitem to start drawing lines" "Check 'Sectors' menu for additional actions" group multiselection "Hold Shift to toggle additive selection" "Hold Ctrl to enable subtractive selection" "Hold Ctrl-Shift to intersect the new selection with already existing one" "Hold Alt to select things inside of selected sectors" class ThingsMode group general "Hold builder_pan_view to pan the view" "Press builder_classicselect to select a thing" "Hold builder_classicselect and drag to use rectangular selection" "Press buildermodes_thingsselectinsectors to select things in selected sectors" "Press builder_clearselection to clear selection" "Press builder_deleteitem to delete selected thing(s)" "Press builder_classicedit to edit properties of current selection" "Use builder_griddec and builder_gridinc to change grid size" "Press builder_insertitem to create a new thing" "Press buildermodes_thinglookatcursor to point selected things to cursor position. Hold Ctrl to point away from cursor" "Press buildermodes_thingaligntowall to align selected things to closest linedef" "Press buildermodes_drawlinesmode to start drawing lines" "Check 'Things' menu for additional actions" group multiselection "Hold Shift to toggle additive selection" "Hold Ctrl to enable subtractive selection" "Hold Ctrl-Shift to intersect the new selection with already existing one" class BaseVisualMode group general "Use builder_moveforward, builder_movebackward, builder_moveleft and builder_moveright to move around. Hold Shift to double the speed" "Use builder_moveup and builder_movedown to move up and down" "Press builder_gztogglevisualvertices to toggle vertex handles rendering (UDMF only)" group things "Use builder_moveforward, builder_movebackward, builder_moveleft and builder_moveright to move around. Hold Shift to double the speed" "Use builder_moveup and builder_movedown to move up and down" "Press builder_gztogglevisualvertices to toggle vertex handles rendering (UDMF only)" "Press builder_insertitem to insert a thing at current cursor position" "Press builder_visualselect to select the highlighted thing" "Press builder_clearselection to clear selection" "Press builder_deleteitem to delete selected things" "Use buildermodes_raisesector8 and buildermodes_lowersector8 to change height of selected/targeted things by 8 map units" "Use buildermodes_lowersectortonearest and buildermodes_raisesectortonearest to align selected/targeted things to floor or ceiling" "Use builder_movethingfwd, builder_movethingback, builder_movethingleft and builder_movethingright to move selected things around" "Press builder_placethingatcursor to move selected things to cursor location" "Press buildermodes_showvisualthings to cycle through the different ways the things are shown" group sidedefs "Use builder_moveforward, builder_movebackward, builder_moveleft and builder_moveright to move around. Hold Shift to double the speed" "Use builder_moveup and builder_movedown to move up and down" "Press builder_gztogglevisualvertices to toggle vertex handles rendering (UDMF only)" "Press builder_insertitem to insert a thing at current cursor position" "Press builder_visualselect to select the highlighted surface. Hold Shift to select adjacent surfaces with the same texture. Hold Ctrl to select adjacent surfaces with the same height" "Press builder_deleteitem to remove textures from selected surfaces" "Use buildermodes_movetextureleft, buildermodes_movetextureright, buildermodes_movetextureup and buildermodes_movetexturedown to change texture offsets by 1 mp." "Use buildermodes_movetextureleft8, buildermodes_movetextureright8, buildermodes_movetextureup8 and buildermodes_movetexturedown8 to change texture offsets by current grid size" "Use buildermodes_scaletextureupx, buildermodes_scaletexturedownx, buildermodes_scaletextureupy and buildermodes_scaletexturedowny to scale selected textures (UDMF only)" "Press buildermodes_textureselect to open texture browser" "Use buildermodes_texturecopy, buildermodes_texturepaste and buildermodes_floodfilltextures to copy, paste and flood-fill highlighted texture" "Use buildermodes_texturecopyoffsets and buildermodes_texturepasteoffsets to copy and paste texture offsets" "Use buildermodes_visualautoalignx, buildermodes_visualautoalign or buildermodes_visualautoalign to auto align textures on X, Y and XY axis" "Use buildermodes_visualfittexturesx, buildermodes_visualfittexturesy or buildermodes_visualfittextures to fit texture's width, height or both into it's surface (UDMF only)" "Use buildermodes_resettexture to reset global texture offsets" "Use buildermodes_resettextureudmf to reset local texture offsets and scale (UDMF only)" "Use buildermodes_toggleupperunpegged or buildermodes_togglelowerunpegged to toggle Upper or Lower Unpegged setting" group sectors "Use builder_moveforward, builder_movebackward, builder_moveleft and builder_moveright to move around. Hold Shift to double the speed" "Use builder_moveup and builder_movedown to move up and down" "Press builder_gztogglevisualvertices to toggle vertex handles rendering (UDMF only)" "Press builder_insertitem to insert a thing at current cursor position" "Press builder_visualselect to select the highlighted surface. Hold Shift to select adjacent surfaces with the same texture. Hold Ctrl to select adjacent surfaces with the same height" "Press builder_deleteitem to remove textures from selected surfaces" "Use buildermodes_movetextureleft, buildermodes_movetextureright, buildermodes_movetextureup and buildermodes_movetexturedown to change texture offsets by 1 mp. (UDMF only)" "Use buildermodes_movetextureleft8, buildermodes_movetextureright8, buildermodes_movetextureup8 and buildermodes_movetexturedown8 to change texture offsets by current grid size (UDMF only)" "Use buildermodes_scaletextureupx, buildermodes_scaletexturedownx, buildermodes_scaletextureupy and buildermodes_scaletexturedowny to scale selected textures (UDMF only)" "Use buildermodes_resettextureudmf to reset local texture offsets and scale (UDMF only)" "Press buildermodes_textureselect to open texture browser" "Use buildermodes_texturecopy and buildermodes_texturepaste to copy and paste highlighted texture" group vertices "Use builder_moveforward, builder_movebackward, builder_moveleft and builder_moveright to move around. Hold Shift to double the speed" "Use builder_moveup and builder_movedown to move up and down" "Press builder_gztogglevisualvertices to toggle vertex handles rendering (UDMF only)" "Press builder_insertitem to insert a thing at current cursor position" "Press builder_deleteitem to reset vertex height offsets for selected vertex handles" class DragGeometryMode group general "Hold Shift to toggle grid snapping" "Hold Ctrl to toggle snapping to nearest vertex" class DragThingsMode group general "Hold Shift to toggle grid snapping" "Hold Ctrl to toggle snapping to nearest vertex" class DrawGeometryMode group general "Press builder_classicselect to place a vertex" "Press buildermodes_removepoint to remove last vertex" "Press builder_acceptmode to accept" "Press builder_cancelmode or builder_classicedit to cancel" class DrawCurveMode group general "Press builder_classicselect to place a vertex" "Use buildermodes_increasesubdivlevel and buildermodes_decreasesubdivlevel to change detail level of the curve" "Press buildermodes_removepoint to remove last vertex" "Press builder_acceptmode to accept" "Press builder_cancelmode or builder_classicedit to cancel" class DrawRectangleMode group general "Press builder_classicselect to place a vertex" "Use buildermodes_increasebevel and buildermodes_decreasebevel to change corners bevel by current grid size" "Use buildermodes_increasesubdivlevel and buildermodes_decreasesubdivlevel to change bevel detail level" "Place second vertex to finish drawing" "Press builder_cancelmode or builder_classicedit to cancel" class DrawEllipseMode group general "Press builder_classicselect to place a vertex" "Use buildermodes_increasebevel and buildermodes_decreasebevel to change bevel by current grid size" "Use buildermodes_increasesubdivlevel and buildermodes_decreasesubdivlevel to change the number of points in ellipse" "Place second vertex to finish drawing" "Press builder_cancelmode or builder_classicedit to cancel" class DrawGridMode group general "Use buildermodes_increasebevel and buildermodes_decreasebevel to change the number of horizontal slices" "Use buildermodes_increasesubdivlevel and buildermodes_decreasesubdivlevel to change the number of vertical slices" group gridlockhelp "Use builder_griddec and builder_gridinc to change grid size."