Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases not all sidedef geometry was updated when updating sectors with Plane Align (181) action. Also fixed some more unnecessary geometry updates.
Fixed, Linedefs mode, Things mode: in some cases deleting linedefs/things caused a crash when trying to update text labels.
Fixed, Draw Lines mode: in some cases the drawing was prematurely finished when "Auto-finish drawing" option was enabled.
Fixed: CVARINFO parser was unable to parse negative int/float values.
Fixed: in some cases TextLabel text size was checked before it was calculated.
Internal, Visual mode: reduced the number of unnecessary geometry updates when changing map geometry.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (atan2 and VectorAngle).
Fixed, Script Editor: fixed infinite loop when trying to search for empty string.
Changed, Linedefs mode: selection labels are now positioned in a less line angle obscuring way.
Changed, Draw Lines mode: text label background alpha didn't match the alpha of the labels used in other classic modes.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (SetMusicVolume).
Updated ZDoom ACC (SetMusicVolume).
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
Added, Linedefs mode, Things mode: sector tags can now be displayed and can be toggled using the "View Sector Tags" mode toolbar button.
Fixed, Classic modes, DB2 bug: in some cases text label size was queried before it was calculated, resulting in text labels being rendered when they shouldn't.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_LogFloat).
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, things will now switch to fixed size rendering mode when their visible size is less than 48 pixels.
Changed, Classic modes: changed the fixed size of things with FixedSize setting to 28 pixels.
Updated documentation ("targetclasses" argument property).
Changed, Classic modes: bigger Thing arrows are now rendered when thing sprite rendering is skipped.
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, thing size stays at 2x scale instead of 1x when extra bounding box is rendered.
Added Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency (Things mode)" slider.
Renamed Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency" to "Things transparency (other modes)".
Externalized thing bounding box and arrow texture, used to render things in Classic modes (Textures/ThingTexture2D.png).
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_SetUserVarFloat, A_SetUserArrayFloat).
Added Preferences -> Appearance -> "Hidden Things transparency" slider. It controls transparency of Things hidden by Things filter in Things mode, of all things :)
Fixed occasional TreeView flickering in Edit Things window, Browse Action window and Tag Explorer panel.
Updated Thing category icons in the Edit Things window. They now have "opened" and "closed" states.
Internal: added BufferedTreeView to the core controls.
Updated ZDoom game configurations (sector crush mode).
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Added, "Check polyobjects" error check: added a check for matching Polyobject and Mirror Polyobject numbers of Polyobj_StartLine action.
Changed, Visual mode: anisotropic filtering is now always applied (previously it was applied only when bilinear filtering was enabled).
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases light values were incorrectly transferred between 3d floors and regular floors/ceilings.
Fixed, ACS parser: includes for each library must be stored separately (fixes inability to compile a script with an included library, which in turn includes files already included by the script).
Fixed, Visual mode: alpha-based texture picking didn't work correctly on HiRes images.
Fixed, Visual mode: fog density was calculated incorrectly for things lit by dynamic lights.
Fixed, Edit Sector window, UDMF: "Fade" and "Light" color pickers initial values were incorrect when displaying mixed values.
Fixed, Edit Thing window, UDMF: "Color" color picker initial value was incorrect when displaying mixed values.
Changed, cosmetic: elapsed time is now displayed after resources loading finishes.
Changed, internal: changed Clock.CurrentTime type to long.
Fixed, Tag Statistics window: in some cases the map view was not updated after selecting items in Sectors/Linedefs/Things columns.
Fixed, cosmetic: Draw Curve mode icon was missing a shadow.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases GLDEFS glow effect was not updated after changing floor/ceiling texture.
Fixed, Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse modes: in some cases pressing "Reset" button did not update the shape preview.
Fixed, DB2 bug: sector geometry was not updated after undoing "Flip Sidedefs" action.
Cosmetic tweaks to the way thing bounding boxes are rendered in Things mode when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled (bounding boxes of highlighted/selected things are now more opaque than the ones of unselected things).
Changed, Preferences form: action selected in the actions list is now stays selected when applying the filtering (unless it's no longer valid).
Fixed, Script Editor: auto-completion and syntax highlighting now works for properties with dots (like "Powerup.Color") and colon (like "See:").
Fixed, Linedef info panel, Hexen map format, cosmetic: activation type should be enabled when the line has an action assigned, even if it's default activation.
Updated ZDoom_linedefs.cfg (Line_SetPortal).
Fixed, Preferences window: some folding settings were not applied in the Script Editor preview control.
Changed, Visual mode: increased z-buffer depth to 24 bits. Z-fighting among far away but close to each other surfaces should be less noticeable now.
Fixed, Visual mode: fixed Classic sky texture generation artifact when Bilinear filtering was enabled in Visual mode.
Fixed, Visual mode: fixed Classic sky texture generation artifact when non-power-of-2 Sky textures were used.
Fixed, Visual mode: dynamic lights flickering on surfaces nearly-perpendicular to lights centers should be much harder to trigger now.
Fixed, General interface, cosmetic: in some cases the warnings label was disabled in a flashing state (e.g. with red background).
Internal: moved some older GZDB actions form GZGeneral to MapManager. They can no longer be toggled when no map is loaded (which is probably for the best).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Changed: Script Editor no longer converts typed constants to uppercase.
Changed: when "Auto indent" is enabled, Script Editor no longer adds additional indentation to a line after closing brace.
Changed, Script Editor: pressing Ctrl-S when fixed compilable script tab (like SCRIPTS tab) is selected now compiles the script.
Fixed, Error Logger: fixed slowdowns when adding lots of errors and "Errors and Warnings" window was opened.
Fixed, Script Editor: text caret was incorrectly positioned after selecting a function in the navigator dropdown.
Fixed, Script Editor: incorrect ACS configuration was used for SCRIPTS lump for maps in Hexen map format for ZDoom-based engines.
Internal, rendering: added more error reporing-related code to D3DShader.LoadEffect().
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed, Visual mode: textures on floors, ceilings and single-sided wall parts are now rendered ignoring texture alpha.
Changed, Game configurations, Sector_Set3dFloor:160 action: renamed the fourth argument from "Alpha" to "Opacity".
Fixed, Visual mode: UDMF sidedef brightness should be ignored when a wall section is affected by Transfer Brightness effect.
Fixed, Visual mode: any custom fog should be rendered regardless of sector brightness.
Fixed, Visual mode: "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" MAPINFO values were processed incorrectly.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Things were rendered twice during a render pass.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor glow effect should affect thing brightness only when applied to floor of the sector thing is in.
Fixed, TEXTURES parser: TEXTURES group was named incorrectly in the Textures Browser window when parsed from a WAD file.
Fixed, MAPINFO, GLDEFS, DECORATE parsers: "//$GZDB_SKIP" special comment was processed incorrectly.
Fixed, MAPINFO parser: "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" properties are now initialized using GZDoom default value (255) instead of 0.
Fixed, Visual mode: aspect ratio was not updated when render area was resized.
Fixed, Visual mode: vertex handles were disappearing after using Reload Resources (F8) action.
Changed, internal: removed most of the fixed pipeline rendering code. The editor can no longer be used on a video card without Shader Model 2.0 support.
Added "Toggle sky rendering" action and toolbar button.
Added, MAPINFO parser: the editor now recognizes map number from classic map definition format. Hexen MAPINFO is now properly parsed.
Added, MAPINFO support: if current map definition contains map name as a text string, it will be shown in the editor's header.
Changed: "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" now toggles between "Don't show dynamic lights" and "Show dynamic lights" when used in Classic modes.
Changed, Things mode: lowered the opacity of dynamic light radii.
Changed, (G)ZDoom text parsers: empty include files now trigger a warning instead of an error and no longer abort parsing.
Fixed, Game configurations: moved Stalagmite:5050 thing to Doom block (so the editor no longer tries to load it for non-Doom game configurations).
Fixed(?), Visual mode: probably fixed a hard-to-trigger exception when sorting translucent geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor glow effect was incorrectly applied to walls (was broken in R2452).
Internal: restructured most of MAPINFO and GLDEFS parsers. Should be more maintainable now.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Updated zdbsp to 1.19.
Updated documentation.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: fixed a crash when trying to dissolve an invalid sector when one of it's linedefs referenced it on the both sides.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed incorrect undo description when deleting sectors.
Internal: joined declaration and assignment of some more variables.
Internal, Renderer2D.RenderArrows(): only visible lines are now rendered.
Internal, API: renamed public Line3D properties: v1 to Start, v2 to End, color to Color, renderarrowhead to RenderArrowhead.
Updated, Visual mode, "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" / "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" actions: sectors across targeted sectors are now taken into account when determining target height.
Updated, Visual mode, "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" / "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" actions: the actions can now stack things on top of other things when their bounding boxes intersect.
Internal: cosmetic changes to shader update logic.
Internal: thing bounding box is now used when adding a thing to VisualBlockMap.
Added "makedoorceil" game configuration property. Works the same way as "makedoortrack" and "makedoordoor", but for ceilings of door sectors.
Changed, Game configurations: the editor no longer tries to load DECORATE/MODELDEF/VOXELDEF/GLDEFS/REVERBS lumps when "decorategames" setting is not specified / is set to empty string.
Changed, General interface: "Tools -> Reload MODELDEF/VOXELDEF" and "Tools -> Reload GLDEFS" menu items are no longer shown when current game configuration doesn't support DECORATE.
Fixed a crash when pasting linedef/thing properties in Hexen map format.
Fixed, Visual mode: Visual Thing resources were not fully unloaded when resetting D3D device leading to crash when switching to the editor from a DX-using game engine (like ZDoom) running in fullscreen.
Fixed: in some cases, when current game configuration supported multiple script compilers, it was possible to open/create a map or change map options without selecting any script compiler.
Fixed, New Map Options window: default map name was not updated when switching game configurations.
Fixed: copied map element properties were not reset after switching to another map.
Fixed: stored textures for "Make Door" action were not reset after switching to another map.
Fixed, Game Configurations window: currently selected test engine name was not updated when pasting test engines from another configuration.
Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Heretic in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list.
Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Strife in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list.
Visual mode: fog distance calculation is now much closer to GZDoom one.
Visual mode: thing brightness calculation when a thing is affected by floor glow is now much closer to GZDoom one.
Linedef edit window, UDMF: added "Reset front/back brightness" buttons.
Sector edit window, UDMF: added "Reset ceiling/floor brightness" buttons.
Internal, Visual mode, Things mode: persistent event lines are now updated only when map objects are changed instead of doing it on every display redraw.
Internal: improved Dictionary lookup times when using map objects and textures as keys.
Internal: added "Release + Profiler" solution configuration.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (Warp).
Added, Visual mode, DECORATE: "RenderStyle" property is now partially supported.
Added, Visual mode, DECORATE: +BRIGHT flag is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "Alpha" thing property is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "RenderStyle" thing property is now partially supported.
Added, Visual mode, Hexen map format and UDMF: "Translucent" and "Invisible" thing flags are now supported.
Added, Game Configurations: added "alpha" and "renderstyle" Thing and Thing Category properties.
Fixed, Visual mode: blockmap was not updated when moving things using "Move Thing Left/Right/Forward/Backward" and "Move Thing to Cursor Location" actions.
DECORATE parser: added a warning when unable to find actor's parent class.
Internal: current map format can now be checked using "General.Map.UDMF", "General.Map.HEXEN" and "General.Map.DOOM" properties.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Things Settings" page).
High-DPI: fixed many issues with incorrect controls size (Tag selector width, Comment Editor size, icons size, tabs size etc.).
Cosmetic: changed map geometry dragging undo messages to more descriptive ones.
Fixed, Textures Browser, cosmetic: "Show textures in subdirectories" checkbox should be repositioned when "Long texture names" one is invisible.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (added A_SetFloatSpeed + a couple of fixes).
Changed: OS name, GPU name and GZDB revision info are now added to the exception text and GZCrash.log.
Fixed, cosmetic: toolstrip separators visibility must be updated when resizing the main window.
Internal: removed Plug.DisplaySize, Plug.DisplayLocationAbs and Renderer.ViewportSize. The same data can be accessed from anywhere using General.Interface.Display.Size and General.Interface.Display.LocationAbs. Also Plug.DisplayLocationAbs returned incorrect coordinates...
Visual mode, GLOOME: wall/floor/ceiling sprites are now rendered closer to the way it's done in GLOOME.
Sectors mode, UDMF: some cosmetic tweaks to comment icons rendering.
Classic modes: linedef rendering is now skipped when it's visible length is very short.
General interface: fixed a possible crash when clicking on the warnings count label when it was updated from the background thread.
Changed, Visual mode: changed thing fog calculation logic. Should be closer to GZDoom now.
Fixed, GLDEFS parser: "height" texture parameter was not treated as optional.
Fixed, text lump parsers: in some cases incorrect line number was displayed in error and warning messages.
Fixed, Visual mode: glow effect was not applied to sectors with 3 sidedefs.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases glow effect was not updated when replacing textures.
Fixed, general interface: "Full Brightness" button state was not updated during map loading.
Fixed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: positions of line length labels were not updated while panning the view.
Cosmetic: added a bunch of new icons.
Cosmetic: changed Visual mode crosshair.
Changed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: line length labels are now displayed the same way as in Draw modes.
Changed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: "lock movement to cardinal directions" mode (Alt-Shift-Drag) now locks movement in 4 directions instead of 8 and doesn't snap map elements to nearest grid intersections when they are not aligned to it.
Added, Visual mode, GZDoom, DECORATE: FORCEXYBILLBOARD flag is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, GLOOME, DECORATE: FLOORSPRITE, CEILSPRITE, WALLSPRITE, ROLLSPRITE and STICKTOPLANE flags are now supported (implementation is somewhat broken ATM and probably doesn't work the same way as in GLOOME, because Windows build with most these features is nowhere to be found...).
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Thing brightness was calculated incorrectly.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.