#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using System.Diagnostics; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using SlimDX.Direct3D9; using System.Drawing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Threading; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder { public static class General { #region ================== API Declarations //[DllImport("user32.dll")] //internal static extern bool LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr hwnd); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="RtlZeroMemory", SetLastError=false)] internal static extern void ZeroMemory(IntPtr dest, int size); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "RtlMoveMemory", SetLastError = false)] internal static extern unsafe void CopyMemory(void* dst, void* src, UIntPtr length); [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] internal static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hwnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern bool MessageBeep(MessageBeepType type); #endregion #region ================== Constants // SendMessage API internal const int CB_SETITEMHEIGHT = 0x153; // Files and Folders private const string SETTINGS_FILE = "Builder.cfg"; private const string SETTINGS_DIR = "Doom Builder"; private const string LOG_FILE = "Builder.log"; private const string GAME_CONFIGS_DIR = "Configurations"; private const string COMPILERS_DIR = "Compilers"; private const string PLUGINS_DIR = "Plugins"; private const string SETUP_DIR = "Setup"; #endregion #region ================== Variables // Files and Folders private static string apppath; private static string setuppath; private static string settingspath; private static string logfile; private static string temppath; private static string configspath; private static string compilerspath; private static string pluginspath; // Main objects private static Assembly thisasm; private static MainForm mainwindow; private static ProgramConfiguration settings; private static MapManager map; private static ActionManager actions; private static PluginManager plugins; private static ColorCollection colors; private static TypesManager types; private static Clock clock; // Configurations private static List configs; private static List compilers; private static List nodebuilders; // States private static bool debugbuild; // Command line arguments private static string[] cmdargs; private static string autoloadfile = null; private static string autoloadmap = null; private static string autoloadconfig = null; #endregion #region ================== Properties internal static Assembly ThisAssembly { get { return thisasm; } } public static string AppPath { get { return apppath; } } public static string TempPath { get { return temppath; } } public static string ConfigsPath { get { return configspath; } } public static string CompilersPath { get { return compilerspath; } } public static string PluginsPath { get { return pluginspath; } } public static ICollection CommandArgs { get { return Array.AsReadOnly(cmdargs); } } internal static MainForm MainWindow { get { return mainwindow; } } public static IMainForm Interface { get { return mainwindow; } } public static ProgramConfiguration Settings { get { return settings; } } public static ColorCollection Colors { get { return colors; } } internal static List Configs { get { return configs; } } internal static List Nodebuilders { get { return nodebuilders; } } internal static List Compilers { get { return compilers; } } public static MapManager Map { get { return map; } } internal static ActionManager Actions { get { return actions; } } internal static PluginManager Plugins { get { return plugins; } } public static Clock Clock { get { return clock; } } public static bool DebugBuild { get { return debugbuild; } } internal static TypesManager Types { get { return types; } } internal static string AutoLoadFile { get { return autoloadfile; } } internal static string AutoLoadMap { get { return autoloadmap; } } internal static string AutoLoadConfig { get { return autoloadconfig; } } #endregion #region ================== Configurations // This returns the game configuration info by filename internal static ConfigurationInfo GetConfigurationInfo(string filename) { // Go for all config infos foreach(ConfigurationInfo ci in configs) { // Check if filename matches if(string.Compare(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ci.Filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), true) == 0) { // Return this info return ci; } } // None found return null; } // This loads and returns a game configuration internal static Configuration LoadGameConfiguration(string filename) { Configuration cfg; // Make the full filepathname string filepathname = Path.Combine(configspath, filename); // Load configuration try { // Try loading the configuration cfg = new Configuration(filepathname, true); // Check for erors if(cfg.ErrorResult != 0) { // Error in configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the game configuration file \"" + filename + "\".\n" + "Error near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return null; } // Check if this is a Doom Builder 2 config else if(cfg.ReadSetting("type", "") != "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration") { // Old configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the game configuration file \"" + filename + "\".\n" + "This configuration is not a Doom Builder 2 game configuration.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return null; } else { // The following code was used to convert the linedef types of DB1 type // configurations into proper categorized structures for DB2. // I keep this code here in the repository because if it failed, I might // need this again to convert from scratch. /* GameConfiguration gcfg = new GameConfiguration(cfg); Configuration newcfg = new Configuration(); newcfg.NewConfiguration(true); bool doommap = (gcfg.FormatInterface == "DoomMapSetIO"); foreach(LinedefActionInfo a in gcfg.SortedLinedefActions) { string catkey = a.Category.ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); string cattitle = a.Category; string linekey = a.Index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string linetitle = a.Name; string lineprefix = a.Prefix; if(catkey.Length == 0) { catkey = "misc"; cattitle = ""; } if(cattitle.Length > 0) newcfg.WriteSetting("linedeftypes." + catkey + ".title", cattitle); newcfg.WriteSetting("linedeftypes." + catkey + "." + linekey + ".title", linetitle); if(doommap) newcfg.WriteSetting("linedeftypes." + catkey + "." + linekey + ".prefix", lineprefix); if(!doommap) { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(a.ArgUsed[i]) { newcfg.WriteSetting("linedeftypes." + catkey + "." + linekey + ".arg" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".title", a.ArgTitle[i]); if(a.ArgTagType[i] != TagType.None) newcfg.WriteSetting("linedeftypes." + catkey + "." + linekey + ".arg" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".tag", (int)a.ArgTagType[i]); } } } } newcfg.SaveConfiguration(Path.Combine(configspath, "_" + filename)); */ // Return config return cfg; } } catch(Exception) { // Unable to load configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the game configuration file \"" + filename + "\".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return null; } } // This loads all game configurations private static void LoadAllGameConfigurations() { Configuration cfg; string[] filenames; string name, fullfilename; // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Loading game configurations..."); // Make array configs = new List(); // Go for all cfg files in the configurations directory filenames = Directory.GetFiles(configspath, "*.cfg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach(string filepath in filenames) { // Check if it can be loaded cfg = LoadGameConfiguration(Path.GetFileName(filepath)); if(cfg != null) { fullfilename = Path.GetFileName(filepath); ConfigurationInfo cfginfo = new ConfigurationInfo(cfg, fullfilename); // Add to lists General.WriteLogLine("Registered game configuration '" + cfginfo.Name + "' from '" + fullfilename + "'"); configs.Add(cfginfo); } } // Sort the list configs.Sort(); } // This loads all nodebuilder configurations private static void LoadAllNodebuilderConfigurations() { Configuration cfg; IDictionary builderslist; string[] filenames; // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Loading nodebuilder configurations..."); // Make array nodebuilders = new List(); // Go for all cfg files in the compilers directory filenames = Directory.GetFiles(compilerspath, "*.cfg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach(string filepath in filenames) { try { // Try loading the configuration cfg = new Configuration(filepath, true); // Check for erors if(cfg.ErrorResult != 0) { // Error in configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the compiler configuration file \"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\".\n" + "Error near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { // Get structures builderslist = cfg.ReadSetting("nodebuilders", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in builderslist) { // Check if this is a structure if(de.Value is IDictionary) { try { // Make nodebuilder info nodebuilders.Add(new NodebuilderInfo(Path.GetFileName(filepath), de.Key.ToString(), cfg)); } catch(Exception e) { // Unable to load configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the nodebuilder configuration '" + de.Key.ToString() + "' from \"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\". Error: " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } } } } catch(Exception) { // Unable to load configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the compiler configuration file \"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } // Sort the list nodebuilders.Sort(); } // This loads all compiler configurations private static void LoadAllCompilerConfigurations() { Configuration cfg; IDictionary compilerslist; string[] filenames; // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Loading compiler configurations..."); // Make array compilers = new List(); // Go for all cfg files in the compilers directory filenames = Directory.GetFiles(compilerspath, "*.cfg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach(string filepath in filenames) { try { // Try loading the configuration cfg = new Configuration(filepath, true); // Check for erors if(cfg.ErrorResult != 0) { // Error in configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the compiler configuration file \"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\".\n" + "Error near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { // Get structures compilerslist = cfg.ReadSetting("compilers", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in compilerslist) { // Check if this is a structure if(de.Value is IDictionary) { // Make compiler info compilers.Add(new CompilerInfo(Path.GetFileName(filepath), de.Key.ToString(), cfg)); } } } } catch(Exception) { // Unable to load configuration ShowErrorMessage("Unable to load the compiler configuration file \"" + Path.GetFileName(filepath) + "\".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } } // This returns a nodebuilder by name internal static NodebuilderInfo GetNodebuilderByName(string name) { // Go for all nodebuilders foreach(NodebuilderInfo n in nodebuilders) { // Name matches? if(n.Name == name) return n; } // Cannot find that nodebuilder return null; } #endregion #region ================== Startup // Main program entry [STAThread] internal static void Main(string[] args) { Uri localpath; Version thisversion; // Determine states #if DEBUG debugbuild = true; #else debugbuild = false; #endif // Enable OS visual styles Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.DoEvents(); // This must be here to work around a .NET bug // Hook to DLL loading failure event AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve); // Set current thread name Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Application"; // Get a reference to this assembly thisasm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); thisversion = thisasm.GetName().Version; // Find application path localpath = new Uri(Path.GetDirectoryName(thisasm.GetName().CodeBase)); apppath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(localpath.AbsolutePath); // Setup directories temppath = Path.GetTempPath(); setuppath = Path.Combine(apppath, SETUP_DIR); settingspath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), SETTINGS_DIR); configspath = Path.Combine(apppath, GAME_CONFIGS_DIR); compilerspath = Path.Combine(apppath, COMPILERS_DIR); pluginspath = Path.Combine(apppath, PLUGINS_DIR); logfile = Path.Combine(settingspath, LOG_FILE); // Make program settings directory if missing if(!Directory.Exists(settingspath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(settingspath); // Remove the previous log file and start logging if(File.Exists(logfile)) File.Delete(logfile); General.WriteLogLine("Doom Builder " + thisversion.Major + "." + thisversion.Minor + " startup"); General.WriteLogLine("Application path: " + apppath); General.WriteLogLine("Temporary path: " + temppath); General.WriteLogLine("Local settings path: " + settingspath); General.WriteLogLine("Configurations path: " + configspath); General.WriteLogLine("Compilers path: " + compilerspath); General.WriteLogLine("Plugins path: " + pluginspath); General.WriteLogLine("Command-line arguments: " + args.Length); for(int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) General.WriteLogLine("Argument " + i + ": \"" + args[i] + "\""); // Parse command-line arguments ParseCommandLineArgs(args); // Load configuration General.WriteLogLine("Loading program configuration..."); settings = new ProgramConfiguration(); if(settings.Load(Path.Combine(settingspath, SETTINGS_FILE), Path.Combine(apppath, SETTINGS_FILE))) { // Create action manager actions = new ActionManager(); // Bind static methods to actions General.Actions.BindMethods(typeof(General)); // Initialize static classes MapSet.Initialize(); // Create main window General.WriteLogLine("Loading main interface window..."); mainwindow = new MainForm(); mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); // Show main window General.WriteLogLine("Showing main interface window..."); mainwindow.Show(); mainwindow.Update(); // Start Direct3D General.WriteLogLine("Starting Direct3D graphics driver..."); try { D3DDevice.Startup(); } catch(Direct3D9NotFoundException) { AskDownloadDirectX(); return; } catch(Direct3DX9NotFoundException) { AskDownloadDirectX(); return; } // Load plugin manager General.WriteLogLine("Loading plugins..."); plugins = new PluginManager(); plugins.LoadAllPlugins(); // Load game configurations General.WriteLogLine("Loading game configurations..."); LoadAllGameConfigurations(); // Load compiler configurations General.WriteLogLine("Loading compiler configurations..."); LoadAllCompilerConfigurations(); // Load nodebuilder configurations General.WriteLogLine("Loading nodebuilder configurations..."); LoadAllNodebuilderConfigurations(); // Load color settings General.WriteLogLine("Loading color settings..."); colors = new ColorCollection(settings.Config); // Create application clock General.WriteLogLine("Creating application clock..."); clock = new Clock(); // Create types manager General.WriteLogLine("Creating types manager..."); types = new TypesManager(); // Run application from the main window General.WriteLogLine("Startup done"); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Application.Run(mainwindow); } else { // Terminate Terminate(false); } } // This handles DLL linking errors private static System.Reflection.Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { // Check if SlimDX failed loading if(args.Name.Contains("SlimDX")) AskDownloadDirectX(); // Return null return null; } // This asks the user to download DirectX private static void AskDownloadDirectX() { // Cancel loading map from command-line parameters, if any. // This causes problems, because when the window is shown, the map will // be loaded and DirectX is initialized (which we seem to be missing) autoloadfile = null; // Ask the user to download DirectX if(MessageBox.Show("This application requires the latest version of Microsoft DirectX installed on your computer." + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to install and/or update Microsoft DirectX now?", "DirectX Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { // Open DX web setup //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3").WaitForExit(1000); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path.Combine(setuppath, "dxwebsetup.exe")).WaitForExit(1000); } // End program here Terminate(false); } // This parses the command line arguments private static void ParseCommandLineArgs(string[] args) { // Keep a copy cmdargs = args; // Make a queue so we can parse the values from left to right Queue argslist = new Queue(args); // Parse list while(argslist.Count > 0) { // Get next arg string curarg = argslist.Dequeue(); // Map name info? if(string.Compare(curarg, "-MAP", true) == 0) { // Store next arg as map name information autoloadmap = argslist.Dequeue(); } // Config name info? else if((string.Compare(curarg, "-CFG", true) == 0) || (string.Compare(curarg, "-CONFIG", true) == 0)) { // Store next arg as config filename information autoloadconfig = argslist.Dequeue(); } // Every other arg else { // No command to load file yet? if(autoloadfile == null) { // Check if this is a file we can load if(File.Exists(curarg)) { // Load this file! autoloadfile = curarg.Trim(); } else { // Note in the log that we cannot find this file General.WriteLogLine("WARNING: Cannot find the specified file \"" + curarg + "\""); } } } } } #endregion #region ================== Terminate // This terminates the program internal static void Terminate(bool properexit) { // Terminate properly? if(properexit) { General.WriteLogLine("Termination requested"); // Unbind static methods from actions General.Actions.UnbindMethods(typeof(General)); // Save colors colors.SaveColors(settings.Config); // Save action controls actions.SaveSettings(); // Save game configuration settings foreach(ConfigurationInfo ci in configs) ci.SaveSettings(); // Save settings configuration General.WriteLogLine("Saving program configuration..."); settings.Save(Path.Combine(settingspath, SETTINGS_FILE)); // Clean up if(map != null) map.Dispose(); map = null; if(mainwindow != null) mainwindow.Dispose(); if(actions != null) actions.Dispose(); if(clock != null) clock.Dispose(); if(plugins != null) plugins.Dispose(); if(types != null) types.Dispose(); try { D3DDevice.Terminate(); } catch(Exception) { } // Application ends here and now General.WriteLogLine("Termination done"); Application.Exit(); } else { // Just end now General.WriteLogLine("Immediate program termination"); Application.Exit(); } } #endregion #region ================== Management // This cancels a volatile mode, as if the user presses cancel public static bool CancelVolatileMode() { // Volatile mode? if((map != null) & (map.Mode != null) && map.Mode.Attributes.Volatile) { // Cancel map.Mode.OnCancel(); return true; } else { // Mode is not volatile return false; } } // This disengages a volatile mode, leaving the choice to cancel or accept to the editing mode public static bool DisengageVolatileMode() { // Volatile mode? if((map != null) && (map.Mode != null) && map.Mode.Attributes.Volatile) { // Change back to normal mode map.ChangeMode(map.PreviousStableMode.Name); return true; } else { // Mode is not volatile return false; } } // This creates a new map [BeginAction("newmap")] internal static void NewMap() { MapOptions newoptions = new MapOptions(); MapOptionsForm optionswindow; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Ask the user to save changes (if any) if(General.AskSaveMap()) { // Open map options dialog optionswindow = new MapOptionsForm(newoptions); if(optionswindow.ShowDialog(mainwindow) == DialogResult.OK) { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Creating new map..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Clear the display mainwindow.ClearDisplay(); // Trash the current map, if any if(map != null) map.Dispose(); // Create map manager with given options map = new MapManager(); if(map.InitializeNewMap(newoptions)) { // Done } else { // Unable to create map manager map.Dispose(); map = null; // Show splash logo on display mainwindow.ShowSplashDisplay(); } // All done mainwindow.RedrawDisplay(); mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.HideInfo(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } } // This closes the current map [BeginAction("closemap")] internal static void ActionCloseMap() { CloseMap(); } internal static bool CloseMap() { // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Ask the user to save changes (if any) if(General.AskSaveMap()) { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Closing map..."); General.WriteLogLine("Unloading map..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Trash the current map if(map != null) map.Dispose(); map = null; // Show splash logo on display mainwindow.ShowSplashDisplay(); // Done Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; mainwindow.RedrawDisplay(); mainwindow.HideInfo(); mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); General.WriteLogLine("Map unload done"); return true; } else { // User cancelled return false; } } // This loads a map from file [BeginAction("openmap")] internal static void OpenMap() { OpenFileDialog openfile; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Open map file dialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog(); openfile.Filter = "Doom WAD Files (*.wad)|*.wad"; openfile.Title = "Open Map"; openfile.AddExtension = false; openfile.CheckFileExists = true; openfile.Multiselect = false; openfile.ValidateNames = true; if(openfile.ShowDialog(mainwindow) == DialogResult.OK) { // Update main window mainwindow.Update(); // Open map file OpenMapFile(openfile.FileName); } } // This opens the specified file internal static void OpenMapFile(string filename) { OpenMapOptionsForm openmapwindow; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Ask the user to save changes (if any) if(General.AskSaveMap()) { // Open map options dialog openmapwindow = new OpenMapOptionsForm(filename); if(openmapwindow.ShowDialog(mainwindow) == DialogResult.OK) OpenMapFileWithOptions(filename, openmapwindow.Options); } } // This opens the specified file without dialog internal static void OpenMapFileWithOptions(string filename, MapOptions options) { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Opening map file..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Clear the display mainwindow.ClearDisplay(); // Trash the current map, if any if(map != null) map.Dispose(); // Create map manager with given options map = new MapManager(); if(map.InitializeOpenMap(filename, options)) { // Add recent file mainwindow.AddRecentFile(filename); } else { // Unable to create map manager map.Dispose(); map = null; // Show splash logo on display mainwindow.ShowSplashDisplay(); } // All done mainwindow.RedrawDisplay(); mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.HideInfo(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } // This saves the current map // Returns tre when saved, false when cancelled or failed [BeginAction("savemap")] internal static void ActionSaveMap() { SaveMap(); } internal static bool SaveMap() { bool result = false; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Check if a wad file is known if(map.FilePathName == "") { // Call to SaveMapAs result = SaveMapAs(); } else { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Saving map file..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Save the map if(map.SaveMap(map.FilePathName, MapManager.SAVE_NORMAL)) { // Add recent file mainwindow.AddRecentFile(map.FilePathName); result = true; } // All done mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } return result; } // This saves the current map as a different file // Returns tre when saved, false when cancelled or failed [BeginAction("savemapas")] internal static void ActionSaveMapAs() { SaveMapAs(); } internal static bool SaveMapAs() { SaveFileDialog savefile; bool result = false; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Show save as dialog savefile = new SaveFileDialog(); savefile.Filter = "Doom WAD Files (*.wad)|*.wad"; savefile.Title = "Save Map As"; savefile.AddExtension = true; savefile.CheckPathExists = true; savefile.OverwritePrompt = true; savefile.ValidateNames = true; if(savefile.ShowDialog(mainwindow) == DialogResult.OK) { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Saving map file..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Save the map if(map.SaveMap(savefile.FileName, MapManager.SAVE_AS)) { // Add recent file mainwindow.AddRecentFile(map.FilePathName); result = true; } // All done mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } return result; } // This saves the current map as a different file // Returns tre when saved, false when cancelled or failed [BeginAction("savemapinto")] internal static void ActionSaveMapInto() { SaveMapInto(); } internal static bool SaveMapInto() { SaveFileDialog savefile; bool result = false; // Cancel volatile mode, if any General.DisengageVolatileMode(); // Show save as dialog savefile = new SaveFileDialog(); savefile.Filter = "Doom WAD Files (*.wad)|*.wad"; savefile.Title = "Save Map Into"; savefile.AddExtension = true; savefile.CheckPathExists = true; savefile.OverwritePrompt = false; savefile.ValidateNames = true; if(savefile.ShowDialog(mainwindow) == DialogResult.OK) { // Display status mainwindow.DisplayStatus("Saving map file..."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Save the map if(map.SaveMap(savefile.FileName, MapManager.SAVE_INTO)) { // Add recent file mainwindow.AddRecentFile(map.FilePathName); result = true; } // All done mainwindow.UpdateInterface(); mainwindow.DisplayReady(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } return result; } // This asks to save the map if needed // Returns false when action was cancelled internal static bool AskSaveMap() { DialogResult result; // Map open and not saved? if((map != null) && map.IsChanged) { // Ask to save changes result = MessageBox.Show(mainwindow, "Do you want to save changes to " + map.FileTitle + " (" + map.Options.CurrentName + ")?", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if(result == DialogResult.Yes) { // Save map and return true on success return SaveMap(); } else if(result == DialogResult.Cancel) { // Abort return false; } } // Continue return true; } #endregion #region ================== Debug // This shows a major failure public static void Fail(string message, string detailedmessage) { Debug.Fail(message, detailedmessage); } // This outputs log information public static void WriteLogLine(string line) { // Output to console Console.WriteLine(line); // Write to log file try { File.AppendAllText(logfile, line + Environment.NewLine); } catch(Exception) { } } // This outputs log information public static void WriteLog(string text) { // Output to console Console.Write(text); // Write to log file try { File.AppendAllText(logfile, text); } catch(Exception) { } } #endregion #region ================== Tools // This returns an element from a collection by index public static T GetByIndex(ICollection collection, int index) { IEnumerator e = collection.GetEnumerator(); for(int i = -1; i < index; i++) e.MoveNext(); return e.Current; } // This returns the next power of 2 public static int NextPowerOf2(int v) { int p = 0; // Continue increasing until higher than v while(Math.Pow(2, p) < v) p++; // Return power return (int)Math.Pow(2, p); } // Convert bool to integer internal static int Bool2Int(bool v) { if(v) return 1; else return 0; } // Convert integer to bool internal static bool Int2Bool(int v) { return (v != 0); } // This shows a message and logs the message public static DialogResult ShowErrorMessage(string message, MessageBoxButtons buttons) { Cursor oldcursor; DialogResult result; // Log the message WriteLogLine(message); // Use normal cursor oldcursor = Cursor.Current; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; // Show message result = MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, message, Application.ProductName, buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Restore old cursor Cursor.Current = oldcursor; // Return result return result; } // This shows a message and logs the message public static DialogResult ShowWarningMessage(string message, MessageBoxButtons buttons) { return ShowWarningMessage(message, buttons, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } // This shows a message and logs the message public static DialogResult ShowWarningMessage(string message, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultbutton) { Cursor oldcursor; DialogResult result; // Log the message WriteLogLine(message); // Use normal cursor oldcursor = Cursor.Current; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; // Show message result = MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, message, Application.ProductName, buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, defaultbutton); // Restore old cursor Cursor.Current = oldcursor; // Return result return result; } // This returns a unique temp filename internal static string MakeTempFilename(string tempdir) { return MakeTempFilename(tempdir, "tmp"); } // This returns a unique temp filename internal static string MakeTempFilename(string tempdir, string extension) { string filename; string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; Random rnd = new Random(); int i; do { // Generate a filename filename = ""; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) filename += chars[rnd.Next(chars.Length)]; filename = Path.Combine(tempdir, filename + "." + extension); } // Continue while file is not unique while(File.Exists(filename) || Directory.Exists(filename)); // Return the filename return filename; } // This returns a unique temp directory name internal static string MakeTempDirname() { string dirname; string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; Random rnd = new Random(); int i; do { // Generate a filename dirname = ""; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) dirname += chars[rnd.Next(chars.Length)]; dirname = Path.Combine(temppath, dirname); } // Continue while file is not unique while(File.Exists(dirname) || Directory.Exists(dirname)); // Return the filename return dirname; } // This shows an image in a panel either zoomed or centered depending on size public static void DisplayZoomedImage(Panel panel, Image image) { // Set the image panel.BackgroundImage = image; // Image not null? if(image != null) { // Small enough to fit in panel? if((image.Size.Width < panel.ClientRectangle.Width) && (image.Size.Height < panel.ClientRectangle.Height)) { // Display centered panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center; } else { // Display zoomed panel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; } } } // This calculates the new rectangle when one is scaled into another keeping aspect ratio public static RectangleF MakeZoomedRect(Size source, RectangleF target) { return MakeZoomedRect(new SizeF((int)source.Width, (int)source.Height), target); } // This calculates the new rectangle when one is scaled into another keeping aspect ratio public static RectangleF MakeZoomedRect(Size source, Rectangle target) { return MakeZoomedRect(new SizeF((int)source.Width, (int)source.Height), new RectangleF((int)target.Left, (int)target.Top, (int)target.Width, (int)target.Height)); } // This calculates the new rectangle when one is scaled into another keeping aspect ratio public static RectangleF MakeZoomedRect(SizeF source, RectangleF target) { float scale; // Image fits? if((source.Width <= target.Width) && (source.Height <= target.Height)) { // Just center scale = 1.0f; } // Image is wider than tall? else if((source.Width - target.Width) > (source.Height - target.Height)) { // Scale down by width scale = target.Width / source.Width; } else { // Scale down by height scale = target.Height / source.Height; } // Return centered and scaled return new RectangleF(target.Left + (target.Width - source.Width * scale) * 0.5f, target.Top + (target.Height - source.Height * scale) * 0.5f, source.Width * scale, source.Height * scale); } #endregion [BeginAction("testaction")] internal static void TestAction() { ThingEditForm t = new ThingEditForm(); t.ShowDialog(mainwindow); t.Dispose(); } } }