#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using System.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map { public sealed class MapOptions { #region ================== Constants #endregion #region ================== Variables // Map configuration private Configuration mapconfig; // Game configuration private string configfile; // Map header name private string currentname; private string previousname; // When zero length string, map has not renamed // Strict pathes loading? private bool strictpatches; // Additional resources private DataLocationList resources; // Script files opened private List scriptfiles; #endregion #region ================== Properties internal string ConfigFile { get { return configfile; } set { configfile = value; } } internal DataLocationList Resources { get { return resources; } } internal bool StrictPatches { get { return strictpatches; } set { strictpatches = value; } } internal List ScriptFiles { get { return scriptfiles; } set { scriptfiles = value; } } internal string PreviousName { get { return previousname; } set { previousname = value; } } internal string CurrentName { get { return currentname; } set { // Change the name, but keep previous name if(currentname != value) { if(previousname == "") previousname = currentname; currentname = value; } } } public string LevelName { get { return currentname; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor internal MapOptions() { // Initialize this.previousname = ""; this.currentname = ""; this.configfile = ""; this.strictpatches = false; this.resources = new DataLocationList(); this.mapconfig = new Configuration(true); this.scriptfiles = new List(); } // Constructor to load from Doom Builder Map Settings Configuration internal MapOptions(Configuration cfg, string mapname) { IDictionary mapinfo, resinfo; DataLocation res; // Initialize this.previousname = ""; this.currentname = mapname; this.strictpatches = General.Int2Bool(cfg.ReadSetting("strictpatches", 0)); this.configfile = cfg.ReadSetting("gameconfig", ""); this.resources = new DataLocationList(); this.mapconfig = new Configuration(true); this.scriptfiles = new List(); // Read map configuration this.mapconfig.Root = cfg.ReadSetting("maps." + mapname, new Hashtable()); // Resources IDictionary reslist = this.mapconfig.ReadSetting("resources", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry mp in reslist) { // Item is a structure? if(mp.Value is IDictionary) { // Create resource resinfo = (IDictionary)mp.Value; res = new DataLocation(); // Copy information from Configuration to ResourceLocation if(resinfo.Contains("type") && (resinfo["type"] is int)) res.type = (int)resinfo["type"]; if(resinfo.Contains("location") && (resinfo["location"] is string)) res.location = (string)resinfo["location"]; if(resinfo.Contains("textures") && (resinfo["textures"] is bool)) res.option1 = (bool)resinfo["textures"]; if(resinfo.Contains("flats") && (resinfo["flats"] is bool)) res.option2 = (bool)resinfo["flats"]; // Add resource AddResource(res); } } // Scripts IDictionary scplist = this.mapconfig.ReadSetting("scripts", new Hashtable()); foreach(DictionaryEntry mp in scplist) scriptfiles.Add(mp.Value.ToString()); } ~MapOptions() { // Clean up this.resources = null; this.scriptfiles = null; } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This makes the path prefix for the given assembly private string GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly asm) { Plugin p = General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(asm); return "plugins." + p.Name.ToLowerInvariant() + "."; } // ReadPluginSetting public string ReadPluginSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public int ReadPluginSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public float ReadPluginSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public short ReadPluginSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public long ReadPluginSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public bool ReadPluginSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public byte ReadPluginSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } public IDictionary ReadPluginSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); } // ReadPluginSetting with specific plugin public string ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, string defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public int ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, int defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public float ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, float defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public short ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, short defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public long ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, long defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public bool ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public byte ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } public IDictionary ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return mapconfig.ReadSetting(pluginname.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + setting, defaultsetting); } // WritePluginSetting public bool WritePluginSetting(string setting, object settingvalue) { return mapconfig.WriteSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, settingvalue); } // DeletePluginSetting public bool DeletePluginSetting(string setting) { return mapconfig.DeleteSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting); } // This stores the map options in a configuration internal void WriteConfiguration(string settingsfile) { Configuration wadcfg; // Write resources to config resources.WriteToConfig(mapconfig, "resources"); // Write grid settings General.Map.Grid.WriteToConfig(mapconfig, "grid"); // Write scripts to config mapconfig.DeleteSetting("scripts"); for(int i = 0; i < scriptfiles.Count; i++) mapconfig.WriteSetting("scripts." + "file" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), scriptfiles[i]); // Load the file or make a new file if(File.Exists(settingsfile)) wadcfg = new Configuration(settingsfile, true); else wadcfg = new Configuration(true); // Write configuration type information wadcfg.WriteSetting("type", "Doom Builder Map Settings Configuration"); wadcfg.WriteSetting("gameconfig", configfile); wadcfg.WriteSetting("strictpatches", General.Bool2Int(strictpatches)); // Update the settings file with this map configuration wadcfg.WriteSetting("maps." + currentname, mapconfig.Root); // Save file wadcfg.SaveConfiguration(settingsfile); } // This adds a resource location and returns the index where the item was added internal int AddResource(DataLocation res) { // Get a fully qualified path res.location = Path.GetFullPath(res.location); // Go for all items in the list for(int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i++) { // Check if location is already added if(Path.GetFullPath(resources[i].location) == res.location) { // Update the item in the list resources[i] = res; return i; } } // Add to list resources.Add(res); return resources.Count - 1; } // This clears all reasource internal void ClearResources() { // Clear list resources.Clear(); } // This removes a resource by index internal void RemoveResource(int index) { // Remove the item resources.RemoveAt(index); } // This copies resources from a list internal void CopyResources(DataLocationList fromlist) { // Clear this list resources.Clear(); resources.AddRange(fromlist); } // This loads the grid settings internal void ApplyGridSettings() { General.Map.Grid.ReadFromConfig(mapconfig, "grid"); } // This displays the current map name public override string ToString() { return currentname; } // This returns the UDMF field type internal int GetUniversalFieldType(string elementname, string fieldname, int defaulttype) { int type; // Check if the field type is set in the game configuration type = General.Map.Config.ReadSetting("universalfields." + elementname + "." + fieldname + ".type", -1); if(type == -1) { // Read from map configuration type = mapconfig.ReadSetting("fieldtypes." + elementname + "." + fieldname, defaulttype); } return type; } // This stores the UDMF field type internal void SetUniversalFieldType(string elementname, string fieldname, int type) { // Check if the type of this field is not set in the game configuration if(General.Map.Config.ReadSetting("universalfields." + elementname + "." + fieldname + ".type", -1) == -1) { // Write type to map configuration mapconfig.WriteSetting("fieldtypes." + elementname + "." + fieldname, type); } } // This removes all UDMF field types internal void ForgetUniversalFieldTypes() { mapconfig.DeleteSetting("fieldtypes"); } #endregion } }