// Common settings that are included in most (if not every) game configuration
// These are settings you probably don't have to deal with unless you're making 
// something really advanced (or maybe using a game engine not based on Doom)

// Simulate Doom brightness levels (turn this off for linear lighting)
doomlightlevels = true;

// Thing number for start position in 3D Mode
start3dmode = 32000;

// Map boundaries. Map objects can only be placed within these boundaries
// WARNING: changing this may mess your map up, so only change it when you
// know what you are doing
leftboundary = -32768;
rightboundary = 32767;
topboundary = 32767;
bottomboundary = -32768;

// Maximum length of texture name length in characters (0 for unlimited)
// WARNING: changing this may destroy your WAD file. Only change it when
// you know what you're doing!
maxtexturenamelength = 8;

// Things used by the editor
		color = 15;	// White
		arrow = 1;
		title = "Editor Things";
		width = 16;
		sort = 1;
		height = 0;
		hangs = 0;
		blocking = 0;
		error = 0;
		fixedsize = true;
		32000 = "Visual Mode camera";