players { color = 10; // Light Green arrow = 1; title = "Player Starts"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 1 { title = "Player 1 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 2 { title = "Player 2 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 3 { title = "Player 3 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 4 { title = "Player 4 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 11 { title = "Player Deathmatch start"; sprite = "PLAYF1"; } } teleports { color = 2; // Green arrow = 1; title = "Teleports"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; error = 0; 14 { title = "Teleport Destination"; sprite = "TFOGB0"; } } monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 3004 { title = "Former Human"; sprite = "POSSA2A8"; } 9 { title = "Former Sergeant"; sprite = "SPOSA2A8"; } 3001 { title = "Imp"; sprite = "TROOA2A8"; } 3002 { title = "Demon"; width = 30; sprite = "SARGA2A8"; } 58 { title = "Spectre"; width = 30; sprite = "SARGA2A8"; } 3006 { title = "Lost Soul"; width = 16; sprite = "SKULA8A2"; } 3005 { title = "Cacodemon"; width = 31; sprite = "HEADA2A8"; } 3003 { title = "Baron of Hell"; width = 24; sprite = "BOSSA2A8"; height = 64; } 16 { title = "Cyberdemon"; width = 40; sprite = "CYBRA2"; height = 110; } 7 { title = "Spider Mastermind"; width = 128; sprite = "SPIDG2G8"; height = 100; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 25; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 2005 { title = "Chainsaw"; sprite = "CSAWA0"; } 2001 { title = "Shotgun"; sprite = "SHOTA0"; } 2002 { title = "Chaingun"; sprite = "MGUNA0"; } 2003 { title = "Rocket launcher"; sprite = "LAUNA0"; } 2004 { title = "Plasma gun"; sprite = "PLASA0"; } 2006 { title = "BFG9000"; sprite = "BFUGA0"; height = 30; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Ammunition"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; blocking = 0; hangs = 0; 2007 { title = "Ammo clip"; sprite = "CLIPA0"; } 2008 { title = "Shotgun shells"; sprite = "SHELA0"; } 2010 { title = "Rocket"; sprite = "ROCKA0"; height = 25; } 2047 { title = "Cell charge"; sprite = "CELLA0"; } 2048 { title = "Box of Ammo"; sprite = "AMMOA0"; } 2049 { title = "Box of Shells"; sprite = "SBOXA0"; } 2046 { title = "Box of Rockets"; sprite = "BROKA0"; height = 25; } 17 { title = "Cell charge pack"; sprite = "CELPA0"; height = 25; } 8 { title = "Backpack"; sprite = "BPAKA0"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 2011 { title = "Stimpack"; sprite = "STIMA0"; } 2012 { title = "Medikit"; sprite = "MEDIA0"; height = 25; } 2014 { title = "Health bonus"; sprite = "BON1A0"; } 2015 { title = "Armor bonus"; sprite = "BON2A0"; } 2018 { title = "Green armor"; sprite = "ARM1A0"; } 2019 { title = "Blue armor"; sprite = "ARM2A0"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Powerups"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 2013 { title = "Soulsphere"; sprite = "SOULA0"; height = 45; } 2022 { title = "Invulnerability"; sprite = "PINVA0"; height = 30; } 2023 { title = "Berserk"; sprite = "PSTRA0"; } 2024 { title = "Invisibility"; sprite = "PINSA0"; height = 45; } 2025 { title = "Radiation suit"; sprite = "SUITA0"; height = 60; } 2026 { title = "Computer map"; sprite = "PMAPA0"; height = 35; } 2045 { title = "Lite Amplification goggles"; sprite = "PVISA0"; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 5 { title = "Blue keycard"; sprite = "BKEYA0"; } 40 { title = "Blue skullkey"; sprite = "BSKUB0"; } 13 { title = "Red keycard"; sprite = "RKEYA0"; } 38 { title = "Red skullkey"; sprite = "RSKUB0"; } 6 { title = "Yellow keycard"; sprite = "YKEYA0"; } 39 { title = "Yellow skullkey"; sprite = "YSKUB0"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; 2035 { title = "Barrel"; width = 10; sprite = "BAR1A0"; height = 32; } 48 { title = "Tall techno pillar"; sprite = "ELECA0"; } 30 { title = "Tall green pillar"; sprite = "COL1A0"; } 32 { title = "Tall red pillar"; sprite = "COL3A0"; } 31 { title = "Short green pillar"; sprite = "COL2A0"; } 36 { title = "Short green pillar (beating heart)"; sprite = "COL5A0"; } 33 { title = "Short red pillar"; sprite = "COL4A0"; } 37 { title = "Short red pillar (skull)"; sprite = "COL6A0"; } 47 { title = "Stalagmite"; sprite = "SMITA0"; } 43 { title = "Gray tree"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; } 54 { title = "Large brown tree"; width = 32; sprite = "TRE2A0"; } 41 { title = "Evil Eye"; sprite = "CEYEA0"; } 42 { title = "Floating skull rock"; sprite = "FSKUA0"; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; 2028 { title = "Floor lamp"; sprite = "COLUA0"; } 34 { title = "Candle"; sprite = "CANDA0"; blocking = 0; } 35 { title = "Candelabra"; sprite = "CBRAA0"; } 44 { title = "Tall blue firestick"; sprite = "TBLUA0"; } 45 { title = "Tall green firestick"; sprite = "TGRNA0"; } 46 { title = "Tall red firestick"; sprite = "TREDA0"; } 55 { title = "Short blue firestick"; sprite = "SMBTA0"; } 56 { title = "Short green firestick"; sprite = "SMGTA0"; } 57 { title = "Short red firestick"; sprite = "SMRTA0"; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 49 { title = "Hanging victim, twitching (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR1A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 63 { title = "Hanging victim, twitching"; sprite = "GOR1A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; } 50 { title = "Hanging victim, arms out (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR2A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 59 { title = "Hanging victim, arms out"; sprite = "GOR2A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; } 52 { title = "Hanging pair of legs (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR4A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 60 { title = "Hanging pair of legs"; sprite = "GOR4A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; } 51 { title = "Hanging victim, 1-legged (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR3A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 61 { title = "Hanging victim, 1-legged"; sprite = "GOR3A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; } 53 { title = "Hanging leg (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR5A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 62 { title = "Hanging leg"; sprite = "GOR5A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; } 25 { title = "Impaled human"; sprite = "POL1A0"; blocking = 1; } 26 { title = "Twitching impaled human"; sprite = "POL6A0"; blocking = 1; } 27 { title = "Skull on a pole"; sprite = "POL4A0"; blocking = 1; } 28 { title = "5 skulls shish kebob"; sprite = "POL2A0"; blocking = 1; } 29 { title = "Pile of skulls and candles"; sprite = "POL3A0"; blocking = 1; } 10 { title = "Bloody mess 1"; sprite = "PLAYW0"; } 12 { title = "Bloody mess 2"; sprite = "PLAYW0"; } 24 { title = "Pool of blood and bones"; sprite = "POL5A0"; } 15 { title = "Dead player"; sprite = "PLAYN0"; } 18 { title = "Dead former human"; sprite = "POSSL0"; width = 20; } 19 { title = "Dead former sergeant"; sprite = "SPOSL0"; width = 20; } 20 { title = "Dead imp"; sprite = "TROOM0"; width = 20; } 21 { title = "Dead demon"; sprite = "SARGN0"; width = 30; } 22 { title = "Dead cacodemon"; sprite = "HEADL0"; width = 31; } 23 { title = "Dead lost soul"; } }