Commit graph

38 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
a523f7eb28 Changed, Visual mode: models and lights are much less prone to disappear when near the edges of the screen.
Fixed, Classic modes: MODELDEF model scale was not taken into account when calculating model visibility, which resulted in models with increased scaled disappearing when near screen edges.
2015-06-22 19:52:23 +00:00
d561371110 MD3 reader: fixed a crash when trying to load a skin when skin names were used as a relative path in a model with several surfaces (and boy this description is much longer than the fix itself :) ). 2015-06-21 21:35:28 +00:00
1d988b087c Fixed, Visual Mode: voxel models were not rendered in full brightness mode. 2015-05-27 11:05:57 +00:00
cfae82afe4 Added some disposers here and there. 2015-05-27 10:34:25 +00:00
76559ae881 Added GZDoom's glowing flats ( support to Classic and Visual modes.
MAPINFO: added "DoomEdNum" and "SpawnNums" blocks support.
MAPINFO: added "#include" directive support.
MAPINFO: added "$gzdb_skip" special comment support.
DECORATE: "spawnthing" Game Configuration block is now updated using "SpawnID" actor property.
Game configurations: added "class" property to the most of ZDoom things.
Actions: removed "Reload MAPINFO" action.
Documentation: merged "GLDEFS and MODELDEF support", "(Z)MAPINFO support" and "TEXTURES support" topics into "(G)ZDoom text lumps support", added info about the other text lumps GZDB can use.
2015-04-14 11:33:57 +00:00
deb43343bb Visual mode: "Fit Textures" action can now fit textures across multiple selected surfaces. A number of times to repeat a texture can now be specified.
Visual mode: removed "Fit Texture's Width" and "Fit Texture's Height" actions.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions were incorrectly aligning double-sided middle walls in some cases.
Visual mode: "Auto-align texture offsets" actions now align non-wrapped double-sided middle walls to vertical offset closest to their initial vertical offset.
Visual mode: middle parts of double-sided walls were ignored when Shift-selecting walls.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: GL nodes definitions were missing from game configurations.
Nodebuilders/Game configurations: "~MAP" wildcard can now be a part of a lump name. 
Nodebuilders: GL nodes were not properly handled by the editor.
Main Window: the window is now moved into the view when stored position is ouside of screen bounds. 
Classic and Visual modes: changing thing pitch was ignored in some cases.
Visual mode: raising and lowering a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when raising/lowering a regular thing.
Visual mode: using "Raise/Lower Floor/Ceiling to adjacent sector" actions on a thing with "+SPAWNCEILING" flag now works the same way as when using them on a regular thing.  
Rendering: even more fixes to MODELDEF and UDMF properties-related model rendering logic.
Internal, ResourceListEditor: rewritten resource validation check in a more OOP-ish way.
Configurations: fixed an infinite loop crash when a file was trying to include() itself.
UDMF thing flags: added Skill 6-8 to the flags list (because there are thing filters for these).
ZDoom_ACS.cfg: added definitions for SetTeleFog and SwapTeleFog.
ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg: added definitions for A_SetTeleFog and A_SwapTeleFog.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Updated documentation.
2014-12-22 21:36:49 +00:00
4d9c551790 Fixed, Rendering: MODELDEF RollOffset, AngleOffset, Scale and ZOffset properties were applied incorrectly.
Fixed, Rendering: VOXELDEF Scale property was applied incorrectly.
2014-12-10 22:50:16 +00:00
15b2adfe30 Texture Browser Form: swapped foreground and background colors of texture size labels.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
2014-12-03 23:15:26 +00:00
6df641564c DECORATE parser: parse errors are more detailed now.
Fixed, DECORATE parser: error status was not cleared when switching to different resource.
Fixed, DECORATE parser: fixed a parse error when DB2-specific actor properties (like "//$category") were located outside of actor's scope.
2014-10-23 12:48:31 +00:00
a6e44dc941 Preferences Form: renamed "Scale models in visual modes" to "Stretched view in visual modes". When enabled, this setting now increases vertical scale of the world and sprites in visual mode instead of decreasing vertical scale of models. 2014-09-20 18:34:06 +00:00
9c7b8e4e3c Model rendering (all modes): UDMF scale, pitch and roll are now displayed.
Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
2014-04-30 10:01:22 +00:00
0369c969d1 According to, "new Dictionary<string, [anything]>(StringComparer.Ordinal)" works 17% faster than "new Dictionary<string, [anything]>()", so let's stick that everywhere and see what happens :)
Draw Curve Mode: added settings panel.
Sectors mode: added "Make Door" button to the toolbar.
Swapped Side panel and Info panel z-order. 
Interface: split toolbar into 3 separate toolbars. All toolbar buttons are now viewable at 1024x768.
Interface: grouped stuff in "Modes" menu a bit better.
Interface: added "Draw [stuff]" buttons to modes toolbar.
Interface: reorganized main menu. Hope it makes more sense now.
API: added General.Interface.AddModesButton() and General.Interface.AddModesMenu(), which can be used to add buttons to specific group in "Modes" toolbar and menu items to specific group in "Modes" menu, so actions, which behave like an editing mode, but are not part of one can be added there.
2014-02-26 14:11:06 +00:00
3e5f85dc8f Game configurations: added "fixedrotation" property to dynamic lights, which use the angle property as a parameter.
Maintenance: removed a ton of redundant stuff.
2014-02-21 14:42:12 +00:00
47a84ad20f Added VOXELDEF support.
Visual mode: added "Match Brightness" action.
DECORATE parser: actor names, which contain "+" and "-" symbols, are now parsed correctly.
Fixed an error in lump ranges creation logic.
Cosmetic fixes in various warning/error messages.
Updated documentation.
2014-01-03 10:33:45 +00:00
fc57c3e331 Replaced massive amount of spaces with (massive amount of tabs / 4) 2013-09-11 09:47:53 +00:00
724709e435 Visual mode: added "Look Through Selection" action (default key is "Y"). This action places visual camera at the same position as selected/highlighted thing and rotates it to match thing's angle. Special handling is available if targeted thing is AimingCamera, MovingCamera or SecurityCamera.
Script editor: pressing "F1" now opens keyword help instead of program manual.
Linedef edit form, Thing edit form: rewritten script support logic. It should now work in the same manner as the rest of controls.
Thing info panel: thing arguments now have proper labels.
Edit forms, UDMF: fields, which are handled by UI, are no longer shown in "Custom" tab.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when loading a model on a video card without Shader model 2.0 support.
Fixed incorrect argument number and changed most of labels in "Cameras and interpolation" section of zdoom_things.cfg.
2013-08-08 11:04:13 +00:00
12d9e1b08f Fixed several crashes when trying to load not existing images and models from folder/pk3/pk7 resources. 2013-07-30 09:25:27 +00:00
cf3d416967 Renderer now works much faster in 2D modes.
Textures now load up to 2x faster when "mix textures and flats" flag is set in game configuration.
TEXTUREx/TEXTURES: texture will now be created if at least one of it's patches is loaded.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when "Slope floor to here" (9500) or "Slope ceiling to here" (9501) things were not inside sector.
Fixed: flats were not loaded form wads inside Directory and PK3/PK7 resources.
Sector Info Panel, Linedef Info Panel: texture size was shown for unknown textures.
2013-07-29 08:50:50 +00:00
3a4876704a ModelReader: fixed a crash when trying to load a model without extension. 2013-07-24 13:11:50 +00:00
bafb8ed511 UDMF: sidedef flags are now defined in game configuration instead of being hardcoded.
Texture scale controls now have "Link" button. 
Thing, Sector (UDMF) and Linedef edit forms now work in realtime mode.
Some more fixes in Edit form realtime update stuff.
Removed some unused variables and functions.
2013-07-19 15:30:58 +00:00
7f3461209a MD3: Vertex indices were incorrectly assigned when a model had several surfaces with same skin. 2013-07-15 08:32:32 +00:00
d42a7459d7 MD2 models with more than 32768 vertices were not loaded properly. 2013-06-03 11:55:55 +00:00
8cf9e651cc Removed a metric ton of unused "using" directives from Core. 2013-04-11 11:04:16 +00:00
8f47c316b9 Classic modes, UDMF: floor/ceiling texture offsets can now be locked in place while sector is dragged.
Fixed another bug in Tools.autoAlignTexturesOnSidesUDMF()
Replaced Math.PI-related equations with stuff from Angle2D class.
2013-04-11 09:27:16 +00:00
591f92cce6 Moving to new SVN... 2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
5283989bf2 Fixed incorrect UV mapping on MD2 models in Visual modes. 2012-11-20 22:08:34 +00:00
a9d6eb5ce2 Fixed a crash when trying to load a model with more than 32767 vertices. 2012-11-20 14:53:54 +00:00
eb86ab60af GZDoom Builder 1.12d:
TEXTURES patches can now be loaded from anywhere inside resource.
Configs: things from "Cameras and Interpolation" and "Boom Items" categories weren't rendered in Visual modes.
Configs: several new icons are now used for things.
Reverted sectors rendering from 1.12b, because it was done in too hackish way and was causing more and more problems. Models rendered height is now 25% lower instead.
Models rendering height can be toggled between normal and 85% in Preferences->Appearance->"Scale models in Visual modes"
Fixed several small bugs here and there.
2012-08-10 12:08:08 +00:00
2006cdc7bb GZDoom Builder 1.12a:
AngleOffset, PitchOffset and RollOffset MODELDEF properties are now supported.
Fixed a crash when editor tries to display a model for an actor without a valid sprite in Visual mode.
Fixed a possible crash when MODELDEF is reloaded from 2d-mode.
Fixed several things in Doom2_things.cfg.
UDMF Controls plugin:
Fixed several bugs in plugin's sliders logic.
2012-07-28 20:36:28 +00:00
fb0db718a0 Removed some unused functions.
Tag Explorer: comments can now be edited properly.
2012-07-10 14:14:53 +00:00
55dce5eac3 Added PCX image format support. 2012-06-03 23:36:53 +00:00
16b97e1c83 Added GLDEFS and (Z)MAPINFO parsers.
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported).
Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes.
Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section).
MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame.
Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters.
Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.
2012-06-01 10:17:47 +00:00
9b76183afd GZDoomBuilder 1.06c:
Fixed incorrect rendering of MD3 models with more than one MD3 Surface.
Fixed a bug introduced in 1.06b when models weren't rendered in Visual mode when Fullbright mode was on.
2012-05-25 11:21:54 +00:00
3a0426cd7f GZDoomBuilder 1.06a:
MODELDEFs and models can now be loaded from PK3 resources (does anybody know if models or MODELDEFs can be stored in WADs?).
Negative scale and zOffset are now correctly parsed from MODELDEFs (model surfaces may be inverted though).
Fixed a crash while reading MODELDEFs when Operation System's decimal separator was set to comma.
Fixed a crash when user changed Thing type in Visual mode to a new one with model override, which wasn't previously used in a map.
Fixed a bug introduced in 1.06 when models weren't rendered in Visual mode when Fullbright mode was on.
Non-breaking space is now correctly handled by all Doom Builder's data parsers.
ColorPicker plugin:
Fixed a crash when user attempted to open ColorPicker window to edit sector properties in Visual mode, using hilighted surface as selection source, without selecting anything before doing so.
2012-05-21 23:51:32 +00:00
9a72148ad1 GZDoomBuilder 1.06:
Fog rendering (including colored fog in maps in UDMF format).
Fixed lots of bugs in model loading and rendering.
Added "Toggle GZDoom Effects" button, which currently toggles dynamic lights, models and fog rendering.
Model loading process is more verbose now, so if something goes wrong, check Errors and Warnings window (F11) for details.
ColorPicker plugin:
You can now select surfaces in 3D-mode and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sectors, to which these surfaces belong.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a surface and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sector, to which hilighted surface belongs.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a Light Thing and then open Color Picker window to edit it's properties.
2012-05-20 00:56:59 +00:00
dcf899a3c4 GZDoomBuilder 1.03:
Increased dynamic lights rendering performance (currently I'm getting around 25 FPS in Spawn's MAP01 with 32 dynamic lights and rendering distance set to 3000, was getting 4-6 FPS in GZDoomBuilder 1.02).
Several fixes in animated lights rendering (secondary light radius can now be smaller than primary light radius, Pulse Light's maximum radius was rendered twise bigger than in GZDoom).
2012-04-23 21:35:48 +00:00
2358b785a1 GZDoomBuilder 1.02
All dynamic light types are now rendered correctly.
Added Doom-style shading on walls (walls going from west to east are slightly darker than walls going from north to south)
Masked surfaces are now correctly lit by dynamic lights.
Fixed several bugs in models rendering.
2012-04-18 19:34:11 +00:00
72024341bf 2012-04-17 19:13:47 +00:00