---------------------------------------- Texture Properties (22 textures) ---------------------------------------- XScale Only (4 textures) TSCLX025 - 0.25 TSCLX05 - 0.5 TSCLX2 - 2 TSCLX4 - 4 YScale Only (4 textures) TSCLY025 - 0.25 TSCLY05 - 0.5 TSCLY2 - 2 TSCLY4 - 4 XScale and YScale Equal (4 textures) TSCLB025 - 0.25 TSCLB05 - 0.5 TSCLB2 - 2 TSCLB4 - 4 XScale and YScale Mixed (4 textures) TSCLM1 - X: 0.25, Y: 2 TSCLM2 - X: 4, Y: 2 TSCLM3 - X: 2, Y: 0.5 TSCLM4 - X: 0.5, Y: 0.25 World Panning - Same As Above (4 textures) TSCLMWP1 - X: 0.25, Y: 2 TSCLMWP2 - X: 4, Y: 2 TSCLMWP3 - X: 2, Y: 0.5 TSCLMWP4 - X: 0.5, Y: 0.25 Misc. Texture Properties (2 textures) TMISCNOD - No Decals TMISCNUL - Null Texture ---------------------------------------- Patch Properties (60 textures) ---------------------------------------- Basic Use (4 textures) PBLACK - All-Black Texture PBASIC1 - One-Patch Texture PBASIC2 - Multi-Patch Texture, Side-by-Side PBASIC3 - Multi-Patch Texture, Overlapping Flipping (4 textures) PFLIPX - FlipX PFLIPY - FlipY PFLIPXY - FlipX and FlipY Combined PFLIPM - Three Flipped Patches Rotation (4 textures) PROT90 - Rotate 90 PROT180 - Rotate 180 PROT270 - Rotate 270 PROTM - Four Rotated Patches Translations - Pre-Named (6 textures) PTRNN1 - Inverse PTRNN2 - Gold PTRNN3 - Red PTRNN4 - Green PTRNN5 - Ice PTRNN6 - Desaturate Translations - Custom (6 textures) PTRNC1 - index:index PTRNC2 - index:rgb PTRNC3 - index:index, index:index PTRNC4 - index:rgb, index:rgb PTRNC5 - index:index, index:rgb PTRNC6 - Two Patches - i:i and i:rgb Blend - Named Colors From X11R6RGB Lump in ZDoom.PK3 (7 textures) PBLNN1 - "Blue" PBLNN2 - "Pale Green" PBLNN3 - "Dark Slate Grey" PBLNN4 - "Blue" at 0.75 Alpha PBLNN5 - "Pale Green" at 0.5 Alpha PBLNN6 - "Dark Slate Grey" at 0.25 Alpha PBLNN7 - Two Patches - "Red" and "Orange" Blend - RGB Colors (8 textures) (Note: As of r1302, Alpha does not work) PBLNRGB1 - 255 Red PBLNRGB2 - 255 Green PBLNRGB3 - 255 Blue PBLNRGB4 - 252, 120, 213 - Pink PBLNRGB5 - Pink in Hexadecimal "FC, 78, D5" PBLNRGB6 - Pink With 0.5 Alpha PBLNRGB7 - Pink in Hex With 0.5 Alpha "80" PBLNRGBM - TWo Patches - "FC, 78, D5" and 83, 170, 146 Styles (17 textures) (Note: Copy appears to do nothing in r1302) (CopyAlpha does something in software, but I don't know what.) (Using Blend returns a bad syntax error.) PSTYL1 - Add PSTYL2 - Subtract PSTYL3 - ReverseSubtract PSTYL4 - Modulate PSTYL5 - Copy PSTYL6 - CopyAlpha PSTYL7 - Add and Add PSTYL8 - Add and Subtract PSTYL9 - Add and ReverseSubtract PSTYL10 - Add and Modulate PSTYL11 - Subtract and Subtract PSTYL12 - Subtract and ReverseSubtract PSTYL13 - Subtract and Modulate PSTYL14 - Modulate and Modulate PSTYL15 - Modulate, Subtract, and Add PSTYL16 - Add, ReverseSubtract, and Modulate PSTYL17 - Add, ReverseSubtract, and Subtract Styles With Alpha (4 textures) (Note: The following are not affected by Alpha in r1302) (Modulate, Copy, and CopyAlpha) PSTYA1 - Add 0.5 PSTYA2 - Subtract 0.25 PSTYA3 - ReverseSubtract 0.75 PSTYA4 - Add 0.6, ReverseSubtract 0.9, Subtract 0.5 ---------------------------------------- Mixed Properties ---------------------------------------- Translation and Style (4 textures) MTS1 - Translation + Style 1 MTS2 - Translation + Style 2 MTS3 - Translation + Style 3 MTS4 - Translation + Style 4 Translation and Flip (3 textures) MTF1 - Translation + Flip 1 MTF2 - Translation + Flip 2 MTF3 - Translation + Flip 3 Translation and Rotate (3 textures) MTR1 - Translation + Rotate 1 MTR2 - Translation + Rotate 2 MTR3 - Translation + Rotate 3 Translation, Flip, and Rotate (4 textures) MTFR1 - Translation + Flip + Rotate 1 MTFR2 - Translation + Flip + Rotate 2 MTFR3 - Translation + Flip + Rotate 3 MTFR4 - Translation + Flip + Rotate 4 Translation, Flip, and Style (4 Textures) MTFS1 - Translation + Flip + Style 1 MTFS2 - Translation + Flip + Style 2 MTFS3 - Translation + Flip + Style 3 MTFS4 - Translation + Flip + Style 4 Translation, Flip, Rotate, and Style MTFRS1 - Translation + Flip + Rotate + Style 1 //////////////////////////////////////// TODO: Mixed Properties: *Translation + Style *Translation + Flip *Translation + Rotate *Translation + Flip + Rotate *Translation + Flip + Style Translation + Flip + Rotate + Style Blend + Flip + Rotate + Style Flip + Rotate Flip + Style Flip + Rotate + Style Rotate + Style Scale + Multi-Patch Scale + Multi-Patch Properties Sprites As Patches +Flip +Rotate +Translate +Blend +Style Graphics As Patches +Flip +Rotate +Translate +Blend +Style //-------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------