#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Tools; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows { /// /// Dialog window that allows viewing and editing of Thing properties. /// internal partial class ThingEditFormUDMF : DelayedForm { #region ================== Events public event EventHandler OnValuesChanged; //mxd #endregion #region ================== Variables private ICollection things; private ThingTypeInfo thinginfo; private bool preventchanges; private bool preventmapchange; //mxd private bool undocreated; //mxd private static bool useabsoluteheight; //mxd private string arg0str; private bool haveArg0Str; private List thingprops; //mxd private readonly string[] renderstyles; //mxd //mxd. Window setup stuff private static Point location = Point.Empty; private static int activetab; private struct ThingProperties //mxd { //public readonly int Type; public readonly int AngleDoom; public readonly int Pitch; public readonly int Roll; public readonly float ScaleX; public readonly float ScaleY; public readonly float X; public readonly float Y; public readonly float Z; public ThingProperties(Thing t) { X = t.Position.x; Y = t.Position.y; Z = t.Position.z; //Type = t.Type; AngleDoom = t.AngleDoom; Pitch = t.Pitch; Roll = t.Roll; ScaleX = t.ScaleX; ScaleY = t.ScaleY; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor // Constructor public ThingEditFormUDMF() { // Initialize InitializeComponent(); //mxd. Widow setup if(location != Point.Empty) { this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.Location = location; if(General.Settings.StoreSelectedEditTab && activetab > 0) tabs.SelectTab(activetab); } // Fill flags list foreach(KeyValuePair tf in General.Map.Config.ThingFlags) flags.Add(tf.Value, tf.Key); flags.Enabled = (General.Map.Config.ThingFlags.Count > 0); // Fill actions list action.GeneralizedCategories = General.Map.Config.GenActionCategories; action.AddInfo(General.Map.Config.SortedLinedefActions.ToArray()); // Setup renderstyles renderstyles = new string[General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Count]; General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Keys.CopyTo(renderstyles, 0); // Fill renderstyles foreach(KeyValuePair lf in General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles) renderStyle.Items.Add(lf.Value); renderStyle.Enabled = (General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Count > 0); labelrenderstyle.Enabled = (General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Count > 0); // Initialize custom fields editor fieldslist.Setup("thing"); // Fill universal fields list fieldslist.ListFixedFields(General.Map.Config.ThingFields); // Tag/Effects scriptNumbers.Location = new Point(arg0.Location.X, arg0.Location.Y + 2); scriptNames.Location = scriptNumbers.Location; // Setup script names foreach(ScriptItem nsi in General.Map.NamedScripts) scriptNames.Items.Add(new ColoredComboBoxItem(nsi, nsi.IsInclude ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText)); foreach(ScriptItem si in General.Map.NumberedScripts) scriptNumbers.Items.Add(new ColoredComboBoxItem(si, si.IsInclude ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText)); scriptNames.DropDownWidth = Tools.GetDropDownWidth(scriptNames); scriptNumbers.DropDownWidth = Tools.GetDropDownWidth(scriptNumbers); // Thing height? posZ.Visible = General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingHeight; zlabel.Visible = General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingHeight; cbAbsoluteHeight.Visible = General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingHeight; //mxd //mxd. Decimals allowed? if(General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals > 0) { posX.AllowDecimal = true; posY.AllowDecimal = true; posZ.AllowDecimal = true; } // Setup types list thingtype.Setup(); } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This sets up the form to edit the given things public void Setup(ICollection things) { preventchanges = true; // Keep this list this.things = things; if(things.Count > 1) this.Text = "Edit Things (" + things.Count + ")"; hint.Visible = things.Count > 1; //mxd hintlabel.Visible = things.Count > 1; //mxd thingtype.UseMultiSelection = things.Count > 1; //mxd //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set all options to the first thing properties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thing ft = General.GetByIndex(things, 0); // Set type thingtype.SelectType(ft.Type); // Flags foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) { if (ft.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = ft.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()]; } // Coordination angle.Text = ft.AngleDoom.ToString(); cbAbsoluteHeight.Checked = useabsoluteheight; //mxd //mxd ft.DetermineSector(); float floorheight = (ft.Sector != null ? Sector.GetFloorPlane(ft.Sector).GetZ(ft.Position) : 0); posX.Text = (ft.Position.x).ToString(); posY.Text = (ft.Position.y).ToString(); posZ.Text = (useabsoluteheight ? ((float)Math.Round(ft.Position.z + floorheight, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)).ToString() : (ft.Position.z).ToString()); posX.ButtonStep = General.Map.Grid.GridSize; posY.ButtonStep = General.Map.Grid.GridSize; posZ.ButtonStep = General.Map.Grid.GridSize; // Custom fields fieldslist.SetValues(ft.Fields, true); conversationID.Text = ft.Fields.GetValue("conversation", 0).ToString(); gravity.Text = ft.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f).ToString(); score.Text = ft.Fields.GetValue("score", 0).ToString(); health.Text = ft.Fields.GetValue("health", 1).ToString(); alpha.Text = ft.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f).ToString(); color.SetValueFrom(ft.Fields); arg0str = ft.Fields.GetValue("arg0str", string.Empty); haveArg0Str = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg0str); scale.SetValues(ft.ScaleX, ft.ScaleY, true); pitch.Text = ft.Pitch.ToString(); roll.Text = ft.Roll.ToString(); renderStyle.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(renderstyles, ft.Fields.GetValue("renderstyle", "normal")); // Action/tags action.Value = ft.Action; tagSelector.Setup(UniversalType.ThingTag); tagSelector.SetTag(ft.Tag); arg0.SetValue(ft.Args[0]); arg1.SetValue(ft.Args[1]); arg2.SetValue(ft.Args[2]); arg3.SetValue(ft.Args[3]); arg4.SetValue(ft.Args[4]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now go for all lines and change the options when a setting is different //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// thingprops = new List(); // Go for all things foreach(Thing t in things) { //mxd. Update sector info t.DetermineSector(); // Type does not match? ThingTypeInfo info = thingtype.GetSelectedInfo(); //mxd if(info != null && info.Index != t.Type) thingtype.ClearSelectedType(); // Flags foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) { if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue; //mxd if(t.IsFlagSet(c.Tag.ToString()) != c.Checked) { c.ThreeState = true; c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; } } // Coordination if(t.AngleDoom.ToString() != angle.Text) angle.Text = ""; //mxd. Position if((t.Position.x).ToString() != posX.Text) posX.Text = ""; if((t.Position.y).ToString() != posY.Text) posY.Text = ""; if(useabsoluteheight && t.Sector != null) { if(((float)Math.Round(Sector.GetFloorPlane(t.Sector).GetZ(t.Position) + t.Position.z, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)).ToString() != posZ.Text) posZ.Text = ""; } else if((t.Position.z).ToString() != posZ.Text) { posZ.Text = ""; } // Action/tags if(t.Action != action.Value) action.Empty = true; if(t.Tag != ft.Tag) tagSelector.ClearTag(); //mxd if(t.Args[0] != arg0.GetResult(-1)) arg0.ClearValue(); if(t.Args[1] != arg1.GetResult(-1)) arg1.ClearValue(); if(t.Args[2] != arg2.GetResult(-1)) arg2.ClearValue(); if(t.Args[3] != arg3.GetResult(-1)) arg3.ClearValue(); if(t.Args[4] != arg4.GetResult(-1)) arg4.ClearValue(); //mxd. Custom fields fieldslist.SetValues(t.Fields, false); if (t.Fields.GetValue("conversation", 0).ToString() != conversationID.Text) conversationID.Text = ""; if (t.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f).ToString() != gravity.Text) gravity.Text = ""; if (t.Fields.GetValue("score", 0).ToString() != score.Text) score.Text = ""; if (t.Fields.GetValue("health", 1).ToString() != health.Text) health.Text = ""; if (t.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f).ToString() != alpha.Text) alpha.Text = ""; scale.SetValues(t.ScaleX, t.ScaleY, false); color.SetValueFrom(t.Fields); if (t.Pitch.ToString() != pitch.Text) pitch.Text = ""; if (t.Roll.ToString() != roll.Text) roll.Text = ""; //Render style if(renderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1 && renderStyle.SelectedIndex != Array.IndexOf(renderstyles, t.Fields.GetValue("renderstyle", "normal"))) renderStyle.SelectedIndex = -1; if (arg0str != t.Fields.GetValue("arg0str", string.Empty)) { haveArg0Str = true; arg0str = string.Empty; } //mxd. Store initial properties thingprops.Add(new ThingProperties(t)); //mxd. add user vars /*if(info != null && info.Actor != null && info.Actor.UserVars.Count > 0) { foreach(string s in info.Actor.UserVars) { if(!t.Fields.ContainsKey(s)) fieldslist.SetValue(s, 0, CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types.UniversalType.Integer); } }*/ } preventchanges = false; //mxd. Trigger updates manually... preventmapchange = true; angle_WhenTextChanged(angle, EventArgs.Empty); pitch_WhenTextChanged(pitch, EventArgs.Empty); roll_WhenTextChanged(roll, EventArgs.Empty); flags_OnValueChanged(flags, EventArgs.Empty); preventmapchange = false; UpdateScriptControls(); //mxd actionhelp.UpdateAction(action.GetValue()); //mxd labelScale.Enabled = scale.NonDefaultValue; //mxd //mxd. Set intial script-related values, if required if(Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ACS_SPECIALS, action.Value) != -1) { if(haveArg0Str) { scriptNames.Text = arg0str; arg0label.Text = "Script Name:"; } else { int a0 = arg0.GetResult(0); if(a0 > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < General.Map.NumberedScripts.Count; i++) { if(General.Map.NumberedScripts[i].Index == a0) { scriptNumbers.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } } if(scriptNumbers.SelectedIndex == -1) { scriptNumbers.Text = a0.ToString(); } } } else { scriptNumbers.Text = "0"; } } //mxd private void MakeUndo() { if(undocreated) return; undocreated = true; //mxd. Make undo General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + (things.Count > 1 ? things.Count + " things" : "thing")); foreach(Thing t in things) t.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange(); } //mxd private void UpdateScriptControls() { if(Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ACS_SPECIALS, action.Value) != -1) { bool showNamedScripts = haveArg0Str; cbArgStr.Visible = true; cbArgStr.Checked = showNamedScripts; scriptNames.Visible = showNamedScripts; scriptNumbers.Visible = !showNamedScripts; } else { cbArgStr.Visible = false; scriptNames.Visible = false; scriptNumbers.Visible = false; cbArgStr.Checked = false; } arg0.Visible = (!scriptNames.Visible && !scriptNumbers.Visible); } //mxd private void UpdateArgument(ArgumentBox arg, Label label, ArgumentInfo info) { label.Text = info.Title + ":"; label.Enabled = info.Used; arg.ForeColor = (label.Enabled ? SystemColors.WindowText : SystemColors.GrayText); arg.Setup(info); // Update tooltip if(info.Used && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ToolTip)) { tooltip.SetToolTip(label, info.ToolTip); label.Font = new Font(label.Font, FontStyle.Underline); label.ForeColor = SystemColors.HotTrack; } else { tooltip.SetToolTip(label, null); label.Font = new Font(label.Font, FontStyle.Regular); label.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText; } } #endregion #region ================== Events //mxd private void thingtype_OnTypeDoubleClicked() { apply_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty); } // Action changes private void action_ValueChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) { int showaction = 0; ArgumentInfo[] arginfo; // Only when line type is known, otherwise use the thing arguments if(General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(action.Value)) showaction = action.Value; if((showaction == 0) && (thinginfo != null)) arginfo = thinginfo.Args; else arginfo = General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[showaction].Args; // Change the argument descriptions UpdateArgument(arg0, arg0label, arginfo[0]); //mxd UpdateArgument(arg1, arg1label, arginfo[1]); //mxd UpdateArgument(arg2, arg2label, arginfo[2]); //mxd UpdateArgument(arg3, arg3label, arginfo[3]); //mxd UpdateArgument(arg4, arg4label, arginfo[4]); //mxd if(!preventchanges) { MakeUndo(); //mxd // mxd. Apply action's or thing's default arguments if(showaction != 0 || thinginfo != null) { arg0.SetDefaultValue(); arg1.SetDefaultValue(); arg2.SetDefaultValue(); arg3.SetDefaultValue(); arg4.SetDefaultValue(); } else //or set them to 0 { arg0.SetValue(0); arg1.SetValue(0); arg2.SetValue(0); arg3.SetValue(0); arg4.SetValue(0); } //mxd. Update what must be updated UpdateScriptControls(); actionhelp.UpdateAction(showaction); } } // Browse Action clicked private void browseaction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { action.Value = ActionBrowserForm.BrowseAction(this, action.Value); } // Angle text changes private void angle_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (preventchanges) return; preventchanges = true; anglecontrol.Angle = angle.GetResult(GZBuilder.Controls.AngleControl.NO_ANGLE); preventchanges = false; if(!preventmapchange) ApplyAngleChange(); //mxd } //mxd. Angle control clicked private void anglecontrol_AngleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; angle.Text = anglecontrol.Angle.ToString(); if(!preventmapchange) ApplyAngleChange(); } private void pitch_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; int p = pitch.GetResult(GZBuilder.Controls.AngleControl.NO_ANGLE); preventchanges = true; pitchControl.Angle = (p == GZBuilder.Controls.AngleControl.NO_ANGLE ? p : p + 90); preventchanges = false; if(!preventmapchange) ApplyPitchChange(); } private void pitchControl_AngleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; pitch.Text = (General.ClampAngle(pitchControl.Angle - 90)).ToString(); if(!preventmapchange) ApplyPitchChange(); } private void roll_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; int r = roll.GetResult(GZBuilder.Controls.AngleControl.NO_ANGLE); preventchanges = true; rollControl.Angle = (r == GZBuilder.Controls.AngleControl.NO_ANGLE ? r : r + 90); preventchanges = false; if(!preventmapchange) ApplyRollChange(); } private void rollControl_AngleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; roll.Text = (General.ClampAngle(rollControl.Angle - 90)).ToString(); if(!preventmapchange) ApplyRollChange(); } // Apply clicked private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Make Undo MakeUndo(); //mxd List defaultflags = new List(); // Verify the tag if(General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingTag) //mxd { tagSelector.ValidateTag();//mxd if(((tagSelector.GetTag(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tagSelector.GetTag(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag))) { General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing tag must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } } // Verify the type if(((thingtype.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType) || (thingtype.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType))) { General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing type must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } // Verify the action if(General.Map.FormatInterface.HasThingAction && ((action.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction) || (action.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction))) { General.ShowWarningMessage("Thing action must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } bool hasAcs = !action.Empty && Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ACS_SPECIALS, action.Value) != -1; //mxd //mxd string[] rskeys = null; if(General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Count > 0) { rskeys = new string[General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Count]; General.Map.Config.ThingRenderStyles.Keys.CopyTo(rskeys, 0); } // Go for all the things int tagoffset = 0; //mxd foreach(Thing t in things) { // Coordination //mxd. Randomize rotations? if(cbrandomangle.Checked) t.Rotate(General.Random(0, 359)); if(cbrandompitch.Checked) t.SetPitch(General.Random(0, 359)); if(cbrandomroll.Checked) t.SetRoll(General.Random(0, 359)); //mxd. Check position float px = General.Clamp(t.Position.x, General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary); float py = General.Clamp(t.Position.y, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary, General.Map.Config.TopBoundary); if(t.Position.x != px || t.Position.y != py) t.Move(new Vector2D(px, py)); // Apply all flags foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) { if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true); else if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) t.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false); } // Action/tags t.Tag = General.Clamp(tagSelector.GetSmartTag(t.Tag, tagoffset++), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag); //mxd if(!action.Empty) { t.Action = action.Value; //mxd. Script name/number handling if(hasAcs) { if(!cbArgStr.Checked) //apply script number { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptNumbers.Text)) { if(scriptNumbers.SelectedItem != null) t.Args[0] = ((ScriptItem)((ColoredComboBoxItem)scriptNumbers.SelectedItem).Value).Index; else if(!int.TryParse(scriptNumbers.Text.Trim(), out t.Args[0])) t.Args[0] = 0; if(t.Fields.ContainsKey("arg0str")) t.Fields.Remove("arg0str"); } } else //apply arg0str { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptNames.Text)) t.Fields["arg0str"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.String, scriptNames.Text); } } else { t.Args[0] = arg0.GetResult(t.Args[0]); if(t.Fields.ContainsKey("arg0str")) t.Fields.Remove("arg0str"); } } else { t.Args[0] = arg0.GetResult(t.Args[0]); } t.Args[1] = arg1.GetResult(t.Args[1]); t.Args[2] = arg2.GetResult(t.Args[2]); t.Args[3] = arg3.GetResult(t.Args[3]); t.Args[4] = arg4.GetResult(t.Args[4]); //mxd. Custom fields fieldslist.Apply(t.Fields); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationID.Text)) UDMFTools.SetInteger(t.Fields, "conversation", conversationID.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("conversation", 0)), 0); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gravity.Text)) UDMFTools.SetFloat(t.Fields, "gravity", gravity.GetResultFloat(t.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f)), 1.0f); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(health.Text)) UDMFTools.SetInteger(t.Fields, "health", health.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("health", 1)), 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(score.Text)) UDMFTools.SetInteger(t.Fields, "score", score.GetResult(t.Fields.GetValue("score", 0)), 0); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alpha.Text)) UDMFTools.SetFloat(t.Fields, "alpha", alpha.GetResultFloat(t.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f)), 1.0f); if (rskeys != null && renderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1) UDMFTools.SetString(t.Fields, "renderstyle", rskeys[renderStyle.SelectedIndex], "normal"); color.ApplyTo(t.Fields, t.Fields.GetValue("fillcolor", 0)); // Update settings t.UpdateConfiguration(); } // Set as defaults foreach (CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) { if (c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) defaultflags.Add(c.Tag.ToString()); } General.Settings.DefaultThingType = thingtype.GetResult(General.Settings.DefaultThingType); General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle = Angle2D.DegToRad((float)angle.GetResult((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Settings.DefaultThingAngle) - 90) + 90); General.Settings.SetDefaultThingFlags(defaultflags); // Done General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); //mxd this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } // Cancel clicked private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //mxd. Perform undo? if(undocreated) General.Map.UndoRedo.WithdrawUndo(); // Be gone this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); } //mxd private void cbArgStr_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!cbArgStr.Visible) return; scriptNames.Visible = cbArgStr.Checked; scriptNumbers.Visible = !cbArgStr.Checked; arg0label.Text = cbArgStr.Checked ? "Script Name:" : "Script Number:"; } //mxd private void cbAbsoluteHeight_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); useabsoluteheight = cbAbsoluteHeight.Checked; preventchanges = true; //update label text Thing ft = General.GetByIndex(things, 0); float z = ft.Position.z; if(useabsoluteheight && ft.Sector != null) z += Sector.GetFloorPlane(ft.Sector).GetZ(ft.Position); posZ.Text = ((float)Math.Round(z, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)).ToString(); foreach(Thing t in things) { z = t.Position.z; if(useabsoluteheight && t.Sector != null) z += Sector.GetFloorPlane(t.Sector).GetZ(t.Position); string ztext = ((float)Math.Round(z, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)).ToString(); if(posZ.Text != ztext) { posZ.Text = ""; break; } } preventchanges = false; } //mxd private void tabcustom_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { fieldslist.Focus(); } //mxd private void ThingEditForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { location = this.Location; activetab = tabs.SelectedIndex; } // Help private void ThingEditForm_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent) { General.ShowHelp("w_thingeditor.html"); hlpevent.Handled = true; } #endregion #region ================== mxd. Realtime events private void posX_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; // Update values foreach(Thing t in things) t.Move(new Vector2D(posX.GetResultFloat(thingprops[i++].X), t.Position.y)); General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void posY_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; // Update values foreach(Thing t in things) t.Move(new Vector2D(t.Position.x, posY.GetResultFloat(thingprops[i++].Y))); General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void posZ_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(posZ.Text)) { // Restore values foreach(Thing t in things) t.Move(new Vector3D(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, thingprops[i++].Z)); } else { // Update values foreach(Thing t in things) { float z = posZ.GetResultFloat(thingprops[i++].Z); if(useabsoluteheight && !posZ.CheckIsRelative() && t.Sector != null) z -= (float)Math.Round(Sector.GetFloorPlane(t.Sector).GetZ(t.Position.x, t.Position.y), General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals); t.Move(new Vector3D(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, z)); } } General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void scale_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; foreach (Thing t in things) { float sx = scale.GetValue1(thingprops[i].ScaleX); float sy = scale.GetValue2(thingprops[i].ScaleY); t.SetScale((sx == 0 ? 1.0f : sx), (sy == 0 ? 1.0f : sy)); i++; } General.Map.IsChanged = true; labelScale.Enabled = scale.NonDefaultValue; if (OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } // Selected type changes private void thingtype_OnTypeChanged(ThingTypeInfo value) { thinginfo = value; // Update arguments action_ValueChanges(this, EventArgs.Empty); //mxd. Update things if (preventchanges || (thingtype.GetResult(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinThingType) || (thingtype.GetResult(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxThingType)) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd foreach(Thing t in things) { //Set type t.Type = thingtype.GetResult(t.Type); // Update settings t.UpdateConfiguration(); } General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } //mxd private void ApplyAngleChange() { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; //restore values if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(angle.Text)) { foreach(Thing t in things) t.Rotate(thingprops[i++].AngleDoom); } else //update values { foreach(Thing t in things) t.Rotate(angle.GetResult(thingprops[i++].AngleDoom)); } General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void ApplyPitchChange() { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; //restore values if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pitch.Text)) { foreach (Thing t in things) t.SetPitch(thingprops[i++].Pitch); } else //update values { foreach (Thing t in things) t.SetPitch(pitch.GetResult(thingprops[i++].Pitch)); } General.Map.IsChanged = true; if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } //mxd private void ApplyRollChange() { if(preventchanges) return; MakeUndo(); //mxd int i = 0; //restore values if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roll.Text)) { foreach (Thing t in things) t.SetRoll(thingprops[i++].Roll); } else //update values { foreach (Thing t in things) t.SetRoll(roll.GetResult(thingprops[i++].Roll)); } General.Map.IsChanged = true; if (OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void flags_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(preventchanges) return; string warn = ThingFlagsCompare.CheckThingEditFormFlags(flags.Checkboxes); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warn)) { //got missing flags tooltip.SetToolTip(missingflags, warn); missingflags.Visible = true; settingsgroup.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed; return; } //everything is OK missingflags.Visible = false; settingsgroup.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; } private void cbrandomangle_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { angle.Enabled = !cbrandomangle.Checked; groupangle.Enabled = !cbrandomangle.Checked; } private void cbrandompitch_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { pitch.Enabled = !cbrandompitch.Checked; grouppitch.Enabled = !cbrandompitch.Checked; } private void cbrandomroll_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { roll.Enabled = !cbrandomroll.Checked; grouproll.Enabled = !cbrandomroll.Checked; } #endregion } }