#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Diagnostics; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; using System.Globalization; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows { internal partial class PreferencesForm : DelayedForm { #region ================== Variables private bool allowapplycontrol = false; private bool disregardshift = false; #endregion #region ================== Constructor // Constructor public PreferencesForm() { Action[] actions; ListViewItem item; // Initialize InitializeComponent(); // Interface imagebrightness.Value = General.Settings.ImageBrightness; qualitydisplay.Checked = General.Settings.QualityDisplay; squarethings.Checked = General.Settings.SquareThings; doublesidedalpha.Value = (int)((1.0f - General.Settings.DoubleSidedAlpha) * 10.0f); defaultviewmode.SelectedIndex = General.Settings.DefaultViewMode; classicbilinear.Checked = General.Settings.ClassicBilinear; visualbilinear.Checked = General.Settings.VisualBilinear; fieldofview.Value = General.Settings.VisualFOV / 10; mousespeed.Value = General.Settings.MouseSpeed / 100; movespeed.Value = General.Settings.MoveSpeed / 100; viewdistance.Value = General.Clamp((int)(General.Settings.ViewDistance / 200.0f), viewdistance.Minimum, viewdistance.Maximum); invertyaxis.Checked = General.Settings.InvertYAxis; scriptfontbold.Checked = General.Settings.ScriptFontBold; // Fill fonts list scriptfontname.BeginUpdate(); foreach(FontFamily ff in System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families) scriptfontname.Items.Add(ff.Name); scriptfontname.EndUpdate(); // Select script font name for(int i = 0; i < scriptfontname.Items.Count; i++) { if(string.Compare(scriptfontname.Items[i].ToString(), General.Settings.ScriptFontName, true) == 0) scriptfontname.SelectedIndex = i; } // Select script font size for(int i = 0; i < scriptfontsize.Items.Count; i++) { if(string.Compare(scriptfontsize.Items[i].ToString(), General.Settings.ScriptFontSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), true) == 0) scriptfontsize.SelectedIndex = i; } // Fill actions list with categories foreach(KeyValuePair c in General.Actions.Categories) listactions.Groups.Add(c.Key, c.Value); // Fill list of actions actions = General.Actions.GetAllActions(); foreach(Action a in actions) { // Create item item = listactions.Items.Add(a.Name, a.Title, 0); item.SubItems.Add(Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(a.ShortcutKey)); item.SubItems[1].Tag = a.ShortcutKey; // Put in category, if the category exists if(General.Actions.Categories.ContainsKey(a.Category)) item.Group = listactions.Groups[a.Category]; } // Set the colors // TODO: Make this automated by using the collection colorbackcolor.Color = General.Colors.Background; colorvertices.Color = General.Colors.Vertices; colorlinedefs.Color = General.Colors.Linedefs; colorspeciallinedefs.Color = General.Colors.Actions; colorsoundlinedefs.Color = General.Colors.Sounds; colorhighlight.Color = General.Colors.Highlight; colorselection.Color = General.Colors.Selection; colorindication.Color = General.Colors.Indication; colorgrid.Color = General.Colors.Grid; colorgrid64.Color = General.Colors.Grid64; colorscriptbackground.Color = General.Colors.ScriptBackground; colorlinenumbers.Color = General.Colors.LineNumbers; colorplaintext.Color = General.Colors.PlainText; colorcomments.Color = General.Colors.Comments; colorkeywords.Color = General.Colors.Keywords; colorliterals.Color = General.Colors.Literals; colorconstants.Color = General.Colors.Constants; blackbrowsers.Checked = General.Settings.BlackBrowsers; // Done allowapplycontrol = true; } #endregion #region ================== OK / Cancel // OK clicked private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Apply interface General.Settings.ImageBrightness = imagebrightness.Value; General.Settings.QualityDisplay = qualitydisplay.Checked; General.Settings.SquareThings = squarethings.Checked; General.Settings.DoubleSidedAlpha = 1.0f - (float)(doublesidedalpha.Value * 0.1f); General.Settings.DefaultViewMode = defaultviewmode.SelectedIndex; General.Settings.ClassicBilinear = classicbilinear.Checked; General.Settings.VisualBilinear = visualbilinear.Checked; General.Settings.VisualFOV = fieldofview.Value * 10; General.Settings.MouseSpeed = mousespeed.Value * 100; General.Settings.MoveSpeed = movespeed.Value * 100; General.Settings.ViewDistance = (float)viewdistance.Value * 200.0f; General.Settings.InvertYAxis = invertyaxis.Checked; General.Settings.ScriptFontBold = scriptfontbold.Checked; General.Settings.ScriptFontName = scriptfontname.Text; // Script font size int fontsize = 8; int.TryParse(scriptfontsize.Text, out fontsize); General.Settings.ScriptFontSize = fontsize; // Apply control keys to actions foreach(ListViewItem item in listactions.Items) General.Actions[item.Name].SetShortcutKey((int)item.SubItems[1].Tag); // Apply the colors // TODO: Make this automated by using the collection General.Colors.Background = colorbackcolor.Color; General.Colors.Vertices = colorvertices.Color; General.Colors.Linedefs = colorlinedefs.Color; General.Colors.Actions = colorspeciallinedefs.Color; General.Colors.Sounds = colorsoundlinedefs.Color; General.Colors.Highlight = colorhighlight.Color; General.Colors.Selection = colorselection.Color; General.Colors.Indication = colorindication.Color; General.Colors.Grid = colorgrid.Color; General.Colors.Grid64 = colorgrid64.Color; General.Colors.ScriptBackground = colorscriptbackground.Color; General.Colors.LineNumbers = colorlinenumbers.Color; General.Colors.PlainText = colorplaintext.Color; General.Colors.Comments = colorcomments.Color; General.Colors.Keywords = colorkeywords.Color; General.Colors.Literals = colorliterals.Color; General.Colors.Constants = colorconstants.Color; General.Colors.CreateAssistColors(); General.Settings.BlackBrowsers = blackbrowsers.Checked; // Close this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } // Cancel clicked private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Close this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); } #endregion #region ================== Tabs // Tab changes private void tabs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Enable/disable stuff with tabs if(tabs.SelectedTab != tabkeys) this.AcceptButton = apply; else this.AcceptButton = null; if(tabs.SelectedTab != tabkeys) this.CancelButton = cancel; else this.CancelButton = null; colorsgroup1.Visible = (tabs.SelectedTab == tabcolors); //colorsgroup2.Visible = (tabs.SelectedTab == tabcolors); colorsgroup3.Visible = (tabs.SelectedTab == tabcolors); } #endregion #region ================== Interface Panel private void fieldofview_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int value = fieldofview.Value * 10; fieldofviewlabel.Text = value.ToString() + (char)176; } private void mousespeed_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int value = mousespeed.Value * 100; mousespeedlabel.Text = value.ToString(); } private void movespeed_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int value = movespeed.Value * 100; movespeedlabel.Text = value.ToString(); } private void viewdistance_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int value = viewdistance.Value * 200; viewdistancelabel.Text = value.ToString() + " mp"; } private void scriptfontname_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateScriptFontPreview(); } private void scriptfontsize_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateScriptFontPreview(); } private void scriptfontbold_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateScriptFontPreview(); } // This updates the script font preview label private void UpdateScriptFontPreview() { if((scriptfontname.SelectedIndex > -1) && (scriptfontsize.SelectedIndex > -1)) { scriptfontlabel.Text = scriptfontname.Text; scriptfontlabel.BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor(); scriptfontlabel.ForeColor = General.Colors.PlainText.ToColor(); FontFamily ff = new FontFamily(scriptfontname.Text); FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular; if(scriptfontbold.Checked) { // Prefer bold over regular if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold)) style = FontStyle.Bold; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular)) style = FontStyle.Regular; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic)) style = FontStyle.Italic; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Underline)) style = FontStyle.Underline; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Strikeout)) style = FontStyle.Strikeout; } else { // Prefer regular over bold if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular)) style = FontStyle.Regular; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold)) style = FontStyle.Bold; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic)) style = FontStyle.Italic; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Underline)) style = FontStyle.Underline; else if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Strikeout)) style = FontStyle.Strikeout; } int fontsize = 8; int.TryParse(scriptfontsize.Text, out fontsize); if(ff.IsStyleAvailable(style)) scriptfontlabel.Font = new Font(scriptfontname.Text, (float)fontsize, style); } } #endregion #region ================== Controls Panel // This updates the used keys info private void UpdateKeyUsedActions() { List usedactions = new List(); // Anything selected? if(listactions.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { // Get info int thiskey = (int)listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Tag; // Find actions with same key foreach(ListViewItem item in listactions.Items) { // Don't count the selected action if(item != listactions.SelectedItems[0]) { Action a = General.Actions[item.Name]; int akey = (int)item.SubItems[1].Tag; // Check if the key combination matches if((thiskey & a.ShortcutMask) == (akey & a.ShortcutMask)) usedactions.Add(General.Actions.Categories[a.Category] + ": " + a.Title); } } } // Update info if(usedactions.Count == 0) { keyusedlabel.Visible = false; keyusedlist.Visible = false; keyusedlist.Items.Clear(); } else { keyusedlist.Items.Clear(); foreach(string a in usedactions) keyusedlist.Items.Add(a); keyusedlabel.Visible = true; keyusedlist.Visible = true; } } // This fills the list of available controls for the specified action private void FillControlsList(Action a) { actioncontrol.Items.Clear(); // Fill combobox with special controls if(a.AllowMouse) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.LButton, "LButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.MButton, "MButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.RButton, "RButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton1, "XButton1")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton2, "XButton2")); } if(a.AllowScroll) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(SpecialKeys.MScrollUp, "ScrollUp")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(SpecialKeys.MScrollDown, "ScrollDown")); } if(a.AllowMouse && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.LButton | Keys.Shift, "Shift+LButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.MButton | Keys.Shift, "Shift+MButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.RButton | Keys.Shift, "Shift+RButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton1 | Keys.Shift, "Shift+XButton1")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton2 | Keys.Shift, "Shift+XButton2")); } if(a.AllowScroll && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp | (int)Keys.Shift, "Shift+ScrollUp")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown | (int)Keys.Shift, "Shift+ScrollDown")); } if(a.AllowMouse && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.LButton | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+LButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.MButton | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+MButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.RButton | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+RButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton1 | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+XButton1")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton2 | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+XButton2")); } if(a.AllowScroll && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp | (int)Keys.Control, "Ctrl+ScrollUp")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown | (int)Keys.Control, "Ctrl+ScrollDown")); } if(a.AllowMouse && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.LButton | Keys.Shift | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+LButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.MButton | Keys.Shift | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+MButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.RButton | Keys.Shift | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+RButton")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton1 | Keys.Shift | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+XButton1")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl(Keys.XButton2 | Keys.Shift | Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+XButton2")); } if(a.AllowScroll && !a.DisregardShift) { actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp | (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollUp")); actioncontrol.Items.Add(new KeyControl((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown | (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Control, "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollDown")); } } // Item selected private void listactions_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Action action; KeyControl keycontrol; int key; // Anything selected? if(listactions.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { // Begin updating allowapplycontrol = false; // Get the selected action action = General.Actions[listactions.SelectedItems[0].Name]; key = (int)listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Tag; disregardshift = action.DisregardShift; // Enable panel actioncontrolpanel.Enabled = true; actiontitle.Text = action.Title; actiondescription.Text = action.Description; actioncontrol.SelectedIndex = -1; actionkey.Text = ""; disregardshiftlabel.Visible = disregardshift; // Fill special controls list FillControlsList(action); // See if the key is in the combobox for(int i = 0; i < actioncontrol.Items.Count; i++) { // Select it when the key is found here keycontrol = (KeyControl)actioncontrol.Items[i]; if(keycontrol.key == key) actioncontrol.SelectedIndex = i; } // Otherwise display the key in the textbox if(actioncontrol.SelectedIndex == -1) actionkey.Text = Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(key); // Show actions with same key UpdateKeyUsedActions(); // Focus to the input box actionkey.Focus(); // Done allowapplycontrol = true; } } // Key released private void listactions_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { // Nothing selected? if(listactions.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { // Disable panel actioncontrolpanel.Enabled = false; actiontitle.Text = "(select an action from the list)"; actiondescription.Text = ""; actionkey.Text = ""; actioncontrol.SelectedIndex = -1; disregardshiftlabel.Visible = false; } // Show actions with same key UpdateKeyUsedActions(); } // Mouse released private void listactions_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { listactions_KeyUp(sender, new KeyEventArgs(Keys.None)); // Focus to the input box actionkey.Focus(); } // Key combination pressed private void actionkey_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { int key = (int)e.KeyData; e.SuppressKeyPress = true; // Leave when not allowed to update if(!allowapplycontrol) return; // Anything selected? if(listactions.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { // Begin updating allowapplycontrol = false; // Remove modifier keys from the key if needed if(disregardshift) key &= ~(int)Keys.Modifiers; // Deselect anything from the combobox actioncontrol.SelectedIndex = -1; // Apply the key combination listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text = Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(key); listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Tag = key; actionkey.Text = Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(key); // Show actions with same key UpdateKeyUsedActions(); // Done allowapplycontrol = true; } } // Key combination displayed private void actionkey_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Cursor to the end actionkey.SelectionStart = actionkey.Text.Length; actionkey.SelectionLength = 0; } // Special key selected private void actioncontrol_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { KeyControl key; // Leave when not allowed to update if(!allowapplycontrol) return; // Anything selected? if((actioncontrol.SelectedIndex > -1) && (listactions.SelectedItems.Count > 0)) { // Begin updating allowapplycontrol = false; // Remove text from textbox actionkey.Text = ""; // Get the key control key = (KeyControl)actioncontrol.SelectedItem; // Apply the key combination listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text = Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(key.key); listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Tag = key.key; // Show actions with same key UpdateKeyUsedActions(); // Focus to the input box actionkey.Focus(); // Done allowapplycontrol = true; } } // Clear clicked private void actioncontrolclear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Begin updating allowapplycontrol = false; // Clear textbox and combobox actionkey.Text = ""; actioncontrol.SelectedIndex = -1; // Apply the key combination listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text = ""; listactions.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Tag = (int)0; // Show actions with same key UpdateKeyUsedActions(); // Focus to the input box actionkey.Focus(); // Done allowapplycontrol = true; } #endregion #region ================== Colors Panel private void imagebrightness_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { imagebrightnesslabel.Text = "+ " + imagebrightness.Value.ToString() + " y"; } private void doublesidedalpha_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int percent = doublesidedalpha.Value * 10; doublesidedalphalabel.Text = percent.ToString() + "%"; } #endregion } }