players { color = 10; // Light Green arrow = 1; title = "Player Starts"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 2; blocking = 2; 1 { title = "Player 1 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 2 { title = "Player 2 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 3 { title = "Player 3 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 4 { title = "Player 4 start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9100 { title = "Player 5 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9101 { title = "Player 6 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9102 { title = "Player 7 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 9103 { title = "Player 8 Start"; sprite = "CLERA1"; } 11 { title = "Player Deathmatch start"; sprite = "CLERR0"; } } teleports { color = 2; // Green arrow = 1; title = "Teleports"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 1; blocking = 0; 14 { title = "Teleport Landing"; sprite = "TELEA0"; } 140 { title = "Teleport Smoke"; sprite = "TSMKA0"; } } monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; error = 2; blocking = 2; 107 { title = "Centaur"; sprite = "CENTA1"; } 10060 { title = "Affrit"; sprite = "FDMNA1"; } 115 { title = "Slaughtaur"; sprite = "CENTF1"; } 34 { title = "Reiver"; sprite = "WRTHA1"; } 10011 { title = "Reiver (buried)"; sprite = "WRTHA1"; } 254 { title = "Dragon Lich"; sprite = "DRAGC1"; arg0 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg1 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg2 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg3 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } arg4 { title = "Destination Thing Tag"; type = 14; } } 10030 { title = "Ettin"; sprite = "ETTNA1"; width = 25; } 8020 { title = "Wendigo"; sprite = "ICEYA1"; width = 22; } 31 { title = "Green Chaos Serpent"; sprite = "DEMNA1"; width = 32; } 8080 { title = "Brown Chaos Serpent"; sprite = "DEM2A1"; width = 32; } 114 { title = "Dark Bishop"; sprite = "BISHA1"; width = 22; } 121 { title = "Stalker"; sprite = "SSPTB0"; width = 32; } 120 { title = "Stalker Boss"; sprite = "SSPTD0"; width = 32; } 10100 { title = "Zedek (fighter)"; sprite = "PLAYE8"; width = 16; } 10101 { title = "Traductus (cleric)"; sprite = "CLERE8"; width = 16; } 10102 { title = "Menelkir (mage)"; sprite = "MAGEE8"; width = 16; } 10080 { title = "Heresiarch"; sprite = "SORCA1"; width = 40; } 10200 { title = "Korax"; sprite = "KORXA1"; width = 65; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 10 { title = "Serpent Staff"; sprite = "WCSSA0"; } 8010 { title = "Timon's Axe"; sprite = "WFAXA0"; } 53 { title = "Frost Shards"; sprite = "WMCSA0"; } 8009 { title = "Firestorm"; sprite = "WCFMA0"; } 123 { title = "Hammer Of Retribution"; sprite = "WFHMA0"; } 8040 { title = "Arc Of Death"; sprite = "WMLGG0"; } 18 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 1"; sprite = "WCH1A0"; } 19 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 2"; sprite = "WCH2A0"; } 20 { title = "Wraithverge Piece 3"; sprite = "WCH3A0"; } 12 { title = "Quietus Piece 1"; sprite = "WFR1A0"; } 13 { title = "Quietus Piece 2"; sprite = "WFR2A0"; } 16 { title = "Quietus Piece 3"; sprite = "WFR3A0"; } 21 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 1"; sprite = "WMS1A0"; } 22 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 2"; sprite = "WMS2A0"; } 23 { title = "BloodScourge Piece 3"; sprite = "WMS3A0"; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Mana"; width = 8; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 122 { title = "Blue Mana"; sprite = "MAN1H0"; } 124 { title = "Green Mana"; sprite = "MAN2H0"; } 8004 { title = "Combined Mana"; sprite = "MAN3A0"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 8005 { title = "Mesh Armor"; sprite = "ARM1A0"; } 8006 { title = "Falcon Shield"; sprite = "ARM2A0"; } 8007 { title = "Platinum Helm"; sprite = "ARM3A0"; } 8008 { title = "Amulet Of Warding"; sprite = "ARM4A0"; } 81 { title = "Crystal Vial"; sprite = "PTN1A0"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Artifacts"; width = 20; height = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 30 { title = "Porkalator"; sprite = "PORKB0"; } 32 { title = "Mystic Urn"; sprite = "SPHLA0"; } 33 { title = "Torch"; sprite = "TRCHA0"; } 36 { title = "Chaos Device"; sprite = "ATLPA0"; } 82 { title = "Quartz Flask"; sprite = "PTN2A0"; } 83 { title = "Wings Of Wrath"; sprite = "SOARA0"; } 84 { title = "Icon Of The Defender"; sprite = "INVUA0"; } 86 { title = "Dark Servant"; sprite = "SUMNA0"; } 10110 { title = "Disc Of Repulsion"; sprite = "BLSTB0"; } 10120 { title = "Mystic Ambit Incant"; sprite = "HRADB0"; } 10040 { title = "Banishment Device"; sprite = "TELOA0"; } 8000 { title = "Flechette"; sprite = "PSBGA0"; } 8002 { title = "Boots Of Speed"; sprite = "SPEDB0"; } 8003 { title = "Krater Of Might"; sprite = "BMANA0"; } 8041 { title = "Dragonskin Bracers"; sprite = "BRACC0"; } } puzzle { color = 7; // Light Grey arrow = 1; title = "Puzzle Items"; width = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 9002 { title = "Yorick's Skull"; sprite = "ASKUA0"; } 9003 { title = "Heart Of D'Sparil"; sprite = "ABGMA0"; } 9004 { title = "Ruby Planet"; sprite = "AGMRA0"; } 9005 { title = "Emerald Planet 1"; sprite = "AGMGA0"; } 9006 { title = "Sapphire Planet 1"; sprite = "AGMBA0"; } 9007 { title = "Daemon Codex"; sprite = "ABK1A0"; } 9008 { title = "Liber Obscura"; sprite = "ABK2A0"; } 9009 { title = "Emerald Planet 2"; sprite = "AGG2A0"; } 9010 { title = "Sapphire Planet 2"; sprite = "AGMBA0"; } 9011 { title = "Yorick's Statue"; sprite = "STWNA0"; width = 10; } 9012 { title = "Pedestal Of D'Sparil"; sprite = "GMPDA0"; width = 10; } 9014 { title = "Flame mask"; sprite = "ASK2A0"; } 9015 { title = "Glaive seal"; sprite = "AFWPA0"; } 9016 { title = "Holy relic"; sprite = "ACWPA0"; width = 10; } 9017 { title = "Sigil of the magus"; sprite = "AMWPA0"; width = 10; } 9018 { title = "Clock Gear (steel)"; sprite = "AGERA0"; } 9019 { title = "Clock Gear (bronze)"; sprite = "AGR2A0"; } 9020 { title = "Clock Gear (steel and bronze)"; sprite = "AGR3A0"; } 9021 { title = "Clock Gear (bronze and steel)"; sprite = "AGR4A0"; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 8; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 8030 { title = "Steel Key"; sprite = "KEY1A0"; } 8031 { title = "Cave Key"; sprite = "KEY2A0"; } 8032 { title = "Axe Key"; sprite = "KEY3A0"; } 8033 { title = "Fire Key"; sprite = "KEY4A0"; } 8034 { title = "Emerald Key"; sprite = "KEY5A0"; } 8035 { title = "Dungeon Key"; sprite = "KEY6A0"; } 8036 { title = "Silver Key"; sprite = "KEY7A0"; } 8037 { title = "Rusty Key"; sprite = "KEY8A0"; } 8038 { title = "Horn Key"; sprite = "KEY9A0"; } 8039 { title = "Swamp Key"; sprite = "KEYAA0"; } 8200 { title = "Castle Key"; sprite = "KEYBA0"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; width = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 2; 8064 { title = "Suit Of Armor"; sprite = "SUITA0"; width = 16; arg0 { title = "Contained Item"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } } 77 { title = "Battle Rag Banner"; sprie = "BNR1A0"; width = 8; } 8100 { title = "Barrel"; sprite = "BARLA0"; width = 15; } 8065 { title = "Bell"; sprite = "BBLLA0"; width = 56; } 103 { title = "Pillar With Vase"; sprite = "VASEA0"; width = 12; } 5 { title= "Winged Statue"; sprite = "STTWA0"; width = 10; } 98 { title = "Small Rock (brown)"; sprite = "RKBSA0"; width = 15; } 97 { title = "Big Rock (brown)"; sprite = "RKBLA0"; width = 17; } 99 { title = "Big Rock (grey)"; sprite = "RKBKA0"; } 57 { title = "Stalactite (small)"; sprite = "SLC3A0"; width = 8; hangs = 1; } 56 { title = "Stalactite (medium)"; sprite = "SLC2A0"; width = 6; hangs = 1; } 52 { title = "Stalactite (large)"; sprite = "SLC1A0"; width = 8; hangs = 1; } 48 { title = "Stalagmite (pillar)"; sprite = "SGMPA0"; width = 8; } 51 { title = "Stalagmite (small)"; sprite = "SGM3A0"; width = 8; } 50 { title = "Stalagmite (medium)"; sprite = "SGM2A0"; width = 6; } 49 { title = "Stalagmite (large)"; sprite = "SGM1A0"; width = 8; } 80 { title = "Gnarled Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE6A0"; width = 22; } 87 { title = "Gnarled Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE7A0"; width = 22; } 78 { title = "Tall Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE5A0"; width = 15; } 79 { title = "Tall Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE4A0"; width = 15; } 8067 { title = "Iron Maiden"; sprite = "IRONA0"; width = 12; } 63 { title = "Tombstone (RIP)"; sprite = "TMS1A0"; width = 10; } 64 { title = "Tombstone (Shane)"; sprite = "TMS2A0"; width = 10; } 65 { title = "Tombstone (slimy)"; sprite = "TMS3A0"; width = 10; } 66 { title = "Tombstone (Brian R)"; sprite = "TMS4A0"; width = 10; } 67 { title = "Tombstone (cross circle)"; sprite = "TMS5A0"; width = 10; } 68 { title = "Tombstone (small cross)"; sprite = "TMS6A0"; width = 8; } 69 { title = "Tombstone (Brian P)"; sprite = "TMS7A0"; width = 8; } 96 { title = "Ice Spike (tiny)"; sprite = "ICM4A0"; width = 4; } 95 { title = "Ice Spike (small)"; sprite = "ICM3A0"; width = 5; } 94 { title = "Ice Spike (medium)"; sprite = "ICM2A0"; width = 5; } 93 { title = "Ice Spike (large)"; sprite = "ICM1A0"; width = 8; } 92 { title = "Icicle (tiny)"; sprite = "ICT4A0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; } 91 { title = "Icicle (small)"; sprite = "ICT3A0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; } 90 { title = "Icicle (medium)"; sprite = "ICT2A0"; width = 5; hangs = 1; } 89 { title = "Icicle (large)"; sprite = "ICT1A0"; width = 8; hangs = 1; } 8068 { title = "Evergreen Tree"; sprite = "XMASA0"; width = 11; } 8062 { title = "Rotten Dead Tree (destructible)"; sprite = "TRDTA0"; width = 15; } 24 { title = "Dead Tree"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; width = 10; } 25 { title = "Leafless Tree"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; width = 15; } 60 { title = "Dead Tree (mossy)"; sprite = "SWMVA0"; width = 8; } 26 { title = "Mossy Tree 1"; sprite = "TRE2A0"; width = 10; } 27 { title = "Mossy Tree 2"; sprite = "TRE3A0"; width = 10; } 88 { title = "Log"; sprite = "SLTRA0"; } 29 { title= "Tree Stump (bare)"; sprite = "STM2A0"; width = 12; } 28 { title= "Tree Stump (burned)"; sprite = "STM1A0"; width = 12; } 37 { title = "Tree Stump 1"; sprite = "STM3A0"; } 38 { title = "Tree Stump 2"; sprite = "STM4A0"; } 8051 { title = "Bronze Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR8A0"; width = 14; } 8047 { title = "Bronze Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR4A0"; width = 14; } 8044 { title = "Rusty Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR1A0"; width = 14; } 76 { title = "Ice Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "STT5A0"; width = 14; } 73 { title = "Ice Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "STT3A0"; width = 14; } 8050 { title = "Lava Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR7A0"; width = 14; } 8046 { title = "Lava Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR3A0"; width = 14; } 8049 { title = "Dark Lava Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR6A0"; width = 14; } 8045 { title = "Dark Lava Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR2A0"; width = 14; } 74 { title = "Stone Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "STT4A0"; width = 14; } 72 { title = "Stone Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "STT2A0"; width = 14; } 8052 { title = "Steel Gargoyle (short)"; sprite = "GAR9A0"; width = 14; } 8048 { title = "Steel Gargoyle (tall)"; sprite = "GAR5A0"; width = 14; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 20; blocking = 2; sort = 1; 17 { title = "Chandelier (lit)"; sprite = "CDLRA0"; hangs = 1; } 8063 { title = "Chandelier (unlit)"; sprite = "CDLRD0"; hangs = 1; } 8066 { title = "Blue Candle (lit)"; sprite = "CANDA0"; } 8502 { title = "Candle With Web (unlit)"; sprite = "TST3A0"; } 8503 { title = "Small Gray Candle (unlit)"; sprite = "TST4A0"; } 8504 { title = "Small Candle (unlit)"; sprite = "TST5A0"; } 119 { title = "3 Candles (lit)"; sprite = "CNDLA0"; } 10500 { title = "Small Flame (timed)"; sprite = "FFSMA0"; } 10501 { title = "Small Flame"; sprite = "FFSMA0"; } 10502 { title = "Large Flame (timed)"; sprite = "FFLGD0"; } 10503 { title = "Large Flame"; sprite = "FFLGD0"; } 54 { title = "Wall Torch (lit)"; sprite = "WLTRB0"; } 55 { title = "Wall Torch (unlit)"; sprite = "WLTRI0"; } 8042 { title = "Minotaur Statue (lit)"; sprite = "FBULB0"; } 8043 { title = "Minotaur Statue (unlit)"; sprite = "FBULH0"; } 8069 { title = "Cauldron (lit)"; sprite = "CDRNG0"; width = 12; } 8070 { title = "Cauldron (unlit)"; sprite = "CDRNA0"; width = 12; } 8060 { title = "Skull With Flame"; sprite = "FSKLA0"; width = 5; } 8061 { title = "Brazier With Flame"; sprite = "BRTRB0"; width = 6; } 116 { title = "Twined Torch (lit)"; sprite = "TWTRA0"; width = 10; } 117 { title = "Twined Torch (unlit)"; sprite = "TWTRI0"; width = 10; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 20; sort = 1; blocking = 0; 8071 { title = "Chain (short)"; sprite = "CHNSA0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; height = 32; } 8072 { title = "Chain (long)"; sprite = "CHNSB0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; height = 64; } 8073 { title = "Hook With Heart"; sprite = "CHNSC0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; } 8077 { title = "Hook With Skull"; sprite = "CHNSG0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; } 8074 { title = "Chain With Large Hook"; sprite = "CHNSD0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; height = 32; } 8075 { title = "Chain With Small Hook"; sprite = "CHNSE0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; height = 32; } 8076 { title = "Chain with Spike Ball"; sprite = "CHNSF0"; width = 4; hangs = 1; height = 32; } 8103 { title = "Hanging Bucket"; sprite = "BCKTA0"; width = 8; hangs = 1; height = 72; blocking = 2; } 6 { title = "Tiny Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK1A0"; } 7 { title = "Small Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK2A0"; } 9 { title = "Medium Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK3A0"; } 15 { title = "Big Rock (mossy)"; sprite = "RCK4A0"; } 101 { title = "Brick Rubble (small)"; sprite = "RBL2A0"; } 102 { title = "Brick Rubble (medium)"; sprite = "RBL3A0"; } 100 { title = "Brick Rubble (large)"; sprite = "RBL1A0"; } 39 { title = "Large Mushroom 1"; sprite = "MSH1A0"; } 40 { title = "Large Mushroom 2"; sprite = "MSH2A0"; } 8104 { title = "Large Mushroom (explodes)"; sprite = "SHRMB0"; width = 6; } 41 { title = "Medium Mushroom"; sprite = "MSH3A0"; } 42 { title = "Small Mushroom 1"; sprite = "MSH4A0"; } 44 { title = "Small Mushroom 2"; sprite = "MSH5A0"; } 45 { title = "Small Mushroom 3"; sprite = "MSH6A0"; } 46 { title = "Small Mushroom 4"; sprite = "MSH7A0"; } 47 { title = "Small Mushroom 5"; sprite = "MSH8A0"; } 8101 { title = "Shrub"; sprite = "SHB1A0"; width = 8; blocking = 2; } 8102 { title = "Shrub 2"; sprite = "SHB2A0"; width = 16; blocking = 2; } 111 { title = "Pool Of Blood"; sprite = "GIBSA0"; } 71 { title= "Hanging Corpse"; sprite = "CPS3A0"; width = 6; hangs = 1; height = 75; blocking = 2; } 61 { title = "Impaled Corpse"; sprite = "CPS1A0"; width = 10; height = 92; blocking = 2; } 108 { title = "Lynched Corpse"; sprite = "CPS4A0"; width = 11; hangs = 1; height = 95; blocking = 2; } 109 { title = "Lynched Corpse (heartless)"; sprite = "CPS5A0"; width = 10; hangs = 1; height = 95; blocking = 2; } 110 { title = "Corpse (sitting)"; sprite = "CPS6A0"; width = 15; height = 35; blocking = 2; } 62 { title = "Corpse (sleeping)"; sprite = "CPS2A0"; } 8509 { title = "Meat Cleaver"; sprite = "TST0A0"; } 8508 { title = "Goblet (silver)"; sprite = "TST9A0"; } 8507 { title = "Goblet (small)"; sprite = "TST8A0"; } 8506 { title = "Goblet (tall)"; sprite = "TST7A0"; } 8505 { title = "Goblet (spilled)"; sprite = "TST6A0"; } 8501 { title = "Small Silver Stein"; sprite = "TST2A0"; } 8500 { title = "Large Brown Stein"; sprite = "TST1A0"; } 104 { title = "Pot (tall)"; sprite = "POT1A0"; width = 10; blocking = 2; arg0 { title = "Contained Item"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } } 105 { title = "Pot (medium)"; sprite = "POT2A0"; width = 10; blocking = 2; arg0 { title = "Contained Item"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } } 106 { title = "Pot (short)"; sprite = "POT3A0"; width = 15; blocking = 2; arg0 { title = "Contained Item"; type = 11; enum = "spawnthing"; } } 58 { title = "Hanging Moss 1"; sprite = "MSS1A0"; hangs = 1; } 59 { title = "Hanging Moss 2"; sprite = "MSS2A0"; hangs = 1; } 10090 { title = "Spike Down"; sprite = "TSPKD0"; width = 20; } 10091 { title = "Spike Up"; sprite = "TSPKB0"; width = 20; } } sounds { color = 5; // Purple arrow = 1; title = "Sounds"; width = 8; height = 16; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; blocking = 0; sprite = "internal:sound"; 1403 = "Creak"; 1408 = "Earth Crack"; 1401 = "Heavy"; 1407 = "Ice"; 1405 = "Lava"; 1402 = "Metal"; 1409 = "Metal2"; 1404 = "Silent"; 1400 = "Stone"; 1406 = "Water"; 1410 = "Wind"; } other { color = 8; // Dark Grey arrow = 1; title = "Other"; width = 0; height = 0; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; blocking = 0; sprite = "internal:actor"; 118 { title = "Glitter Bridge"; width = 32; fixedsize = false; } 3000 { title = "Polyobject Anchor"; fixedrotation = true; } 3001{ title = "Polyobject Start Spot"; fixedrotation = true; } 3002 { title = "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)"; fixedrotation = true; } 10225 { title = "Spawn Bat"; sprite = "ABATC2C8"; arg0 { title = "Spawn Frequency"; } arg1 { title = "Spread Angle"; } arg3 { title = "Spawn Duration"; } arg4 { title = "Changing Angle"; } } 10000 { title = "Spawn Fog"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg1 { title = "Spread Angle"; } arg2 { title = "Spawn Frequency"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } } 10001 { title = "Fog Patch (small)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 10002 { title = "Fog Patch (medium)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 10003 { title = "Fog Patch (large)"; arg0 { title = "Movement Speed"; } arg3 { title = "Fog Lifetime"; } arg4 { title = "Moving Fog"; } } 113 = "Spawn Leaf"; 9001 = "Map Spot"; 9013 = "Map Spot (gravity)"; }