#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden

 * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
 * This program is released under GNU General Public License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
	internal class Launcher : IDisposable
		#region ================== Constants


		#region ================== Variables

		private string tempwad;
		private Dictionary<Process, string> processes; //mxd
		private bool isdisposed;

		delegate void EngineExitedCallback(Process p); //mxd

		#region ================== Properties

		public string TempWAD { get { return tempwad; } }


		#region ================== Constructor / Destructor

		// Constructor
		public Launcher(MapManager manager)
			// Initialize
			processes = new Dictionary<Process, string>(); //mxd

			// Bind actions

		// Disposer
		public void Dispose()
			// Not yet disposed?
				// Unbind actions

				//mxd. Terminate running processes?
				if(processes != null) 
					foreach(KeyValuePair<Process, string> group in processes)
						// Close engine

						// Remove temporary file
							try { File.Delete(group.Value); }
							catch { }
				// Remove temporary file
					try { File.Delete(tempwad); }
					catch { }
				// Done
				isdisposed = true;


		#region ================== Parameters

		// This takes the unconverted parameters (with placeholders) and converts it
		// to parameters with full paths, names and numbers where placeholders were put.
		// The tempfile must be the full path and filename to the PWAD file to test.
		public string ConvertParameters(string parameters, int skill, bool shortpaths, bool linuxpaths)
			string outp = parameters;
			DataLocation iwadloc;
			string p_wp = "", p_wf = "";
			string p_ap = "", p_apq = "";
			string p_aa = "", p_aaq = "";
			string p_af = "", p_afq = "";
			string p_l1 = "", p_l2 = "";
			string p_nm = "";
			string f = tempwad;
			// Make short path if needed
			if(shortpaths) f = General.GetShortFilePath(f);
			else if (linuxpaths) f = General.GetLinuxFilePath(f);
			// Find the first IWAD file
			if(General.Map.Data.FindFirstIWAD(out iwadloc))
				// %WP and %WF result in IWAD file
				p_wp = iwadloc.location;
				p_wf = Path.GetFileName(p_wp);
					p_wp = General.GetShortFilePath(p_wp);
					p_wf = General.GetShortFilePath(p_wf);
				else if (linuxpaths)
					p_wp = General.GetLinuxFilePath(p_wp);
					p_wf = General.GetLinuxFilePath(p_wf);
			// Make a list of all data locations, including map location
			DataLocationList locations = DataLocationList.Combined(General.Map.ConfigSettings.Resources, General.Map.Options.Resources);

			//mxd. General.Map.FilePathName will be empty when a newly created map was not saved yet.
				DataLocation maplocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, General.Map.FilePathName, false, false, false, null);
				locations.Remove(maplocation); //If maplocation was already added as a resource, make sure it's singular and is last in the list

			// Go for all data locations
			foreach(DataLocation dl in locations)
				// Location not the IWAD file?
				if((dl.location != iwadloc.location))
					// Location not included?
						// Add to string of files
							p_ap += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
							p_apq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
								p_aa += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
								p_aaq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
								p_af += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
								p_afq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
						else if (linuxpaths)
							p_ap += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
							p_apq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
								p_aa += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
								p_aaq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
								p_af += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
								p_afq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
							p_ap += dl.location + " ";
							p_apq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";
							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
								p_aa += dl.location + " ";
								p_aaq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";
								p_af += dl.location + " ";
								p_afq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";

			// Trim last space from resource file locations
			p_ap = p_ap.TrimEnd(' ');
			p_apq = p_apq.TrimEnd(' ');
			p_aa = p_aa.TrimEnd(' ');
			p_aaq = p_aaq.TrimEnd(' ');
			p_af = p_af.TrimEnd(' ');
			p_afq = p_afq.TrimEnd(' ');

			// Try finding the L1 and L2 numbers from the map name
			string numstr = "";
			bool first = true;
			foreach(char c in General.Map.Options.CurrentName)
				// Character is a number?
				if(Configuration.NUMBERS.IndexOf(c) > -1)
					// Include it
					numstr += c;
					// Store the number if we found one
					if(numstr.Length > 0)
						int num;
						int.TryParse(numstr, out num);
						if(first) p_l1 = num.ToString(); else p_l2 = num.ToString();
						numstr = "";
						first = false;
			// Store the number if we found one
			if(numstr.Length > 0)
				int num;
				int.TryParse(numstr, out num);
				if(first) p_l1 = num.ToString(); else p_l2 = num.ToString();

			// No monsters?
			if(!General.Settings.TestMonsters) p_nm = "-nomonsters";
			// Make sure all our placeholders are in uppercase
			outp = outp.Replace("%f", "%F");
			outp = outp.Replace("%wp", "%WP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%wf", "%WF");
			outp = outp.Replace("%wP", "%WP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%wF", "%WF");
			outp = outp.Replace("%Wp", "%WP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%Wf", "%WF");
			outp = outp.Replace("%l1", "%L1");
			outp = outp.Replace("%l2", "%L2");
			outp = outp.Replace("%l", "%L");
			outp = outp.Replace("%ap", "%AP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%aP", "%AP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%Ap", "%AP");
			outp = outp.Replace("%s", "%S");
			outp = outp.Replace("%nM", "%NM");
			outp = outp.Replace("%Nm", "%NM");
			outp = outp.Replace("%nm", "%NM");
			// Replace placeholders with actual values
			outp = outp.Replace("%F", f);
			outp = outp.Replace("%WP", p_wp);
			outp = outp.Replace("%WF", p_wf);
			outp = outp.Replace("%L1", p_l1);
			outp = outp.Replace("%L2", p_l2);
			outp = outp.Replace("%L", General.Map.Options.CurrentName);
			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AP\"", p_apq);
			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AA\"", p_aaq);
			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AF\"", p_afq);
			outp = outp.Replace("%AP", p_ap);
			outp = outp.Replace("%AA", p_aa);
			outp = outp.Replace("%AF", p_af);
			outp = outp.Replace("%S", skill.ToString());
			outp = outp.Replace("%NM", p_nm);
			// Return result
			return outp;


		#region ================== Test

		// This saves the map to a temporary file and launches a test
		public void Test()
			TestAtSkill(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestSkill, false);

		public void TestFromView() 
			TestAtSkill(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestSkill, true);
		// This saves the map to a temporary file and launches a test with the given skill
		public void TestAtSkill(int skill) { TestAtSkill(skill, false); }
		public void TestAtSkill(int skill, bool testfromcurrentposition)
			if(!General.Editing.Mode.OnMapTestBegin(testfromcurrentposition)) return; //mxd
			Cursor oldcursor = Cursor.Current;

			// Check if configuration is OK
			if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestProgram) || !File.Exists(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestProgram))
				//mxd. Let's be more precise
				string message;
				if(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestProgram == "")
					message = "Your test program is not set for the current game configuration";
					message = "Current test program has invalid path";
				// Show message
				Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
				DialogResult result = General.ShowWarningMessage(message + ". Would you like to set up your test program now?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
				if(result == DialogResult.Yes)
					// Show game configuration on the right page

			// No custom parameters?
				// Set parameters to the default ones
				General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestParameters = General.Map.Config.TestParameters;
				General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestShortPaths = General.Map.Config.TestShortPaths;
				General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestLinuxPaths = General.Map.Config.TestLinuxPaths;
			// Remove temporary file
			if(File.Exists(tempwad) && !processes.ContainsValue(tempwad))
				try { File.Delete(tempwad); }
				catch { }
			// Save map to temporary file
			Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
			tempwad = General.MakeTempFilename(General.Map.TempPath, "wad");
			if(General.Map.SaveMap(tempwad, SavePurpose.Testing))
				bool canceled = false;

				// No compiler errors?
				if (General.Map.Errors.Count == 0)
					// Check if there's a pre command to run, and try to execute it
					if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(General.Map.Options.TestPreCommand.Commands))
						if (!General.Map.ExecuteExternalCommand(General.Map.Options.TestPreCommand, tempwad))
							General.WriteLogLine("Testing was canceled when executing the testing pre command.");

							// Reset status
							General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Testing was canceled.");
							canceled = true;

					if (!canceled)
						// Make arguments
						string args = ConvertParameters(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestParameters, skill, General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestShortPaths, General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestLinuxPaths);

						// Add additional parameters
						if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestAdditionalParameters))
							args += " " + General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestAdditionalParameters;

						// Setup process info
						ProcessStartInfo processinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
						processinfo.Arguments = args;
						processinfo.FileName = General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestProgram;
						processinfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
						processinfo.ErrorDialog = false;
						processinfo.UseShellExecute = true;
						processinfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
						processinfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(processinfo.FileName);

						// Output info
						General.WriteLogLine("Running test program: " + processinfo.FileName);
						General.WriteLogLine("Program parameters:  " + processinfo.Arguments);
						General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "Launching " + processinfo.FileName + "...");

							// Start the program
							Process process = Process.Start(processinfo);
							process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; //mxd
							process.Exited += ProcessOnExited; //mxd
							processes.Add(process, tempwad); //mxd
							Cursor.Current = oldcursor; //mxd
						catch (Exception e)
							// Unable to start the program
							General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to start the test program, " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK);

						// Check if there's a post command to run, and try to execute it
						// TODO: currently modifying the commands is disabled since it'd have to be executed after the test program ends, which is not
						// the case in the current situation, since this code here is reached immediately after launching the test program
						if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(General.Map.Options.TestPostCommand.Commands))
							if (!General.Map.ExecuteExternalCommand(General.Map.Options.TestPostCommand, tempwad))
								General.WriteLogLine("Failed to execute the test post command successfully.");
					General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Unable to test the map due to script errors.");
			General.Editing.Mode.OnMapTestEnd(testfromcurrentposition); //mxd

		private void TestingFinished(Process process) 
			// Done
			TimeSpan deltatime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(process.ExitTime.Ticks - process.StartTime.Ticks);
			General.WriteLogLine("Testing with \"" + process.StartInfo.FileName + "\" has finished.");
			General.WriteLogLine("Run time: " + deltatime.TotalSeconds.ToString("###########0.00") + " seconds");

			//mxd. Remove from active processes list
			string closedtempfile = processes[process];

			//mxd. Still have running engines?..
			if(processes.Count > 0)
				// Remove temp file
					try { File.Delete(closedtempfile); }
					catch { }

			// Clean up temp file

			if(General.Map != null)
				// Device reset may be needed...
				if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode)


		private void ProcessOnExited(object sender, EventArgs e)
			General.MainWindow.Invoke(new EngineExitedCallback(TestingFinished), new[] { sender });

		// This deletes the previous temp file and creates a new, empty temp file
		private void CleanTempFile(MapManager manager)
			// Remove temporary file
			try { File.Delete(tempwad); }
			catch { }
			// Make new empty temp file
			tempwad = General.MakeTempFilename(manager.TempPath, "wad");
			File.WriteAllText(tempwad, "");
