#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.Scripting; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; //mxd using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom.Scripting; using System.Collections; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder { public sealed class MapManager : IDisposable { #region ================== Constants // Map header name in temporary file internal const string TEMP_MAP_HEADER = "TEMPMAP"; internal const string BUILD_MAP_HEADER = "MAP01"; public const string CONFIG_MAP_HEADER = "~MAP"; private const int REPLACE_TARGET_MAP = -1; //mxd #endregion #region ================== Variables // Status private bool changed; private bool scriptschanged; private bool maploading; //mxd // Map information private string filetitle; private string filepathname; private string temppath; private string origmapconfigname; //mxd. Map configuration, which was used to open the map. // Main objects private MapSet map; private MapSetIO io; private MapOptions options; private ConfigurationInfo configinfo; private GameConfiguration config; private DataManager data; private D3DDevice graphics; private Renderer2D renderer2d; private Renderer3D renderer3d; private WADReader tempwadreader; private GridSetup grid; private UndoManager undoredo; private CopyPasteManager copypaste; private Launcher launcher; private ThingsFilter thingsfilter; private ScriptEditorForm scriptwindow; private List<CompilerError> errors; private VisualCamera visualcamera; //mxd private Dictionary<string, ScriptItem> namedscripts; private Dictionary<int, ScriptItem> numberedscripts; // Disposing private bool isdisposed; #endregion #region ================== Properties public string FilePathName { get { return filepathname; } } public string FileTitle { get { return filetitle; } internal set { filetitle = value; } } //mxd. Added setter public string TempPath { get { return temppath; } } public MapOptions Options { get { return options; } } public MapSet Map { get { return map; } } public DataManager Data { get { return data; } } public bool IsChanged { get { return changed | CheckScriptChanged(); } set { changed |= value; if(!maploading) General.MainWindow.UpdateMapChangedStatus(); } } public bool IsDisposed { get { return isdisposed; } } internal D3DDevice Graphics { get { return graphics; } } public IRenderer2D Renderer2D { get { return renderer2d; } } public IRenderer3D Renderer3D { get { return renderer3d; } } internal Renderer2D CRenderer2D { get { return renderer2d; } } internal Renderer3D CRenderer3D { get { return renderer3d; } } public GameConfiguration Config { get { return config; } } public ConfigurationInfo ConfigSettings { get { return configinfo; } } public GridSetup Grid { get { return grid; } } public UndoManager UndoRedo { get { return undoredo; } } internal CopyPasteManager CopyPaste { get { return copypaste; } } public IMapSetIO FormatInterface { get { return io; } } internal Launcher Launcher { get { return launcher; } } public ThingsFilter ThingsFilter { get { return thingsfilter; } } internal List<CompilerError> Errors { get { return errors; } } internal ScriptEditorForm ScriptEditor { get { return scriptwindow; } } public VisualCamera VisualCamera { get { return visualcamera; } set { visualcamera = value; } } public bool IsScriptsWindowOpen { get { return (scriptwindow != null) && !scriptwindow.IsDisposed; } } internal WADReader TemporaryMapFile { get { return tempwadreader; } } //mxd //mxd. Map format public bool UDMF { get { return config.UDMF; } } public bool HEXEN { get { return config.HEXEN; } } public bool DOOM { get { return config.DOOM; } } //mxd. Scripts internal Dictionary<string, ScriptItem> NamedScripts { get { return namedscripts; } } internal Dictionary<int, ScriptItem> NumberedScripts { get { return numberedscripts; } } public ViewMode ViewMode { get { return renderer2d.ViewMode; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor internal MapManager() { // We have no destructor GC.SuppressFinalize(this); // Create temporary path temppath = General.MakeTempDirname(); Directory.CreateDirectory(temppath); General.WriteLogLine("Temporary directory: " + temppath); // Basic objects grid = new GridSetup(); undoredo = new UndoManager(); copypaste = new CopyPasteManager(); launcher = new Launcher(this); thingsfilter = new NullThingsFilter(); errors = new List<CompilerError>(); //mxd numberedscripts = new Dictionary<int, ScriptItem>(); namedscripts = new Dictionary<string, ScriptItem>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } // Disposer public void Dispose() { // Not already disposed? if(!isdisposed) { // Let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnMapCloseBegin(); // Stop processing General.MainWindow.StopProcessing(); // Close script editor CloseScriptEditor(false); // Change to no mode General.Editing.ChangeMode((EditMode)null); // Unbind any methods General.Actions.UnbindMethods(this); // Dispose maploading = true; //mxd if(grid != null) grid.Dispose(); if(launcher != null) launcher.Dispose(); if(copypaste != null) copypaste.Dispose(); if(undoredo != null) undoredo.Dispose(); General.WriteLogLine("Unloading data resources..."); if(data != null) data.Dispose(); General.WriteLogLine("Closing temporary file..."); if(tempwadreader != null) tempwadreader.Dispose(); //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Unloading map data..."); if(map != null) map.Dispose(); General.WriteLogLine("Stopping graphics device..."); if(renderer2d != null) renderer2d.Dispose(); if(renderer3d != null) renderer3d.Dispose(); if(graphics != null) graphics.Dispose(); visualcamera = null; grid = null; launcher = null; copypaste = null; undoredo = null; data = null; tempwadreader = null; //mxd map = null; renderer2d = null; renderer3d = null; graphics = null; // We may spend some time to clean things up here GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //mxd GC.Collect(); //mxd // Remove temp file General.WriteLogLine("Removing temporary directory..."); try { Directory.Delete(temppath, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.WriteLogLine(e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); General.WriteLogLine("Failed to remove temporary directory!"); } // Let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnMapCloseEnd(); // Done isdisposed = true; } } #endregion #region ================== New / Open // Initializes for a new map internal bool InitializeNewMap(MapOptions options) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.Clear(); #endif // Apply settings this.filetitle = options.CurrentName + ".wad"; this.filepathname = string.Empty; this.maploading = true; //mxd this.changed = false; this.options = options; General.WriteLogLine("Creating new map \"" + options.CurrentName + "\" with configuration \"" + options.ConfigFile + "\""); // Initiate graphics General.WriteLogLine("Initializing graphics device..."); graphics = new D3DDevice(General.MainWindow.Display); if(!graphics.Initialize()) return false; // Create renderers renderer2d = new Renderer2D(graphics); renderer3d = new Renderer3D(graphics); // Load game configuration General.WriteLogLine("Loading game configuration..."); configinfo = General.GetConfigurationInfo(options.ConfigFile); config = new GameConfiguration(configinfo.Configuration); //mxd origmapconfigname = configinfo.Filename;//mxd configinfo.ApplyDefaults(config); General.Editing.UpdateCurrentEditModes(); //mxd. Check if default script compiler is required if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(configinfo.DefaultScriptCompiler)) { foreach(MapLumpInfo info in config.MapLumps.Values) { if(info.ScriptBuild) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "\"DefaultScriptCompiler\" property is not set in \"" + configinfo + "\" game configuration. The editor may fail to compile ACC scripts."); break; } } } // Create map data map = new MapSet(); // Create temp wadfile DataLocation templocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, General.MakeTempFilename(temppath), false, false, false); //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Creating temporary file: " + templocation.location); #if DEBUG tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); #else try { tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while creating a temporary wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Read the map from temp file General.WriteLogLine("Initializing map format interface " + config.FormatInterface + "..."); io = MapSetIO.Create(config.FormatInterface, tempwadreader.WadFile, this); // Create required lumps General.WriteLogLine("Creating map data structures..."); tempwadreader.WadFile.Insert(TEMP_MAP_HEADER, 0, 0); io.Write(map, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, 1); CreateRequiredLumps(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER); // Load data manager General.WriteLogLine("Loading data resources..."); data = new DataManager(); data.Load(configinfo.Resources, options.Resources); // Update structures options.ApplyGridSettings(); map.UpdateConfiguration(); map.Update(); thingsfilter.Update(); namedscripts = new Dictionary<string, ScriptItem>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd numberedscripts = new Dictionary<int, ScriptItem>(); //mxd // Bind any methods General.Actions.BindMethods(this); // Set defaults this.visualcamera = new VisualCamera(); General.Editing.ChangeMode(configinfo.StartMode); ClassicMode cmode = (General.Editing.Mode as ClassicMode); if(cmode != null) cmode.SetZoom(0.5f); renderer2d.SetViewMode((ViewMode)General.Settings.DefaultViewMode); General.Settings.SetDefaultThingFlags(config.DefaultThingFlags); // Success this.changed = false; this.maploading = false; //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Map creation done"); General.MainWindow.UpdateMapChangedStatus(); //mxd return true; } // Initializes for an existing map internal bool InitializeOpenMap(string filepathname, MapOptions options) { WAD mapwad; #if DEBUG DebugConsole.Clear(); #endif // Apply settings this.filetitle = Path.GetFileName(filepathname); this.filepathname = filepathname; this.changed = false; this.maploading = true; //mxd this.options = options; General.WriteLogLine("Opening map \"" + options.CurrentName + "\" with configuration \"" + options.ConfigFile + "\""); // Initiate graphics General.WriteLogLine("Initializing graphics device..."); graphics = new D3DDevice(General.MainWindow.Display); if(!graphics.Initialize()) return false; // Create renderers renderer2d = new Renderer2D(graphics); renderer3d = new Renderer3D(graphics); // Load game configuration General.WriteLogLine("Loading game configuration..."); configinfo = General.GetConfigurationInfo(options.ConfigFile); config = new GameConfiguration(configinfo.Configuration); origmapconfigname = configinfo.Filename;//mxd configinfo.ApplyDefaults(config); General.Editing.UpdateCurrentEditModes(); // Create map data map = new MapSet(); // Create temp wadfile DataLocation templocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, General.MakeTempFilename(temppath), false, false, false); //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Creating temporary file: " + templocation.location); #if DEBUG tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); #else try { tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while creating a temporary wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Now open the map file General.WriteLogLine("Opening source file: " + filepathname); #if DEBUG mapwad = new WAD(filepathname, true); #else try { mapwad = new WAD(filepathname, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while opening source wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Copy the map lumps to the temp file General.WriteLogLine("Copying map lumps to temporary file..."); CopyLumpsByType(mapwad, options.CurrentName, tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, true, true, true, true); // Close the map file mapwad.Dispose(); //mxd. Create MapSet bool maprestored; if(!CreateMapSet(map, filepathname, options, out maprestored)) return false; // Load data manager General.WriteLogLine("Loading data resources..."); data = new DataManager(); DataLocation maplocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, filepathname, options.StrictPatches, false, false); data.Load(configinfo.Resources, options.Resources, maplocation); // Remove unused sectors map.RemoveUnusedSectors(true); //mxd. Flip linedefs with only back side int flipsdone = MapSet.FlipBackwardLinedefs(map.Linedefs); if(flipsdone > 0) General.WriteLogLine(flipsdone + " single-sided linedefs were flipped."); // Update structures options.ApplyGridSettings(); map.UpdateConfiguration(); map.SnapAllToAccuracy(); map.Update(); thingsfilter.Update(); //mxd. Update script names LoadACS(); //mxd. Restore selection groups options.ReadSelectionGroups(); // Bind any methods General.Actions.BindMethods(this); // Set defaults this.visualcamera = new VisualCamera(); General.Editing.ChangeMode(configinfo.StartMode); renderer2d.SetViewMode((ViewMode)General.Settings.DefaultViewMode); General.Settings.SetDefaultThingFlags(config.DefaultThingFlags); // Center map in screen //if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) (General.Editing.Mode as ClassicMode).CenterInScreen(); // Success this.changed = maprestored; //mxd this.maploading = false; //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Map loading done"); General.MainWindow.UpdateMapChangedStatus(); //mxd return true; } //mxd. This switches to another map in the same wad internal bool InitializeSwitchMap(MapOptions options) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.Clear(); #endif this.changed = false; this.maploading = true; this.options = options; // Create map data MapSet newmap = new MapSet(); WAD mapwad; // Create temp wadfile DataLocation templocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, General.MakeTempFilename(temppath), false, false, false); //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Creating temporary file: " + templocation.location); if(tempwadreader != null) tempwadreader.Dispose(); #if DEBUG tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); #else try { tempwadreader = new WADReader(templocation, false, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while creating a temporary wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Now open the map file General.WriteLogLine("Opening source file: " + filepathname); #if DEBUG mapwad = new WAD(filepathname, true); #else try { mapwad = new WAD(filepathname, true); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while opening source wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Copy the map lumps to the temp file General.WriteLogLine("Copying map lumps to temporary file..."); CopyLumpsByType(mapwad, options.CurrentName, tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, true, true, true, true); // Close the map file mapwad.Dispose(); // Create MapSet bool maprestored; if(!CreateMapSet(newmap, filepathname, options, out maprestored)) return false; // And switch to it ChangeMapSet(newmap); // Sector textures may've been changed data.UpdateUsedTextures(); // This will update DataManager.mapinfo only data.ReloadMapInfoPartial(); // Skybox may've been changed data.SetupSkybox(); // Update script names LoadACS(); // Restore selection groups options.ReadSelectionGroups(); if(General.Editing.Mode != null) { if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) { ClassicMode mode = (ClassicMode)General.Editing.Mode; mode.OnRedoEnd(); // Center map in screen or on stored coordinates if(options.ViewPosition.IsFinite() && !float.IsNaN(options.ViewScale)) mode.CenterOnCoordinates(options.ViewPosition, options.ViewScale); else mode.CenterInScreen(); } else if(General.Editing.Mode is VisualMode) { VisualMode mode = (VisualMode)General.Editing.Mode; // This will rebuild blockmap, among the other things General.Editing.Mode.OnReloadResources(); // Update camera position if(options.ViewPosition.IsFinite()) mode.CenterOnCoordinates(options.ViewPosition); } } // Success this.changed = maprestored; this.maploading = false; General.WriteLogLine("Map switching done"); General.MainWindow.UpdateMapChangedStatus(); return true; } //mxd private bool CreateMapSet(MapSet newmap, string filepathname, MapOptions options, out bool maprestored) { maprestored = false; string wadname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepathname); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wadname)) { string hash = MurmurHash2.Hash(wadname + options.LevelName + File.GetLastWriteTime(filepathname)).ToString(); string backuppath = Path.Combine(General.MapRestorePath, wadname + "." + hash + ".restore"); // Backup exists and it's newer than the map itself? if(File.Exists(backuppath) && File.GetLastWriteTime(backuppath) > File.GetLastWriteTime(filepathname)) { if(General.ShowWarningMessage("Looks like your previous editing session has gone terribly wrong." + Environment.NewLine + "Would you like to restore the map from the backup?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { General.WriteLogLine("Initializing map format interface " + config.FormatInterface + "..."); io = MapSetIO.Create(config.FormatInterface, tempwadreader.WadFile, this); General.WriteLogLine("Restoring map from \"" + backuppath + "\"..."); #if DEBUG // Restore map newmap.Deserialize(SharpCompressHelper.DecompressStream(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(backuppath)))); #else try { // Restore map newmap.Deserialize(SharpCompressHelper.DecompressStream(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(backuppath)))); // Delete the backup File.Delete(backuppath); } catch(Exception e) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to restore the map data structures from the backup. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to restore the map data structures from the backup.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif maprestored = true; } } } // Read the map from temp file if(!maprestored) { newmap.BeginAddRemove(); General.WriteLogLine("Initializing map format interface " + config.FormatInterface + "..."); io = MapSetIO.Create(config.FormatInterface, tempwadreader.WadFile, this); General.WriteLogLine("Reading map data from file..."); #if DEBUG newmap = io.Read(newmap, TEMP_MAP_HEADER); #else try { newmap = io.Read(newmap, TEMP_MAP_HEADER); } catch(Exception e) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to read the map data with the specified configuration. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to read the map data with the specified configuration." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif newmap.EndAddRemove(); } return true; } #endregion #region ================== Save /// <summary> /// This exports the structures from memory into a WAD file with the current map format. /// </summary> public bool ExportToFile(string filepathname) { General.Plugins.OnMapSaveBegin(SavePurpose.Testing); bool result = SaveMap(filepathname, SavePurpose.Testing); General.Plugins.OnMapSaveEnd(SavePurpose.Testing); return result; } /// <summary> /// This writes the map structures to the temporary file. /// </summary> private bool WriteMapToTempFile() { StatusInfo oldstatus = General.MainWindow.Status; // Make a copy of the map data MapSet outputset = map.Clone(); // Remove all flags from all 3D Start things foreach(Thing t in outputset.Things) { if(t.Type == config.Start3DModeThingType) { // We're not using SetFlag here, this doesn't have to be undone. // Please note that this is totally exceptional! List<string> flagkeys = new List<string>(t.Flags.Keys); foreach(string k in flagkeys) t.Flags[k] = false; } } // Do we need sidedefs compression? if(map.Sidedefs.Count > io.MaxSidedefs) { // Compress sidedefs int initialsidescount = outputset.Sidedefs.Count; //mxd General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Compressing sidedefs..."); outputset.CompressSidedefs(); // Check if it still doesnt if(outputset.Sidedefs.Count > io.MaxSidedefs) { // Problem! Can't save the map like this! General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to save the map: there are too many unique sidedefs!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Sidedefs before compresion: " + initialsidescount + Environment.NewLine + "Sidedefs after compresion: " + outputset.Sidedefs.Count + " (" + (outputset.Sidedefs.Count - io.MaxSidedefs) + " sidedefs above the limit)", MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return false; } } // Check things if(map.Things.Count > io.MaxThings) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to save the map: There are too many things!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return false; } // Check sectors if(map.Sectors.Count > io.MaxSectors) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to save the map: There are too many sectors!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return false; } // Check linedefs if(map.Linedefs.Count > io.MaxLinedefs) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to save the map: There are too many linedefs!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return false; } // Check vertices if(map.Vertices.Count > io.MaxVertices) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to save the map: There are too many vertices!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return false; } // TODO: Check for more limitations // Write to temporary file General.WriteLogLine("Writing map data structures to file..."); int index = Math.Max(0, tempwadreader.WadFile.FindLumpIndex(TEMP_MAP_HEADER)); io.Write(outputset, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, index); outputset.Dispose(); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); return true; } // Initializes for an existing map internal bool SaveMap(string newfilepathname, SavePurpose purpose) { string settingsfile; WAD targetwad = null; bool includenodes; bool fileexists = File.Exists(newfilepathname); //mxd General.WriteLogLine("Saving map to file: " + newfilepathname); //mxd. Official IWAD check... if(fileexists) { WAD hashtest = new WAD(newfilepathname, true); if(hashtest.IsOfficialIWAD) { General.WriteLogLine("Map saving aborted: attempt to modify an official IWAD"); General.ShowErrorMessage("Official IWADs should not be modified.\nConsider making a PWAD instead", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } hashtest.Dispose(); } // Scripts changed? bool localscriptschanged = CheckScriptChanged(); // If the scripts window is open, save the scripts first if(IsScriptsWindowOpen) scriptwindow.Editor.ImplicitSave(); // Only recompile scripts when the scripts have changed or there are compiler errors (mxd) // (not when only the map changed) if((localscriptschanged || errors.Count > 0) && !CompileScriptLumps()) { // Compiler failure if(errors.Count > 0) General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while compiling scripts: " + errors[0].description, MessageBoxButtons.OK); else General.ShowErrorMessage("Unknown compiler error while compiling scripts!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } // Show script window if there are any errors and we are going to test the map // and always update the errors on the scripts window. if((errors.Count > 0) && (scriptwindow == null) && (purpose == SavePurpose.Testing)) ShowScriptEditor(); if(scriptwindow != null) scriptwindow.Editor.ShowErrors(errors, false); // Only write the map and rebuild nodes when the actual map has changed // (not when only scripts have changed) if(changed) { // Write the current map structures to the temp file if(!WriteMapToTempFile()) return false; // Get the corresponding nodebuilder string nodebuildername = (purpose == SavePurpose.Testing) ? configinfo.NodebuilderTest : configinfo.NodebuilderSave; // Build the nodes StatusInfo oldstatus = General.MainWindow.Status; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Building map nodes..."); includenodes = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodebuildername) && BuildNodes(nodebuildername, true)); General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); //mxd. Compress temp file... tempwadreader.WadFile.Compress(); } else { // Check if we have nodebuilder lumps includenodes = VerifyNodebuilderLumps(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER); } //mxd. Target file is read-only? if(fileexists) { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(newfilepathname); if(info.IsReadOnly) { if(General.ShowWarningMessage("Unable to save the map: target file is read-only.\nRemove read-only flag and save the map anyway?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { General.WriteLogLine("Removing read-only flag from the map file..."); try { info.IsReadOnly = false; } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Failed to remove read-only flag from \"" + filepathname + "\":" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); General.WriteLogLine("Failed to remove read-only flag from \"" + filepathname + "\":" + e.Message); return false; } } else { General.WriteLogLine("Map saving cancelled..."); return false; } } } // Suspend data resources data.Suspend(); //mxd. Check if the target file is locked if(fileexists) { FileLockChecker.FileLockCheckResult checkresult = FileLockChecker.CheckFile(newfilepathname); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkresult.Error)) { if(checkresult.Processes.Count > 0) { string rest = Environment.NewLine + "Press 'Retry' to close " + (checkresult.Processes.Count > 1 ? "all processes" : "the process") + " and retry." + Environment.NewLine + "Press 'Cancel' to cancel saving."; if(General.ShowErrorMessage(checkresult.Error + rest, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry) { // Close all processes foreach(Process process in checkresult.Processes) { try { if(!process.HasExited) process.Kill(); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Failed to close " + Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName) + ":" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving failed: failed to close " + Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName)); return false; } } // Retry data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving restarted..."); return SaveMap(newfilepathname, purpose); } else { data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving cancelled..."); return false; } } else { General.ShowErrorMessage(checkresult.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK); data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving failed: " + checkresult.Error); return false; } } } // Determine original map name string origmapname = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.PreviousName) && purpose != SavePurpose.IntoFile) ? options.PreviousName : options.CurrentName; string origwadfile = string.Empty; //mxd try { if(fileexists) { // mxd. Check if target wad already has a map with the same name if(purpose == SavePurpose.IntoFile) { WAD wad = new WAD(newfilepathname, true); int mapindex = FindAndRemoveMap(wad, origmapname, false); wad.Dispose(); if(mapindex != -1 && MessageBox.Show(General.MainWindow, "Target file already contains map \"" + origmapname + "\"\nDo you want to replace it?", "Map already exists!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No) { data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving cancelled..."); return false; } } // Backup existing file, if any if(File.Exists(newfilepathname + ".backup3")) File.Delete(newfilepathname + ".backup3"); if(File.Exists(newfilepathname + ".backup2")) File.Move(newfilepathname + ".backup2", newfilepathname + ".backup3"); if(File.Exists(newfilepathname + ".backup1")) File.Move(newfilepathname + ".backup1", newfilepathname + ".backup2"); File.Copy(newfilepathname, newfilepathname + ".backup1"); } // Except when saving INTO another file, // kill the target file if it is different from source file if((purpose != SavePurpose.IntoFile) && (newfilepathname != filepathname)) { // Kill target file if(File.Exists(newfilepathname)) File.Delete(newfilepathname); // Kill .dbs settings file settingsfile = newfilepathname.Substring(0, newfilepathname.Length - 4) + ".dbs"; if(File.Exists(settingsfile)) File.Delete(settingsfile); } // [ZZ] We really want to tell apart saving into current archive from saving into a new one. // Treat "save as" into the current archive as normal save. bool isSaveAs = (purpose == SavePurpose.AsNewFile) && (newfilepathname != filepathname); // On Save AS we have to copy the previous file to the new file if(isSaveAs) { // Copy if original file still exists if(File.Exists(filepathname)) File.Copy(filepathname, newfilepathname, true); } // If the target file exists, we need to rebuild it // [ZZ] The original code here would do some weird trickery with tempfiles. // I'm just finding the map lumps and deleting them on later stages. targetwad = new WAD(newfilepathname); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to write the map to target file \"" + newfilepathname + "\":\n" + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(origwadfile) && File.Exists(origwadfile)) { //mxd. Clean-up if(File.Exists(newfilepathname)) { //mxd. We MAY've just deleted the map from the target file. Let's pretend this never happened if(targetwad != null) targetwad.Dispose(); File.Delete(newfilepathname); File.Move(origwadfile, newfilepathname); } else { File.Delete(origwadfile); } } data.Resume(); General.WriteLogLine("Map saving failed: " + e.Message); return false; } // Copy map lumps to target file CopyLumpsByType(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, targetwad, origmapname, true, true, includenodes, true, true); // mxd. Was the map renamed? if(options.LevelNameChanged) { if(purpose != SavePurpose.IntoFile) { General.WriteLogLine("Changing map name from \"" + options.PreviousName + "\" to \"" + options.CurrentName + "\""); // Find the map header in target int index = targetwad.FindLumpIndex(options.PreviousName); if(index > -1) { // Rename the map lump name targetwad.Lumps[index].Rename(options.CurrentName); } else { // Houston, we've got a problem! General.ShowErrorMessage("Error renaming map lump name: the original map lump could not be found!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); options.CurrentName = options.PreviousName; } } options.PreviousName = string.Empty; } // Done with the target file targetwad.Dispose(); // Resume data resources data.Resume(); // Not saved for testing purpose? if(purpose != SavePurpose.Testing) { // Saved in a different file? if(newfilepathname != filepathname) { // Keep new filename filepathname = newfilepathname; filetitle = Path.GetFileName(filepathname); // Reload resources ReloadResources(true); } try { // Open or create the map settings settingsfile = newfilepathname.Substring(0, newfilepathname.Length - 4) + ".dbs"; options.WriteConfiguration(settingsfile); } catch(Exception e) { // Warning only General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Could not write the map settings configuration file. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); } // Changes saved changed = false; scriptschanged = false; } // Success! General.WriteLogLine("Map saving done"); General.MainWindow.UpdateMapChangedStatus(); //mxd return true; } //mxd. Don't save the map if it was not changed internal bool MapSaveRequired(string newfilepathname, SavePurpose purpose) { return (changed || scriptschanged || CheckScriptChanged() || options.LevelNameChanged || newfilepathname != filepathname || purpose != SavePurpose.Normal); } //mxd. Saves .dbs file internal bool SaveSettingsFile(string newfilepathname) { try { string settingsfile = newfilepathname.Substring(0, newfilepathname.Length - 4) + ".dbs"; options.WriteConfiguration(settingsfile); } catch(Exception e) { // Warning only General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Could not write the map settings configuration file. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); return false; } return true; } //mxd internal void SaveMapBackup() { if(isdisposed || map == null || map.IsDisposed || string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepathname) || options == null) { General.WriteLogLine("Map backup saving failed: required structures already disposed..."); return; } #if !DEBUG try { #endif string wadname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepathname); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wadname)) { // Make backup file path if(!Directory.Exists(General.MapRestorePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(General.MapRestorePath); string hash = MurmurHash2.Hash(wadname + options.LevelName + File.GetLastWriteTime(filepathname)).ToString(); string backuppath = Path.Combine(General.MapRestorePath, wadname + "." + hash + ".restore"); // Export map MemoryStream ms = map.Serialize(); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); File.WriteAllBytes(backuppath, SharpCompressHelper.CompressStream(ms).ToArray()); // Log it General.WriteLogLine("Map backup saved to \"" + backuppath + "\""); } else { // Log it General.WriteLogLine("Map backup saving failed: invalid map WAD name"); } #if !DEBUG } catch(Exception e) { // Log it General.WriteLogLine("Map backup saving failed: " + e.Source + ": " + e.Message); } #endif } #endregion #region ================== Nodebuild /// <summary> /// This stores the current structures in memory to the temporary file and rebuilds the nodes. /// The 'nodebuildername' must be a valid nodebuilder configuration profile. /// Returns True on success, False when failed. /// </summary> public bool RebuildNodes(string nodebuildername, bool failaswarning) { bool result; // Write the current map structures to the temp file if(!WriteMapToTempFile()) return false; // Build the nodes StatusInfo oldstatus = General.MainWindow.Status; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Building map nodes..."); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodebuildername)) result = BuildNodes(nodebuildername, failaswarning); else result = false; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); //mxd. Compress temp file... tempwadreader.WadFile.Compress(); return result; } // This builds the nodes in the temproary file with the given configuration name private bool BuildNodes(string nodebuildername, bool failaswarning) { bool lumpscomplete = false; WAD buildwad; // Find the nodebuilder NodebuilderInfo nodebuilder = General.GetNodebuilderByName(nodebuildername); if(nodebuilder == null) { // Problem! Can't find that nodebuilder! General.ShowWarningMessage("Unable to build the nodes: The configured nodebuilder cannot be found.\nPlease check your game configuration settings!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } else { // Create the compiler interface that will run the nodebuilder // This automatically creates a temporary directory for us Compiler compiler = nodebuilder.CreateCompiler(); // Make temporary filename string tempfile1 = General.MakeTempFilename(compiler.Location); // Make the temporary WAD file General.WriteLogLine("Creating temporary build file: " + tempfile1); #if DEBUG buildwad = new WAD(tempfile1); #else try { buildwad = new WAD(tempfile1); } catch(Exception e) { General.ShowErrorMessage("Error while creating a temporary wad file:\n" + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } #endif // Determine source file string sourcefile = (filepathname.Length > 0 ? filepathname : tempwadreader.WadFile.Filename); //mxd. RemoveUnneededLumps(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, true); // Copy lumps to buildwad General.WriteLogLine("Copying map lumps to temporary build file..."); CopyLumpsByType(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, buildwad, BUILD_MAP_HEADER, true, false, false, true); // Close buildwad buildwad.Dispose(); // Does the nodebuilder require an output file? string tempfile2; if(nodebuilder.HasSpecialOutputFile) { // Make a temporary output file for the nodebuilder tempfile2 = General.MakeTempFilename(compiler.Location); General.WriteLogLine("Temporary output file: " + tempfile2); } else { // Output file is same as input file tempfile2 = tempfile1; } // Run the nodebuilder compiler.Parameters = nodebuilder.Parameters; compiler.InputFile = Path.GetFileName(tempfile1); compiler.OutputFile = Path.GetFileName(tempfile2); compiler.SourceFile = sourcefile; compiler.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(tempfile1); if(compiler.Run()) { // Open the output file try { buildwad = new WAD(tempfile2); } catch(Exception e) { General.WriteLogLine(e.GetType().Name + " while reading build wad file: " + e.Message); buildwad = null; } if(buildwad != null) { // Output lumps complete? lumpscomplete = VerifyNodebuilderLumps(buildwad, BUILD_MAP_HEADER); } if(lumpscomplete) { // Copy nodebuilder lumps to temp file General.WriteLogLine("Copying nodebuilder lumps to temporary file..."); CopyLumpsByType(buildwad, BUILD_MAP_HEADER, tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, false, false, true, false); } else { //mxd. collect errors string compilererrors = string.Empty; foreach(CompilerError e in compiler.Errors) compilererrors += Environment.NewLine + e.description; // Nodebuilder did not build the lumps! if(failaswarning) General.ShowWarningMessage("Unable to build the nodes: The nodebuilder failed to build the expected data structures.\nThe map will be saved without the nodes." + (compiler.Errors.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine + compilererrors : string.Empty), MessageBoxButtons.OK); else General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to build the nodes: The nodebuilder failed to build the expected data structures." + (compiler.Errors.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine + compilererrors : string.Empty), MessageBoxButtons.OK); } // Done with the build wad if(buildwad != null) buildwad.Dispose(); } else //mxd { //collect errors string compilererrors = string.Empty; foreach(CompilerError e in compiler.Errors) compilererrors += Environment.NewLine + e.description; // Nodebuilder did not build the lumps! General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to build the nodes: The nodebuilder failed to build the expected data structures" + (compiler.Errors.Length > 0 ? ":" + Environment.NewLine + compilererrors : "."), MessageBoxButtons.OK); } // Clean up compiler.Dispose(); // Let the plugins know if(lumpscomplete) General.Plugins.OnMapNodesRebuilt(); // Return result return lumpscomplete; } } // This verifies if the nodebuilder lumps exist in a WAD file private bool VerifyNodebuilderLumps(WAD wad, string mapheader) { bool lumpscomplete = false; // Find the map header in source int srcindex = wad.FindLumpIndex(mapheader); if(srcindex > -1) { // Go for all the map lump names lumpscomplete = true; foreach(KeyValuePair<string, MapLumpInfo> group in config.MapLumps) { // Check if this lump should exist if(group.Value.NodeBuild && !group.Value.AllowEmpty && group.Value.Required) { //mxd string lumpname = group.Key; if(lumpname.Contains(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER)) lumpname = lumpname.Replace(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER, mapheader); // Find the lump in the source if(wad.FindLump(lumpname, srcindex, srcindex + config.MapLumps.Count + 2) == null) { // Missing a lump! lumpscomplete = false; break; } } } } return lumpscomplete; } #endregion #region ================== Lumps // This returns a copy of the requested lump stream data // This is copied from the temp wad file and returns null when the lump is not found public MemoryStream GetLumpData(string lumpname) { Lump l = tempwadreader.WadFile.FindLump(lumpname); if(l != null) { l.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return new MemoryStream(l.Stream.ReadAllBytes()); } return null; } // This writes a copy of the data to a lump in the temp file public void SetLumpData(string lumpname, MemoryStream lumpdata) { int insertindex = tempwadreader.WadFile.Lumps.Count; // Remove the lump if it already exists int li = tempwadreader.WadFile.FindLumpIndex(lumpname); if(li > -1) { insertindex = li; tempwadreader.WadFile.RemoveAt(li); } // Insert new lump Lump l = tempwadreader.WadFile.Insert(lumpname, insertindex, (int)lumpdata.Length); l.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); lumpdata.WriteTo(l.Stream); //mxd. Mark the map as changed (will also update the title) IsChanged = true; } // This checks if the specified lump exists in the temp file public bool LumpExists(string lumpname) { return (tempwadreader.WadFile.FindLumpIndex(lumpname) > -1); } // This creates empty lumps for those required private void CreateRequiredLumps(WAD target, string mapname) { // Find the map header in target int headerindex = target.FindLumpIndex(mapname); if(headerindex == -1) { // If this header doesnt exists in the target // then insert at the end of the target headerindex = target.Lumps.Count; } // Begin inserting at target header index int insertindex = headerindex; // Go for all the map lump names foreach(KeyValuePair<string, MapLumpInfo> group in config.MapLumps) { // Check if this lump is required if(group.Value.Required) { // Get the lump name string lumpname = (group.Key.Contains(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER) ? group.Key.Replace(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER, mapname) : group.Key); //mxd // Check if the lump is missing at the target int targetindex = FindSpecificLump(target, lumpname, headerindex, mapname, config.MapLumps); if(targetindex == -1) { // Determine target index insertindex++; if(insertindex > target.Lumps.Count) insertindex = target.Lumps.Count; // Create new, emtpy lump General.WriteLogLine(lumpname + " is required! Created empty lump."); target.Insert(lumpname, insertindex, 0, false); } else { // Move insert index insertindex = targetindex; } } } target.WriteHeaders(); //mxd } //mxd. This is called on tempwad, which should only have the current map inside it. private void RemoveUnneededLumps(WAD target, string mapname, bool glnodesonly) { //Get the list of lumps required by current map format List<string> requiredLumps = new List<string>(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, MapLumpInfo> group in config.MapLumps) { //this lump well be recreated by a nodebuilder when saving the map //(or it won't be if the new map format or nodebuilder doesn't require / build this lump, //so it will just stay there, possibly messing things up) if(group.Value.NodeBuild && (!glnodesonly || group.Key.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith("GL_"))) continue; string lumpname = group.Key; if(lumpname == CONFIG_MAP_HEADER) lumpname = mapname; requiredLumps.Add(lumpname); } //Remove lumps, which are not required List<Lump> toRemove = new List<Lump>(); foreach(Lump lump in target.Lumps) if(!requiredLumps.Contains(lump.Name)) toRemove.Add(lump); foreach(Lump lump in toRemove) target.Remove(lump); } // [ZZ] this is the more specific case of MatchConfiguration from OpenMapOptionsForm. // that code is not possible to reuse for this purpose though. private int FindAndRemoveMap(WAD target, string targetmapname, bool reallyremove) { int tgtheaderindex = -1; int lastindex = -1; bool writeheaders = false; // [ZZ] Detect and delete target map from the target archive. Note that it can be in different format compared to current one, and there can be multiple maps with the same name as well. // while (true) { int nextindex = target.FindLumpIndex(targetmapname, lastindex+1); // note that the original algorithm would break if you have a patch or a texture named MAP01 for example... // this is the case for multiple megawads that have level selection screen (Duel40-style), but luckily most of them are using the PK3 format. // we are trying to detect if this is a valid map and shouldn't try to open or save over something that uses the map name as well. if (nextindex < 0) break; // next lump not found lastindex = nextindex; // try to detect the format used for this map. // if more than one format matches, do... idk what actually. // todo: move this code out and call it something like DetectMapConfiguration List<List<MapLumpInfo>> trylists = new List<List<MapLumpInfo>>(); foreach (ConfigurationInfo cinfo in General.Configs) { List<MapLumpInfo> maplumps = new List<MapLumpInfo>(); // parse only the map lumps section of the config. Configuration cfg = cinfo.Configuration; IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("maplumpnames", new Hashtable()); foreach (string k in dic.Keys) maplumps.Add(new MapLumpInfo(k, cfg)); // check if we already have this lump list. don't duplicate. bool found = false; foreach (List<MapLumpInfo> ctrylist in trylists) { if (ctrylist.Count == maplumps.Count && ctrylist.SequenceEqual(maplumps)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) trylists.Add(maplumps); } // currently outputs 6 in 43. seems to work correctly. General.WriteLogLine(string.Format("Found {0} different map lump lists in the {1} registered game configurations", trylists.Count, General.Configs.Count)); // find the most probable lump list. int maxmatches = 0; List<MapLumpInfo> trylist = null; foreach (List<MapLumpInfo> lst in trylists) { int matches = 0; int maxcnt = lst.Count; int checkindex = nextindex+1; for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { if (checkindex >= target.Lumps.Count) break; int mliIdx = lst.FindIndex(e => e.Name == target.Lumps[checkindex].Name); if (mliIdx < 0) break; // stop matching on first non-matching lump MapLumpInfo mli = lst[mliIdx]; if (mli.Forbidden) { matches = 0; break; // completely stop matching on first forbidden lump - definitely not this configuration } matches++; checkindex++; } if (matches > maxmatches) { trylist = lst; maxmatches = matches; } } // if we didn't find anything it's weird... if (trylist != null) { if (reallyremove) { int checkindex = nextindex + 1; for (int i = 0; i < trylist.Count; i++) { if (checkindex >= target.Lumps.Count) break; bool match = (trylist.FindIndex(e => e.Name == target.Lumps[checkindex].Name) >= 0); if (match) target.RemoveAt(checkindex); else break; // stop deleting on first non-matching lump } // now if trylist was not null, we need to remove the header as well. target.RemoveAt(nextindex, false); writeheaders = true; lastindex--; } tgtheaderindex = nextindex; } } if (writeheaders) target.WriteHeaders(); return tgtheaderindex; } // This copies specific map lumps from one WAD to another private void CopyLumpsByType(WAD source, string sourcemapname, WAD target, string targetmapname, bool copyrequired, bool copyblindcopy, bool copynodebuild, bool copyscript, bool deleteold = false) // [ZZ] deleteold=true means we need to delete the old map in-place. we only call this in SaveMap() { int tgtheaderindex = FindAndRemoveMap(target, targetmapname, deleteold); // this is unobvious, but this function also performs search, not just deletion :) bool replacetargetmap = !(deleteold && (tgtheaderindex > -1)); // this is unobvious, but we set replacetargetmap to false when we are completely overwriting it if (tgtheaderindex == -1) { // If this header doesnt exists in the target // then insert at the end of the target tgtheaderindex = target.Lumps.Count; } // Begin inserting at target header index int targetindex = tgtheaderindex; // Find the map header in source int srcheaderindex = FindAndRemoveMap(source, sourcemapname, false); if(srcheaderindex > -1) { // Go for all the map lump names foreach(KeyValuePair<string, MapLumpInfo> group in config.MapLumps) { // Check if this lump should be copied if((group.Value.Required && copyrequired) || (group.Value.BlindCopy && copyblindcopy) || (group.Value.NodeBuild && copynodebuild) || ((group.Value.Script != null || group.Value.ScriptBuild) && copyscript)) { // Get the lump name string srclumpname = (group.Key.Contains(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER) ? group.Key.Replace(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER, sourcemapname) : group.Key); //mxd string tgtlumpname = (group.Key.Contains(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER) ? group.Key.Replace(CONFIG_MAP_HEADER, targetmapname) : group.Key); //mxd // Find the lump in the source int sourceindex = FindSpecificLump(source, srclumpname, srcheaderindex, sourcemapname, config.MapLumps); if(sourceindex > -1) { //mxd. Don't do this when inserting a map (SaveMap() removes the old version of the map before calling CopyLumpsByType()) if (replacetargetmap) { // Remove lump at target int lumpindex = RemoveSpecificLump(target, tgtlumpname, tgtheaderindex, targetmapname, config.MapLumps); // Determine target index // When original lump was found and removed then insert at that position // otherwise insert after last insertion position if (lumpindex > -1) targetindex = lumpindex; else targetindex++; } if (targetindex > target.Lumps.Count) targetindex = target.Lumps.Count; // Copy the lump to the target //General.WriteLogLine(srclumpname + " copying as " + tgtlumpname); Lump lump = source.Lumps[sourceindex]; Lump newlump = target.Insert(tgtlumpname, targetindex, lump.Length, false); lump.CopyTo(newlump); //mxd. We still need to increment targetindex... if (!replacetargetmap) targetindex++; } else { // We don't want to bother the user with this. There are a lot of lumps in // the game configs that are trivial and don't need to be found. if(group.Value.Required) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, group.Key + " (required lump) should be read but was not found in the WAD file."); } } } } target.WriteHeaders(); //mxd target.Compress(); // [ZZ] } } // This finds a lump within the range of known lump names // Returns -1 when the lump cannot be found private static int FindSpecificLump(WAD source, string lumpname, int mapheaderindex, string mapheadername, Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps) { // Use the configured map lump names to find the specific lump within range, // because when an unknown lump is met, this search must stop. // Go for all lumps in order to find the specified lump for(int i = 0; i < maplumps.Count + 1; i++) { // Still within bounds? if((mapheaderindex + i) < source.Lumps.Count) { // Check if this is a known lump name string srclumpname = source.Lumps[mapheaderindex + i].Name; //mxd if(srclumpname.Contains(mapheadername)) srclumpname = srclumpname.Replace(mapheadername, CONFIG_MAP_HEADER); if(maplumps.ContainsKey(srclumpname)) //mxd { // Is this the lump we are looking for? if(source.Lumps[mapheaderindex + i].Name == lumpname) { // Return this index return mapheaderindex + i; } } else { // Unknown lump hit, abort search break; } } } // Nothing found return -1; } // This removes a specific lump and returns the position where the lump was removed // Returns -1 when the lump could not be found internal static int RemoveSpecificLump(WAD source, string lumpname, int mapheaderindex, string mapheadername, Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps) { // Find the specific lump index int lumpindex = FindSpecificLump(source, lumpname, mapheaderindex, mapheadername, maplumps); if(lumpindex > -1) { // Remove this lump //General.WriteLogLine(lumpname + " removed"); source.RemoveAt(lumpindex); } /*else { // Lump not found General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, lumpname + " should be removed but was not found!"); }*/ // Return result return lumpindex; } #endregion #region ================== Selection Groups // This adds selection to a group private void AddSelectionToGroup(int groupindex) { General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.WaitCursor); // Make selection map.AddSelectionToGroup(groupindex); //mxd. switched groupmask to groupindex General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Assigned selection to group " + (groupindex + 1)); General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); } // This selects a group private void SelectGroup(int groupindex) { // Select int groupmask = 0x01 << groupindex; map.SelectVerticesByGroup(groupmask); map.SelectLinedefsByGroup(groupmask); map.SelectSectorsByGroup(groupmask); map.SelectThingsByGroup(groupmask); // Redraw to show selection General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Selected group " + (groupindex + 1)); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } //mxd. This clears a group private void ClearGroup(int groupindex) { General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.WaitCursor); // Clear group map.ClearGroup(0x01 << groupindex); General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Cleared group " + (groupindex + 1)); General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); } // Select actions [BeginAction("selectgroup1")] internal void SelectGroup1() { SelectGroup(0); } [BeginAction("selectgroup2")] internal void SelectGroup2() { SelectGroup(1); } [BeginAction("selectgroup3")] internal void SelectGroup3() { SelectGroup(2); } [BeginAction("selectgroup4")] internal void SelectGroup4() { SelectGroup(3); } [BeginAction("selectgroup5")] internal void SelectGroup5() { SelectGroup(4); } [BeginAction("selectgroup6")] internal void SelectGroup6() { SelectGroup(5); } [BeginAction("selectgroup7")] internal void SelectGroup7() { SelectGroup(6); } [BeginAction("selectgroup8")] internal void SelectGroup8() { SelectGroup(7); } [BeginAction("selectgroup9")] internal void SelectGroup9() { SelectGroup(8); } [BeginAction("selectgroup10")] internal void SelectGroup10() { SelectGroup(9); } // Assign actions [BeginAction("assigngroup1")] internal void AssignGroup1() { AddSelectionToGroup(0); } [BeginAction("assigngroup2")] internal void AssignGroup2() { AddSelectionToGroup(1); } [BeginAction("assigngroup3")] internal void AssignGroup3() { AddSelectionToGroup(2); } [BeginAction("assigngroup4")] internal void AssignGroup4() { AddSelectionToGroup(3); } [BeginAction("assigngroup5")] internal void AssignGroup5() { AddSelectionToGroup(4); } [BeginAction("assigngroup6")] internal void AssignGroup6() { AddSelectionToGroup(5); } [BeginAction("assigngroup7")] internal void AssignGroup7() { AddSelectionToGroup(6); } [BeginAction("assigngroup8")] internal void AssignGroup8() { AddSelectionToGroup(7); } [BeginAction("assigngroup9")] internal void AssignGroup9() { AddSelectionToGroup(8); } [BeginAction("assigngroup10")] internal void AssignGroup10() { AddSelectionToGroup(9); } //mxd. Clear actions [BeginAction("cleargroup1")] internal void ClearGroup1() { ClearGroup(0); } [BeginAction("cleargroup2")] internal void ClearGroup2() { ClearGroup(1); } [BeginAction("cleargroup3")] internal void ClearGroup3() { ClearGroup(2); } [BeginAction("cleargroup4")] internal void ClearGroup4() { ClearGroup(3); } [BeginAction("cleargroup5")] internal void ClearGroup5() { ClearGroup(4); } [BeginAction("cleargroup6")] internal void ClearGroup6() { ClearGroup(5); } [BeginAction("cleargroup7")] internal void ClearGroup7() { ClearGroup(6); } [BeginAction("cleargroup8")] internal void ClearGroup8() { ClearGroup(7); } [BeginAction("cleargroup9")] internal void ClearGroup9() { ClearGroup(8); } [BeginAction("cleargroup10")] internal void ClearGroup10() { ClearGroup(9); } #endregion #region ================== [mxd] GZDB actions [BeginAction("gztogglemodels")] internal void ToggleModelsRenderingMode() { switch(General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode) { case ModelRenderMode.NONE: General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode = ModelRenderMode.SELECTION; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: SELECTION ONLY"); break; case ModelRenderMode.SELECTION: General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode = ModelRenderMode.ACTIVE_THINGS_FILTER; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: ACTIVE THINGS FILTER ONLY"); break; case ModelRenderMode.ACTIVE_THINGS_FILTER: General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode = ModelRenderMode.ALL; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: ALL"); break; case ModelRenderMode.ALL: General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode = ModelRenderMode.NONE; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: NONE"); break; } General.MainWindow.RedrawDisplay(); General.MainWindow.UpdateGZDoomPanel(); } [BeginAction("gztogglelights")] internal void ToggleLightsRenderingMode() { if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) { switch(General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode) { case LightRenderMode.NONE: General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = LightRenderMode.ALL; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: ALL"); break; default: General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = LightRenderMode.NONE; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: NONE"); break; } } else { switch(General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode) { case LightRenderMode.NONE: General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = LightRenderMode.ALL; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: ALL"); break; case LightRenderMode.ALL: General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = LightRenderMode.ALL_ANIMATED; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: ANIMATED"); break; case LightRenderMode.ALL_ANIMATED: General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = LightRenderMode.NONE; General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: NONE"); break; } } General.MainWindow.RedrawDisplay(); General.MainWindow.UpdateGZDoomPanel(); } [BeginAction("gzreloadmodeldef")] internal void ReloadModeldef() { data.ReloadModeldef(); } [BeginAction("gzreloadgldefs")] internal void ReloadGldefs() { data.ReloadGldefs(); } #endregion #region ================== Script Editing // Show the script editor [BeginAction("openscripteditor")] internal void ShowScriptEditor() { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Load the window? if(scriptwindow == null) scriptwindow = new ScriptEditorForm(); // Window not yet visible? if(!scriptwindow.Visible) scriptwindow.Show(); scriptwindow.TopMost = General.Settings.ScriptOnTop; //mxd if(scriptwindow.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) scriptwindow.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; //mxd scriptwindow.Activate(); scriptwindow.Focus(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } // This asks the user to save changes in script files // Returns false when cancelled by the user internal bool AskSaveScriptChanges() { // Window open? if(scriptwindow != null) { // Ask to save changes // This also saves implicitly return scriptwindow.AskSaveAll(); } // No problems return true; } // This applies the changed status for internal scripts internal void ApplyScriptChanged() { // Remember if lumps are changed if(scriptwindow != null) { scriptschanged |= scriptwindow.Editor.CheckImplicitChanges(); } } // Close the script editor // Specify true for the closing parameter when // the window is already in the closing process internal void CloseScriptEditor(bool closing) { if(scriptwindow != null) { if(!scriptwindow.IsDisposed) { // Remember what files were open scriptwindow.Editor.WriteOpenFilesToConfiguration(); // Close now if(!closing) scriptwindow.Close(); } // Done scriptwindow = null; } } // This checks if the scripts are changed private bool CheckScriptChanged() { if(scriptwindow != null) { // Check if scripts are changed return scriptschanged || scriptwindow.Editor.CheckImplicitChanges(); } return scriptschanged; } // This compiles all lumps that require compiling and stores the results // Returns true when our code worked properly (even when the compiler returned errors) private bool CompileScriptLumps() { bool success = true; errors.Clear(); // Go for all the map lumps foreach(MapLumpInfo lumpinfo in config.MapLumps.Values) { // Is this a script lump? if(lumpinfo.Script != null) { // Compile it now success &= tempwadreader.CompileLump(lumpinfo.Name, lumpinfo.Script, errors); } //mxd. Is this ACS script? else if(lumpinfo.ScriptBuild) { // Compile it using selected script compiler ScriptConfiguration cfg = General.GetScriptConfiguration(ScriptType.ACS); if(cfg != null) { success &= tempwadreader.CompileLump(lumpinfo.Name, cfg, errors); } else { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to compile \"" + lumpinfo.Name + "\" script lump: unable to find suitable Script Configuration!"); success = false; } } } return success; } //mxd. Update script numbers and names, collect loose ACS files. private void LoadACS() { /////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 1: Update script numbers and names /////////////////////////////////////////// General.Map.Data.ScriptResources[ScriptType.ACS] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(); // Find SCRIPTS lump and parse it foreach(MapLumpInfo maplumpinfo in config.MapLumps.Values) { // Is this a script lump? if((maplumpinfo.ScriptBuild || maplumpinfo.Script != null) && maplumpinfo.Name == "SCRIPTS") { ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig; if(maplumpinfo.ScriptBuild) { //mxd. More boilderplate if(!General.CompiledScriptConfigs.ContainsKey(General.Map.Options.ScriptCompiler)) { string error = "Unable to compile lump \"" + maplumpinfo.Name + "\". Unable to find required script compiler configuration (\"" + General.Map.Options.ScriptCompiler + "\")."; General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, error); return; } scriptconfig = General.CompiledScriptConfigs[General.Map.Options.ScriptCompiler]; } else { scriptconfig = maplumpinfo.Script; } // Load the lump data MemoryStream stream = GetLumpData(maplumpinfo.Name); if(stream != null && stream.Length > 0 && scriptconfig != null && scriptconfig.Compiler != null && scriptconfig.ScriptType == ScriptType.ACS) { // Get script names AcsParserSE parser = new AcsParserSE { IsMapScriptsLump = true, IgnoreErrors = true, OnInclude = delegate(AcsParserSE se, string includefile, AcsParserSE.IncludeType includetype) { TextResourceData includedata = General.Map.Data.GetTextResourceData(includefile); if(includedata == null) return false; // Fial return se.Parse(includedata, true, includetype, false); } }; //INFO: CompileLump() prepends lumpname with "?" to distinguish between temporary files and files compiled in place DataLocation location = new DataLocation { location = tempwadreader.WadFile.Filename, type = DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD }; TextResourceData trd = new TextResourceData(stream, location, "?SCRIPTS"); if(parser.Parse(trd, scriptconfig.Compiler.Files, true, AcsParserSE.IncludeType.NONE, false)) { // Add to text resource list General.Map.Data.ScriptResources[parser.ScriptType].UnionWith(parser.ScriptResources.Values); // Update the names UpdateScriptNames(parser); } else { // Clear collections namedscripts.Clear(); numberedscripts.Clear(); } // Log errors, if any if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError(); // Done here break; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 2: Try to load unused ACS files /////////////////////////////////////////// Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> existingacsfiles = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>(); // Gather already parsed files... foreach(ScriptResource sr in General.Map.Data.ScriptResources[ScriptType.ACS]) { if(!existingacsfiles.ContainsKey(sr.Resource.Location.location)) existingacsfiles.Add(sr.Resource.Location.location, new HashSet<string>()); existingacsfiles[sr.Resource.Location.location].Add(sr.Filename); } HashSet<ScriptResource> looseacsfiles = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(); foreach(DataReader dr in General.Map.Data.Containers) { //TODO: implement for WADs if(dr is PK3StructuredReader) { PK3StructuredReader pkr = (PK3StructuredReader)dr; string[] acsfiles = pkr.GetFilesWithExt("", "acs", true); foreach(string acsfile in acsfiles) { if(!existingacsfiles.ContainsKey(pkr.Location.location) || !existingacsfiles[pkr.Location.location].Contains(acsfile)) { TextResourceData trd = new TextResourceData(dr, dr.LoadFile(acsfile), acsfile, true); looseacsfiles.Add(new ScriptResource(trd, ScriptType.ACS)); } } } } // Add to the main collection General.Map.Data.ScriptResources[ScriptType.ACS].UnionWith(looseacsfiles); } //mxd internal void UpdateScriptNames(AcsParserSE parser) { if(parser.HasError) { // Clear collections namedscripts.Clear(); numberedscripts.Clear(); } else { // Add to collections namedscripts = new Dictionary<string, ScriptItem>(parser.NamedScripts.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); numberedscripts = new Dictionary<int, ScriptItem>(parser.NumberedScripts.Count); // Sort script names parser.NamedScripts.Sort(ScriptItem.SortByName); parser.NumberedScripts.Sort(ScriptItem.SortByIndex); foreach(ScriptItem item in parser.NamedScripts) { if(!namedscripts.ContainsKey(item.Name.ToLowerInvariant())) namedscripts.Add(item.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), item); } foreach(ScriptItem item in parser.NumberedScripts) { if(!numberedscripts.ContainsKey(item.Index)) numberedscripts.Add(item.Index, item); } } } //mxd public bool ScriptNumberExists(int scriptnumber) { return numberedscripts.ContainsKey(scriptnumber); } //mxd public bool ScriptNameExists(string scriptname) { return namedscripts.ContainsKey(scriptname); } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This updates everything after the configuration or settings have been changed internal void UpdateConfiguration() { // Update map map.UpdateConfiguration(); // Update settings renderer3d.CreateProjection(); renderer3d.UpdateVertexHandle(); //mxd // Things filters General.MainWindow.UpdateThingsFilters(); } // This changes thing filter public void ChangeThingFilter(ThingsFilter newfilter) { // We have a special filter for null if(newfilter == null) newfilter = new NullThingsFilter(); // Deactivate old filter if(thingsfilter != null) thingsfilter.Deactivate(); // Change thingsfilter = newfilter; // Activate filter thingsfilter.Activate(); // Update interface General.MainWindow.ReflectThingsFilter(); // Redraw General.MainWindow.RedrawDisplay(); } // This sets a new mapset for editing private void ChangeMapSet(MapSet newmap) { // Let the plugin and editing mode know General.Plugins.OnMapSetChangeBegin(); if(General.Editing.Mode != null) General.Editing.Mode.OnMapSetChangeBegin(); this.visualcamera.Sector = null; // Can't have a selection in an old map set map.ClearAllSelected(); // Reset surfaces renderer2d.Surfaces.Reset(); // Apply map.Dispose(); map = newmap; map.UpdateConfiguration(); map.SnapAllToAccuracy(); map.Update(); thingsfilter.Update(); // Let the plugin and editing mode know General.Plugins.OnMapSetChangeEnd(); if(General.Editing.Mode != null) General.Editing.Mode.OnMapSetChangeEnd(); } // This reloads resources [BeginAction("reloadresources")] internal void DoReloadResource() { //mxd. Get rid of old errors General.ErrorLogger.Clear(); // Set this to false so we can see if errors are added General.ErrorLogger.IsErrorAdded = false; #if DEBUG DebugConsole.Clear(); #endif ReloadResources(true); if(General.ErrorLogger.IsErrorAdded) { // Show any errors if preferred General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "There were errors during resources loading!"); if(General.Settings.ShowErrorsWindow) General.MainWindow.ShowErrors(); } else { General.MainWindow.DisplayReady(); } } internal void ReloadResources(bool clearerrors) //mxd. clearerrors flag { // Keep old display info StatusInfo oldstatus = General.MainWindow.Status; Cursor oldcursor = Cursor.Current; // Show status General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reloading data resources..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Clean up data.Dispose(); data = null; config = null; configinfo = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); //mxd // Clear errors? if(clearerrors) General.ErrorLogger.Clear(); // Reload game configuration General.WriteLogLine("Reloading game configuration..."); configinfo = General.GetConfigurationInfo(options.ConfigFile); config = new GameConfiguration(configinfo.Configuration); //mxd General.Editing.UpdateCurrentEditModes(); // Reload data resources General.WriteLogLine("Reloading data resources..."); data = new DataManager(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepathname)) { DataLocation maplocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, filepathname, options.StrictPatches, false, false); data.Load(configinfo.Resources, options.Resources, maplocation); } else { data.Load(configinfo.Resources, options.Resources); } // Apply new settings to map elements map.UpdateConfiguration(); // Re-link the background image grid.LinkBackground(); // Inform all plugins that the resources are reloaded General.Plugins.ReloadResources(); // Inform editing mode that the resources are reloaded if(General.Editing.Mode != null) { General.Editing.Mode.OnReloadResources(); //mxd. Also Check appropriate button on interface General.MainWindow.CheckEditModeButton(General.Editing.Mode.EditModeButtonName); } //mxd. Update script names LoadACS(); //mxd. Script Editor may need updating... if(scriptwindow != null) scriptwindow.OnReloadResources(); // Reset status General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(oldstatus); Cursor.Current = oldcursor; } // Game Configuration action [BeginAction("mapoptions")] internal void ShowMapOptions() { // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.Editing.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Show map options dialog MapOptionsForm optionsform = new MapOptionsForm(options, false); if(optionsform.ShowDialog(General.MainWindow) == DialogResult.OK) { // Update interface //General.MainWindow.UpdateInterface(); // Stop data manager data.Dispose(); //mxd. Clear errors General.ErrorLogger.Clear(); // Apply new options this.options = optionsform.Options; // Load new game configuration General.WriteLogLine("Loading game configuration \"" + options.ConfigFile + "\"..."); configinfo = General.GetConfigurationInfo(options.ConfigFile); Type oldiotype = io.GetType(); //mxd //mxd. Step 1 of hackish way to translate SP/MP thing flags to Hexen / UDMF formats... //TODO: add proper Doom -> Hexen thing flags translation to the configs? if(oldiotype == typeof(DoomMapSetIO) && configinfo.FormatInterface != "doommapsetio") { // Translate to UDMF using Doom things flags translation table foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.TranslateToUDMF(); } config = new GameConfiguration(configinfo.Configuration); //mxd configinfo.ApplyDefaults(config); General.Editing.UpdateCurrentEditModes(); // Setup new map format IO General.WriteLogLine("Initializing map format interface " + config.FormatInterface + "..."); io = MapSetIO.Create(config.FormatInterface, tempwadreader.WadFile, this); //mxd. Some lumps may've become unneeded during map format conversion. if(oldiotype != io.GetType()) RemoveUnneededLumps(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER, false); // Create required lumps if they don't exist yet CreateRequiredLumps(tempwadreader.WadFile, TEMP_MAP_HEADER); // Let the plugins know General.Plugins.MapReconfigure(); //mxd. Update linedef color presets and flags if required if(oldiotype == typeof(UniversalMapSetIO) && !(io is UniversalMapSetIO)) { foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) l.TranslateFromUDMF(); foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.TranslateFromUDMF(); } else if(oldiotype == typeof(DoomMapSetIO)) { if(io is UniversalMapSetIO) { //Thing flags were already translated in Setp 1... //TODO: linedef actions will require the same handling... foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) l.TranslateToUDMF(oldiotype); } else if(io is HexenMapSetIO) { // Step 2 of hackish way to translate SP/MP thing flags to Hexen map format... foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.TranslateFromUDMF(); } } else if(oldiotype != typeof(UniversalMapSetIO) && io is UniversalMapSetIO) { foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) l.TranslateToUDMF(oldiotype); foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.TranslateToUDMF(); } // Drop all arguments if(oldiotype != typeof(DoomMapSetIO) && io is DoomMapSetIO) { foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) for(int i = 0; i < l.Args.Length; i++) l.Args[i] = 0; foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) for(int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++) t.Args[i] = 0; } map.UpdateCustomLinedefColors(); // Reload resources ReloadResources(false); // Update interface General.MainWindow.SetupInterface(); General.MainWindow.UpdateThingsFilters(); General.MainWindow.UpdateLinedefColorPresets(); //mxd General.MainWindow.UpdateInterface(); // Done General.MainWindow.DisplayReady(); General.MainWindow.RedrawDisplay(); //mxd } // Done optionsform.Dispose(); } // This shows the things filters setup [BeginAction("thingsfilterssetup")] internal void ShowThingsFiltersSetup() { new ThingsFiltersForm().ShowDialog(General.MainWindow); } //mxd. This shows the linedef color presets window [BeginAction("linedefcolorssetup")] internal void ShowLinedefColorsSetup() { // Show things filter dialog new LinedefColorPresetsForm().ShowDialog(General.MainWindow); } // This returns true is the given type matches public bool IsType(Type t) { return io.GetType() == t; } //mxd [BeginAction("snapvertstogrid")] private void SnapSelectedMapElementsToGrid() { // Get selected elements ICollection<Vertex> verts = map.GetSelectedVertices(true); ICollection<Linedef> lines = map.GetSelectedLinedefs(true); // Sector lines are auto-selected when a sector is selected ICollection<Thing> things = map.GetSelectedThings(true); // Get vertices from selection Dictionary<int, Vertex> vertstosnap = new Dictionary<int, Vertex>(verts.Count); foreach(Vertex v in verts) vertstosnap.Add(v.Index, v); foreach(Linedef l in lines) { if(!vertstosnap.ContainsKey(l.Start.Index)) vertstosnap.Add(l.Start.Index, l.Start); if(!vertstosnap.ContainsKey(l.End.Index)) vertstosnap.Add(l.End.Index, l.End); } // Anything to snap? if(vertstosnap.Count == 0 && things.Count == 0) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Select any map element first!"); return; } // Make undo undoredo.CreateUndo("Snap map elements to grid"); // Do the snapping Cursor.Current = Cursors.AppStarting; // Snap vertices? int snappedverts = (vertstosnap.Count > 0 ? SnapVertices(vertstosnap.Values) : 0); // Snap things?.. int snappedthings = (things.Count > 0 ? SnapThings(things) : 0); // Assemble status message List<string> message = new List<string>(); if(snappedverts > 0) message.Add(snappedverts + " vertices"); if(snappedthings > 0) message.Add(snappedthings + " things"); // Map changed? if(message.Count > 0) { // Display status General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "Snapped " + string.Join(" and ", message.ToArray())); // Warn the user /*if(snappedverts > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Snapped " + snappedverts + " vertices to grid." + Environment.NewLine + "It's a good idea to run Map Analysis Mode now."); }*/ // Invoke clear selection to update sector highlight overlay General.Actions.InvokeAction("builder_clearselection"); // Update cached values General.Map.Map.Update(); // Map is changed General.Map.IsChanged = true; } else { // Display status General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "Selected map elements were already on the grid."); // Withdraw undo undoredo.WithdrawUndo(); } // Done General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } //mxd private int SnapVertices(IEnumerable<Vertex> verts) { int snappedCount = 0; List<Vertex> movedVerts = new List<Vertex>(); List<Linedef> movedLines = new List<Linedef>(); //snap them all! foreach(Vertex v in verts) { Vector2D pos = v.Position; v.SnapToGrid(); if(v.Position.x != pos.x || v.Position.y != pos.y) { snappedCount++; movedVerts.Add(v); foreach(Linedef l in v.Linedefs) { if(!movedLines.Contains(l)) movedLines.Add(l); } } } //Create blockmap RectangleF area = MapSet.CreateArea(General.Map.Map.Vertices); BlockMap<BlockEntry> blockmap = new BlockMap<BlockEntry>(area); blockmap.AddVerticesSet(General.Map.Map.Vertices); //merge overlapping vertices using teh power of BLOCKMAP!!!11 foreach(Vertex v in movedVerts) { BlockEntry block = blockmap.GetBlockAt(v.Position); if(block == null) continue; foreach(Vertex blockVert in block.Vertices) { if(blockVert.IsDisposed || blockVert.Index == v.Index || blockVert.Position != v.Position) continue; foreach(Linedef l in blockVert.Linedefs) { if(!movedLines.Contains(l)) movedLines.Add(l); } v.Join(blockVert); break; } } // Update cached values of lines because we may need their length/angle General.Map.Map.Update(true, false); General.Map.Map.BeginAddRemove(); MapSet.RemoveLoopedLinedefs(movedLines); MapSet.JoinOverlappingLines(movedLines); General.Map.Map.EndAddRemove(); //get changed sectors List<Sector> changedSectors = new List<Sector>(); foreach(Linedef l in movedLines) { if(l == null || l.IsDisposed) continue; if(l.Front != null && l.Front.Sector != null && !changedSectors.Contains(l.Front.Sector)) changedSectors.Add(l.Front.Sector); if(l.Back != null && l.Back.Sector != null && !changedSectors.Contains(l.Back.Sector)) changedSectors.Add(l.Back.Sector); } // Now update area of sectors General.Map.Map.Update(false, true); //fix invalid sectors foreach(Sector s in changedSectors) { if(s.BBox.IsEmpty) { s.Dispose(); } else if(s.Sidedefs.Count < 3) { bool merged = false; foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs) { if(side.Other != null && side.Other.Sector != null) { s.Join(side.Other.Sector); merged = true; break; } } //oh well, I don't know what else I can do here... if(!merged) s.Dispose(); } } return snappedCount; } //mxd private static int SnapThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things) { int snappedCount = 0; //snap them all! foreach(Thing t in things) { Vector2D pos = t.Position; t.SnapToGrid(); if(t.Position.x != pos.x || t.Position.y != pos.y) snappedCount++; } return snappedCount; } #endregion } }