#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
	[FindReplace("Sector Flags", BrowseButton = true)]
	internal class FindSectorFlags : BaseFindSector
		#region ================== Properties

		public override Image BrowseImage { get { return Properties.Resources.List; } }


		#region ================== Methods

		// This is called to test if the item should be displayed
		public override bool DetermineVisiblity() 
			return General.Map.Config.SectorFlags.Count > 0 
				|| General.Map.Config.CeilingPortalFlags.Count > 0 
				|| General.Map.Config.FloorPortalFlags.Count > 0;

		// This is called when the browse button is pressed
		public override string Browse(string initialvalue)
			return FlagsForm.ShowDialog(Form.ActiveForm, initialvalue, GetAllFlags());

		// This is called to perform a search (and replace)
		// Returns a list of items to show in the results list
		// replacewith is null when not replacing
		public override FindReplaceObject[] Find(string value, bool withinselection, bool replace, string replacewith, bool keepselection)
			List<FindReplaceObject> objs = new List<FindReplaceObject>();

			// Where to search?
			ICollection<Sector> list = withinselection ? General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true) : General.Map.Map.Sectors;

			// Combine all sector flags...
			Dictionary<string, string> allflags = GetAllFlags();

			// Find what? (mxd)
			Dictionary<string, bool> findflagslist = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
			foreach(string flag in value.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) 
				string f = flag.Trim();
				bool setflag = true;
					setflag = false;
					f = f.Substring(1, f.Length - 1);

				if(allflags.ContainsKey(f)) findflagslist.Add(f, setflag);
			if(findflagslist.Count == 0) 
				MessageBox.Show("Invalid value for this search type!", "Find and Replace", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
				return objs.ToArray();

			// Replace with what? (mxd)
			Dictionary<string, bool> replaceflagslist = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
				string[] replaceflags = replacewith.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				foreach(string flag in replaceflags) 
					string f = flag.Trim();
					bool setflag = true;
						setflag = false;
						f = f.Substring(1, f.Length - 1);

						MessageBox.Show("Invalid replace value \"" + f + "\" for this search type!", "Find and Replace", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
						return objs.ToArray();
					replaceflagslist.Add(f, setflag);

			// Go for all linedefs
			foreach(Sector s in list)
				bool match = true;

				// Parse the value string...
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> group in findflagslist)
					// ...and check if the flag doesn't match
					if(group.Value != s.IsFlagSet(group.Key))
						match = false;

				// Flags matches?
					// Replace flags (mxd)
						// Set new flags
						foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> group in replaceflagslist) s.SetFlag(group.Key, group.Value);
					// Add to list
					SectorEffectInfo info = General.Map.Config.GetSectorEffectInfo(s.Effect);
						objs.Add(new FindReplaceObject(s, "Sector " + s.Index + " (" + info.Title + ")"));
						objs.Add(new FindReplaceObject(s, "Sector " + s.Index));

			return objs.ToArray();

		private static Dictionary<string, string> GetAllFlags()
			// Combine all sector flags...
			Dictionary<string, string> allflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(General.Map.Config.SectorFlags);
			foreach(var group in General.Map.Config.CeilingPortalFlags)
				allflags[group.Key] = group.Value + " (ceil. portal)";

			foreach(var group in General.Map.Config.FloorPortalFlags)
				allflags[group.Key] = group.Value + " (floor portal)";

			return allflags;
