// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexBaan.cxx ** Lexer for Baan. ** Based heavily on LexCPP.cxx **/ // Copyright 2001- by Vamsi Potluru <vamsi@who.net> & Praveen Ambekar <ambekarpraveen@yahoo.com> // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "Platform.h" #include "PropSet.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "KeyWords.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif static inline bool IsAWordChar(const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && (isalnum(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '_' || ch == '$' || ch == ':'); } static inline bool IsAWordStart(const int ch) { return (ch < 0x80) && (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_'); } static void ColouriseBaanDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) { WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0]; WordList &keywords2 = *keywordlists[1]; bool stylingWithinPreprocessor = styler.GetPropertyInt("styling.within.preprocessor") != 0; if (initStyle == SCE_BAAN_STRINGEOL) // Does not leak onto next line initStyle = SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT; int visibleChars = 0; StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) { if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_OPERATOR) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_NUMBER) { if (!IsAWordChar(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_IDENTIFIER) { if (!IsAWordChar(sc.ch)) { char s[100]; sc.GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s)); if (keywords.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_BAAN_WORD); } else if (keywords2.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_BAAN_WORD2); } sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_PREPROCESSOR) { if (stylingWithinPreprocessor) { if (IsASpace(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } else { if (sc.atLineEnd && (sc.chNext != '^')) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_COMMENT) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_COMMENTDOC) { if (sc.MatchIgnoreCase("enddllusage")) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ sc.Forward(); } sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_STRING) { if (sc.ch == '\"') { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT); } else if ((sc.atLineEnd) && (sc.chNext != '^')) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_BAAN_STRINGEOL); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT); visibleChars = 0; } } if (sc.state == SCE_BAAN_DEFAULT) { if (IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext))) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_NUMBER); } else if (sc.MatchIgnoreCase("dllusage")){ sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_COMMENTDOC); do { sc.Forward(); } while ((!sc.atLineEnd) && sc.More()); } else if (IsAWordStart(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_IDENTIFIER); } else if (sc.Match('|')){ sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_COMMENT); } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_STRING); } else if (sc.ch == '#' && visibleChars == 0) { // Preprocessor commands are alone on their line sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_PREPROCESSOR); // Skip whitespace between # and preprocessor word do { sc.Forward(); } while (IsASpace(sc.ch) && sc.More()); } else if (isoperator(static_cast<char>(sc.ch))) { sc.SetState(SCE_BAAN_OPERATOR); } } if (sc.atLineEnd) { // Reset states to begining of colourise so no surprises // if different sets of lines lexed. visibleChars = 0; } if (!IsASpace(sc.ch)) { visibleChars++; } } sc.Complete(); } static void FoldBaanDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) { bool foldComment = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.comment") != 0; bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0; unsigned int endPos = startPos + length; int visibleChars = 0; int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); int levelPrev = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; int levelCurrent = levelPrev; char chNext = styler[startPos]; int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos); int style = initStyle; for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { char ch = chNext; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); int stylePrev = style; style = styleNext; styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1); bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n'); if (foldComment && (style == SCE_BAAN_COMMENT || style == SCE_BAAN_COMMENTDOC)) { if (style != stylePrev) { levelCurrent++; } else if ((style != styleNext) && !atEOL) { // Comments don't end at end of line and the next character may be unstyled. levelCurrent--; } } if (style == SCE_BAAN_OPERATOR) { if (ch == '{') { levelCurrent++; } else if (ch == '}') { levelCurrent--; } } if (atEOL) { int lev = levelPrev; if (visibleChars == 0 && foldCompact) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; if ((levelCurrent > levelPrev) && (visibleChars > 0)) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) { styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); } lineCurrent++; levelPrev = levelCurrent; visibleChars = 0; } if (!isspacechar(ch)) visibleChars++; } // Fill in the real level of the next line, keeping the current flags as they will be filled in later int flagsNext = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, levelPrev | flagsNext); } LexerModule lmBaan(SCLEX_BAAN, ColouriseBaanDoc, "baan", FoldBaanDoc);