@ECHO OFF ECHO. ECHO. This build script requires the following software to be installed: ECHO. - Git command-line client ECHO. - Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or newer ECHO. - Microsoft HTML Help compiler ECHO. - 7zip ECHO. ECHO. You have to commit your work before using this script. ECHO. Results will be in the 'GIT_Build' directory. ECHO. Files in the 'GIT_Build' directory may be overwritten. ECHO. ECHO. SET STUDIODIR=c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 SET HHWDIR=c:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop SET SEVENZIPDIR=c:\Program Files\7-Zip IF NOT DEFINED PLATFORM SET PLATFORM=x86 CALL "%STUDIODIR%\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" %PLATFORM% ECHO. ECHO Building for platform %PLATFORM% ECHO. MKDIR "GIT_Build" git.exe checkout "Source/Core/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs" > NUL git.exe checkout "Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs" > NUL ECHO. ECHO Writing GIT log file... ECHO. IF EXIST "GIT_Build\Changelog.xml" DEL /F /Q "GIT_Build\Changelog.xml" > NUL ( echo [OB]?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?[CB] echo [OB]log[CB] git.exe log master --since=2012-04-17 --pretty=format:"[OB]logentry commit=\"%%h\"[CB]%%n[OB]author[CB]%%an[OB]/author[CB]%%n[OB]date[CB]%%aI[OB]/date[CB]%%n[OB]msg[CB]%%B[OB]/msg[CB]%%n[OB]/logentry[CB]" echo [OB]/log[CB] ) >"GIT_Build\Changelog.xml" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "GIT_Build\Changelog.xml" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling HTML Help file... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Refmanual.chm" DEL /F /Q "Build\Refmanual.chm" > NUL "%HHWDIR%\hhc" Help\Refmanual.hhp IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 1 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Refmanual.chm" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Looking up current repository revision numbers... ECHO. IF EXIST "setenv.bat" DEL /F /Q "setenv.bat" > NUL VersionFromGIT.exe "Source\Core\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" "Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" -O "setenv.bat" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "setenv.bat" GOTO FILEFAIL CALL "setenv.bat" DEL /F /Q "setenv.bat" VersionFromEXE.exe "Build\Updater.exe" "setenv.bat" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "setenv.bat" GOTO FILEFAIL CALL "setenv.bat" DEL /F /Q "setenv.bat" ECHO. ECHO Cleaning solutions... ECHO. msbuild.exe Builder.sln /t:Clean msbuild.exe Source/Tools/Updater/Updater.csproj /t:Clean ECHO. ECHO Compiling Updater... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Updater.exe" DEL /F /Q "Build\Updater.exe" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Tools\Updater\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Tools\Updater\obj" msbuild "Source\Tools\Updater\Updater.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Updater.exe" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling GZDoom Builder core... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Builder.exe" DEL /F /Q "Build\Builder.exe" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Core\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Core\obj" msbuild "Source\Core\Builder.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Builder.exe" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Automap Mode plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\AutomapMode.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\AutomapMode.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\AutomapMode\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\AutomapMode\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\AutomapMode\AutomapMode.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\AutomapMode.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Builder Effects plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\BuilderEffects.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\BuilderEffects.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\BuilderEffects\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\BuilderEffects\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\BuilderEffects\BuilderEffects.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\BuilderEffects.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Builder Modes plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\BuilderModes.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\BuilderModes.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\BuilderModes.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\BuilderModes.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Color Picker plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\ColorPicker.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\ColorPicker.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\ColorPicker\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\ColorPicker\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\ColorPicker\ColorPicker.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\ColorPicker.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Comments Panel plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\CommentsPanel.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\CommentsPanel.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\CommentsPanel\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\CommentsPanel\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\CommentsPanel\CommentsPanel.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\CommentsPanel.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Nodes Viewer plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\NodesViewer.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\NodesViewer.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\NodesViewer\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\NodesViewer\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\NodesViewer\NodesViewer.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\NodesViewer.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Sound Propagation Mode plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode\SoundPropagation.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\SoundPropagationMode.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Stair Sector Builder plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder\StairSectorBuilder.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\StairSectorBuilder.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Tag Explorer plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\TagExplorer.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\TagExplorer.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\TagExplorer\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\TagExplorer\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\TagExplorer\TagExplorer.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\TagExplorer.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Tag Range plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\TagRange.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\TagRange.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\TagRange\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\TagRange\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\TagRange\TagRange.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\TagRange.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling 3D Floor Mode plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\ThreeDFloorMode.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\ThreeDFloorMode.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\3DFloorMode\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\3DFloorMode\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\3DFloorMode\ThreeDFloorMode.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\ThreeDFloorMode.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling vpo_dll... ECHO. IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\Resources\vpo.dll" DEL /F /Q "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\Resources\vpo.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\vpo_dll\Release" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\vpo_dll\Release" msbuild "Source\Plugins\vpo_dll\vpo_dll.vcxproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\Resources\vpo.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Compiling Visplane Explorer plugin... ECHO. IF EXIST "Build\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer.dll" DEL /F /Q "Build\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer.dll" > NUL IF EXIST "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\obj" RD /S /Q "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\obj" msbuild "Source\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer\VisplaneExplorer.csproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%PLATFORM% /v:minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO ERRORFAIL IF NOT EXIST "Build\Plugins\VisplaneExplorer.dll" GOTO FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO Creating changelog... ECHO. ChangelogMaker.exe "GIT_Build\Changelog.xml" "Build" "m-x-d>MaxED" %REVISIONNUMBER% IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO LOGFAIL ECHO. ECHO Packing release... ECHO. IF NOT "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" (SET DEL_PATHSPEC="GIT_Build\GZDoom_Builder*-%PLATFORM%.7z") ELSE (SET DEL_PATHSPEC="GIT_Build\GZDoom_Builder*.7z") IF EXIST %DEL_PATHSPEC% DEL /F /Q %DEL_PATHSPEC% > NUL IF EXIST "GIT_Build\GZDB_Updater-%PLATFORM%.7z" DEL /F /Q "GIT_Build\GZDB_Updater-%PLATFORM%.7z" > NUL "%SEVENZIPDIR%\7z" a .\GIT_Build\gzdb.7z .\Build\* -xr!*.xml -xr!JetBrains.Profiler.Core.Api.dll -xr!ScintillaNET.3.5.pdb -x!Setup "%SEVENZIPDIR%\7z" a .\GIT_Build\GZDB_Updater-%PLATFORM%.7z .\Build\Updater.exe .\Build\Updater.ini IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO PACKFAIL IF NOT EXIST .\GIT_Build\gzdb.7z GOTO FILEFAIL IF NOT EXIST .\GIT_Build\GZDB_Updater-%PLATFORM%.7z GOTO FILEFAIL IF NOT "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" (REN "GIT_Build\gzdb.7z" GZDoom_Builder_Bugfix-r%REVISIONNUMBER%-%PLATFORM%.7z) ELSE (REN "GIT_Build\gzdb.7z" GZDoom_Builder_Bugfix-r%REVISIONNUMBER%.7z) IF EXIST "Build\Changelog.txt" DEL /F /Q "Build\Changelog.txt" > NUL @ECHO %REVISIONNUMBER%> .\GIT_Build\Version.txt @ (ECHO %REVISIONNUMBER% && ECHO %EXEREVISIONNUMBER%) > .\GIT_Build\Versions.txt git.exe checkout "Source\Core\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" > NUL git.exe checkout "Source\Plugins\BuilderModes\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" > NUL ECHO. ECHO. BUILD DONE ! ECHO. ECHO. Revision: %REVISIONNUMBER% (%REVISIONHASH%) ECHO. PAUSE > NUL GOTO LEAVE :ERRORFAIL ECHO. ECHO. BUILD FAILED (Tool returned error %ERRORLEVEL%) ECHO. PAUSE > NUL GOTO LEAVE :PACKFAIL ECHO. ECHO. PACKAGING FAILED (7zip returned error %ERRORLEVEL%) ECHO. PAUSE > NUL GOTO LEAVE :FILEFAIL ECHO. ECHO. BUILD FAILED (Output file was not built) ECHO. PAUSE > NUL GOTO LEAVE :LOGFAIL ECHO. ECHO. CHANGELOG GENERATION FAILED (Tool returned error %ERRORLEVEL%) ECHO. PAUSE > NUL GOTO LEAVE :LEAVE exit