using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderEffects { public partial class JitterSectorsForm : Form { private string editingModeName; private List visualSectors; private VertexData[] vertexData; private List sectorData; private List sidedefData; private int MaxSafeDistance; private int MaxSafeHeightDistance; //private bool settingsApplied; //settings private static bool keepExistingSideTextures = true; private static bool relativeFloorHeight; private static bool relativeCeilingHeight; private static bool relativePosition; private struct VertexData { public Vertex Vertex; public Vector2D InitialPosition; public int SafeDistance; public float JitterAngle; } private struct SectorData { public Sector Sector; public int InitialCeilingHeight; public int InitialFloorHeight; public int SafeDistance; public float JitterFloorHeight; public float JitterCeilingHeight; } private struct SidedefData { public Sidedef Side; public string HighTexture; public string OtherLowTexture; public string OtherHighTexture; public string LowTexture; public bool PegTop; public bool PegBottom; public bool UpdateTextureOnOtherSide; } public JitterSectorsForm(string editingModeName) { this.editingModeName = editingModeName; InitializeComponent(); //get selection List verts = new List(); List sectors = new List(); if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { VisualMode vm = (VisualMode)General.Editing.Mode; List visualGeometry = vm.GetSelectedSurfaces(); visualSectors = new List(); //get selected visual and regular sectors foreach(VisualGeometry vg in visualGeometry) { if(vg.GeometryType != VisualGeometryType.CEILING && vg.GeometryType != VisualGeometryType.FLOOR) continue; if(vg.Sector != null && vg.Sector.Sector != null) { foreach(Sidedef sd in vg.Sector.Sector.Sidedefs) { if(!verts.Contains(sd.Line.Start)) verts.Add(sd.Line.Start); if(!verts.Contains(sd.Line.End)) verts.Add(sd.Line.End); } sectors.Add(vg.Sector.Sector); visualSectors.Add(vg.Sector); } } //also get visual sectors around selected ones (because they also may be affected) List affectedVerts = new List(); foreach(Sector s in sectors) { foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs) { if(!affectedVerts.Contains(sd.Line.Start)) affectedVerts.Add(sd.Line.Start); if(!affectedVerts.Contains(sd.Line.End)) affectedVerts.Add(sd.Line.End); } } List affectedSectors = new List(); foreach(Vertex v in affectedVerts) { foreach(Linedef l in v.Linedefs) { if(l.Front != null && !sectors.Contains(l.Front.Sector) && !affectedSectors.Contains(l.Front.Sector) && vm.VisualSectorExists(l.Front.Sector)) { visualSectors.Add(vm.GetVisualSector(l.Front.Sector)); affectedSectors.Add(l.Front.Sector); } if(l.Back != null && !sectors.Contains(l.Back.Sector) && !affectedSectors.Contains(l.Back.Sector) && vm.VisualSectorExists(l.Back.Sector)) { visualSectors.Add(vm.GetVisualSector(l.Back.Sector)); affectedSectors.Add(l.Back.Sector); } } } } else if(editingModeName == "SectorsMode") { ICollection list = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); foreach(Sector s in list) { foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs) { if(!verts.Contains(sd.Line.Start)) verts.Add(sd.Line.Start); if(!verts.Contains(sd.Line.End)) verts.Add(sd.Line.End); } sectors.Add(s); } } if(verts.Count == 0 || sectors.Count == 0) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Unable to get sectors from selection!"); return; } //update window header this.Text = "Jitter Transform (" + sectors.Count + (sectors.Count > 1 ? " sectors)" : " sector)"); //store intial properties //process verts... Dictionary data = new Dictionary(); foreach(Vertex v in verts) { VertexData vd = new VertexData(); vd.Vertex = v; vd.InitialPosition = v.Position; data.Add(v, vd); } foreach(Vertex v in verts) { if(v.Linedefs == null) continue; //get nearest linedef Linedef closestLine = null; float distance = float.MaxValue; // Go for all linedefs in selection foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) { if(v.Linedefs.Contains(l)) continue; // Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find float d = l.SafeDistanceToSq(v.Position, true); if(d < distance) { // This one is closer closestLine = l; distance = d; } } if(closestLine == null) continue; float closestLineDistance = Vector2D.Distance(v.Position, closestLine.NearestOnLine(v.Position)); //check SafeDistance of closest line if(data.ContainsKey(closestLine.Start) && data[closestLine.Start].SafeDistance > closestLineDistance) { VertexData vd = data[closestLine.Start]; vd.SafeDistance = (int)Math.Floor(closestLineDistance); data[closestLine.Start] = vd; } if(data.ContainsKey(closestLine.End) && data[closestLine.End].SafeDistance > closestLineDistance) { VertexData vd = data[closestLine.End]; vd.SafeDistance = (int)Math.Floor(closestLineDistance); data[closestLine.End] = vd; } //save SafeDistance int dist = (int)Math.Floor(closestLineDistance); if(data[v].SafeDistance == 0 || data[v].SafeDistance > dist) { VertexData vd = data[v]; vd.SafeDistance = dist; data[v] = vd; } } //store properties vertexData = new VertexData[data.Values.Count]; data.Values.CopyTo(vertexData, 0); for(int i = 0; i < vertexData.Length; i++) { if(vertexData[i].SafeDistance > 0) vertexData[i].SafeDistance /= 2; if(MaxSafeDistance < vertexData[i].SafeDistance) MaxSafeDistance = vertexData[i].SafeDistance; } //process sectors and linedes sectorData = new List(); sidedefData = new List(); foreach(Sector s in sectors){ SectorData sd = new SectorData(); sd.Sector = s; sd.InitialCeilingHeight = s.CeilHeight; sd.InitialFloorHeight = s.FloorHeight; sd.SafeDistance = (s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight) / 2; if(sd.SafeDistance > MaxSafeHeightDistance) MaxSafeHeightDistance = sd.SafeDistance; sectorData.Add(sd); foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs) { //store initial sidedef properties SidedefData sdd = new SidedefData(); sdd.Side = side; sdd.LowTexture = side.LowTexture; sdd.HighTexture = side.HighTexture; sdd.PegBottom = side.Line.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag); sdd.PegTop = side.Line.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag); if(side.Other != null && !sectors.Contains(side.Other.Sector)) { sdd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide = true; sdd.OtherHighTexture = side.Other.HighTexture; sdd.OtherLowTexture = side.Other.LowTexture; } sidedefData.Add(sdd); } } //set editing settings cbKeepExistingTextures.Checked = keepExistingSideTextures; cbRelativeCeilHeight.Checked = relativeCeilingHeight; cbRelativeFloorHeight.Checked = relativeFloorHeight; cbRelativePos.Checked = relativePosition; cbRelativeCeilHeight_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); cbRelativeFloorHeight_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); cbRelativePos_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); //texture pickers textureLower.Initialize(); textureUpper.Initialize(); textureLower.TextureName = General.Settings.DefaultFloorTexture; textureUpper.TextureName = General.Settings.DefaultCeilingTexture; cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; updateTextureSelectors(); //update interface updateAngles(); //create some random values updateFloorHeights(); updateCeilingHeights(); //create undo General.Map.UndoRedo.ClearAllRedos(); General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Jitter Transform (" + sectors.Count + " sector" + (sectors.Count > 1 ? "s)" : ")")); } //utility private void applyTranslationJitter(int ammount) { Random rndX = new Random(); Random rndY = new Random(); int curAmmount; if(relativePosition) { for(int i = 0; i < vertexData.Length; i++) { curAmmount = (int)Math.Round(ammount * (vertexData[i].SafeDistance / 100f)); vertexData[i].Vertex.Move(new Vector2D(vertexData[i].InitialPosition.x + (int)(Math.Sin(vertexData[i].JitterAngle) * curAmmount), vertexData[i].InitialPosition.y + (int)(Math.Cos(vertexData[i].JitterAngle) * curAmmount))); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < vertexData.Length; i++) { curAmmount = ammount > vertexData[i].SafeDistance ? vertexData[i].SafeDistance : ammount; vertexData[i].Vertex.Move(new Vector2D(vertexData[i].InitialPosition.x + (int)(Math.Sin(vertexData[i].JitterAngle) * curAmmount), vertexData[i].InitialPosition.y + (int)(Math.Cos(vertexData[i].JitterAngle) * curAmmount))); } } //update view if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; updateVisualGeometry(); } else { General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } } private void applyCeilingHeightJitter(int ammount) { Random rnd = new Random(); int curAmmount; if(relativeCeilingHeight) { for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { curAmmount = (int)Math.Round(ammount * (sectorData[i].SafeDistance / 100f)); sectorData[i].Sector.CeilHeight = sectorData[i].InitialCeilingHeight - (int)Math.Floor(curAmmount * sectorData[i].JitterCeilingHeight); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { curAmmount = ammount > sectorData[i].SafeDistance ? sectorData[i].SafeDistance : ammount; sectorData[i].Sector.CeilHeight = sectorData[i].InitialCeilingHeight - (int)Math.Floor(curAmmount * sectorData[i].JitterCeilingHeight); } } //update view if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; updateVisualGeometry(); } updateUpperTextures(cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex, false); } private void applyFloorHeightJitter(int ammount) { Random rnd = new Random(); int curAmmount; if(relativeFloorHeight) { for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { curAmmount = (int)Math.Round(ammount * (sectorData[i].SafeDistance / 100f)); sectorData[i].Sector.FloorHeight = sectorData[i].InitialFloorHeight + (int)Math.Floor(curAmmount * sectorData[i].JitterFloorHeight); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { curAmmount = ammount > sectorData[i].SafeDistance ? sectorData[i].SafeDistance : ammount; sectorData[i].Sector.FloorHeight = sectorData[i].InitialFloorHeight + (int)Math.Floor(curAmmount * sectorData[i].JitterFloorHeight); } } //update view if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; updateVisualGeometry(); } updateLowerTextures(cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex, false); } private void updateVisualGeometry() { foreach(VisualSector vs in visualSectors) vs.UpdateSectorGeometry(true); foreach(VisualSector vs in visualSectors) vs.UpdateSectorData(); foreach(VisualSector vs in visualSectors) vs.UpdateSectorData(); } private void updateTextureSelectors() { cbLowerTexStyle.Enabled = floorHeightAmmount.Value > 0; cbUpperTexStyle.Enabled = ceilingHeightAmmount.Value > 0; gbLowerTexture.Enabled = floorHeightAmmount.Value > 0 && cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex > 0; gbUpperTexture.Enabled = ceilingHeightAmmount.Value > 0 && cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex > 0; textureLower.Enabled = floorHeightAmmount.Value > 0 && cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex == 2; textureUpper.Enabled = ceilingHeightAmmount.Value > 0 && cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex == 2; } private void updateUpperTextures(int index, bool updateGeometry) { if(index == -1) { return; }else if(index == 0) { //revert foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) setUpperTexture(sd, sd.HighTexture); } else if(index == 1) { //use ceiling texture foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) { if(sd.Side.Sector != null) { if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide && sd.Side.Other.Sector != null) setUpperTexture(sd, sd.Side.Sector.CeilTexture, sd.Side.Other.Sector.CeilTexture); else setUpperTexture(sd, sd.Side.Sector.CeilTexture); } } } else if(index == 2) { //use given texture foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) setUpperTexture(sd, textureUpper.TextureName); } General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); if(updateGeometry && editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") updateVisualGeometry(); } private void updateLowerTextures(int index, bool updateGeometry) { if(index == -1) { return; }else if(index == 0) { //revert foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) setLowerTexture(sd, sd.LowTexture); } else if(index == 1) { //use floor texture foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) { if(sd.Side.Sector != null) { if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide && sd.Side.Other.Sector != null) setLowerTexture(sd, sd.Side.Sector.FloorTexture, sd.Side.Other.Sector.FloorTexture); else setLowerTexture(sd, sd.Side.Sector.FloorTexture); } } } else if(index == 2) { //use given texture foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) setLowerTexture(sd, textureLower.TextureName); } General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); if(updateGeometry && editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") updateVisualGeometry(); } //set textures private void setUpperTexture(SidedefData sd, string textureName) { setUpperTexture(sd, textureName, textureName); } private void setUpperTexture(SidedefData sd, string textureName, string otherTextureName) { if(!keepExistingSideTextures || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.HighTexture) || sd.HighTexture == "-") sd.Side.SetTextureHigh(textureName); if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide && sd.Side.Other != null && (!keepExistingSideTextures || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.OtherHighTexture) || sd.OtherHighTexture == "-")) sd.Side.Other.SetTextureHigh(otherTextureName); } private void setLowerTexture(SidedefData sd, string textureName) { setLowerTexture(sd, textureName, textureName); } private void setLowerTexture(SidedefData sd, string textureName, string otherTextureName) { if(!keepExistingSideTextures || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.LowTexture) || sd.LowTexture == "-") sd.Side.SetTextureLow(textureName); if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide && sd.Side.Other != null && (!keepExistingSideTextures || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.OtherLowTexture) || sd.OtherLowTexture == "-")) sd.Side.Other.SetTextureLow(otherTextureName); } //jitter generation private void updateAngles() { Random rnd = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i < vertexData.Length; i++) { VertexData vd = vertexData[i]; vd.JitterAngle = (float)(rnd.Next(359) * Math.PI / 180f); vertexData[i] = vd; } } private void updateFloorHeights() { Random rnd = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { SectorData sd = sectorData[i]; sd.JitterFloorHeight = (float)(rnd.Next(-100, 100) / 100f); sectorData[i] = sd; } } private void updateCeilingHeights() { Random rnd = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i < sectorData.Count; i++) { SectorData sd = sectorData[i]; sd.JitterCeilingHeight = (float)(rnd.Next(-100, 100) / 100f); sectorData[i] = sd; } } //EVENTS private void bApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //clean unused sidedef textures foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) { sd.Side.RemoveUnneededTextures(false); if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide) sd.Side.Other.RemoveUnneededTextures(false); } // General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); // Update cached values General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(editingModeName != "BaseVisualMode") General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); //settingsApplied = true; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } private void bCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } private void JitterSectorsForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if(this.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) General.Map.UndoRedo.WithdrawUndo(); //undo changes } private void positionJitterAmmount_OnValueChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) { applyTranslationJitter(positionJitterAmmount.Value); } private void ceilingHeightAmmount_OnValueChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) { applyCeilingHeightJitter(ceilingHeightAmmount.Value); updateTextureSelectors(); } private void floorHeightAmmount_OnValueChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) { applyFloorHeightJitter(floorHeightAmmount.Value); updateTextureSelectors(); } private void cbKeepExistingTextures_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { keepExistingSideTextures = cbKeepExistingTextures.Checked; //revert possible changes if(keepExistingSideTextures) { foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.HighTexture)) sd.Side.SetTextureHigh(sd.HighTexture); if(sd.UpdateTextureOnOtherSide && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sd.OtherHighTexture)) sd.Side.Other.SetTextureHigh(sd.OtherHighTexture); } if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") updateVisualGeometry(); } else { updateLowerTextures(cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex, false); updateUpperTextures(cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex, true); } } //update buttons private void bUpdateTranslation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateAngles(); applyTranslationJitter(positionJitterAmmount.Value); } private void bUpdateCeilingHeight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateCeilingHeights(); applyCeilingHeightJitter(ceilingHeightAmmount.Value); } private void bUpdateFloorHeight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateFloorHeights(); applyFloorHeightJitter(floorHeightAmmount.Value); } //rel/abs private void cbRelativePos_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { positionJitterAmmount.Label = "Position" + (cbRelativePos.Checked ? " (%):" : ":"); relativePosition = cbRelativePos.Checked; positionJitterAmmount.Maximum = cbRelativePos.Checked ? 100 : MaxSafeDistance; } private void cbRelativeCeilHeight_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ceilingHeightAmmount.Label = "Ceil. Height" + (cbRelativeCeilHeight.Checked ? " (%):" : ":"); relativeCeilingHeight = cbRelativeCeilHeight.Checked; ceilingHeightAmmount.Maximum = cbRelativeCeilHeight.Checked ? 100 : MaxSafeHeightDistance; } private void cbRelativeFloorHeight_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { floorHeightAmmount.Label = "Floor Height" + (cbRelativeFloorHeight.Checked ? " (%):" : ":"); relativeFloorHeight = cbRelativeFloorHeight.Checked; floorHeightAmmount.Maximum = cbRelativeFloorHeight.Checked ? 100 : MaxSafeHeightDistance; } //texture pegging private void cbPegTop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(cbPegTop.Checked) { //apply flag foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) sd.Side.Line.SetFlag(General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag, true); } else { //revert to initial setting foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) sd.Side.Line.SetFlag(General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag, sd.PegTop); } if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); updateVisualGeometry(); } } private void cbPegBottom_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(cbPegBottom.Checked) { //apply flag foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) sd.Side.Line.SetFlag(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag, true); } else { //revert to initial setting foreach(SidedefData sd in sidedefData) sd.Side.Line.SetFlag(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag, sd.PegBottom); } if(editingModeName == "BaseVisualMode") { General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); updateVisualGeometry(); } } //texture pickers private void textureLower_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateLowerTextures(cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex, true); } private void textureUpper_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateUpperTextures(cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex, true); } //texture style selectors private void cbUpperTexStyle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateUpperTextures(cbUpperTexStyle.SelectedIndex, true); updateTextureSelectors(); } private void cbLowerTexStyle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateLowerTextures(cbLowerTexStyle.SelectedIndex, true); updateTextureSelectors(); } //HALP! private void JitterSectorsForm_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent) { General.ShowHelp("gz_plug_jitter.html"); hlpevent.Handled = true; } } }