sectortypes { 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "Light Blinks (randomly)"; 2 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec)"; 3 = "Light Blinks (1 sec)"; 4 = "Damage -10 or 20% health and Light Blinks (0.5 sec)"; 5 = "Damage -5 or 10% health"; 7 = "Damage -2 or 5% health"; 8 = "Light Glows (1+ sec)"; 9 = "Secret"; 10 = "Door Close Stay (after 30 sec)"; 11 = "Damage -10 or 20% health and End level"; 12 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec sync)"; 13 = "Light Blinks (1 sec sync)"; 14 = "Door Open Close (opens after 5 min)"; 16 = "Damage -10 or 20% health"; 17 = "Light Flickers (randomly)"; } linedefflags { 1 = "Impassable"; 2 = "Block Monster"; 4 = "Double Sided"; 8 = "Upper Unpegged"; 16 = "Lower Unpegged"; 32 = "Secret"; 64 = "Block Sound"; 128 = "Hidden"; 256 = "Shown"; } thingflags { 1 = "Easy"; 2 = "Medium"; 4 = "Hard"; 8 = "Deaf"; 16 = "Multiplayer"; } // Linedef flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted linedefflagstranslation { 1 = "blocking"; 2 = "blockmonsters"; 4 = "twosided"; 8 = "dontpegtop"; 16 = "dontpegbottom"; 32 = "secret"; 64 = "blocksound"; 128 = "dontdraw"; 256 = "mapped"; } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { 1 = "skill1"; 2 = "skill2"; 4 = "skill3"; 8 = "ambush"; 16 = "!single"; } // Default thing filters // (these are not required, just usefull for new users) thingsfilters { filter0 { name = "Easy skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 1 = true; } } filter1 { name = "Hard skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 4 = true; } } filter2 { name = "Keys only"; category = "keys"; type = -1; } filter3 { name = "Medium skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 2 = true; } } filter4 { name = "Multiplayer"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 16 = true; } } }