Commit graph

527 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
04324cd140 Fixed (?) cross-thread bitmap usage. (reported by Xane123) 2017-05-09 06:06:21 +03:00
10aa7e9493 Fixed translucent sprites. Added visual stencil color preview. (reported by Lud) 2017-03-25 05:19:42 +02:00
480a11529c Fixed: 3D floor with translucent texture but 255 alpha was rendered opaque. 2017-03-19 18:19:14 +02:00
dceeed6bee Fixed: removing a thing should also remove it from the visible things list. (reported by DOOMGABR) 2017-03-13 03:26:50 +02:00
35f8c5e10e Fixed: cutting a thing in visual mode would leave disposed BaseVisualThings in the selection. (reported by DOOMGABR) 2017-03-13 03:10:07 +02:00
717e48edbb Fixed: for scaled walls, texture offsets should not be scaled (reported by Tormentor667) 2017-03-07 03:06:15 +02:00
d47dd9a533 Fixed: slightly incorrect texture name offsets in classic view in the texture browser 2017-02-09 15:45:50 +02:00
fbbfaad579 Fixed: changing brightness of upper/lower/middle sidedef did not update the whole sidedef brightness until 3D mode restart 2017-02-09 15:20:39 +02:00
7e502a1fa2 Fixed: color_absolute is not actually in GZDoom 2017-02-02 07:34:29 +02:00
cb8473fa09 Added: 3D floor should be affected by control sector's color_floor and color_ceiling. 2017-02-01 20:16:42 +02:00
469942d263 Fixed: glow should apply before Doom64 coloring 2017-02-01 09:57:00 +02:00
42c2fc2044 Added: rendering of Doom64 lighting 2017-02-01 09:48:13 +02:00
1cd255fb4e Fixed: autoaligning and limited floodfill didn't work for selection. 2017-01-29 04:56:17 +02:00
f4947a20be Added: more magic to the autoalign/select neighbours logic; These functions should not anymore wrap around to the opposite side of two-sided linedefs, allowing you to select back and front sides separately using shift+click, and reducing infinite broken autoalign loops. 2017-01-26 15:33:07 +02:00
ebd7fb1a57 Upgrade to VS2015 (14.0) 2017-01-15 00:35:40 +02:00
2b24ce3c25 Updated, Textures Browser: texture name length is now taken into account when calculating the width of texture items.
Internal: moved thing helper shapes creation logic from ThingsMode to LinksCollector.
2017-01-09 01:04:55 +03:00
cd854779e8 Fixed, Classic modes, UDMF: grid size didn't go below 1 mu. when zooming in when "Dynamic grid size" option was enabled.
Internal: restored GridSetup DB2 compatibility.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (SetFogDensity, SetSectorGlow).
2017-01-06 13:01:59 +03:00
a7d2417844 Visual mode, UDMF: added rendering support for fogdensity and floor/ceiling glow properties.
Internal, build tools: use origin/master to get commits count and current hash instead of local master.
2017-01-04 16:28:36 +03:00
be7ba0a05d Added: minimum grid size is now 0.125 instead of 1. 2016-12-27 16:59:20 +03:00
a31c6b6652 Fixed, Script Editor: resources navigator was always loading the first WAD lump with matching name when trying to open any of several WAD lumps with matching names.
Reverted, Visual mode: looks like all additional cases of displaying sky hack added in r2755 were actually undefined engine behaviors, not the "proper" shy hack... Reverted implementation to the wiki definition of the sky hack.
2016-11-30 20:12:32 +00:00
1523d06ee3 Updated, Visual mode: some cases when the sky hack must be applied were not handled.
Updated, Script editor: script editor was unable to show error location after double-clicking on it in the Warnings and Errors window when said location was inside of a WAD located in a PK3 file.
Updated, text lumps tracking: already parsed DECORATE/GLDEFS lumps are now added to the text lumps list even when DECORATE/GLDEFS parsing fails, allowing you to fix errors without the need to use external tools.
Fixed: in some cases the editor could stuck in an infinite loop when searching for wad lumps.
2016-11-28 20:01:47 +00:00
787b78afcf Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: "lightfloor" sector property was not applied when calculating thing brightness.
Fixed, Directional Shading mode: "lightabsolute" / "lightfloorabsolute" properties were checked incorrectly.
2016-11-17 00:17:34 +00:00
437fe9ce86 Updated, GLDEFS parser: updated glowing texture parsing logic to better match GZDoom logic.
Removed, GLDEFS parser: removed GLOOME glow definitions support code.
2016-11-09 10:07:21 +00:00
9908e41197 Added, Game configurations: added "ignoreddirectories" parameter. It lists directory names to be ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources.
Added, Game configurations: added "ignoredextensions" parameter. It lists file extensions to be ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources.
Updated: sector triangulation logic now works ~20% faster.
Changed: a case when a pk3/pk7 archive contains several entries with identical filename is now treated as a warning, not as an error.
Fixed, Visual mode: absolute floor/ceiling brightness should not be affected by brightness transfer effects (like 3d floors).
Fixed, Draw Lines mode: in some cases unclosed sectors were created when several points were successively drawn at the same location.
Updated documentation.
2016-10-24 19:19:11 +00:00
70d35bf1d6 Added, Edit Sectors window: added UI for floor/ceiling portals.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Sectors Settings" page).
2016-10-11 12:58:35 +00:00
53a317c0dd Updated, Visual mode: updated FLATSPRITE support to match the current GZDoom implementation.
Fixed, Visual mode: things in sectors affected by line slope effect were not updated when sector height was indirectly changed.
Game configurations: added "internalsoundnames" property.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
2016-10-04 09:53:38 +00:00
7e622fa26d Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: only the clicked floor/ceiling surface was dynamically updated when changing texture offsets of multiple floors/ceilings by mouse-dragging. 2016-09-08 19:28:47 +00:00
c9f125aade Added Rendering toolbar items to the View menu.
Merged "Toggle models, dynamic lights and fog rendering" and "Toggle Geometry Effects" actions into "Toggle Enhanced Rendering Effects" action.
Removed "Dynamic light size" and "Dynamic light intensity" settings.
Updated documentation ("Rendering toolbar" page).
2016-09-07 15:15:07 +00:00
8333cab783 Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases mouse cursor movement was not clipped to the render area when focusing the editor after Alt-Tabbing from the Visual mode.
Addressed, Line drawing: in some cases extra vertices were created when drawing lines on top of nearly parallel non-cardinal lines.
2016-09-06 19:14:49 +00:00
6faa88f981 Updated, Visual mode, UDMF: "Change Texture Scale" actions now take camera and texture angles into account when used on floors/ceilings.
Changed: "+++" and "---" prefixes are now incremented on the first step instead of the second when used in any numeric inputs, which support prefixes, except action arguments.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: texture offset/scale/rotation changes were applied several times when used on several 3d-floor floors/ceilings linked to the same control sector, when using "Move Texture Offsets" / "Change Texture Scale" / "Rotate Texture CW/CCW" actions.
Updated ZDoom ACC (DamageActor).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (DamageActor).
2016-09-06 12:05:47 +00:00
5baa770d24 Added "localsidedeftextureoffsets" Game configuration setting. When set to true, enables in-editor support for individual offsets of upper/middle/lower sidedef textures. Affects UDMF map format only. - based on diff patch by Altazimuth. 2016-09-05 18:36:22 +00:00
f9b5597951 Fixed several cases when certain texture manipulation-related actions caused a crash when performed on not-yet-loaded textures. 2016-09-02 19:18:37 +00:00
ea57d45eb3 Added: action argument inputs now support incremental increase/decrease prefixes (+++ and ---).
Probably fixed probable I/O race condition when loading images.
Fixed Visual mode stuttering due to floating point precision degradation when running the editor for several days without restarting (internal timer is now reset when saving the map or creating a new one).
Fixed, Nodes Viewer, cosmetic: Nodes Viewer window position was reset after pressing the "Rebuild Nodes" button.
Added Eternity Game configurations by printz.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (CheckClass).
Updated ZDoom ACC (CheckClass).
2016-08-29 10:06:16 +00:00
2ea72437be Added, Visual mode: added support for "Change Floor Brightness to this Brightness" and "Change Ceiling Brightness to this Brightness" Boom actions.
Changed, Sectors mode: "Flip Linedefs" and "Align Linedefs" actions will no longer flip single-sided linedefs with only front side.
Fixed, Script Editor: fixed a crash when trying to update script navigator combo box when switching to a never saved ACS script.
2016-07-20 19:17:31 +00:00
3a77e6bc93 Fixed, Visual mode: "Transfer Floor/Ceiling Brightness" actions were resetting sector color on target surfaces.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2016-07-19 19:47:36 +00:00
13068b1137 Added, Visual mode: added support for ROLLCENTER sprite rendering flag, updated ROLLSPRITE implementation.
Fixed, DECORATE support: the editor was unable to determine actor sprite when the actor itself had no sprites defined and the actor it inherited from was only defined in the game configuration.
Fixed, Drag geometry modes: linedefs without both sides were removed after dragging them when "Replace with Dragged Geometry" mode was active.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2016-07-13 21:53:48 +00:00
ec9c3a71f9 Added: preview sprites are now generated from voxels. Those are used as previews and when model rendering is disabled.
Fixed: voxel support logic was outdated, which in some cases resulted in voxels not being loaded and in some weird behaviour when trying to change pitch/roll of associated things.
Updated sprites lookup logic. Now it correctly handles sprites named like NNNNA0B0.
Fixed: in some cases DECORATE parser was unable to correctly detect sprite name & frame(s) block.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2016-07-11 22:13:43 +00:00
02e5996bd8 Visual mode: modified sidedef texture UV calculations to use integral linedef length to match (G)ZDoom way of rendering them.
Visual mode, UDMF: "Auto-align textures" actions now use integral linedef length when calculating texture offsets.
2016-07-04 21:13:43 +00:00
04de976acf Added, Visual mode: added support for FLATSPRITE, ROLLSPRITE, WALLSPRITE and DONTFLIP sprite rendering flags. Removed the older GLOOME-specific implementation.
Changed, "Align Things to Nearest Linedef" action: the action can now also align things with FLATSPRITE and WALLSPRITE flags (previously only things with attached models were aligned).
Changed, "Align Things to Nearest Linedef" action: the action can now align things to the middle part of double-sided linedef, if it has a middle texture assigned.
2016-07-04 18:25:47 +00:00
364b3c11c7 Changed: "Selection Options" window is now resized automatically.
Fixed: parts of UniFileds.UniValuesMatch() logic were inverted. In some cases this resulted in incorrect behavior of "Select Similar" action in UDMF map format.
Fixed, UDMF: alpha should be ignored when applying sector fade/light color gradients.
Ported eevee's fix for incorrect sector geometry occasionally created after dragging map elements (more info:
2016-06-20 13:36:10 +00:00
cb1eb1de83 Changed, Visual mode: "Paste Selection" action (Ctrl-V) can now paste both copied textures and things, based on what was copied last.
Changed, Map Analysis mode: the view is now much more zoomed after clocking on a "Check very short linedefs" error check result.
Removed single testing engine launchable by the editor at once limitation (it worked properly only when using Test map actions anyway).
Fixed: re-did the fix for invalid geometry created when drawing very large grids from R2653, because it caused other issues.
2016-06-19 00:09:53 +00:00
59c4a75b11 Added "Split Joined Sectors" Edit menu item and toolbar button. When enabled, joined sectors adjacent to drawn lines will be split.
Added "doomthingrotationangles" Game Configuration property. When enabled, editor actions related to changing thing angle will snap the resulting angle to 45 degree increments. This property is set to true for vanilla game configurations.
Fixed a crash when changing game configuration from one without Thing actions support to one with them while in Things mode.
Fixed, cosmetic, DB2 bug: current editing mode button was deselected after reloading resources.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
2016-06-15 22:02:51 +00:00
a852719062 Added, Visual mode: added "Toggle Alpha-based Texture Highlighting" action. When enabled, 3d floor textures and middle textures on double-sided lines will be highlighted only when the crosshair points at a non-transparent pixel.
Changed: multi-part sectors are now better preserved after drawing new lines.
Changed, TEXTURES parser: patch loading errors are now ignored for textures with "NullTexture" option.
Changed, Game configurations: changed default door action arguments to better match vanilla ones.
Fixed, Actions: in some cases keyboard shortcuts involving Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifier keys were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed(?): probably fixed inability to save map wad in Slade 3.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
2016-06-13 23:37:55 +00:00
3d2d9e21ef Changed, Classic modes: displayed mouse map position coordinates are now snapped to current grid size.
Updated model pitch handling to match current GZDoom implementation.
Fixed imprecise vertex coordinates generated by Draw Ellipse mode.
Fixed a resource loading exception when opened map file wad was located in the root of a Directory resource.
Internal: changed output of all InterpolationTools methods from int to float.
Fixed, Internal: InterpolationTools.InterpolateColor() delta usage was inverted.
2016-06-03 20:22:07 +00:00
5e71585c99 Added, Edit Selection mode: Added "Adjust height" setting. It can be used to adjust floor/ceiling height of selected sectors based on the sector selection was in and the sector selection was moved into.
Removed "Adjust heights to match relatively with surrounding sector" option from Preferences -> Pasting, because sector height adjustments are now handled by Edit Selection mode.
Fixed, Sector info panel: in some cases 0 deg. floor/ceiling texture rotation was triggering texture offset/scale/rotation UI parts to be shown.
Fixed even more cases when sidedefs belonging to linedefs, which were moved on top of existing linedefs, were incorrectly reassigned when applying Edit Selection and Drag Geometry modes.
Fixed, Bridge mode: in some cases calculated floor/ceiling heights were not applied to the sectors created by the mode.
Changed, internal: changed program's CurrentCulture to InvariantCulture.
2016-05-20 15:04:00 +00:00
5f13fa1da4 Fixed, Visual mode: texture offsets were updated multiple times when moving texture offsets of several extrafloor sides linked to the same control sidedef.
Fixed, Visual mode: sidedef geometry of sectors affected by "Copy Slope" effect was not updated when the source slope was modified.
2016-05-15 00:38:41 +00:00
b1e5d8b5be Added, Sound Environments mode: sound environments of the same type are now colored using the same color.
Added, Sound Environments mode: current sound environment is now highlighted (can be toggled using "Toggle Highlight" action).
Added: Tag selectors now have up/down buttons.
Fixed, Sound Environments mode: sound environments were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Fixed, Sound Propagation mode: sound zones were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Internal: moved "Toggle Highlight" action to the core, also changed it's category to "View".
Internal: "Toggle Highlight" action state is now saved in the Program configuration.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (GetZAt).
Updated ZDoom_linedefs.cfg (Sector_SetPortal args).
2016-05-12 22:35:11 +00:00
b67ecc63ce Changed, Visual mode: "Auto-align textures" and "Paste Textures Floodfill" actions now use visual mode geometry to determine whether a sidedef part should be processed. This fixes inability to apply said actions to sidedef parts only visible because of slopes.
Fixed, Visual mode: both "With same texture" and "With same height" Select modifiers are now checked when both of them are used at once (previously a sidedef part/floor/ceiling was selected when any of those matched).
2016-05-12 11:32:10 +00:00
a61f02f7cc Fixed, Linedefs mode: fixed inability to highlight linedefs when "Stitch geometry within" setting was set to 0.
Fixed, Visual mode: fixed a crash when performing "Auto-align textures" actions on selected sidedefs when there were also floors/ceilings selected.
2016-05-08 18:45:26 +00:00
133c2fce34 Fixed a bunch of typos. 2016-05-04 14:02:13 +00:00
a57dce9b54 Fixed, Visual mode: rendering effects of "Slope floor/ceiling to here" things (9500/9501) should not be applied when their arg0 is 0. 2016-05-02 18:36:17 +00:00
f66521e7be Fixed, Visual mode: "Rotate CW"/"Rotate CCW" actions should update thing-based effects when used on Things.
Added/restored, Visual mode: restored "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 8" actions, added "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by Grid Size" actions (default keys are Ctrl+arrow keys).
Fixed, Game configurations: Hexen's Bell actor was missing "hangs" flag.
2016-05-02 15:01:13 +00:00
977adb47f2 Added: holding Control key while switching to/from Visual mode will now temporarily disable position synchronization (works only when 'Synchronize camera position between 2D and 3D modes' Preferences option is enabled).
Fixed severe lock-up after finishing dragging many vertices/linedefs/sectors in Classic modes.
Updated documentation ("Synchronizing camera position").
2016-04-29 21:38:43 +00:00
411368307f Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases translucency was ignored on inner top sides of translucent 3d floors.
Internal, Script Editor: moved some setup/auto-completion logic to separate classes.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_QuakeEx).
2016-04-28 14:02:24 +00:00
24439cd156 Fixed, Visual mode: 3d floor outer sides were not updated after toggling rendering effects off, then on.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (GetAngle function).
2016-04-27 10:10:57 +00:00
6b25086795 Internal: did some refactoring. 2016-04-27 09:13:07 +00:00
e03936a0d6 Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: in some cases Fade color was not applied to floor and ceiling surfaces of 3d floors.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases not all sidedef geometry was updated when updating sectors with Plane Align (181) action. Also fixed some more unnecessary geometry updates.
Fixed, Linedefs mode, Things mode: in some cases deleting linedefs/things caused a crash when trying to update text labels.
Fixed, Draw Lines mode: in some cases the drawing was prematurely finished when "Auto-finish drawing" option was enabled.
2016-04-22 13:28:23 +00:00
44496c32be Visual mode: fixed a crash when trying to render a thing after resetting D3D device. 2016-04-19 23:20:41 +00:00
3eb05509af Added, Visual mode: "Increase/Decrease Scale", "Reset Texture Offsets" and "Reset Local Texture Offsets" actions now work when used on 3d floor sides.
Fixed: CVARINFO parser was unable to parse negative int/float values.
Fixed: in some cases TextLabel text size was checked before it was calculated. 
Internal, Visual mode: reduced the number of unnecessary geometry updates when changing map geometry.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (atan2 and VectorAngle).
2016-04-19 20:40:42 +00:00
fd0e1c754a Visual mode: added support for DistanceCheck DECORATE property.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2016-04-13 10:07:46 +00:00
c3392f8399 Added, Visual mode: thing sprites are now angle-dependent. 2016-04-11 23:05:16 +00:00
a06f44ce19 Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases "Flood-fill textures" actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled. 2016-04-07 20:01:59 +00:00
ee12da96a1 Sectors, Linedefs, Things modes: optimized text label rendering.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
2016-04-05 22:24:36 +00:00
abfcd8e53b Added, Preferences -> Appearance: added "Anisotropic filtering" and "Edge Antialiasing" settings. Also regrouped some settings.
Added, "Check polyobjects" error check: added a check for matching Polyobject and Mirror Polyobject numbers of Polyobj_StartLine action.
Changed, Visual mode: anisotropic filtering is now always applied (previously it was applied only when bilinear filtering was enabled).
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases light values were incorrectly transferred between 3d floors and regular floors/ceilings.
Fixed, ACS parser: includes for each library must be stored separately (fixes inability to compile a script with an included library, which in turn includes files already included by the script).
2016-03-25 14:06:00 +00:00
cc9d118f5b Changed, Visual mode: adjusted fog density calculation to better match with GZDoom.
Fixed, Visual mode: alpha-based texture picking didn't work correctly on HiRes images.
Fixed, Visual mode: fog density was calculated incorrectly for things lit by dynamic lights.
Fixed, Edit Sector window, UDMF: "Fade" and "Light" color pickers initial values were incorrect when displaying mixed values.
Fixed, Edit Thing window, UDMF: "Color" color picker initial value was incorrect when displaying mixed values.
2016-03-23 21:26:26 +00:00
db9de0d349 Fixed: HiRes images should not be used on surfaces with long texture names.
Changed, Draw Lines and Draw Curve modes: "Auto-finish drawing" option now works regardless of "Continuous drawing" option (previously it worked only when the latter was enabled). 
Changed: position and size of the "Errors and Warnings" window is now stored while the editor is running.
Internal: rewritten parts of long texture names support code. It now involves much less special handling.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_QuakeEx, A_CheckBlock).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (QuakeEx).
Updated ZDoom ACC (QuakeEx).
2016-03-23 14:52:33 +00:00
dd26c3ded2 Internal: removed some duplicate casts, marked some classes is IDisposable, some streams were disposed more than once. 2016-03-18 12:52:12 +00:00
1703af1c82 Fixed: alpha-based texture picking wasn't implemented for 3d floor inner sides.
Game configurations: added 2 secret Sector_Set3dFloor flags. Shhh! Don't tell anybody!
2016-03-15 22:01:53 +00:00
23d2a27dec Added, Draw Ellipse mode: angle setting can now be changed using "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions.
Added, Draw Line and Draw Curve modes: added "Auto-finish drawing" setting. When enabled, the modes will automatically finish drawing when currently drawn lines and already existing level geometry form a closed shape.
Changed: sector-wise linedef flipping is now done using the new "Align Linedefs" action. "Flip Linedefs" action works the same as in DB2 again.
Changed: when a map was already loaded, using "Open Map" action will use that map's directory as the starting directory.
Changed: official IWADs can no longer be saved.
Changed: disabled lump ranges/duplicate entries checks for official IWADs.
Changed: wad type is now preserved when saving a map (previously all wads were saved as PWADs).
Changed: moved Updater.exe launch much closer to the editor termination point to avoid any chance of it closing the editor before it properly closes itself.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_Blast).
Updated documentation.
2016-03-14 10:25:27 +00:00
5fde78a2c9 Added, Tag Explorer plugin, UDMF: added multiple tags support.
Changed, cosmetic: elapsed time is now displayed after resources loading finishes.
Changed, internal: changed Clock.CurrentTime type to long.
Fixed, Tag Statistics window: in some cases the map view was not updated after selecting items in Sectors/Linedefs/Things columns. 
Fixed, cosmetic: Draw Curve mode icon was missing a shadow.
2016-03-14 00:01:21 +00:00
49525177e3 Cosmetic: changed ' to " in some more Error and Warning messages. 2016-03-08 20:41:06 +00:00
09b32eba42 Fixed, Visual mode: GLDEFS glow color was incorrectly interpolated on sidedefs.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases GLDEFS glow effect was not updated after changing floor/ceiling texture.
Fixed, Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse modes: in some cases pressing "Reset" button did not update the shape preview.
Fixed, DB2 bug: sector geometry was not updated after undoing "Flip Sidedefs" action.
2016-03-08 20:37:44 +00:00
bef6165ee8 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed a crash, which happened after these steps: delete things in Classic mode -> undo things deletion in Visual mode -> redo things deletion in Visual mode. 2016-02-24 14:36:46 +00:00
b29004880b Fixed, DB2 bug, Visual mode: in some cases (sidedef's sector ceiling lower than other side's sector floor) higher/lower sidedef picking was behaving incorrectly. 2016-02-23 07:39:34 +00:00
f228648b12 Fixed, Visual mode: sector geometry was not updated after changing sector brightness under a 3D floor. 2016-02-22 13:04:06 +00:00
74015b1ba0 Cosmetic: changed ' to " in the most of Error and Warning messages. 2016-02-22 08:04:06 +00:00
4666f54957 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed another case of sector effects over-updating each other. 2016-02-15 18:53:56 +00:00
6177c9cca9 Fixed, Texture Browser window: in some cases navigating the textures list using up/down arrows caused an exception.
Fixed, Map Analysis window: fixed an exception on copying warnings to clipboard when the clipboard was used by other application.
Fixed, TEXTURES parser: added special handling for "TNT1A0" sprite name so a texture with this sprite as a single patch is no longer treated as failed loading.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases (like line slopes used in several adjacent sectors) sector effect updates were triggered multiple times for the same sector, resulting in noticeable slowdowns and in some cases in infinite recursion.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
2016-02-15 14:06:46 +00:00
f9a7c22e03 Added, Visual mode: "Raise/Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent Sector" actions now take surrounding 3d floors into account.
Added, Visual mode: highlight/selection based on texture alpha now works on 3d floors.
Changed, Game configurations, TranslucentLine:208 action: renamed the second argument from "Translucency Amount" to "Opacity".
Internal, documentation: updated udmf_zdoom.txt.
2016-01-26 22:29:12 +00:00
2cbe6640a6 Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases ceiling glow effect was interfering with Transfer Brightness effect resulting in incorrectly lit sidedef geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: UDMF sidedef brightness should be ignored when a wall section is affected by Transfer Brightness effect.
Fixed, Visual mode: any custom fog should be rendered regardless of sector brightness. 
Fixed, Visual mode: "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" MAPINFO values were processed incorrectly.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Things were rendered twice during a render pass.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor glow effect should affect thing brightness only when applied to floor of the sector thing is in.
Fixed, TEXTURES parser: TEXTURES group was named incorrectly in the Textures Browser window when parsed from a WAD file.
Fixed, MAPINFO, GLDEFS, DECORATE parsers: "//$GZDB_SKIP" special comment was processed incorrectly.
Fixed, MAPINFO parser: "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" properties are now initialized using GZDoom default value (255) instead of 0.
2016-01-25 13:42:53 +00:00
0258cf10e2 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed inability to drag auto-selected sidedef parts using mouse when "Synchronize selection between Visual and Classic modes" setting was enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: fixed incorrect auto-selected sidedefs texture offset clamping when "Synchronize selection between Visual and Classic modes" setting was enabled.
2016-01-16 12:46:44 +00:00
998ec3bccc Added "Sector Floor Flat" and "Sector Ceiling Flat" Find and Replace modes.
Updated skybox model to better match GZDoom's skybox. Also the sky texture was flipped horizontally.
Fixed, Visual mode: "Select with the same texture" action is now able to select sidedef parts only visible because of slopes.
Fixed, Visual mode: skybox texture was not updated after using "Open map in current wad" action.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Visual camera was placed below sector's floor when "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D modes" setting was enabled.
Fixed: numeric thing flags with inverted UDMF flag defined in "thingflagstranslation" Game configuration block were lost when copy-pasting a thing.
Fixed, command line arguments: fixed a crash when loading a map from a wad with existing .dbs file.
2016-01-15 18:20:47 +00:00
ada38c4454 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed D3DERR_INVALIDCALL error caused by a bug in classic skybox texture creation.
Fixed, Visual mode: aspect ratio was not updated when render area was resized.
Fixed, Visual mode: vertex handles were disappearing after using Reload Resources (F8) action.
Changed, internal: removed most of the fixed pipeline rendering code. The editor can no longer be used on a video card without Shader Model 2.0 support.
2016-01-14 22:15:54 +00:00
f0643cbd04 Updated, Visual mode: classic skies are now rendered much closer to the way GZDoom renders them.
Fixed, Visual mode: "Select with the same texture" action should not select invisible geometry (like sidedef parts hidden by slopes).
Changed, Sector drawing: default sector height is now used when the nearest sector's height is <= 0.
2016-01-14 11:39:52 +00:00
a4699e156d Fixed, Visual mode: "render as sky" flag was not updated for upper wall geometry when pasting textures (and in some other cases). 2016-01-12 22:56:19 +00:00
37feaa5de1 Added, Visual mode: sky rendering. Currently classic skies and GLDEFS Skyboxes are supported.
Added "Toggle sky rendering" action and toolbar button.
Added, MAPINFO parser: the editor now recognizes map number from classic map definition format. Hexen MAPINFO is now properly parsed.
Added, MAPINFO support: if current map definition contains map name as a text string, it will be shown in the editor's header.
Changed: "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" now toggles between "Don't show dynamic lights" and "Show dynamic lights" when used in Classic modes. 
Changed, Things mode: lowered the opacity of dynamic light radii.
Changed, (G)ZDoom text parsers: empty include files now trigger a warning instead of an error and no longer abort parsing.
Fixed, Game configurations: moved Stalagmite:5050 thing to Doom block (so the editor no longer tries to load it for non-Doom game configurations).
Fixed(?), Visual mode: probably fixed a hard-to-trigger exception when sorting translucent geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor glow effect was incorrectly applied to walls (was broken in R2452).
Internal: restructured most of MAPINFO and GLDEFS parsers. Should be more maintainable now.  
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Updated zdbsp to 1.19.
Updated documentation.
2016-01-11 13:00:52 +00:00
3a35b7603a Fixed, Map Analysis mode, "Check stuck things" check: rewritten parts of the flags checking logic to allow more accurate flag checks.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: fixed a crash when trying to dissolve an invalid sector when one of it's linedefs referenced it on the both sides.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed incorrect undo description when deleting sectors.
Internal: joined declaration and assignment of some more variables.
2015-12-28 15:01:53 +00:00
dc3d4064a1 Fixed, Visual mode: GLDEFS glow effects should not affect 3d floor brightness.
Updated ZDoom ACC and ZDoom_ACS.cfg (added GetInventoryMax()).
2015-12-24 11:59:37 +00:00
e44b918b52 Changed, "Select Similar", "Paste Properties Special" actions properties windows, Linedefs: removed "Sidedef Properties" from Linedef flags tab.
Fixed several issues with "Synchronized Things Selection" setting:
- Things were not deselected after dragging a single sector.
- Things were not deselected after editing properties of a single sector.
- Things sector references were not updated after using "Join Sectors" and "Merge Sectors" actions.
- Things (de)selection is now applied to all things, instead of only the ones visible using current Things Filter.
2015-12-13 19:18:09 +00:00
2ea51d237b Cosmetic, actions: renamed "Lower Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" to "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing by 8 mp", "Raise Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" to "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing by 8 mp", "Lower Floor/Ceiling by 1 mp" to "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing by 1 mp", "Raise Floor/Ceiling by 1 mp" to "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing by 1 mp", "Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" to "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing", "Raise Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" to "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing".
Updated, Visual mode, "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" / "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" actions: sectors across targeted sectors are now taken into account when determining target height.
Updated, Visual mode, "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" / "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing to adjacent Sector/Thing" actions: the actions can now stack things on top of other things when their bounding boxes intersect. 
Internal: cosmetic changes to shader update logic.
Internal: thing bounding box is now used when adding a thing to VisualBlockMap.
2015-12-10 14:34:34 +00:00
dd869a2324 Fixed, Visual mode: "Same texture" check for "Select" action is now case-insensitive. 2015-12-09 19:55:30 +00:00
fd9b86281f Fixed, Visual mode: fixed a crash when showing Edit Vertex window when several selected vertices belonged to the same sector. 2015-12-09 19:10:46 +00:00
db48ce4be8 Added, Visual mode: fog boundaries are now rendered.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases fog density of 3d floor floors/ceilings was calculated incorrectly.
2015-12-04 12:29:22 +00:00
e4d2019d82 Fixed, Visual mode, "Auto-align textures" actions, UDMF: vertical offsets of non-wrapped middle textures should not be clamped.
Fixed, Visual mode: brightness of 3d floors with "disable lighting" flag was calculated incorrectly.
Fixed, Sectors mode: 3d floor linedef indicators were not updated after using "Join Sectors" and "Merge Sectors" actions.
2015-12-02 13:55:15 +00:00
e1f7bd9611 Added, Visual mode: "Translucent" / "Additive" renderstyles support for models.
Fixed, Visual mode, fog rendering: things with Bright setting should still be affected by custom fade.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-12-01 14:51:45 +00:00
6d0823b943 Fixed, ACS parser: fixed a crash when trying to load zero-length acs lump/file.
Fixed, Visual mode: fixed incorrect GLDEFS glow brightness calculation for Things.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-11-28 20:59:32 +00:00
295c9bc35c Fixed, ACC compiler: in some cases ACC errors were ignored.
Fixed, Script Editor, cosmetic: we should not show error line number when we don't have one.
ZDoom acc.exe: several error types now output more detailed info.
Fixed, Visual mode: UDMF thing alpha property was applied only when UDMF renderstyle property was also set (should also be applied when renderstyle property is set in the DECORATE actor definition).
Game configurations, ZDoom family: Pistol and Gold Wand actors now use internal sprites.
Updated ZDoom ACC and ZDoom_ACS.cfg (PickActor flags).
2015-11-24 10:46:49 +00:00
098e9724d9 Visual mode: rewritten most of the 3d floor clipping and light/color assignment logic. As a result, 3d floors should look much closer to what's seen in GZDoom.
Fixed, Visual mode: glow effect was not updated when changing sector textures using the "Select Texture" action.
Browse Textures/Flats window: when textures list is focused, you can now start typing to change the Filter.
2015-11-20 14:31:54 +00:00
b7ebde6b7e Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: incorrect texture name was copied when using "Copy Texture" action when copying a texture stored in a folder resource when "Use long texture names" settings was enabled. 2015-11-17 17:50:56 +00:00
f452fca58c Fixed, Script Editor: in some cases includes list was not updated before trying to compile the script leading to compilation failure.
Changed, ACC compiler: when building includes list, the compiler no longer tries to find/copy include files defined in current script configuration (previously it was hardcoded to skip "zcommon.acs" and "common.acs" only).
Fixed, Visual mode: things with Additive RenderStyle were rendered as additive only when their alpha was less than 1.0.
2015-11-13 21:42:41 +00:00
afbcac3091 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed a crash when trying to render a Thing with translucent or additive renderstyle outside of any sector.
Fixed, Classic modes: 3d floor linedef indicators shown in Classic modes were not updated after finishing sector drawing.
Updated ZDoom ACC to git rev. f92fbb9.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
2015-11-09 12:20:08 +00:00
ff40bdc588 Fixed, Visual mode: fixed a crash when undoing 3d floor creation.
Fixed: 3d floor linedef indicators shown in Classic modes were not updated when 3d floor creation was undone in Visual mode.
Performance optimization when selecting sectors in Sectors mode with "Synchronized Things selection" setting enabled.
2015-11-08 20:20:46 +00:00
17ac1c6db5 Sectors/Linedefs modes: removed "Select Things in Selected Sectors" action.
Sectors mode: removed "Move Things in Selected Sectors" toolbar button.
Sectors mode: added "Synchronized Things Editing" menu item, action and toolbar button. When enabled, things dragging will be synchronized to sector dragging. Regular, Paint and Rectangular selection will also select things (holding Alt while selecting inverts this behavior). Deleting sectors will also delete selected things.
Linedefs mode: added "Synchronized Things Editing" menu item, action and toolbar button. When enabled, selected things will be dragged when dragging linedefs. Rectangular selection will also select things (holding Alt while selecting inverts this behavior).
Changed: selection info now always displays info about all types of map elements.
Fixed: .dbs containing only current map settings was created when trying to save unchanged map. 
Fixed, Visual mode, "Copy Texture" action: when "Use long texture names" option is disabled, texture name as stored in Sidedef should be used, not the 8-char texture name.
Updated documentation.
2015-11-03 08:54:56 +00:00
a182a5098d Game Configurations: added Vanilla Strife, Vanilla Heretic and Vanilla Hexen game configurations.
Added "makedoorceil" game configuration property. Works the same way as "makedoortrack" and "makedoordoor", but for ceilings of door sectors. 
Changed, Game configurations: the editor no longer tries to load DECORATE/MODELDEF/VOXELDEF/GLDEFS/REVERBS lumps when "decorategames" setting is not specified / is set to empty string.
Changed, General interface: "Tools -> Reload MODELDEF/VOXELDEF" and "Tools -> Reload GLDEFS" menu items are no longer shown when current game configuration doesn't support DECORATE. 
Fixed a crash when pasting linedef/thing properties in Hexen map format.
Fixed, Visual mode: Visual Thing resources were not fully unloaded when resetting D3D device leading to crash when switching to the editor from a DX-using game engine (like ZDoom) running in fullscreen.
Fixed: in some cases, when current game configuration supported multiple script compilers, it was possible to open/create a map or change map options without selecting any script compiler.
Fixed, New Map Options window: default map name was not updated when switching game configurations.
Fixed: copied map element properties were not reset after switching to another map.
Fixed: stored textures for "Make Door" action were not reset after switching to another map.
Fixed, Game Configurations window: currently selected test engine name was not updated when pasting test engines from another configuration. 
Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Heretic in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list.
Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Strife in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list.
2015-10-21 13:35:42 +00:00
7febb2434f Fixed, Visual mode: horizontal sprite offset was applied incorrectly.
DECORATE: added "$obsolete" special comment. When present, it marks the thing as obsolete. It will be detected by "Check obsolete thing" Map Analysis Mode check and will be marked in the Thing Properties Window and the Thing Info panel.
Map Analysis mode: added "Check obsolete things" check.
Updated documentation ("DECORATE keys" page).
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-10-15 15:16:31 +00:00
77d2a15f7f Changed: when entering Visual mode, the camera is no longer positioned at "Visual Mode camera" thing when "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D mode" setting is enabled.
Changed: Visplane Explorer plugin is now initialized only in Doom/Hexen map formats.
Fixed, Visual mode: thing cages were not rendered when things didn't have a sprite.
Fixed, Internal, DB2 bug: Plug.Dispose() was never called.
2015-10-09 21:57:32 +00:00
13c3155db5 Removed "Paste Properties Options" action.
Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action.
Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them.
Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed.
Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available.
Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives.
Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection.
Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode.
Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time.
Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. 
Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled.
Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category.
Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll.
Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format.
Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. 
Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). 
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock).
Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
283c6c2272 Visual mode: noticeable performance boost (rendering now works ~40% faster).
Visual mode: fog distance calculation is now much closer to GZDoom one.
Visual mode: thing brightness calculation when a thing is affected by floor glow is now much closer to GZDoom one.
Linedef edit window, UDMF: added "Reset front/back brightness" buttons.
Sector edit window, UDMF: added "Reset ceiling/floor brightness" buttons.
Internal, Visual mode, Things mode: persistent event lines are now updated only when map objects are changed instead of doing it on every display redraw.
Internal: improved Dictionary lookup times when using map objects and textures as keys.
Internal: added "Release + Profiler" solution configuration.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (Warp).
2015-10-02 14:47:34 +00:00
07b4a7a9cd Added, Visual mode, DECORATE: "Alpha" and "DefaultAlpha" properties are now supported.
Added, Visual mode, DECORATE: "RenderStyle" property is now partially supported.
Added, Visual mode, DECORATE: +BRIGHT flag is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "Alpha" thing property is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "RenderStyle" thing property is now partially supported.
Added, Visual mode, Hexen map format and UDMF: "Translucent" and "Invisible" thing flags are now supported.
Added, Game Configurations: added "alpha" and "renderstyle" Thing and Thing Category properties.
Fixed, Visual mode: blockmap was not updated when moving things using "Move Thing Left/Right/Forward/Backward" and "Move Thing to Cursor Location" actions.
DECORATE parser: added a warning when unable to find actor's parent class.
Internal: current map format can now be checked using "General.Map.UDMF", "General.Map.HEXEN" and "General.Map.DOOM" properties.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Things Settings" page).
2015-09-28 14:57:48 +00:00
f729c811f5 Added, Visual mode: translucent/additive geometry is now rendered properly.
Fixed: "Open map in current wad" action was accidentally broken in R2403.
2015-09-27 21:09:14 +00:00
c3800fcf9c Fixed, Visual mode, Auto-align actions: incorrect texture was used when clamping texture offsets of 3D floor sides.
Fixed, Numeric textbox: incorrect character was treated as decimal separator character was used when using certain Windows regional settings.
Changed, Edit Things window: when applicable, the "Filter" textbox is now focused when opening the window.
Changed, Sector Effects browser window: when applicable, the "Filter" textbox is now focused when opening the window.
Changed, Edit Things window: when the "Filter" textbox is focused, pressing the "Down" key will now switch focus to the Things list.
Changed, Sector Effects Browser window: when the "Filter" textbox is focused, pressing the "Down" key will now switch focus to the Effects list.
Changed, Linedef Action Browser window: when the "Filter" textbox is focused, pressing the "Down" key will now switch focus to the Actions list.
Configurations, Doom map format thing flags: changed "Multiplayer" flag name to "Multiplayer only".
2015-09-23 11:04:12 +00:00
25b3bf2287 Added, Texture Browser: added "Show textures in subdirectories" checkbox (enabled by default). When enabled, textures from current PK3/PK7/Directory resource directory and it's subdirectories will be shown. Otherwise, only textures from current directory will be shown.
Removed, Texture Browser: removed "Show image sizes" checkbox. "Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" preferences setting is now used instead.
Fixed, Things mode: event line between pre-last and the last PatrolPoint was not drawn.
Fixed, Things mode: highlight range for sizeless things (things with "fixedsize" game configuration property) was calculated incorrectly.
Fixed: fixed a crash when opening Script Editor after using "Open map in current wad" command to switch to UDMF map with SCRIPTS lump when current script configuration was not saved in the wad's .dbs file.
Fixed: map closing events were not triggered when using "Open map in current wad" command, which could potentially result in plugin crashes/incorrect behavior.
Fixed: Sector Drawing overrides panel could trigger an exception when closing the map during resource loading.
Internal: added "Debug + Profiler" solution configuration, added 2 profiling methods to DebugConsole.
Internal: rewrote MainForm.DisplayStatus() / StatusInfo to handle selection info in a more structured way.
Fixed, internal: some destructors could potentially be executed more than once potentially leading to exceptions. Other destructors were not called at all.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-09-16 12:10:43 +00:00
b0d6867459 Fixed, "Synchronize selection between Visual and Classic modes" setting: vertex selection synchronization was not working when switching from Visual to Classic mode. Also fixed a typo in the setting's name.
Fixed, StairSectorBuilder mode: settings form still used "Cancel OK" button order.
2015-09-10 17:38:27 +00:00
008846539b Added: Auto-updater window now has "Ignore this revision" checkbox. If enabled, the window will show up only if a newer update is available.
Fixed, Edit Selection mode: sector highlight was not updated when switching from Edit Selection to Sectors mode.
Fixed, Edit Selection mode, UDMF: in some cases texture scale Y was flipped when applying/canceling changes made in the mode.
Probably fixed a crash caused by uninitialized Association when highlighting map elements.
Fixed, Comments Panel plugin: selection info was not updated when selecting map elements in the side panel.
Fixed, Tag Explorer plugin: selection info was not updated when selecting map elements in the side panel.
Fixed a typo in Hexen_things.cfg.
2015-09-04 12:44:09 +00:00
dc29b59fe8 Fixed, Visual mode: double-sided middle texture highlighting transparency check didn't take TEXTURES scaling into account.
Fixed, long texture names: textures located in a directory/pk3/pk7 root can't have long texture names.
Fixed, texture selector controls, long texture names: both long and short texture names should be added to texture name auto-completion list. 
Changed: "Grid Increase" and "Grid Decrease" actions can now be bound to mouse wheel.
2015-09-01 19:44:03 +00:00
c407c8c351 Fixed, DB2 bug: side panel's tabs were drawn incorrectly when panel's height was lower than cumulative tabs height.
Visual mode, GLOOME: wall/floor/ceiling sprites are now rendered closer to the way it's done in GLOOME.
Sectors mode, UDMF: some cosmetic tweaks to comment icons rendering.
Classic modes: linedef rendering is now skipped when it's visible length is very short.
General interface: fixed a possible crash when clicking on the warnings count label when it was updated from the background thread.
2015-08-31 22:06:44 +00:00
ee719bd943 Fixed, Visual mode: texture coordinate generated to test if double-sided middle texture is transparent was shifted 1 pixel up.
Fixed, Visual mode: offsets of GLDEFS lights were not affected by thing's angle.
Updated SharpCompress (0.10.3 -> 0.11.1).
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-08-28 19:22:28 +00:00
deb65258ae Added, Visual mode, GLDEFS, GLOOME: subtractive glow is now supported.
Changed, Visual mode: changed thing fog calculation logic. Should be closer to GZDoom now.
Fixed, GLDEFS parser: "height" texture parameter was not treated as optional.
Fixed, text lump parsers: in some cases incorrect line number was displayed in error and warning messages.
Fixed, Visual mode: glow effect was not applied to sectors with 3 sidedefs.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases glow effect was not updated when replacing textures. 
Fixed, general interface: "Full Brightness" button state was not updated during map loading.
Fixed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: positions of line length labels were not updated while panning the view.
Cosmetic: added a bunch of new icons.
Cosmetic: changed Visual mode crosshair.
2015-08-27 20:46:49 +00:00
c7696b0464 Fixed, Draw Lines/Rectangle/Circle/Curve modes: line length labels displayed incorrect length.
Changed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: line length labels are now displayed the same way as in Draw modes.
Changed, Drag Linedefs/Vertices/Sectors/Things modes: "lock movement to cardinal directions" mode (Alt-Shift-Drag) now locks movement in 4 directions instead of 8 and doesn't snap map elements to nearest grid intersections when they are not aligned to it. 
Added, Visual mode, GZDoom, DECORATE: FORCEXYBILLBOARD flag is now supported.
Added, Visual mode, GLOOME, DECORATE: FLOORSPRITE, CEILSPRITE, WALLSPRITE, ROLLSPRITE and STICKTOPLANE flags are now supported (implementation is somewhat broken ATM and probably doesn't work the same way as in GLOOME, because Windows build with most these features is nowhere to be found...).
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Thing brightness was calculated incorrectly.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-08-25 22:05:14 +00:00
b3ab923487 UDMF: most of the code now supports multiple sector/linedef tags ('moreids' UDMF property). The only things left out are Tag Explorer and Tag Range plugins. 2015-07-28 15:04:21 +00:00
cff3489791 Fixed, Classic modes, Visual mode, UDMF: the last argument of Sector_Set3dFloor (160) action must be ignored in UDMF. 2015-07-26 23:35:34 +00:00
c6f9146b8b Fixed, DECORATE parser: enums were not handled properly.
General interface: selection info is now always displayed.
Visual mode: you can now hold Alt-Shift or Ctrl-Alt while selecting sidedefs to stop selecting connected sidedefs when already (un)selected sidedef is encountered.
Added, Numeric Textbox: you can now use "+++" and "---" prefixes to incrementally increase or decrease result values by given value.
Fixed, Numeric Textbox: fixed a potential divide by zero exception when using "/" prefix in numeric textboxes with decimal input enabled.
Fixed, Thing Info panel: relative z position of things with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag was incorrect.
Changed: Update checker now displays messages using MessageBoxes when called manually.
Map Analysis: changed result descriptions for Unknown Texture and Missing Texture checks.
Doom map format: renamed "Secret" linedef flag to "Shown as 1-sided on automap".
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_RadiusGive stuff).
2015-07-26 23:18:13 +00:00
1118fd6b98 Changed: "Show Comments" option should also control whether comment tooltips are displayed.
Added some boilerplate to CommentsDocker.
Internal: converted a bunch of if-elses to switches.
2015-07-15 09:09:47 +00:00
e451d38986 Fixed, Visual mode, "Auto-align textures" actions: auto alignment was applied incorrectly to middle parts of doublesided lines.
Fixed, Visual mode, "Auto-align textures" actions: in some cases generated texture offsets were not rounded to map format decimal number precision.
2015-06-22 09:17:40 +00:00
bb95af2207 Fixed, Visual mode, since r2336: in some cases local vertical texture offset was calculated incorrectly when checking sidedef's texture alpha. 2015-06-15 13:16:09 +00:00
78eeb2ee03 Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: in some cases texture offsets were changed incorrectly while dragging sidedefs with negative texture scale. 2015-06-15 10:51:36 +00:00
c500edaf8d Changed, Visual mode: texture alpha is now tested when highlighting doublesided linedefs.
Changed, Linedef Edit window, Visual mode, UDMF: when "Edit windows remember selected tabs" setting is enabled and Front or Back tab was previously selected, the tab, which corresponds to the highlighted side will be selected.
2015-06-15 09:50:22 +00:00
4034bd4c0c Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases info lines for polyobject setup things were not shown.
Fixed, Visual mode: z position of info lines for polyobject setup things was calculated incorrectly.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-06-03 13:20:06 +00:00
1843ffc5a7 DECORATE: added "//$ArgNDefault" special comment. It can be used to specify the default argument value.
Visual mode, 3d floors: sloped 3d floors are now always rendered as opaque (just like in GZDoom).
Fixed a crash when creating a new unknown thing (introduced in r2324).
Documentation: updated "Action Argument Settings" and "DECORATE keys" pages.
2015-05-31 21:11:21 +00:00
35cd4068ff Game Configurations: added "Thing Radius" (23) and "Thing Height" (24) action argument types. When non-zero, arguments of these types will affect the size of associated thing in Classic and Visual modes.
Game Configurations: updated things in ZDoom "Bridges" category to use argument types 23 and 24.
Documentation: added "Action Argument Settings" page, updated "Basic Settings", "Map Format Settings", "Linedefs Settings" and "Things Settings" pages in Configurations -> Game Configurations group.
Documentation: updated "DECORATE keys" page.
2015-05-30 10:26:16 +00:00
118551c70d Fixed(?), PK3: SharpCompress doesn't like it when several threads try to read PK3 archive entries at the same time.
Fixed, Visual mode, 3d floors: floor and ceiling alpha calculation was broken.
2015-05-28 10:04:42 +00:00
bb8cd761d5 Internal: fixed a typo in VisualMiddle3D.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg and ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-05-27 15:25:20 +00:00
1b9f94f3f7 More code sanity changes (constructors of abstract classes should not be public or internal). 2015-05-27 12:38:03 +00:00
2dff39b8bc Changed, Visual mode, Auto-align textures actions, UDMF: aligned texture coordinates are no longer rounded to integer values.
Changed, Things, Sectors, Linedefs, Vertices modes: we shouldn't select highlighted map element during the copy action when no map elements are selected.
Internal: removed some debug stuff from CheckTextureAlignment and ResultTexturesMisaligned.
2015-04-16 13:03:12 +00:00
84b2fee819 Changed, Thing Edit Form: floor slopes are now taken into account when changing thing's absolute Z position (currently, only slopes, created using sector planes, vertex height offsets and "Plane_Align" (181) action are supported).
Changed, Thing Info panel: floor slopes are now taken into account when showing thing's Z position (same plane type limitations as above).
Changed, Thing Info panel: thing position is now shown as "X, Y, Z (abs. Z)".
2015-04-15 12:49:28 +00:00
76559ae881 Added GZDoom's glowing flats ( support to Classic and Visual modes.
MAPINFO: added "DoomEdNum" and "SpawnNums" blocks support.
MAPINFO: added "#include" directive support.
MAPINFO: added "$gzdb_skip" special comment support.
DECORATE: "spawnthing" Game Configuration block is now updated using "SpawnID" actor property.
Game configurations: added "class" property to the most of ZDoom things.
Actions: removed "Reload MAPINFO" action.
Documentation: merged "GLDEFS and MODELDEF support", "(Z)MAPINFO support" and "TEXTURES support" topics into "(G)ZDoom text lumps support", added info about the other text lumps GZDB can use.
2015-04-14 11:33:57 +00:00
5fe89efc7c Visual mode: added support for "Transfer Brightness Level" (50) effect type parameter (arg 1).
Visual mode: added support for "Transfer Floor Brightness" (210) effect.
Visual mode: added support for "Transfer Ceiling Brightness" (211) effect.
Visual mode: changed the way thing brightness is calculated. Should be closer to GZDoom now.
Sector Edit Form: you can now enter "++" or "--" into "Height Offset" input to raise or lower sectors by their height.
Cosmetic fix in ZDoom_linedefs.cfg.
2015-04-01 12:51:26 +00:00
a58f35227e Added, Visual mode, UDMF: added "Change Pitch Clockwise", "Change Pitch Counterclockwise", "Change Roll Clockwise" and "Change Roll Counterclockwise" actions.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: added "Increase Scale" and "Decrease Scale" actions.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Texture Offsets" action now resets scale when used on things.
Added, Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Local Texture Offsets" action now resets scale, pitch and roll when used on things.
Changed, Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Texture Offsets" action now only resets texture offsets (previously it also reset texture scale).
Changed, Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Local Texture Offsets" action now resets texture offsets, scale and brightness of sidedefs and also rotation of floors/ceilings.
Changed, Visual mode, UDMF: thing box arrow now displays pitch and roll for things, which have attached model and appropriate MODELDEF flags.
Changed, Thing Edit Form, UDMF: negative pitch and roll can now be entered.
Updated documentation.
2015-03-30 21:44:04 +00:00
fd52810312 Fixed, Visual mode: hitbox height of vertex handles was 2x higher than it's supposed to be. 2015-03-27 13:18:54 +00:00
8af084187e Fixed, Models, Classic and Visual mode: MODELDEF scale and rotation transforms were applied in incorrect order.
Changed, Visual mode: things with "NOINTERACTION" DECORATE flag can now be rendered above ceiling / below floor.
2015-03-26 21:31:46 +00:00
1b1546ae6a Fixed(?), Texture Browser: possibly fixed Texture Browser not showing up / locking edit forms when current map has a ton of textures (like 2000 or more) in a single texture group.
Changed, cosmetic, Sector Info panel, Visual mode: info about currently highlighted surface is now shown using different color.
Changed, cosmetic, Linedef Info panel, Visual mode, non-UDMF: texture offset labels for currently highlighted sidedef are now shown using different color.
Changed, cosmetic, Vertex Info panel, UDMF: floor and ceiling offset labels are now grayed out when they have default values.
2015-03-23 22:39:31 +00:00
fa4dd4e399 Added, Thing Edit form: thing class is now displayed.
Added, Game configurations: added "thingclasshelp" property. It's used to open a website when thing class name is clicked in the Thing Edit form.
Changed, "Raise/Lower sector to nearest" action: 3d floors are now taken into account when using the action on things.
Updated documentation.
2015-03-17 12:28:42 +00:00
bb68e1fe43 Fixed, Fit Textures action: fixed a crash when trying to use the action on a 3d floor side.
Added, Fit Textures action: the action now takes 3d floor's control side texture offsets into account when used on 3d floor sides.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
2015-03-10 18:49:29 +00:00
1ff2a2cb81 Fixed, Dockers Control: fixed incorrect control width when showing control for the first time with "Collapse Dockers" setting enabled.
Internal: MapSet.ConvertSelection no longer selects sectors with no sidedefs when converting selection to sectors (unless those sectors were already selected).
2015-03-09 09:17:46 +00:00
8357a96ac8 Fixed, Visual mode: internal texture name was copied when using "Copy Texture" action on a missing texture (why would you need to copy a missing texture?..). 2015-03-03 18:32:59 +00:00
52ab917179 Visual Mode, UDMF: Change texture scale actions now try to change scale by one texture/sprite pixel at a time. Action info now also shows scaled texture/sprite size.
Info panels: float values are now formatted regardless of current CultureInfo (e.g. decimal separator is now always dot). Also, they are no longer clamped to 2 decimal places.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
2015-03-03 09:42:54 +00:00
02b902e20c Fixed, Visual mode: ExtraFloor_LightOnly effect transferred brightness incorrectly (I broke this in r2236).
Changed, Visual mode: floors and ceilings with sky texture are now always rendered at full brightness.
2015-02-26 14:42:58 +00:00
5f37b315d4 Visual mode: Sector_Set3dFloor and ExtraFloor_LightOnly effects now affect sidedef brightness more similarly to GZDoom.
Visual mode, Linedef info panel: info for currently highlighted side is now shown using a different color.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
2015-02-25 19:59:17 +00:00
c07df8f596 Changed, Thing and Linedef Edit Forms, script selector drop-downs: scripts from include files are now shown using different color and after the map scripts.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: sector geometry cache was not updated after using "Match Brightness" and "Change Brightness" actions on ceilings, so the changes made by them were not visible when using Classic modes in "View Ceiling Textures" mode.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: "Match Brightness" and "Change Brightness" actions set brightness incorrectly in some cases.
Fixed: ACS script names gathering logic was unable to process relative #include and #import paths (like '#import "..\acs\qtilt.acs"').
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-02-24 13:38:35 +00:00
0ea022fa4e Fixed, Visual mode: "Paste Texture Flood-Fill" action used long texture names regardless of current setting in Map Options.
Internal: "uselongtexturenames" setting is now stored in map settings file, not in the program configuration file.
Fixed, Color Picker plugin: in some cases mouse movement was processed incorrectly.
Fixed, Color Picker plugin: float color value output was culture settings-dependant.
2015-02-19 13:00:19 +00:00
133e1367d8 Sector drawing: basic properties (textures, brightness, floor and ceiling height) are now taken from the nearest sector when a new isolated sector (e.g. a sector, which doesn't not intersect with already existing map geometry and is not inside of it) is drawn.
Visual mode: when "Synch camera position" setting is enabled, and the cursor was outside of a sector when entering Visual mode, camera height is now adjusted based on nearest sector (previously the height was adjusted only when the cursor was inside of a sector).  
"Auto-align textures X", "Auto-align textures X and Y" actions, UDMF: alignment source sidedef part's horizontal scale is now applied to all aligned sidedefs.
Visual mode, UDMF: 'lightfog' flag is now automatically updated when changing sidedef brightness or using "Match Brightness" action. 
Linedefs mode: added "Update 'lightfog' flag" menu item.
Game configurations: cosmetic changes in UDMF linedef flag names.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2015-02-12 22:04:49 +00:00
3d3905e31c Fixed, Visual mode: sector effects should be updated when deleting textures.
Fixed, Visual mode, 3D floors: in some cases 3d floor flags were handled differently than in GZDoom.
2015-02-07 17:52:39 +00:00
cde97f2cfe Fixed, Edit Selection: in some cases thing angles were updated incorrectly when things with "FixedRotation" game configuration property were among selected things.
Fixed, Visual mode: floor brightness was calculated incorrectly when "Disable Light Effects"/"Restrict light inside" 3d floor flags were used and the floor had "lightfloor" property.
Fixed: "lightabsolute" flag was accessed incorrectly in previous commit.
2015-02-06 21:03:20 +00:00
54fccb73e7 Fixed, Scale control (UDMF): in some cases default values were shown when displaying mixed values.
Fixed, long texture names support: in some cases long texture names were not processed correctly when pasting map geometry.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases combined sidedef brightness was calculated incorrectly. Also, MAPINFO FadeColor and OutsideFogColor properties are now taken into account.
Hexen_linedefs.cfg: "Door Raise" and "Door Locked Raise" used incorrect enums for "Close Delay".
2015-02-06 09:01:33 +00:00
d641c1160c Visual mode, "Raise Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector", "Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector": things with "absolutez" flag should be handled differently. 2015-01-30 19:24:06 +00:00
666b3486e9 Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases "Raise Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" was not working properly when used on things. 2015-01-30 14:16:47 +00:00
e687642cca Fixed, Visual mode: a case when thing's height was bigger than distance between floor and ceiling's planes is now handled the same way as in ZDoom. 2015-01-30 08:10:49 +00:00
9dc3a7bac3 Fixed, Visual mode: when thing's position is not absolute, it should always be positioned between floor and ceiling planes. 2015-01-30 07:58:09 +00:00
2a1cd2c7ae Sound Environment mode: you can now add sound environment things using "Insert Thing" or "Edit Selection" actions (just like you add things in Things mode).
Sound Environment mode: you can now delete currently highlighted sound environment thing by using "Delete" action.
Sound Environment mode: the sidebar panel icons now have the same colors as corresponding sound environments.
Fixed, Sound Environment mode: in some cases several sidebar panel items were highlighted at once (I broke this in r2201).
Fixed, Fit Textures action: lower linedef parts were aligned incorrectly.
Changed, Fit Textures Options form: "Fit across multiple surfaces" checkbox is now disabled when the action is applied to a single surface.
2015-01-29 21:41:16 +00:00
4b01f8e9fb Visual mode, UDMF: renamed "Scale Texture Up/Down (X/Y)" actions to "Increase/Decrease Horizontal/Vertical Scale". These actions can now be used on things. 2015-01-27 14:29:23 +00:00
844ad7db79 Fixed, Texture previews: texture size labels were displaying incorrect size or no size at all when showing TEXTURES textures with negative scale.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: when several wall parts were selected, only one could be dragged with the mouse.
Fixed, Visual mode, Auto-align textures, UDMF: TEXTURES scale is now taken into account when aligning textures.
Fixed, Visual mode, Auto-align textures (Y), UDMF: nearest height matching is now applied to non-wrapped middle backsides.
Cosmetic changes in ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
2015-01-27 11:40:25 +00:00
3676bd1a9b Visual mode: "Auto-align textures" actions now align mixed textures when used on a selection (helpful if you want to align several different textures, which can tile into each other).
Cosmetic: errors and warnings are now cleared when reloading resources.
2015-01-20 07:58:47 +00:00
cc4a599506 Visual mode, "Raise/Lower Sector to Nearest" actions: both floor and ceiling heights of adjacent sectors are now taken into account. 2015-01-15 21:51:38 +00:00
90d475ecac Fixed, Visual mode, "Move Texture Up/Down/Left/Right" actions: sidedef textures were moved several units at once when several sidedef parts were selected in Doom and Hexen map formats. 2015-01-07 22:14:28 +00:00
2cff348dbb Fixed, Visual Mode: untextured middle parts of double-sided linedefs were selected when Shift-selecting a sidedef part with missing texture ("-"). 2015-01-07 21:20:55 +00:00
4a1f8319c9 Fit Textures action: texture repeats can now be negative.
Fixed, Fit Textures action: vertical texture offset of a middle part of double-sided linedef with "Lower unpegged" flag was calculated incorrectly.
Fixed, Fit Textures action: texture offsets were calculated incorrectly when using the action on several groups of connected walls at once with "Fit across connected surfaces" enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: middle parts of double-sided linedefs were not rendered when ScaleY was negative.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
2014-12-23 12:32:08 +00:00
deb43343bb Visual mode: "Fit Textures" action can now fit textures across multiple selected surfaces. A number of times to repeat a texture can now be specified.
Visual mode: removed "Fit Texture's Width" and "Fit Texture's Height" actions.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions were incorrectly aligning double-sided middle walls in some cases.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions now align non-wrapped double-sided middle walls to vertical offset closest to their initial vertical offset.
Visual mode: middle parts of double-sided walls were ignored when Shift-selecting walls.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: GL nodes definitions were missing from game configurations.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: "~MAP" wildcard can now be a part of a lump name. 
Nodebuilders: GL nodes were not properly handled by the editor.
Main Window: the window is now moved into the view when stored position is ouside of screen bounds. 
Classic and Visual modes: changing thing pitch was ignored in some cases.
Visual mode: raising and lowering a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when raising/lowering a regular thing.
Visual mode: using "Raise/Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" actions on a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when using them on a regular thing.  
Rendering: even more fixes to MODELDEF and UDMF properties-related model rendering logic.
Internal, ResourceListEditor: rewritten resource validation check in a more OOP-ish way.
Configurations: fixed an infinite loop crash when a file was trying to include() itself.
UDMF thing flags: added Skill 6-8 to the flags list (because there are thing filters for these).
ZDoom_ACS.cfg: added definitions for SetTeleFog and SwapTeleFog.
ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg: added definitions for A_SetTeleFog and A_SwapTeleFog.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Updated documentation.
2014-12-22 21:36:49 +00:00
33a35e2148 Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain mode now works in all map formats.
Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain mode: floor height of each created sector is now set to the average height of an .obj polygon it was created from.
Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain Settings window: added "Use slopes" checkbox. When enabled, the mode will create slopes using vertex height offsets (UDMF) or Floor Vertex Height things (1504).
Fixed, Visual Mode: things were rendered at wrong height after using "Lower/Raise Height" actions in sectors with sloped floor (or ceiling for ceiling-aligned things) 
Fixed: info panel was not updated after switching to another Edit Mode.
2014-12-10 21:11:56 +00:00
15b2adfe30 Texture Browser Form: swapped foreground and background colors of texture size labels.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
2014-12-03 23:15:26 +00:00
66f75ec7c4 Internal: added a debug console. 2014-11-13 09:43:39 +00:00
47d248a710 Fixed: in some cases selection synchronization logic worked incorrectly when switching from Visual to Classic mode. 2014-10-30 08:43:30 +00:00
5eba596a02 Randomize Sectors form: added "Use vertex heights" check-boxes. When enabled and used on triangular sectors, it can be used to create a terrain-like look.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Updated documentation, rearranged contents a bit.
2014-10-28 14:35:59 +00:00
064b790d1d Visual mode: selection info was not updated in some cases. 2014-10-28 10:30:11 +00:00
0d90d9b297 Visual mode: regular walls are now clipped by solid 3d floors (this should eliminate z-fighting).
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures were not exported when using "classic" game configurations (ones with disabled "MixTexturesAndFlats" option). This should also fix incorrect flats on exported model when there are flats and textures with the same name.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: 3d floors geometry and wall geometry around them was created incorrectly.
Fixed, WavefrontExporter: floor and ceiling textures of non-Vavoom 3d floors were swapped on exported geometry.
2014-10-28 09:23:21 +00:00
c90d10c08c General interface: dynamic lights rendering mode and model rendering mode are now selected via drop-downs.
Renamed "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" action to "Show dynamic lights".
Changed: "Show dynamic lights" action now toggles between available dynamic light rendering modes.
Renamed "Toggle models rendering" action to "Show models".
Changed: "Show models" action now toggles between available model rendering modes.
Removed "Toggle dynamic lights animation" and "Render selected/all models" actions.
Fixed, Randomize Sectors form: selection highlight was not updated after applying the changes when the form was shown in Sectors mode.
Consistency: selection is now cleared after applying changes done in Randomize Things and Randomize Vertices forms.
Fixed, Classic modes: sprites of things with attached models were not rendered when model rendering was disabled.
Updated documentation.
2014-10-20 12:16:51 +00:00
5013720788 Sector Edit form, UDMF: added "Slopes" tab.
Visual mode: "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling" actions now work on surfaces with sector slopes.
Cosmetic: numeric textboxes, which support relative values, now have differently colored text and a tooltip.
Internal: renamed Sector.CeilingSlopeOffset to Sector.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.CeilingSlope to Sector.CeilSlope to match their names with similar sector properties.
2014-10-17 11:55:08 +00:00
91152ee69e Changed, Visual mode: "Help" panel is now updated only if it is the active tab.
Internal: added General.Interface.ActiveDockerTabName property.
2014-10-13 22:01:17 +00:00
c98c9b4990 Internal: sort sector levels only if there are more than 2 of them in a given sector. 2014-09-23 23:29:04 +00:00
88ae568836 Added: Map Analysis: added "Check texture alignment" check. Currently it works only in Doom/Hexen map formats. 2014-09-23 21:34:50 +00:00
ee8e31db37 Fixed: Visual mode: vavoom-type 3d floor sidedefs were not selectable.
Fixed: Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) was not working properly when used on vavoom-type 3d floor sidedefs.
Fixed: Visual mode, UDMF, "Auto-align textures" actions: vertical texture offset was calculated incorrectly for vavoom-type 3d floors.
2014-09-22 14:33:15 +00:00
ccc2e00073 Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) now works properly with vavoom-type 3d floors. 2014-09-22 11:51:49 +00:00
da00faf278 Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) now works when used on floors and ceilings of a 3d floor. 2014-09-22 09:04:30 +00:00
5d8e62f887 Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) now works when used on sides of a 3d floor.
Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) now selects adjacent sidedefs only when their height intersects with the height of the current sidedef.
Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) was not selecting connected one-sided sidedefs when used on a sidedef without a texture.
Cosmetic: fixed a couple of action descriptions in BuilderModes' Actions.cfg.
Cosmetic: MainForm.UpdateToolStripSeparators was working incorrectly in some cases.
Cosmetic: ErrorChecksForm's title was not updated when no errors were found.
2014-09-18 22:06:35 +00:00
c7252865be Preferences: added "Vertex scale (3D)" preference, renamed "Vertex scale factor" to "Vertex scale (2D)". 2014-09-16 08:51:27 +00:00
a585db6010 Visual mode, 3d floors: fixed broken 3d floor visibility detection one more time.
Game Configurations: changed default map name for Doom maps to "E1M1".
New Map Form: "E1M1" is now used as a default name for Doom maps.
Thing Browser Control: double-click event is now sent only if user clicked in the node's label area.
Interface: added info messages for several toolbar toggles.
Interface: made Brightness icon more readable when using dark windows themes.
2014-08-26 11:08:34 +00:00
6f7af0e234 Visual mode, UDMF: added some boilerplate to prevent invalid sector slopes from showing up/crashing the editor. 2014-08-25 14:13:55 +00:00
c95c26bbbc Fixed: MapSet.GetSectorByCoordinates() returned "false" in some cases when a given coordinate was on top of sector's vertex.
Internal: UDMF sector slopes and offsets are no longer stored in sector.Fields. Use sector.FloorSlope, sector.FloorSlopeOffset, sector.CeilingSlope and sector.CeilingSlopeOffset.
2014-08-25 11:15:19 +00:00
aee55d497b Visual mode, 3d floors: fixed broken 3d floor visibility detection (which failed in some cases when real floor or ceiling was sloped). 2014-08-25 09:41:21 +00:00
3d7cceaae4 Visual mode: some parts of 3d floor were shown even when it was above real ceiling/below real floor.
Visual mode: real floor was colored by 3d floor's color even when it was below real floor.
Action Browser form: keyboard focus is now set to Filter text box by default.
2014-07-18 11:25:08 +00:00
542d3bbfcf Visual mode: unrelated sidedefs were selected when trying to select empty texture using "Select with the same textures" action. 2014-07-17 08:15:06 +00:00
8ba1d9c3a7 Visual mode: middle sidedef geometry of single-sided linedefs was rendered differently than in (G)ZDoom in some cases. 2014-05-21 09:22:37 +00:00
8555d75cd2 A r1959 change in ImageSelectorControl prevented inherited classes from showing properly in Visual Studio's designer.
Also made a bunch of methods static.
2014-05-20 09:09:28 +00:00
e6204be571 UDMF sector slopes: looks like 4-th parameter is used in GZDoom after all :) 2014-05-20 07:45:19 +00:00
a61bba2536 UDMF map format: increased maximum supported texture name length to 2048.
Preferences: added "Capitalize texture names" option (located in Preferences -> Appearance -> Additional options). When disabled, the casing of displayed texture names will match filenames for textures loaded form TEXTURES or pk3/pk7/folder resources.
Textures Browser: added support for displaying long texture names.
Errors list is now cleared when reloading resources.
Visual mode: added basic support for sector slopes (no UI for that feature yet).
2014-05-19 13:33:38 +00:00
0ce2f1c2fa More fixes of 118:Plane_Copy effect implementation...
One of Thing Statistics form's columns was editable for no good reason.
2014-05-06 08:21:10 +00:00
0e4419d8ed UDMF: added "transparent" linedef flag.
UDMF: sector, linedef and thing render styles are now defined in Game Configuration.
2014-05-05 14:24:57 +00:00
bb368b56ca Visual mode: 118:Plane_Copy effect implementation was broken in many places. 2014-05-05 08:36:15 +00:00
9c7b8e4e3c Model rendering (all modes): UDMF scale, pitch and roll are now displayed.
Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
2014-04-30 10:01:22 +00:00
7a29d87cb1 "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions now work in Things mode (they will rotate things) and in Sectors mode (they will rotate floor/ceiling textures based on current view mode).
Moved "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions to "Edit" category.
Tag Statistics form: help label was incorrectly aligned.
Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes were not used on highlighted map elements.
Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes created undo groups incorrectly when used on highlighted map elements.
2014-04-02 10:57:52 +00:00
417cdde4be In some cases, texture offsets were adjusted when it wasn't required when splitting linedefs.
Replicated Doom texture vertical offset glitch when front and back sector's ceilings are sky.
2014-03-12 10:39:24 +00:00
4fb956cecd Just a couple of cosmetic fixes. Nothing interesting, really... 2014-03-06 11:45:20 +00:00
7faf6bc13e Linedef Edit Form, Sector Edit Form: when several map elements with different textures are selected, the "texture stack" icon is shown in the texture selectors instead of the "missing texture" icon.
Error Checker mode: added "Check missing flats" check.
Error Checker mode: fixed several descriptions. 
Sprite patches for sprites defined in TEXTURES are now loaded from Sprites namespace.
Some of my older texture alignment code didn't work properly when strict texture/flat handling ("mixtextureflats" game configuration flag set to false) was enabled.
Fixed some incorrect checks for missing texture ("-").
2014-03-05 09:21:28 +00:00
9a50b38f78 Added "Full Brightness" toolbar button and "View" menu item. These call "Toggle Full Brightness" action.
Added "Make Door" menu item to "Sectors" menu.
A warning is now displayed when "Make Door" action is called without a selection.
2014-03-03 09:52:55 +00:00
4ad9ad78eb Added Doom and Doom 2 game configurations for vanilla Doom and Boom engines.
When you try to change floor/ceiling texture offsets in Doom/Hexen map formats, a warning is displayed in status bar (instead of spamming you with message windows).
Mode actions toolbar is now auto-hidden when there are no buttons to display.
2014-02-27 10:08:31 +00:00
3e5f85dc8f Game configurations: added "fixedrotation" property to dynamic lights, which use the angle property as a parameter.
Maintenance: removed a ton of redundant stuff.
2014-02-21 14:42:12 +00:00
d9e53f2899 Game Configurations: added support for new property "fixedrotation", which keeps thing's angle constant when a thing is rotated in Edit Selection mode.
Game Configurations: added "fixedrotation" property to "Polyobject Anchor" (9300), "Polyobject Start Spot" (9301), "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)" (9302) and "Polyobject Start Spot (hurts to touch)" (9303) actors.
Color Picker plugin: moved plugin button to "Modes" toolbar group.
API: added ToolbarSection.Modes property, which can be used in MainForm.AddButton() to add a button to Modes group.
Removed a bunch of unused variables.
2014-02-20 12:36:09 +00:00
592887a086 Configurations: increased game configuration loading speed (in previous builds it took ~650 ms. to load a single game configuration, now it takes ~120 ms. to load all 64 of them). As a side effect, New\Open Map Options, Map Options and Game Configurations windows are now opened noticeably faster. The editor starts up a bit faster as well.
Configurations: all 64 game configuration are now available by default.
Game Configurations window: game configurations can now be disabled. This setting is mostly cosmetic. When a game configuration is disabled, it won't be shown in "game configuration" dropdowns in New\Open Map Options and Map Options windows. If a map's .dbs file specifies a disabled configuration, it will be picked as a map configuration anyway.
Linedefs mode: vertex insert preview logic used Highlight range instead of Stitch range (which is used when draw mode engages).
Visual mode: double-sided middle textures were not selected when using "Select" action with "with same texture" modifier.
Textures: some optimizations in patch blending code.
ZDoom ACS script configuration: added definitions for StrLeft, StrMid and StrRight functions.
2014-02-18 14:04:14 +00:00
48fef89ed7 Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" logic was broken on maps in Doom and Hexen map formats.
Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" now finds duplicate linedefs (e.g. when 2 lines have the same start and end positions).
Map Analysis mode: added "Check overlapping vertices" check. This will check if a vertex is on top of a linedef or another vertex.
Some cosmetic changes in Tools and BaseVisualMode.
Updated zspecial.acs
2014-02-07 09:10:55 +00:00
1367c37b8d Visual mode: when changing height of a triangular sector all vertices of which have height offset, vertex heights will be changed instead of sector's floor/ceiling height (this allows to edit terrain without the use of vertex handles).
Visual mode: "Copy Texture", "Copy Texture Offsets" and "Copy Properties" actions now always copy properties from currently highlighted surface (previously they copied properties from the first selected surface when something was selected).
Draw Rectangle mode: nothing was drawn in some cases.
Drag Things mode: grid was not updated when grid size was changed in this mode.
2014-02-03 11:19:12 +00:00
88b12750c1 Linedef info panel: tag is no longer shown in Hexen map format.
Numeric textbox: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN', you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide the values.
Configurations, ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: some linedef action arguments were missing a proper type.
Rewritten parts of hints system. Hints are now loaded from "Hints.cfg" file.
2014-01-23 13:36:51 +00:00
a697cbfd0f Added ThingSlope patch by Boris (adds support for Sector tilt things (9502 and 9503) in Visual mode). 2014-01-20 11:44:41 +00:00
f3e4cf06b8 Visual mode, "Select" action with "With the same texture" modifier: sidedefs are no longer selected when matching part has zero height. 2014-01-17 07:55:15 +00:00
88a6f5a46c Thing Info panel, Linedef info panel: tag labels are now displayed for action arguments. 2014-01-16 13:08:41 +00:00
0e55f26fda Visual mode: using "Select" action with "select with the same texture" modifier in some cases selected middle texture when it shouldn't have. 2014-01-13 08:44:31 +00:00
c087d014a1 Selected things are now dragged while dragging vertices, linedefs and sectors.
Error checks: added "Check unused textures" option.
Replaced MissingTexture3D and UnknownTexture3D.
Sectors mode: restored "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" actions.
Visual mode: in some cases sidedefs were rendered as selected when they were not.
Existing linedefs were not split while drawing new lines in some cases.
Texture and height overrides were not applied correctly in some cases.
Preferences form: "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollDown" dropdown items were setting the shortcut to "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollDown".
2014-01-13 08:06:56 +00:00
013865e27d Voxels can now be loaded from WAD resources.
Reverted "Delete Item" action to the way it worked in DB2.
Added "Dissolve Item" action, which works the way "Delete Item" worked in previous revisions of GZDB.
Added "Auto Clear Sidedef Textures" action, "Edit" menu and toolbar button, which toggle automatic removal of sidedef textures when floor or ceiling height is changed or when geometry is drawn, copied or pasted.
Draw Settings panel: upper/lower texture overrides can now be used.
Draw Settings panel: added 2 sets of buttons, which allow to quickly set or clear textures in current selection.
Things are now rendered behind AND on top of the grid/linedefs/vertices when they are dragged.
Redesigned hints system. They are now shown in a side panel.
Edit area auto-focusing is now disabled when script editor is open.
Texture Browser form: no texture group was selected when opening the form in some cases.
Fixed several strange/misleading text messages.
2014-01-08 09:46:57 +00:00
47a84ad20f Added VOXELDEF support.
Visual mode: added "Match Brightness" action.
DECORATE parser: actor names, which contain "+" and "-" symbols, are now parsed correctly.
Fixed an error in lump ranges creation logic.
Cosmetic fixes in various warning/error messages.
Updated documentation.
2014-01-03 10:33:45 +00:00
ca03109006 Info panels: thing and sector flags are now displayed.
Visual mode: changed "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 8" actions to "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by cur. grid size"
Visual mode: holding Ctrl-Shift while dragging texture with the mouse will snap texture offsets to current grid size.
Classic modes: interiors of highlighted sectors are now highlighted when the action target of currently highlighted map element is sector.
Unhandeled exceptions infos are now written to the event log.
2013-12-05 09:24:55 +00:00
55fb9f872d "Raise" and "Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" actions: when the action is not able to find suitable height from the elements of the same type, element of opposite type is used instead (damn that's cryptic :) ). Example: when no ceiling lower than lowest in selection was found while lowering selected ceilings, highest floor height of sectors, selected ceilings belong to, will be used instead. Even shorter: these actions can now be used to "close" and "open" doors quickly. 2013-12-03 13:12:12 +00:00
e8f52aecb9 Added Draw Settings side panel, which replaces Set Default Textures Form and allows to set textures, brightness and floor/ceiling heights to use when drawing sectors. Used settings are now saved in the map's .dbs file.
Location and active tab of all Edit Forms are now stored while GZDB is running.
Focus management between editing window and the rest of the interface should work better now.
Tag Explorer plugin: editing window was not updated properly when Edit forms were opened from Tag Explorer.
Tag Explorer plugin, UDMF: comment editing was incorrectly initialized in some cases.
2013-11-21 10:53:11 +00:00
0654cec075 Visual mode, auto align textures: actually, it won't break anything if we vertical clamp texture offsets of a 3d floor sidedef while auto-aligning (this reverts a part of previous commit)...
Classic modes: event lines are drawn once again while panning the view (I've disabled this a while ago trying to fix performance problems in Classic modes).
2013-11-08 08:18:33 +00:00
766e4d46f3 Visual mode, auto align textures: vertical texture offsets of middle sidedefs are no longer clamped by texture height when said sidedefs are parts of 3d floor or are double-sided and not wrapped. 2013-11-06 13:07:48 +00:00
5c19a12ab7 Visual mode: (hopefully) fixed a crash during Ctrl- and Shift-selecting wall surfaces.
Visual mode: "Select adjacent walls with the same height" (Ctrl-Select) logic was not working properly in some cases.
2013-10-21 10:19:31 +00:00
ec9d829916 Texture Browser: textures can now be filtered by size.
Visual mode: offsets of double-sided middle textures were still clamped when not required in some cases.
Updated documentation.
2013-09-26 12:43:39 +00:00
0c1c44c14b Visual mode: "Reset Texture Offsets" now resets "global" texture offsets in all map formats.
Visual mode: added "Reset Local Texture Offsets (UDMF)" action (default key is Ctrl-Shift-R). It will reset upper/middle/lower texture offsets in UDMF and will act exactly as "Reset Texture Offsets" action in other map formats.
2013-09-19 09:17:49 +00:00
ae1b2153ef Sector Edit form, UDMF: floor and ceiling rotation angles can now be entered as decimals.
Visual mode: removed unrelated message when copying textures using "Copy Selection" action.
2013-09-11 14:22:11 +00:00
fc57c3e331 Replaced massive amount of spaces with (massive amount of tabs / 4) 2013-09-11 09:47:53 +00:00
ead2521451 Sectors mode, UDMF: Create Brightness Gradient action can now work in "Light" and "Fade" modes.
Visual mode: added support for "fogdensity" and "outsidefogdensity" MAPINFO properties.
Sector Info panel now shows the number of sector's sidedefs as well as light and fade colors (UDMF only).
UDMF: Sector and sidedef flags are now copied/pasted when using "Copy Properties" and "Paste Properties" actions.
Fixed: in some cases default texture overrides were used even when corresponding option was disabled.
Sector Edit form: light and fade values were not saved when a value was pasted/entered into text box.
Sector Edit form: "reset value" button was not shown for light and fade values when selected sectors had different light/fade colors.
Reverted Open Map form changes from previous commit (my assumption that map marker is always empty was not correct...)
Updated documentation.
2013-09-11 08:49:45 +00:00
0469592bf5 "Copy Texture Offsets" and "Paste Texture Offsets" actions now work in Doom and Hexen map formats. 2013-09-06 07:55:02 +00:00
0fe02bd3d3 Visual mode: fixed a couple of bugs in Visual vertex logic. 2013-09-05 13:30:59 +00:00
8a0ca0e650 Visual mode: added "Auto-align Textures to Selection (X)", "Auto-align Textures to Selection (Y)" and "Auto-align Textures to Selection (X and Y)" actions.
"Snap Map Elements to Grid" mode now tries to fix invalid geometry after vertex snapping.
Vertices mode: in some cases not all vertices were removed when deleting vertices.
Removed "Load GZDoom light definitions" from preferences. If you want to use GZDoom's GLDEFS definitions, add "lights.pk3" as a resource.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when toggling GZDoom Geometry Effects (Tab)
Fixed sector bounding box calculation error.
Renamed "Edit -> Grid Setup..." to "Edit -> Grid and Backdrop Setup..."
Updated documentation
2013-09-03 09:34:28 +00:00
4b9f2d886c Visual mode: vertical texture offsets of double sided middle textures are no longer clamped.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when trying to move texture offsets of invisible sidedef.
2013-08-28 14:53:21 +00:00
76dc4574ab Linedef and Thing arguments are new set to 0 when converting a map to Doom map format.
Fixed a crash when executing "Toggle Geometry Effects" (Tab).
2013-08-20 08:21:20 +00:00
6ce9043ff6 Removed UDMFControls plugin.
UDMF fields, handled by UI, had broken field types after r1758.
Removed some redundant type casts.
2013-08-10 11:28:51 +00:00
457cfc8221 "Look Through Selection" action: InterpolationPoint can be handled the same way as SecurityCamera or AimingCamera. 2013-08-08 11:31:06 +00:00
724709e435 Visual mode: added "Look Through Selection" action (default key is "Y"). This action places visual camera at the same position as selected/highlighted thing and rotates it to match thing's angle. Special handling is available if targeted thing is AimingCamera, MovingCamera or SecurityCamera.
Script editor: pressing "F1" now opens keyword help instead of program manual.
Linedef edit form, Thing edit form: rewritten script support logic. It should now work in the same manner as the rest of controls.
Thing info panel: thing arguments now have proper labels.
Edit forms, UDMF: fields, which are handled by UI, are no longer shown in "Custom" tab.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when loading a model on a video card without Shader model 2.0 support.
Fixed incorrect argument number and changed most of labels in "Cameras and interpolation" section of zdoom_things.cfg.
2013-08-08 11:04:13 +00:00
0a5ff0bdaf Visual mode: fixed incorrect vertical texture offsets of middle parts of double sided linedefs.
ACS support: script numbers/names without space between them and script arguments (like 'script 999(void)' or 'script "test"(void)') were not parsed.
2013-08-07 09:25:37 +00:00
82722e546c Visual mode: fixed incorrect sidedef texture mouse dragging when texture was scaled in TEXTURES.
Visual mode: texture offsets are now clamped to texture size when dragging textures with mouse.
Visual mode, UDMF: when gravity is enabled, sector gravity now affects camera movement.
2013-08-02 12:50:53 +00:00
993328b57b Textures with names starting with "-" were not processed correctly.
Textures were not loaded properly from PK3/PK7 archives.
Visual mode: restored ability to remove textures using Delete action.
Visual mode: fixed several bugs in Cut/Copy/Paste things actions.
Visual mode: vavoom style 3d floors were not displayed properly.
Visual mode, 3d floors: added support for "RestrictLighting" (2) flag.
Visual mode, 3d floors: inner sides of 3d floors with "swimmable"/"render inside" flags used incorrect brightness value.
2013-07-31 12:38:47 +00:00
e0b7af81a4 Visual mode: fixed a crash while changing 3d floor texture offsets when visual sector was not created for 3d floor's control sector.
Visual mode: Info/Warning/Error status messages were not displayed properly when nothing was selected.
Sector Edit form, UDMF: Reset and Link buttons were overlapped in Floor/Ceiling scale controls.
2013-07-29 12:01:06 +00:00
cf3d416967 Renderer now works much faster in 2D modes.
Textures now load up to 2x faster when "mix textures and flats" flag is set in game configuration.
TEXTUREx/TEXTURES: texture will now be created if at least one of it's patches is loaded.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when "Slope floor to here" (9500) or "Slope ceiling to here" (9501) things were not inside sector.
Fixed: flats were not loaded form wads inside Directory and PK3/PK7 resources.
Sector Info Panel, Linedef Info Panel: texture size was shown for unknown textures.
2013-07-29 08:50:50 +00:00
bafb8ed511 UDMF: sidedef flags are now defined in game configuration instead of being hardcoded.
Texture scale controls now have "Link" button. 
Thing, Sector (UDMF) and Linedef edit forms now work in realtime mode.
Some more fixes in Edit form realtime update stuff.
Removed some unused variables and functions.
2013-07-19 15:30:58 +00:00
6d717a06ea Sector Edit form, Vertex Edit form: fixed another crash related to realtime update... 2013-07-10 09:57:30 +00:00
ecbf9fd743 UDMF: sector flags are now defined in game configuration instead of being hardcoded.
Sector Edit form, Vertex Edit form: fixed a crash when updating sector/vertex properties in Visual mode.
Reorganized game configurations.
2013-07-10 08:59:17 +00:00
4b018957aa Sector Edit form, UDMF: sectors were not updated properly after closing the form because of changes in Doom/Hexen Sector Edit form. 2013-07-09 13:13:00 +00:00
6326adc9ed Sector Edit form now works in realtime mode in Doom/Hexen map formats.
Status text now displays info about current selection.
Removed StairSectorBuilder plugin. The version form works fine with current version of GZDB.
2013-07-09 11:29:10 +00:00
883527c37c Sector Edit form and Linedef Edit form now support float texture offsets.
Tag Statistics form: you can now double click on Sectors, Linedefs or Things cell to select them, and right click to open their properties.
Texture size labels were displayed incorrectly in some cases.
Rewritten VerticesMode.DeleteItem() once again...
Vertex Edit form now works in realtime mode.
Vertex Edit form: ceiling and floor vertex offsets can now be cleared.
Added StairSectorBuilder plugin (I suppose some external plugins will stop working in GZDB because I've changed ButtonStep to float in ButtonsNumericTextbox a couple revisions ago...).
Preferences form: action description is now scrollable.
Changed background color of Sector Edit form.
Vertex' ZCeiling and ZFloor properties are now managed internally.
2013-07-08 13:13:28 +00:00
27248a82d7 Visual mode: in some cases solid 3d floors were clipped by translucent ones. 2013-07-01 10:51:23 +00:00
985705d8ca Visual mode: you can hold Shift while dragging a texture to lock movement to horizontal axis, and Ctrl to lock it to vertical axis.
Color Picker: fixed a crash when entered float values were not in 0.0 - 1.0 range.
2013-07-01 09:34:17 +00:00
a130311f8d Visual mode, UDMF: fixed another bug in Auto align functions.
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not properly taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
UDMF: different Sector Edit Form is now used in UDMF map format.
Some fixes in Linedef edit form.
Added missing icons.
2013-06-25 12:35:13 +00:00