using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom { public sealed class ZScriptParser : ZDTextParser { #region ================== Internal classes public class ZScriptClassStructure { // these are used for the class itself public string ClassName { get; internal set; } public string ReplacementName { get; internal set; } public string ParentName { get; internal set; } public ZScriptActorStructure Actor { get; internal set; } internal DecorateCategoryInfo Region; public bool IsMixin { get; internal set; } public bool IsExtension { get; internal set; } public List Extensions { get; internal set; } // these are used for parsing and error reporting public ZScriptParser Parser { get; internal set; } public Stream Stream { get; internal set; } public long Position { get; internal set; } public BinaryReader DataReader { get; internal set; } public string SourceName { get; internal set; } public DataLocation DataLocation { get; internal set; } // textresourcepath public string TextResourcePath { get; internal set; } internal ZScriptClassStructure(ZScriptParser parser, string classname, string replacesname, string parentname, bool ismixin, bool isextension, DecorateCategoryInfo region) { Parser = parser; Stream = parser.datastream; Position = parser.datastream.Position; DataReader = parser.datareader; SourceName = parser.sourcename; DataLocation = parser.datalocation; TextResourcePath = parser.textresourcepath; ClassName = classname; ReplacementName = replacesname; ParentName = parentname; Actor = null; Region = region; IsMixin = ismixin; IsExtension = isextension; Extensions = new List(); } internal void RestoreStreamData() { Parser.datastream = Stream; Parser.datastream.Position = Position; Parser.datareader = DataReader; Parser.sourcename = SourceName; Parser.datalocation = DataLocation; Parser.prevstreamposition = -1; } internal bool Process() { RestoreStreamData(); bool isactor = false; ZScriptClassStructure _pstruct = this; while (_pstruct != null) { if (_pstruct.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant() == "actor") { isactor = true; break; } if (_pstruct.ParentName != null) { string _pname = _pstruct.ParentName.ToLowerInvariant(); if(_pname == _pstruct.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant()) { Parser.ReportError("Fatal: Class \"" + _pstruct.ClassName + "\" is trying to inherit from itself."); return false; } string _cname = _pstruct.ClassName; Parser.allclasses.TryGetValue(_pname, out _pstruct); if (_pstruct == null) { Parser.ReportError("Fatal: Class \"" + _cname + "\" is trying to inherit from \"" + _pname + "\" which does not exist."); return false; } } else _pstruct = null; } string log_inherits = ((ParentName != null) ? "inherits " + ParentName : ""); if (ReplacementName != null) log_inherits += ((log_inherits.Length > 0) ? ", " : "") + "replaces " + ReplacementName; if (log_inherits.Length > 0) log_inherits = " (" + log_inherits + ")"; if (isactor || IsMixin || IsExtension) { Actor = new ZScriptActorStructure(Parser, Region, ClassName, ReplacementName, ParentName); if (Parser.HasError) { Actor = null; return false; } if (!IsExtension) { // check actor replacement. Parser.archivedactors[Actor.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant()] = Actor; Parser.realarchivedactors[Actor.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant()] = Actor; if (Actor.CheckActorSupported()) Parser.actors[Actor.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant()] = Actor; // Replace an actor? if (Actor.ReplacesClass != null) { if (Parser.GetArchivedActorByName(Actor.ReplacesClass, false) != null) Parser.archivedactors[Actor.ReplacesClass.ToLowerInvariant()] = Actor; else Parser.LogWarning("Unable to find \"" + Actor.ReplacesClass + "\" class to replace, while parsing \"" + Actor.ClassName + "\""); if (Actor.CheckActorSupported() && Parser.GetActorByName(Actor.ReplacesClass) != null) Parser.actors[Actor.ReplacesClass.ToLowerInvariant()] = Actor; } //mxd. Add to current text resource if (!Parser.scriptresources[TextResourcePath].Entries.Contains(Actor.ClassName)) Parser.scriptresources[TextResourcePath].Entries.Add(Actor.ClassName); } } //Parser.LogWarning(string.Format("Parsed {0}class {1}{2}", isactor?"actor ":"", ClassName, log_inherits)); return true; } } #endregion #region ================== Delegates public delegate void IncludeDelegate(ZScriptParser parser, string includefile); public IncludeDelegate OnInclude; #endregion #region ================== Constants #endregion #region ================== Variables //mxd. Script type internal override ScriptType ScriptType { get { return ScriptType.ZSCRIPT; } } // These are actors we want to keep private Dictionary actors; // These are all parsed actors, also those from other games private Dictionary archivedactors; // These are archivedactors, but also without replacements, for inheritance purposes private Dictionary realarchivedactors; // In ZScript, you can inherit an actor before defining it. So we need to postpone all processing after the classes have been gathered. private Dictionary allclasses; private List allclasseslist; // Mixin classes private Dictionary mixinclasses; private List mixinclasseslist; //mxd. Includes tracking private HashSet parsedlumps; //mxd. Disposing. Is that really needed?.. private bool isdisposed; // [ZZ] custom tokenizer class internal ZScriptTokenizer tokenizer; // public bool NoWarnings = false; #endregion #region ================== Properties /// /// All actors that are supported by the current game. /// public IEnumerable Actors { get { return actors.Values; } } /// /// All actors defined in the loaded DECORATE structures. This includes actors not supported in the current game. /// public ICollection AllActors { get { return archivedactors.Values; } } /// /// mxd. All actors that are supported by the current game. /// internal Dictionary ActorsByClass { get { return actors; } } /// /// mxd. All actors defined in the loaded DECORATE structures. This includes actors not supported in the current game. /// internal Dictionary AllActorsByClass { get { return archivedactors; } } /// /// This is used to find out what classes were parsed from specific archive /// public HashSet LastClasses { get; internal set; } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor public ZScriptParser() { ClearActors(); } // Disposer public void Dispose() { //mxd. Not already disposed? if (!isdisposed) { foreach (KeyValuePair a in archivedactors) a.Value.Dispose(); actors = null; archivedactors = null; isdisposed = true; } } #endregion #region ================== Parsing private bool ParseInclude(string filename) { Stream localstream = datastream; string localsourcename = sourcename; BinaryReader localreader = datareader; DataLocation locallocation = datalocation; //mxd string localtextresourcepath = textresourcepath; //mxd ZScriptTokenizer localtokenizer = tokenizer; // [ZZ] //INFO: ZDoom DECORATE include paths can't be relative ("../actor.txt") //or absolute ("d:/project/actor.txt") //or have backward slashes ("info\actor.txt") //include paths are relative to the first parsed entry, not the current one //also include paths may or may not be quoted //mxd. Sanity checks if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { ReportError("Expected file name to include"); return false; } //mxd. Check invalid path chars if (!CheckInvalidPathChars(filename)) return false; //mxd. Absolute paths are not supported... if (Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { ReportError("Absolute include paths are not supported by ZDoom"); return false; } // [JD] Relative paths are supported by GZDoom since 4.8.0 if (filename.StartsWith(RELATIVE_PATH_MARKER) || filename.StartsWith(CURRENT_FOLDER_PATH_MARKER) || filename.StartsWith(ALT_RELATIVE_PATH_MARKER) || filename.StartsWith(ALT_CURRENT_FOLDER_PATH_MARKER)) { List pathTokens = localsourcename.Split('\\', '/').ToList(); // take full path of current source file, split to individual folders pathTokens.RemoveAt(pathTokens.Count - 1); // remove filename itself pathTokens.AddRange(filename.Split('\\', '/')); // add relative path pathTokens.RemoveAll(token => token.Equals(".", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)); // remove all "." folders from the path for (int i = 0; i < pathTokens.Count; i++) { if (pathTokens[i].Equals("..", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) // for each "..": remove them and previous folder from the path { if (i == 0) // cannot have ".." at start of full path { ReportError("Relative path escaping archive"); return false; } pathTokens.RemoveAt(i); pathTokens.RemoveAt(i - 1); i -= 2; } } filename = string.Join("/", pathTokens); // combine the included file path } //mxd. Backward slashes are not supported if (filename.Contains("\\")) { ReportError("Only forward slashes are supported by ZDoom"); return false; } //mxd. Already parsed? if (parsedlumps.Contains(filename)) { ReportError("Already parsed \"" + filename + "\". Check your include directives"); return false; } //mxd. Add to collection parsedlumps.Add(filename); // Callback to parse this file now if (OnInclude != null) OnInclude(this, filename); //mxd. Bail out on error if (this.HasError) return false; // Set our buffers back to continue parsing datastream = localstream; datareader = localreader; sourcename = localsourcename; datalocation = locallocation; //mxd textresourcepath = localtextresourcepath; //mxd tokenizer = localtokenizer; return true; } protected internal override void LogWarning(string message, int linenumber) { if (NoWarnings) return; base.LogWarning(message, linenumber); } // read in an expression as a token list. internal List ParseExpression(bool betweenparen = false) { List ol = new List(); // int nestingLevel = 0; // while (true) { long cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null) { ReportError("Expected a token"); return null; } // biwa. Report a recoverable parsing problem if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.WarningMessage)) LogWarning(token.WarningMessage); if ((token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon || token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Comma) && nestingLevel == 0 && !betweenparen) { datastream.Position = cpos; return ol; } if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.OpenParen) { nestingLevel++; } else if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseParen) { nestingLevel--; if (nestingLevel < 0) // for example, function call { datastream.Position = cpos; return ol; } } ol.Add(token); } } internal bool SkipBlock(bool eatSemicolon = true) { int nestingLevel = 0; long cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected {, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } // parse everything between { and } nestingLevel = 1; while (nestingLevel > 0) { cpos = datastream.Position; token = tokenizer.ReadToken(true); //LogWarning(token.ToString()); if (token == null) { ReportError("Expected a token"); return false; } if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Invalid) continue; if (token.Value == "{") { nestingLevel++; } else if (token.Value == "}") { nestingLevel--; if (nestingLevel < 0) { ReportError("Closing parenthesis without an opening one"); return false; } } } // there is POTENTIALLY a semicolon after the class definition. it's not supposed to be there, but it's acceptable (GZDoom.pk3 has this) cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken tailtoken = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (tailtoken == null || !eatSemicolon || tailtoken.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon) datastream.Position = cpos; return true; } internal bool SkipClassBlock() { int nestingLevel = 0; long cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly, ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon); bool semico = token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon; if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected { or ;, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } // parse everything between { and } or ; and eof nestingLevel = 1; while (nestingLevel > 0) { cpos = datastream.Position; token = tokenizer.ReadToken(true); //LogWarning(token.ToString()); if (token == null) { if (semico) { nestingLevel--; break; } else { ReportError("Expected a token"); return false; } } if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Invalid) continue; if (token.Value == "{") { nestingLevel++; } else if (token.Value == "}") { nestingLevel--; if (nestingLevel < 0) { ReportError("Closing parenthesis without an opening one"); return false; } } } // there is POTENTIALLY a semicolon after the class definition. it's not supposed to be there, but it's acceptable (GZDoom.pk3 has this) cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken tailtoken = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (tailtoken == null || tailtoken.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon) datastream.Position = cpos; return true; } internal List ParseBlock(bool allowsingle) { List ol = new List(); // int nestingLevel = 0; // long cpos = datastream.Position; ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null) { ReportError("Expected a code block, got "); return null; } if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly) { if (!allowsingle) { ReportError("Expected {, got " + token); return null; } // otherwise this is an expression datastream.Position = cpos; List ol_expression = ParseExpression(); token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null || token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon) { ReportError("Expected ;, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return null; } ol_expression.Add(token); return ol_expression; } // parse everything between { and } nestingLevel = 1; while (nestingLevel > 0) { cpos = datastream.Position; token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null) { ReportError("Expected a token"); return null; } if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly) { nestingLevel++; } else if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly) { nestingLevel--; if (nestingLevel < 0) { ReportError("Closing parenthesis without an opening one"); return null; } } ol.Add(token); } // there is POTENTIALLY a semicolon after the class definition. it's not supposed to be there, but it's acceptable (GZDoom.pk3 has this) ZScriptToken tailtoken = tokenizer.ReadToken(); cpos = datastream.Position; if (tailtoken == null || tailtoken.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon) datastream.Position = cpos; else ol.Add(tailtoken); return ol; } internal bool ParseConst() { // const blablabla = ; tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected const name, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } string constname = token.Value; tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpAssign); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected =, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); if (ParseExpression() == null) return false; // anything until a semicolon or a comma, + anything between parentheses tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected ;, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } //LogWarning(string.Format("Parsed const {0}", constname)); return true; } internal bool ParseEnum() { // enum blablabla {} tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected enum name, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); if (ParseBlock(false) == null) return false; // anything between { and } //LogWarning(string.Format("Parsed enum {0}", token.Value)); return true; } internal bool ParseInteger(out int value) { value = 1; ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Integer, ZScriptTokenType.OpAdd, ZScriptTokenType.OpSubtract); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected integer, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.OpSubtract) value = -1; if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Integer) { token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Integer); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected integer, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } value *= token.ValueInt; return true; } else { value = token.ValueInt; return true; } } internal string ParseDottedIdentifier() { string name = ""; while (true) { ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected identifier, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return null; } if (name.Length > 0) name += '.'; name += token.Value.ToLowerInvariant(); long cpos = datastream.Position; token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Dot) { datastream.Position = cpos; break; } } return name; } internal bool ParseClassOrStruct(bool isstruct, bool extend, bool mixin, DecorateCategoryInfo region) { // 'class' keyword is already parsed tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken tok_classname = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (tok_classname == null || !tok_classname.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected class name, got " + ((Object)tok_classname ?? "").ToString()); return false; } // name [replaces name] [: name] [native] ZScriptToken tok_replacename = null; ZScriptToken tok_parentname = null; ZScriptToken tok_native = null; ZScriptToken tok_scope = null; ZScriptToken tok_version = null; string[] class_scope_modifiers = new string[] { "clearscope", "ui", "play" }; string[] other_modifiers = new string[] { "abstract" }; while (true) { tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null) { ReportError("Expected a token"); return false; } if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Identifier) { if (token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "replaces") { if (tok_native != null) { ReportError("Cannot have replacement after native"); return false; } if (tok_replacename != null) { ReportError("Cannot have two replacements per class"); return false; } tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); tok_replacename = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (tok_replacename == null || !tok_replacename.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected replacement class name, got " + ((Object)tok_replacename ?? "").ToString()); return false; } } else if (token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "native") { if (tok_native != null) { ReportError("Cannot have two native keywords"); return false; } tok_native = token; } else if (Array.IndexOf(class_scope_modifiers, token.Value.ToLowerInvariant()) >= 0) { if (tok_scope != null) { ReportError("Cannot have two scope qualifiers"); return false; } tok_scope = token; } else if (!isstruct && Array.IndexOf(other_modifiers, token.Value.ToLowerInvariant()) >= 0) { // don't save these. whatever. } else if (token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "version") { if (tok_version != null) { ReportError("Cannot have two versions"); return false; } // read in the version. tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenParen); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected (, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.String); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected version, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } tok_version = token; tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseParen); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected ), got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } } else { ReportError("Unexpected token " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); } } else if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Colon) { if (tok_parentname != null) { ReportError("Cannot have two parent classes"); return false; } if (tok_replacename != null || tok_native != null) { ReportError("Cannot have parent class after replacement class or native keyword"); return false; } tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); tok_parentname = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (tok_parentname == null || !tok_parentname.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected replacement class name, got " + ((Object)tok_parentname ?? "").ToString()); return false; } } else if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon || token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly) { datastream.Position--; break; } } // do nothing else atm, except remember the position to put it into the class parsing code tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); long cpos = datastream.Position; //List classblocktokens = ParseBlock(false); //if (classblocktokens == null) return false; if (!SkipClassBlock()) return false; string log_inherits = ((tok_parentname != null) ? "inherits " + tok_parentname.Value : ""); if (tok_replacename != null) log_inherits += ((log_inherits.Length > 0) ? ", " : "") + "replaces " + tok_replacename.Value; if (extend) log_inherits += ((log_inherits.Length > 0) ? ", " : "") + "extends"; if (log_inherits.Length > 0) log_inherits = " (" + log_inherits + ")"; // now if we are a class, and we inherit actor, parse this entry as an actor. don't process extensions. if (!isstruct && !extend && !mixin) { ZScriptClassStructure cls = new ZScriptClassStructure(this, tok_classname.Value, (tok_replacename != null) ? tok_replacename.Value : null, (tok_parentname != null) ? tok_parentname.Value : null, false, false, region); cls.Position = cpos; string clskey = cls.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant(); if (allclasses.ContainsKey(clskey)) { ReportError("Class " + cls.ClassName + " is double-defined"); return false; } allclasses.Add(cls.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant(), cls); allclasseslist.Add(cls); LastClasses.Add(cls.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant()); } else if(!isstruct && extend) { string clskey = tok_classname.Value.ToLowerInvariant(); if(!allclasses.ContainsKey(clskey)) { ReportError("Trying to extend class " + tok_classname.Value + " before it was defined"); return false; } // GZDoom doesn't allow extending classes that are from another archive if(!allclasses[clskey].DataLocation.Equals(datalocation)) { ReportError("Trying to extend class " + tok_classname.Value + " that's not part of data location \"" + datalocation + "\", but \"" + allclasses[clskey].DataLocation + "\""); return false; } ZScriptClassStructure cls = new ZScriptClassStructure(this, tok_classname.Value, null, null, false, true, region); cls.Position = cpos; allclasses[clskey].Extensions.Add(cls); } else if (mixin) { // This is a bit ugly. We're treating mixin classes as actors, even though they aren't. But otherwise the parser // doesn't parse all the actor info we need ZScriptClassStructure cls = new ZScriptClassStructure(this, tok_classname.Value, null, null, true, false, region); cls.Position = cpos; string clskey = cls.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant(); if(mixinclasses.ContainsKey(clskey)) { ReportError("Mixin class " + cls.ClassName + " is double-defines"); return false; } mixinclasses.Add(cls.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant(), cls); mixinclasseslist.Add(cls); } //LogWarning(string.Format("Parsed {0} {1}{2}", (isstruct ? "struct" : "class"), tok_classname.Value, log_inherits)); return true; } // This parses the given decorate stream // Returns false on errors public override bool Parse(TextResourceData data, bool clearerrors) { if (clearerrors) LastClasses = new HashSet(); //mxd. Already parsed? if (!base.AddTextResource(data)) { if (clearerrors) ClearError(); return true; } // Cannot process? if (!base.Parse(data, clearerrors)) return false; List includes = new List(); // [ZZ] For whatever reason, the parser is closely tied to the tokenizer, and to the general scripting lumps framework (see scripttype). // For this reason I have to still inherit the old tokenizer while only using the new one. //ReportError("found zscript? :)"); prevstreamposition = -1; tokenizer = new ZScriptTokenizer(datareader); // region-as-category, ZScript ver List regions = new List(); while (true) { ZScriptToken token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, // const, enum, class, etc ZScriptTokenType.Whitespace, ZScriptTokenType.Newline, ZScriptTokenType.BlockComment, ZScriptTokenType.LineComment, ZScriptTokenType.Preprocessor); if (token == null) // EOF reached break; if (!token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected preprocessor statement, const, enum or class declaraction, got " + token); return false; } // If $GZDB_SKIP is encountered we stop parsing. Not that we can't "return" here yet, because the includes still have to be parsed if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.LineComment && token.Value.Trim().ToLowerInvariant() == "$gzdb_skip") break; // toplevel tokens allowed are only Preprocessor and Identifier. switch (token.Type) { case ZScriptTokenType.Whitespace: case ZScriptTokenType.Newline: case ZScriptTokenType.BlockComment: break; case ZScriptTokenType.LineComment: { string cmtval = token.Value.TrimStart(); if (cmtval.Length <= 0 || cmtval[0] != '$') break; // if we are in a region, read property using function from ZScriptActorStructure if (regions.Count > 0) ZScriptActorStructure.ParseGZDBComment(regions.Last().Properties, cmtval); } break; case ZScriptTokenType.Preprocessor: { tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken directive = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (directive == null || !directive.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected preprocessor directive, got " + ((Object)directive ?? "").ToString()); return false; } string d_value = directive.Value.ToLowerInvariant(); if (d_value == "include") { tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); ZScriptToken include_name = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.String, ZScriptTokenType.Name); if (include_name == null || !include_name.IsValid) { ReportError("Cannot include: expected a string value, got " + ((Object)include_name ?? "").ToString()); return false; } // GZDoom parses includes *after* the rest of the file is parsed, so just store the files to include and parse them later includes.Add(include_name.Value); } else if (d_value == "region") { // just read everything until newline. string region_name = ""; while (true) { token = tokenizer.ReadToken(); if (token == null || token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Newline) break; region_name += token.Value; } DecorateCategoryInfo region = new DecorateCategoryInfo(); string[] cattitle = region_name.Split(DataManager.CATEGORY_SPLITTER, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (regions.Count > 0) { region.Category.AddRange(regions.Last().Category); region.Properties = new Dictionary>(regions.Last().Properties, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } region.Category.AddRange(cattitle); regions.Add(region); } else if (d_value == "endregion") { // read everything until newline too? // - only if it causes problems if (regions.Count > 0) regions.RemoveAt(regions.Count - 1); // remove last region from the list else { LogWarning("Superfluous #endregion found without corresponding #region"); } } else { ReportError("Unknown preprocessor directive: " + directive.Value); return false; } break; } case ZScriptTokenType.Identifier: { // identifier can be one of: class, enum, const, struct // the only type that we really care about is class, as it's the one that has all actors. switch (token.Value.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "extend": tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if (token == null || !token.IsValid || ((token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() != "class") && (token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() != "struct"))) { ReportError("Expected class or struct, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } if (!ParseClassOrStruct((token.Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "struct"), true, false, (regions.Count > 0 ? regions.Last() : null))) return false; break; case "mixin": tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier); if(token == null || !token.IsValid ||((token.Value.ToLower() != "class"))) { ReportError("Expected class, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } if (!ParseClassOrStruct(false, false, true, (regions.Count > 0 ? regions.Last() : null))) return false; break; case "class": // todo parse class if (!ParseClassOrStruct(false, false, false, (regions.Count > 0 ? regions.Last() : null))) return false; break; case "struct": // todo parse struct if (!ParseClassOrStruct(true, false, false, null)) return false; break; case "const": if (!ParseConst()) return false; break; case "enum": if (!ParseEnum()) return false; break; case "version": // expect a string. do nothing about it. tokenizer.SkipWhitespace(); token = tokenizer.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.String); if (token == null || !token.IsValid) { ReportError("Expected version string, got " + ((Object)token ?? "").ToString()); return false; } break; default: ReportError("Expected preprocessor statement, const, enum or class declaraction, got " + token); return false; } break; } } } // Now parse all included files foreach (string include in includes) { if (!ParseInclude(include)) return false; } return true; } public bool Finalize() { ClearError(); // parse class data foreach (ZScriptClassStructure cls in allclasseslist) { if (!cls.Process()) return false; // Process extensions foreach (ZScriptClassStructure extension in cls.Extensions) if (!extension.Process()) return false; } // Parse mixin class data foreach(ZScriptClassStructure cls in mixinclasseslist) { if (!cls.Process()) return false; } // set datastream to null so that log messages aren't output using incorrect line numbers Stream odatastream = datastream; datastream = null; // inject superclasses, and mixins, since everything is parsed by now Dictionary things = General.Map.Config.GetThingTypes(); foreach (ZScriptClassStructure cls in allclasseslist) { ActorStructure actor = cls.Actor; if (actor != null) { // Inheritance if (cls.ParentName != null && cls.ParentName.ToLowerInvariant() != "thinker") // don't try to inherit this one) { actor.baseclass = GetArchivedActorByName(cls.ParentName, true); string inheritclass = cls.ParentName; //check if this class inherits from a class defined in game configuration string inheritclasscheck = inheritclass.ToLowerInvariant(); // inherit args from base class if (actor.baseclass != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (actor.args[i] == null) actor.args[i] = actor.baseclass.args[i]; } } bool thingfound = false; foreach (KeyValuePair ti in things) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.Value.ClassName) && ti.Value.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant() == inheritclasscheck) { //states // [ZZ] allow internal prefix here. it can inherit MapSpot, light, or other internal stuff. if (actor.states.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.Value.Sprite)) actor.states.Add("spawn", new StateStructure(ti.Value.Sprite.StartsWith(DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX) ? ti.Value.Sprite : ti.Value.Sprite.Substring(0, 5))); if (actor.baseclass == null) { //flags if (ti.Value.Hangs && !actor.flags.ContainsKey("spawnceiling")) actor.flags["spawnceiling"] = true; if (ti.Value.Blocking > 0 && !actor.flags.ContainsKey("solid")) actor.flags["solid"] = true; //properties if (!actor.props.ContainsKey("height")) actor.props["height"] = new List { ti.Value.Height.ToString() }; if (!actor.props.ContainsKey("radius")) actor.props["radius"] = new List { ti.Value.Radius.ToString() }; } // [ZZ] inherit arguments from game configuration // if (!actor.props.ContainsKey("$clearargs")) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (actor.args[i] != null) continue; // don't touch it if we already have overrides ArgumentInfo arg = ti.Value.Args[i]; if (arg != null && arg.Used) actor.args[i] = arg; } } thingfound = true; break; } if (actor.baseclass == null && !thingfound) LogWarning("Unable to find \"" + inheritclass + "\" class to inherit from, while parsing \"" + cls.ClassName + "\""); } } // Mixins. if (((ZScriptActorStructure)actor).Mixins.Count > 0) { foreach(string mixinclassname in ((ZScriptActorStructure)actor).Mixins) { if(!mixinclasses.ContainsKey(mixinclassname)) { LogWarning("Unable to find \"" + mixinclassname + "\" mixin class while parsing \"" + actor.ClassName + "\""); continue; } ZScriptClassStructure mixincls = mixinclasses[mixinclassname]; // States if(actor.states.Count == 0 && mixincls.Actor.states.Count != 0) { // Can't use HasState and GetState here, because it does some magic that will not work for mixins if (!actor.states.ContainsKey("spawn") && mixincls.Actor.states.ContainsKey("spawn")) actor.states.Add("spawn", mixincls.Actor.GetState("spawn")); } // Properties if (!actor.props.ContainsKey("height") && mixincls.Actor.props.ContainsKey("height")) actor.props["height"] = new List(mixincls.Actor.props["height"]); if (!actor.props.ContainsKey("radius") && mixincls.Actor.props.ContainsKey("radius")) actor.props["radius"] = new List(mixincls.Actor.props["radius"]); // Flags if (!actor.flags.ContainsKey("spawnceiling") && mixincls.Actor.flags.ContainsKey("spawnceiling")) actor.flags["spawnceiling"] = true; if (!actor.flags.ContainsKey("solid") && mixincls.Actor.flags.ContainsKey("solid")) actor.flags["solid"] = true; // user_ variables foreach (string uservarname in mixincls.Actor.uservars.Keys) actor.uservars[uservarname] = mixincls.Actor.uservars[uservarname]; } } // Extensions. if (cls.Extensions.Count > 0) { foreach(ZScriptClassStructure extension in cls.Extensions) { ActorStructure extenseionactor = extension.Actor; if (extenseionactor == null) continue; // States if (extenseionactor.states.ContainsKey("spawn")) actor.states["spawn"] = extenseionactor.GetState("spawn"); // Properties if (extenseionactor.props.ContainsKey("height")) actor.props["height"] = new List(extenseionactor.props["height"]); if (extenseionactor.props.ContainsKey("radius")) actor.props["radius"] = new List(extenseionactor.props["radius"]); // Flags if (extenseionactor.flags.ContainsKey("spawnceiling")) actor.flags["spawnceiling"] = true; if (extenseionactor.flags.ContainsKey("solid")) actor.flags["solid"] = true; // user_ variables foreach (string uservarname in extenseionactor.uservars.Keys) { actor.uservars[uservarname] = extenseionactor.uservars[uservarname]; if (extenseionactor.uservar_defaults.ContainsKey(uservarname)) actor.uservar_defaults[uservarname] = extenseionactor.uservar_defaults[uservarname]; } } } } } // validate user variables (no variables should shadow parent variables) foreach (ZScriptClassStructure cls in allclasseslist) { ActorStructure actor = cls.Actor; if (actor == null) continue; ActorStructure actorbase = actor.baseclass; while (actorbase != null) { foreach (string uservar in actor.uservars.Keys) { if (actorbase.uservars.ContainsKey(uservar)) { actor.uservars.Clear(); ReportError("Variable \"" + uservar + "\" in class \"" + actor.classname + "\" shadows variable \"" + uservar + "\" in base class \"" + actorbase.classname + "\". This is not supported"); goto stopValidatingCompletely; } } actorbase = actorbase.baseclass; } } stopValidatingCompletely: datastream = odatastream; return true; } #endregion #region ================== Methods protected override int GetCurrentLineNumber() { prevstreamposition = (tokenizer != null) ? tokenizer.LastPosition : -1; return base.GetCurrentLineNumber(); } /// /// This returns a supported actor by name. Returns null when no supported actor with the specified name can be found. This operation is of O(1) complexity. /// public ActorStructure GetActorByName(string name) { name = name.ToLowerInvariant(); return actors.ContainsKey(name) ? actors[name] : null; } /// /// This returns a supported actor by DoomEdNum. Returns null when no supported actor with the specified name can be found. Please note that this operation is of O(n) complexity! /// public ActorStructure GetActorByDoomEdNum(int doomednum) { foreach (ActorStructure a in actors.Values) if (a.DoomEdNum == doomednum) return a; return null; } // This returns an actor by name // Returns null when actor cannot be found internal ActorStructure GetArchivedActorByName(string name, bool unique) { Dictionary dict = (unique) ? realarchivedactors : archivedactors; name = name.ToLowerInvariant(); return (dict.ContainsKey(name) ? dict[name] : null); } internal void ClearActors() { // Initialize actors = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); archivedactors = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); realarchivedactors = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); parsedlumps = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd allclasses = new Dictionary(); allclasseslist = new List(); mixinclasses = new Dictionary(); mixinclasseslist = new List(); } #endregion } }