#region ================== Copyright (c) 2014 Boris Iwanski /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Boris Iwanski * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Diagnostics; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode { [Serializable] public class NoSpaceInCSAException : Exception { public NoSpaceInCSAException() { } public NoSpaceInCSAException(string message) : base(message) { } public NoSpaceInCSAException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } } public class ControlSectorArea { #region ================== Enums public enum Highlight { None, OuterLeft, OuterRight, OuterTop, OuterBottom, OuterTopLeft, OuterTopRight, OuterBottomLeft, OuterBottomRight, Body }; #endregion #region ================== Variables private RectangleF outerborder; private PixelColor bordercolor = new PixelColor(255, 0, 192, 0); private PixelColor fillcolor = new PixelColor(128, 0, 128, 0); private PixelColor borderhighlightcolor = new PixelColor(255, 0, 192, 0); private PixelColor fillhighlightcolor = new PixelColor(128, 0, 192, 0); private Dictionary lines; private Dictionary points; private float gridsize; private float gridsizeinv; private float sectorsize; private double outerleft; private double outerright; private double outertop; private double outerbottom; private bool usecustomtagrange; private int firsttag; private int lasttag; #endregion #region ================== Properties public double GridSize { get { return gridsize; } } public double SectorSize { get { return sectorsize; } } public RectangleF OuterBorder { get { return outerborder; } } public double OuterLeft { get { return outerleft; } set { outerleft = value; UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } } public double OuterRight { get { return outerright; } set { outerright = value; UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } } public double OuterTop { get { return outertop; } set { outertop = value; UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } } public double OuterBottom { get { return outerbottom; } set { outerbottom = value; UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } } public bool UseCustomTagRnage { get { return usecustomtagrange; } set { usecustomtagrange = value; } } public int FirstTag { get { return firsttag; } set { firsttag = value; } } public int LastTag { get { return lasttag; } set { lasttag = value; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer public ControlSectorArea(float outerleft, float outerright, float outertop, float outerbottom, float gridsize, float sectorsize) { this.outerleft = outerleft; this.outerright = outerright; this.outertop = outertop; this.outerbottom = outerbottom; lines = new Dictionary(); points = new Dictionary(); this.gridsize = gridsize; gridsizeinv = 1.0f / gridsize; this.sectorsize = sectorsize; UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } #endregion #region ================== Methods public void UpdateLinesAndPoints() { lines[Highlight.OuterLeft] = new Line2D(outerleft, outertop, outerleft, outerbottom); lines[Highlight.OuterRight] = new Line2D(outerright, outertop, outerright, outerbottom); lines[Highlight.OuterTop] = new Line2D(outerleft, outertop, outerright, outertop); lines[Highlight.OuterBottom] = new Line2D(outerleft, outerbottom, outerright, outerbottom); points[Highlight.OuterTopLeft] = new Vector2D(outerleft, outertop); points[Highlight.OuterTopRight] = new Vector2D(outerright, outertop); points[Highlight.OuterBottomLeft] = new Vector2D(outerleft, outerbottom); points[Highlight.OuterBottomRight] = new Vector2D(outerright, outerbottom); outerborder = new RectangleF((float)outerleft, (float)outertop, (float)(outerright - outerleft), (float)(outerbottom - outertop)); } public void Draw(IRenderer2D renderer, Highlight highlight) { PixelColor fcolor = highlight == Highlight.Body ? fillhighlightcolor : fillcolor; renderer.RenderRectangleFilled( new RectangleF((float)outerleft, (float)outertop, (float)(outerright - outerleft), (float)(outerbottom - outertop)), fcolor, true ); // Draw the borders renderer.RenderRectangle(outerborder, 1.0f, bordercolor, true); // Highlight a border if necessary if (highlight >= Highlight.OuterLeft && highlight <= Highlight.OuterBottom) renderer.RenderLine(lines[highlight].v1, lines[highlight].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); else { // Highlight the corners switch (highlight) { // Outer corners case Highlight.OuterTopLeft: renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterTop].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterTop].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterLeft].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterLeft].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); break; case Highlight.OuterTopRight: renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterTop].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterTop].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterRight].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterRight].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); break; case Highlight.OuterBottomLeft: renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterBottom].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterBottom].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterLeft].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterLeft].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); break; case Highlight.OuterBottomRight: renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterBottom].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterBottom].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(lines[Highlight.OuterRight].v1, lines[Highlight.OuterRight].v2, 1.0f, borderhighlightcolor, true); break; } } } public Highlight CheckHighlight(Vector2D pos, double scale) { double distance = double.MaxValue; double d; Highlight highlight = Highlight.None; // Find a line to highlight foreach (Highlight h in (Highlight[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Highlight))) { if (h >= Highlight.OuterLeft && h <= Highlight.OuterBottom) { d = Line2D.GetDistanceToLine(lines[h].v1, lines[h].v2, pos, true); if (d <= BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.HighlightRange / scale && d < distance) { distance = d; highlight = h; } } } distance = double.MaxValue; // Find a corner to highlight foreach (Highlight h in (Highlight[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Highlight))) { if (h >= Highlight.OuterTopLeft && h <= Highlight.OuterBottomRight) { d = Vector2D.Distance(pos, points[h]); if (d <= BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.HighlightRange / scale && d < distance) { distance = d; highlight = h; } } } if (highlight != Highlight.None) return highlight; if (OuterLeft < pos.x && OuterRight > pos.x && OuterTop > pos.y && OuterBottom < pos.y) return Highlight.Body; return Highlight.None; } public void SnapToGrid(Highlight highlight, Vector2D pos, Vector2D lastpos) { Vector2D newpos = GridSetup.SnappedToGrid(pos, gridsize, gridsizeinv); switch (highlight) { case Highlight.Body: Vector2D diff = GridSetup.SnappedToGrid(pos, gridsize, gridsizeinv) - GridSetup.SnappedToGrid(lastpos, gridsize, gridsizeinv); Debug.WriteLine("diff: " + (diff).ToString()); outerleft += diff.x; outerright += diff.x; outertop += diff.y; outerbottom += diff.y; break; // Outer border case Highlight.OuterLeft: if (newpos.x < outerright) outerleft = newpos.x; break; case Highlight.OuterRight: if(newpos.x > outerleft) outerright = newpos.x; break; case Highlight.OuterTop: if (newpos.y > outerbottom) outertop = newpos.y; break; case Highlight.OuterBottom: if (newpos.y < outertop) outerbottom = newpos.y; break; // Outer corners case Highlight.OuterTopLeft: if (newpos.x < outerright) outerleft = newpos.x; if (newpos.y > outerbottom) outertop = newpos.y; break; case Highlight.OuterTopRight: if (newpos.x > outerleft) outerright = newpos.x; if (newpos.y > outerbottom) outertop = newpos.y; break; case Highlight.OuterBottomLeft: if (newpos.x < outerright) outerleft = newpos.x; if (newpos.y < outertop) outerbottom = newpos.y; break; case Highlight.OuterBottomRight: if (newpos.x > outerleft) outerright = newpos.x; if (newpos.y < outertop) outerbottom = newpos.y; break; } UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } public List GetRelocatePositions(int numsectors) { List positions = new List(); BlockMap blockmap = CreateBlockmap(true); int margin = (int)((gridsize - sectorsize) / 2); for (int x = (int)outerleft; x < (int)outerright; x += (int)gridsize) { for (int y = (int)outertop; y > (int)outerbottom; y -= (int)gridsize) { List blocks = blockmap.GetLineBlocks( new Vector2D(x + 1, y - 1), new Vector2D(x + gridsize - 1, y - gridsize + 1) ); // The way our blockmap is built and queried we will always get exactly one block if (blocks[0].Sectors.Count == 0) { positions.Add(new Vector2D(x + margin, y - margin)); numsectors--; } if (numsectors == 0) return positions; } } throw new NoSpaceInCSAException("Not enough space for control sector relocation"); } public List GetNewControlSectorVertices() { BlockMap blockmap = CreateBlockmap(); int margin = (int)((gridsize - sectorsize) / 2); // find position for new control sector for (int x = (int)outerleft; x < (int)outerright; x += (int)gridsize) { for (int y = (int)outertop; y > (int)outerbottom; y -= (int)gridsize) { List blocks = blockmap.GetLineBlocks( new Vector2D(x + 1, y - 1), new Vector2D(x + gridsize - 1, y - gridsize + 1) ); // The way our blockmap is built and queried we will always get exactly one block if (blocks[0].Sectors.Count == 0) { List dv = new List(); Point p = new Point(x + margin, y - margin); dv.Add(SectorVertex(p.X, p.Y)); dv.Add(SectorVertex(p.X + BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize, p.Y)); dv.Add(SectorVertex(p.X + BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize, p.Y - BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize)); dv.Add(SectorVertex(p.X, p.Y - BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize)); dv.Add(SectorVertex(p.X, p.Y)); return dv; } } } throw new NoSpaceInCSAException("No space left for control sectors"); } public bool Inside(float x, float y) { return Inside(new Vector2D(x, y)); } public bool Inside(Vector2D pos) { if (pos.x > outerleft && pos.x < outerright && pos.y < outertop && pos.y > outerbottom) return true; return false; } public bool OutsideOuterBounds(float x, float y) { return OutsideOuterBounds(new Vector2D(x, y)); } public bool OutsideOuterBounds(Vector2D pos) { if(pos.x < outerleft || pos.x > outerright || pos.y > outertop || pos.y < outerbottom) return true; return false; } // Aligns the area to the grid, expanding the area if necessary private RectangleF AlignAreaToGrid(RectangleF area) { List f = new List { area.Left, area.Top, area.Right, area.Bottom }; for (int i = 0; i < f.Count; i++) { if (f[i] < 0) f[i] = (float)Math.Floor(f[i] / gridsize) * gridsize; else f[i] = (float)Math.Ceiling(f[i] / gridsize) * gridsize; } float l = f[0]; float t = f[1]; float r = f[2]; float b = f[3]; return new RectangleF(l, t, r - l, b - t); } private BlockMap CreateBlockmap() { return CreateBlockmap(false); } private BlockMap CreateBlockmap(bool ignorecontrolsectors) { // Make blockmap RectangleF area = MapSet.CreateArea(General.Map.Map.Vertices); area = MapSet.IncreaseArea(area, new Vector2D(outerleft, outertop)); area = MapSet.IncreaseArea(area, new Vector2D(outerright, outerbottom)); area = AlignAreaToGrid(area); BlockMap blockmap = new BlockMap(area, (int)gridsize); if (ignorecontrolsectors) { foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors) { // Managed control sectors have the custom UDMF field "user_managed_3d_floor" set to true // So if the field is NOT set, add the sector to the blockmap bool managed = s.Fields.GetValue("user_managed_3d_floor", false); if (managed == false) blockmap.AddSector(s); else // When a tag was manually removed a control sector still might have the user_managed_3d_floor field, but not be { // recognized as a 3D floor control sector. In that case also add the sector to the blockmap bool orphaned = true; foreach(ThreeDFloor tdf in ((ThreeDFloorHelperMode)General.Editing.Mode).ThreeDFloors) { if(tdf.Sector == s) { orphaned = false; break; } } if (orphaned) blockmap.AddSector(s); } } } else { blockmap.AddSectorsSet(General.Map.Map.Sectors); } return blockmap; } public void Edit() { ControlSectorAreaConfig csacfg = new ControlSectorAreaConfig(this); csacfg.ShowDialog((Form)General.Interface); } // When OK is pressed on the preferences dialog // Prevent inlining, otherwise there are unexpected interactions with Assembly.GetCallingAssembly // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.reflection.assembly.getcallingassembly?view=netframework-4.6.1#remarks [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void SaveConfig() { ListDictionary config = new ListDictionary(); config.Add("usecustomtagrange", usecustomtagrange); if (usecustomtagrange) { config.Add("firsttag", firsttag); config.Add("lasttag", lasttag); } config.Add("outerleft", outerleft); config.Add("outerright", outerright); config.Add("outertop", outertop); config.Add("outerbottom", outerbottom); General.Map.Options.WritePluginSetting("controlsectorarea", config); } // When OK is pressed on the preferences dialog // Prevent inlining, otherwise there are unexpected interactions with Assembly.GetCallingAssembly // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.reflection.assembly.getcallingassembly?view=netframework-4.6.1#remarks [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void LoadConfig() { ListDictionary config = (ListDictionary)General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea", new ListDictionary()); usecustomtagrange = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.usecustomtagrange", false); firsttag = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.firsttag", 0); lasttag = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.lasttag", 0); outerleft = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.outerleft", outerleft); outerright = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.outerright", outerright); outertop = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.outertop", outertop); outerbottom = General.Map.Options.ReadPluginSetting("controlsectorarea.outerbottom", outerbottom); UpdateLinesAndPoints(); } public int GetNewSectorTag(List tagblacklist) { List usedtags = new List(); if (usecustomtagrange) { for (int i = firsttag; i <= lasttag; i++) { if (!tagblacklist.Contains(i) && General.Map.Map.GetSectorsByTag(i).Count == 0) return i; } throw new Exception("No free tags in the custom range between " + firsttag.ToString() + " and " + lasttag.ToString() + "."); } return General.Map.Map.GetNewTag(tagblacklist); } public int GetNewLineID() { return General.Map.Map.GetNewTag(); } // Turns a position into a DrawnVertex and returns it private DrawnVertex SectorVertex(double x, double y) { DrawnVertex v = new DrawnVertex(); v.stitch = true; v.stitchline = true; v.pos = new Vector2D(Math.Round(x, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals), Math.Round(y, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)); return v; } private DrawnVertex SectorVertex(Vector2D v) { return SectorVertex(v.x, v.y); } static int GCD(int[] numbers) { return numbers.Aggregate(GCD); } static int GCD(int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b); } #endregion } }