/*******************************************************************\ Doom Builder Script highlighting definitions for ACS \*******************************************************************/ // Compiler settings compiler = "hexen_acc"; parameters = "-H -I \"%PT\" -I \"%PS\" %FI %FO"; resultlump = "BEHAVIOR"; // Editor settings description = "Hexen ACS"; codepage = 0; extensions = "acs"; casesensitive = false; insertcase = 0; // 0=Normal, 1=Lowercase, 2=Uppercase lexer = 35; // CPP-style, case-insensitive functionopen = "("; functionclose = ")"; codeblockopen = "{"; codeblockclose = "}"; arrayopen = "["; arrayclose = "]"; argumentdelimiter = ","; terminator = ";"; keywordhelp = "http://www.zdoom.org/wiki/index.php?title=%K"; snippetsdir = "acs"; scripttype = "ACS"; keywords { #Define = "#Define identifier expression"; #Import = "#Import"; #Include = "#Include"; #Library = "#Library"; #LibDefine = "#LibDefine identifier expression"; ACS_Execute = "ACS_Execute(script, map, arg1, arg2, arg3)"; ACS_LockedExecute = "ACS_LockedExecute(script, map, arg1, arg2, lock)"; ACS_Suspend = "ACS_Suspend(script, map)"; ACS_Terminate = "ACS_Terminate(script, map)"; ActivatorSound = "ActivatorSound(name, volume)"; ActivatorTID = "ActivatorTID()"; Bool = "Bool expression"; Break = "Break"; Return = "Return"; Case = "Case expression:"; Ceiling_CrushAndRaise = "Ceiling_CrushAndRaise(tag, speed, crush)"; Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay = "Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay(tag, speed, crush)"; Ceiling_CrushStop = "Ceiling_CrushStop(tag)"; Ceiling_LowerAndCrush = "Ceiling_LowerAndCrush(tag, speed, crush)"; Ceiling_LowerByValue = "Ceiling_LowerByValue(tag, speed, height)"; Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8 = "Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8(tag, speed, height, neg)"; Ceiling_RaiseByValue = "Ceiling_RaiseByValue(tag, speed, height)"; ChangeCeiling = "void ChangeCeiling(int tag, str flatname)"; ChangeFloor = "void ChangeFloor(int tag, str flatname)"; ClearLineSpecial = "void ClearLineSpecial(void)\nClears the special of the line that activated the script."; Const = "Const"; Continue = "Continue"; DamageThing = "DamageThing(amount)"; Death = "Script expression Death"; Default = "Default:"; Delay = "void Delay(int tics)"; Disconnect = "Script expression Disconnect"; Do = "Do"; Door_Close = "Door_Close(tag, speed)"; Door_LockedRaise = "Door_LockedRaise(tag, speed, delay, lock)"; Door_Open = "Door_Open(tag, speed)"; Door_Raise = "Door_Raise(tag, speed, delay)"; Else = "Else"; Enter = "Script expression Enter"; Floor_CrushStop = "Floor_CrushStop(tag)"; Floor_LowerByValue = "Floor_LowerByValue(tag, speed, height)"; Floor_LowerByValueTimes8 = "Floor_LowerByValueTimes8(tag, speed, height)"; Floor_LowerInstant = "Floor_LowerInstant(tag, arg1, height)"; Floor_LowerToLowest = "Floor_LowerToLowest(tag, speed)"; Floor_LowerToNearest = "Floor_LowerToNearest(tag, speed)"; Floor_MoveToValueTimes8 = "Floor_MoveToValueTimes8(tag, speed, height, neg)"; Floor_RaiseAndCrush = "Floor_RaiseAndCrush(tag, speed, crush)"; Floor_RaiseByValue = "Floor_RaiseByValue(tag, speed, height)"; Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8 = "Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8(tag, speed, height)"; Floor_RaiseInstant = "Floor_RaiseInstant(tag, arg1, height)"; Floor_RaiseToHighest = "Floor_RaiseToHighest(tag, speed)"; Floor_RaiseToNearest = "Floor_RaiseToNearest(tag, speed)"; Floor_Waggle = "Floor_Waggle(tag, amp, freq, offset, time)"; FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue = "FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue(tag, speed, height)"; FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue = "FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue(tag, speed, height)"; For = "For(initialization, condition, iteration)"; Function = "Function Void expression (Void)"; GameSkill = "int GameSkill(void)"; GameType = "int GameType(void)"; If = "if(expression)"; Int = "int expression"; Light_ChangeToValue = "Light_ChangeToValue(tag, value)"; Light_Fade = "Light_Fade(tag, value, tics)"; Light_Flicker = "Light_Flicker(tag, upper, lower)"; Light_ForceLightning = "Light_ForceLightning()"; Light_Glow = "Light_Glow(tag, upper, lower, tics)"; Light_LowerByValue = "Light_LowerByValue(tag, value)"; Light_RaiseByValue = "Light_RaiseByValue(tag, value)"; Light_Strobe = "Light_Strobe(tag, upper, lower, u-tics, l-tics)"; LineSide = "int LineSide(void)"; Open = "Script expression Open"; Pillar_Build = "Pillar_Build(tag, speed, height)"; Pillar_BuildAndCrush = "Pillar_BuildAndCrush(tag, speed, height, crush)"; Pillar_Open = "Pillar_Open(tag, speed, fdist, cdist)"; Plat_DownByValue = "Plat_DownByValue(tag, speed, delay, height)"; Plat_DownWaitUpStay = "Plat_DownWaitUpStay(tag, speed, delay)"; Plat_PerpetualRaise = "Plat_PerpetualRaise(tag, speed, delay)"; Plat_Stop = "Plat_Stop(tag)"; Plat_ToggleCeiling = "Plat_ToggleCeiling(tag)"; Plat_UpByValue = "Plat_UpByValue(tag, speed, delay, height)"; Plat_UpWaitDownStay = "Plat_UpWaitDownStay(tag, speed, delay)"; PlayerCount = "int PlayerCount(void)\nReturns the number of players currently in the game"; Polyobj_DoorSlide = "Polyobj_DoorSlide(po, speed, angle, dist, delay)"; Polyobj_DoorSwing = "Polyobj_DoorSwing(po, speed, angle, delay)"; Polyobj_Move = "Polyobj_Move(po, speed, angle, dist)"; Polyobj_MoveTimes8 = "Polyobj_MoveTimes8(po, speed, angle, dist)"; Polyobj_OR_Move = "Polyobj_OR_Move(po, speed, angle, distance)"; Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8 = "Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8(po, speed, angle, distance)"; Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft = "Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft(po, speed)"; Polyobj_OR_RotateRight = "Polyobj_OR_RotateRight(po, speed, angle)"; Polyobj_RotateLeft = "Polyobj_RotateLeft(po, speed, angle)"; Polyobj_RotateRight = "Polyobj_RotateRight(po, speed, angle)"; PolyWait = "void PolyWait(int polyid)"; Print = "void Print(type:expression)\nPrint will print something to the screen.\nPrint will only display for the activator of the script\nFor printing to all players, use PrintBold."; PrintBold = "void PrintBold(type:expression)\nThis is exactly the same as Print, except all players will see the printed text\non the screen instead of just the activator of the script."; Radius_Quake = "Radius_Quake(intensity, duration, damrad, tremrad, tid)"; Random = "int Random(int min, int max)"; Restart = "Restart"; Script = "Script expression"; ScriptWait = "void ScriptWait(int script)"; Sector_ChangeSound = "Sector_ChangeSound(tag, newsequence)"; SectorSound = "void SectorSound(str sound, int volume)"; SetLineBlocking = "void SetLineBlocking(int lineid, int blocking)"; SetLineSpecial = "void SetLineSpecial(int lineid, int special[, int arg0[, int arg1[, int arg2[, int arg3[, int arg4]]]]])\nSetLineSpecial will change the special on all lines with the line id number specified."; SetLineTexture = "void SetLineTexture(int lineid, int line_side, int sidedef_texture, str texturename)\nSetLineTexture will change the specified texture on all lines with the line id number specified\nline_side: SIDE_ flags can be used.\nsidedef_texture: TEXTURE_ flags can be used.\ntexturename: the texture that will be set on the line. Use '-' to remove a texture."; SoundSequence = "void SoundSequence(str sndseq)\nPlays a sound sequence defined in SNDSEQ lump."; Special = "Special"; Stairs_BuildDown = "Stairs_BuildDown(tag, speed, height, delay, reset)"; Stairs_BuildDownSync = "Stairs_BuildDownSync(tag, speed, height, reset)"; Stairs_BuildUp = "Stairs_BuildUp(tag, speed, height, delay, reset)"; Stairs_BuildUpSync = "Stairs_BuildUpSync(tag, speed, height, reset)"; str = "str expression"; Suspend = "Suspend"; Switch = "Switch(expression)"; TagWait = "void TagWait(int tag)"; Teleport = "Teleport(tid, tag, nosourcefog)"; Teleport_NewMap = "Teleport_NewMap(map, pos)"; Teleport_NoFog = "Teleport_NoFog(tid)"; Terminate = "Terminate"; Thing_Activate = "Thing_Activate(tid)"; Thing_Deactivate = "Thing_Deactivate(tid)"; Thing_Destroy = "Thing_Destroy(tid, extreme)"; Thing_Projectile = "Thing_Projectile(tid, type, angle, speed, vspeed)"; Thing_ProjectileGravity = "Thing_ProjectileGravity(tid, type, angle, speed, vspeed)"; Thing_Remove = "Thing_Remove(tid)"; Thing_Spawn = "Thing_Spawn(tid, type, angle, newtid)"; Thing_SpawnNoFog = "Thing_SpawnNoFog(tid, type, angle, newtid)"; ThingCount = "int ThingCount(int type, int tid)"; ThrustThing = "ThrustThing(angle, force, limit, tid)"; Timer = "int Timer(void)"; Unloading = "Script expression Unloading"; Until = "Until(expression)"; Void = "Void"; While = "While(expression)"; World = "World Int expression:identifier"; } constants { TRUE; FALSE; ON; OFF; YES; NO; LINE_FRONT; LINE_BACK; SIDE_FRONT; SIDE_BACK; TEXTURE_TOP; TEXTURE_MIDDLE; TEXTURE_BOTTOM; GAME_SINGLE_PLAYER; GAME_NET_COOPERATIVE; GAME_NET_DEATHMATCH; CLASS_FIGHTER; CLASS_CLERIC; CLASS_MAGE; SKILL_VERY_EASY; SKILL_EASY; SKILL_NORMAL; SKILL_HARD; SKILL_VERY_HARD; T_NONE; T_CENTAUR; T_CENTAURLEADER; T_DEMON; T_ETTIN; T_FIREGARGOYLE; T_WATERLURKER; T_WATERLURKERLEADER; T_WRAITH; T_WRAITHBURIED; T_FIREBALL1; T_MANA1; T_MANA2; T_ITEMBOOTS; T_ITEMEGG; T_ITEMFLIGHT; T_ITEMSUMMON; T_ITEMTPORTOTHER; T_ITEMTELEPORT; T_BISHOP; T_ICEGOLEM; T_BRIDGE; T_DRAGONSKINBRACERS; T_ITEMHEALTHPOTION; T_ITEMHEALTHFLASK; T_ITEMHEALTHFULL; T_ITEMBOOSTMANA; T_FIGHTERAXE; T_FIGHTERHAMMER; T_FIGHTERSWORD1; T_FIGHTERSWORD2; T_FIGHTERSWORD3; T_CLERICSTAFF; T_CLERICHOLY1; T_CLERICHOLY2; T_CLERICHOLY3; T_MAGESHARDS; T_MAGESTAFF1; T_MAGESTAFF2; T_MAGESTAFF3; T_MORPHBLAST; T_ROCK1; T_ROCK2; T_ROCK3; T_DIRT1; T_DIRT2; T_DIRT3; T_DIRT4; T_DIRT5; T_DIRT6; T_ARROW; T_DART; T_POISONDART; T_RIPPERBALL; T_STAINEDGLASS1; T_STAINEDGLASS2; T_STAINEDGLASS3; T_STAINEDGLASS4; T_STAINEDGLASS5; T_STAINEDGLASS6; T_STAINEDGLASS7; T_STAINEDGLASS8; T_STAINEDGLASS9; T_STAINEDGLASS0; T_BLADE; T_ICESHARD; T_FLAME_SMALL; T_FLAME_LARGE; T_MESHARMOR; T_FALCONSHIELD; T_PLATINUMHELM; T_AMULETOFWARDING; T_ITEMFLECHETTE; T_ITEMTORCH; T_ITEMREPULSION; T_MANA3; T_PUZZSKULL; T_PUZZGEMBIG; T_PUZZGEMRED; T_PUZZGEMGREEN1; T_PUZZGEMGREEN2; T_PUZZGEMBLUE1; T_PUZZGEMBLUE2; T_PUZZBOOK1; T_PUZZBOOK2; T_METALKEY; T_SMALLMETALKEY; T_AXEKEY; T_FIREKEY; T_GREENKEY; T_MACEKEY; T_SILVERKEY; T_RUSTYKEY; T_HORNKEY; T_SERPENTKEY; T_WATERDRIP; T_TEMPSMALLFLAME; T_PERMSMALLFLAME; T_TEMPLARGEFLAME; T_PERMLARGEFLAME; T_DEMON_MASH; T_DEMON2_MASH; T_ETTIN_MASH; T_CENTAUR_MASH; T_THRUSTSPIKEUP; T_THRUSTSPIKEDOWN; T_FLESH_DRIP1; T_FLESH_DRIP2; T_SPARK_DRIP; }