#region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom { internal sealed class ModeldefStructure { #region ================== Structs internal struct FrameStructure { public string SpriteName; // Stays here for HashSet duplicate checks public int ModelIndex; public int FrameIndex; public string FrameName; } #endregion #region ================== Variables private Dictionary skinnames; private Dictionary> surfaceskinenames; private Dictionary modelnames; private string path; private Vector3f scale; private Vector3f offset; private Vector3f rotationcenter; private float angleoffset; private float pitchoffset; private float rolloffset; private bool inheritactorpitch; private bool useactorpitch; private bool useactorroll; private bool userotationcenter; private Dictionary> frames; #endregion #region ================== Properties public Dictionary SkinNames { get { return skinnames; } } public Dictionary> SurfaceSkinNames { get { return surfaceskinenames; } } public Dictionary ModelNames { get { return modelnames; } } public Vector3f Scale { get { return scale; } } public Vector3f Offset { get { return offset; } } public Vector3f RotationCenter { get { return rotationcenter; } } public float AngleOffset { get { return angleoffset; } } public float PitchOffset { get { return pitchoffset; } } public float RollOffset { get { return rolloffset; } } public bool InheritActorPitch { get { return inheritactorpitch; } } public bool UseActorPitch { get { return useactorpitch; } } public bool UseActorRoll { get { return useactorroll; } } public bool UseRotationCenter { get { return userotationcenter; } } public string DataPath { get { return path; } } // biwa public Dictionary> Frames { get { return frames; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor internal ModeldefStructure() { path = string.Empty; skinnames = new Dictionary(); modelnames = new Dictionary(); frames = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); scale = new Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); surfaceskinenames = new Dictionary>(); } #endregion #region ================== Parsing internal bool Parse(ModeldefParser parser) { // Read modeldef structure contents bool parsingfinished = false; while(!parsingfinished && parser.SkipWhitespace(true)) { string token = parser.ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) continue; switch(token) { case "path": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); path = parser.StripTokenQuotes(parser.ReadToken(false)).Replace("\\", "/"); // Don't skip newline if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { parser.ReportError("Expected model path"); return false; } break; case "model": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Model index int index = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref index)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected model index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(index < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Model index must not be in negative"); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Model path token = parser.StripTokenQuotes(parser.ReadToken(false)).ToLowerInvariant(); // Don't skip newline if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { parser.ReportError("Expected model name"); return false; } // Check invalid path chars if(!parser.CheckInvalidPathChars(token)) return false; // Check extension string modelext = Path.GetExtension(token); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelext)) { parser.ReportError("Model \"" + token + "\" won't be loaded. Models without extension are not supported by GZDoom"); return false; } if(modelext != ".md3" && modelext != ".md2" && modelext != ".3d" && modelext != ".obj") { parser.ReportError("Model \"" + token + "\" won't be loaded. Only Unreal 3D, MD2, MD3, and OBJ models are supported"); return false; } // GZDoom allows models with identical index, it uses the last one encountered modelnames[index] = Path.Combine(path, token).Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); break; case "skin": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Skin index int skinindex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref skinindex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected skin index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(skinindex < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Skin index must not be negative"); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Skin path token = parser.StripTokenQuotes(parser.ReadToken(false)).ToLowerInvariant(); // Don't skip newline if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { parser.ReportError("Expected skin path"); return false; } // Check invalid path chars if(!parser.CheckInvalidPathChars(token)) return false; // GZDoom allows skins with identical index, it uses the last one encountered skinnames[skinindex] = Path.Combine(path, token); break; // SurfaceSkin case "surfaceskin": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Model index int modelindex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref modelindex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected model index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(modelindex < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Model index must not be negative"); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Surfaceindex index int surfaceindex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref surfaceindex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected surface index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(surfaceindex < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Surface index must be positive integer"); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); // Skin path token = parser.StripTokenQuotes(parser.ReadToken(false)).ToLowerInvariant(); // Don't skip newline if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { parser.ReportError("Expected skin path"); return false; } // Check invalid path chars if(!parser.CheckInvalidPathChars(token)) return false; // Store if (!surfaceskinenames.ContainsKey(modelindex)) surfaceskinenames[modelindex] = new Dictionary(); surfaceskinenames[modelindex][surfaceindex] = Path.Combine(path, token).Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); break; case "scale": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref scale.Y)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Scale X value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref scale.X)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Scale Y value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref scale.Z)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Scale Z value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "offset": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref offset.X)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Offset X value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref offset.Y)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Offset Y value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref offset.Z)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected Offset Z value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "zoffset": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref offset.Z)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected ZOffset value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "angleoffset": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref angleoffset)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected AngleOffset value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "pitchoffset": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref pitchoffset)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected PitchOffset value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "rolloffset": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref rolloffset)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected RollOffset value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "rotation-center": parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if (!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref rotationcenter.X)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected rotation center X value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if (!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref rotationcenter.Y)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected rotation center Y value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if (!parser.ReadSignedFloat(token, ref rotationcenter.Z)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected rotation center Z value, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } break; case "useactorpitch": inheritactorpitch = false; useactorpitch = true; break; case "useactorroll": useactorroll = true; break; case "rotating": case "userotationcenter": userotationcenter = true; break; case "inheritactorpitch": inheritactorpitch = true; useactorpitch = false; parser.LogWarning("INHERITACTORPITCH flag is deprecated. Consider using USEACTORPITCH flag instead"); break; case "inheritactorroll": useactorroll = true; parser.LogWarning("INHERITACTORROLL flag is deprecated. Consider using USEACTORROLL flag instead"); break; //FrameIndex case "frameindex": // Sprite name parser.SkipWhitespace(true); string fispritename = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(parser.ReadToken()); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fispritename)) { parser.ReportError("Expected sprite name"); return false; } if(fispritename.Length != 4) { parser.ReportError("Sprite name must be 4 characters long, got \"" + fispritename + "\""); return false; } // Sprite frame parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(parser.ReadToken()); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { parser.ReportError("Expected sprite frame"); return false; } if(token.Length != 1) { parser.ReportError("Sprite frame must be 1 character long"); return false; } // Make full name fispritename += token; // Model index parser.SkipWhitespace(true); int fimodelindnex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref fimodelindnex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected model index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(fimodelindnex < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Model index must not be negative"); return false; } // Frame number parser.SkipWhitespace(true); int fiframeindnex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); //INFO: setting frame index to a negative number disables model rendering in GZDoom if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref fiframeindnex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected frame index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } // Add to collection FrameStructure fifs = new FrameStructure { FrameIndex = fiframeindnex, ModelIndex = fimodelindnex, SpriteName = fispritename }; if(!frames.ContainsKey(fispritename)) { frames.Add(fispritename, new HashSet()); frames[fispritename].Add(fifs); } else if(frames[fispritename].Contains(fifs)) { parser.LogWarning("Duplicate FrameIndex definition"); } else { frames[fispritename].Add(fifs); } break; //Frame <"frame name"> case "frame": // Sprite name parser.SkipWhitespace(true); string spritename = parser.ReadToken(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(spritename)) { parser.ReportError("Expected sprite name"); return false; } if(spritename.Length != 4) { parser.ReportError("Sprite name must be 4 characters long"); return false; } // Sprite frame parser.SkipWhitespace(true); token = parser.ReadToken(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { parser.ReportError("Expected sprite frame"); return false; } if(token.Length != 1) { parser.ReportError("Sprite frame must be 1 character long"); return false; } // Make full name spritename += token; // Model index parser.SkipWhitespace(true); int modelindnex = 0; token = parser.ReadToken(); if(!parser.ReadSignedInt(token, ref modelindnex)) { // Not numeric! parser.ReportError("Expected model index, but got \"" + token + "\""); return false; } if(modelindnex < 0) { // Out of bounds parser.ReportError("Model index must not be negative"); return false; } // Frame name parser.SkipWhitespace(true); string framename = parser.StripTokenQuotes(parser.ReadToken()); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(framename)) { parser.ReportError("Expected frame name"); return false; } // Add to collection FrameStructure fs = new FrameStructure { FrameName = framename, ModelIndex = modelindnex, SpriteName = spritename }; if(!frames.ContainsKey(spritename)) { frames.Add(spritename, new HashSet()); frames[spritename].Add(fs); } else if(frames[spritename].Contains(fs)) { parser.LogWarning("Duplicate Frame definition"); } else { frames[spritename].Add(fs); } break; case "{": parser.ReportError("Unexpected scope start"); return false; // Structure ends here case "}": parsingfinished = true; break; } } // Perform some integrity checks if(!parsingfinished) { parser.ReportError("Unclosed structure scope"); return false; } // Any models defined? if(modelnames.Count == 0) { parser.ReportError("Structure doesn't define any models"); return false; } foreach(int i in skinnames.Keys.OrderBy(k => k)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(skinnames[i]) && !modelnames.ContainsKey(i)) { parser.ReportError("No model is defined for skin " + i + ":\"" + skinnames[i] + "\""); return false; } } foreach(int i in surfaceskinenames.Keys.OrderBy(k => k)) { if (surfaceskinenames[i].Count > 0 && !modelnames.ContainsKey(i)) { parser.ReportError("No model is defined for surface skin " + i); return false; } } return true; } #endregion } }