T H E U N O F F I C I A L ================= =============== =============== ================ \\ . . . . . . .\\ //. . . . . . .\\ //. . . . . . .\\ \\. . .\\// . .// ||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| || . . .\/ . ..|| || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || ||. . . . . . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| || . | . . . ..|| || . .|| ||. _-|| ||-_ .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. _-|| ||-_.|\ . . . .|| ||. . || ||-' || || `-|| || . .|| ||. . || ||-' || || `|\_ . .|..|| || . _|| || || || || ||_ . || || . _|| || || || |\ `-_/| .|| ||_-' || .|/ || || \|. || `-_|| ||_-' || .|/ || || | \ / -_.|| || ||_-' || || `-_|| || || ||_-' || || | \ / | '|| || `' || || `' || || `' || || | \ / | || || .===' `===. .==='.`===. .===' /==. | \/ | || || .==' \_|-_ `===. .===' _|_ `===. .===' _-|/ `== \/ | || || .==' _-' `-_ `=' _-' `-_ `=' _-' `-_ /| \/ | || || .==' _-' `-__\._-' `-_./__-' `' |. /| | || ||.==' _-' `' | /==.|| ==' _-' S P E C S \/ `== \ _-' `-_ / `'' ``' Release v1.666 - December 15th, 1994 Written by: Matthew S Fell (msfell@aol.com) "The poets talk about love, ...but what I talk about is DOOM, because in the end, DOOM is all that counts." - Alex Machine/George Stark/Stephen King, _The Dark Half_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- DISCLAIMER ---------- These specs are to aid in informing the public about the games DOOM and DOOM 2, by id Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, the author does not claim ANY responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this file, or indirectly related to this file. The information contained in this file only reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any information in this file is not recommended. ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This article is Copyright 1994 by Matt Fell. All rights reserved. You are granted the following rights: I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as (a) the copies are exact and complete; (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety; (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Matt Fell; (d) the copies are in electronic form. II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so long as (a) this is the original work and not a derivative form; (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution; (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the author; (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be obtained from the author); (e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the best of the knowledge of the distributor; (f) the distributed form is electronic. You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by the author. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of Ohio. If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the author at "msfell@aol.com" on the Internet. -------- CONTENTS -------- [1] Introduction [1-1] id Software's Copyright [1-2] What's New [2] The Basics [2-1] Pwads [2-2] DOOM version information [2-3] Terminology conventions [3] List of DOOM.WAD Directory Entries [4] The Levels [4-1] ExMy or MAPxy [4-2] THINGS [4-2-1] Thing Types [4-2-2] Thing Sizes [4-2-3] Thing Options [4-3] LINEDEFS [4-3-1] Linedef Flags [4-3-2] Linedef Types [4-4] SIDEDEFS [4-5] VERTEXES [4-6] SEGS [4-7] SSECTORS [4-8] NODES [4-9] SECTORS [4-9-1] Special Sector Types [4-10] REJECT [4-11] BLOCKMAP [5] Graphics [5-1] Picture Format [6] Flats (Floor and Ceiling Textures) [6-1] Animated Floors, see [8-4-1] [7] Sounds and Music [7-1] PC Speaker Sound Effects [7-2] Soundcard Sound Effects [7-3] Music [7-4] GENMIDI [7-5] DMXGUS [8] Miscellaneous Lumps [8-1] PLAYPAL [8-2] COLORMAP [8-3] ENDOOM [8-4] TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 [8-4-1] Animated Walls [8-4-2] The SKY Textures [8-5] PNAMES [8-6] DEMOs [8-6-1] Level changes from 1.2 to 1.666 DOOM.WAD [9] Savegame Files [10] The DOOM.EXE File [10-1] Version 1.2 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview [10-1] Version 1.666 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview [10-3] Detail on some EXE Data Structures APPENDICES [A-1] Backus-Naur Form definitions of wad elements [A-2] Engine limits [A-3] DOOM.WAD changes and errors [A-3] A BLOCKMAP algorithm [A-4] Other helpful documents [A-5] Acknowledgments ------------------------- CHAPTER [1]: Introduction ------------------------- DOOM is simply an all-time great game. A big factor in its success and durability is the plethora of user-created add-ons. id Software tacitly encouraged them by including the -FILE parameter, and by having a data format that is both straightforward and easy to understand. DOOM is basically two files, DOOM.EXE and DOOM.WAD. DOOM.EXE is the "engine" which does the display and controls the game, and DOOM.WAD has ALL of the graphics, sound, and map/level data that the engine uses. The -FILE parameter allows small or large external "WAD" files to be incorporated, changing any number of those graphics, sounds, and maps. DOOM 2 has many things in common with DOOM. It uses the same EXE file as version 1.666 of DOOM, and the WAD file format is the same. It's just the contents of the WAD file that are different; there are more enemies! more pictures! more weapons! more stuff!! This document explains in great detail nearly all aspects of the doom WAD file format. And a new chapter (10) documents the location of data within DOOM.EXE itself, so that various unusual game-play changes can be made. This information has been updated to apply to DOOM 2 as well as DOOM 1. The specs were originally conceived as an aid to programmers making DOOM utilities, especially map-editors. Coincidentally, there might also be information useful to advanced level designers and players. The material herein is somewhat technical and it is not recommended for beginners, unless they are determined. There are some other very useful documents in existence; I list the ones I know of in Appendix [A-3]. [1-1]: id Software's Copyright and the Shareware Version ======================================================== My comments and statements are by no means official, and the excerpts below are just the parts that I think are relevant to these specs. Please read the LICENSE.DOC and README.EXE that came with DOOM. The LICENSE.DOC says: "You shall not: rent, lease, sell, distribute for money or other consideration, modify, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based upon the Software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may create a map editor, modify maps and make your own maps (collectively referenced as the "Permitted Derivative Works") for the Software. You may not sell or distribute any Permitted Derivative Works but you may exchange the Permitted Derivative Works at no charge amongst other end-users. In order to commercially distribute any such map editor or data utility you must first sign ID's Data Utility License and ID reserves the right to deny authorization to commercial distribute the any such map editor or data utility. You may request a copy of the Data Editor License from ID" "(except for backup purposes) You may not otherwise reproduce, copy or disclose to others, in whole or in any part, the Software." The README says: "id Software respectfully requests that you do not modify the levels for the shareware version of DOOM. We feel that the distribution of new levels that work with the shareware version of DOOM will lessen a potential user's incentive to purchase the registered version. "If you would like to work with modified levels of DOOM, we encourage you to purchase the registered version of the game." If you are making add-ons, plan on them not working on the shareware game, and plan on including statements about the trademarks and copyrights that id Software owns, as well as disclaimers that they won't support your add-on product, nor will they support DOOM after it has been modified. [1-2]: What's New ================= Each new version of these specs renders the previous version obsolete. This document has grown considerably in size, and to fight that trend, I'll not discuss it any more. It has now been five months since the specs were updated. I won't talk about that either. I'll just apologize for not releasing updates in late May and July like I should have. Those updates would have been numbered 1.4 and 1.5, so perhaps that's why this is version 1.666. Here's some of the new or revised sections since the 1.3 specs: - DOOM 2 info, especially in [4-2-1] and [4-3-2] - lots of info on the DOOM.EXE file in [10] - BNF style definitions in [A-1] - DOOM engine limits in [A-2] - the DEMO format [8-6] - the ENDOOM lump [8-3] - comprehensive list of WAD lumps in [3] - many parts rewritten for clarity - changes in terminology to reflect id's where possible, and to be more consistent throughout - reformatted again, errors and typos corrected ------------------- CHAPTER [2]: Basics ------------------- The starting point is the concept of "WAD". It is not an acronym, it just means a collection of data. Throughout this document, "WAD" or "wad" will mean a file with a .WAD extension that contains data for the doom engine to use. A WAD file has three parts: (1) a twelve-byte header (2) one or more "lumps" (3) a directory or "info table" that contains the names, offsets, and sizes of all the lumps in the WAD The header consists of three four-byte parts: (a) an ASCII string which must be either "IWAD" or "PWAD" (b) a 4-byte (long) integer which is the number of lumps in the wad (c) a long integer which is the file offset to the start of the directory The directory has one 16-byte entry for every lump. Each entry consists of three parts: (a) a long integer, the file offset to the start of the lump (b) a long integer, the size of the lump in bytes (c) an 8-byte ASCII string, the name of the lump, padded with zeros. For example, the "DEMO1" entry in hexadecimal would be (44 45 4D 4F 31 00 00 00) A "lump" is just data, in one of several different formats. Some contain sound data, some contain graphics data, some contain level structure data, etc. These specs are mostly concerned with delineating the formats of the various lump types. There are 10 different types of map/level lump formats, each has a section in chapter [4] (sections 2-11). There are 13 other types of lump formats, listed below with the section where the format is explained, and the actual lump names in parentheses. Also, Appendix [A-1] has definitions of the structures of all these WAD elements. [8-1] palettes (PLAYPAL) [8-2] colormaps (COLORMAP) [8-3] dos exit text (ENDOOM) [8-6] demos (DEMO1, DEMO2, and DEMO3) [8-4] texture composition list (TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2) [8-5] wall patch "number for name" indexing list (PNAMES) [7-4] midi mapping (GENMIDI) [7-5] Gravis UltraSound patch mappings (DMXGUS) [7-1] PC speaker sound effects (DP*) [7-2] Soundcard sound effects (DS*) [7-3] songs (D_*) [6] flats (lumpnames between F_START and F_END) [5] all other graphics (all other lumps) The "marker" and "label" lump names like "S_START" and "E1M1" (or "MAP01") do not actually refer to lumps - they have zero length. They merely serve to mark the beginning or end of a set of related lumps. It is possible to include other directory entries and lumps in a wad file, e.g. an entry called CLOWNS could point to a lump that includes the level creator's name, date of completion, and the latitude and longitude of the Holy Grail. None of these non-standard entries will be used by DOOM, nor will they cause it problems. [2-1]: Pwads ============ There are two types of wad files. The original DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD files are "IWAD"s, or "Internal wads", meaning they contain all of the data necessary to play. The other type is the "PWAD" file, "Patch wad", an external file which has the same structure, but with far fewer entries in the directory. The data in a pwad is substituted for the original data in the DOOM.WAD, thus allowing for much easier distribution of new levels. Only those resources listed in the pwad's directory are changed, everything else is loaded from the IWAD. All external wads should have the "PWAD" indicator, as id has requested. A typical pwad might contain new data for a single level, in which case it would contain the 10 lumps and 11 directory entries necessary to define the level (as described in chapter [4]). A pwad file may contain more than one level or parts of levels, in addition to replacement graphics, sounds, etc. (as of version 1.666, sprites and flats do NOT work from pwads - see chapter [5] for more). In fact, there is apparently no limit to how many entries may be in a pwad. The original doom levels are pretty complicated, and they are from 50-200 kilobytes each in size, uncompressed. Pwad files need to have the extension .WAD to work. Many of them have descriptive names, e.g. if J.R.R. Tolkien made a new level, he might call it GONDOLIN.WAD - to use this level, a player would type DOOM -FILE GONDOLIN.WAD at the command line, along with any other parameters. More than one external file can be added, thus in general: DOOM -FILE [pwad_filename] [pwad_filename] [pwad_filename] ... If there are duplicate entries amongst the directories of all the wads being "added", the pwads listed LAST take precedence. When the game loads, a "modified game" message will appear if there are any pwads involved, reminding the player that id Software will not give technical support or answer questions regarding modified levels. With DOOM version 1.666, there is also the @responsefile option for listing command line parameters and -file specifications. See the DOOM README or the latest FAQ for more information. Also, there are numerous "front-end" utilities that make it easier to play pwads, e.g. load several external files at once, warp to certain levels, specify options, etc. [2-2]: DOOM versions ==================== Version Date Time Is 1.0 10dec93 01:00 first release (aka DOOM Operating System 0.99) 1.1 16dec93 01:10 slightly different from 1.0, newer dos extender 1.2 17feb94 01:20 modem play added! 1.3 - - unauthorized beta release 1.4 28jun94 01:04 shareware beta 1.5 ??jul94 ? shareware beta 1.6 03aug94 01:06 shareware beta 1.666 01sep94 16:42 registered full upgrade! 1.666 ? ? DOOM 2! The important releases as of this writing are 1.2 and 1.666. Hopefully, everyone will move up to 1.666 soon; it has many important improvements over 1.2. The 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 shareware betas contained increasing amounts of the stuff that's now in 1.666, but there's no information here about what exactly those changes were. One, I didn't keep track, and two, they're not really important. See appendix [A-3] for some miscellany about what has changed from version to version. [2-3]: Terminology conventions ============================== Throughout this document, I will use the following conventions for numbers and variable types: (1) Most numbers will be decimal. Hexadecimal numbers will usually be labeled thus: 0xffff or $ffff. But sometimes I'll say "hex ...". And in tablature form, a column heading "HEX" indicates all the numbers in that column are hexadecimal. (2) "byte" is of course the generic, 8 bits. It will usually mean one 8-bit component of a larger data type, or an 8-bit ASCII character, or some such. As a number, it is an unsigned 8-bit integer (0..255). (3) "short" is a signed 16-bit integer (-32768..32767), stored in lo-hi format. (4) "ushort" or "unsigned short" is an unsigned 16-bit integer (0..65535). (5) "integer" or "long" is a signed 32-bit integer. If you don't read this first, my use of the word "integer" might not be immediately apparent. (6) "string8" or "8-byte string" is an ASCII string with length between 1 and 8 characters inclusive. If its length is less than 8, the remaining bytes are zeros. (7) The first byte of a file or any data structure, for addressing and offset purposes, is byte #0, not byte #1. (8) Some abbreviations I use: E1, E2, and E3 refer to episodes 1, 2, and 3 respectively. "The EXE" means the file DOOM.EXE. (666) Any reference to this number is purely intentional. ----------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [3]: List of DOOM.WAD Directory Entries ----------------------------------------------- There are over 2000 entries in the DOOM.WAD directory. Most of them can be easily described in groups, and so are not explicitly mentioned in this list. This includes the sprites (see [4-2-1] for sprite names and [5] for the sprite lump naming system), the wall patches ([8-4] and [8-5] have more info), the flats (chapter [6]), the sounds and songs (chapter [7]), and the map data lumps (chapter [4]). All the others are listed here. There have been several changes from version to version. The "Ver" column indicates in which doom versions the lump exists: ___ no indication means it is in every version. Most are like this. 1.1 it was in 1.0 and 1.1, but not in 1.2 and later. It is obsolete. 1.2 it is not in 1.1 and earlier, only in 1.2 and up. 1.6 it is not in 1.2 and earlier, only in 1.666 and up. r it is only in the registered version, not the shareware. 1 it is only in DOOM 1, it is not in DOOM 2. 2 it is only in DOOM 2, it is not in DOOM 1. In the lump names, x (and y and e) indicates variable ASCII characters, and * can be replaced by an ASCII string (up to the 8-byte lumpname limit). LumpName Ver Description -------- --- ----------- PLAYPAL fourteen 256 color palettes. See [8-1]. COLORMAP maps colors in the palette down to darker ones. [8-2]. ENDOOM text message displayed when you exit to DOS. [8-3]. DEMOx x=1-3, are the demos. [8-6]. ExMy subsequent entries define a single level's data. [4]. MAPxy 2 like ExMy, but for DOOM 2. TEXTURE1 list of wall texture names and their composition data, used in the SIDEDEF portion of each level. [8-4]. TEXTURE2 r more wall texture compositions. PNAMES lists all lump names used as wall patches. [8-5]. GENMIDI General Midi standard instrument data. [7-3]. DMXGUS Gravis Ultra Sound instrument patches. [7-4]. D_ExMy music for a doom 1 level. [7-2]. D_INTER music played on the summary screen between levels. D_INTRO music played when the game starts. D_INTROA 1.2 more introductory music. D_VICTOR music played on the victory text-screen after an episode. D_BUNNY r music for while a certain rabbit has his story told... D_* 2 music for a doom 2 level. DP_* vary PC speaker sound effects. [7-1]. DS_* vary Soundcard sound effects. [7-1]. All the remaining entries in the directory, except the flats between F_START and F_END, and the "markers" like S_START, refer to lumps which are pictures, in the doom/wad graphic format described in chapter [5]. The flats are also pictures, but in a format described in chapter [6]. The next seven are full screen (320 by 200 pixel) pictures. After that, ST* are status-bar pictures, WI* are for the screens between levels, and M_* are for menus. HELP1 Ad-screen says Register!, with some screen shots. HELP2 Actual help, all the controls explained. TITLEPIC Maybe this is the title screen? Gee, I dunno... CREDIT People at id Software who created this great game. VICTORY2 r Screen shown after a victorious end to episode 2. PFUB1 r A nice little rabbit minding his own peas and queues... PFUB2 r ...a hint of what's waiting in Doom 2. ENDx r x=0-6, big red "THE END" gets shot up. AMMNUMx x=0-9. Small grey digits for ammo count (15/200 etc). STxBARy 1.1 x=M or A, y= L or R. Status bar used to be in pieces. STCHAT 1.1 Status bar used to have a "chat" box. STRSNUMx 1.1 x=0-9. Small red digits. STWEAPx 1.1 x=0-5. COOL little weapon icons. Why'd they drop them? STFRAGS 1.1 Tiny "FRAG" to be placed on top of part of status bar. STBAR 1.2 Status Bar as used in deathmatches. STGNUMx x=0-9. Small grey digits used on the "Arms" panel. STTNUMx x=0-9. Big red digits used for Armor, Health, etc. STTMINUS 1.6 Big red "-" used for negative frags. STYSNUMx x=0-9. Small yellow digits used on the "Arms" panel. STTPRCNT Big red % used in Armor and Health. STKEYSx x=0-5. Blue/Yellow/Red Keycards and Skullkeys. STDISK Disk, used at bottom right corner during disk accesses. STCDROM 1.6 CD, used during CD-ROM accesses. STARMS "Arms" panel which replaces "Frags" in non-deathmatch. STCFNxxx xxx=033-095, also 121. Small red ASCII characters. STFBx x=0-3. Green/black/brown/red squares, for ST player faces. STPBx x=0-3. Squares with bottoms, for inter-level screens. STFSTxy x=0-4, y=0-2. Player face. x=0 is 100% health...x=4 is very low health. y=0 is glancing right, y=2 left. STFTLx0 x=0-4. Face looking left, player hurt from that direction. STFTRx0 x=0-4. Face looking right. STFOUCHx x=0-4. Face looking surprised (hurt bad). STFEVLx x=0-4. Face with a grin (when pick up new weapons). STFKILLx x=0-4. Face with a grimace (when killing foes). STFGOD0 Face with yellow eyes (invulnerable). STFDEAD0 Dead face. BRDR_* Tiny pictures used as a border between a less-than-full screen view and the "outside" marbleized zone. TL is top left, BR bottom right, you can guess the rest. WIBONUS 1.1 Medium sized red text "BONUS" WISCORE 1.1 "SCORE" WIMSTPx 1.1 x=0-3. Red text "ONE" to "FOUR". WIMSTBx 1.1 x=0-3. Grey text "ONE" to "FOUR". WIMINUS 1.6 Small red "-" used for negative frags. WIMAPx x=0-2. 320x200 maps used on inter-level screens for e1,2,3. WIAe0x0y patches used to animate inter-level maps. WIURH0 "YOU ARE HERE" with an arrow pointing left. WIURH1 "YOU ARE HERE" with an arrow pointing right. WISPLAT Splat mark that indicates a completed level. WIOSTK "KILLS" WIOSTI "ITEMS" WIF "FINISHED" WIMSTT "TOTAL" WIOSTS "SCRT" WIOSTF "F." WITIME "TIME" WIPAR "PAR" WIMSTAR "YOU" WIPCNT "%" WINUMx x=0-9. Medium sized red digits. WICOLON ":" WISUCKS "SUCKS" WIFRGS "FRAGS" WILVxy x=0-2, y=0-8. E(x+1)M(y+1) level names in grey/white letters. WIPx x=1-4. Red "P1" - "P4", for multiplayer summaries. WIBPx x=1-4. Grey "P1" - "P4" WIKILRS Small red "KILLERS" going sideways up, for deathmatches. WIVCTMS Small red "VICTIMS" for the top of the deathmatch chart. WISCRT2 "SECRET" WIENTER "ENTERING" M_DOOM The DOOM logo M_RDTHIS Big red "Read This!" M_OPTION "Options" M_QUITG "Quit Game" M_NGAME "New Game" M_SKULL1 The skull indicator with eyes lit. M_SKULL2 The skull indicator with eyes unlit. M_THERMO The marker on e.g. the Sfx volume "thermometer". M_THERMR The right end of the thermometer. M_THERML The left end. M_THERMM The middle, repeated over and over. M_ENDGAM "End Game" M_PAUSE "Pause" M_MESSG "Messages:" M_MSGON "on" M_MSGOFF "off" M_EPISOD "Which Epsiode?" M_EPI1 "Knee-Deep In The Dead" M_EPI2 "The Shores Of Hell" M_EPI3 "Inferno" M_HURT "Hurt me plenty." M_JKILL "I'm too young to die." M_ROUGH "Hey, not too rough." M_SKILL "Choose Skill Level:" M_NEWG "NEW GAME" (title of New Game menu) M_ULTRA "Ultra-Violence." M_NMARE 1.2 "Nightmare!" M_SVOL "Sound Volume" M_OPTTTL "OPTIONS" (title of Options menu) M_SAVEG "Save Game" M_LOADG "Load Game" M_DISP "Display" M_MSENS "Mouse sensitivity" M_GDHIGH "high" M_GDLOW "low" M_DETAIL "Graphic Detail:" M_DISOPT "DISPLAY OPTIONS" M_SCRNSZ "Screen Size" M_SGTTL "SAVE GAME" M_LGTTL "LOAD GAME" M_SFXVOL "Sfx Volume" M_MUSVOL "Music Volume" M_LSLEFT Load/save box, left part M_LSCNTR Load/save box, center part (repeated) M_LSRGHT Load/save box, right part The following entries are markers that do not point to a lump; they have zero size: S_START marks the start of the item/monster "sprite" section. See chapter [5] for the naming convention used here. S_END is immediately after the last sprite. P_START marks the beginning of the wall patches. P1_START before the first of the shareware wall patches. P1_END after the last of the shareware wall patches. P2_START r registered wall patches. P2_END r registered wall patches. P_END marks the end of the wall patches. F_START marks the beginning of the flats (floor textures). F1_START shareware flats. F1_END shareware flats. F2_START r registered flats. F2_END r registered flats. F_END marks the end of the flats. ----------------------- CHAPTER [4]: The Levels ----------------------- Each level has eleven directory entries and ten lumps: E[x]M[y] (or MAPxy in a DOOM 2 wad), THINGS, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS, VERTEXES, SEGS, SSECTORS, NODES, SECTORS, REJECT, and BLOCKMAP. In the DOOM.WAD file, all of these entries are present for every level. In a pwad external file, they don't all need to be present. Whichever entries are in a pwad will be substituted for the originals. For example, a pwad with just two entries, E3M6 and THINGS, would use all the walls and such from the original E3M6, but could have a completely different set of THINGS. [4-1]: ExMy or MAPxy ==================== DOOM 1 levels have an ExMy label in a wad's directory. x is a single (ASCII) digit 1-3 for the episode number and y is 1-9 for the mission number. DOOM 2 levels have a MAPxy label in a wad's directory. xy can range from (ASCII) 01 to 32, for the level number. This label just indicates that the lump names following it are part of the designated level. The label does not actually point to a lump, and the size field in the directory is 0. The assignment of lumps to this level stops with either the next ExMy or MAPxy entry, or with a non-map entry like TEXTURE1. Without these labels, there would be no way to differentiate amongst the many lumps named "THINGS", "LINEDEFS", etc. [4-2]: THINGS ============= "Things" in DOOM are player start positions, monsters, weapons, keys, barrels, etc. The size of each THINGS lump will be a multiple of ten, since each thing requires ten bytes to describe it, in five <short> fields: (1) X position of thing (at level's inception) (2) Y position of thing (3) Angle the thing faces. On the automap, 0 is east, 90 is north, 180 is west, 270 is south. This value is only used for monsters, player starts, deathmatch starts, and teleporter landing spots. Other things look the same from all directions. Values are rounded to the nearest 45 degree angle, so if the value is 80, it will actually face 90 - north. (4) Type of thing, see next subsection, [4-2-1] (5) Thing options, see [4-2-3] [4-2-1]: Thing Types -------------------- Short 4 of 5, occupying bytes 6-7 of each thing record, specifies its kind. The table below summarizes the different types. They are listed in functional groups. You can easily get a numerical-order list by extracting this table and SORTing it. Dec/Hex The thing's number in decimal and hexadecimal. This is the number used in the THINGS lump on a level (ExMy or MAPxx). V Version of DOOM needed to use this object: no mark indicates all versions have this object r requires registered DOOM or DOOM 2 2 requires DOOM 2 Spr The sprite name associated with this thing. This is the first four letters of the lumps that are pictures of this thing. seq. The sequence of frames displayed. "-" means it displays nothing. Unanimated things will have just an "a" here, e.g. a backpack's only picture can be found in the wad under BPAKA0. Animated things will show the order that their frames are displayed (they cycle back after the last one). So the blue key alternates between BKEYA0 and BKEYB0. The soulsphere uses SOULA0-SOULB0-C0-D0-C0-B0 then repeats. Thing 15, a dead player, is PLAYN0. + Monsters and players and barrels. They can be hurt, and they have a more complicated sprite arrangement. See chapter [5]. CAPITAL Monsters, counts toward the KILL ratio at the end of a level. # An obstacle, players and monsters can't move through it. ^ Hangs from the ceiling, or floats (if a monster). $ A regular item that players may get. ! An artifact item; counts toward the ITEM ratio at level's end. Note that 2025, the radiation suit, was an ITEM in version 1.2, but it is not an ITEM in version 1.666 on. Also note that 2022 and 2024, invulnerability and invisibility, do not respawn in -altdeath games. Dec. Hex V Spr seq. Thing is: -1 ffff ---- - (nothing) 0 0000 ---- - (nothing) 1 0001 PLAY + Player 1 start (Player 1 start needed on ALL levels) 2 0002 PLAY + Player 2 start (Player starts 2-4 are needed in) 3 0003 PLAY + Player 3 start (cooperative mode multiplayer games) 4 0004 PLAY + Player 4 start 11 000b ---- - Deathmatch start positions. Should have >= 4/level 14 000e ---- - Teleport landing. Where players/monsters land when 14 they teleport to the SECTOR containing this thing 3004 0bbc POSS + # FORMER HUMAN: regular pistol-shooting zombieman 84 0054 2 SSWV + # WOLFENSTEIN SS: guest appearance by Wolf3D blue guy 9 0009 SPOS + # FORMER HUMAN SERGEANT: black armor, shotgunners 65 0041 2 CPOS + # HEAVY WEAPON DUDE: red armor, chaingunners 3001 0bb9 TROO + # IMP: brown, hurl fireballs 3002 0bba SARG + # DEMON: pink, muscular bull-like chewers 58 003a SARG + # SPECTRE: invisible version of the DEMON 3006 0bbe r SKUL + ^# LOST SOUL: flying flaming skulls, they really bite 3005 0bbd r HEAD + ^# CACODEMON: red one-eyed floating heads. Behold... 69 0045 2 BOS2 + # HELL KNIGHT: grey-not-pink BARON, weaker 3003 0bbb BOSS + # BARON OF HELL: cloven hooved minotaur boss 68 0044 2 BSPI + # ARACHNOTRON: baby SPIDER, shoots green plasma 71 0047 2 PAIN + ^# PAIN ELEMENTAL: shoots LOST SOULS, deserves its name 66 0042 2 SKEL + # REVENANT: Fast skeletal dude shoots homing missles 67 0043 2 FATT + # MANCUBUS: Big, slow brown guy shoots barrage of fire 64 0040 2 VILE + # ARCH-VILE: Super-fire attack, ressurects the dead! 7 0007 r SPID + # SPIDER MASTERMIND: giant walking brain boss 16 0010 r CYBR + # CYBER-DEMON: robo-boss, rocket launcher 88 0058 2 BBRN + # BOSS BRAIN: Horrifying visage of the ultimate demon 89 0059 2 - - Boss Shooter: Shoots spinning skull-blocks 87 0057 2 - - Spawn Spot: Where Todd McFarlane's guys appear 2005 07d5 CSAW a $ Chainsaw 2001 07d1 SHOT a $ Shotgun 82 0052 2 SGN2 a $ Double-barreled shotgun 2002 07d2 MGUN a $ Chaingun, gatling gun, mini-gun, whatever 2003 07d3 LAUN a $ Rocket launcher 2004 07d4 r PLAS a $ Plasma gun 2006 07d6 r BFUG a $ Bfg9000 2007 07d7 CLIP a $ Ammo clip 2008 07d8 SHEL a $ Shotgun shells 2010 07da ROCK a $ A rocket 2047 07ff r CELL a $ Cell charge 2048 0800 AMMO a $ Box of Ammo 2049 0801 SBOX a $ Box of Shells 2046 07fe BROK a $ Box of Rockets 17 0011 r CELP a $ Cell charge pack 8 0008 BPAK a $ Backpack: doubles maximum ammo capacities 2011 07db STIM a $ Stimpak 2012 07dc MEDI a $ Medikit 2014 07de BON1 abcdcb ! Health Potion +1% health 2015 07df BON2 abcdcb ! Spirit Armor +1% armor 2018 07e2 ARM1 ab $ Green armor 100% 2019 07e3 ARM2 ab $ Blue armor 200% 83 0053 2 MEGA abcd ! Megasphere: 200% health, 200% armor 2013 07dd SOUL abcdcb ! Soulsphere, Supercharge, +100% health 2022 07e6 r PINV abcd ! Invulnerability 2023 07e7 r PSTR a ! Berserk Strength and 100% health 2024 07e8 PINS abcd ! Invisibility 2025 07e9 SUIT a (!)Radiation suit - see notes on ! above 2026 07ea PMAP abcdcb ! Computer map 2045 07fd PVIS ab ! Lite Amplification goggles 5 0005 BKEY ab $ Blue keycard 40 0028 r BSKU ab $ Blue skullkey 13 000d RKEY ab $ Red keycard 38 0026 r RSKU ab $ Red skullkey 6 0006 YKEY ab $ Yellow keycard 39 0027 r YSKU ab $ Yellow skullkey 2035 07f3 BAR1 ab+ # Barrel; not an obstacle after blown up (BEXP sprite) 72 0048 2 KEEN a+ # A guest appearance by Billy 48 0030 ELEC a # Tall, techno pillar 30 001e r COL1 a # Tall green pillar 32 0020 r COL3 a # Tall red pillar 31 001f r COL2 a # Short green pillar 36 0024 r COL5 ab # Short green pillar with beating heart 33 0021 r COL4 a # Short red pillar 37 0025 r COL6 a # Short red pillar with skull 47 002f r SMIT a # Stalagmite: small brown pointy stump 43 002b r TRE1 a # Burnt tree: gray tree 54 0036 r TRE2 a # Large brown tree 2028 07ec COLU a # Floor lamp 85 0055 2 TLMP abcd # Tall techno floor lamp 86 0056 2 TLP2 abcd # Short techno floor lamp 34 0022 CAND a Candle 35 0023 CBRA a # Candelabra 44 002c r TBLU abcd # Tall blue firestick 45 002d r TGRE abcd # Tall green firestick 46 002e TRED abcd # Tall red firestick 55 0037 r SMBT abcd # Short blue firestick 56 0038 r SMGT abcd # Short green firestick 57 0039 r SMRT abcd # Short red firestick 70 0046 2 FCAN abc # Burning barrel 41 0029 r CEYE abcb # Evil Eye: floating eye in symbol, over candle 42 002a r FSKU abc # Floating Skull: flaming skull-rock 49 0031 r GOR1 abcb ^# Hanging victim, twitching 63 003f r GOR1 abcb ^ Hanging victim, twitching 50 0032 r GOR2 a ^# Hanging victim, arms out 59 003b r GOR2 a ^ Hanging victim, arms out 52 0034 r GOR4 a ^# Hanging pair of legs 60 003c r GOR4 a ^ Hanging pair of legs 51 0033 r GOR3 a ^# Hanging victim, 1-legged 61 003d r GOR3 a ^ Hanging victim, 1-legged 53 0035 r GOR5 a ^# Hanging leg 62 003e r GOR5 a ^ Hanging leg 73 0049 2 HDB1 a ^# Hanging victim, guts removed 74 004a 2 HDB2 a ^# Hanging victim, guts and brain removed 75 004b 2 HDB3 a ^# Hanging torso, looking down 76 004c 2 HDB4 a ^# Hanging torso, open skull 77 004d 2 HDB5 a ^# Hanging torso, looking up 78 004e 2 HDB6 a ^# Hanging torso, brain removed 25 0019 r POL1 a # Impaled human 26 001a r POL6 ab # Twitching impaled human 27 001b r POL4 a # Skull on a pole 28 001c r POL2 a # 5 skulls shish kebob 29 001d r POL3 ab # Pile of skulls and candles 10 000a PLAY w Bloody mess (an exploded player) 12 000c PLAY w Bloody mess, this thing is exactly the same as 10 24 0018 POL5 a Pool of blood and flesh 79 004f 2 POB1 a Pool of blood 80 0050 2 POB2 a Pool of blood 81 0051 2 BRS1 a Pool of brains 15 000f PLAY n Dead player 18 0012 POSS l Dead former human 19 0013 SPOS l Dead former sergeant 20 0014 TROO m Dead imp 21 0015 SARG n Dead demon 22 0016 r HEAD l Dead cacodemon 23 0017 r SKUL k Dead lost soul, invisible (they blow up when killed) [4-2-2]: Thing Sizes -------------------- The list below gives the radius, height, mass, speed, and toughness of all the monsters in DOOM 1 and 2. Almost all non-monster things only differ in their "radius", dependent on whether they are obstacles or not. For collision purposes, things are NOT circular. They occupy a square whose side equals slightly more than 2 times the radius. This square does not turn, it is always aligned with the x and y axes of a level. Consider a simple collision detection in a coordinate plane: IF (ABS(x1-x2) =< (r1+r2)) AND (ABS(y1-y2) =< (r1+r2)) THEN *collision* This will result in square objects centered on their (x,y) positions, and that is the behavior that DOOM objects exhibit. I don't know why the horizontal size is "slightly more" than 2 times the radius, but it is. A player cannot enter a corridor of width 32, but can enter a corridor of width 33. Experiments have shown that no monster can enter a corridor that is exactly (2*radius) wide. It must be bigger. Moving up to the next multiple of 8 is a good idea, if not 16 or 32. Monsters CAN enter sectors that are exactly "Height" high. But obstacles are infinitely high for collision purposes. A player on a very high ledge might not be able to jump off, because of an obstacle right next to him, even though it is far below him. Height is also used when under a crushing ceiling, and to determine if an object can move from one sector to another. The space between the highest floor and the lowest ceiling must be "Height" or greater for the object to fit. Toughness indicates how much punishment a monster can take until it dies. Bullets do 10 damage, Shotgun shells 70 (7 pellets, each is 10), Plasma 20, Rockets 100, and the BFG does 1000 for a direct hit. There's more info on this stuff in the DOOM FAQ. Dec. Hex Radius Height Mass Tough Speed Sprite name or class of things: - - 16 56 100 (100) - PLAY 3004 0bbc 20 56 100 20 8 POSS 84 0054 20 56 100 50 8 SSWV 9 0009 20 56 100 30 8 SPOS 65 0041 20 56 100 70 8 CPOS 3001 0bb9 20 56 100 60 8 TROO 3002 0bba 30 56 400 150 10 SARG 58 003a 30 56 400 150 10 SARG (Inviso model) 3006 0bbe 16 56 50 100 8 SKUL 3005 0bbd 31 56 400 400 8 HEAD 69 0045 24 64 1000 500 8 BOS2 3003 0bbb 24 64 1000 1000 8 BOSS 68 0044 64 64 600 500 12 BSPI 71 0047 31 56 400 400 8 PAIN 66 0042 20 56 500 300 10 SKEL 67 0043 48 64 1000 600 8 FATT 64 0040 20 56 500 700 15 VILE 7 0007 128 100 1000 3000 12 SPID 16 0010 40 110 1000 4000 16 CYBR 88 0058 16 16 6666 250 0 BBRN 72 0048 16 72 6666 100 0 KEEN 2035 07f3 10 42 100 20 0 BAR1 - - 20 16 - - - most non-obstacles (e.g. gettables) - - 16 16 - - - most obstacles 54 0036 32 16 - - - large brown tree [4-2-3]: Thing Options ---------------------- Short 5 of 5, occupying bytes 8-9 of each thing record, control a few options, according to which bits are set: bit 0 the THING is present at skill 1 and 2 bit 1 the THING is present at skill 3 (hurt me plenty) bit 2 the THING is present at skill 4 and 5 (ultra-violence, nightmare) bit 3 indicates a deaf guard. bit 4 means the THING only appears in multiplayer mode. bits 5-15 have no effect. The skill settings are most used with the monsters, of course...the most common skill level settings are hex 07/0f (on all skills), 06/0e (on skill 3-4-5), and 04/0c (only on skill 4-5). Unusual skill settings are perfectly allowable, e.g. hex 05 for a thing which is present on skill 1, 2, 4, and 5, but not skill 3. "deaf guard" only has meaning for monsters, who will not attack until they see a player if they are deaf. Otherwise, they will activate when they hear gunshots, etc. (including the punch!). Sound does not travel through solid walls (walls that are solid at the time of the noise). Also, lines can be set so that sound does not pass through them (see [4-3-1] bit 6). This option is also known as the "ambush" option (or flag, or attribute). [4-3]: LINEDEFS =============== Each linedef represents a line from one of the VERTEXES to another, and each linedef's record is 14 bytes, containing 7 <short> fields: (1) from the VERTEX with this number (the first vertex is 0). (2) to the VERTEX with this number (31 is the 32nd vertex). (3) flags, see [4-3-1] below. (4) types, see [4-3-2] below. (5) is a "tag" or "trigger" number which ties this line's effect type to all SECTORS that have the same tag number (in their last field). (6) number of the "right" SIDEDEF for this linedef. (7) "left" SIDEDEF, if this line adjoins 2 SECTORS. Otherwise, it is equal to -1 (FFFF hex). "right" and "left" are based on the direction of the linedef as indicated by the "from" and "to", or "start" and "end", VERTEXES. This sketch should make it clear: left side right side start -----------------> end <----------------- start right side left side IMPORTANT: All lines must have a right side. If it is a one-sided line, then it must go the proper direction, so its single side is facing the sector it is part of. DOOM will crash on a level that has a line with no right side. [4-3-1]: Linedef Flags ---------------------- The third <short> field of each linedef controls some attributes of that line. These attributes (aka flags) are indicated by bits. If the bit is set (equal to 1), the condition is true for that line. If the bit is not set (equal to 0), the condition is not true. Note that the "unpegged" flags cannot be independently set for the two SIDEDEFs of a line. Here's a list of the flags, followed by a discussion of each: bit Condition 0 Impassible 1 Block Monsters 2 Two-sided 3 Upper Unpegged 4 Lower Unpegged 5 Secret 6 Block Sound 7 Not on Map 8 Already on Map 9-15 unused 0 (Impassible) - Players and monsters cannot cross this line. Note that if there is no sector on the other side, they can't go through the line anyway, regardless of the flags. 1 (Block Monsters) - Monsters cannot cross this line. 2 (Two-sided) - The linedef's two sidedefs can have "-" as a texture, which in this case means "transparent". If this flag is not set, the sidedefs can't be transparent: if "-" is viewed, it will result in the "hall of mirrors" effect. However, a linedef CAN have two non-transparent sidedefs, even if this flag is not set, as long as it is between two sectors. Another side effect of this flag is that if it is set, then gunfire (pistol, shotgun, chaingun) can go through it. If this flag is not set, gunfire cannot go through the line. Projectiles (rockets, plasma etc.) are not restricted this way. They can go through as long as there's a sector on the other side (and the sector heights allow it). Finally, monsters can see through and attack through two-sided lines, despite any of the line's other flag settings and textures (once again, provided sector heights and the REJECT [4-10] allow it). 3 (Upper unpegged) - The upper texture is pasted onto the wall from the top down instead of from the bottom up like usual. Upper textures normally have the bottom of the wall texture to be drawn lined up with the bottom of the "upper" space in which it is to be drawn (sidedef Y offsets then apply [4-4]). This can result in the upper texture being misaligned with a neighboring "middle" texture. To help solve this problem, common at "windows", this flag can be set. If the upper texture is unpegged, it is drawn with the wall texture's top row at the ceiling, just like middle and lower textures are usually drawn. This can help realign the upper texture with a neighbor. The article TEXTURES, cited in appendix [A-4] gives a great deal more explanation on the "unpegged" flags and how to use them. 4 (Lower unpegged) - Lower and middle textures are drawn from the bottom up, instead of from the top down like usual. This is also commonly used on lower textures under "windows". It is also used on doorjambs, because when the door opens, the sector ceiling is rising, so the "sides" (the doorjambs), which are middle textures, will be drawn from the ever-changing ceiling height down, and thus will appear to be "moving". Unpegging them will make them be drawn from the floor up, and since the floor height doesn't change when a door opens, then will not move. There's one slight difference with lower textures being unpegged - they are not necessarily drawn with the bottom of the wall texture placed at the bottom of the wall. The height of the facing sector and the height of the wall texture are taken into account. So if the sector is 160 high, and the wall texture is 128 high, then lower unpegged will cause the 32nd row of the wall texture to be at the floor, NOT the 128th row. This of course excludes sidedef Y offsets, which are applied AFTER unpegged flags do their stuff. 5 (Secret) - On the automap, this line appears in red like a normal solid wall that has nothing on the other side. This is useful in protecting secret doors and such. Note that if the sector on the other side of this "secret" line has its floor height HIGHER than the sector on the facing side of the secret line, then the map will show the lines beyond and thus give up the secret. Also note that this flag has NOTHING to do with the SECRETS ratio on inter-level screens. That's done with special sector 9 (see [4-9-1]). 6 (Block Sound) - For purposes of monsters hearing sounds and thus becoming alerted. Every time a player fires a weapon, the "sound" of it travels from sector to sector, alerting all non-deaf monsters in each new sector. But the sound will die when it hits a second line with this flag. The sound can cross one such line, but not two. All possible routes for the sound to take are taken, so it can get to some out-of-the-way places. Another thing that blocks sound, instantly, is incompatible sector heights. Sound can go from a sector with 0/72 floor/ceiling heights to one with 64/192, but the sound CANNOT go from a 0/128 sector to an adjacent 128/256 sector. 7 (Not on Map) - The line is not shown on the automap, even if the computer all-map power up is acquired. 8 (Already on Map) - When the level is begun, this line is already on the automap, even though it hasn't been seen (in the display) yet. Normally lines only get mapped once part of the line has been seen in the display window. Automap line colors: Red lines indicate the line is one-sided, that there is a sector on only one side (or the line is marked secret). Brown lines are between two sectors with different floor heights but the same ceiling height. Yellow lines are between two sectors with different ceiling heights and the same or different floor heights. Gray lines are as-yet-unseen lines revealed by the computer all-map. Without the all-map, lines between sectors with identical floor and ceiling heights don't show up. With it, they are gray. [4-3-2]: Linedef Types ---------------------- The <short> in field 4 of 7 of a linedef can control various special effects like doors opening, floors moving, etc. Some of them must be activated by "using" them, like switches, and some of them are activated when they are walked over. There are a huge number of ways to use these effects, but it's all done by using one of a hundred or so line function types. The most common way they work is this: a player walks across a line or activates (presses the spacebar or the use key) right in front of a line. That line has a function type that is non-zero. It also has a tag number. Then ALL sectors on the level with the same tag number, that are not already engaged in some action, undergo the effects that the linedef type number dictates. Note that the tag numbers are NOT the sector numbers, nor the linedef numbers. A tag number is in a lindef's 5th <short> field, and a sector's last <short> field. Explanations of all the abbreviations in the table: Val The value of the linedef "type" field (#4). If you want them in numerical order, use SORT or something. * This line function only works in 1.666 and up Class The category of the effect Act Activation. How the linedef's effect is activated. n does NOT require a tag number (see note 5 below) W walk-over activation S switch ("use" - default config is spacebar) G gunfire (pistol, shotgun, chaingun) cross or hit line 1 the line may be activated once only R potentially repeatable activation & affected sectors "locked out" from further changes. See notes 9/10. m Monster actions can activate the line's effect Sound The type of noise made by moving sectors Speed How quickly a floor moves up/down etc. Tm Time - how long it "rests"; doors "rest" when they've gone as high as they're going to go, lifts "rest" at the bottom, etc. Chg Change - some of them cause a floor texture change and/or special sector change. See note 11 below. T Trigger model, see note 11 below. N Numeric model, see note 11 below. X Floor texture is transferred, and Sector type 0. P Special Sector types 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 16 transfer. Effect What happens to the affected sector(s). open The ceiling goes (up) to LEC-4. close The ceiling goes (down) to the floor level. up Will move up at specified speed if the destination is above. If the destination is below, it arrives there instantly. down Will move down at specified speed if the destination is below. If the destination is above, it arrives there instantly. open/ The door can be activated while moving. If it's open or opening, close it closes. If it's closed or closing, it opens, then pauses, then closes. open, The door can only be activated if it is in the closed state. close It opens, pauses, then closes. lift The floor goes down to LIF, rests, then back up to original height. L lowest H highest C ceiling F floor E adjacent sectors, excluding the affected sector I adjacent sectors, including the affected sector nh next-higher, i.e. LEF that is higher than source. More notes and longer discussions related to these terms: 1. "Adjacent" is any sector that shares a LINEDEF with the tagged sector (sectors are adjacent to themselves). 2. All S activations and the teleporters only work from the RIGHT side of the linedef. 3. For teleporters, if more than 1 sector is tagged the same and each has a teleport landing THING, then the lowest numbered sector is the destination. 4. Floors that raise up an absolute height (up 24, 32) will go up INTO ceilings, so using the WR and SR types of these in levels is unwise. 5. A few of the linedef types don't require tag numbers: the end-level switches, the scrolling wall type 48 (0x30), and the "manual" doors which operate on the sector facing the left side of the linedef with the manual door line type. 666. Here's the terms id uses for different types of activations: Manual: nSR and nS1 doors Trigger: W1 Retrigger: WR Switch: S1 Button: SR Impact: G Effect: line 48 is the only one 7. The "moving floors" go up to a maximum of HIF and go down to a minimum of LIF. Why they sometimes go up first and sometimes down is still a mystery to me. 8. The "crushing ceilings" go from their original ceiling height down to (floor + 8), then back up. While crushing a creature, their downward speed slows considerably. "Fast hurt" does about 120% total damage per crush, and "slow hurt" grabs you and does somewhere around 1000-2000% total damage per crush. 9. The & symbol indicates that a sector cannot be affected any more by other line types after it has performed this effect, even if it has finished. These are the floor-texture-changers and... (keep reading) 10. Moving floors and crushing ceilings also "lock out" further changes to the sectors affected, EXCEPT for restarting the moving floor or crushing ceiling. If a line triggers a type 6 crushing ceiling in a sector, then it is stopped, then ANY other line with a "crush" type that is tagged to the same sector will cause the type 6 crusher to start again, with its original maximum and minimum ceiling heights. 11. Some line types cause floor textures and/or some special sector types (see [4-9-1]) to transfer to the tagged sector. The tagged sectors' floor and/or special sector (SS) type will change to match that of the "model" sector. The TRIGGER model gets the info from the sector that the activating line's right side faces. The NUMERIC model gets the info from the sector on the other side of the lowest numbered two-sided linedef that has one side in the tagged sector. All of these "change" line types transfer the floor texture. Also, they all can pass a special sector trait of "0" or "nothing", i.e. if the destination is an acid-floor or "damaging" sector, then any of these lines can erase the damaging effect. Lines 59, 93, 37, 84, and 9 (see note 12 for more specifics on line type 9) also have the ability to transfer the "secret" trait of SS 9, and the damaging traits of SS 4, 5, 7, 11, and 16. None of the "blinking light" effects of SSs can be transferred. SS 4 "blinks" and causes damage, but only the damaging part can be transferred. SS 11 also turns off god-mode and causes a level END when health <11%, this characteristic is part of SS 11, and cannot be isolated via fancy transfers. 12. Line type 9 is a special one. The definitive example is the chainsaw pillar on E1M2. Take the lowest-numbered linedef that has a sidedef in the tagged sector. If that linedef is one-sided, nothing happens. If it is 2-sided, then the tagged sector's floor will move down to match the 2nd sector's floor height (or it will jump instantly up if it was below, like other floors that are supposed to move "down"). If this 2nd sector CONTAINS the tagged sector, i.e. all the linedefs with a sidedef in the tagged sector have their other sidedef in the 2nd sector, then this 2nd sector is the "donut". This donut's floor will move "up" to match the floor height of the sector on the other side of the DONUT's lowest-numbered linedef, excluding those linedefs that are shared with the "donut hole" central sector. Also, the donut will undergo a floor texture change and special sector type change to match the "outside". The donut sector does not have to be completely surrounded by another sector (i.e. it can have 1-sided linedefs), but if its lowest-numbered linedef is not 2-sided, a minor glitch results: the donut and the donut-hole both move to a strange height, and the donut changes floor texture to TLITE6_6 - the last flat in the directory. Note that if the donut hole and the donut are both going to move, the donut hole is going to move to match the height that the donut is "going to". In other words, the whole thing will be at a single height when they're done, and this is the height of the "outside" sector that borders the donut. Whew! 13. Line types 30 and 96, "up ShortestLowerTexture" means that affected sector(s) floors go up a number of units equal to the height of the shortest "lower" texture facing out from the sector(s). 14. STAIRS. Any sector tagged to a stair-raiser line will go up 8. Now find the lowest-numbered 2-sided linedef whose RIGHT side faces this sector (the first step). The sector on the other side of the lindedef becomes the next step, and its floor height changes to be 8 above the previous step (it raises up if it was lower, or it changes instantly if it was higher). This process continues as long as there are 2-sided lines with right sides facing each successive step. A couple things will stop the stairway: (a) no 2-sided linedef whose right side faces the current step (b) a sector with a different floor texture (c) a sector that has already been moved by this stairway (this stops ouroboros stairways that circle around to repeat themselves) (d) "locked-out" sectors that can't change their floor height anymore The component steps of a stairway can have any shape or size. The turbo stairs (100, 127) work just like regular stairs except that each step goes up 16 not 8, and rising steps can crush things between themselves and the ceiling. 15. Line types 78 and 85 do NOTHING as of version 1.666. Val Class Act Sound Speed Tm Chg Effect SPECIAL (Continuous effect, doesn't need triggereing) 48 Spec n-- - - - - Scrolling wall LOCAL DOORS ("MANUAL" DOORS) 1 mDoor nSRm door med 4 - open/close 26 mDoor nSR door med 4 - open/close BLUE KEY 28 mDoor nSR door med 4 - open/close RED KEY 27 mDoor nSR door med 4 - open/close YELLOW KEY 31 mDoor nS1 door med - - open 32 mDoor nS1 door med - - open BLUE KEY 33 mDoor nS1 door med - - open RED KEY 34 mDoor nS1 door med - - open YELLOW KEY 46 mDoor nGR door med - - open 117 * mDoor nSR blaze turbo 4 - open/close 118 * mDoor nS1 blaze turbo - - open REMOTE DOORS 4 rDoor W1 door med 4 - open,close 29 rDoor S1 door med 4 - open,close 90 rDoor WR door med 4 - open,close 63 rDoor SR door med 4 - open,close 2 rDoor W1 door med - - open 103 rDoor S1 door med - - open 86 rDoor WR door med - - open 61 rDoor SR door med - - open 3 rDoor W1 door med - - close 50 rDoor S1 door med - - close 75 rDoor WR door med - - close 42 rDoor SR door med - - close 16 rDoor W1 door med 30 - close, then opens 76 rDoor WR door med 30 - close, then opens 108 * rDoor W1 blaze turbo 4 - open,close 111 * rDoor WR blaze turbo 4 - open,close 105 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo 4 - open,close 114 * rDoor SR blaze turbo 4 - open,close 109 * rDoor W1 blaze turbo - - open 112 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo - - open 106 * rDoor WR blaze turbo - - open 115 * rDoor SR blaze turbo - - open 110 * rDoor W1 blaze turbo - - close 113 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo - - close 107 * rDoor WR blaze turbo - - close 116 * rDoor SR blaze turbo - - close 133 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo - - open BLUE KEY 99 * rDoor SR blaze turbo - - open BLUE KEY 135 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo - - open RED KEY 134 * rDoor SR blaze turbo - - open RED KEY 137 * rDoor S1 blaze turbo - - open YELLOW KEY 136 * rDoor SR blaze turbo - - open YELLOW KEY CEILINGS 40 Ceil W1 mover slow - - up to HEC 41 Ceil S1 mover slow - - down to floor 43 Ceil SR mover slow - - down to floor 44 Ceil W1 mover slow - - down to floor + 8 49 Ceil S1 mover slow - - down to floor + 8 72 Ceil WR mover slow - - down to floor + 8 LIFTS 10 Lift W1 lift fast 3 - lift 21 Lift S1 lift fast 3 - lift 88 Lift WRm lift fast 3 - lift 62 Lift SR lift fast 3 - lift 121 * Lift W1 lift turbo 3 - lift 122 * Lift S1 lift turbo 3 - lift 120 * Lift WR lift turbo 3 - lift 123 * Lift SR lift turbo 3 - lift FLOORS 119 * Floor W1 mover slow - - up to nhEF 128 * Floor WR mover slow - - up to nhEF 18 Floor S1 mover slow - - up to nhEF 69 Floor SR mover slow - - up to nhEF 22 Floor W1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF 95 Floor WR& mover slow - TX up to nhEF 20 Floor S1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF 68 Floor SR& mover slow - TX up to nhEF 47 Floor G1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF 5 Floor W1 mover slow - - up to LIC 91 Floor WR mover slow - - up to LIC 101 Floor S1 mover slow - - up to LIC 64 Floor SR mover slow - - up to LIC 24 Floor G1 mover slow - - up to LIC 130 * Floor W1 mover turbo - - up to nhEF 131 * Floor S1 mover turbo - - up to nhEF 129 * Floor WR mover turbo - - up to nhEF 132 * Floor SR mover turbo - - up to nhEF 56 Floor W1& mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH 94 Floor WR& mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH 55 Floor S1 mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH 65 Floor SR mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH 58 Floor W1 mover slow - - up 24 92 Floor WR mover slow - - up 24 15 Floor S1& mover slow - TX up 24 66 Floor SR& mover slow - TX up 24 59 Floor W1& mover slow - TXP up 24 93 Floor WR& mover slow - TXP up 24 14 Floor S1& mover slow - TX up 32 67 Floor SR& mover slow - TX up 32 140 * Floor S1 mover med - - up 512 30 Floor W1 mover slow - - up ShortestLowerTexture 96 Floor WR mover slow - - up ShortestLowerTexture 38 Floor W1 mover slow - - down to LEF 23 Floor S1 mover slow - - down to LEF 82 Floor WR mover slow - - down to LEF 60 Floor SR mover slow - - down to LEF 37 Floor W1 mover slow - NXP down to LEF 84 Floor WR mover slow - NXP down to LEF 19 Floor W1 mover slow - - down to HEF 102 Floor S1 mover slow - - down to HEF 83 Floor WR mover slow - - down to HEF 45 Floor SR mover slow - - down to HEF 36 Floor W1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 71 Floor S1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 98 Floor WR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 70 Floor SR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 9 Floor S1 mover slow - NXP donut (see note 12 above) STAIRS 8 Stair W1 mover slow - - stairs 7 Stair S1 mover slow - - stairs 100 * Stair W1 mover turbo - - stairs (each up 16 not 8) + crush 127 * Stair S1 mover turbo - - stairs (each up 16 not 8) + crush MOVING FLOORS 53 MvFlr W1& lift slow 3 - start moving floor 54 MvFlr W1& - - - - stop moving floor 87 MvFlr WR& lift slow 3 - start moving floor 89 MvFlr WR& - - - - stop moving floor CRUSHING CEILINGS 6 Crush W1& crush med 0 - start crushing, fast hurt 25 Crush W1& crush med 0 - start crushing, slow hurt 73 Crush WR& crush slow 0 - start crushing, slow hurt 77 Crush WR& crush med 0 - start crushing, fast hurt 57 Crush W1& - - - - stop crush 74 Crush WR& - - - - stop crush 141 * Crush W1& none? slow 0 - start crushing, slow hurt "Silent" EXIT LEVEL 11 Exit nS- clunk - - - End level, go to next level 51 Exit nS- clunk - - - End level, go to secret level 52 Exit nW- clunk - - - End level, go to next level 124 * Exit nW- clunk - - - End level, go to secret level TELEPORT 39 Telpt W1m tport - - - Teleport 97 Telpt WRm tport - - - Teleport 125 * Telpt W1m tport - - - Teleport monsters only 126 * Telpt WRm tport - - - Teleport monsters only LIGHT 35 Light W1 - - - - 0 104 Light W1 - - - - LE (light level) 12 Light W1 - - - - HE (light level) 13 Light W1 - - - - 255 79 Light WR - - - - 0 80 Light WR - - - - HE (light level) 81 Light WR - - - - 255 17 Light W1 - - - - Light blinks (see [4-9-1] type 3) 138 * Light SR clunk - - - 255 139 * Light SR clunk - - - 0 [4-4]: SIDEDEFS =============== A sidedef is a definition of what wall texture(s) to draw along a LINEDEF, and a group of sidedefs outline the space of a SECTOR. There will be one sidedef for a line that borders only one sector (and it must be the RIGHT side, as noted in [4-3]). It is not necessary to define what the doom player would see from the other side of that line because the doom player can't go there. The doom player can only go where there is a sector. Each sidedef's record is 30 bytes, comprising 2 <short> fields, then 3 <8-byte string> fields, then a final <short> field: (1) X offset for pasting the appropriate wall texture onto the wall's "space": positive offset moves into the texture, so the left portion gets cut off (# of columns off left side = offset). Negative offset moves texture farther right, in the wall's space. (2) Y offset: analogous to the X, for vertical. (3) "upper" texture name: the part above the juncture with a lower ceiling of an adjacent sector. (4) "lower" texture name: the part below a juncture with a higher floored adjacent sector. (5) "middle" texture name: the regular part of the wall. Also known as "normal" or "full" texture. (6) SECTOR that this sidedef faces or helps to surround. The texture names are from the TEXTURE1/2 resources. The names of wall patches in the directory (between P_START and P_END) are not directly used, they are referenced through the PNAMES lump. Simple sidedefs have no upper or lower texture, and so they will have "-" instead of a texture name. Also, two-sided lines can be transparent, in which case "-" means transparent (no texture). If the wall is wider than the texture to be pasted onto it, then the texture is tiled horizontally. A 64-wide texture will be pasted at 0, 64, 128, etc., unless an X-offset changes this. If the wall is taller than the texture, than the texture is tiled vertically, with one very important difference: it starts new tiles ONLY at 128, 256, 384, etc. So if the texture is less than 128 high, there will be junk filling the undefined areas, and it looks ugly. This is sometimes called the "Tutti Frutti" effect. There are some transparent textures which can be used as middle textures on 2-sided sidedefs (between sectors). These textures need to be composed of a single patch (see [8-4]), and note that on a very tall wall, they will NOT be tiled. Only one will be placed, at the spot determined by the "lower unpegged" flag being on/off and the sidedef's y offset. And if a transparent texture is used as an upper or lower texture, then the good old "Tutti Frutti" effect will have its way. Also note that animated wall textures (see [8-4-1]) do NOT animate if they are the "middle" texture on a 2-sided line. So much for the lava waterfall with the hidden room at its base...hmm, maybe not... [4-5]: VERTEXES =============== These are the beginning and end points for LINEDEFS and SEGS. Each vertice's record is 4 bytes in 2 <short> fields: (1) X coordinate (2) Y coordinate On the automap within the game, with the grid on (press 'G'), the lines are 128 apart (0x80), two lines = 256 (0x100). A note on the coordinates: the coordinate system used for the vertices and the heights of the sectors corresponds to pixels, for purposes of texture-mapping. So a sector that's 128 high, or a multiple of 128, is pretty typical, since many wall textures are 128 pixels high. And yes, the correct spelling of the plural of "vertex" is "vertices". [4-6]: SEGS =========== The SEGS are stored in a sequential order determined by the SSECTORS, which are part of the NODES recursive tree. Each seg is 12 bytes in 6 <short> fields: (1) start of seg is VERTEX with this number (2) end VERTEX (3) angle: 0= east, 16384=north, -16384=south, -32768=west. In hex, it's 0000=east, 4000=north, 8000=west, c000=south. This is also know as BAMS for Binary Angle Measurement. (4) LINEDEF that this seg goes along (5) direction: 0 if the seg goes the same direction as the linedef it is on, 1 if the seg goes the opposite direction. This is the same as (0 if the seg is on the RIGHT side of the linedef) or (1 if the seg is on the LEFT side of the linedef). (6) offset: distance along the linedef to the start of this seg (the vertex in field 1). The offset is in the same direction as the seg. If field 5 is 0, then the distance is from the "start" vertex of the linedef to the "start" vertex of the seg. If field 5 is 1, then the offset is from the "end" vertex of the linedef to the "start" vertex of the seg. So if the seg begins at one of the two endpoints of the linedef, this offset will be 0. For diagonal segs, the offset distance can be obtained from the formula DISTANCE = SQR((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2). The angle can be calculated from the inverse tangent of the dx and dy in the vertices, multiplied to convert PI/2 radians (90 degrees) to 16384. And since most arctan functions return a value between -(pi/2) and (pi/2), you'll have to do some tweaking based on the sign of (x2-x1), to account for segs that go "west". [4-7]: SSECTORS =============== SSECTOR stands for sub-sector. These divide up all the SECTORS into convex polygons. They are then referenced through the NODES resources. There will be (number of nodes + 1) ssectors. Each ssector is 4 bytes in 2 <short> fields: (1) This many SEGS are in this SSECTOR... (2) ...starting with this SEG number The segs in ssector 0 should be segs 0 through x, then ssector 1 contains segs x+1 through y, ssector 2 containg segs y+1 to z, etc. [4-8]: NODES ============ A detailed explanation of the nodes follows this list of a node's structure in the wad file. Each node is 28 bytes in 14 <short> fields: (1) X coordinate of partition line's start (2) Y coordinate of partition line's start (3) DX, change in X to end of partition line (4) DY, change in Y to end of partition line If (1) to (4) equaled 64, 128, -64, -64, the partition line would go from (64,128) to (0,64). (5) Y upper bound for right bounding-box.\ (6) Y lower bound All SEGS in right child of node (7) X lower bound must be within this box. (8) X upper bound / (9) Y upper bound for left bounding box. \ (10) Y lower bound All SEGS in left child of node (11) X lower bound must be within this box. (12) X upper bound / (13) a NODE or SSECTOR number for the right child. If bit 15 of this <short> is set, then the rest of the number represents the child SSECTOR. If not, the child is a recursed node. (14) a NODE or SSECTOR number for the left child. The NODES lump is by far the most difficult to understand of all the data structures in DOOM. A new level won't display right without a valid set of precalculated nodes, ssectors, and segs. Here I will explain what the nodes are for, and how they can be generated automatically from the set of linedefs, sidedefs, and vertices. I am NOT including any code or a pseudo-code algorithm, like I do for the BLOCKMAP (appendix [A-3]). This is for reasons of space, and more importantly, the fact that I haven't written any such algorithm myself. If there's to be some "node code" published here, it will have to be donated by someone, well-commented, well-organized, in pseudo-code, and 100% effective! So the odds are long against it. The NODES are branches in a binary space partition (BSP) that divides up the level and is used to determine which walls are in front of others, a process know as hidden-surface removal. The SSECTORS (sub-sectors) and SEGS (segments) lumps are necessary parts of the structure. A BSP tree is normally used in 3d space, but DOOM uses a simplified 2d version of the scheme. Basically, the idea is to keep dividing the map into smaller spaces until each of the smallest spaces contains only wall segments which cannot possibly occlude (block from view) other walls in its own space. The smallest, undivided spaces will become SSECTORS. Each wall segment is part or all of a linedef (and thus a straight line), and becomes a SEG. All of the divisions are kept track of in a binary tree structure, which is used to greatly speed the rendering process (drawing what is seen). How does this binary tree lead to faster rendering? I have no idea. Only the SECTORS need to be divided. The parts of the levels that are "outside" sectors are ignored. Also, only the walls need to be kept track of. The sides of any created ssectors which are not parts of linedefs do not become segs. Some sectors do not require any dividing. Consider a square sector. All the walls are orthogonal to the floor (the walls are all straight up and down), so from any viewpoint inside the square, none of its four walls can possibly block the view of any of the others. Now imagine a sector shaped like this drawing: +--------------.------+ The * is the viewpoint, looking ->, east. The | . | diagonal wall marked @ @ can't be seen at all, | /\ |@ and the vertical wall marked @@@ is partially | *-> / @\ |@ occluded by the other diagonal wall. This sector | / @\|@ needs to be divided. Suppose the diagonal wall +---------/ is extended, as shown by the two dots (..): now each of the two resulting sub-sectors are sufficient, because while in either one, no wall that is part of that sub-sector blocks any other. In general, being a convex polygon is the goal of a ssector. Convex means a line connecting any two points that are inside the polygon will be completely contained in the polygon. All triangles and rectangles are convex, but not all quadrilaterals. In doom's simple Euclidean space, convex also means that all the interior angles of the polygon are less than or equal to 180 degrees. Now, an additional complication arises because of the two-sided linedef. Its two sides are in different sectors, so they will end up in different ssectors too. Thus every two-sided linedef becomes two segs (or more), or you could say that every sidedef becomes a seg. Creating segs from sidedefs is a good idea, because the seg can then be associated with a sector. Two segs that aren't part of the same sector cannot possibly be in the same ssector, so further division is required of any set of segs that aren't all from the same sector. Whenever a division needs to be made, a SEG is picked, somewhat arbitrarily, which along with its imaginary extensions, forms a "knife" that divides the remaining space in two (thus binary). This seg is the partition line of a node, and the remaining spaces on either side of the partition line become the right and left CHILDREN of the node. All partition lines have a direction, and the space on the "right" side of the partition is the right child of the node; the space on the "left" is the left child (there's a cute sketch in [4-3]: LINEDEFS that shows how right and left relate to the start and end of a line). Note that if there does not exist a seg in the remaining space which can serve as a partition line, then there is no need for a further partition, i.e. it's a ssector and a "leaf" on the node tree. If the "knife" passes through any lines/segs (but not at vertices), they are split at the intersection, with one part going to each child. A two-sided linedef, which is two segs, when split results in four segs. A two sider that lies along an extension of the partition line has each of its two segs go to opposite sides of the partition line. This is the eventual fate of ALL segs on two-sided linedefs. As the partition lines are picked and the nodes created, a strict ordering must be maintained. The node tree is created from the "top" down. After the first division is made, then the left child is divided, then its left child, and so on, until a node's child is a ssector. The n you move back up the tree one branch, and divide the right child, then its left, etc. ALWAYS left first, on the way down. Since there will be splits along the way, there is no way to know ahead of time how many nodes and ssectors there will be at the end. And the top of the tree, the node that is created first, is given the highest number. So as nodes and ssectors are created, they are simply numbered in order from 0 on up, and when it's all done (nothing's left but ssectors), then ALL the numbers, for nodes and ssectors, are reversed. If there's 485 nodes, then 485 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 485. Here is another fabulous drawing which will explain everything. + is a vertex, - and | indicate linedefs, the . . indicates an extension of a partition line. The <, >, and ^ symbols indicate the directions of partition lines. All the space within the drawing is actual level space, i.e. sectors. +-----+-------+-------+ 0 (5) | | | | / \ ==> / \ | e |^ f |^ g | 1 4 (4) (1) | |4 |5 | / \ / \ / \ / \ +---- + . . +-------+-------+ 2 3 e 5 (3) (2) 2 (0) | | < 0 | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ | a | b | a b c d f g 6 5 4 3 1 0 | |^ | | . . |2. . . . . +---------+ The order in which How the elements are | | |1 > the node tree's numbered when it's | c |^ d | elements get made. finished. | |3 | 0 = node (5) = node +-----+-----------+ a = ssector 6 = ssector 1. Make segs from all the linedefs. There are 5 two-sided lines here. 2. Pick the vertex at 0 and go west (left). This is the first partition line. Note the . . extension line. 3. Pick the vertex at 1, going east. The backwards extension . . cuts the line 3>2>, and the unlabeled left edge line. The left edge was one seg, it becomes two. The 3>2> line was two segs, it becomes four. New vertices are created at the intersection points to do this. 4. Pick the (newly created) vertex at 2. Now the REMAINING spaces on both sides of the partition line are suitable for ssectors. The left one is first, it becomes a, the right b. Note that ssector a has 3 segs, and ssector b has 5 segs. The . . imaginary lines are NOT segs. 5. Back up the tree, and take 1's right branch. Pick 3. Once again, we can make 2 ssectors, c and d, 3 segs each. Back up the tree to 0. 6. Pick 4. Now the left side is a ssector, it becomes e. But the right side is not, it needs one more node. Pick 5, make f and g. 7. All done, so reverse all the ordination of the nodes and the ssectors. Ssector 0's segs become segs 0-2, ssector 1's segs become segs 3-7, etc. The segs are written sequentially according to the ssector numbering. If we want to create an algorithm to do the nodes automatically, it needs to be able to pick partition lines automatically. From studying the original maps, it appears that they usually chose a linedef which divides the child's space roughly in "half". This is restricted by the availability of a seg in a good location, with a good angle. Also, the "half" refers to the total number of ssectors in any particular child, which we have no way of knowing when we start! Optimization methods are probably used, or maybe brute force, trying every candidate seg until the "best" one is found. What is the best possible choice for a partition line? Well, there are apparently two goals when creating a BSP tree, which are partially exclusive. One is to have a balanced tree, i.e. for any node, there are about the same total number of sub-nodes on either side of it. The other goal is to minimize the number of "splits" necessary, in this case, the number of seg splits needed, along with the accompanying new vertices and extra segs. Only a very primitive and specially constructed set of linedefs could avoid having any splits, so they are inevitable. It's just that with some choices of partition lines, there end up being fewer splits. For example, +--------------+ If a and b are chosen as partition lines, | | there will be four extra vertices needed, +---+ +---+ < A and this shape becomes five ssectors and |^ ^| 16 segs. If A and B are chosen, however, +---+a b+---+ < B there are no extra vertices, and only three | | ssectors and 12 segs. +--------------+ I've read that for a "small" number of polygons (less than 1000?), which is what we're dealing with in a doom level, one should definitely try to minimize splits, and not worry about balancing the tree. I can't say for sure, but it does appear that the original levels strive for this. Their trees are not totally unbalanced, but there are some parts where many successive nodes each have a node and a ssector as children (this is unbalanced). And there are a lot of examples to prove that the number of extra segs and vertices they create is very low compared to what it could be. I think the algorithm that id Software used tried to optimize both, but with fewer splits being more important. [4-9]: SECTORS ============== A SECTOR is a horizontal (east-west and north-south) area of the map where a floor height and ceiling height is defined. It can have any shape. Any change in floor or ceiling height or texture requires a new sector (and therefore separating linedefs and sidedefs). If you didn't already know, this is where you find out that DOOM is in many respects still a two-dimensional world, because there can only be ONE floor height in each sector. No buildings with two floors, one above the other, although fairly convincing illusions are possible. Each sector's record is 26 bytes, comprising 2 <short> fields, then 2 <8-byte string> fields, then 3 <short> fields: (1) Floor is at this height for this sector (2) Ceiling height (3) name of the flat used for the floor texture, from the directory. (4) name of the flat used for the ceiling texture. All the flats in the directory between F_START and F_END work as either floors or ceilings. (5) lightlevel of this sector: 0 = total dark, 255 (0xff) = maximum light. There are actually only 32 brightnesses possible (see COLORMAP [8-2]), so 0-7 are the same, ..., 248-255 are the same. (6) special sector: see [4-9-1] immediately below. (7) a "tag" number corresponding to LINEDEF(s) with the same tag number. When that linedef is activated, something will usually happen to this sector - its floor will rise, the lights will go out, etc. See [4-3-2] for the list of linedef effects. [4-9-1]: Special Sector Types ----------------------------- Bytes 22-23 of each Sector record are a <short> which determines some area-effects called special sectors. Light changes are automatic. The brightness level will alternate between the light value specified for the special sector, and the lowest value amongst adjacent sectors (two sectors are adjacent if a linedef has a sidedef facing each sector). If there is no lower light value, or no adjacent sectors, then the "blink" sectors will instead alternate between 0 light and their own specified light level. The "oscillate" special (8) does nothing if there is no lower light level. "blink off" means the light is at the specified level most of the time, and changes to the lower value for just a moment. "blink on" means the light is usually at the lower value, and changes to the sector's value for just a moment. Every "synchronized" blinking sector on the level will change at the same time, whereas the unsynchonized blinking sectors change independently. "oscillate" means the light level goes smoothly from the lower to the higher and back; it takes about 2 seconds to go from maximum to minimum and back (255 down to 0 back up to 255). The damaging sector types only affect players, monsters suffer no ill effects from them whatsoever. Players will only take damage when they are standing on the floor of the damaging sector. "-10/20%" means that the player takes 20% damage at the end of every second that they are in the sector, except at skill 1, they will take 10% damage. If the player has armor, then the damage is split between health and armor. Dec Hex Class Condition or effect 0 00 - Normal, no special characteristic. 1 01 Light random off 2 02 Light blink 0.5 second 3 03 Light blink 1.0 second 4 04 Both -10/20% health AND light blink 0.5 second 5 05 Damage -5/10% health 7 07 Damage -2/5% health 8 08 Light oscillates 9 09 Secret a player must stand in this sector to get credit for finding this secret. This is for the SECRETS ratio on inter-level screens. 10 0a Door 30 seconds after level start, ceiling closes like a door. 11 0b End -10/20% health. If a player's health is lowered to less than 11% while standing here, then the level ends! Play proceeds to the next level. If it is a final level (levels 8 in DOOM 1, level 30 in DOOM 2), the game ends! 12 0c Light blink 0.5 second, synchronized 13 0d Light blink 1.0 second, synchronized 14 0e Door 300 seconds after level start, ceiling opens like a door. 16 10 Damage -10/20% health The following value can only be used in versions 1.666 and up, it will cause an error and exit to DOS in version 1.2 and earlier: 17 11 Light flickers on and off randomly All other values cause an error and exit to DOS. This includes these two values which were developed and are quoted by id as being available, but are not actually implemented in DOOM.EXE (as of version 1.666): 6 06 - crushing ceiling 15 0f - ammo creator What a shame! The "ammo creator" sounds especially interesting! [4-10]: REJECT ============== The REJECT lump is used to help speed play on large levels. It can also be used for some special effects like monsters in plain sight who CANNOT attack or see players. The size of a REJECT in bytes is (number of SECTORS ^ 2) / 8, rounded up. It is an array of bits, with each bit controlling whether monsters in a given sector can detect and/or attack players in another sector. Make a table of sectors vs. sectors, like this: sector that the player is in 0 1 2 3 4 +--------------- sector 0 | 0 1 0 0 0 that 1 | 1 0 1 1 0 the 2 | 0 1 0 1 0 monster 3 | 0 1 1 1 0 is in 4 | 0 0 1 0 0 A 1 means the monster cannot become activated by seeing a player, nor can it attack the player. A 0 means there is no restriction. All non- deaf monsters still become activated by weapon sounds that they hear (including the bare fist!). And activated monsters will still pursue the player, but they will not attack if their current sector vs. sector bit is "1". So a REJECT that's set to all 1s gives a bunch of pacifist monsters who will follow the player around and look menacing, but never actually attack. How the table turns into the REJECT resource: Reading left-to-right, then top-to-bottom, like a page, the first bit in the table becomes bit 0 of byte 0, the 2nd bit is bit 1 of byte 0, the 9th bit is bit 0 of byte 1, etc. So if the above table represented a level with only 5 sectors, its REJECT would be 4 bytes: 10100010 00101001 01000111 xxxxxxx0 (hex A2 29 47 00, decimal 162 41 71 0) In other words, the REJECT is a long string of bits which are read from least significant bit to most significant bit, according to the lo-hi storage scheme used in a certain "x86" family of CPUs. Usually, if a monster in sector A can't detect a player in sector B, then the reverse is true too, thus if sector8/sector5 is set, then sector5/sector8 will be set also. Same sector prohibitions, e.g. 0/0, 3/3, etc. are only useful for special effects (pacifist monsters), or for tiny sectors that monsters can't get to anyway. The REJECT array was designed to speed the monster-detection process. If a sector pair is prohibited, the game engine doesn't even bother checking line-of-sight feasibility for the monster to "see" the player and consider attacking. When a level has hundreds of monsters and hundreds of sectors, a good REJECT can prevent the drastic slowdowns that might otherwise occur (even fast CPUs can fall victim to this phenomenon). [4-11]: BLOCKMAP ================ The BLOCKMAP is a pre-calculated structure that the game engine uses to simplify collision-detection between moving things and walls. If a level doesn't have a blockmap, it will display fine, but everybody walks through walls, and no one can hurt anyone else. A concise definition of the BLOCKMAP is in appendix [A-1]. This is the full explanation of it. The whole level is cut into "blocks", each is a 128 (hex 80) wide square (the grid lines in the automap correspond to these blocks). The BLOCKMAP is a collection of lists, one list for each block, which say what LINEDEFS are wholly or partially in that block (i.e. part of the line passes through the block). When the game engine needs to check for an object/wall collision (to prevent a player from walking through a wall or to explode a rocket when it hits a wall, etc.), it just looks up the blocklist for the block that the object is in. This tells it which linedefs it needs to check for collisions. Most blocks will have few if any lines in them, so there will be a substantial savings in processor time if it only checks a couple linedefs per object instead of a thousand or so linedefs per object - it would have to check every single linedef on the level if not for these blocklists. The blocks are also used for object/object collisions, but that is not visible in the WAD format. During play, each block is also given a dynamic "thing list", which tells what THINGS are currently in that block. Again, this negates the need to check every moving object vs. every other object for collisions - only a few need be tested. The BLOCKMAP is composed of three parts: the header, the offsets, and the blocklists. The 8-byte header contains 4 short integers: (1) X coordinate of block-grid origin (2) Y coordinate of block-grid origin (3) # of columns (blocks in X direction) (4) # of rows (blocks in Y direction) The block-grid origin is the bottom-left corner of the bottom-left (southwest) block. id's blockmap builder this origin point at 8 less than the minimum values of x and y achieved in any vertex on the level. The number of columns and rows needs to be sufficient to contain every linedef in the level. If there are linedefs outside the blockmap, it will not be able to prevent monsters or players from crossing those linedefs, which can cause problems, including the hall of mirrors effect. There are N blocks, N = (number of columns * number of rows). Each block has a blocklist and an offset to that blocklist. Immediately following the 8-byte header are N unsigned short integers. The first is the offset in short-ints NOT bytes, from the start of the BLOCKMAP lump to the start of the first blocklist. The last offset points to blocklist (N-1), the last blocklist. Note that all these offsets are UNSIGNED, so they can point to a location 65535 shorts (131070 bytes) into the BLOCKMAP. If they were signed, they could only go up to 32767. The blocks are numbered going east (right) first, then north (up). Block 0 is at the southwest corner (row 0, column 0). Block 1 is at row 0, column 1. If there are 37 columns, then block 38 is at row 1, column 0, etc. After the offsets come the blocklists. Each blocklist starts with a short-int 0 (0x0000) and ends with a short-int -1 (0xffff). In between are the numbers of every linedef which has any portion whatsoever in the 128 x 128 coordinate area of that block. If the block-grid origin is at (0,0), then the first column is X = 0 to 127 inclusive, the second column is X = 128 to 255 inclusive, etc. So a vertical line with X = 128 which might seem to be on the border of two columns of blocks is actually only in the easternmost/rightmost column. Likewise for the rows. The first linedef in the LINEDEFS lump is linedef number 0, and so on. An "empty" block's blocklist only has the two shorts 0 and -1. A non- empty block might have this as its blocklist: 0 330 331 333 -1. This means that linedefs 330, 331, and 333 have some part of them pass through this block. A block that has linedef 0 in it will go: 0 0 .. etc .. -1. There is an upper limit to how big a BLOCKMAP can be. Even empty blocklists require at least 3 shorts - the 0, the -1, and the offset to the blocklist. The offsets are unsigned shorts, which would imply a maximum value of short #65535 ( = byte 131070) for the start of the last blocklist. At a little over 6 bytes per blocklist, that would be a maximum of around 21000 blocks (145 by 145 blocks, 18560 in coordinates). But the actual limit is less. Experiments suggest that the maximum total size of all the blocklists, not counting the offsets, is 65535 bytes. This limits a minimalist level to around 120 blocks square (15360 in coordinates), or a realistically complex level to around 100 blocks square (12800 in coordinates). --------------------- CHAPTER [5]: Graphics --------------------- The great majority of the entries in the directory reference lumps that are in a special picture format. The same format is used for the sprites (monsters, items), the wall patches, and various miscellaneous pictures for the status bar, menu text, inter-level map, etc. Every one of these picture lumps contains exactly one picture. The flats (floor and ceiling pictures) are NOT in this format, they are raw data; see chapter [6]. A great many of these lumps are used in sprites. A "sprite" is the picture or pictures necessary to display any of the THINGS. Some of them are simple, a single lump like SUITA0. Most of the monsters have 50 or more lumps. The first four letters of these lumps are the sprite's "name". TROO is for imps, BKEY is for the blue key, and so on. See [4-2-1] for a list of them all. The fifth letter in the lump is an indication of what "frame" it is, for animation sequences. The letters correspond to numbers, ASCII "A" equalling 0, "B" is 1, ... "Z" is 25, etc. The highest needed by a DOOM 1 sprite is W=22, but some of the DOOM 2 monsters need a few more frames. The "0" in the lump name is for "rotations" or "rot"s. All the static objects like torches and barrels and dead bodies look the same from any angle. This is because they have a "rot=0 lump" as DOOM itself might say. Monsters and projectiles look different from different angles. This is done with rots 1-8. This diagram shows how rot 1 is for the front and they go counter-clockwise (looking from above) to 8: 3 4 | 2 \|/ 5--*----> 1 Thing is facing this direction /|\ 6 | 8 7 Many things have sets of lumps like this: TROOA1, TROOA2A8, TROOA3A7, TROOA4A6, TROOA5, TROOB1, etc. This means that for frame 0 (A), the pairs of rots/angles (2 and 8), (3 and 7), and (4 and 6) are mirror- images. In the long run, this saves space in the wad file, and from the designer's point of view, it's 37% fewer pictures to have to draw. If a sprite's frame has a non-zero rot, it needs to have ALL 8 of them. Also note that no more than two rots can be squeezed into one lump's name. Some other two-rot lumps with a different format are shown in the SPIDA1D1, SPIDA2D2, etc. lumps. IMPORTANT: Sprite lumps and flats cannot be added or replaced via pwads unless they ALL are. That is, ALL sprites' lumps must be located in a single wad file, and ALL flats' lumps must be in a single wad file. Wall patches CAN be used in external wads, because the PNAMES lump gives a number to every pname, and is used as a quick-index list to load in wall patches. Version 1.666 was rumored to be able to include sprites in pwads (in fact the README says it can), but it can't. [5-1]: Picture Format ===================== Each picture has three sections. First, an 8-byte header composed of four short-integers. Then a number of long-integer pointers. Then the picture's pixel/color data. See [A-1] for concise BNF style definitions, here is a meatier explanation of the format: (A) The header's four fields are: (1) Width. The number of columns of picture data. (2) Height. The number of rows. (3) Left offset. The number of pixels to the left of the center; where the first column gets drawn. (4) Top offset. The number of pixels above the origin; where the top row is. The width and height define a rectangular space or limits for drawing a picture within. To be "centered", (3) is usually about half of the total width. If the picture had 30 columns, and (3) was 10, then it would be off-center to the right, especially when the player is standing right in front of it, looking at it. If a picture has 30 rows, and (4) is 60, it will appear to "float" like a blue soul-sphere. If (4) equals the number of rows, it will appear to rest on the ground. If (4) is less than that for an object, the bottom part of the picture looks awkward. With walls patches, (3) is always (columns/2)-1, and (4) is always (rows)-5. This is because the walls are drawn consistently within their own space (There are two integers in each SIDEDEF which can offset the starting position for drawing a wall's texture within the wall space). Finally, if (3) and (4) are NEGATIVE integers, then they are the absolute coordinates from the top-left corner of the screen, to begin drawing the picture, assuming the VIEW is full-screen (i.e., the full 320x200). This is only done with the picture of the player's current weapon - fist, chainsaw, bfg9000, etc. The game engine scales the picture down appropriatelyif the view is less than full-screen. (B) After the header, there are N = field (1) = <width> = (# of columns) 4-byte <long> integers. These are pointers to the data for each COLUMN. The value of the pointer represents the offset in bytes from the first byte of the picture lump. (C) Each column is composed of some number of BYTES (NOT integers), arranged in "posts": The first byte is the row to begin drawing this post at. 0 means whatever height the header (4) upwards-offset describes, larger numbers move correspondingly down. The second byte is how many colored pixels (non-transparent) to draw, going downwards. Then follow (# of pixels) + 2 bytes, which define what color each pixel is, using the game palette. The first and last bytes AREN'T drawn, and I don't know why they are there. Probably just leftovers from the creation process on the NeXT machines. Only the middle (# of pixels in this post) are drawn, starting at the row specified in the first byte of the post. After the last byte of a post, either the column ends, or there is another post, which will start as stated above. 255 (0xFF) ends the column, so a column that starts this way is a null column, all "transparent". Draw the next column. ----------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [6]: Flats (Floor and Ceiling Textures) ----------------------------------------------- All the lumpnames for flats are in the directory between the F_START and F_END entries. Calling them flats is a good way to avoid confusion with wall textures. There is no look-up or meta-structure in flats as there is in walls textures. Each flat is 4096 raw bytes, making a square 64 by 64 pixels. This is pasted onto a floor or ceiling with the same orientation as the automap would imply, i.e. the first byte is the color at the NW corner, the 64th byte (byte 63, 0x3f) is the NE corner, etc. The blocks in the automap grid are 128 by 128, so four flats will fit in each block. Note that there is no way to offset the placement of flats, as can be done with wall textures. They are pasted according to grid lines 64 apart, reckoned from the coordinate (0,0). This allows flats to flow smoothly even across jagged boundaries between sectors with the same floor or ceiling height. As discussed in chapter [5], replacement and/or new-name flats don't work right from pwad files unless they are all in the same wad. Theoretically, you can change all the flats want by constructing a new DOOM.WAD or ALLFLATS.WAD pwad, but you have to make sure no floor or ceiling uses an entry name which isn't in your F_ section. And you have to include these four entries for DOOM 1 use, although you can change their actual contents (pictures): FLOOR4_8, SFLR6_1, MFLR8_4, and FLOOR7_2. The first three are needed as backgrounds for the episode end texts. The last is what is shown "outside" the border of the display window if the display is not full-screen. [6-1]: Animated Flats --------------------- See Chapter [8-4-1] for a discussion of how the animated walls and flats work. Unfortunately, the fact that the flats all need to be lumped together in one wad file means that its not possible to change the animations via a pwad file, unless it contains ALL the flats, which amounts to several hundred k. Plus it is illegal to distribute the original data, so to pass around modifications, either all the flats must be all-new, or a utility must be used to construct a FLATS.WAD on an end-user's hard drive, using the original DOOM.WAD plus the additions. (Note: Bernd Kreimeier, listed in [A-5], has written a utility that does just this. It is called DMADDS11). ----------------------------- CHAPTER [7]: Sounds and Music ----------------------------- [7-1]: PC Speaker Sound Effects =============================== DP* entries in the directory refer to lumps that are sound data for systems using the PC speaker. It's a quick and simple format. First is a <short> that's always 0, then a <short> that's the number of bytes of sound data, then follow that many bytes worth of sound data. That is, the lump's bytes will be 0, 0, N, 0, then N bytes of data. The DP* lumps range in size from around 10 bytes to around 150 bytes, and the data seem to range from 0 to 96 (0x00 to 0x60). The numbers obviously indicate frequency, but beyond that I don't know the exact correlation in Hz, nor the time duration of each byte worth of data. Feel free to figure this out and tell me. [7-2]: Soundcard Sound Effects ============================== DS* entries in the directory refer to lumps that are sound data for systems using soundcards. This data is in a RAW format for 8-bit 11 KHz mono sound - first is an 8-byte header composed of 4 unsigned short integers: (1) 3 (means what?) (2) 11025 (the sample rate, samples per second) (3) N (the number of samples) (4) 0 Each sample is a single byte, since they are 8-bit samples. The maximum number of samples is 65535, so at 11 KHz, a little less than 6 seconds is the longest possible sound effect. [7-3]: Music ============ D_* entries is the directory refer to lumps that are music. This music is in the MUS file format, which goes like this: offset type contents 0 ASCII "MUS" and CTRL-Z (hex 4d 55 53 1a) 4 <short> # of bytes of music data 6 <short> # of bytes of header data (offset to start of music) 8 <short> number of primary channels 10 <short> number of secondary channels 12 <short> number of instrument patches 14 <short> 0 16 <short>s instrument patch numbers X to end ? Music data X is the header size (the second short). Drum patch numbers (greater than 128) are 28 less than the numbers listed in the DMXGUS lump. What the exact format of the music data is, I don't know. [7-4]: GENMIDI ============== This has something to do with General MIDI, obviously. This lump has 3 sections: an 8-byte header (the ASCII text "#OPL_II#"), then 150 36-byte records (1 for each instrument), then 150 32-byte strings (names of instruments, padded with zeros). Perhaps the 36 bytes contain waveform information for the General MIDI standard instruments (this guess is based on exactly one glance at a dump of the byte values, so don't put too much faith in it). [7-5]: DMXGUS ============= This lump is used to do instrument patch mappings on the Gravis Ultra-Sound soundcard. It's in a very simple format - ASCII text! Here's the start and end of the DMXGUS lump from DOOM 1 version 1.2, which is 200 lines, of which the first 10 are comments: #Purpose: Different size patch libraries for different memory sizes. # The libraries are built in such a way as to leave 8K+32bytes # after the patches are loaded for digital audio. # #Revision History: 06/22/93 - Fixed problem with 512K patch library # 07/26/93 - patch names changed in various releases # # #Explanation of Columns: Patch # 256K 512K 768K 1024K Patch Name # 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, acpiano 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, britepno 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, synpiano . . . 213, 128, 128, 128, 128, castinet 214, 128, 128, 128, 128, surdo1 215, 128, 128, 128, 128, surdo2 -------------------------------- CHAPTER [8]: Miscellaneous Lumps -------------------------------- [8-1]: PLAYPAL ============== There are 14 palettes here, each is 768 bytes = 256 rgb triples. That is, the first three bytes of a palette are the red, green, and blue portions of color 0. And so on. Note that the values use the full range (0..255), while standard VGA digital-analog converters use values 0-63. The first palette, palette 0, is used for most situations. Palettes 10-12 are used (briefly) when an item is picked up, the more items that are picked up in quick succession, the brighter it gets, palette 12 being the brightest. Palette 13 is used while wearing a radiation suit. Palettes 3, 2, then 0 again are used after getting berserk strength. If the player is hurt, then the palette shifts up to number X, then comes "down" one every second or so, to palette 2, then palette 0 (normal) again. What X is depends on how badly the player got hurt: Over 100% damage (add health loss and armor loss), X=8. 93%, X=7. 81%, X=6. 55%, X=5. 35%, X=4. 16%, X=2. These are just rough estimates based on a single test session long ago. Why bother tracking down the exact division points? Unknown: what palettes 1 and 9 are for. [8-2]: COLORMAP =============== This contains 34 sets of 256 bytes, which "map" the colors "down" in brightness. Brightness varies from sector to sector. At very low brightness, almost all the colors are mapped to black, the darkest gray, etc. At the highest brightness levels, most colors are mapped to their own values, i.e. they don't change. In each set of 256 bytes, byte 0 will have the number of the palette color to which original color 0 gets mapped. The colormaps are numbered 0-33. Colormaps 0-31 are for the different brightness levels, 0 being the brightest (light level 248-255), 31 being the darkest (light level 0-7). Light level is the fifth field of each SECTOR record, see [4-9]. Colormap 32 is used for every pixel in the display window (but not the status bar), regardless of sector brightness, when the player is under the effect of the "Invulnerability" power-up. This colormap is all whites and greys. Colormap 33 is all black for some reason. While the light-amplification goggles power-up is in effect, everything in the display uses colormap 0, regardless of sector brightness. [8-3]: ENDOOM ============= When you finally have to leave DOOM, you exit to dos, and a colorful box of text appears. This is it. It is 4000 bytes, which are simply stored in the screen memory area for 80x25 16-color text mode. Thus it follows the same format as screen memory does: each character on the screen takes up two bytes. The second byte of each pair is from the (extended) ASCII character set, while the first byte of each pair is the color attribute for that character. The color attribute can be explained thus: bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +-----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | . . | . . . | |Blink| Background| Foreground | | | . . | . . . | +-----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ So the foreground color can be from 0-15, the background color can be from 0-7, and the "blink" attribute is either on or off. All this very low-level info can be found in many ancient PC programming books, but otherwise it might be hard to locate... [8-4]: TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 ============================ These are lists of wall texture names used in SIDEDEFS lumps. Each wall texture is composed of one or more wall patches, whose names are listed in the PNAMES lump. But in a texture, the wall patches are not referred to by name, rather by the index number indicating what position they occupy in the PNAMES lump. The TEXTURE2 lump is only present in the registered DOOM.WAD. The TEXTURE1 lump is identical in DOOM.WAD and the shareware DOOM1.WAD, and it only refers to pname numbers up to 163, because the shareware wad only has the first 163 wall patches, not all 350. A TEXTURE lump starts with a 4-byte long integer N which is the number of textures defined in it. Following it are N long integers which are the offsets in bytes from the beginning of the TEXTURE lump to the start of each texture's definition. Then there are N texture definitions, which have the following format. The first (texture name) field is an 8-byte string (less than 8 byte names are padded with zeros), the rest of the fields are 2-byte short integers: (1) The name of the texture, used in SIDEDEFS, e.g. "FIREWALL". (2) always 0. (3) always 0. (4) total width of texture (5) total height of texture The fourth and fifth fields define a "space" (usually 128 by 128 or 64 by 72 or etc...) in which individual wall patches are placed to form the overall picture. To tile vertically on a very tall wall without exhibiting the "Tutti Frutti" effect, a texture must have height 128, the maximum. There is no maximum width. (6) always 0. (7) always 0. (8) Number of 5-field (5 <short>) patch descriptors that follow. This means that each texture entry has variable length. Many entries have just 1 patch, the most used in DOOM in a single texture is 64. Patch descriptor: (a) x offset from top-left corner of texture space defined in fields 4 and 5 to start placement of this patch (b) y offset (c) number (0...) of the entry in the PNAMES lump that contains the lump name from the directory, of the wall patch to use... (d) always 1, is for something called "stepdir"... (e) always 0, is for "colormap"... Each texture's entry ends after the last of its patch descriptors. Note that patches can have transparent parts, since they are in the same picture format as everything else. Thus there can be (and are) transparent wall textures. These should only be used on a border between two sectors, to avoid "hall of mirrors" problems. Also, textures intended for use as the "middle" texture of a 2-sided SIDEDEF (e.g. transparent textures) should only be composed of a single patch. A limitation in the game engine will cause the "medusa" effect if there is more than 1 patch in any middle texture that is visible in the display window. This effect causes the computer to slow to a crawl and make play impossible until the offending wall is out of view. [8-4-1]: Animated Walls ----------------------- Some of the walls and floors are animated. In the case of wall textures, it is possible to substantially customize these animations. Flats' animations can theoretically also be modified, but since flats don't work from pwads, that can make the effort very difficult. The game engine sets up a number of wall animation cycles based on what entries it finds in the TEXTURE lumps. It also sets up flat animations based on what lumps exist between F_START and F_END. Versions before 1.666 can have up to 9 animated walls and 5 animated flats. Version 1.666 (DOOM 1 or 2) can have 13 walls and 9 floors animate. For wall animations, the entries in the columns "First" and "Last" below, and all the entries between them (in the order that they occur in the TEXTURE lump) are linked. If one of them is listed as a texture on a sidedef, that sidedef will change texture to the next in the cycle about 3 times a second, going back to <First> after <Last>. Flats work similarly, except the order is dictated by the wad directory. If both of the <First> and <Last> texture/flat names are not present, no problem. Then that potential cycle is unused. But if <First> is present, and <Last> either is not present or is listed BEFORE <First>, then an error occurs while the DOOM operating system sets up, and it aborts. Note that much longer sequences are possible! The entries between <First> and <Last> can be almost anything; they need not be the same in number as in the original, nor do they have to follow the same naming pattern. Thus one could set up SLADRIP1, TRON2, TRON3, TRON4, ..., TRON67, SLADRIP3 for a 69-frame animated wall! The "Ver" column indicates what version of DOOM is required. "All" indicates all versions have it. The "r" signifies that the shareware DOOM1.WAD does not contain the necessary picture lumps. The "2" means that only DOOM 2 has the necessary picture lumps, but version 1.666 of DOOM.EXE for DOOM 1 also has the capability to use these animation-cycle names (for pwad designers). First Last Ver Normal # of frames BLODGR1 BLODGR4 r 4 BLODRIP1 BLODRIP4 r 4 FIREBLU1 FIREBLU2 r 2 FIRELAV3 FIRELAVA r 2 (3 patches are in DOOM.WAD, 1 is unused) FIREMAG1 FIREMAG3 r 3 FIREWALA FIREWALL r 3 GSTFONT1 GSTFONT3 r 3 ROCKRED1 ROCKRED3 r 3 SLADRIP1 SLADRIP3 All 3 BFALL1 BFALL4 2 4 SFALL1 SFALL4 2 4 WFALL1 WFALL4 2 4 DBRAIN1 DBRAIN4 2 4 (floor/ceiling animations): NUKAGE1 NUKAGE3 All 3 FWATER1 FWATER4 r 4 SWATER1 SWATER4 - 4 (SWATER lumps aren't in any DOOM.WAD) LAVA1 LAVA4 r 4 BLOOD1 BLOOD3 r 3 RROCK05 RROCK08 2 4 SLIME01 SLIME04 2 4 SLIME05 SLIME08 2 4 SLIME09 SLIME12 2 4 [8-4-2]: The SKY Textures ------------------------- The SKY1, SKY2, and SKY3 textures are rather special in that they are used as sky backgrounds when the player is out in the open. They can also be used on regular walls, but they usually aren't, because then they just look like a painting. The "background" effect is done by the game engine. There is a special flat, F_SKY1, which is used to indicate that a floor or ceiling is "transparent" to the SKY beyond. The picture data in the F_SKY1 flat is not even used. Upper textures between F_SKY1 ceilinged sectors do not have the specified texture (if any) drawn. Instead, they are "sky". Likewise with lower textures between F_SKY1 floored sectors, but it doesn't work as well, because if the player's viewpoint is below the top of a lower-texture-sky (i.e. if any part of it is in the upper half of the display), it causes a hall-of-mirrors effect. SKY textures as sky backgrounds are mirror-images of what they look like on walls. The SKY textures are always placed with their tops at the top of the view window. Since they cannot be more than 128 high, just like any other texture, a rather ugly "seam" in the sky is sometimes visible if the player can see too far "down". SKY textures do move horizontally, though, to give a realistic effect. Doing a complete 360 degree turn will scroll by a 256-wide SKY four times. A 1024-wide SKY will exactly circumscribe the horizon. The 0 column of the SKY texture will be at due north (as on the automap), the 256 column is at west, 512 is south, and 768 is east. So the middle part of a 256-wide SKY is visible at NW, SW, SE, and NE. SKY textures can be composed of several patches, just like regular textures, but trying to animate the sky doesn't work. DOOM.EXE can be changed so that SKY2 is the start of an animation cycle, and indeed on a wall it will animate, but the sky background does not. This is perhaps related to the way that "middle" textures of sidedefs do not animate. [8-5]: PNAMES ============= This is a list of all the names of lumps that are going to be used as wall patches. DOOM assigns numbers to these names, in the order that they are listed. The numbers are then used in TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 entries to refer to wall patch lumps. In a texture composition entry, 0 means the first pname, 1 is the second, ... The first four bytes of the PNAMES lump is a long integer N. Then follow N pnames, each of which occupies 8 bytes. Pnames less than 8 bytes long are padded with zeros. These names duplicate an entry in the directory (but are not case sensitive - lowercase letters will match uppercase letters and vice versa). Unlike sprites and floors, wall patches can be loaded from external pwads. Whichever pwad was listed last on the command line and contains a lump with the same name as the one in the PNAMES lump (which itself could be from a pwad) is the pwad that is used to get the picture data for that wall patch. [8-6]: DEMOs ============ If you start DOOM and do nothing, after a few seconds, it automatically shows a demo of play on some level. Also, external demos can be recorded and played back by using the command line parameters explained in the README and/or the DOOM FAQ. All external demos have a .LMP extension which the DOOM OS attaches; you only type the [demoname] without the .LMP extension. The DOOM.WAD lumps DEMO1, DEMO2, and DEMO3 are in exactly the same format as these external .LMP files. Strictly speaking, the "demo" format should not be called the "LMP" format, because any external file without a wadfile header, i.e. it is just raw data, is a "lump" and deserves the .LMP extension. A DOOM demo has three parts: (1) header - 7 or 13 bytes (2) data recording player moves - 4 bytes per player per gametic (3) quit byte - equals 128 (0x80) (1) There are two different kinds of header depending on the version of DOOM used to record the demo. Versions up to 1.2 use a 7-byte header: byte range purpose 0 0-4 skill level. 0="I'm too young to die", 4="Nightmare!" 1 1-3 episode. 2 1-9 mission/map. 3 0-1 player 1 is present if this is 1. 4 0-1 player 2. 5 0-1 player 3. 6 0-1 player 4. Versions after 1.2 use a 13-byte header: byte range purpose 0 104-106 version. 104=1.4 beta, 105=1.5 beta, 106=1.6 beta or 1.666 1 0-4 skill level. 0="I'm too young to die", 4="Nightmare!" 2 1-3 episode. In DOOM 2 this is always 1. 3 1-32 mission/map/level. In DOOM 1, it's 1-9. In DOOM 2, it's 1-32. 4 0-2 mode. 0=single or cooperative, 1=deathmatch, 2=altdeath 5 0- respawn. 0=no respawn parameter, (any other value)=respawn. 6 0- fast. 0=no fast parameter, (any other value)=fast. 7 0- nomonsters. 0=monsters exist, (any other value)=nomonsters. 8 0-3 viewpoint. 0=player 1's status bar, ..., 3=player 4. 9 0-1 player 1 is present if this is 1. 10 0x0a 0-1 player 2. 11 0x0b 0-1 player 3. 12 0x0c 0-1 player 4. (2) The player-move data is recorded in 4-byte chunks. Every 1/35 of a second is a gametic, and for every gametic, there is one 4-byte chunk per player. So the time duration of a demo (in seconds) is approximately equal to its length in bytes divided by (140 * number_of_players). The four bytes recording each player's actions are: (a) Forward/Backward Movement. (b) Strafe Right/Left Movement. (c) Turn Left/Right. (d) other actions - use/activate, fire, change weapons. The first three are signed bytes (i.e. of type <char>). (a) Ranges from -127 to 127, negative numbers are backward movement, positive numbers are forward movement. Without the -turbo option above 100, values outside -50..50 cannot be achieved. With a keyboard or joystick, these are the regular values: Move forward: 25 (0x19) with Speed on: 50 (0x32) Move backward: -25 (0xE7) with Speed on: -50 (0xCE) Fancy mouse use can achieve any number in the range. (b) Ranges from -127 to 127, negative numbers are left-strafe movement, positive numbers are right-strafe movement. The keyboard values are: Strafe right: 24 (0x18) with Speed on: 50 (0x32) Strafe left: -24 (0xE8) with Speed on: -50 (0xCE) (c) Ranges from -127 to 127, negative numbers are right turns, positive numbers are left turns. The keyboard values vary from version to version, but are all in the range -5..5, and that's with Speed on. Using the mouse can achieve much higher numbers here. I doubt if the maximums of 127 and -127 can actually be achieved in play, though. (d) the bits of this byte indicate what actions the player is engaged in: bit 0 Fire current weapon bit 1 Use (a switch, open a door, etc.) bit 2 Change weapon to the one indicated in bits 3-5: bits 5-3 = 000 Fist or Chainsaw 001 Pistol 010 Shotgun 011 Chaingun 100 Rocket Launcher 101 Plasma Rifle 110 BFG 9000 111 Super Shotgun (DOOM 2 only) bit 6 unused bit 7 indicates a special action which alters the meanings of the other bits: bits 1-0 = 01 pause or unpause = 10 save game in slot # recorded in bits 4 to 2 (slot number can thus be 0 to 7 but should NOT be 6 or 7 or else!) There might be other special actions. The save game action happens during replay of the demo, so be careful when playing demos if you have important savegames! One or more of them could conceivably get overwritten. (3) The last byte of a demo has the value 128 (0x80) [8-6-1]: Level changes from 1.2 to 1.666 DOOM.WAD ================================================= Many people have experienced the error "Demo from a different game version", because DOOM versions will only play back demos that were recorded with the same version number. Theoretically, though, ANY version can be converted to ANY other version. Versions up to 1.2 don't even require any modification, and versions 1.4 and up just require that their first byte be changed. To change between the two families (pre-1.4 and post-1.2) would just require extra header bytes be added/shaved. But there are serious complications to converting demos. There have been some minor changes and bug-fixes to the levels from version to version. Since the demos only record player actions, they have NOTHING about the level in them, so they depend on the level used for playback to be the same as the level used for recording. Some kinds of differences in the playback level can cause the demo to become "unsynchronized" with the level, and players will seem to have gone crazy. For example, if a deathmatch start-position is at a different location, when a demo-player is spawned there, they will try to open doors that don't exist at the new location, shoot at people who aren't there, etc. The entire playback is ruined from that point on. Some examples of changes that don't matter are different floor and wall textures, light levels, and linedef "unpegged" flags. But most changes DO matter. Note that changes like (nomonsters) vs. (monsters), (respawn) vs. (regular), (altdeath) vs. (regular deathmatch) will very quickly lead to unsynchronized goofball players. --------------------------- CHAPTER [9]: Savegame Files --------------------------- ------------------------------- CHAPTER [10]: The DOOM.EXE File ------------------------------- Via pwads, a great many characteristics of the DOOM environment can be changed: maps, pictures, sounds, etc. But there are also a lot of neat things that can be done by patching the DOOM.EXE file itself. There is a large collection of data at the end of the EXE file, and by patching some bytes, we can turn literal values into variables. For example, the player has a 16-unit "radius" which prevents him from entering very small passageways. The player's radius can be made 1 and his "height" 1, so he can enter mouse-sized crawlspaces. There are a lot more exciting examples, such as invisible monsters, cyber-demons that look like players, super-fast shotguns, and a hundred others, but I won't describe all of that here. See appendix [A-4] for some EXE utilities and documents. Here I will simply give the data that has been figured out to date. I freely mix hex and decimal numbers below. Hopefully you can tell from the context. All of the stuff below applies to registered version 1.2, and some of it applies to version 1.666 also. This chapter has not yet been completely updated for 1.666, but it soon will be. [10-1]: Version 1.2 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview ================================================== The data begins at 0x6f414 (455700) and continues to the end of the file, 0x8db27 (580391). Here's an overview of the sections: start length what 6f414 3d30 TEXT STRINGS 73412 1a34 various unknowns, probably to do with I/O, sound, mouse, etc. 74bf8 10000 looks like hard-coded math tables, for speed? 84bf8 148 misc. 84d40 82 gamma correction messages 84dc2 280 "are you sure you want to quit" messages 85042 3a2 MENUS (new game, load game, etc.) 853e4 140 ? 85524 36c configuration options and defaults, like in DEFAULT.CFG 85890 174 ? 85a04 60 ? 85a64 54 ? 85ab8 c4 ? 85b7c 20 max ammo at start, and ammo per thing 85b9c c0 ammo type and frame #s for the weapons 85c5c 188 ANIMATED WALLS and FLOORS 85de4 258 SWITCH-WALLS 8603c c0 ? 860fc d4 ? 861d0 500 5 colormaps for use with the gamma correction setting 0-4 866e4 fc ? 867e0 40 pointers to chatmacros, "Green:", etc. 86820 88 pointers to level names, used on Automap 868a8 d8 splat mark coordinates for end-level screen 86980 5a8 wimap patch animations for end-level screen 86f28 224 SONG NAMES list of pointers 8714c 8b8 SOUND TABLE 87a04 1a4 SPRITE NAMES list of pointers 87ba8 3800 STATE TABLE 8b3a8 20 ? 8b3c8 2368 THING TABLE 8d730 3fd ? [10-2]: Version 1.666 DOOM.EXE Data Segment Overview ==================================================== [10-3]: Detail on some EXE Data Structures ========================================== More detail on some of the data follows. The "names" of each section are the hexadecimal offsets to the start of that data, in the registered versions 1.2 and 1.666 of DOOM.EXE. 1.2 offsets are to the left of the asterisk, 1.666 to the right. "Integer" means a 4-byte <long> integer in hi-lo format, unless otherwise noted (e.g. "2-byte short integer"). 6f414 *** 82a14 START OF DATA. Several times I'll refer to "pointers". All of these pointers are integers. Add the values of these pointers to $6f414 or $82a14 depending on the version, and you'll get the location of what's being pointed to. Note: there's also at least one other kind of pointer in here, with larger values, that point to a location in the code, NOT the data. I call these "code-pointers" for now. I know it's a lame term. 6f414 *** a2228 TEXT STRINGS. They all start on 4-byte boundaries, i.e. at xxxx0/4/8/c. $00 ends the string. Then the next one starts at the next boundary, so a 4 byte string is followed by $00, then 3 bytes of random junk, then the next string. 73140 I think this is the last string, "TZ" 73144 Misc. stuff I haven't investigated. Some of it has to do with sound card stuff and mice and joysticks, because at 7384c is "DMXGUS.INI" and at 74ba8 are pointers which point to the strings "None", "PC_Speaker", "Adlib", etc. 74bf8 64k of precisely ordered numbers, which leads me to believe they are pre-calculated math tables, to speed up some floating point operations used in the screen draw routine. Any other guesses? 84bfc 3 pointers to the episode 1/2/3 end texts, "Once you beat...", "You've done it...", and "The loathsome Spiderdemon is dead..." 84c24 pointer to the string "doom.wad" 84c74 pointer to the string "default.cfg" 84c78 8 integers: 1, 25, 50, 24, 40, 640, 1280, 320 84c98 2 code-pointers 84ccc 29 integers, with values like 90 and 135 and 180. Angles? 84d40 "Gamma correction OFF", 00s, "Gamma correction level 1", ... 4. Each occupies $1a bytes. 84dc2 8 text messages used to confirm quitting, each uses $50 bytes 85042 MENUS. I know this controls to some extent which menu pictures are used for which menu, but I haven't figured it all out yet. 853e4 14 ints: 42, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 40, zeros 8541c 256 bytes, values from 00-ff, no two the same, "random" order. 85524 The configuration options. Each is 5 integers: a pointer to a string, like "mouse_sensitivity", a code-pointer, the default value for that option, a 0 or 1 (1 for all the "key_" options), and a 0. It would be pretty dense to do anything with this, I think. 85890 About 117 integers, with a definite structure, but I can't figure it out, and changing/experimenting seems to do nothing. 85a64 21 sets of 4 bytes: 0, 0, 1, 0, 320, 168, "33", 0, 1, $(b2 26 26 2e), $(ff 63 fd ff), a pointer that points to the $(b2...), 0, 1, "ema", 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, "xma". All these are unchanged from version 0.99 through 1.2, except the pointer obviously. 85ab8 Ints: 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 15, 0, 0, 112, 96, 64, 176, then 16 that are members of this set {-65536, -47000, 0, 47000, 65536}, then 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 3, 1, 5, 7 85b7c *** 95714 AMMO AMOUNTS. 8 integers: 200, 50, 300, 50, 10, 4, 20, 1. The first four are the maximum initial capacity for ammo, shells, cells, and rockets. The backpack doubles these amounts. The second four are how many ammo in a clip, shells, rockets/rocket, and cells/cell item. Boxes have 5x as much. 859bc *** 95734 AMMO TABLE. 8 sets of 6 integers (9 sets in 1.666): version 1.2 version 1.666 Punch 5 4 3 2 5 0 Punch 5 4 3 2 5 0 Pistol 0 12 11 10 13 17 Pistol 0 12 11 10 13 17 Shotgun 1 20 19 18 21 30 Shotgun 1 20 19 18 21 30 Chaingun 0 34 33 32 35 38 Chaingun 0 51 50 49 52 55 Laucher 3 42 41 40 43 46 Laucher 3 59 58 57 60 63 Plasma 2 59 58 57 60 62 Plasma 2 76 75 74 77 79 BFG 2 66 65 64 67 71 BFG 2 83 82 81 84 88 Chainsaw 5 53 52 50 54 0 Chainsaw 5 70 69 67 71 0 Super-Shotgun 1 34 33 32 35 47 The first number of each set is the ammo type. Type 5 never runs out. The next three numbers are 3 state #s (see the STATE TABLE below) for the pictures displayed when moving while holding that weapon. You know, the "bobbing weapon" effect? Fifth is the first state of the "shoot" sequence for that weapon, and last is the first state of the "firing" sequence. The "firing" pictures are the ones that are lit up, fire coming out, etc. 85c5c *** 9580c ANIMATED WALLS and FLOORS. Each is 26 bytes: an integer, a 8-byte string, $00, a 8-byte string, $00, and a final integer. 0 NUKAGE3 NUKAGE1 8 0 FWATER4 FWATER1 8 0 SWATER4 SWATER1 8 0 LAVA4 LAVA1 8 0 BLOOD4 BLOOD1 8 <---- v1.666 has four more: 0 RROCK08 RROCK05 8 1 BLODGR4 BLODGR1 8 0 SLIME04 SLIME01 8 1 SLADRIP4 SLADRIP1 8 0 SLIME08 SLIME05 8 1 BLODRIP4 BLODRIP1 8 0 SLIME12 SLIME09 8 1 FIREWALL FIREWALA 8 1 GSTFONT3 GSTFONT1 8 1 FIRELAVA FIRELAV3 8 1 FIREBLU2 FIREBLU1 8 1 ROCKRED3 ROCKRED1 8 <---- V1.666 has four more: 1 BFALL4 BFALL1 8 1 SFALL4 SFALL1 8 1 WFALL4 WFALL1 8 1 DBRAIN4 DBRAIN1 8 Obviously the 0/1 means floor or wall. The first string is the name of the animation cycle's LAST listed texture, the second string is the FIRST listed texture. The cycle includes them and all entries between them in whichever wad file is in effect (It doesn't have to be DOOM.WAD, a pwad with new TEXTURE1 and 2 resources works quite nicely). The final 8 doesn't seem to mean much. 85dc8 A -1 then a bunch of zeros, maybe space for another animation cycle? 85de4 *** 95a64 SWITCH WALL NAMES. Each is 20 bytes: an 8-byte string, 00, another string, 00, and a 2-byte short integer. There are 28 switch names here in v1.2 and 39 switch names in v1.666. When a switch is pulled, the game checks to see if the wall texture is on this list. If it is, it changes the wall texture to the corresponding alternate texture. The <short> is 1, 2, or 3. 1 means it's in all versions, 2 means only registered DOOM 1 and DOOM 2, 3 means DOOM 2 only. 86028 20 zeros, again, room for one more? 8603c *** 48 integers: 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 860fc *** 50 integers, all are either 50 or -50. 861d0 *** 5 sets of 256 bytes, each is a COLORMAP, for the gamma correction settings OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4. 866d0 *** 5 integers: 1, 0, -1, 0, 0 866e4 *** 13 sets of 5 - 10 bytes, each set terminated by a $FF 8675e *** $74 $20 86760 *** 13 pointers to the stuff at 866e4. An integer '0' between each pointer. 867c8 *** 6 integers: -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1 867e0 *** 10 pointers to the 10 default chatmacros, then 4 pointers, to "Green:", "Indigo:", "Brown:", "Red:" 86820 *** AUTOMAP LEVEL NAMES. 27 pointers to the level names used on the automap. 8689c *** The ascii letters "gibr" - the keys for sending messages in multiplayer. 868a8 *** SPLAT MARK COORDINATES. At what screen coordinates to place the WISPLAT picture on the end-level screen, for th 27 levels. 54 integers, 27 pairs. e1m1 x, e1m1 y, ..., e3m9 y. 86980, 86bb0, 86da8 *** END-LEVEL MAP ANIMATIONS. Each is 14 integers. The first one is (0, 11, 3, 224, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). The first number is 0 for all the ones on maps 0 and 2 (episodes 1 and 3), and it's 2 for map 1. The 11 is always 11 except the last one of map 2 is 8. The 3 means 3 pictures are involved in the animation, e.g WIA00100, WIA00101, and WIA00102. 224 and 104 are the x and y coordinates. The sixth number is not 0 for map 1 - it's from 1 to 8. This controls the way the Tower of Mystery "appears". All the other numbers are always 0. 86ef8 *** Three integers, how many animations for WIMAP0, 1, 2 respectively. 86f04 *** Three pointers, to the starts of the animations for WIMAP0, 1, 2 respectively. 8714c *** SOUND TABLE. 61 and 1/2 sounds are listed here. Each is 9 integers: a pointer to the string which is the sound's "name", then a 0 or 1, then a value ranging from 32 to 128, then 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0. The names are "pistol", "shotgn", ... "hoof", "metal", "chgun". Prefix DS or DP and you get the entries in DOOM.WAD for the sound data. The "chgun" is the 1/2 - there's no "DSCHGUN" in doom.wad, and the entry in this table is incomplete anyway, lacking the all-important 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ending :-). There seem to be a few glitches in the way the sounds were fit into the whole scheme, this is just one of them. 879ec *** pointer to start of SOUND TABLE. 879f0 *** Integer = 150. 150 whats? 87a04 *** SPRITE NAME POINTERS. 105 pointers to the strings "TROO", "SHTG", ..., "SMRT". 87ba8 *** 9834c STATE TABLE. 512 entries in v1.2, 967 entries in v1.666. Each entry is 28 bytes in 7 integers: (1) sprite number 0-..., lookup in sprite name pointers list. (2) sprite frame, 0="A" in a sprite lump, 1="B", etc. (3) duration, how many gametics this state is displayed until it looks for the next. -1 (0xffffffff) is forever. (4) a "code pointer" which indicates what action(s) accompany the displaying of this state. (5) next state in sequence. 0 means no next state, sequence is done. (6) always 0, has no effect. (7) always 0, has no effect. 8b3a8 *** Two integers: 1, 0, then 6 code-pointers. 8b3c8 *** 9ed10 THING TABLE. 103 entries in v1.2 which are each 88 bytes = 22 integers. 136 entries in v1.666, which are each 92 bytes = 23 integers. (1) Thing number, as used in maps. See [4-2-1]. Some of them are equal to -1, e.g. the players' entry, and all projectiles. (2) "Spawn" state. State number (from STATE TABLE) for when this thing first appears. (3) Health. Inanimates can't be killed, so it doesn't apply to them. (4) "Moving" state. First state # of monsters pursuing, etc. (5) "See player" sound. For monsters who become activated. Also for projectiles' first sound. Note that sounds are 1-..., not 0-... 0 indicates no sound. (6) Reaction Time. Lower is faster. (7) "Attack" sound. (8) "Pain" state. (9) Painchance. The chance out of 256 that a monster will be disrupted when it gets hurt. Otherwise, they keep attacking. (10) "Pain" sound. (11) "Close attack" state. (12) "Distance attack" state. (13) "Death" state, or "explode" for projectiles. (14) "Explosive death" state, only some monsters can be "mushed". (15) "Death" sound, or "explode" for projectiles. (16) Speed of movement. Projectiles' speed are * 65536. (17) Horizontal size (radius) * 65536 (18) Height * 65536 (19) Mass (20) Missile damage. Also, the Lost Soul has a 3 here, for it's attack. (21) "Act" sound, for wandering monsters. (22) Flags, see below (23) "Respawn" state, for monsters being ressurected. VERSION 1.666 ONLY Flags. 0 = condition is false. 1 = condition is true. bit flagname effect on thing 0 Special it is a gettable thing (ammo, health, etc.) 1 Solid creatures can't pass through (but projectiles can) 2 Shootable can be hurt (note barrels have this set) 3 NoSector totally invisible 4 NoBlockmap 5 6 (InPain) ? 7 8 SpawnCeiling hung from ceiling 9 NoGravity floating monsters and not-on-ground things 10 Dropoff doesn't automatically hug floor if "jump" off ledge 11 Pickup can pick up gettable items 12 (NoClip) walks through walls 13 14 Float floating monsters 15 (Semi-NoClip) climb tall steps 16 Missile projectiles 17 (Disappearing ? Weapon) 18 Shadow semi-invisible like Spectres 19 NoBlood uses PUFF instead of BLUD when hurt (e.g. barrels) 20 (SlideHelpless) ? 21 22 CountKill Monster: counts toward KILLS ratio on inter-level 23 CountItem Artifact: counts toward ITEMS on inter-level screen 24 (Running) ? 25 NotDMatch this thing doesn't get spawned in deathmatch modes 26 Color0 \ 00 = green stays green 01 = change to dark greys 27 Color1 / 10 = change to browns 11 = change to dark reds 28- unused 8d730 *** n/a Misc junk I can't figure out. 8db27 *** a7b99 End of DOOM.EXE ------------------------------------------------------------ APPENDIX [A-1]: Backus-Naur Form definitions of WAD elements ------------------------------------------------------------ The descriptions below use a modified Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation. Each entry looks like <keyword> := description ;type or comment (optional) description cont'd. ;type or comment (optional) Descriptions composed of more than one sequential keyword or element are usually listed with one element per line. This is for clarity and also allows each succesive element to be assigned different types without extra lines. <keyword> := <whatever> ;<type> is a shorthand for <keyword> := <whatever> <whatever> := <type> The description is one or more of the following predefined types, and/or previously or subsequently defined keywords. <byte> is an unsigned 8-bit integer (0 to 255). <char> is a signed 8-bit integer (-128 to 127). <ushort> is an unsigned 16-bit integer in lo-hi format (0 to 65535) <short> is a signed 16-bit integer (-32768 to 32767). <long> is a signed 32-bit integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647). <string8> is an ASCII string of from 1 to 8 bytes. If its length is less than 8 bytes, the remainder are zeros (hex 00). Any of these may be followed by a range: <byte:1..99> means a byte restricted to the range 1 to 99 inclusive. A single number means that value is literally included: <byte:192> inserts that 8-bit value. { } are used to enclose a group of elements. | is used to separate choices - exactly one of the choices applies. [ ] are used following an element or group of elements to indicate an array. Usually a literal value or a keyword will be used to denote how many members the array has. <rook> [666] means that the element <rook> is repeated 666 times in sequence. {<Scylla> <Charybdis>} [zeus] means that whatever the value of <zeus> is, there are that many pairs of <Scylla> and <Charybdis>. [1..16] indicates the value may be from 1 to 16 inclusive, and [...] indicates an indefinite number. A literal string "ABCD" may appear, in which case those ASCII characters are directly inserted. ------ <WAD file> := "PWAD"|"IWAD" <numlumps> <infotableofs> <lumps> <directory> <numlumps> := <long> ;number of lumps in WAD file <infotableofs> := <long> ;file offset to directory start <lumps> := <lump> [numlumps] <lump> := ;see different kinds below <directory> := {<lumpinfo> | <otherinfo>} [numlumps] <lumpinfo> := <filepos> ;<long> <size> ;<long> <name> ;<string8> <otherinfo> := <marker> | <label> <marker> := <dummynumber> ;<long> with any value <long:0> <"S_START" | etc> ;<string8> <label> := {<"E"> <episode> <"M"> <mission>} | {<"MAP"> <level>} <episode> := "1"|"2"|"3" <mission> := "1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" <level> := "01"|"02"|"03"|"04"|"05"|"06"|"07"|"08"|"09"|"10" |"11"|"12"|"13"|"14"|"15"|"16"|"17"|"18"|"19"|"20" |"21"|"22"|"23"|"24"|"25"|"26"|"27"|"28"|"29"|"30" |"31"|"32" ------ different kinds of lumps: ------ <PLAYPAL> := <palette> [14] <palette> := {<red> <green> <blue>} [256] <red> := <byte> <green> := <byte> <blue> := <byte> ------ <COLORMAP> := <color_map> [34] <color_map> := <mapping> [256] <mapping> := <byte> ------ <ENDOOM> := <character_cell> [1000] <character_cell>:= <color_attributes> ;<byte> <character> ;<byte> ------ <demo> := <header> <gametic_data> <byte:128> <header> := {<header_12> | <header_16>} ;different versions <header_12> := <skill> <episode> <map> <player> [4] <header_16> := <version> <skill> <episode> <map> <mode> <respawn> <fast> <nomonsters> <viewpoint> <player> [4] <skill> := <byte:0..4> <episode> := {<byte:1..3> | <byte:1>} ;DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 <map> := {<byte:1..9> | <byte:1..32>} ;DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 <player> := <byte:0..1> ;0 means not present, 1 means present <version> := <byte:104..106> ;versions 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 (also 1.666) <mode> := <byte:0..2} ;cooperative|deathmatch|altdeath <respawn> := <byte> ;0 is off, non-zero is on <fast> := <byte> ;0 is off, non-zero is on <nomonsters> := <byte> ;0 is off, non-zero is on <viewpoint> := <byte:0..3> ;shown from this player's view <gametic_data> := <gametic> [...] <gametic> := <player_move> [1..4] ;1-4 is # of players present in demo <player_move> := <forward> ;<char> <strafe> ;<char> <turn> ;<char> <use> ;<byte> ------ <GENMIDI> := "#OPL_II#" <instr_data> [150] <instr_name> [150] <instr_data> := <byte> [36] ;format unknown to me <instr_name> := <byte> [32] ;padded with 0s ------ <DMXGUS> := pointless to describe here, see section [7-5] ------ <song> := "MUS" <byte:26> <music_length> ;<ushort> <music_start> ;<ushort> <primary_channels> ;<ushort> <secondary_channels> ;<ushort> <num_instr_patches> ;<ushort> <ushort:0> <instr_patches> <music data> <instr_patches> := <instr_patch> [num_instr_patches] <instr_patch> := <ushort> ;Drum patch #s 28 less than in DMXGUS <music data> := ??? ------ <soundeffect> := <ushort:3> <ushort:11025> ;sampling rate <num_samples> ;<ushort> <ushort:0> <samples> <samples> := <sample> [num_samples] ;<byte> ------ <PC_sound> := <ushort:0> <num_PC_samples> ;<ushort> <PC_samples> <PC_samples> := <PC_sample> [num_PC_samples] <PC_sample> := <byte> ;seem to range [0..96] ------ <TEXTURE1> := <num_textures> ;<long> <tex_offsets> <tex_entries> <tex_offsets> := <tex_offset> [num_textures] <tex_offset> := <long> <tex_entries> := <tex_entry> [num_textures] <tex_entry> := <tex_name> ;<string8> <short:0> <short:0> <tex_width> ;<short> <tex_height> ;<short> <short:0> <short:0> <num_patches> ;<short> <patches> <patches> := <patch> [num_patches] <patch> := <x_offset> ;all are <short> <y_offset> <pname_number> ;lookup in <PNAMES> for picture <short:1> ;supposedly <stepdir> <short:0> ;supposedly <color_map> ------ <PNAMES> := <num_pnames> ;<long> <pnames> <pnames> := <pname> [num_pnames] <pname> := <string8>] ;match the <name> from the ;<lumpinfo> of a <picture> ------ <picture> := <header> <pointers> ;offsets to <column> starts <pixel_data> <header> := <width> ;all are <short> <height> <left_offset> <top_offset> <pointers> := <pointer> [width] ;<long> <pixel_data> := <column> [width] <column> := <post> [...] <byte:255> ;255 (0xff) ends the column <post> := <rowstart> ;<byte> <num_pixels> ;<byte> <unused> ;<byte> <pixels> <unused> ;<byte> <pixels> := <pixel> [num_pixels] ;<byte> ------ <flat> := <colorbyte> [4096] ;<byte> ------ <maplevel> := <THINGS> <LINDEDEFS> <SIDEDEFS> <VERTEXES> <SEGS> <SSECTORS> <NODES> <SECTORS> <REJECT> <BLOCKMAP> <THINGS> := <thing> [...] <thing> := <x_position> ;all are <short> <y_position> <angle> <type> <options> <LINEDEFS> := <linedef> [...] <linedef> := <vertex_start> ;all are <short> <vertex_end> <flags> <function> <tag> <sidedef_right> <sidedef_left> ;if <short: -1> there's no left side <SIDEDEFS> := <sidedef> [...] <sidedef> := <xoffset> ;<short> <yoffset> ;<short> <uppertexture> ;<string8> <lowertexture> ;<string8> <middletexture> ;<string8> <sector_ref> ;<short> <VERTEXES> := <vertex> [...] <vertex> := <X_coord> ;both are <short> <Y_coord> <SEGS> := <seg> [...] ;<segs> stored by <subsector> order <seg> := <vertex_start> ;all are <short> <vertex_end> <bams> <line_num> <segside> <segoffset> <SSECTORS> := <subsector> [...] <subsector> := <numsegs> ;both are <short> <start_seg> <NODES> := <node> [...] <node> := <x> ;first four are <short> <y> <dx> <dy> <bbox> [2] <child> [2] <bbox> := <boxtop> ;all are <short> <boxbottom> <boxleft> <boxright> <child> := <ushort> ;if 0x8000 it's a subsector <SECTORS> := <sector> [...] <sector> := <floorheight> ;<short> <ceilingheight> ;<short> <floorpic> ;<string8> <ceilingpic> ;<string8> <lightlevel> ;<short> <special_sector> ;<short> <tag> ;<short> <REJECT> := <bitarray> ;see [4-10] for this one <BLOCKMAP> := <xorigin> ;<short> <yorigin> ;<short> <xblocks> ;<short> <yblocks> ;<short> <listoffsets> <blocklists> <listoffsets> := <listoffset> [numofblocks] <listoffset> := <ushort> <numofblocks> := <short> ;note it equals <xblocks> * <yblocks> <blocklists> := <blocklist> [numofblocks] <blocklist> := <short: 0> ;for dynamic thinglist pointer <lines_in_block> <short: -1> <lines_in_block>:= <linedef_num> [...] ;the numbers of all the <linedef>s ;that are in the block <linedef_num> := <short> ---------------------------------- APPENDIX [A-2]: DOOM engine limits ---------------------------------- Maximum width of a TEXTURE = NONE? Maximum height of a TEXTURE = 128 Maximum edges in display that can have their sides rendered = 128 in 1.2 256 in 1.6+ Maximum blocks in a BLOCKMAP = about 13000, or 113 * 113 Maximum THINGS in view at once = 64, extras are not drawn Maximum patches on a texture used on a 2Sided "middle" texture before "medusa" effect = 1 Maximum # of "plats" = 30 (up/down moving floors, and lifts) Maximum # of "scrolling" walls per level (line type 48) = 64 ------------------------------------------- APPENDIX [A-3]: DOOM.WAD changes and errors ------------------------------------------- There are some imperfections in the DOOM.WAD file. All versions up to 1.666 have the SW18_7 lump included twice. Versions before 1.666 have the COMP03_8 lump twice. And with version 1.666 somebody really messed up, because every single DP* and DS* and D_* lump that's in the shareware DOOM1.WAD is in the registered DOOM.WAD twice. The error doesn't adversely affect play in any way, but it does take up an unnecessary 800k on the hard drive. Some of the lumps in the sprite section are unused. Versions before 1.666 had PBULx0 and PSHEx0, x=A-B, which were pictures of bullet and shell casings being ejected after the player fired a weapon (this feature was obviously removed). Also there were four more "fireball" sprite-lump sets: BAL3x0, BAL4x0, x=A-E, and BAL5x0 and BAL6x0, x=A-B. The only unused lump left in 1.666 is SMT2A0, which is a small grey stalagmite, similar to the SMIT sprite which is THING #47. There are some new sprite lumps in version 1.666 of DOOM 1 which are "semi-unused" because they aren't used in DOOM 1, but they ARE used in DOOM 2. They are all projectile sprites, so it's probably just a little leftover from compiling the WAD. So, in case it might help with converting demos, or for any other reason, here is a list, entirely by Paul Falstad, of all the changes to the levels between DOOM 1.2 and DOOM 1.666. The 1.4 and 1.5 beta's levels are in most if not all respects identical to 1.666's - I haven't checked. E1M2 - Linedef #530 changed from a door that closes to one that stays open. This is the south side of the door out of the maze. This allows deathmatch players who started in there to get out from the inside. E1M4 - The swastika got changed to a different shape. A bunch of things in the swastika room got moved around to accomodate the new layout. - Thing #185 (a deathmatch start position) got moved from (768, 1952) to (736, 1824). This is in the room with the ledge NW of the player 1 starting room; the deathmatch start got moved off the ledge onto the main floor. E1M5 - Thing #216 (a deathmatch start) got moved from (-2112, 512) to (-800, 1200); that is, it got moved from the west courtyard (the one with the supercharger) to the hidden hallway just south of the pentagram. - Sector #105's floor was lowered from 88 to 80. In other words, the window west of the yellow keycard was enlarged a bit. Also, the associated linedefs are no longer marked impassable. E1M6 - Thing #116 (the sargeant in the middle of void space in the southeast corner of the map) got removed. - Sectors #139 and #142 got their floor changed from FLOOR0_6 to FLOOR4_8 for consistency with the surrounding sectors. (These are the floors underneath the yellow doors on the northwest and northeast corners of one of the rooms.) E1M7 - Linedef #782 was type 0; now it's type 31 (door that stays open). This is south side of the last door before the exit door; it can now be opened from the inside, so a deathmatch player that started in the exit room can get out. E1M8 - The computer map in the pentagram got changed to a shotgun. - Linedefs 35, 136, and 140 no longer have their upper textures unpegged. This is the secret door to the supercharger; it now looks like a real door when it opens. - A secret door was added in the east baron's alcove. When you push on the east wall, a secret chamber opens with a switch. That switch lowers the lift to the south, so that you can get back into the complex. (Though you could anyway, by jumping through the window on the west or east side of the hallway south of the lift...) Actually, it lowers the lift to the lowest adjacent floor, which (after the two barons are dead) is lower than the hallway floor height. Probably not the intended effect. - Vertex #223 got moved ever so slightly NW for some reason. E2M4 - Northwest of the big green "O", there is a secret room with partial invisibility. The door to the room closes when you walk north through a hallway just southwest of it; you're supposed to shoot the door to open it. However, if you run north quickly over the trigger line and then run east through the door, you can just make it before the door closes, but in 1.2 you'd be trapped inside, since the door would not open from the east side. In 1.666, the linedef type of the east edge of the door has been changed so that you can open the door from inside the secret room. E3M1 - Sector 8's trigger number is now 0. Previously, it was 6, which is the same number as one of the lines you walk over when getting the shotgun. This line would cause the floor to be lowered. However, sector 8's floor is already lower than that of any adjacent sectors, so nothing happened. E3M4 - Sidedefs 1327 and 1332 had their texture offsets fixed. These are the sidedefs on either side of the window between the room with the beserker and the room with two spectres and a teleporter, east of the player one starting point. Now, the window looks better than it did before, but still not perfect. E3M6 - There is now a BFG9000 sitting in the northwest window in the building which you're facing at the start of the level. It only appears in multiplayer mode. - The structure which has the switch leading to the secret level had its north wall thickened, so that you can't trigger the switch from outside of the structure. ------------------------------------ APPENDIX [A-3]: A BLOCKMAP algorithm ------------------------------------ this section is being removed --------------------------------------- APPENDIX [A-4]: Other helpful documents --------------------------------------- There are several other excellent sources of information about DOOM, editing DOOM levels, changing the DOOM.EXE, and pwads. Some of the following items get widely distributed (BBS, Usenet, online services, FTP) and some don't. Three prominent FTP sites with huge quantities of doom-related material are: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu /pub/doom and subdirectories (../wad_edit/text has most documents) wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/msdos_uploads/games/doomstuff ftp.uwp.edu /pub/incoming/id /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom The infant2 site also has a number of mirrors. As time passes, newer versions of these documents may be released, and/or the file names will change: DESIGN12.ZIP Level Design FAQ, edited by Tom Neff Truly has lots of good questions, and good answers, to common questions related to level design. Covers the simple stuff, and some of the most advanced topics too. Also, it is editor-nuetral, i.e. it does not restrict itself to any single level editor. Highly recommended. DMFAQ666.ZIP The Official DOOM FAQ 6.666 by Hank Leukart. A huge collection of information about the history of DOOM, notes on game play, and lists of add-on utilities available to enhance play. DOOMBSP.ZIP The source code from id's bsp routines, which build the NODES structure and the REJECT and BLOCKMAP too. If you want to see C, here it is. METRICS.ZIP "DOOM Metrics", by Scott Amspoker. Has some more info and more explanations related to [4-2-2]: Thing Sizes, and how monsters prefer stairs that aren't too steep. TEXPATCH.ZIP Textures To Patches, by Gregory Lewis. Shows the patch composition of every texture in registered DOOM. TEXTURES.ZIP "Managing Textures and the Unpegged Attribute", by Scott Amspoker. Explains in great depth how textures are drawn on walls, how the unpegged flag works, and how texture offsets apply. DH200.ZIP DOOM.EXE Hack Editor, by Greg Lewis. This program allows changes to be made to the DOOM.EXE file and they can be saved/loaded via patch files. The thing and frame tables (discussed in chapter [10]) are the main emphasis of this excellent utility. ??? "Fun with Dehacked", edited by Dan Lottero. Has a lot of tips and tricks for using the DOOM.EXE Hack Editor (dehacked). ??? "Blackadder's DeHackEd Patch Reviews", by Michael Adcock. Last updated 24Jul94? ??? "DOOM Deathmatch Wad Ranking", by James Dicke and Jim Urbas. Is a good system for rating how good and how fun deathmatch play is on pwads. If you want to find the best deathmatch levels, this is a good place to start. ??? pwad review documents and lists. ??? "The unofficial LMP format description 1.0", by Uwe Girlich ------------------------------- APPENDIX [A-5]: Acknowledgments ------------------------------- The following people either brought mistakes to my attention, or provided additional information that I've incorporated into these specs. Thanks for all the help! Sorry if I left anyone out. If you have any comments or questions, have spotted any errors, or have any possible additions, please send me e-mail. If you've contacted me before, please note my new address (msfell@aol.com). id Software Created DOOM, added the -file parameter, used a simple format for the WAD, and occasionaly released specifications and technical information about DOOM and DOOM 2 :-) All PWAD designers and doom-utility programmers everywhere! Coleman Reed Ammerman (cammer@cs.tamu.edu) and John Wolsh They were the first to document the DEMO format. Scott Amspoker (scott@bbx.basis.com) Wrote the METRICS and TEXTURES articles. Jeff Bird (jeff@wench.ece.jcu.edu.au) Good ideas about the NODES, and a blockmap algorithm. Alistair Brown (A.D.Brown@bradford.ac.uk) Helped me understand the NODES and explained REJECT. Frans P. de Vries (fpdevries@hgl.signaal.nl) The cool ASCII DOOM logo used for the header. Also, gave a comprehensive list of typos and mistakes in the 1.3 specs. Paul Falstad (pjf@crash.cts.com) I got ALL of the [8-6-1] information from his messages. Robert Fenske (rfenske@swri.edu) Passed along a great linedef flag list. Also helped with linedef types, blockmap, special sectors, and general suggestions. Nelson Fernandez Jr. (nelson@netcom.com) Distributed information about savegame files. Uwe Girlich (girlich@aix520.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) Wrote "The unofficial LMP format description 1.0" Stuart Herbert (ac3slh@sunc.sheffield.ac.uk) Clarifying how pegged/unpegged flags work. Herre de Jonge (herre@morra.et.tudelft.nl) First pointed out the stairs mistake in the 1.3 specs. Tom Klok (a344@mindlink.bc.ca) DMXGUS and MUS file format info. Bernd Kreimeier (bernd@nero.uni-bonn.de) Wrote DMADDS11. Sprites, savegames, sounds, and lots of other help. Steve Larsen (larsen@sunset.cs.utah.edu) Several patches for the DOOM.EXE file Hank Leukart (ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu) Edits the DOOM FAQ and distributes these specs! Greg Lewis (gregl@umich.edu) Wrote DeHackEd, and gave lots of info on EXE variables. Joel Lucsy (jjlucsy@mtu.edu) Info on COLORMAP and PLAYPAL. Sean Malloy (malloy@nprdc.navy.mil) Step-by-step proof of exactly how stairs work. John A. Matzen (jamatzen@cs.twsu.edu) Instrument names in GENMIDI. Steve McCrea (sm@eng.cam.ac.uk) Animated textures and textures larger than 256 wide. Brian McKimens (samneric@connected.com) Comprehensive work on linedefs' function types. Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com) Edits (writes) the DESIGNxx.FAQ. Suggested BNF and wrote the intro to [A-1]. Created the WIF text standard. General advice. Tom Nettleship (mastn@midge.bath.ac.uk) Explained BSP trees in comp.graphics.algorithms messages. Elias Papavassilopoulos (ep104@cus.cam.ac.uk) Tons of technical info on EXE files in general and DOOM.EXE. Robert D. Potter (potter@bronze.lcs.mit.edu) Theory about what BLOCKMAP is for and how the engine uses it. Raphael Quinet (eedraq@chapelle.ericsson.se) Lots of rigorous contributions on linedef types and special sectors. Not to mention DEU! Colin Reed (dyl@cix.compulink.co.uk) I had the x upper and lower bounds for node bounding boxes backwards a few versions ago. Joost Schuur (jschuur@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de) Runs the doom-editing mailing list. Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) Corrected an error in the PNAMES section S. Sproston (S.Sproston-SE2@cs.bham.ac.uk) Excellent work on linedef types. Matt Tagliaferri (matt.tagliaferri@pcohio.com) Pointed out omission of TEXTURE1/2 pointer table in the 1.1 specs. Also provided a good BLOCKMAP algorithm. Ted Vessenes (tedv@geom.umn.ed) I had the THING angles wrong in the original specs. You! Thanks for reading the "Unofficial" DOOM Specs!