#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using SharpCompress.Archive; using SharpCompress.Archive.Zip; using SharpCompress.Common; using SharpCompress.Reader; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data { internal sealed class PK3Reader : PK3StructuredReader { #region ================== Variables private readonly DirectoryFilesList files; private IArchive archive; //mxd private readonly ArchiveType archivetype; //mxd private readonly Dictionary<string, byte[]> sevenzipentries; //mxd private bool bathmode = true; //mxd #endregion #region ================== Properties (mxd) public bool BathMode { get { return bathmode; } set { bathmode = value; UpdateArchive(bathmode); } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor public PK3Reader(DataLocation dl, bool asreadonly) : base(dl, asreadonly) { General.WriteLogLine("Opening " + Path.GetExtension(location.location).ToUpper().Replace(".", "") + " resource \"" + location.location + "\""); if(!File.Exists(location.location)) throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the file \"" + location.location + "\"", location.location); // Make list of all files List<DirectoryFileEntry> fileentries = new List<DirectoryFileEntry>(); // Create archive archive = ArchiveFactory.Open(location.location, Options.KeepStreamsOpen); archivetype = archive.Type; // Random access of 7z archives works TERRIBLY slow in SharpCompress if(archivetype == ArchiveType.SevenZip) { isreadonly = true; // Unsaveable... sevenzipentries = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>(StringComparer.Ordinal); IReader reader = archive.ExtractAllEntries(); while(reader.MoveToNextEntry()) { if(reader.Entry.IsDirectory || !CheckInvalidPathChars(reader.Entry.Key)) continue; MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); reader.WriteEntryTo(s); sevenzipentries.Add(reader.Entry.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), s.ToArray()); fileentries.Add(new DirectoryFileEntry(reader.Entry.Key)); } } else { foreach(IArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries) { if(!entry.IsDirectory && CheckInvalidPathChars(entry.Key)) fileentries.Add(new DirectoryFileEntry(entry.Key)); } } // Get rid of archive archive.Dispose(); archive = null; // Make files list files = new DirectoryFilesList(dl.GetDisplayName(), fileentries); // Initialize without path (because we use paths relative to the PK3 file) Initialize(); // We have no destructor GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } // Disposer public override void Dispose() { // Not already disposed? if(!isdisposed) { General.WriteLogLine("Closing " + Path.GetExtension(location.location).ToUpper().Replace(".", "") + " resource \"" + location.location + "\""); //mxd. Remove temp files foreach(WADReader wr in wads) { try { File.Delete(wr.Location.location); } catch(Exception) { } } //mxd if(archive != null) { archive.Dispose(); archive = null; } // Done base.Dispose(); } } //mxd private void UpdateArchive(bool enable) { if(archivetype == ArchiveType.SevenZip) return; if(enable && archive == null) { archive = ArchiveFactory.Open(location.location); } else if(!enable && !bathmode && archive != null) { archive.Dispose(); archive = null; } } #endregion #region ================== Textures // This finds and returns a patch stream public override Stream GetPatchData(string pname, bool longname, ref string patchlocation) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files // Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority if(!longname) //mxd. Patches with long names can't be in wads { for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream data = wads[i].GetPatchData(pname, false, ref patchlocation); if(data != null) return data; } } else { //mxd. Long names are absolute if(FileExists(pname)) { patchlocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(pname); } return null; } if(General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) { //mxd. Find in directories ZDoom expects them to be foreach(string loc in PatchLocations) { string filename = FindFirstFile(loc, pname, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { patchlocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(filename); } } } else { // Find in patches directory string filename = FindFirstFile(PATCHES_DIR, pname, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { patchlocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(filename); } } // Nothing found return null; } // This finds and returns a textue stream public override Stream GetTextureData(string pname, bool longname, ref string texturelocation) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files // Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority if(!longname) //mxd. Textures with long names can't be in wads { for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream data = wads[i].GetTextureData(pname, false, ref texturelocation); if(data != null) return data; } } else { //mxd. Long names are absolute if(FileExists(pname)) { texturelocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(pname); } return null; } // Find in textures directory string filename = FindFirstFile(TEXTURES_DIR, pname, true); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) && FileExists(filename)) { texturelocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(filename); } // Nothing found return null; } //mxd. This finds and returns a HiRes textue stream public override Stream GetHiResTextureData(string name, ref string hireslocation) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files // Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream data = wads[i].GetTextureData(name, false, ref hireslocation); if(data != null) return data; } // Find in HiRes directory string filename = FindFirstFile(HIRES_DIR, name, true); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) && FileExists(filename)) { hireslocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(filename); } // Nothing found return null; } // This finds and returns a colormap stream public override Stream GetColormapData(string pname) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files // Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream data = wads[i].GetColormapData(pname); if(data != null) return data; } // Find in patches directory string filename = FindFirstFile(COLORMAPS_DIR, pname, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { return LoadFile(filename); } // Nothing found return null; } #endregion #region ================== Sprites // This finds and returns a sprite stream public override Stream GetSpriteData(string pname, ref string spritelocation) { string pfilename = pname.Replace('\\', '^'); // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream sprite = wads[i].GetSpriteData(pname, ref spritelocation); if(sprite != null) return sprite; } // Find in sprites directory string filename = FindFirstFile(SPRITES_DIR, pfilename, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { spritelocation = location.GetDisplayName(); //mxd return LoadFile(filename); } // Nothing found return null; } // This checks if the given sprite exists public override bool GetSpriteExists(string pname) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); string pfilename = pname.Replace('\\', '^'); // Find in any of the wad files for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(wads[i].GetSpriteExists(pname)) return true; } // Find in sprites directory string filename = FindFirstFile(SPRITES_DIR, pfilename, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { return true; } // Nothing found return false; } #endregion #region ================== Voxels (mxd) //mxd. This finds and returns a voxel stream or null if no voxel was found public override Stream GetVoxelData(string name, ref string voxellocation) { // Error when suspended if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended"); // Find in any of the wad files for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Stream voxel = wads[i].GetVoxelData(name, ref voxellocation); if(voxel != null) return voxel; } string pfilename = name.Replace('\\', '^'); // Find in sprites directory string filename = FindFirstFile(VOXELS_DIR, pfilename, true); if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename)) { voxellocation = location.GetDisplayName(); return LoadFile(filename); } // Nothing found return null; } #endregion #region ================== Methods // Return a short name for this data location public override string GetTitle() { return Path.GetFileName(location.location); } // This creates an image protected override ImageData CreateImage(string filename, int imagetype) { switch(imagetype) { case ImageDataFormat.DOOMFLAT: return new PK3FileImage(this, filename, true); case ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE: return new PK3FileImage(this, filename, false); case ImageDataFormat.DOOMCOLORMAP: return new ColormapImage(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid image format specified!"); } } // This returns true if the specified file exists internal override bool FileExists(string filename, int unused) { return files.FileExists(filename); } internal override bool FileExists(string filename) { return files.FileExists(filename); } // This returns all files in a given directory protected override string[] GetAllFiles(string path, bool subfolders) { return files.GetAllFiles(path, subfolders).ToArray(); } //mxd. This returns wad files in the root directory protected override string[] GetWadFiles() { return files.GetWadFiles().ToArray(); } // This returns all files in a given directory that have the given title protected override string[] GetAllFilesWithTitle(string path, string title, bool subfolders) { return files.GetAllFilesWithTitle(path, title, subfolders).ToArray(); } //mxd. This returns all files in a given directory which title starts with given title protected override string[] GetAllFilesWhichTitleStartsWith(string path, string title, bool subfolders) { return files.GetAllFilesWhichTitleStartsWith(path, title, subfolders).ToArray(); } // This returns all files in a given directory that match the given extension internal override string[] GetFilesWithExt(string path, string extension, bool subfolders) { return files.GetAllFiles(path, extension, subfolders).ToArray(); } // This finds the first file that has the specific name, regardless of file extension internal override string FindFirstFile(string beginswith, bool subfolders) { return files.GetFirstFile(beginswith, subfolders); } // This finds the first file that has the specific name, regardless of file extension protected override string FindFirstFile(string path, string beginswith, bool subfolders) { return files.GetFirstFile(path, beginswith, subfolders); } // This finds the first file that has the specific name protected override string FindFirstFileWithExt(string path, string beginswith, bool subfolders) { string title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(beginswith); string ext = Path.GetExtension(beginswith); ext = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) && ext.Length > 1 ? ext.Substring(1) : ""); return files.GetFirstFile(path, title, subfolders, ext); } // This loads an entire file in memory and returns the stream // NOTE: Callers are responsible for disposing the stream! internal override MemoryStream LoadFile(string filename) { MemoryStream filedata = null; string fn = filename.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar); //mxd //mxd. This works waaaaaay faster with 7z archive if(archivetype == ArchiveType.SevenZip) { fn = fn.ToLowerInvariant(); if(sevenzipentries.ContainsKey(fn)) filedata = new MemoryStream(sevenzipentries[fn]); } else { lock(this) { UpdateArchive(true); foreach(var entry in archive.Entries) { if(entry.IsDirectory) continue; // Is this the entry we are looking for? if(string.Compare(entry.Key, fn, true) == 0) { filedata = new MemoryStream(); entry.WriteTo(filedata); break; } } UpdateArchive(false); } } // Nothing found? if(filedata == null) { //mxd General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Cannot find the file \"" + filename + "\" in archive \"" + location.GetDisplayName() + "\"."); return null; } filedata.Position = 0; //mxd. rewind before use return filedata; } //mxd internal override bool SaveFile(MemoryStream stream, string filename, int unused) { return SaveFile(stream, filename); } internal override bool SaveFile(MemoryStream stream, string filename) { // Not implemented in SevenZipArchive... if(isreadonly || archivetype == ArchiveType.SevenZip) return false; // Convert slashes... filename = filename.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar); // Check if target file is locked... var checkresult = FileLockChecker.CheckFile(location.location); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkresult.Error)) { string errmsg = "Unable to save file \"" + filename + "\" into archive \"" + location.GetDisplayName() + "\"."; if(checkresult.Processes.Count > 0) { string processpath = string.Empty; try { // All manner of exceptions are possible here... processpath = checkresult.Processes[0].MainModule.FileName; } catch { } errmsg += " Archive is locked by " + checkresult.Processes[0].ProcessName + " (" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processpath) ? "\"" + processpath + "\"" : "") + ", started at " + checkresult.Processes[0].StartTime + ")."; } General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, errmsg); return false; } using(MemoryStream savestream = new MemoryStream()) { using(ZipArchive za = (ZipArchive)ArchiveFactory.Open(location.location)) { if(za == null) { string errmsg = "Unable to save file \"" + filename + "\" into archive \"" + location.GetDisplayName() + "\". Unable to open target file as a zip archive."; General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, errmsg); return false; } // Find and remove original entry... foreach(ZipArchiveEntry entry in za.Entries) { if(!entry.IsDirectory && entry.Key == filename) { za.RemoveEntry(entry); break; } } // Add new entry and save the archive to stream... za.AddEntry(filename, stream, 0L, DateTime.Now); za.SaveTo(savestream, CompressionType.Deflate); } // Replace archive file... File.WriteAllBytes(location.location, savestream.ToArray()); } return true; } // This creates a temp file for the speciied file and return the absolute path to the temp file // NOTE: Callers are responsible for removing the temp file when done! protected override string CreateTempFile(string filename) { // Just copy the file string tempfile = General.MakeTempFilename(General.Map.TempPath, "wad"); MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(filename); File.WriteAllBytes(tempfile, filedata.ToArray()); filedata.Dispose(); return tempfile; } //mxd. This replicates System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars() internal function private bool CheckInvalidPathChars(string path) { foreach(char c in path) { int num = c; switch(num) { case 34: case 60: case 62: case 124: General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Error in \"" + location.GetDisplayName() + "\": unsupported character \"" + c + "\" in path \"" + path + "\". File loading was skipped."); return false; default: if(num >= 32) continue; else goto case 34; } } return true; } #endregion #region ================== Compiling (mxd) // This compiles a script lump and returns any errors that may have occurred // Returns true when our code worked properly (even when the compiler returned errors) internal override bool CompileLump(string filename, int unused, ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig, List<CompilerError> errors) { return CompileLump(filename, scriptconfig, errors); } internal override bool CompileLump(string filename, ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig, List<CompilerError> errors) { // No compiling required if(scriptconfig.Compiler == null) return true; // Initialize compiler Compiler compiler; try { compiler = scriptconfig.Compiler.Create(); } catch(Exception e) { // Fail errors.Add(new CompilerError("Unable to initialize compiler. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message)); return false; } // Extract the source file into the temporary directory string inputfile = Path.Combine(compiler.Location, Path.GetFileName(filename)); using(MemoryStream stream = LoadFile(filename)) { File.WriteAllBytes(inputfile, stream.ToArray()); } // Make random output filename string outputfile = General.MakeTempFilename(compiler.Location, "tmp"); // Run compiler compiler.Parameters = scriptconfig.Parameters; compiler.InputFile = inputfile; compiler.OutputFile = Path.GetFileName(outputfile); compiler.SourceFile = inputfile; compiler.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputfile); if(compiler.Run()) { // Fetch errors foreach(CompilerError e in compiler.Errors) { CompilerError newerr = e; // If the error's filename equals our temporary file, // replace it with the original source filename if(String.Compare(e.filename, inputfile, true) == 0) newerr.filename = filename; errors.Add(newerr); } // No errors and output file exists? if(compiler.Errors.Length == 0) { // Output file exists? if(!File.Exists(outputfile)) { // Fail compiler.Dispose(); errors.Add(new CompilerError("Output file \"" + outputfile + "\" doesn't exist.")); return false; } //mxd. Move and rename the result file string targetfilename; if(compiler is AccCompiler) { AccCompiler acccompiler = (AccCompiler)compiler; targetfilename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), acccompiler.Parser.LibraryName + ".o"); } else { //mxd. No can't do... if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.ResultLump)) { // Fail compiler.Dispose(); errors.Add(new CompilerError("Unable to create target file: unable to determine target filename. Make sure \"ResultLump\" property is set in the \"" + scriptconfig + "\" script configuration.")); return false; } targetfilename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), scriptconfig.ResultLump); } // Rename and add to source archive try { byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(outputfile); using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer.Length)) { stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); SaveFile(stream, targetfilename); } } catch(Exception e) { // Fail compiler.Dispose(); errors.Add(new CompilerError("Unable to create library file \"" + targetfilename + "\". " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message)); return false; } } // Done compiler.Dispose(); return true; } // Fail compiler.Dispose(); return false; } #endregion } }