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  <h1>GZDoom Builder features</h1>
<div id="contents"> Jump to: <a href="#general">General interface</a> | <a href="#allmodes">Classic and Visual modes</a> | <a href="#classic">Classic modes</a> | <a href="#sectors">Sectors mode</a> | <a href="#linedefs">Linedefs mode</a> | <a href="#things">Things mode</a> | <a href="#vertices">Vertices mode</a> | <a href="#visual">GZDB Visual mode</a> | <a href="#fields">Custom Fields</a> | <a href="#mapanalysis">Map Analysis mode</a> | <a href="#findreplace">Find and Replace mode</a> | <a href="#misc">Misc.</a> | <a href="#formats">(G)ZDoom features support</a>
  <ul style="list-style-type:none;">
      <h3><a name="general" id="general"></a>General interface:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Help</strong> side panel, which shows most of actions, available in current mode.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Maps can now be loaded by dragging wad files on top of GZDB's main window.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Open Map Options,  Map Options and Game Configurations forms: resources can be added by dragging them on top of resources list.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Game Configurations form</strong>: game configurations can  be disabled. This setting is mostly   cosmetic. When a game configuration is disabled, it won't be shown in   &quot;game configuration&quot; dropdowns in New\Open Map Options and Map Options   windows. If a map's .dbs file specifies a disabled configuration, it   will be picked as a map configuration anyway.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Game Configurations form</strong>: game configurations can  be copied and pasted (a context menu is now available in the game configurations list).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Numeric textboxes: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN' to increment or decrement by given value, you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide by given value.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Toolbar button groups can be toggled using context menu. Hold &quot;Shift&quot; to toggle several button groups at once.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/toolbarmenu.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can save screenshots using <strong>Tools -&gt; Save Screenshot</strong> (default key is F12) and <strong>Tools -&gt; Save Screenshot (editing area)</strong> (default key is Ctrl-F12) menu commands.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can save shortcut reference to html file using <strong>Help -&gt; Export Shortcut Reference</strong> menu command.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Open Map in current WAD</strong>&quot;,   avaliable as <strong>File -&gt; Open Map in current WAD</strong> and via Ctrl-Shift-O shortcut.</li>
        <li><strong><span class="style1">[new]</span></strong> New action:  &quot;Export to Wavefront .obj&quot;,   avaliable as <strong>File -&gt;  Export -&gt; Selection to Wavefront .obj</strong>. It will export selected sectors (or the whole map, if no sectors are selected) to Wavefront .obj model.</li>
        <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Reload MODELDEF/VOXELDEF</strong>&quot; (<strong>Tools -&gt; Reload MODELDEF/VOXELDEF</strong>).</li>
        <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Reload GLDEFS</strong>&quot; (<strong>Tools -&gt; Reload GLDEFS</strong>).</li>
        <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Reload MAPINFO</strong>&quot; (<strong>Tools -&gt; Reload MAPINFO</strong>).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Info about current selection is  shown at the bottom of program's window.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/selection_info.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Texture size is now shown in texture previews. You can disable this   feature by unchecking &quot;<strong>Preferences -&gt; Interface -&gt; Show texture   and flat sizes in browsers</strong>&quot; checkbox.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/texturesize_preview.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><a href="general/multi_engines.html">Several game engines can be used per game configuration</a>.</li>
        <li>Size of vertex handles in 2D modes can be changed in <a href="../preferences.html">preferences</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Script editor</strong>: pressing &quot;F1&quot;  opens keyword help instead of program manual.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Side panel auto hiding can be now toggled much easier.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/pinsidepanel.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Things can be filtered in Thing Edit form.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Added &quot;<strong>Hints</strong>&quot; side panel, which shows the list of actions, available in current editing mode.</li>
        <li>Actions and Effects can  be filtered (useful when you remember   action/effect name, but don't remember it's number or category).
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/actions_filter.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li>Actions can be filtered in Preferences form.</li>
        <li>Added errors and warnings indicator to main window (bottom-right   corner). You can click on it to open <strong>Errors and warnings</strong> window.</li>
      <h3><a name="scripting" id="scripting"></a>Scripting:</h3>
        <li><a href="scripting/acs.html">Enhanced scripting workflow</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <a href="scripting/snippets.html">Code snippets.</a></li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Added support for multiple ACC compilers.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> BCC script compiler (<a href="https://github.com/wormt/bcc/">https://github.com/wormt/bcc/</a>) is  bundled with GZDB.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Script type can  be chosen when creating or opening a map, and can be changed in Map Options form.</li>
      <h3><a name="allmodes" id="allmodes"></a>Classic and Visual modes:</h3>
        <li><span class="style3">[changed]</span> &quot;<strong>Toggle Full Brightness&quot; </strong>action works in Classic modes.</li>
        <li><span class="style3">[changed]</span> &quot;<strong>Toggle Highlight&quot; </strong>action works in Classic modes.</li>
        <li><span class="style3">[changed]</span> &quot;<strong>Increase Brightness by 8</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Decrease Brightness by 8</strong>&quot; actions work in Sectors mode.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <a href="all_modes/tag_support.html">Enhanced Tag support</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="all_modes/event_lines.html">Event lines</a>.</li>
        <li>Map can be tested from camera position in Visual mode and from cursor position in Classic modes. <a href="all_modes/test_from_view.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Selection can be synchronized between Classic and Visual modes. <a href="all_modes/synch_selection.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li>Camera position can be  synchronized between Classic and Visual modes. <a href="all_modes/synch_camera.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li>You can use <a href="all_modes/colorpicker.html">Color Picker plugin </a> to edit dynamic light properties and sector's fog and tint colors in Classic and Visual modes.</li>
        <li>You can use <a href="all_modes/tagexplorer.html">Tag Explorer plugin</a> to view all tags and actions used in current map.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can pick, which properties are pasted by &quot;<strong>Paste Properties</strong>&quot; action using &quot;Paste Properties Options&quot; window.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"> <img src="all_modes/paste_properties_options.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can apply <a href="all_modes/jitter.html">randomized transformations</a> to any map element.</li>
        <li>Image browser shows directory structure of Folder, PK3 and PK7 resources and can filter images by texture type and size. <a href="all_modes/texture_browser.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Most controls of Edit Sector/Linedef/Thing forms now work in realtime (e.g. you can immediately see texture offset/scale/rotation changes while you are changing appropriate values). Action and Tag changes are still applied only after you press &quot;OK&quot; button.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span><strong> [UDMF] </strong>All UDMF properties (except &quot;comment&quot;) can be edited using  Edit Sector/Linedef/Thing/Vertex forms user interface.</li>
        <li>Thing Edit Form  has &quot;Random angle&quot; checkbox.</li>
        <li><strong>[UDMF] </strong>Sector,  Linedef and Vertex info panels show additional info if a map is in UDMF format.</li>
      <h3><a name="classic" id="classic"></a>Classic modes:</h3>
        <li>All drawing modes are avaliable in the <strong>Mode</strong> menu
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"> <img src="general/menu_drawmodes.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span><a href="classic_modes/selection.html"> </a>Thing sprites are rendered in classic modes.</li>
        <li>You can assign custom color to any combination of linedef flags, actions and/or activation. <a href="classic_modes/linedef_color_presets.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span><a href="classic_modes/selection.html"> Enhanced rectangular selection</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Go To Coordinates</strong>&quot;, available in <strong>View</strong> menu and by clicking on cursor coordinates in the lower-right corner of UI.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can use <strong>Paint selection </strong>action to select map elements easier.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawrect.html">Draw Rectangle mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawellipse.html">Draw Ellipse mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawcurve.html"><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Draw Curve mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawgrid.html"><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Draw Grid mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawcurve.html"><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> </a><a href="../classic_modes/mode_importterrain.html">Terrain Importer mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_drawbridge.html">Bridge mode</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="classic_modes/mode_snapelements.html">Snap map elements mode</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style5"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Selected things are now dragged while dragging vertices, linedefs and sectors.</li>
        <li><span class="style5"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can hold the <strong>Alt</strong> key while dragging map elements to snap them to grid increments relative to their initial position.</li>
        <li><span class="style5">[new]</span> You can place things on top of selected vertices in Vertices and Linedefs modes and inside of selected sectors in Sectors mode using &quot;<strong>Place Things</strong>&quot; action.</li>
        <li><span class="style5">[new]</span> You can view all loaded thing types and some additional info using Thing Statistics form (<strong>Edit -&gt; View Thing Types...</strong>).
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"> <img src="classic_modes/thing_statistics.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style5">[new]</span> You can override default sector properties, which are used  to create new geometry, using &quot;<strong><a href="classic_modes/drawsettingspanel.html">Draw Settings</a></strong>&quot; panel (by default, when the new sector overlaps or touches existing sector, the editor uses textures, brighntess and floor/ceiling heights from that sector when drawing the new one).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can disable Doom Builder's auto-clear textures behaviour by using this button in the toolbar: <img src="general/autoclear_textures.jpg"/></li>
        <li><span class="style5">[new]</span> You can change default sector brightness and floor/ceiling height (<strong>Preferences -&gt; Editing -&gt; Default sector settings</strong>). These settings are used when the new sector doesn't touch or overlap already existing sectors.</li>
        <li><span class="style5">[new]</span> 3D floor indication (color can be changed in <strong>Preferences -&gt; Appearance -&gt; 3D Floors</strong>, the setting can be disabled in <a href="../preferences.html#markextrafloors">Preferences</a>).
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"> <img src="classic_modes/3dfloor_marks.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li>Line angle and front side direction are displayed when a line is drawn in Draw Geometry mode.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> Floor/ceiling texture offsets can be pinned using this button in the toolbar: <img src="general/pin_textures.jpg"/>. When pinned, textures will be aligned to a sector while it is dragged.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Tag Range plugin</strong>: custom increment can now be set.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>Tag Range plugin:</strong> tags can be set in relative mode (when this mode is enabled, generated values are added to existing tags instead of replacing them).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can clear selection groups (default shortcuts are Ctrl-Shift-1 ... 0).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can add selection to groups, select and clear groups using <strong>Edit</strong> menu.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="general/menu_selectiongroups.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li>Center of map is  shown in Classic modes using Highlight color.</li>
      <h3><a name="sectors" id="sectors"></a>Sectors mode:</h3>
      	<li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> Sector Edit Form now has "<strong>Slopes</strong>" tab.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Things inside of selected Sectors can be moved when dragging Sectors. This toolbar button toggles this mode: <img src="sectors_mode/drag_things.jpg"/>. When enabled, all things inside of selected sectors will be dragged when dragging sectors. Otherwise, selected things will be dragged.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Sector Tag and Effect can now be shown on top of sectors. You can use &quot;<strong>View Tags and Effects</strong>&quot; button to toggle this overlay.
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="sectors_mode/toggle_effect_overlay.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> Create Brightness Gradient option can work in 5 modes:
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="sectors_mode/gradientmodes.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Sector Info panel  shows the number of sector's sidedefs as well as light and fade colors (UDMF only):
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="sectors_mode/sector_info.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> &quot;<strong>Flip Linedefs</strong>&quot; action is now available from Sectors mode. It will try to align linedefs, so their front (or back) point towards the same sector.</li>
      <h3><a name="linedefs" id="linedefs"></a>Linedefs mode:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> New actions: &quot;<strong>Align Ceiling Texture to Back Side</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Align Ceiling Texture to Front Side</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Align Floor Texture to Back Side</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Align Floor Texture to Front Side</strong>&quot; (available in <strong>Linedefs -&gt; Align Textures</strong> menu).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> &quot;<strong>Make brightness gradient</strong>&quot; command is available in Linedefs mode.</li>
        <li><strong>[UDMF]</strong> Linedef info panel: relative UDMF light values are  shown like this: <span class="style7">16</span> (<span class="style9">128</span>), which means &quot;<span class="style7">UDMF light value</span>&quot; (&quot;<span class="style9">total surface brightness</span>&quot;). Total surface brightness is UDMF light value + sector brightness.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Split Linedefs preview (a rectangle, colored using Info line color) is shown in this mode.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> &quot;<strong>Flip Linedefs</strong>&quot; action will try to align linedefs, so their front (or back) point towards the same sector.</li>
      <h3><a name="things" id="things"></a>Things mode:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Several thing types can now be selected at once in Thing Edit form. If   you do so,  a type randomly chosen from selected ones will be assigned   to each selected thing. <a href="things_mode/multiple_thing_types.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can filter selected things by type using Filter Things form (<strong>Things -&gt; Filter Things...</strong>).
          <input class="spoilerbutton" type="button" onclick="ToggleSpoiler(this);" href="javascript:void(0);" value="Show image"/>
          <div style="display: none; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;"><img src="things_mode/filter_selection.jpg" alt="" /></div>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can clone selected/highlighted things by holding &quot;Shift&quot; before starting to drag them.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Point Thing to cursor</strong>&quot;. <a href="things_mode/pointthing.html">More info</a>.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Select Things in Selected Sectors</strong>&quot; (Default key is Shift+T).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Align Things To Linedef</strong>&quot;.</li>
        <li>Z-height of a thing can  be changed in absolute and relative mode in Thing Edit form.</li>
        <li>Thing's X and Y position can be edited in Edit Thing form.</li>
      <h3><a name="vertices" id="vertices"></a>Vertices mode:</h3>
        <li><strong>[UDMF]</strong> Vertical offsets of a vertex can  be edited in Vertex Edit form and are shown in Vertex Info panel.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Split Linedefs preview (a rectangle, colored using Info line color) is shown in this mode.</li>
      <h3><a name="visual" id="visual"></a>GZDB Visual mode:</h3>
        <li style="list-style-type:none;">GZDB Visual mode is the result of merging Doom Builder's Visual mode and GZDoom Visual mode.<span class="style1"><br />
          <strong>Warning:</strong> GZDoomEditing.dll and UDMFControls.dll plugins are no longer supported by GZDoom Builder and should be removed from &quot;Plugins&quot; folder.</span><br />
          <br />
          <strong>New rendering features avaliable in this mode:</strong></li>
          <li>Dynamic lights (all types) are rendered in Visual mode. You can use <a href="general/rendering_toolbar.html">Rendering panel</a> to toggle dynamic lights rendering and animation. </li>
          <li>Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are rendered in Visual mode (only one GLDEFS light per actor is currently supported).</li>
          <li>Fog rendering in Visual mode (including colored fog in maps in UDMF format).</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Render selected/all models</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle dynamic lights animation</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle dynamic lights rendering</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle fog rendering</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle models rendering</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li>New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle GZDoom effects</strong>&quot;.</li>
          <li><a href="all_modes/event_lines.html">Event  lines</a> for PatrolPoints, cameras and InterpolationPoints.</li>
          <li>Translucent 3D floors are rendered correctly.</li>
          <li>Things with zero Height and Radius are  rendered.</li>
          <li>Plane Copy effect (118) is supported.</li>
          <li>Several new 3d floor flags are supported:
              <li>&quot;16: Use a sidedef's upper texture to draw the sides&quot;.</li>
              <li>&quot;32: Use a sidedef's lower texture to draw the sides&quot;.</li>
              <li>&quot;64: Render the 3D floor using additive translucency&quot;.</li>
              <li>&quot;Ignore bottom height&quot;.</li>
          <li>When the thing category has sprite, and the thing doesn't, category sprite is used.</li>
          <li> Doom-style shading on walls (walls going from west to east are slightly darker than walls going from north to south). This effect is affected by &quot;<strong>vertwallshade</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>horizwallshade</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>evenlighting</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>smoothlighting</strong>&quot; MAPINFO properties.</li>
        <li style="list-style-type:none;"><strong><br />
          New editing features avaliable in this mode:</strong>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can <strong>Shift-Select</strong> (usually Select action = LMB) to select all adjacent   surfaces with same texture, <strong>Ctrl-Select</strong> to select all adjacent surfaces   with same height. <strong>Ctrl-Shift-Select</strong> will also work as expected.</li>
            <li><strong>[UDMF]</strong> Vertex height offsets (&quot;zfloor&quot; and &quot;zceiling&quot;) <a href="visual_mode/visual_verts.html">can be edited</a>.</li>
            <li><strong>[UDMF]</strong> Using &quot;<strong>Increase/Decrease brightness</strong>&quot; actions (bound to Ctrl+Mouse Wheel by default) on walls and ceilings will change sidedef/ceiling brightness, using them on floors will change sector brightness, using them on 3d floors will change brightness of 3d floor.</li>
            <li>You can use &quot;<strong>Toggle geometry effects</strong>&quot; action (default key is Tab) to toggle   GZDoom's geometry effects, such as slopes, 3D-floors, transfer brightness effects etc.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can hold <strong>Shift</strong> while dragging a texture to lock movement to horizontal axis, and <strong>Ctrl</strong> to lock it to vertical axis.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> You can hold <strong>Ctrl-Shift</strong> while dragging a texture to snap texture offsets to current grid size.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Align Textures X and Y</strong>&quot;  (default key is Ctrl-A).</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> &quot;Auto-align Textures Y&quot; action  takes surface peg type into account.   It  also applies vertical scale of first (highlighted) surface to the   rest of aligned surfaces (<strong>UDMF</strong> only).</li>
            <li><strong>[UDMF]</strong> Auto-align textures actions now affect sides of 3D floors.</li>
            <li><strong>[UDMF] </strong><a href="visual_mode/autoalignfloors.html">&quot;Auto-align textures&quot; actions now work on floors and ceilings</a>.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> New action: &quot;<strong>Match Brightness</strong>&quot;: this action makes the brightness of selected surfaces the same as the brightness of highlighted surface.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New actions: &quot;<strong>Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Raise Floor/Ceiling to   adjacent sector</strong>&quot;  (default keys are PageDown and PageUp). By   default, they will find next lower/higher surface in sectors, adjacent   to selected ones, and lower/raise selected sectors to this height. If you   hold Ctrl, they will lower/raise sectors to lowest/highest sector   inside selection. And they will also drop selected things to ground or   align them to ceiling.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> New actions: &quot;<strong>Scale Texture Up (X)</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Scale Texture Down (X)</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Scale Texture Up   (Y)</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Scale Texture Down (Y)</strong>&quot; actions. Default keys are Num6, Num4,   Num8, Num5.<br />
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> New actions: &quot;<strong><a href="visual_mode/texturefit.html">Fit Texture</a></strong>&quot; (default key is Ctrl-Alt-A), &quot;<strong><a href="visual_mode/texturefit.html">Fit Texture's Width</a></strong>&quot;  (Alt-A) and &quot;<strong><a href="visual_mode/texturefit.html">Fit Texture's Height</a></strong>&quot; (Alt-Shift-A).</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Toggle slope</strong>&quot; (default key is Alt-S). Select or highlight upper/lower walls then call this action to add   slopes. Select or highlight floors or ceilings then call this action to   remove slopes.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New action: &quot;<strong>Look Through Selection</strong>&quot;  (default key is &quot;Y&quot;). This action places   visual camera at the same position as selected/highlighted thing and   rotates it to match thing's angle. Special handling is available if   targeted thing is AimingCamera, MovingCamera, SecurityCamera or   InterpolationPoint.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> New actions: &quot;<strong><a href="visual_mode/autoalign_to_selection.html">Auto-align Textures to Selection</a> (X)</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Auto-align Textures to Selection (Y)</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Auto-align Textures to Selection (X and Y)</strong>&quot;.</li>
            <li>New actions: &quot;<strong>Rotate Clockwise</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Rotate Counterclockwise</strong>&quot;, which can be used to rotate things and <span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span><strong>[UDMF]</strong> floor/ceiling textures.</li>
            <li>Things can be moved horizontally using &quot;<strong>Move Thing Forward/Backward/Left/Right</strong>&quot; actions.</li>
            <li>Things can be moved to cursor position using &quot;<strong>Move Thing To Cursor Location</strong>&quot; (default key is Ctrl + Middle mouse) action.</li>
            <li>Things can be inserted at cursor position using &quot;<strong>Insert Item</strong>&quot; action (default key is Insert).</li>
            <li>Selected things can be deleted using &quot;<strong>Delete Item</strong>&quot; action (default key is Delete).</li>
            <li>Selected things can be cut/copied/pasted at cursor position.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> Floor/ceiling texture rotation is now taken into account when moving texture offsets with arrow keys.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new] </strong></span><strong>[UDMF] </strong>New action:  &quot;<strong>Reset Local Texture Offsets (UDMF)</strong>&quot;. It will reset upper/middle/lower texture offsets, texture scale and rotation.</li>
            <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <strong>[UDMF]</strong> &quot;<strong>Reset Texture Offsets</strong>&quot; action  works on floors and ceilings.</li>
      <h3><a name="fields" id="fields"></a>Custom Fields:</h3>
      <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <a href="custom_fields/newfieldtypes.html">Integer (Random)</a> custom field type.</li>
      <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> <a href="custom_fields/newfieldtypes.html">Decimal (Random)</a> custom field type.</li>
      <h3><a name="mapanalysis" id="mapanalysis"></a>Map Analysis mode:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Analysis results can be hidden per result type and individually via results list's context menu.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for unconnected vertices.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for overlapping lines. This will check if 2 lines have the same start and end positions.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for  overlapping vertices. This will   check if a vertex is on top of a linedef or another vertex.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for invalid sectors (sectors with less than 3 sidedefs or sectors without area).</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for unused textures.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Map Analysis mode can  check the map for missing flats.</li>
        <li>Map Analysis mode can  check the map for unknown things (things, which type is not defined in DECORATE or current game configuration).</li>
        <li>Map Analysis window now has &quot;<strong>Apply to all errors of this type</strong>&quot; checkbox.</li>
        <li>Analysis results can be saved to a text file or copied to clipboard.</li>
      <h3><a name="findreplace" id="findreplace"></a>Find and Replace mode:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Find and Replace mode now have &quot;<strong>Sector Brightness</strong>&quot;, &quot;<strong>Sector Floor Height</strong>&quot; and &quot;<strong>Sector Ceiling Height</strong>&quot; search modes.</li>
        <li>Find and Replace Mode can  find things and linedefs by their flags.</li>
        <li>Find and Replace Mode can  find Action with specific argunemts. Syntax is &quot;[Action]; [arg1]  [...]&quot;.</li>
      <h3><a name="misc" id="formats"></a>Misc. features:</h3>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Nodes Viewer plugin supports ZNODES in &quot;XNOD&quot;, &quot;XGLN&quot;, &quot;XGL2&quot; and &quot;XGL3&quot; formats.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> Selection groups are saved the map's .dbs file.</li>
      <h3><a name="formats" id="formats"></a>(G)ZDoom features support:</h3>
        <li><a href="../gldefs.html">MD2 and MD3 models</a> rendering in 2D and 3D modes.</li>
        <li><span class="style1"><strong>[new]</strong></span> VOXLEDEF support.</li>
        <li>More complete <a href="../textures.html">TEXTURES</a> support.</li>
        <li>Partial<a href="../mapinfo.html"> MAPINFO</a> support.</li>
        <li>ACS scripts with #include directives are compiled properly.</li>
        <li>PNG and PCX image formats are supported.</li>
        <li>PK7 archive format is supported.</li>