#region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Drawing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Text; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls { #region ================== mxd. ImageBrowserItemType internal enum ImageBrowserItemType { // Values order is used when sorting ImageBrowserItems! FOLDER_UP, FOLDER, IMAGE, } #endregion internal class ImageBrowserItem : IComparable<ImageBrowserItem> { #region ================== Variables protected ImageData icon; private bool imageloaded; private bool showfullname; protected ImageBrowserItemType itemtype; private string tooltip; private static Brush bgbrush, fgbrush_used, fgbrush_unused, selectedbgbrush, selectionbrush, selectiontextbrush, bgbrush_alpha; private static Color bgcolor; private static Pen selection, frame_used, frame_unused; private static StringBuilder size_builder; private static Font pixelSizeFont; private static readonly Font messageBoxFont = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; private static readonly int messageBoxFontHeight = messageBoxFont.Height; #endregion #region ================== Properties public ImageData Icon { get { return icon; } } public ImageBrowserItemType ItemType { get { return itemtype; } } public virtual bool IsPreviewLoaded { get { return icon.IsPreviewLoaded; } } public bool ShowFullName { set { showfullname = value; } get { return showfullname && (!(icon is PK3FileImage) || !((PK3FileImage)icon).IsBadForLongTextureNames); } } public virtual string TextureName { get { return (ShowFullName ? icon.Name : icon.ShortName); } } public virtual int TextureNameWidth { get { return ShowFullName ? icon.NameWidth : icon.ShortNameWidth; } } // biwa public string ToolTip { get { return tooltip; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor // Constructors protected ImageBrowserItem() { } //mxd. Needed for inheritance... public ImageBrowserItem(ImageData icon, string tooltip, bool showfullname) { // Initialize this.icon = icon; this.itemtype = ImageBrowserItemType.IMAGE; //mxd this.showfullname = showfullname; //mxd this.imageloaded = icon.IsPreviewLoaded; //mxd this.tooltip = tooltip; //mxd } #endregion #region ================== Methods internal bool CheckRedrawNeeded() { if(icon.IsPreviewLoaded != imageloaded) { imageloaded = icon.IsPreviewLoaded; return true; } return false; } internal static void SetBrushes(bool classicview, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (size_builder == null) { size_builder = new StringBuilder(11); // 11 for 2 parens + 1 'x' + 4 * 2 numbers } // Pick colors and brushes if (General.Settings.BlackBrowsers) { bgcolor = Color.Black; bgbrush = Brushes.Black; fgbrush_used = Brushes.Orange; fgbrush_unused = Brushes.White; if (!classicview) { selectedbgbrush = Brushes.Gray; } else { // FIXME - ano - okay this is a bit off // [ZZ] this is not "a bit" off. this is completely off. especially when items have different sizes. // moved to item drawing. } frame_used = Pens.Orange; frame_unused = Pens.Gray; selection = Pens.Red; selectionbrush = Brushes.Red; selectiontextbrush = Brushes.White; } else { bgcolor = SystemColors.Window; bgbrush = SystemBrushes.Window; fgbrush_used = SystemBrushes.HotTrack; fgbrush_unused = SystemBrushes.ControlText; if (!classicview) { selectedbgbrush = SystemBrushes.Highlight; } else { selectedbgbrush = null; } frame_used = SystemPens.HotTrack; frame_unused = SystemPens.ActiveBorder; selection = SystemPens.HotTrack; selectionbrush = SystemBrushes.HotTrack; selectiontextbrush = SystemBrushes.Window; } bgbrush_alpha = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, bgcolor)); if (General.Settings.TextureSizesBelow) { pixelSizeFont = new Font(messageBoxFont.FontFamily, messageBoxFont.Size * 0.8f, FontStyle.Regular); } else { pixelSizeFont = messageBoxFont; } } internal void Draw(Graphics g, Image bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool selected, bool used, bool classicview) { if(bmp == null) return; int fontH = 4 + messageBoxFontHeight; int h2 = h; if (General.Settings.ShowTextureSizes && General.Settings.TextureSizesBelow && ItemType == ImageBrowserItemType.IMAGE) h2 -= fontH; var iw = bmp.Width; var ih = bmp.Height; if(iw > w && iw >= ih) { ih = (int)Math.Floor(h * (ih / (float)iw)); iw = w; } else if(ih > h2) { iw = (int)Math.Floor(w * (iw / (float)ih)); ih = h2; } int ix = (iw < w ? x + (w - iw) / 2 : x); int iy = (ih < h2 ? y + (h2 - ih) / 2 : y); // Item bg g.FillRectangle(bgbrush, x - 2, y - 2, w + 3, h + 8 + messageBoxFontHeight); // Selected image bg if (selected) { if (!classicview) { g.FillRectangle(selectedbgbrush, x - 2, y - 2, w + 4, h + 2 + messageBoxFontHeight); } else { // calculate selectedbgbrush here. once. Color topselected = Color.FromArgb(255, 37, 67, 151); Color bottomselected = Color.FromArgb(255, 1, 20, 83); selectedbgbrush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Point(x - 2, y - 3), new Point(x - 2, y + h + fontH), topselected, bottomselected); g.FillRectangle(selectedbgbrush, x - 13, y - 2, w + 26, h + fontH); } } // Image g.DrawImage(bmp, ix, iy, iw, ih); // Frame if(selected && !classicview) { g.DrawRectangle(selection, x - 1, y - 1, w + 1, h2 + 1); g.DrawRectangle(selection, x - 2, y - 2, w + 3, h2 + 3); // Image name bg g.FillRectangle(selectionbrush, x - 2, y + h2 + 2, w + 4, messageBoxFontHeight + (General.Settings.TextureSizesBelow ? fontH : 0)); } else if (!classicview) { g.DrawRectangle(used ? frame_used : frame_unused , x - 1, y - 1, w + 1, h2 + 1); } // Image name float textureNameX = classicview ? (x + (float)w / 2 - TextureNameWidth / 2) : (x - 2); g.DrawString(TextureName, messageBoxFont, (selected ? selectiontextbrush : (used ? fgbrush_used : fgbrush_unused)), textureNameX, y + h2 + 1); // Image size if(General.Settings.ShowTextureSizes && icon.IsPreviewLoaded && itemtype == ImageBrowserItemType.IMAGE) { if (!General.Settings.TextureSizesBelow) { //string imagesize = Math.Abs(icon.ScaledWidth) + "x" + Math.Abs(icon.ScaledHeight); //ano - let's do this with a stringbuilder instead size_builder.Length = 0; size_builder.Append(Math.Abs(icon.ScaledWidth)); size_builder.Append('x'); size_builder.Append(Math.Abs(icon.ScaledHeight)); string imagesize = size_builder.ToString(); SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(imagesize, pixelSizeFont); textsize.Width += 2; textsize.Height -= 3; // Draw bg if (selected) { g.FillRectangle(selectionbrush, x, y, textsize.Width, textsize.Height); } else { g.FillRectangle(bgbrush_alpha, x, y, textsize.Width, textsize.Height); } g.DrawString(imagesize, pixelSizeFont, (selected ? selectiontextbrush : (used ? fgbrush_used : fgbrush_unused)), x, y - 1); } else { //string imagesize = "(" + Math.Abs(icon.ScaledWidth) + "x" + Math.Abs(icon.ScaledHeight) + ")"; //ano - let's do this with a stringbuilder instead size_builder.Length = 0; size_builder.Append("("); size_builder.Append(Math.Abs(icon.ScaledWidth)); size_builder.Append('x'); size_builder.Append(Math.Abs(icon.ScaledHeight)); size_builder.Append(")"); string imagesize = size_builder.ToString(); // [ZZ] we can't draw it with the regular font: it blends in with the texture name. SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(((SolidBrush)(selected ? selectiontextbrush : (used ? fgbrush_used : fgbrush_unused))).Color); brush.Color = Color.FromArgb((int)(brush.Color.A/* * 0.75f*/), brush.Color.R, brush.Color.G, brush.Color.B); SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(imagesize, pixelSizeFont); float szx = classicview ? (x + (float)w / 2 - textsize.Width / 2) : x; float szy = (float)y + h; g.DrawString(imagesize, pixelSizeFont, brush, szx, szy); } } } // Comparer public int CompareTo(ImageBrowserItem other) { if(itemtype != other.itemtype) return ((int)itemtype).CompareTo((int)other.itemtype); return this.TextureName.ToUpperInvariant().CompareTo(other.TextureName.ToUpperInvariant()); } #endregion } }