Fixed, Visual mode: floor brightness was calculated incorrectly when "Disable Light Effects"/"Restrict light inside" 3d floor flags were used and the floor had "lightfloor" property.
Fixed: "lightabsolute" flag was accessed incorrectly in previous commit.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Visual mode: "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling" actions now work on surfaces with sector slopes.
Cosmetic: numeric textboxes, which support relative values, now have differently colored text and a tooltip.
Internal: renamed Sector.CeilingSlopeOffset to Sector.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.CeilingSlope to Sector.CeilSlope to match their names with similar sector properties.
Internal: UDMF sector slopes and offsets are no longer stored in sector.Fields. Use sector.FloorSlope, sector.FloorSlopeOffset, sector.CeilingSlope and sector.CeilingSlopeOffset.
Visual mode: real floor was colored by 3d floor's color even when it was below real floor.
Action Browser form: keyboard focus is now set to Filter text box by default.
Preferences: added "Capitalize texture names" option (located in Preferences -> Appearance -> Additional options). When disabled, the casing of displayed texture names will match filenames for textures loaded form TEXTURES or pk3/pk7/folder resources.
Textures Browser: added support for displaying long texture names.
Errors list is now cleared when reloading resources.
Visual mode: added basic support for sector slopes (no UI for that feature yet).
"Snap Map Elements to Grid" mode now tries to fix invalid geometry after vertex snapping.
Vertices mode: in some cases not all vertices were removed when deleting vertices.
Removed "Load GZDoom light definitions" from preferences. If you want to use GZDoom's GLDEFS definitions, add "lights.pk3" as a resource.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when toggling GZDoom Geometry Effects (Tab)
Fixed sector bounding box calculation error.
Renamed "Edit -> Grid Setup..." to "Edit -> Grid and Backdrop Setup..."
Updated documentation
Visual mode: fixed a crash after disabling GZDoom rendering effects (Tab key) when visual sector was not created for sector with 3d floor's control linedef.
UDMF: Reset texture offsets action now works on floors and ceilings.
Vertices mode: when a linedef is within Split Linedefs range, it's now highlighted using Info line color.