/*************************************************************\ Doom Builder Game Configuration for Eternity \*************************************************************/ // This is required to prevent accedential use of a different configuration type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration"; // This is the title to show for this game game = "Eternity (Doom in UDMF format)"; // This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name engine = "eternity"; // The format interface handles the map data format formatinterface = "UniversalMapSetIO"; // Default lump name for new map defaultlumpname = "MAP01"; // Default testing parameters testparameters = "-iwad \"%WP\" -skill \"%S\" -file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L1 %L2 %NM"; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zennode_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zennode_fast"; // Skill levels skills { include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "skills"); } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = true; // Special linedefs soundlinedefflag = "blocksound"; singlesidedflag = "blocking"; doublesidedflag = "twosided"; impassableflag = "blocking"; upperunpeggedflag = "dontpegtop"; lowerunpeggedflag = "dontpegbottom"; // Door making makedoortrack = "DOORTRAK"; makedooraction = 202; // See linedeftypes makedoorarg0 = 0; makedoorarg1 = 16; makedoorarg2 = 0; makedoorarg3 = 3; makedoorarg4 = 0; // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = true; generalizedsectors = true; // Texture loading options mixtexturesflats = false; defaulttexturescale = 1.0f; defaultflatscale = 1.0f; // Some common settings include("Includes\\Common.cfg"); // Default flags for first new thing defaultthingflags { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "defaultthingflags"); } // Texture sources textures { include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "textures"); } // Patch sources patches { include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "patches"); } // Sprite sources sprites { include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "sprites"); } // Flat sources flats { include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "flats"); } // Colormap sources colormaps { include("Includes\\Boom_misc.cfg", "colormaps"); } /* GAME DETECT PATTERN Used to guess the game for which a WAD file is made. 1 = One of these lumps must exist 2 = None of these lumps must exist 3 = All of these lumps must exist */ gamedetect { TEXTMAP = 3; ENDMAP = 3; } maplumpnames { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_begin"); include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_end"); } /* ADDITIONAL UNIVERSAL DOOM MAP FORMAT FIELD DEFINITIONS Only add fields here that Doom Builder does not edit with its own user-interface! The "default" field must match the UDMF specifications! Field data types: 0 = integer * 1 = float 2 = string 3 = bool 4 = linedeftype (integer) * 5 = sectoreffect (integer) * 6 = texture (string) 7 = flat (string) 8 = angle in degrees (integer) 9 = angle in radians (float) 10 = XXRRGGBB color (integer) 11 = enum option (integer) * 12 = enum bits (integer) * 13 = sector tag (integer) * 14 = thing tag (integer) * 15 = linedef tag (integer) * 16 = enum option (string) */ universalfields { } // Default sector brightness levels sectorbrightness { include("Includes\\Eternity_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness"); } // Generalized sector types gen_sectortypes { include("Includes\\Boom_generalized.cfg", "gen_sectortypes"); } // SECTOR TYPES sectortypes { include("Includes\\Doom_sectors.cfg"); } // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "linedefflags"); include("Includes\\Eternity_misc.cfg", "linedefflags_udmf"); } // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS linedefactivations { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "linedefactivations"); } // Generalized sector types gen_linedeftypes { include("Includes\\Boom_generalized.cfg", "gen_linedeftypes"); } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { include("Includes\\Doom_linedefs.cfg"); include("Includes\\Boom_linedefs.cfg"); include("Includes\\Eternity_linedefs.cfg"); } // THING FLAGS thingflags { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "thingflags"); } // Things flags masks include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "thingflagsmasks"); // THING TYPES thingtypes { include("Includes\\Doom_things.cfg"); include("Includes\\Doom2_things.cfg"); include("Includes\\Boom_things.cfg"); include("Includes\\Eternity_things.cfg"); } // ENUMERATIONS // These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields. // Reserved names are: angledeg, anglerad, color, texture, flat enums { } // Default thing filters // (these are not required, just usefull for new users) thingsfilters { include("Includes\\UDMF_misc.cfg", "thingsfilters"); } // Default texture sets // (these are not required, but usefull for new users) texturesets { include("Includes\\Doom_texturesets.cfg"); }