/*************************************************************\ Doom Builder Game Configuration for ZDoom (Hexen) \*************************************************************/ // This is required to prevent accedential use of a different configuration type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration"; // This is the title to show for this game game = "ZDoom (Hexen)"; // This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name engine = "zdoom"; // The format interface handles the map data format formatinterface = "HexenMapSetIO"; // Default lump name for new map defaultlumpname = "MAP01"; // Default testing parameters testparameters = "-iwad \"%WP\" -skill \"%S\" -file \"%AP\" \"%F\" +map %L %NM"; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zdbsp_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zdbsp_fast"; // Decorate actors to include depending on actor game property decorategames = "hexen raven"; // Skill levels skills { 1 = "Squire / Altar boy / Apprentice"; 2 = "Knight / Acolyte / Enchanter"; 3 = "Warrior / Priest / Sorceror"; 4 = "Berserker / Cardinal / Warlock"; 5 = "Titan / Pope / Archimage"; } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = false; // Special linedefs soundlinedefflag = 64; // See linedefflags singlesidedflag = 1; // See linedefflags doublesidedflag = 4; // See linedefflags impassableflag = 1; upperunpeggedflag = 8; lowerunpeggedflag = 16; // Door making makedoortrack = "DOORTRAK"; makedooraction = 11; // See linedeftypes makedoorarg0 = -1; // -1 can be used for a new sector tag here makedoorarg1 = 16; makedoorarg2 = 0; makedoorarg3 = 0; makedoorarg4 = 0; // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = false; generalizedsectors = false; // Texture loading options mixtexturesflats = true; defaulttexturescale = 1.0f; defaultflatscale = 1.0f; // Thing number for start position in 3D Mode start3dmode = 32000; // Default flags for first new thing defaultthingflags { 1; 2; 4; 32; 64; 128; 256; 512; } /* TEXTURES AND FLAT SOURCES This tells Doom Builder where to find the information for textures and flats in the IWAD file, Addition WAD file and Map WAD file. Start and end lumps must be given in a structure (of which the key name doesnt matter) and any textures or flats in between them are loaded in either the textures category or flats category. For textures: PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 are loaded by default. */ // Texture sources textures { zdoom1 { start = "TX_START"; end = "TX_END"; } } // Patch sources patches { standard1 { start = "P_START"; end = "P_END"; } standard2 { start = "PP_START"; end = "PP_END"; } } // Sprite sources sprites { standard1 { start = "S_START"; end = "S_END"; } standard2 { start = "SS_START"; end = "SS_END"; } } // Flat sources flats { standard1 { start = "F_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard2 { start = "FF_START"; end = "FF_END"; } standard3 { start = "FF_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard4 { start = "F_START"; end = "FF_END"; } } /* GAME DETECT PATTERN Used to guess the game for which a WAD file is made. 1 = One of these lumps must exist 2 = None of these lumps must exist 3 = All of these lumps must exist */ gamedetect { TEXTMAP = 2; ENDMAP = 2; EXTENDED = 2; BEHAVIOR = 3; E1M1 = 2; E1M2 = 2; E1M3 = 2; E1M4 = 2; E1M5 = 2; E1M6 = 2; E1M7 = 2; E1M8 = 2; E1M9 = 2; E2M1 = 2; E2M2 = 2; E2M3 = 2; E2M4 = 2; E2M5 = 2; E2M6 = 2; E2M7 = 2; E2M8 = 2; E2M9 = 2; E3M1 = 2; E3M2 = 2; E3M3 = 2; E3M4 = 2; E3M5 = 2; E3M6 = 2; E3M7 = 2; E3M8 = 2; E3M9 = 2; E4M1 = 2; E4M2 = 2; E4M3 = 2; E4M4 = 2; E4M5 = 2; E4M6 = 2; E4M7 = 2; E4M8 = 2; E4M9 = 2; MAP01 = 1; MAP02 = 1; MAP03 = 1; MAP04 = 1; MAP05 = 1; MAP06 = 1; MAP07 = 1; MAP08 = 1; MAP09 = 1; MAP10 = 1; MAP11 = 1; MAP12 = 1; MAP13 = 1; MAP14 = 1; MAP15 = 1; MAP16 = 1; MAP17 = 1; MAP18 = 1; MAP19 = 1; MAP20 = 1; MAP21 = 1; MAP22 = 1; MAP23 = 1; MAP24 = 1; MAP25 = 1; MAP26 = 1; MAP27 = 1; MAP28 = 1; MAP29 = 1; MAP30 = 1; MAP31 = 1; MAP32 = 1; MAP33 = 1; MAP34 = 1; MAP35 = 1; MAP36 = 1; MAP37 = 1; MAP38 = 1; MAP39 = 1; MAP40 = 1; MAP41 = 1; } /* MAP LUMP NAMES Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied. The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save. To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP Legenda: required = Lump is required to exist. blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (usefull for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use) nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump. allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty. script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use. */ maplumpnames { ~MAP { required = true; blindcopy = true; nodebuild = false; } THINGS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } LINEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SIDEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } VERTEXES { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SEGS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SSECTORS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } NODES { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SECTORS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } REJECT { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } BLOCKMAP { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } BEHAVIOR { required = true; nodebuild = false; blindcopy = true; } SCRIPTS { required = false; nodebuild = false; script = "ZDoom_ACS.cfg"; } } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { 255; 248; 240; 232; 224; 216; 208; 200; 192; 184; 176; 168; 160; 152; 144; 136; 128; 120; 112; 104; 96; 88; 80; 72; 64; 56; 48; 40; 32; 24; 16; 8; 0; } // SECTOR TYPES sectortypes { 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "Light Phased"; 2 = "Light Sequence Start"; 3 = "Light Sequence Special 1"; 4 = "Light Sequence Special 2"; 21 = "Light Phased"; 22 = "Light Sequence Start"; 23 = "Light Sequence Special 1"; 24 = "Light Sequence Special 2"; 26 = "Stairs Special 1"; 27 = "Stairs Special 2"; 65 = "Light Flicker"; 66 = "Light Strobe Fast"; 67 = "Light Strobe Slow"; 68 = "Light Strobe Hurt"; 69 = "Damage Hellslime"; 71 = "Damage Nukage"; 72 = "Light Glow"; 74 = "Sector Door Close (30 sec)"; 75 = "Damage End Level"; 76 = "Light StrobeSlowSync"; 77 = "Light StrobeFastSync"; 78 = "Sector Door Raise (5 min)"; 79 = "Low Friction"; 80 = "Damage Super Hellslime"; 81 = "Light Fire Flicker"; 82 = "Damage -2 or -5% health (no protection)"; 83 = "Damage -4 or -8% health (no protection)"; 84 = "Scroll east + -2 or -5% health (no protection)"; 87 = "Sector uses outside fog"; 105 = "Delayed damage weak"; 115 = "Instant death"; 116 = "Delayed damage strong"; 118 = "Carry player by tag"; 196 = "Healing Sector"; 197 = "Lightning Outdoor"; 198 = "Lightning Indoor 2"; 199 = "Lightning Indoor 1"; 200 = "Sky 2 (MAPINFO)"; 201 = "Scroll North (slow)"; 202 = "Scroll North (medium)"; 203 = "Scroll North (fast)"; 204 = "Scroll East (slow)"; 205 = "Scroll East (medium)"; 206 = "Scroll East (fast)"; 207 = "Scroll South (slow)"; 208 = "Scroll South (medium)"; 209 = "Scroll South (fast)"; 210 = "Scroll West (slow)"; 211 = "Scroll West (medium)"; 212 = "Scroll West (fast)"; 213 = "Scroll NorthWest (slow)"; 214 = "Scroll NorthWest (medium)"; 215 = "Scroll NorthWest (fast)"; 216 = "Scroll NorthEast (slow)"; 217 = "Scroll NorthEast (medium)"; 218 = "Scroll NorthEast (fast)"; 219 = "Scroll SouthEast (slow)"; 220 = "Scroll SouthEast (medium)"; 221 = "Scroll SouthEast (fast)"; 222 = "Scroll SouthWest (slow)"; 223 = "Scroll SouthWest (medium)"; 224 = "Scroll SouthWest (fast)"; 40 = "Wind East weak"; 41 = "Wind East medium"; 42 = "Wind East strong"; 43 = "Wind North weak"; 44 = "Wind North medium"; 45 = "Wind North strong"; 46 = "Wind South weak"; 47 = "Wind South medium"; 48 = "Wind South strong"; 49 = "Wind West weak"; 50 = "Wind West medium"; 51 = "Wind West strong"; 225 = "Carry East Slow"; 226 = "Carry East Med.Slow"; 227 = "Carry East Medium"; 228 = "Carry East Med.Fast"; 229 = "Carry East Fast"; 230 = "Carry North Slow"; 231 = "Carry North Med.Slow"; 232 = "Carry North Medium"; 233 = "Carry North Med.Fast"; 234 = "Carry North Fast"; 235 = "Carry South Slow"; 236 = "Carry South Med.Slow"; 237 = "Carry South Medium"; 238 = "Carry South Med.Fast"; 239 = "Carry South Fast"; 240 = "Carry West Slow"; 241 = "Carry West Med.Slow"; 242 = "Carry West Medium"; 243 = "Carry West Med.Fast"; 244 = "Carry West Fast"; } // GENERALIZED SECTOR TYPES gen_sectortypes { effect { 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "Light Phased"; 2 = "Light Sequence Start"; 3 = "Light Sequence Special 1"; 4 = "Light Sequence Special 2"; 21 = "Light Phased"; 22 = "Light Sequence Start"; 23 = "Light Sequence Special 1"; 24 = "Light Sequence Special 2"; 26 = "Stairs Special 1"; 27 = "Stairs Special 2"; 65 = "Light Flicker"; 66 = "Light Strobe Fast"; 67 = "Light Strobe Slow"; 68 = "Light Strobe Hurt"; 69 = "Damage Hellslime"; 71 = "Damage Nukage"; 72 = "Light Glow"; 74 = "Sector Door Close (30 sec)"; 75 = "Damage End Level"; 76 = "Light StrobeSlowSync"; 77 = "Light StrobeFastSync"; 78 = "Sector Door Raise (5 min)"; 79 = "Low Friction"; 80 = "Damage Super Hellslime"; 81 = "Light Fire Flicker"; 82 = "Damage -2 or -5% health (no protection)"; 83 = "Damage -4 or -8% health (no protection)"; 84 = "Scroll east + -2 or -5% health (no protection)"; 87 = "Sector uses outside fog"; 105 = "Delayed damage weak"; 115 = "Instant death (doesn't work in 2.0.93 yet!)"; 116 = "Delayed damage strong"; 118 = "Carry player by tag"; 196 = "Healing Sector"; 197 = "Lightning Outdoor"; 198 = "Lightning Indoor 2"; 199 = "Lightning Indoor 1"; 200 = "Sky 2 (MAPINFO)"; 201 = "Scroll North (slow)"; 202 = "Scroll North (medium)"; 203 = "Scroll North (fast)"; 204 = "Scroll East (slow)"; 205 = "Scroll East (medium)"; 206 = "Scroll East (fast)"; 207 = "Scroll South (slow)"; 208 = "Scroll South (medium)"; 209 = "Scroll South (fast)"; 210 = "Scroll West (slow)"; 211 = "Scroll West (medium)"; 212 = "Scroll West (fast)"; 213 = "Scroll NorthWest (slow)"; 214 = "Scroll NorthWest (medium)"; 215 = "Scroll NorthWest (fast)"; 216 = "Scroll NorthEast (slow)"; 217 = "Scroll NorthEast (medium)"; 218 = "Scroll NorthEast (fast)"; 219 = "Scroll SouthEast (slow)"; 220 = "Scroll SouthEast (medium)"; 221 = "Scroll SouthEast (fast)"; 222 = "Scroll SouthWest (slow)"; 223 = "Scroll SouthWest (medium)"; 224 = "Scroll SouthWest (fast)"; 40 = "Wind East weak"; 41 = "Wind East medium"; 42 = "Wind East strong"; 43 = "Wind North weak"; 44 = "Wind North medium"; 45 = "Wind North strong"; 46 = "Wind South weak"; 47 = "Wind South medium"; 48 = "Wind South strong"; 49 = "Wind West weak"; 50 = "Wind West medium"; 51 = "Wind West strong"; 225 = "Carry East Slow"; 226 = "Carry East Med.Slow"; 227 = "Carry East Medium"; 228 = "Carry East Med.Fast"; 229 = "Carry East Fast"; 230 = "Carry North Slow"; 231 = "Carry North Med.Slow"; 232 = "Carry North Medium"; 233 = "Carry North Med.Fast"; 234 = "Carry North Fast"; 235 = "Carry South Slow"; 236 = "Carry South Med.Slow"; 237 = "Carry South Medium"; 238 = "Carry South Med.Fast"; 239 = "Carry South Fast"; 240 = "Carry West Slow"; 241 = "Carry West Med.Slow"; 242 = "Carry West Medium"; 243 = "Carry West Med.Fast"; 244 = "Carry West Fast"; } damage { 0 = "None"; 256 = "Damage 5 per second"; 512 = "Damage 10 per second"; 768 = "Damage 20 per second"; } secret { 0 = "No"; 1024 = "Yes"; } friction { 0 = "Disabled"; 2048 = "Enabled"; } pusher { 0 = "Disabled"; 4096 = "Enabled"; } } // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { 1 = "Impassable"; 2 = "Block Monster"; 4 = "Double Sided"; 8 = "Upper Unpegged"; 16 = "Lower Unpegged"; 32 = "Secret"; 64 = "Block Sound"; 128 = "Hidden"; 256 = "Shown"; 512 = "Repeatable Action"; 8192 = "Monster Activates"; 32768 = "Block Everything"; } // Activations filter for Hexen type activations // This filters the activation bits from the flags linedefactivationsfilter = 7168; // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS // Make sure these are in order from lowest value to highest value linedefactivations { 0 = "Player walks over"; 1024 = "Player presses Use"; 2048 = "Monster walks over"; 3072 = "Projectile hits"; 4096 = "Player bumps"; 5120 = "Projectile flies over"; 6144 = "Player presses Use (PassThru)"; } // Linedef flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted linedefflagstranslation { 1 = "blocking"; 2 = "blockmonsters"; 4 = "twosided"; 8 = "dontpegtop"; 16 = "dontpegbottom"; 32 = "secret"; 64 = "blocksound"; 128 = "dontdraw"; 256 = "mapped"; 512 = "repeatspecial"; 1024 = "playeruse"; 2048 = "monstercross"; 3072 = "impact"; 4096 = "playerpush"; 5120 = "missilecross"; 6144 = "passuse"; 8192 = "monsteractivate"; 32768 = "blockeverything"; } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { misc { 0 { title = "None"; } } polyobj { title = "Polyobj"; 1 { title = "Polyobj Start Line"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Mirror Polyobj Number"; } arg2 { title = "Sound Number"; } } 2 { title = "Polyobj Rotate Left"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Angle"; } } 3 { title = "Polyobj Rotate Right"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Angle"; } } 4 { title = "Polyobj Move"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Length"; } } 5 { title = "Polyobj Explicit Line"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Rendering order"; } arg2 { title = "Mirror Polyobj Number"; } arg3 { title = "Sound Number"; } } 6 { title = "Polyobj Move (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Length (8px)"; } } 7 { title = "Polyobj Door Swing"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Delay"; } } 8 { title = "Polyobj Door Slide"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Length"; } arg4 { title = "Delay"; } } 90 { title = "Polyobj Rotate Left (override)"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Angle"; } } 91 { title = "Polyobj Rotate Right (override)"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Angle"; } } 92 { title = "Polyobj Move (override)"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Length"; } } 93 { title = "Polyobj Move (8px, override)"; arg0 { title = "Polyobj Number"; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Length (8px)"; } } } line { title = "Line"; 9 { title = "Line Horizon"; } 121 { title = "Line Identification"; arg0 { title = "Set Line ID"; } } 182 { title = "Line Mirror"; } } door { title = "Door"; 10 { title = "Door Close"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Light Tag"; type = 13; } } 11 { title = "Door Open"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Light Tag"; type = 13; } } 12 { title = "Door Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Close Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Light Tag"; type = 13; } } 13 { title = "Door Locked Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Close Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Key Number"; type = 11; enum = "keys"; } arg4 { title = "Light Tag"; type = 13; } } 14 { title = "Door Animated"; arg0 { title = "Sector tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Animation Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Close Delay"; } } 202 { title = "Door Generic"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Type"; type = 11; enum = "generic_door_types"; } arg3 { title = "Delay"; } arg4 { title = "Lock"; type = 11; enum = "keys"; } } 249 { title = "Door Close Wait Open"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Light Tag"; type = 13; } } } autosave { title = "Autosave"; 15 { title = "Autosave"; } } floor { title = "Floor"; 20 { title = "Floor Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 21 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 22 { title = "Floor Lower to Nearest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 23 { title = "Floor Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 24 { title = "Floor Raise to Highest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 25 { title = "Floor Raise to Nearest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 28 { title = "Floor Crusher Start"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 35 { title = "Floor Raise (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 36 { title = "Floor Lower (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 46 { title = "Floor Crusher Stop"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 66 { title = "Floor Lower Instantly (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Target Height (8px)"; } } 67 { title = "Floor Raise Instantly (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Target Height (8px)"; } } 68 { title = "Floor Move (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Height (8px)"; } arg3 { title = "Negative Height"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } 37 { title = "Floor Move"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Target Height"; } arg3 { title = "Negative Height"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } 95 { title = "Floor and Ceiling Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 96 { title = "Floor and Ceiling Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 138 { title = "Floor Waggle"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Amplitude"; } arg2 { title = "Frequency"; } arg3 { title = "Phase Offset"; } arg4 { title = "Duration"; } } 200 { title = "Floor Generic Change"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Target"; type = 11; enum = "generic_floor_target"; } arg4 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Remove effect"; 2 = "Change texture"; 3 = "Change special"; 4 = "Numeric model"; 8 = "Raise"; 16 = "Crusher"; } } } 235 { title = "Floor Transfer Trigger"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 236 { title = "Floor Transfer Numeric"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 238 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 239 { title = "Floor Raise by TxTy"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 240 { title = "Floor Raise by Texture"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 241 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest TxTy"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 242 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Adjust Target Height"; } } 250 { title = "Floor Donut"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Pillar Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Stairs Movement Speed"; } } 251 { title = "Floor and Ceiling Lower and Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Floor Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Ceiling Movement Speed"; } } } stairs { title = "Stairs"; 26 { title = "Stairs Build Down"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Build Step Delay"; } arg4 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } 27 { title = "Stairs Build Up"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Build Step Delay"; } arg4 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } 31 { title = "Stairs Build Down (sync)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } 32 { title = "Stairs Build Up (sync)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } 204 { title = "Stairs Generic Build"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Upwards"; 2 = "Ignore textures"; } } arg4 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } 217 { title = "Stairs Build Doom"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Step Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Build Step Delay"; } arg4 { title = "Reset Delay"; } } } pillar { title = "Pillar"; 29 { title = "Pillar Build"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 30 { title = "Pillar Open"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Floor Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Ceiling Movement Amount"; } } 94 { title = "Pillar Build and Crush"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } } forcefield { title = "Forcefield"; 33 { title = "Forcefield Set"; } 34 { title = "Forcefield Remove"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } } ceiling { title = "Ceiling"; 38 { title = "Ceiling Waggle"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Amplitude"; } arg2 { title = "Frequency"; } arg3 { title = "Phase Offset"; } arg4 { title = "Duration"; } } 40 { title = "Ceiling Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 41 { title = "Ceiling Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 42 { title = "Ceiling Crusher Start"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 43 { title = "Ceiling Crush Once"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 44 { title = "Ceiling Crusher Stop"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 45 { title = "Ceiling Crush Once and Open"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 69 { title = "Ceiling Move (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } arg3 { title = "Negative Height"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } 47 { title = "Ceiling Move"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Negative Height"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } 192 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Highest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 193 { title = "Ceiling Lower Instantly"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 194 { title = "Ceiling Raise Instantly"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 195 { title = "Ceiling Crush Once and Open A"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg4 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 196 { title = "Ceiling Crush Start A"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg4 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 197 { title = "Ceiling Crush Start A (silent)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Damage"; } arg4 { title = "Crush Mode"; } } 198 { title = "Ceiling Raise (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 199 { title = "Ceiling Lower (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 201 { title = "Ceiling Generic Change"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Target"; type = 11; enum = "generic_ceiling_target"; } arg4 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Remove effect"; 2 = "Change texture"; 3 = "Change effect"; 4 = "Numeric model"; 8 = "Raise"; 16 = "Crusher"; } } } 205 { title = "Ceiling Generic Crush"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Silent"; } arg4 { title = "Crush Damage"; } } 169 { title = "Ceiling Generic Crush Hexen Mode"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Amount"; } arg3 { title = "Silent"; } arg4 { title = "Crush Damage"; } } 252 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Nearest Ceiling"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 253 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Lowest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 254 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 255 { title = "Ceiling Crush Once and Open A (silent)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Crush Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Raise Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Crush Damage"; } } } breakable { title = "Breakable"; 49 { title = "Breakable Glass"; } } transfer { title = "Transfer"; 50 { title = "Transfer Brightness Level"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Options"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "From Control Ceiling Down to Type 0"; 1 = "From Target Ceiling Down to Control Floor"; 2 = "From Control Ceiling Down to Any"; } } } 209 { title = "Transfer Heights"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Use fake ceiling/floor"; 2 = "Draw fake floor only"; 4 = "Inside sector only"; 8 = "Swimmable below fake"; 16 = "Do not draw"; 32 = "Keep lighting"; } } } 210 { title = "Transfer Floor Brightness"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 211 { title = "Transfer Ceiling Brightness"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 16 { title = "Transfer Wall Brightness"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Flags"; } } } platform { title = "Platform"; 60 { title = "Platform Perpetual Move"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } } 61 { title = "Platform Stop"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 62 { title = "Platform Lower Wait Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } } 63 { title = "Platform Lower (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 64 { title = "Platform Raise Wait Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } } 65 { title = "Platform Raise (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Movement Amount (8px)"; } } 172 { title = "Platform Raise to Nearest Wait Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } } 203 { title = "Platform Generic Change"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Type"; type = 11; enum = "generic_lift_types"; } arg4 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 206 { title = "Platform Lower Wait Raise (lip)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Lip Amount"; } arg4 { title = "Movement sound type"; } } 207 { title = "Platform Perpetual Move (lip)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Delay"; } arg3 { title = "Lip Amount"; } } 228 { title = "Platform Raise Tx0"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 230 { title = "Platform Raise by Value Tx (8px)"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Amount"; } } 231 { title = "Platform Toggle Ceiling"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } } teleport { title = "Teleport"; 39 { title = "Teleport to Pain State (silent)"; arg0 { title = "Target MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 70 { title = "Teleport"; arg0 { title = "Target MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } 154 { title = "Teleport (No Stop)"; arg0 { title = "Target MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } 71 { title = "Teleport (silent)"; arg0 { title = "Target MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Keep orientation"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } arg2 { title = "Target Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 74 { title = "Teleport To Map"; arg0 { title = "Map Number"; } arg1 { title = "Position"; } arg2 { title = "Keep orientation"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } 76 { title = "Teleport Other"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } 77 { title = "Teleport Group"; arg0 { title = "Group Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Source Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Target Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg3 { title = "Move source"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } arg4 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } 78 { title = "Teleport in sector"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Source Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Target Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg3 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } arg4 { title = "Group Thing ID"; type = 14; } } 215 { title = "Teleport To Line"; arg0 { title = "Source Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Target Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg2 { title = "Reverse Angle"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } } thing { title = "Thing"; 72 { title = "Thing Thrust"; arg0 { title = "Thrust Angle"; } arg1 { title = "Thrust Distance"; } } 73 { title = "Thing Damage"; arg0 { title = "Damage Amount"; } } 119 { title = "Thing Damage"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Damage"; } arg2 { title = "Death"; type = 11; enum = "death_types"; } } 125 { title = "Thing Move"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Thing ID"; type = 14; } } 127 { title = "Thing Set Special"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Special"; type = 4; } arg2 { title = "Special arg 1"; } arg3 { title = "Special arg 2"; } arg4 { title = "Special arg 3"; } } 128 { title = "Thing Thrust Z"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Force"; } arg2 { title = "Down Up"; type = 11; enum = "updown"; } arg3 { title = "Add Set"; type = 11; enum = "addset"; } } 130 { title = "Thing Activate"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 131 { title = "Thing Deactivate"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 132 { title = "Thing Remove"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 133 { title = "Thing Destroy"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 134 { title = "Thing Projectile"; arg0 { title = "MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Horizontal Speed"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Speed"; } } 135 { title = "Thing Spawn"; arg0 { title = "MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Thing Angle"; } } 136 { title = "Thing Projectile with Gravity"; arg0 { title = "MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Horizontal Speed"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Speed"; } } 137 { title = "Thing Spawn (silent)"; arg0 { title = "MapSpot Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Thing Angle"; } } 139 { title = "Thing Spawn Facing"; arg0 { title = "Mapspot ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Fog"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } arg3 { title = "New Thing ID"; } } 175 { title = "Thing Projectile Intercept"; arg0 { title = "Mapspot ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Thing ID target"; type = 14; } arg4 { title = "New Thing ID"; } } 176 { title = "Thing ID Change"; arg0 { title = "Old Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "New Thing ID"; } } 177 { title = "Thing Hate"; arg0 { title = "Hater ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Hatee ID"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Hate"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "Target only"; 1 = "Target and Player"; 2 = "Forced Target and Player"; 3 = "Hunt Target and Player"; 4 = "Forced Hunt Target and Player"; 5 = "Target, Ignore Player"; 6 = "Forced Target, Ignore Player"; } } } 178 { title = "Thing Aimed Projectile"; arg0 { title = "Mapspot ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Spawn Thing"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } arg2 { title = "Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Target Thing ID"; type = 14; } arg4 { title = "New Thing ID"; } } 180 { title = "Thing Set Translation"; arg0 { title = "Thing ID"; } arg1 { title = "Translation index"; } } 229 { title = "Thing Goal"; arg0 { title = "Monster Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Target Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Delay"; } } 248 { title = "Thing Heal"; arg0 { title = "Health Amount"; } } 17 { title = "Thing Raise"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 19 { title = "Thing Stop"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 18 { title = "Thing Start Converstation"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Face talker"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } } end { title = "End"; 75 { title = "End Game"; } 243 { title = "End Normal"; arg0 { title = "Position"; } } 244 { title = "End Secret"; arg0 { title = "Position"; } } } script { title = "Script"; 80 { title = "Script Execute"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg4 { title = "Script Argument 3"; } } 81 { title = "Script Suspend"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } } 82 { title = "Script Terminate"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } } 83 { title = "Script Locked Execute"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg4 { title = "Key Number"; type = 11; enum = "keys"; } } 85 { title = "Script Locked Execute (Door message)"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg4 { title = "Key Number"; type = 11; enum = "keys"; } } 84 { title = "Script Execute with Result"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 3"; } } 226 { title = "Script Execute Always"; arg0 { title = "Script Number"; } arg1 { title = "Map Number"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg4 { title = "Script Argument 3"; } } } scroll { title = "Scroll"; 52 { title = "Scroll Wall"; arg0 { title = "Line ID"; } arg1 { title = "x"; } arg2 { title = "y"; } arg3 { title = "Side"; } arg4 { title = "Flags"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Scroll upper"; 2 = "Scroll middle"; 4 = "Scroll lower"; } } } 100 { title = "Scroll Texture Left"; arg0 { title = "Scroll Speed"; } } 101 { title = "Scroll Texture Right"; arg0 { title = "Scroll Speed"; } } 102 { title = "Scroll Texture Up"; arg0 { title = "Scroll Speed"; } } 103 { title = "Scroll Texture Down"; arg0 { title = "Scroll Speed"; } } 221 { title = "Scroll Texture Both"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Left Speed"; } arg2 { title = "Right Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Down Speed"; } arg4 { title = "Up Speed"; } } 222 { title = "Scroll Texture Model"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Displacement"; 2 = "Accelerative"; } } } 223 { title = "Scroll Floor"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Displacement"; 2 = "Accelerative"; 4 = "Scroll by linedef dx/dy"; } } arg2 { title = "Scroll"; type = 11; enum { 1 = "Texture only"; 2 = "Things only"; 4 = "Both"; } } arg3 { title = "Horizontal Speed"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Speed"; } } 224 { title = "Scroll Ceiling"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Displacement"; 2 = "Accelerative"; 4 = "Scroll by linedef dx/dy"; } } arg2 { title = "Scroll"; type = 11; enum { 1 = "Texture only"; 2 = "Things only"; 4 = "Both"; } } arg3 { title = "Horizontal Speed"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Speed"; } } 225 { title = "Scroll Texture by Offsets"; } } light { title = "Light"; 110 { title = "Light Raise"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Lighting Amount"; } } 111 { title = "Light Lower"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Lighting Amount"; } } 112 { title = "Light Change"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightness Level"; } } 113 { title = "Light Fade"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightness Level"; } arg2 { title = "Fade Duration"; } } 114 { title = "Light Flow"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightest Level"; } arg2 { title = "Darkest Level"; } arg3 { title = "Fade Duration"; } } 115 { title = "Light Flicker"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightest Level"; } arg2 { title = "Darkest Level"; } } 116 { title = "Light Strobe"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightest Level"; } arg2 { title = "Darkest Level"; } arg3 { title = "Brightest Duration"; } arg4 { title = "Darkest Duration"; } } 117 { title = "Light Stop"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 232 { title = "Light Strobe Doom"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Brightest Duration"; } arg2 { title = "Darkest Duration"; } } 233 { title = "Light Change to Darkest"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 234 { title = "Light Change to Brightest"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 109 { title = "Lightning control"; arg0 { title = "Mode"; } } } earthquake { title = "Earthquake"; 120 { title = "Earthquake"; arg0 { title = "Intensity"; } arg1 { title = "Duration"; } arg2 { title = "Damage Radius"; } arg3 { title = "Tremor Radius"; } arg4 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } } use { title = "Use"; 129 { title = "Use Puzzle Item"; arg0 { title = "Item Number"; } arg1 { title = "Script Number"; } arg2 { title = "Script Argument 1"; } arg3 { title = "Script Argument 2"; } arg4 { title = "Script Argument 3"; } } } sector { title = "Sector"; 48 { title = "Sector Attach 3D Midtex"; arg0 { title = "Line ID"; } arg1 { title = "Sector Tag"; } arg2 { title = "Floor / Ceiling"; type = 11; enum = "floorceiling"; } } 54 { title = "Sector Change Flags"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Set Flags"; type = 12; enum = "sector_flags"; } arg2 { title = "Clear Flags"; type = 12; enum = "sector_flags"; } } 51 { title = "Sector Set Link"; arg0 { title = "Control Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Target Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg2 { title = "Floor / Ceiling"; type = 11; enum = "floorceiling"; } arg3 { title = "Move Type"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Link Tgt's floor to 'surface'"; 2 = "Link Tgt's ceiling to 'surface'"; 4 = "Floor move at opposite (need bit1)"; 8 = "Ceiling move at opposite (need bit2)"; } } } 140 { title = "Sector Change Sound"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Sound Number"; } } 160 { title = "Sector 3D Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Type"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "Vavoom-Style"; 1 = "Solid"; 2 = "Swimmable"; 3 = "Non-Solid"; 4 = "Render-Inside"; 16 = "Inverted Visibility Rules"; 32 = "Shootability Rules"; } } arg2 { title = "Flags"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Disables light effects"; 2 = "Restricts light Inside"; 4 = "Fog Effect"; 8 = "Ignores bottom height"; 16 = "Uses upper texture"; 32 = "Uses lower texture"; 64 = "Additive transluency"; } } arg3 { title = "Alpha"; } arg4 { title = "Hi-Tag"; } } 183 { title = "Sector Floor Alignment to Line"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Line Side"; type = 11; enum = "frontback"; } } 184 { title = "Sector Ceiling Alignment to Line"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Line Side"; type = 11; enum = "frontback"; } } 185 { title = "Sector Rotate Alignment"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Floor Angle"; } arg2 { title = "Ceiling Angle"; } } 186 { title = "Sector Ceiling Panning"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Horizontal Integral"; } arg2 { title = "Horizontal Fractional"; } arg3 { title = "Vertical Integral"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Fractional"; } } 187 { title = "Sector Floor Panning"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Horizontal Integral"; } arg2 { title = "Horizontal Fractional"; } arg3 { title = "Vertical Integral"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Fractional"; } } 188 { title = "Sector Ceiling Scale"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Horizontal Integral"; } arg2 { title = "Horizontal Fractional"; } arg3 { title = "Vertical Integral"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Fractional"; } } 189 { title = "Sector Floor Scale"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Horizontal Integral"; } arg2 { title = "Horizontal Fractional"; } arg3 { title = "Vertical Integral"; } arg4 { title = "Vertical Fractional"; } } 212 { title = "Sector Color"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Red"; } arg2 { title = "Green"; } arg3 { title = "Blue"; } } 213 { title = "Sector Fade"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Red"; } arg2 { title = "Green"; } arg3 { title = "Blue"; } } 214 { title = "Sector Damage"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Damage Amount"; } arg2 { title = "Death"; type = 11; enum = "death_types"; } } 216 { title = "Sector Gravity"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Gravity Integral"; } arg2 { title = "Gravity Fractional"; } } 218 { title = "Sector Wind"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Wind Strength"; } arg2 { title = "Wind Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Line Vector"; } } 219 { title = "Sector Friction"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Friction Amount"; } } 220 { title = "Sector Current"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Current Strength"; } arg2 { title = "Current Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Line Vector"; } } } alert { title = "Alert"; 173 { title = "Alert monsters"; arg0 { title = "Target ID"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Emitter ID"; type = 14; } } } communicator { title = "Communicator"; 174 { title = "Communicator message"; arg0 { title = "Message ID"; } arg1 { title = "Front side only"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } arg2 { title = "Message identification"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } arg3 { title = "Add to Log"; type = 11; enum = "yesno"; } } } change { title = "Change"; 179 { title = "Change Skill"; arg0 { title = "New Skill Level"; } } } plane { title = "Plane"; 181 { title = "Plane Align (slope)"; arg0 { title = "Align Floor"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "None"; 1 = "Front"; 2 = "Back"; } } arg1 { title = "Align Ceiling"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "None"; 1 = "Front"; 2 = "Back"; } } } } static { title = "Static"; 190 { title = "Static Init"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; } arg1 { title = "Property"; } arg2 { title = "Flip Sky"; } } } player { title = "Player"; 191 { title = "Player Property"; arg0 { title = "Everyone"; } arg1 { title = "Toggle"; } arg2 { title = "Property"; } } } translucent { title = "Translucent"; 208 { title = "Translucent Line"; arg0 { title = "Line Tag"; type = 15; } arg1 { title = "Transparency Amount"; } } } point { title = "Point"; 227 { title = "Point Pusher and Puller Force"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Strength"; } arg3 { title = "Line Vector"; } } } camera { title = "Camera"; 237 { title = "Camera Change"; arg0 { title = "Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Everyone"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } arg2 { title = "Movement Resets"; type = 11; enum = "noyes"; } } } elevator { title = "Elevator"; 245 { title = "Elevator Raise to Nearest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 246 { title = "Elevator Raise to Activated Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } 247 { title = "Elevator Lower to Nearest Floor"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } arg1 { title = "Movement Speed"; } } } } // THING FLAGS thingflags { 1 = "Easy"; 2 = "Medium"; 4 = "Hard"; 8 = "Deaf"; 16 = "Dormant"; 32 = "Fighter class"; 64 = "Cleric class"; 128 = "Mage class"; 256 = "Singleplayer"; 512 = "Cooperative"; 1024 = "Deathmatch"; 2048 = "Translucent (25%)"; 4096 = "Invisible"; 8192 = "Friendly"; 16384 = "Frozen while inactive"; } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { 1 = "skill1"; 2 = "skill2"; 4 = "skill3"; 8 = "ambush"; 16 = "dormant"; 32 = "class1"; 64 = "class2"; 128 = "class3"; 256 = "single"; 512 = "coop"; 1024 = "dm"; 2048 = "translucent"; 4096 = "invisible"; 8192 = "friend"; 16384 = "standing"; } // THING FLAGS ERROR MASK // Mask for the thing flags which indicates the options // that make the same thing appear in the same modes thingflagsmask1 = 7; // 1 + 2 + 4 thingflagsmask2 = 1792; // 256 + 512 + 1024 // THING TYPES // Color numbers are the basic colors // Arrow indicates if the things will have an arrow to indicate direction // Sort: 0 = List as in configuration, 1 = List alphabetically // Blocking: 0 = No, 1 = Completely, 2 = True-Height // Error: // 0 = Dont check for errors // 1 = Must be inside map (default) // 2 = Must be inside map and may not collide thingtypes { editor { color = 15; // White arrow = 1; title = "Editor Things"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 0; fixedsize = true; 32000 = "Visual Mode camera"; } cameras { color = 7; // Light Grey arrow = 1; title = "Cameras and Interpolation"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 0; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; error = 1; fixedsize = true; 9025 { title = "Camera"; arg0 { title = "Pitch"; } arg1 { title = "Pan"; } arg2 { title = "Time"; } } 9073 { title = "Aiming Camera"; arg0 { title = "Pitch"; } arg1 { title = "Max Angle"; } arg2 { title = "Max Pitch"; } arg3 { title = "Thing"; type = 14; } } 9080 = "Skybox Viewpoint"; 9081 { title = "Skybox Picker"; arg0 { title = "Thing"; type = 14; } } 9074 { title = "Actor Mover"; arg0 { title = "Point"; } arg1 { title = "High Point"; } arg2 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Linear path"; 2 = "Use point angle"; 4 = "Use point pitch"; 8 = "Face movement direction"; 128 = "Nonsolid"; } } arg3 { title = "Thing"; type = 14; } } 9070 { title = "Interpolation point"; arg0 { title = "Pitch"; } arg1 { title = "Travel Time"; } arg2 { title = "Hold Time"; } arg3 { title = "Next"; } arg4 { title = "High Next"; } } 9075 = "Interpolation Special"; 9072 { title = "Moving Camera"; arg0 { title = "Point"; } arg1 { title = "High Point"; } arg2 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Linear path"; 2 = "Use point angle"; 4 = "Use point pitch"; 8 = "Face movement direction"; 128 = "Everyone"; } } arg3 { title = "Thing"; type = 14; } } 9071 { title = "Path Follower"; arg0 { title = "Point"; } arg1 { title = "High Point"; } arg2 { title = "Options"; type = 12; enum { 1 = "Linear path"; 2 = "Use point angle"; 4 = "Use point pitch"; 8 = "Face movement direction"; } } } 9047 = "Patrol Special"; } bridges { color = 8; // Grey arrow = 0; title = "Bridges"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 1; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; error = 1; 5064 { title = "Bridge radius 16"; width = 16; } 5061 { title = "Bridge radius 32"; width = 32; } 5065 { title = "Bridge radius 8"; width = 8; } 9990 { title = "Bridge Custom"; arg0 { title = "Radius"; } arg1 { title = "Thickness"; } } } players { color = 10; // Light Green arrow = 1; title = "Player Starts"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 2; 1 { title = "Player 1 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 2 { title = "Player 2 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 3 { title = "Player 3 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 4 { title = "Player 4 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9100 { title = "Player 5 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9101 { title = "Player 6 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9102 { title = "Player 7 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9103 { title = "Player 8 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 11 { title = "Player Deathmatch start"; sprite = "CLERR0"; } } teleports { color = 2; // Green arrow = 1; title = "Teleports"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 1; 14 { title = "Teleport Landing"; sprite = "TELEA0"; } 140 { title = "Teleport Smoke"; sprite = "TSMKA0"; } 9043 { title = "Teleport with Z Height Gravity"; sprite = "TELEA0"; } 9044 { title = "Teleport with Z Height No Gravity"; sprite = "TELEA0"; } } monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; error = 2; 107 { title = "Centaur"; sprite = "CENTA1"; } 10060 { title = "Affrit"; sprite = "FDMNA1"; } 115 { title = "Slaughtar"; sprite = "CENTF1"; } 34 { title = "Reiver"; sprite = "WRTHA1"; } 10011 { title = "Reiver (buried)"; sprite = "WRTHA1"; } 254 { title = "Dragon Lich"; sprite = "DRAGC1"; arg0 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg3 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg4 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 10030 { title = "Ettin"; sprite = "ETTNA1"; width = 25; } 8020 { title = "Wendigo"; sprite = "ICEYA1"; width = 22; } 31 { title = "Green Chaos Serpent"; sprite = "DEMNA1"; width = 32; } 8080 { title = "Brown Chaos Serpent"; sprite = "DEM2A1"; width = 32; } 114 { title = "Dark Bishop"; sprite = "BISHA1"; width = 22; } 121 { title = "Stalker"; sprite = "SSPTB0"; width = 32; } 120 { title = "Stalker Boss"; sprite = "SSPTD0"; width = 32; } 10100 { title = "Zedek (fighter)"; sprite = "PLAYE8"; width = 16; } 10101 { title = "Traductus (cleric)"; sprite = "CLERE8"; width = 16; } 10102 { title = "Menelkir (mage)"; sprite = "MAGEE8"; width = 16; } 10080 { title = "Heresiarch"; sprite = "SORCA1"; width = 40; } 10200 { title = "Korax"; sprite = "KORXA1"; width = 65; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; sort = 1; 10 { title = "Serpent Staff"; sprite = "WCSSA0"; } 8010 { title = "Timon's Axe"; sprite = "WFAXA0"; } 53 { title = "Frost Shards"; sprite = "WMCSA0"; } 8009 { title = "Firestorm"; sprite = "WCFMA0"; } 123 { title = "Hammer Of Retribution"; sprite = "WFHMA0"; } 8040 { title = "Arc Of Death"; sprite = "WMLGG0"; } 18 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 1"; sprite = "WCH1A0"; } 19 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 2"; sprite = "WCH2A0"; } 20 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 3"; sprite = "WCH3A0"; } 12 { title = "Quietus Piece 1"; sprite = "WFR1A0"; } 13 { title = "Quietus Piece 2"; sprite = "WFR2A0"; } 16 { title = "Quietus Piece 3"; sprite = "WFR3A0"; } 21 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 1"; sprite = "WMS1A0"; } 22 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 2"; sprite = "WMS2A0"; } 23 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 3"; sprite = "WMS3A0"; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Mana"; width = 8; sort = 1; 122 { title = "Blue Mana"; sprite = "MAN1H0"; } 124 { title = "Green Mana"; sprite = "MAN2H0"; } 8004 { title = "Combine Mana"; sprite = "MAN3A0"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 20; sort = 1; 8005 { title = "Mesh Armor"; sprite = "ARM1A0"; } 8006 { title = "Falcon Shield"; sprite = "ARM2A0"; } 8007 { title = "Platinum Helm"; sprite = "ARM3A0"; } 8008 { title = "Amulet Of Warding"; sprite = "ARM4A0"; } 81 { title = "Crystal Vial"; sprite = "PTN1A0"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Artifacts"; width = 20; height = 20; sort = 1; 30 { title = "Porkalator"; sprite = "ARTIPORK"; } 32 { title = "Mystic Urn"; sprite = "ARTISPHL"; } 33 { title = "Torch"; sprite = "ARTITRCH"; } 36 { title = "Chaos Device"; sprie = "ARTIATLP"; } 82 { title = "Quartz Flask"; sprite = "ARTIPTN2"; } 83 { title = "Wings Of Wrath"; sprite = "ARTISOAR"; } 84 { title = "Icon Of The Defender"; sprite = "ARTIINVU"; } 86 { title = "Dark Servant"; sprite = "ARTISUMN"; } 10110 { title = "Disc Of Repulsion"; sprite = "ARTIBLST"; } 10120 { title = "Mystic Ambit Incant"; sprite = "ARTIHRAD"; } 10040 { title = "Banishment Device"; sprite = "ARTITELO"; } 8000 { title = "Flechette"; sprite = "ARTIPSBG"; } 8002 { title = "Boots Of Speed"; sprite = "ARTISPED"; } 8003 { title = "Crater Of Might"; sprite = "ARTIBMAN"; } 8041 { title = "Dragonskin Bracers"; sprite = "ARTIBRAC"; } } puzzle { color = 7; // Light Grey arrow = 1; title = "Puzzle Items"; width = 20; sort = 1; 9007 { title = "Daemon Codex"; sprite = "ARTIBOK1"; } 9008 { title = "Liber Obscura"; sprite = "ARTIBOK2"; } 9004 { title = "Ruby Planet"; sprite = "ARTIGEMR"; } 9005 { title = "Emerald Planet 1"; sprite = "ARTIGEMG"; } 9009 { title = "Emerald Planet 2"; sprite = "ARTIGMG2"; } 9006 { title = "Sapphire Planet 1"; sprite = "ARTIGEMB"; } 9010 { title = "Sapphire Planet 2"; sprite = "ARTIGMB2"; } 9018 { title = "Clock Gear (steel)"; sprite = "ARTIGEAR"; } 9019 { title = "Clock Gear (bronze)"; sprite = "ARTIGER2"; } 9020 { title = "Clock Gear (steel and bronze)"; sprite = "ARTIGER3"; } 9021 { title = "Clock Gear (bronze and steel)"; sprite = "ARTIGER4"; } 9003 { title = "Heart Of D'Sparil"; sprite = "ARTIBGEM"; } 9012 { title = "Pedestal Of D'Sparil"; sprite = "GMPDA0"; width = 10; } 9002 { title = "Yorick's Skull"; sprite = "ARTISKLL"; } 9011 { title = "Yorick's Statue"; sprite = "STWNA0"; width = 10; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 8; sort = 1; 8030 { title = "Steel Key"; sprite = "KEY1A0"; } 8031 { title = "Cave Key"; sprite = "KEY2A0"; } 8032 { title = "Axe Key"; sprite = "KEY3A0"; } 8033 { title = "Fire Key"; sprite = "KEY4A0"; } 8034 { title = "Emerald Key"; sprite = "KEY5A0"; } 8035 { title = "Dungeon Key"; sprite = "KEY6A0"; } 8036 { title = "Silver Key"; sprite = "KEY7A0"; } 8037 { title = "Rusty Key"; sprite = "KEY8A0"; } 8038 { title = "Horn Key"; sprite = "KEY9A0"; } 8039 { title = "Swamp Key"; sprite = "KEYAA0"; } 8200 { title = "Castle Key"; sprite = "KEYBA0"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; width = 20; sort = 1; 8064 { title = "Suit Of Armor"; sprite = "SUITA0"; width = 16; } 77 { title = "Battle Rag Banner"; sprie = "BNR1A0"; width = 8; } 8100 { title = "Barrel"; sprite = "BARLA0"; width = 15; } 8065 { title = "Bell"; sprite = "BBLLA0"; width = 56; } 103 { title = "Pillar With Vase"; sprite = "VASEA0"; width = 12; } 5 { title= "Winged Statue"; sprite = "STTWA0"; width = 10; } 98 { title = "Small Rock (brown)"; sprite = "RKBSA0"; width = 15; } 97 { title = "Big Rock (brown)"; sprite = "RKBLA0"; width = 17; } 99 { title = "Big Rock (grey)"; sprite = "RKBKA0"; } 57 { title = "Stalactite (small)"; sprite = "SLC3A0"; width = 8; } 56 { title = "Stalactite (medium)"; sprite = "SLC2A0"; width = 6; } 52 { title = "Stalactite (large)"; sprite = "SLC1A0"; width = 8; } 48 { title = "Stalagmite (pillar)"; sprite = "SGMPA0"; width = 8; } 51 { title = "Stalagmite (small)"; sprite = "SGM3A0"; width = 8; } 50 { title = "Stalagmite (medium)"; sprite = "SGM2A0"; width = 6; } 49 { title = "Stalagmite (large)"; sprite = "SGM1A0"; width = 8; } 80 { title = "Gnarled Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE6A0"; width = 22; } 87 { title = "Gnarled Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE7A0"; width = 22; } 78 { title = "Tall Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE5A0"; width = 15; } 79 { title = "Tall Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE4A0"; width = 15; } 8067 { title = "Iron Maiden"; sprite = "IRONA0"; width = 12; } 63 { title = "Tombstone (RIP)"; sprite = "TMS1A0"; width = 10; } 64 { title = "Tombstone (Shane)"; sprite = "TMS2A0"; width = 10; } 65 { title = "Tombstone (slimy)"; sprite = "TMS3A0"; width = 10; } 66 { title = "Tombstone (Brian R)"; sprite = "TMS4A0"; width = 10; } 67 { title = "Tombstone (cross circle)"; sprite = "TMS5A0"; width = 10; } 68 { title = "Tombstone (small cross)"; sprite = "TMS6A0"; width = 8; } 69 { title = "Tombstone (Brian P)"; sprite = "TMS7A0"; width = 8; } 96 { title = "Ice Spike (tiny)"; sprite = "ICM4A0"; width = 4; } 95 { title = "Ice Spike (small)"; sprite = "ICM3A0"; width = 5; } 94 { title = "Ice Spike (medium)"; sprite = "ICM2A0"; width = 5; } 93 { title = "Ice Spike (large)"; sprite = "ICM1A0"; width = 8; } 92 { title = "Icicle (tiny)"; sprite = "ICT4A0"; width = 4; } 91 { title = "Icicle (small)"; sprite = "ICT3A0"; width = 4; } 90 { title = "Icicle (medium)"; sprite = "ICT2A0"; width = 5; } 89 { title = "Icicle (large)"; sprite = "ICT1A0"; width = 8; } 8068 { title = "Evergreen Tree"; sprite = "XMASA0"; width = 11; } 8062 { title = "Leafless Tree"; sprite = "TRDTA0"; width = 15; } 24 { title = "Dead Tree"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; width = 10; } 25 { title = "Dead Tree (destructable)"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; width = 15; } 60 { title = "Dead Tree (mossy)"; sprite = "SWMVA0"; width = 8; } 26 { title = "Mossy Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE2A0"; width = 10; } 27 { title = "Mossy Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE3A0"; width = 10; } 88 { title = "Log"; sprite = "SLTRA0"; } 29 { title= "Tree Stump (bare)"; sprite = "STM2A0"; width = 12; } 28 { title= "Tree Stump (burned)"; sprite = "STM1A0"; width = 12; } 37 { title = "Tree Stump 1"; sprite = "STM3A0"; } 38 { title = "Tree Stump 2"; sprite = "STM4A0"; } 8051 { title = "Bronze Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR8A0"; width = 14; } 8047 { title = "Bronze Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR4A0"; width = 14; } 8044 { title = "Rusty Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR1A0"; width = 14; } 76 { title = "Ice Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "STT5A0"; width = 14; } 73 { title = "Ice Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "STT3A0"; width = 14; } 8050 { title = "Lava Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR7A0"; width = 14; } 8046 { title = "Lava Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR3A0"; width = 14; } 8049 { title = "Dark Lava Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR6A0"; width = 14; } 8045 { title = "Dark Lava Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR2A0"; width = 14; } 74 { title = "Stone Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "STT4A0"; width = 14; } 72 { title = "Stone Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "STT2A0"; width = 14; } 8052 { title = "Steel Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR9A0"; width = 14; } 8048 { title = "Steel Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR5A0"; width = 14; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 20; sort = 1; 17 { title = "Chandelier (lit)"; sprite = "CDLRA0"; } 8063 { title = "Chandelier (unlit)"; sprite = "CDLRD0"; } 8066 { title = "Blue Candle (lit)"; sprite = "CANDA0"; } 8502 { title = "Candle With Web (unlit)"; sprite = "TST3A0"; } 8503 { title = "Small Gray Candle (unlit)"; sprite = "TST4A0"; } 8504 { title = "Small Candle (unlit)"; sprite = "TST5A0"; } 119 { title = "3 Candles (lit)"; sprite = "CNDLA0"; } 10500 { title = "Small Flame (timed)"; sprite = "FFSMA0"; } 10501 { title = "Small Flame"; sprite = "FFSMA0"; } 10502 { title = "Large Flame (timed)"; sprite = "FFLGD0"; } 10503 { title = "Large Flame"; sprite = "FFLGD0"; } 54 { title = "Wall Torch (lit)"; sprite = "WLTRB0"; } 55 { title = "Wall Torch (unlit)"; sprite = "WLTRI0"; } 8042 { title = "Minotaur Statue (lit)"; sprite = "FBULB0"; } 8043 { title = "Minotaur Statue (unlit)"; sprite = "FBULH0"; } 8069 { title = "Cauldron (lit)"; sprite = "CDRNG0"; width = 12; } 8070 { title = "Cauldron (unlit)"; sprite = "CDRNA0"; width = 12; } 8060 { title = "Skull With Flame"; sprite = "FSKLA0"; width = 5; } 8061 { title = "Brazier With Flame"; sprite = "BRTRB0"; width = 6; } 116 { title = "Twined Torch (lit)"; sprite = "TWTRA0"; width = 10; } 117 { title = "Twined Torch (unlit)"; sprite = "TWTRI0"; width = 10; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 20; sort = 1; 8071 { title = "Chain (short)"; sprite = "CHNSA0"; width = 4; } 8072 { title = "Chain (long)"; sprite = "CHNSB0"; width = 4; } 8073 { title = "Hook With Heart"; sprite = "CHNSC0"; width = 4; } 8077 { title = "Hook With Skull"; sprite = "CHNSG0"; width = 4; } 8074 { title = "Chain With Large Hook"; sprite = "CHNSD0"; width = 4; } 8075 { title = "Chain With Small Hook"; sprite = "CHNSE0"; width = 4; } 8076 { title = "Chain with Spike Ball"; sprite = "CHNSF0"; width = 4; } 8103 { title = "Hanging Bucket"; sprite = "BCKTA0"; width = 8; } 6 { title = "Tiny Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK1A0"; } 7 { title = "Small Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK2A0"; } 9 { title = "Medium Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK3A0"; } 15 { title = "Big Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK4A0"; } 101 { title = "Brick Rubble (small)"; sprite = "RBL2A0"; } 102 { title = "Brick Rubble (medium)"; sprite = "RBL3A0"; } 100 { title = "Brick Rubble (large)"; sprite = "RBL1A0"; } 39 { title = "Large Mushroom 1"; sprite = "MSH1A0"; } 40 { title = "Large Mushroom 2"; sprite = "MSH2A0"; } 8104 { title = "Large Mushroom (explodes)"; sprite = "SHRMB0"; width = 6; } 41 { title = "Medium Mushroom"; sprite = "MSH3A0"; } 42 { title = "Small Mushroom 1"; sprite = "MSH4A0"; } 44 { title = "Small Mushroom 2"; sprite = "MSH5A0"; } 45 { title = "Small Mushroom 3"; sprite = "MSH6A0"; } 46 { title = "Small Mushroom 4"; sprite = "MSH7A0"; } 47 { title = "Small Mushroom 5"; sprite = "MSH8A0"; } 8101 { title = "Shrub"; sprite = "SHB1A0"; width = 8; } 8102 { title = "Shrub 2"; sprite = "SHB2A0"; width = 16; } 111 { title = "Pool Of Blood"; sprite = "GIBSA0"; } 71 { title= "Hanging Corpse"; sprite = "CPS3A0"; width = 6; } 61 { title = "Impaled Corpse"; sprite = "CPS1A0"; width = 10; } 108 { title = "Lynched Corpse"; sprite = "CPS4A0"; width = 11; } 109 { title = "Lynched Corpse (heartless)"; sprite = "CPS5A0"; width = 10; } 110 { title = "Corpse (sitting)"; sprite = "CPS6A0"; width = 15; } 62 { title = "Corpse (sleeping)"; sprite = "CPS2A0"; } 8509 { title = "Meat Cleaver"; sprite = "TST0A0"; } 8508 { title = "Goblet (silver)"; sprite = "TST9A0"; } 8507 { title = "Goblet (small)"; sprite = "TST8A0"; } 8506 { title = "Goblet (tall)"; sprite = "TST7A0"; } 8505 { title = "Goblet (spilled)"; sprite = "TST6A0"; } 8501 { title = "Small Silver Stein"; sprite = "TST2A0"; } 8500 { title = "Large Brown Stein"; sprite = "TST1A0"; } 104 { title = "Pot (tall)"; sprite = "POT1A0"; width = 10; } 105 { title = "Pot (medium)"; sprite = "POT2A0"; width = 10; } 106 { title = "Pot (short)"; sprite = "POT3A0"; width = 15; } 58 { title = "Hanging Moss 1"; sprite = "MSS1A0"; } 59 { title = "Hanging Moss 2"; sprite = "MSS2A0"; } 10090 { title = "Spike Down"; sprite = "TSPKD0"; width = 20; } 10091 { title = "Spike Up"; sprite = "TSPKB0"; width = 20; } 9027 = "Red Particle Fountain"; 9028 = "Green Particle Fountain"; 9029 = "Blue Particle Fountain"; 9030 = "Yellow Particle Fountain"; 9031 = "Purple Particle Fountain"; 9032 = "Black Particle Fountain"; 9033 = "White Particle Fountain"; } sounds { color = 7; arrow = 1; title = "Sounds"; sort = 1; width = 10; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; fixedsize = true; sprite = "internal:sound"; 1400 = "Sound Sequence 0"; 1401 = "Sound Sequence 1"; 1402 = "Sound Sequence 2"; 1403 = "Sound Sequence 3"; 1404 = "Sound Sequence 4"; 1405 = "Sound Sequence 5"; 1406 = "Sound Sequence 6"; 1407 = "Sound Sequence 7"; 1408 = "Sound Sequence 8"; 1409 = "Sound Sequence 9"; 1411 { title = "Sound Sequence"; arg0 { title = "Sound Sequence Number"; } } 14001 = "Ambient Sound 1"; 14002 = "Ambient Sound 2"; 14003 = "Ambient Sound 3"; 14004 = "Ambient Sound 4"; 14005 = "Ambient Sound 5"; 14006 = "Ambient Sound 6"; 14007 = "Ambient Sound 7"; 14008 = "Ambient Sound 8"; 14009 = "Ambient Sound 9"; 14010 = "Ambient Sound 10"; 14011 = "Ambient Sound 11"; 14012 = "Ambient Sound 12"; 14013 = "Ambient Sound 13"; 14014 = "Ambient Sound 14"; 14015 = "Ambient Sound 15"; 14016 = "Ambient Sound 16"; 14017 = "Ambient Sound 17"; 14018 = "Ambient Sound 18"; 14019 = "Ambient Sound 19"; 14020 = "Ambient Sound 20"; 14021 = "Ambient Sound 21"; 14022 = "Ambient Sound 22"; 14023 = "Ambient Sound 23"; 14024 = "Ambient Sound 24"; 14025 = "Ambient Sound 25"; 14026 = "Ambient Sound 26"; 14027 = "Ambient Sound 27"; 14028 = "Ambient Sound 28"; 14029 = "Ambient Sound 29"; 14030 = "Ambient Sound 30"; 14031 = "Ambient Sound 31"; 14032 = "Ambient Sound 32"; 14033 = "Ambient Sound 33"; 14034 = "Ambient Sound 34"; 14035 = "Ambient Sound 35"; 14036 = "Ambient Sound 36"; 14037 = "Ambient Sound 37"; 14038 = "Ambient Sound 38"; 14039 = "Ambient Sound 39"; 14040 = "Ambient Sound 40"; 14041 = "Ambient Sound 41"; 14042 = "Ambient Sound 42"; 14043 = "Ambient Sound 43"; 14044 = "Ambient Sound 44"; 14045 = "Ambient Sound 45"; 14046 = "Ambient Sound 46"; 14047 = "Ambient Sound 47"; 14048 = "Ambient Sound 48"; 14049 = "Ambient Sound 49"; 14050 = "Ambient Sound 50"; 14051 = "Ambient Sound 51"; 14052 = "Ambient Sound 52"; 14053 = "Ambient Sound 53"; 14054 = "Ambient Sound 54"; 14055 = "Ambient Sound 55"; 14056 = "Ambient Sound 56"; 14057 = "Ambient Sound 57"; 14058 = "Ambient Sound 58"; 14059 = "Ambient Sound 59"; 14060 = "Ambient Sound 60"; 14061 = "Ambient Sound 61"; 14062 = "Ambient Sound 62"; 14063 = "Ambient Sound 63"; 14064 = "Ambient Sound 64"; 14065 { title = "Ambient Sound"; arg0 { title = "Ambient Sound Number"; } } } other { color = 8; // Dark Grey arrow = 1; title = "Other"; width = 0; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; 118 { title = "Glitter Bridge"; width = 32; fixedsize = false; } 3000 = "Polyobject Anchor"; 3001 = "Polyobject Start Spot"; 3002 = "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)"; 10225 { title = "Spawn Bat"; arg0 { title = "Spawn Frequency"; } arg1 { title = "Spread Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Spawn Duration"; } arg4 { title = "Changing Angle"; } } 10000 { title = "Spawn Fog"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg1 { title = "Spread Angle"; } arg2 { title = "Spawn Frequency"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } } 10001 { title = "Fog Patch (small)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 10002 { title = "Fog Patch (medium)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 10003 { title = "Fog Patch (large)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 113 = "Spawn Leaf"; } slopes { color = 8; // Grey arrow = 0; title = "Slopes"; width = 8; sort = 1; height = 0; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; fixedsize = true; 9511 { title = "Copy ceiling plane"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 9510 { title = "Copy floor plane"; arg0 { title = "Sector Tag"; type = 13; } } 9503 { title = "Set ceiling slope"; arrow = 1; arg0 { title = "Z-Angle"; } } 9502 { title = "Set floor slope"; arrow = 1; arg0 { title = "Z-Angle"; } } 9501 { title = "Slope ceiling to here"; height = 8; arg0 { title = "Line"; type = 15; } } 9500 { title = "Slope floor to here"; height = 4; arg0 { title = "Line"; type = 15; } } 1500 { title = "Line slope floor"; height = 8; } 1501 { title = "Line slope ceiling"; height = 8; } 1504 { title = "Vertex slope floor"; height = 8; absolutez = true; } 1505 { title = "Vertex slope ceiling"; height = 8; absolutez = true; } } zdoom { color = 7; // Light Grey arrow = 1; title = "ZDoom"; width = 10; height = 20; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; sprite = "internal:arrow"; 5001 = "Pusher"; 5002 = "Puller"; 9024 { title = "Path Node"; arg0 { title = "Next Node"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Delay"; } } 9025 = "Camera"; 9026 { title = "Spark"; arg0 { title = "Particles Amount"; } } 9040 = "Map Marker"; 9045 = "Deep Water"; 9046 = "Sector Secret"; 9300 = "Polyobject Anchor"; 9301 = "Polyobject Start Spot"; 9302 = "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)"; 9001 = "Map Spot"; 9013 = "Map Spot (gravity)"; 9988 { title = "Custom Sprite"; arg0 { title = "BTILxxxx"; } arg1 { title = "X Scale (64=100%)"; } arg2 { title = "Y Scale (64=100%) "; } arg3 { title = "Flags"; type = 11; enum { 0 = "Opaque"; 2 = "Alpha 33%"; 3 = "Alpha 66%"; 4 = "Flip horizontally"; 5 = "Flip vertically"; } } } } portals { color = 7; arrow = 0; title = "Portals"; width = 0; sort = 1; height = 0; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; fixedsize = true; 9077 { title = "Upper Sector"; arg0 { title = "Flat Transparency"; } } 9078 { title = "Lower Sector"; arg0 { title = "Flat Transparency"; } } } } // ENUMERATIONS // These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields. enums { yesno { 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"; } noyes { 0 = "Yes"; 1 = "No"; } onoff { 0 = "On"; 1 = "Off"; } offon { 1 = "On"; 0 = "Off"; } updown { 0 = "Up"; 1 = "Down"; } addset { 0 = "Add"; 1 = "Set"; } frontback { 0 = "Front"; 1 = "Back"; } backfront { 1 = "Front"; 0 = "Back"; } floorceiling { 0 = "Floor"; 1 = "Ceiling"; } ceilingfloor { 0 = "Ceiling"; 1 = "Floor"; } sector_flags { 1 = "Silent"; 2 = "No Falling Damage"; 4 = "Drop with floor"; 8 = "No Respawn"; } keys { 0 = "None"; 1 = "Steel key"; 2 = "Cave key"; 3 = "Axe key"; 4 = "Fire key"; 5 = "Emerald key"; 6 = "Dungeon key"; 7 = "Silver key"; 8 = "Rusted key"; 9 = "Horn key"; 10 = "Swamp key"; 11 = "Castle key"; 100 = "Any key"; 101 = "All keys"; 102 = "Impossible"; } spawnthing { 0 = "None"; /* T_NONE 0 T_CENTAUR 1 T_CENTAURLEADER 2 T_DEMON 3 T_ETTIN 4 T_FIREGARGOYLE 5 T_WATERLURKER 6 T_WATERLURKERLEADER 7 T_WRAITH 8 T_WRAITHBURIED 9 T_FIREBALL1 10 T_MANA1 11 T_MANA2 12 T_ITEMBOOTS 13 T_ITEMEGG 14 T_ITEMFLIGHT 15 T_ITEMSUMMON 16 T_ITEMTPORTOTHER 17 T_ITEMTELEPORT 18 T_BISHOP 19 T_ICEGOLEM 20 T_BRIDGE 21 T_DRAGONSKINBRACERS 22 T_ITEMHEALTHPOTION 23 T_ITEMHEALTHFLASK 24 T_ITEMHEALTHFULL 25 T_ITEMBOOSTMANA 26 T_FIGHTERAXE 27 T_FIGHTERHAMMER 28 T_FIGHTERSWORD1 29 T_FIGHTERSWORD2 30 T_FIGHTERSWORD3 31 T_CLERICSTAFF 32 T_CLERICHOLY1 33 T_CLERICHOLY2 34 T_CLERICHOLY3 35 T_MAGESHARDS 36 T_MAGESTAFF1 37 T_MAGESTAFF2 38 T_MAGESTAFF3 39 T_MORPHBLAST 40 T_ROCK1 41 T_ROCK2 42 T_ROCK3 43 T_DIRT1 44 T_DIRT2 45 T_DIRT3 46 T_DIRT4 47 T_DIRT5 48 T_DIRT6 49 T_ARROW 50 T_DART 51 T_POISONDART 52 T_RIPPERBALL 53 T_STAINEDGLASS1 54 T_STAINEDGLASS2 55 T_STAINEDGLASS3 56 T_STAINEDGLASS4 57 T_STAINEDGLASS5 58 T_STAINEDGLASS6 59 T_STAINEDGLASS7 60 T_STAINEDGLASS8 61 T_STAINEDGLASS9 62 T_STAINEDGLASS0 63 T_BLADE 64 T_ICESHARD 65 T_FLAME_SMALL 66 T_FLAME_LARGE 67 T_MESHARMOR 68 T_FALCONSHIELD 69 T_PLATINUMHELM 70 T_AMULETOFWARDING 71 T_ITEMFLECHETTE 72 T_ITEMTORCH 73 T_ITEMREPULSION 74 T_MANA3 75 T_PUZZSKULL 76 T_PUZZGEMBIG 77 T_PUZZGEMRED 78 T_PUZZGEMGREEN1 79 T_PUZZGEMGREEN2 80 T_PUZZGEMBLUE1 81 T_PUZZGEMBLUE2 82 T_PUZZBOOK1 83 T_PUZZBOOK2 84 T_METALKEY 85 T_SMALLMETALKEY 86 T_AXEKEY 87 T_FIREKEY 88 T_GREENKEY 89 T_MACEKEY 90 T_SILVERKEY 91 T_RUSTYKEY 92 T_HORNKEY 93 T_SERPENTKEY 94 T_WATERDRIP 95 T_TEMPSMALLFLAME 96 T_PERMSMALLFLAME 97 T_TEMPLARGEFLAME 98 T_PERMLARGEFLAME 99 T_DEMON_MASH 100 T_DEMON2_MASH 101 T_ETTIN_MASH 102 T_CENTAUR_MASH 103 T_THRUSTSPIKEUP 104 T_THRUSTSPIKEDOWN 105 T_FLESH_DRIP1 106 T_FLESH_DRIP2 107 T_SPARK_DRIP 108 */ } generic_floor_target { 0 = "Relative offset"; 1 = "Highest neighbor"; 2 = "Lowest neighbor"; 3 = "Nearest neighbor"; 4 = "Lowest neighbor"; 5 = "Ceiling"; 6 = "Shortest lower texture"; } generic_ceiling_target { 0 = "Relative offset"; 1 = "Highest neighbor"; 2 = "Lowest neighbor"; 3 = "Nearest neighbor"; 4 = "Highest neighbor"; 5 = "Floor"; 6 = "Shortest lower texture"; } generic_door_types { 0 = "Open Close"; 1 = "Open Stay"; 2 = "Close Open"; 3 = "Close Stay"; } generic_lift_types { 0 = "Up Stay"; 1 = "Down Up"; 2 = "Down to nearest"; 3 = "Down to lowest"; 4 = "Perpetual raise"; } death_types { 0 = "Unknown"; 12 = "Water"; 13 = "Slime"; 14 = "Lava"; 15 = "Crush"; 16 = "Telefrag"; 17 = "Falling"; 18 = "Suicide"; 19 = "Barrel"; 20 = "Exit"; 21 = "Splash"; 22 = "Hit"; } } // Default thing filters // (these are not required, just usefull for new users) thingsfilters { filter0 { name = "Easy skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 1 = true; } } filter1 { name = "Hard skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 4 = true; } } filter2 { name = "Keys only"; category = "keys"; type = -1; } filter3 { name = "Medium skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 2 = true; } } }