#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden

 * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
 * This program is released under GNU General Public License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
	internal partial class LinedefInfoPanel : UserControl
		private int hexenformatwidth;
		private int doomformatwidth;
		// Constructor
		public LinedefInfoPanel()
			// Initialize

			// Hide stuff when in Doom format
			hexenformatwidth = infopanel.Width;
			doomformatwidth = infopanel.Width - 190;
		// This shows the info
		public void ShowInfo(Linedef l)
			string actioninfo = "";
			LinedefActionInfo act = null;
			TypeHandler th;

			// Show/hide stuff depending on format
			if(General.Map.FormatInterface.GetType() == typeof(DoomMapSetIO))
				arglbl1.Visible = false;
				arglbl2.Visible = false;
				arglbl3.Visible = false;
				arglbl4.Visible = false;
				arglbl5.Visible = false;
				arg1.Visible = false;
				arg2.Visible = false;
				arg3.Visible = false;
				arg4.Visible = false;
				arg5.Visible = false;
				infopanel.Width = doomformatwidth;
				arglbl1.Visible = true;
				arglbl2.Visible = true;
				arglbl3.Visible = true;
				arglbl4.Visible = true;
				arglbl5.Visible = true;
				arg1.Visible = true;
				arg2.Visible = true;
				arg3.Visible = true;
				arg4.Visible = true;
				arg5.Visible = true;
				infopanel.Width = hexenformatwidth;

			// Move panels
			frontpanel.Left = infopanel.Left + infopanel.Width + infopanel.Margin.Right + frontpanel.Margin.Left;
			backpanel.Left = frontpanel.Left + frontpanel.Width + frontpanel.Margin.Right + backpanel.Margin.Left;
			// Get line action information
				act = General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[l.Action];
				actioninfo = act.ToString();
			else if(l.Action == 0)
				actioninfo = l.Action.ToString() + " - None";
				actioninfo = l.Action.ToString() + " - Unknown";
			// Linedef info
			action.Text = actioninfo;
			length.Text = l.Length.ToString("0.##");
			angle.Text = l.AngleDeg.ToString() + "\u00B0";
			tag.Text = l.Tag.ToString();

			// Arguments
			if(act != null)
				arglbl1.Text = act.Args[0].Title + ":";
				arglbl2.Text = act.Args[1].Title + ":";
				arglbl3.Text = act.Args[2].Title + ":";
				arglbl4.Text = act.Args[3].Title + ":";
				arglbl5.Text = act.Args[4].Title + ":";
				arglbl1.Enabled = act.Args[0].Used;
				arglbl2.Enabled = act.Args[1].Used;
				arglbl3.Enabled = act.Args[2].Used;
				arglbl4.Enabled = act.Args[3].Used;
				arglbl5.Enabled = act.Args[4].Used;
				arg1.Enabled = act.Args[0].Used;
				arg2.Enabled = act.Args[1].Used;
				arg3.Enabled = act.Args[2].Used;
				arg4.Enabled = act.Args[3].Used;
				arg5.Enabled = act.Args[4].Used;
				th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(act.Args[0]);
				th.SetValue(l.Args[0]); arg1.Text = th.GetStringValue();
				th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(act.Args[1]);
				th.SetValue(l.Args[1]); arg2.Text = th.GetStringValue();
				th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(act.Args[2]);
				th.SetValue(l.Args[2]); arg3.Text = th.GetStringValue();
				th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(act.Args[3]);
				th.SetValue(l.Args[3]); arg4.Text = th.GetStringValue();
				th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(act.Args[4]);
				th.SetValue(l.Args[4]); arg5.Text = th.GetStringValue();
				arglbl1.Text = "Argument 1:";
				arglbl2.Text = "Argument 2:";
				arglbl3.Text = "Argument 3:";
				arglbl4.Text = "Argument 4:";
				arglbl5.Text = "Argument 5:";
				arglbl1.Enabled = false;
				arglbl2.Enabled = false;
				arglbl3.Enabled = false;
				arglbl4.Enabled = false;
				arglbl5.Enabled = false;
				arg1.Enabled = false;
				arg2.Enabled = false;
				arg3.Enabled = false;
				arg4.Enabled = false;
				arg5.Enabled = false;
				arg1.Text = "-";
				arg2.Text = "-";
				arg3.Text = "-";
				arg4.Text = "-";
				arg5.Text = "-";

			// Front side available?
			if(l.Front != null)
				// Show sidedef info
				frontoffset.Text = l.Front.OffsetX + ", " + l.Front.OffsetY;
				fronthighname.Text = l.Front.HighTexture;
				frontmidname.Text = l.Front.MiddleTexture;
				frontlowname.Text = l.Front.LowTexture;
				DisplaySidedefTexture(fronthightex, l.Front.HighTexture, l.Front.HighRequired());
				DisplaySidedefTexture(frontmidtex, l.Front.MiddleTexture, l.Front.MiddleRequired());
				DisplaySidedefTexture(frontlowtex, l.Front.LowTexture, l.Front.LowRequired());
				frontoffsetlabel.Enabled = true;
				frontoffset.Enabled = true;
				frontpanel.Enabled = true;
				// Show no info
				frontoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
				frontoffset.Enabled = false;
				frontpanel.Enabled = false;
				frontoffset.Text = "--, --";
				fronthighname.Text = "";
				frontmidname.Text = "";
				frontlowname.Text = "";
				fronthightex.BackgroundImage = null;
				frontmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
				frontlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;

			// Back size available?
			if(l.Back != null)
				// Show sidedef info
				backoffset.Text = l.Back.OffsetX + ", " + l.Back.OffsetY;
				backhighname.Text = l.Back.HighTexture;
				backmidname.Text = l.Back.MiddleTexture;
				backlowname.Text = l.Back.LowTexture;
				DisplaySidedefTexture(backhightex, l.Back.HighTexture, l.Back.HighRequired());
				DisplaySidedefTexture(backmidtex, l.Back.MiddleTexture, l.Back.MiddleRequired());
				DisplaySidedefTexture(backlowtex, l.Back.LowTexture, l.Back.LowRequired());
				backoffsetlabel.Enabled = true;
				backoffset.Enabled = true;
				backpanel.Enabled = true;
				// Show no info
				backoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
				backoffset.Enabled = false;
				backpanel.Enabled = false;
				backoffset.Text = "--, --";
				backhighname.Text = "";
				backmidname.Text = "";
				backlowname.Text = "";
				backhightex.BackgroundImage = null;
				backmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
				backlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;

			// Show the whole thing

		// When visible changed
		protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e)
			// Hiding panels
				fronthightex.BackgroundImage = null;
				frontmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
				frontlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;
				backhightex.BackgroundImage = null;
				backmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
				backlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;

			// Call base

		// This shows a sidedef texture in a panel
		private void DisplaySidedefTexture(Panel panel, string name, bool required)
			// Check if name is a "none" texture
			if((name.Length < 1) || (name[0] == '-'))
				// Determine image to show
					panel.BackgroundImage = CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Properties.Resources.MissingTexture;
					panel.BackgroundImage = null;
				// Set the image
				panel.BackgroundImage = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(name).GetPreview();
			// Image not null?
			if(panel.BackgroundImage != null)
				// Small enough to fit in panel?
				if((panel.BackgroundImage.Size.Width < panel.ClientRectangle.Width) &&
				   (panel.BackgroundImage.Size.Height < panel.ClientRectangle.Height))
					// Display centered
					panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center;
					// Display zoomed
					panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;