Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Open Map in Current WAD: resources are now reloaded when current and target map's resources don't match.
Added some boilerplate to UniversalParser and PK3FileImage.
Internal: ImageSelectorControl now has "UsePreviews" property.
Internal: added ConfigurablePictureBox.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
When Draw Rectangle or Draw Ellipse mode is enabled, it's settings are now shown in side panel.
Draw Ellipse mode: increased maximum number of sides to 512.
Changed the way tags are shown in Tag Selector controls. Tags without labels are now shown as a number (not "Tag N"), and tags with label are now shown as "N (label)", not "label (N)".
Tag labels are now shown in Thing, Sector and Linedef info panels.
Once again changed the way things are rendered while dragged.
Rearranged the label in PairedIntControl and PairedFieldControl (it is now behind numeric controls).
Optimized MapSet.GetSectorByCoordinates().
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not properly taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
UDMF: different Sector Edit Form is now used in UDMF map format.
Some fixes in Linedef edit form.
Added missing icons.