#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
	[EditMode(DisplayName = "Draw Rectangle Mode",
			  SwitchAction = "drawrectanglemode",
			  ButtonImage = "DrawRectangleMode.png", //mxd	
			  ButtonOrder = int.MinValue + 3, //mxd
			  ButtonGroup = "000_drawing", //mxd
			  AllowCopyPaste = false,
			  Volatile = true,
			  Optional = false)]

	public class DrawRectangleMode : DrawGeometryMode
		#region ================== Variables

		protected HintLabel hintlabel;
		protected int bevelwidth;
		protected int currentbevelwidth;
		protected int subdivisions;

		protected int maxsubdivisions;
		protected int minsubdivisions;

		protected string undoname = "Rectangle draw";
		protected string shapename = "rectangle";

		protected Vector2D start;
		protected Vector2D end;
		protected int width;
		protected int height;
		protected int minpointscount;
		protected bool alwaysrendershapehints;

		private bool blockupdate;

		// Interface
		private DrawRectangleOptionsPanel panel;


		#region ================== Constructor/Disposer

		public DrawRectangleMode() 
			snaptogrid = true;
			usefourcardinaldirections = true;
			autoclosedrawing = false;

		public override void Dispose() 
			// Not already disposed?
				// Clean up
				if(hintlabel != null) hintlabel.Dispose();

				// Done


		#region ================== Settings panel

		protected override void SetupInterface() 
            minsubdivisions = 0;
			maxsubdivisions = 16;
			minpointscount = 4;

			// Load stored settings
			subdivisions = General.Clamp(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.subdivisions", 0), minsubdivisions, maxsubdivisions);
			bevelwidth = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.bevelwidth", 0);
			currentbevelwidth = bevelwidth;

			//Add options docker
			panel = new DrawRectangleOptionsPanel();
			panel.MaxSubdivisions = maxsubdivisions;
			panel.MinSubdivisions = minsubdivisions;
			panel.MaxBevelWidth = (int)General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate;
			panel.MinBevelWidth = (int)General.Map.FormatInterface.MinCoordinate;
			panel.BevelWidth = bevelwidth;
			panel.Subdivisions = subdivisions;
			panel.OnValueChanged += OptionsPanelOnValueChanged;
			panel.OnContinuousDrawingChanged += OnContinuousDrawingChanged;
			panel.OnShowGuidelinesChanged += OnShowGuidelinesChanged;

			// Needs to be set after adding the OnContinuousDrawingChanged event...
			panel.ContinuousDrawing = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.continuousdrawing", false);
			panel.ShowGuidelines = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.showguidelines", false);

		protected override void AddInterface() 

		protected override void RemoveInterface()
			// Store settings
			General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.subdivisions", subdivisions);
			General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.bevelwidth", bevelwidth);
			General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.continuousdrawing", panel.ContinuousDrawing);
			General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("drawrectanglemode.showguidelines", panel.ShowGuidelines);

			// Remove the buttons


		#region ================== Methods

		override protected void Update() 
			if(blockupdate) return;
			PixelColor stitchcolor = General.Colors.Highlight;
			PixelColor losecolor = General.Colors.Selection;

			snaptocardinaldirection = General.Interface.ShiftState && General.Interface.AltState; //mxd
			snaptogrid = (snaptocardinaldirection || General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid);
			snaptonearest = General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge;

			DrawnVertex curp = GetCurrentPosition();
			float vsize = (renderer.VertexSize + 1.0f) / renderer.Scale;

			// Render drawing lines
				PixelColor color = snaptonearest ? stitchcolor : losecolor;
				if(points.Count == 1) 
					UpdateReferencePoints(points[0], curp);
					Vector2D[] shape = GetShape(start, end);

					// Render guidelines
						RenderGuidelines(start, end, General.Colors.Guideline.WithAlpha(80));

					//render shape
					for(int i = 1; i < shape.Length; i++)
						renderer.RenderLine(shape[i - 1], shape[i], LINE_THICKNESS, color, true);

					for(int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++)
						renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(shape[i].x - vsize, shape[i].y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), color, true);

					//and labels
					if(shape.Length == 2)
						// Render label for line
						labels[0].Move(start, end);
					else if(shape.Length > 3)
						// Render labels for rectangle
						Vector2D[] labelCoords = { start, new Vector2D(end.x, start.y), end, new Vector2D(start.x, end.y), start };
						for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++) 
							labels[i - 1].Move(labelCoords[i], labelCoords[i - 1]);
							renderer.RenderText(labels[i - 1].TextLabel);

						//got beveled corners? 
						if(alwaysrendershapehints || shape.Length > minpointscount + 1)
							//render hint
							if(width > 64 * vsize && height > 16 * vsize)
								hintlabel.Move(start, end);
								hintlabel.Text = GetHintText();

							//and shape corners
							for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
								renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(labelCoords[i].x - vsize, labelCoords[i].y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), General.Colors.InfoLine, true);
						// Render vertex at points[0]
						renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(start.x - vsize, start.y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), General.Colors.InfoLine, true);
					// Render vertex at cursor
					renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(curp.pos.x - vsize, curp.pos.y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), color, true);

				// Done

			// Done

		protected virtual Vector2D[] GetShape(Vector2D pStart, Vector2D pEnd) 
			//no shape
			if(pStart == pEnd) 
				currentbevelwidth = 0;
				return new Vector2D[0];

			if(pEnd.x == pStart.x || pEnd.y == pStart.y) 
				currentbevelwidth = 0;
				return new[] { pStart, pEnd };

			//no corners
			if(bevelwidth == 0) 
				currentbevelwidth = 0;
				return new[] { pStart, new Vector2D(pStart.x, pEnd.y), pEnd, new Vector2D(pEnd.x, pStart.y), pStart };

			//got corners. TODO: check point order
			bool reverse = false;
			currentbevelwidth = Math.Min(Math.Abs(bevelwidth), Math.Min(width, height) / 2);
			if(bevelwidth < 0) 
				currentbevelwidth *= -1;
				reverse = true;

			List<Vector2D> shape = new List<Vector2D>();

			//top-left corner
			shape.AddRange(GetCornerPoints(pStart, currentbevelwidth, currentbevelwidth, !reverse));

			//top-right corner
			shape.AddRange(GetCornerPoints(new Vector2D(pEnd.x, pStart.y), -currentbevelwidth, currentbevelwidth, reverse));

			//bottom-right corner
			shape.AddRange(GetCornerPoints(pEnd, -currentbevelwidth, -currentbevelwidth, !reverse));

			//bottom-left corner
			shape.AddRange(GetCornerPoints(new Vector2D(pStart.x, pEnd.y), currentbevelwidth, -currentbevelwidth, reverse));

			//closing point

			return shape.ToArray();

		private Vector2D[] GetCornerPoints(Vector2D startPoint, int bevel_width, int bevel_height, bool reverse) 
			Vector2D[] points;
			Vector2D center = (bevelwidth > 0 ? new Vector2D(startPoint.x + bevel_width, startPoint.y + bevel_height) : startPoint);
			float curAngle = Angle2D.PI;

			int steps = subdivisions + 2;
			points = new Vector2D[steps];
			float stepAngle = Angle2D.PIHALF / (subdivisions + 1);

			for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++) 
				points[i] = new Vector2D(center.x + (float)Math.Sin(curAngle) * bevel_width, center.y + (float)Math.Cos(curAngle) * bevel_height);
				curAngle += stepAngle;

			if(reverse) Array.Reverse(points);
			return points;

		protected virtual string GetHintText()
			List<string> result = new List<string>();
			if(bevelwidth != 0) result.Add("BVL: " + bevelwidth);
			if(subdivisions != 0) result.Add("SUB: " + subdivisions);

			return string.Join("; ", result.ToArray());

		// Update top-left and bottom-right points, which define drawing shape
		private void UpdateReferencePoints(DrawnVertex p1, DrawnVertex p2) 
			if(!p1.pos.IsFinite() || !p2.pos.IsFinite()) return;

			// Make sure start always stays at left and up from the end
			if(p1.pos.x < p2.pos.x) 
				start.x = p1.pos.x;
				end.x = p2.pos.x;
				start.x = p2.pos.x;
				end.x = p1.pos.x;

			if(p1.pos.y < p2.pos.y) 
				start.y = p1.pos.y;
				end.y = p2.pos.y;
				start.y = p2.pos.y;
				end.y = p1.pos.y;

			// Update size
			width = (int)(end.x - start.x);
			height = (int)(end.y - start.y);

		// This draws a point at a specific location
		override public bool DrawPointAt(Vector2D pos, bool stitch, bool stitchline) 
			if(pos.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary || pos.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary ||
				pos.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary || pos.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary)
				return false;

			DrawnVertex newpoint = new DrawnVertex();
			newpoint.pos = pos;
			newpoint.stitch = true; //stitch
			newpoint.stitchline = stitchline;

			if(points.Count == 1) //add point and labels
				labels.AddRange(new[] { new LineLengthLabel(false, true), new LineLengthLabel(false, true), new LineLengthLabel(false, true), new LineLengthLabel(false, true) });
				hintlabel = new HintLabel(General.Colors.InfoLine);
			else if(points[0].pos == points[1].pos) //nothing is drawn
				points = new List<DrawnVertex>();
				//create vertices for final shape. 
				UpdateReferencePoints(points[0], newpoint);
				points = new List<DrawnVertex>(); //clear points
				Vector2D[] shape = GetShape(start, end);

				// We don't want base.DrawPointAt to call Update() here, because it will mess labels[] 
				// and trigger shape.Count number of display redraws...
				blockupdate = true;
				foreach(Vector2D t in shape) base.DrawPointAt(t, true, true);
				blockupdate = false;

			return true;

		override public void RemovePoint() 
			if(points.Count > 0) points.RemoveAt(points.Count - 1);
			if(labels.Count > 0) labels = new List<LineLengthLabel>();

		public override void RemoveFirstPoint()


		#region ================== Events
		override public void OnAccept() 
			Cursor.Current = Cursors.AppStarting;

			// When we have a rectangle or a line
			if(points.Count > minpointscount || points.Count == 2) 
				// Make undo for the draw

				// Make an analysis and show info
				string[] adjectives = { "gloomy", "sad", "unhappy", "lonely", "troubled", "depressed", "heartsick", "glum", "pessimistic", "bitter", "downcast" }; // aaand my english vocabulary ends here :)
				string word = adjectives[new Random().Next(adjectives.Length - 1)];
				string a = (word[0] == 'u' ? "an " : "a ");

				General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Created " + a + word + " " + shapename + ".");

				// Make the drawing
				if(Tools.DrawLines(points, true, BuilderPlug.Me.AutoAlignTextureOffsetsOnCreate))
					// Snap to map format accuracy

					// Clear selection

					// Update cached values

					//mxd. Outer sectors may require some splittin...
					if(General.Settings.SplitJoinedSectors) Tools.SplitOuterSectors(General.Map.Map.GetMarkedLinedefs(true));

					// Edit new sectors?
					List<Sector> newsectors = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedSectors(true);
					if(BuilderPlug.Me.EditNewSector && (newsectors.Count > 0))

					// Update the used textures


					// Map is changed
					General.Map.IsChanged = true;
					// Drawing failed
					// NOTE: I have to call this twice, because the first time only cancels this volatile mode

			// Done
			Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

				// Reset settings
				drawingautoclosed = false;

				// Redraw display
				// Return to original mode

		public override void OnDisengage()
			if(hintlabel != null) hintlabel.Dispose();

		public override void OnHelp() 

		private void OptionsPanelOnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) 
			bevelwidth = panel.BevelWidth;
			subdivisions = panel.Subdivisions;


		#region ================== Actions

		protected virtual void IncreaseSubdivLevel() 
			if(subdivisions < maxsubdivisions) 
				panel.Subdivisions = subdivisions;

		protected virtual void DecreaseSubdivLevel() 
			if(subdivisions > minsubdivisions) 
				panel.Subdivisions = subdivisions;

		protected virtual void IncreaseBevel() 
			if(points.Count < 2 || currentbevelwidth == bevelwidth || bevelwidth < 0) 
				bevelwidth = Math.Min(bevelwidth + General.Map.Grid.GridSize, panel.MaxBevelWidth);
				panel.BevelWidth = bevelwidth;

		protected virtual void DecreaseBevel() 
			if(currentbevelwidth == bevelwidth || bevelwidth > 0) 
				bevelwidth = Math.Max(bevelwidth - General.Map.Grid.GridSize, panel.MinBevelWidth);
				panel.BevelWidth = bevelwidth;

