players { color = 10; // Light Green arrow = 1; title = "Player Starts"; width = 16; height = 56; blocking = 2; error = 2; sort = 1; 1 { title = "Player 1 start"; sprite = "PLAYA1"; } 2 { title = "Player 2 start"; sprite = "PLAYA1"; } 3 { title = "Player 3 start"; sprite = "PLAYA1"; } 4 { title = "Player 4 start"; sprite = "PLAYA1"; } 11 { title = "Player Deathmatch start"; sprite = "PLAYQ0"; } } teleports { color = 2; // Green arrow = 1; title = "Teleports"; width = 16; height = 56; blocking = 0; error = 0; sort = 1; 14 { title = "Teleport Landing"; sprite = "TELEA0"; } 52 { title = "Teleport Glitter (Exit)"; sprite = "TGLTF0"; } 74 { title = "Teleport Glitter"; sprite = "TGLTA0"; } } sounds { color = 5; // Purple arrow = 0; title = "Sounds"; width = 0; height = 0; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 41 = "Waterfall"; 42 = "Wind"; 1200 = "Scream"; 1201 = "Squish"; 1202 = "Drops"; 1203 = "Slow Footsteps"; 1204 = "Heartbeat"; 1205 = "Bells"; 1206 = "Growl"; 1207 = "Magic"; 1208 = "Laughter"; 1209 = "Fast Footsteps"; } monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 16; sort = 1; error = 2; blocking = 2; 66 { title = "Gargoyle"; sprite = "IMPXA1"; height = 36; } 5 { title = "Fire Gargoyle"; sprite = "IMPXF1"; height = 36; } 68 { title = "Golem"; sprite = "MUMMA1"; width = 22; height = 62; } 69 { title = "Golem Ghost"; sprite = "MUMMA1"; width = 22; height = 62; } 45 { title = "Nitrogolem"; sprite = "MUMMY1"; width = 22; height = 62; } 46 { title = "Nitrogolem Ghost"; sprite = "MUMMY1"; width = 22; height = 62; } 15 { title = "Disciple Of D'Sparil"; sprite = "WZRDA1"; height = 68; } 6 { title = "Iron Lich"; sprite = "HEADA1"; width = 40; height = 72; } 7 { title = "D'Sparil"; sprite = "SRCRA1"; width = 28; height = 100; } 56 { title = "D'Sparil Teleport Location"; sprite = "SOR2I0"; } 9 { title = "Maulotaur"; sprite = "MNTRA1"; width = 28; height = 100; } 64 { title = "Undead Warrior"; sprite = "KNIGA1"; width = 24; height = 48; } 65 { title = "Undead Warrior Ghost"; sprite = "KNIGA1"; width = 24; height = 78; } 70 { title = "Weredragon"; sprite = "BEASA1"; width = 32; height = 74; } 90 { title = "Sabreclaw"; sprite = "CLNKA1"; width = 20; height = 64; } 92 { title = "Ophidian"; sprite = "SNKEA1"; width = 22; height = 70; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; height = 16; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 53 { title = "Dragon Claw"; sprite = "WBLSA0"; } 2001 { title = "Ethereal Crossbow"; sprite = "WBOWA0"; } 2002 { title = "Firemace"; sprite = "WMCEA0"; } 2003 { title = "Phoenix Rod"; sprite = "WPHXA0"; } 2004 { title = "Hellstaff"; sprite = "WSKLA0"; } 2005 { title = "Gauntlets Of The Necromancer"; sprite = "WGNTA0"; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Ammunition"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; blocking = 0; 10 { title = "Wand Crystal"; sprite = "AMG1A0"; } 12 { title = "Crystal Geode"; sprite = "AMG2A0"; } 13 { title = "Mace Spheres"; sprite = "AMM1A0"; } 16 { title = "Pile Of Mace Spheres"; sprite = "AMM2A0"; } 18 { title = "Ethereal Arrows"; sprite = "AMC1A0"; } 19 { title = "Quiver Of Ethereal Arrows"; sprite = "AMC2A0"; } 20 { title = "Lesser Runes"; sprite = "AMS1A0"; } 21 { title = "Greater Runes"; sprite = "AMS2A0"; } 22 { title = "Flame Orb"; sprite = "AMP1A0"; } 23 { title = "Inferno Orb"; sprite = "AMP2A0"; } 54 { title = "Claw Orb"; sprite = "AMB1A0"; } 55 { title = "Energy Orb"; sprite = "AMB2A0"; } 8 { title = "Bag Of Holding"; sprite = "BAGHA0"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 20; height = 16; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 81 { title = "Crystal Vial"; sprite = "PTN1A0"; } 85 { title = "Silver Shield"; sprite = "SHLDA0"; } 31 { title = "Enchanted Shield"; sprite = "SHD2A0"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Artifacts"; width = 20; height = 20; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 30 { title = "Morph Ovum"; sprite = "ARTIEGGC"; } 32 { title = "Mystic Urn"; sprite = "ARTISPHL"; } 33 { title = "Torch"; sprite = "ARTITRCH"; } 34 { title = "Time Bomb Of The Ancients"; sprite = "ARTIFBMB"; } 35 { title = "Map Scroll"; sprite = "SPMPA0"; } 36 { title = "Chaos Device"; sprite = "ARTIATLP"; } 75 { title = "Shadowsphere"; sprite = "ARTIINVS"; } 82 { title = "Quartz Flask"; sprite = "ARTIPTN2"; } 83 { title = "Wings Of Wrath"; sprite = "ARTISOAR"; } 84 { title = "Ring of Invulnerability"; sprite = "ARTIINVU"; } 86 { title = "Tome of Power"; sprite = "ARTIPWBK"; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 20; height = 16; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 73 { title = "Green Key"; sprite = "AKYYA0"; } 79 { title = "Blue Key"; sprite = "BKYYA0"; } 80 { title = "Yellow Key"; sprite = "CKYYA0"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; width = 20; blocking = 2; sort = 1; 29 { title = "Small Pillar"; sprite = "SMPLA0"; height = 34; } 37 { title = "Stalagmite (Small)"; sprite = "STGSA0"; height = 32; } 38 { title = "Stalagmite (Large)"; sprite = "STGLA0"; height = 64; } 39 { title = "Stalactite (Small)"; sprite = "STCSA0"; height = 36; } 40 { title = "Stalactite (Large)"; sprite = "STCLA0"; height = 68; } 44 { title = "Barrel"; sprite = "BARLA0"; height = 32; } 47 { title = "Brown Pillar"; sprite = "BRPLA0"; height = 128; } 87 { title = "Volcano"; sprite = "VLCOE0"; height = 20; } 2035 { title = "Gasbag"; sprite = "PPODA0"; height = 54; } 43 { title = "Gasbag Generator"; sprite = "PPODA0"; height = 16; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 16; sort = 1; blocking = 2; 27 { title = "Serpent Torch"; sprite = "SRTCA0"; height = 54; } 28 { title = "Chandelier"; sprite = "CHDLA0"; hanging = 1; height = 62; } 50 { title = "Wall Torch"; sprite = "WTRHA0"; height = 64; } 76 { title = "Fire Brazier"; sprite = "KFR1A0"; height = 44; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 16; sort = 1; blocking = 2; 94 { title = "Blue Key Marker"; sprite = "KGZBA0"; height = 50; } 95 { title = "Green Key Marker"; sprite = "KGZGA0"; height = 50; } 96 { title = "Yellow Key Marker"; sprite = "KGZYA0"; height = 50; } 51 { title = "Hanging Corpse"; sprite = "HCORA0"; hanging = 1; height = 104; } 17 { title = "Hanging Skull"; sprite = "SKH1A0"; hanging = 1; height = 70; } 24 { title = "Hanging Skull 2"; sprite = "SKH2A0"; hanging = 1; height = 60; } 25 { title = "Hanging Skull 3"; sprite = "SKH3A0"; hanging = 1; height = 45; } 26 { title = "Hanging Skull 4"; sprite = "SKH4A0"; hanging = 1; height = 35; } 48 { title = "Moss"; sprite = "MOS1A0"; height = 23; } 49 { title = "Moss 2"; sprite = "MOS2A0"; height = 27; } }