Added, Sound Environments mode: current sound environment is now highlighted (can be toggled using "Toggle Highlight" action).
Added: Tag selectors now have up/down buttons.
Fixed, Sound Environments mode: sound environments were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Fixed, Sound Propagation mode: sound zones were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Internal: moved "Toggle Highlight" action to the core, also changed it's category to "View".
Internal: "Toggle Highlight" action state is now saved in the Program configuration.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (GetZAt).
Updated ZDoom_linedefs.cfg (Sector_SetPortal args).
Changed, Classic modes: bigger Thing arrows are now rendered when thing sprite rendering is skipped.
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, thing size stays at 2x scale instead of 1x when extra bounding box is rendered.
Added Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency (Things mode)" slider.
Renamed Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency" to "Things transparency (other modes)".
Externalized thing bounding box and arrow texture, used to render things in Classic modes (Textures/ThingTexture2D.png).
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_SetUserVarFloat, A_SetUserArrayFloat).
Fixed, "Find and Replace" mode: "Find and Replace" window no longer closes when no results are found and Replace mode is enabled.
Changed, "Find and Replace" mode: renamed some search modes for better grouping.
Fixed, "Find Linedef Action and Arguments" and "Find Sector Effect" search modes: in some cases action/effect was checked incorrectly when performing a search.
Added, "Find Sector Effect" search mode: "Any effect" (-1) can now be used as a search input.
Fixed, "Find Linedef Action and Arguments" search mode: generalized actions search was broken.
Fixed, General interface: in some cases the placeholder test engine was displayed in the "Test Map" drop-down.
Updated skybox model to better match GZDoom's skybox. Also the sky texture was flipped horizontally.
Fixed, Visual mode: "Select with the same texture" action is now able to select sidedef parts only visible because of slopes.
Fixed, Visual mode: skybox texture was not updated after using "Open map in current wad" action.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Visual camera was placed below sector's floor when "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D modes" setting was enabled.
Fixed: numeric thing flags with inverted UDMF flag defined in "thingflagstranslation" Game configuration block were lost when copy-pasting a thing.
Fixed, command line arguments: fixed a crash when loading a map from a wad with existing .dbs file.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: fixed a crash when trying to dissolve an invalid sector when one of it's linedefs referenced it on the both sides.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed incorrect undo description when deleting sectors.
Internal: joined declaration and assignment of some more variables.
Changed, Things mode: things are now rendered with a bit of transparency, so things beneath other things are now visible.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases it was impossible to highlight a thing beneath other thing when their positions were the same.
Changed, 2D modes: changed thing bounding box and arrow image.
Fixed, cosmetic, 2D modes: in some cases thing arrows were rendered bigger than thing bounding boxes.
Find and Replace Mode: renamed "Linedef Actions" search mode to "Linedef Action and Arguments".
Find and Replace Mode: renamed "Thing Action" search mode to "Thing Action and Arguments".
Cosmetic layout changes in Find and Replace window.
Updated documentation.
Changes in "Linedef Action and Arguments" and "Thing Action and Arguments" search modes:
Changed arguments search syntax from "action;arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4" to "action arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4"
You can now find ACS script actions with named scripts using "action arg0str ..." syntax.
You can now replace arguments using the same syntax as in the "Find what" field.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Open Map in Current WAD: resources are now reloaded when current and target map's resources don't match.
Added some boilerplate to UniversalParser and PK3FileImage.
Internal: ImageSelectorControl now has "UsePreviews" property.
Internal: added ConfigurablePictureBox.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
"Find Any Texture or Flat", "Find Sector Flat" and "Find Sidedef Texture" options now support "*" (match any number of characters) and "?" (match any single character) wildcards.
"Find Any Texture or Flat" is now available any game configuration (previously it was disabled when "MixTexturesFlats" game configuration option was disabled, now only "Replace" functionality is disabled).
"Find Thing Flags" and "Find Linedef Flags" can now replace flags.
Added "Find Sidedef Flags" and "Find Sector Flags" search options.