#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden

 * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
 * This program is released under GNU General Public License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types
	/// <summary>
	/// Type Handler base class. A Type Handler takes care of editing, validating and
	/// displaying values of different types for UDMF fields and hexen arguments.
	/// </summary>
	internal abstract class TypeHandler
		#region ================== Constants


		#region ================== Variables

		protected int index;
		protected string typename;
		protected bool customusable;
		protected ArgumentInfo arginfo;
		protected TypeHandlerAttribute attribute;

		#region ================== Properties

		public int Index { get { return index; } }
		public string TypeName { get { return typename; } }
		public bool IsCustomUsable { get { return customusable; } }
		public TypeHandlerAttribute Attribute { get { return attribute; } }

		public virtual bool IsBrowseable { get { return false; } }
		public virtual bool IsEnumerable { get { return false; } }
		public virtual bool IsLimitedToEnums { get { return false; } }


		#region ================== Constructor

		// Constructor
		public TypeHandler()

		// This sets up the handler for arguments
		public virtual void SetupArgument(TypeHandlerAttribute attr, ArgumentInfo arginfo)
			// Setup
			this.arginfo = arginfo;
			if(attr != null)
				// Set attributes
				this.attribute = attr;
				this.index = attr.Index;
				this.typename = attr.Name;
				this.customusable = attr.IsCustomUsable;
				// Indexless
				this.attribute = null;
				this.index = -1;
				this.typename = "Unknown";
				this.customusable = false;

		// This sets up the handler for arguments
		public virtual void SetupField(TypeHandlerAttribute attr, UniversalFieldInfo fieldinfo)
			// Setup
			this.arginfo = arginfo;
			if(attr != null)
				// Set attributes
				this.attribute = attr;
				this.index = attr.Index;
				this.typename = attr.Name;
				this.customusable = attr.IsCustomUsable;
				// Indexless
				this.attribute = null;
				this.index = -1;
				this.typename = "Unknown";
				this.customusable = false;

		#region ================== Methods

		// This must set the value
		// How the value is actually validated and stored is up to the implementation
		public abstract void SetValue(object value);

		// This must return the value as one of the primitive data types
		// supported by UDMF: int, string, float or bool
		public abstract object GetValue();
		// This must return the value as integer (for arguments)
		public virtual int GetIntValue()
			throw new NotSupportedException("Override this method to support it as integer for arguments");

		// This must return the value as a string for displaying
		public abstract string GetStringValue();

		// This is called when the user presses the browse button
		public virtual void Browse(IWin32Window parent)
		// This must returns an enum list when IsEnumerable is true
		public virtual EnumList GetEnumList()
			return null;
		// String representation
		public override string ToString()
			return this.GetStringValue();

		// This returns the type to display for fixed fields
		// Must be a custom usable type
		public virtual TypeHandlerAttribute GetDisplayType()
			return this.attribute;