Added, Linedefs mode, Things mode: sector tags can now be displayed and can be toggled using the "View Sector Tags" mode toolbar button.
Fixed, Classic modes, DB2 bug: in some cases text label size was queried before it was calculated, resulting in text labels being rendered when they shouldn't.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_LogFloat).
Changed, Draw Lines and Draw Curve modes: "Auto-finish drawing" option now works regardless of "Continuous drawing" option (previously it worked only when the latter was enabled).
Changed: position and size of the "Errors and Warnings" window is now stored while the editor is running.
Internal: rewritten parts of long texture names support code. It now involves much less special handling.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_QuakeEx, A_CheckBlock).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (QuakeEx).
Updated ZDoom ACC (QuakeEx).
Changed, cosmetic: elapsed time is now displayed after resources loading finishes.
Changed, internal: changed Clock.CurrentTime type to long.
Fixed, Tag Statistics window: in some cases the map view was not updated after selecting items in Sectors/Linedefs/Things columns.
Fixed, cosmetic: Draw Curve mode icon was missing a shadow.
Fixed, General interface, cosmetic: in some cases the warnings label was disabled in a flashing state (e.g. with red background).
Internal: moved some older GZDB actions form GZGeneral to MapManager. They can no longer be toggled when no map is loaded (which is probably for the best).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: fixed a crash when trying to dissolve an invalid sector when one of it's linedefs referenced it on the both sides.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed incorrect undo description when deleting sectors.
Internal: joined declaration and assignment of some more variables.
High-DPI: fixed many issues with incorrect controls size (Tag selector width, Comment Editor size, icons size, tabs size etc.).
Cosmetic: changed map geometry dragging undo messages to more descriptive ones.
Fixed, Textures Browser, cosmetic: "Show textures in subdirectories" checkbox should be repositioned when "Long texture names" one is invisible.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (added A_SetFloatSpeed + a couple of fixes).
Removed, Texture Browser: removed "Show image sizes" checkbox. "Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" preferences setting is now used instead.
Fixed, Things mode: event line between pre-last and the last PatrolPoint was not drawn.
Fixed, Things mode: highlight range for sizeless things (things with "fixedsize" game configuration property) was calculated incorrectly.
Fixed: fixed a crash when opening Script Editor after using "Open map in current wad" command to switch to UDMF map with SCRIPTS lump when current script configuration was not saved in the wad's .dbs file.
Fixed: map closing events were not triggered when using "Open map in current wad" command, which could potentially result in plugin crashes/incorrect behavior.
Fixed: Sector Drawing overrides panel could trigger an exception when closing the map during resource loading.
Internal: added "Debug + Profiler" solution configuration, added 2 profiling methods to DebugConsole.
Internal: rewrote MainForm.DisplayStatus() / StatusInfo to handle selection info in a more structured way.
Fixed, internal: some destructors could potentially be executed more than once potentially leading to exceptions. Other destructors were not called at all.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Changed, Things mode: things are now rendered with a bit of transparency, so things beneath other things are now visible.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases it was impossible to highlight a thing beneath other thing when their positions were the same.
Changed, 2D modes: changed thing bounding box and arrow image.
Fixed, cosmetic, 2D modes: in some cases thing arrows were rendered bigger than thing bounding boxes.
Internal: MapSet.ConvertSelection no longer selects sectors with no sidedefs when converting selection to sectors (unless those sectors were already selected).
Fixed, long texture names support: in some cases long texture names were not processed correctly when pasting map geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases combined sidedef brightness was calculated incorrectly. Also, MAPINFO FadeColor and OutsideFogColor properties are now taken into account.
Hexen_linedefs.cfg: "Door Raise" and "Door Locked Raise" used incorrect enums for "Close Delay".
Sound Environment Mode: sound environments can now be picked by editing sound environment things.
Sound Environment Mode: detected sound environments names are now used as item names in the tree view.
Fixed, Classic modes: incorrect texture was used as unknown floor/ceiling texture (I broke this in r2199).
Fixed, MainForm: reverted MainForm.UpdateToolStripSeparators. By making it look simpler I made it work more buggy...
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Statistics control: things count was not updated when adding or deleting things.
Map Analysis mode: "Check texture alignment" is now disabled by default.
Updated Inno Setup script and images.
Added DirectX web installer to Builder\Setup.
Updated MakeRelease.bat.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Game configurations, Line Identification action: added "Front side only" (128) flag to arg1.
Game configurations, Line Identification action: renamed arg1 flags to match corresponding UDMF flag names.
Updated udmf_zdoom.txt.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Texture browser form: added "Long texture names" check-box. It can be used to toggle between displaying long and short texture names.
Texture browser form: added "Show image size" check-box.
Texture browser form: image size is now shown differently.
Image Selector: added a button to toggle between long and short texture name.
Linedef info panel: long texture names are now displayed properly.
Sector info panel: long texture names are now displayed properly.
Fixed: "Save Screenshot" and "Save Edit Area Screenshot" actions were triggered multiple times when a child window was open.
Fixed: used textures should be always updated after using "Change map in current WAD" action.
Fixed, "Change map in current WAD": fixed a crash when trying to switch from a map with missing game configuration path.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Open Map in Current WAD: resources are now reloaded when current and target map's resources don't match.
Added some boilerplate to UniversalParser and PK3FileImage.
Internal: ImageSelectorControl now has "UsePreviews" property.
Internal: added ConfigurablePictureBox.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Fixed: certain UDMF-only properties were not cleared when pasting map elements from UDMF to non-UDMF maps.
Fixed a bug introduced in r2043: helper objects were not updated in some cases.
Internal: UDMF sector slopes and offsets are no longer stored in sector.Fields. Use sector.FloorSlope, sector.FloorSlopeOffset, sector.CeilingSlope and sector.CeilingSlopeOffset.
When Draw Rectangle or Draw Ellipse mode is enabled, it's settings are now shown in side panel.
Draw Ellipse mode: increased maximum number of sides to 512.
Changed the way tags are shown in Tag Selector controls. Tags without labels are now shown as a number (not "Tag N"), and tags with label are now shown as "N (label)", not "label (N)".
Tag labels are now shown in Thing, Sector and Linedef info panels.
Once again changed the way things are rendered while dragged.
Rearranged the label in PairedIntControl and PairedFieldControl (it is now behind numeric controls).
Optimized MapSet.GetSectorByCoordinates().
Sectors mode, rectangular selection: you can now hold Alt to select things inside of selected sectors.
Sector highlight is now shown when selecting sectors in Tag Explorer.
Error checks: added "Check unused textures" option.
Replaced MissingTexture3D and UnknownTexture3D.
Sectors mode: restored "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" actions.
Visual mode: in some cases sidedefs were rendered as selected when they were not.
Existing linedefs were not split while drawing new lines in some cases.
Texture and height overrides were not applied correctly in some cases.
Preferences form: "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollDown" dropdown items were setting the shortcut to "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollDown".
Sectors mode: optimized sector highlight rendering logic.
Sectors mode: optimized sector effect/tag labels update logic.
Geometry tools: optimized several core functions.
Hints for current editing mode can now be displayed when nothing is highlighted (currently the hints are shown only in Draw Geometry mode).
GZDB is now build with LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag, which increases amount of RAM GZDB can use from 1.4 to 2.8 GB.
"Snap Map Elements to Grid" mode now tries to fix invalid geometry after vertex snapping.
Vertices mode: in some cases not all vertices were removed when deleting vertices.
Removed "Load GZDoom light definitions" from preferences. If you want to use GZDoom's GLDEFS definitions, add "lights.pk3" as a resource.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when toggling GZDoom Geometry Effects (Tab)
Fixed sector bounding box calculation error.
Renamed "Edit -> Grid Setup..." to "Edit -> Grid and Backdrop Setup..."
Updated documentation
Textures now load up to 2x faster when "mix textures and flats" flag is set in game configuration.
TEXTUREx/TEXTURES: texture will now be created if at least one of it's patches is loaded.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when "Slope floor to here" (9500) or "Slope ceiling to here" (9501) things were not inside sector.
Fixed: flats were not loaded form wads inside Directory and PK3/PK7 resources.
Sector Info Panel, Linedef Info Panel: texture size was shown for unknown textures.
Added Selection Groups options to Edit menu.
Selection Groups can now be cleared using either Edit -> Clear Group or Ctrl-Shift-[group number] shortcut.
Toolbar button groups can now be toggled using context menu. Hold "Shift" to toggle several button groups at once.
Replaced all doubles with floats.
Script Editor:
Navigator drop-down now updates automatically.
Navigator drop-down now also works for external files.
Added Navigator drop-down support for Decorate and Modeldef.
Added "Test Map from current position" action (default shortcut is Ctrl-F9), which lets you play the game from cursor position, if you are in 2D-Mode, and from camera location if you are in Visual Mode.
Added "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D modes" (found in Preferences -> Interface -> Options), which automatically centers 2D-mode on camera position when you leave Visual Mode, and places camera at cursor position when you toggle from 2D-mode to Visual Mode (unless you have Visual Mode camera thing in your map).
Several improvements in Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse modes: added info label with current bevel amount and subdivision level; bevel amount now applied properly when shape size is smaller than it.
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported).
Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes.
Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section).
MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame.
Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters.
Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.