Map Analysis mode: selection color is now used when rendering affected things.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode, "Check unused things" check: checker returned false-positive results when used in Doom map format.
Bit Flags form now changes width to show flags with long names without scrolling.
Bit Flags form: flag numbers are now shown as well as names.
Game configurations: updated Hexen and ZDoom linedef definitions. Now they (hopefully) fully match ZDoom ones.
Action Selector Control: fixed a crash when trying to increase action above maximum value using mouse wheel.
Sector/Linedef/Thing tag lists are now handled by corresponding TypeHandlers (and not by dirty hacks as before).
Linedef info panel: line peggedness labels were obscured by effect label in Doom/Hexen map formats.
Cosmetic changes in Sector Info Panel and Thing Browser Control.
ArgumentInfo: fixed a crash when enum specified in a game configuration doesn't exist.
Updated Hexen and ZDoom linedef configs.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg
Texture browser form: added "Long texture names" check-box. It can be used to toggle between displaying long and short texture names.
Texture browser form: added "Show image size" check-box.
Texture browser form: image size is now shown differently.
Image Selector: added a button to toggle between long and short texture name.
Linedef info panel: long texture names are now displayed properly.
Sector info panel: long texture names are now displayed properly.
Fixed: "Save Screenshot" and "Save Edit Area Screenshot" actions were triggered multiple times when a child window was open.
Fixed: used textures should be always updated after using "Change map in current WAD" action.
Fixed, "Change map in current WAD": fixed a crash when trying to switch from a map with missing game configuration path.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Open Map in Current WAD: resources are now reloaded when current and target map's resources don't match.
Added some boilerplate to UniversalParser and PK3FileImage.
Internal: ImageSelectorControl now has "UsePreviews" property.
Internal: added ConfigurablePictureBox.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Thing Edit form: when selection contains more than one thing, thing types form selected category are now randomly applied to it.
Fixed, Thing Edit form: selection change was not processed in some cases.
Added icons for "Save Screenshot" menu items.
Development: "Save Screenshot (active window)" action will work on a child Form only if it is inherited from DelayedForm.
Renamed "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" action to "Show dynamic lights".
Changed: "Show dynamic lights" action now toggles between available dynamic light rendering modes.
Renamed "Toggle models rendering" action to "Show models".
Changed: "Show models" action now toggles between available model rendering modes.
Removed "Toggle dynamic lights animation" and "Render selected/all models" actions.
Fixed, Randomize Sectors form: selection highlight was not updated after applying the changes when the form was shown in Sectors mode.
Consistency: selection is now cleared after applying changes done in Randomize Things and Randomize Vertices forms.
Fixed, Classic modes: sprites of things with attached models were not rendered when model rendering was disabled.
Updated documentation.
Map Analysis mode: export to file command will now show "Save File" dialog instead of putting the file in the same folder as the map, also added some boilerplate.
Tag Explorer plugin: save to file command will now show "Save File" dialog instead of putting the file in the same folder as the map, also added some boilerplate.
Internal: reformatted GZCrash.log a bit.
BCC script compiler ( is now bundled with GZDB.
Main Form, "File" menu: only existing files are now added to the "recent files" list.
Script Editor: added snippets to auto-complete list (currently they aren't inserted properly though...).
Script Editor: auto-indentation now works a bit smarter.
ScintillaControl.GetLine() was retrieving incorrect line.
Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
"Preferences -> Editing -> When splitting a linedef" setting is now always used when splitting linedefs.
"Preferences -> Editing -> When splitting a linedef": added "Reset X and Y" option.
"Preferences -> Editing -> Auto-align textures of newly created linedefs" option now works in a more intelligent fashion.
Error Checker mode: added "Check missing flats" check.
Error Checker mode: fixed several descriptions.
Sprite patches for sprites defined in TEXTURES are now loaded from Sprites namespace.
Some of my older texture alignment code didn't work properly when strict texture/flat handling ("mixtextureflats" game configuration flag set to false) was enabled.
Fixed some incorrect checks for missing texture ("-").
Moved settings for "Draw [stuff]" modes to the top toolbar.
Added hints for Draw Grid mode.
Fixed a status message update bug introduced in previous commit.
Draw Curve Mode: added settings panel.
Sectors mode: added "Make Door" button to the toolbar.
Swapped Side panel and Info panel z-order.
Interface: split toolbar into 3 separate toolbars. All toolbar buttons are now viewable at 1024x768.
Interface: grouped stuff in "Modes" menu a bit better.
Interface: added "Draw [stuff]" buttons to modes toolbar.
Interface: reorganized main menu. Hope it makes more sense now.
API: added General.Interface.AddModesButton() and General.Interface.AddModesMenu(), which can be used to add buttons to specific group in "Modes" toolbar and menu items to specific group in "Modes" menu, so actions, which behave like an editing mode, but are not part of one can be added there.
Numeric textbox: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN', you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide the values.
Configurations, ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: some linedef action arguments were missing a proper type.
Rewritten parts of hints system. Hints are now loaded from "Hints.cfg" file.
When Draw Rectangle or Draw Ellipse mode is enabled, it's settings are now shown in side panel.
Draw Ellipse mode: increased maximum number of sides to 512.
Changed the way tags are shown in Tag Selector controls. Tags without labels are now shown as a number (not "Tag N"), and tags with label are now shown as "N (label)", not "label (N)".
Tag labels are now shown in Thing, Sector and Linedef info panels.
Once again changed the way things are rendered while dragged.
Rearranged the label in PairedIntControl and PairedFieldControl (it is now behind numeric controls).
Optimized MapSet.GetSectorByCoordinates().
Reverted "Delete Item" action to the way it worked in DB2.
Added "Dissolve Item" action, which works the way "Delete Item" worked in previous revisions of GZDB.
Added "Auto Clear Sidedef Textures" action, "Edit" menu and toolbar button, which toggle automatic removal of sidedef textures when floor or ceiling height is changed or when geometry is drawn, copied or pasted.
Draw Settings panel: upper/lower texture overrides can now be used.
Draw Settings panel: added 2 sets of buttons, which allow to quickly set or clear textures in current selection.
Things are now rendered behind AND on top of the grid/linedefs/vertices when they are dragged.
Redesigned hints system. They are now shown in a side panel.
Edit area auto-focusing is now disabled when script editor is open.
Texture Browser form: no texture group was selected when opening the form in some cases.
Fixed several strange/misleading text messages.
Visual mode: added "Match Brightness" action.
DECORATE parser: actor names, which contain "+" and "-" symbols, are now parsed correctly.
Fixed an error in lump ranges creation logic.
Cosmetic fixes in various warning/error messages.
Updated documentation.
Sector and Thing Info panels: fixed possible crash when trying to show unknown thing/sector flag.
Hints were not shown properly when multiselection was started while highlighting a map element.
Copy/Paste actions work much faster now.
Classic modes: rendered grid size in now adjusted to current zoom level.
Sectors mode: optimized sector highlight rendering logic.
Sectors mode: optimized sector effect/tag labels update logic.
Geometry tools: optimized several core functions.
Hints for current editing mode can now be displayed when nothing is highlighted (currently the hints are shown only in Draw Geometry mode).
GZDB is now build with LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag, which increases amount of RAM GZDB can use from 1.4 to 2.8 GB.
Location and active tab of all Edit Forms are now stored while GZDB is running.
Focus management between editing window and the rest of the interface should work better now.
Tag Explorer plugin: editing window was not updated properly when Edit forms were opened from Tag Explorer.
Tag Explorer plugin, UDMF: comment editing was incorrectly initialized in some cases.
MissingThing icon is now used when the editor is unable to load thing sprite.
An error is added to error logger when the editor is unable to load thing sprite.
Script editor: pressing "F1" now opens keyword help instead of program manual.
Linedef edit form, Thing edit form: rewritten script support logic. It should now work in the same manner as the rest of controls.
Thing info panel: thing arguments now have proper labels.
Edit forms, UDMF: fields, which are handled by UI, are no longer shown in "Custom" tab.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when loading a model on a video card without Shader model 2.0 support.
Fixed incorrect argument number and changed most of labels in "Cameras and interpolation" section of zdoom_things.cfg.
Textures now load up to 2x faster when "mix textures and flats" flag is set in game configuration.
TEXTUREx/TEXTURES: texture will now be created if at least one of it's patches is loaded.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when "Slope floor to here" (9500) or "Slope ceiling to here" (9501) things were not inside sector.
Fixed: flats were not loaded form wads inside Directory and PK3/PK7 resources.
Sector Info Panel, Linedef Info Panel: texture size was shown for unknown textures.
Texture scale controls now have "Link" button.
Thing, Sector (UDMF) and Linedef edit forms now work in realtime mode.
Some more fixes in Edit form realtime update stuff.
Removed some unused variables and functions.
Tag Statistics form: you can now double click on Sectors, Linedefs or Things cell to select them, and right click to open their properties.
Texture size labels were displayed incorrectly in some cases.
Rewritten VerticesMode.DeleteItem() once again...
Vertex Edit form now works in realtime mode.
Vertex Edit form: ceiling and floor vertex offsets can now be cleared.
Added StairSectorBuilder plugin (I suppose some external plugins will stop working in GZDB because I've changed ButtonStep to float in ButtonsNumericTextbox a couple revisions ago...).
Preferences form: action description is now scrollable.
Changed background color of Sector Edit form.
Vertex' ZCeiling and ZFloor properties are now managed internally.
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not properly taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
UDMF: different Sector Edit Form is now used in UDMF map format.
Some fixes in Linedef edit form.
Added missing icons.
Visual mode, UDMF: renamed "Rotate Thing Clockwise" and "Rotate Thing Counterclockwise" actions to "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise". These actions can now be used to change rotation of floor/ceiling textures.
Visual mode, UDMF: "Reset Texture Offsets" action now also resets sidedef's scale and floor/ceiling's scale and rotation.
Visual mode, UDMF: control line's OffsetX and OffsetY were not taken into account when calculating texture offsets of 3d floors' sides.
Visual mode, UDMF: fixed a ton of bugs in Auto align functions.
Visual mode, UDMF: when using "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 1" actions texture offsets were not updated properly when texture's scale was < 1.0.
Visual mode, UDMF: OffsetX and OffsetY were not taken into account in "Fit Texture Width/Height" actions.
Dockers Panel: added Pin/Unpin button, which acts the same as "Preferences -> Interface -> Side panels -> Auto hide" checkbox.
Texture size labels can now be disabled by unchecking "Preferences -> Interface -> Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" checkbox.
Texture size labels now are not shown for unknown textures.
Most of texture size labels had incorrect bg color.
ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: action specials 223 and 224 had incorrect Arg0.
Added Selection Groups options to Edit menu.
Selection Groups can now be cleared using either Edit -> Clear Group or Ctrl-Shift-[group number] shortcut.
Toolbar button groups can now be toggled using context menu. Hold "Shift" to toggle several button groups at once.
Floor and ceiling textures are now moved more predictably by arrow keys in GZDoom Visual mode.
Walls texture coordinates are always rounded when moved by arrow keys in Visual modes.
Linedef info panel: relative UDMF light values are now shown like this: 16 (128), which means "UDMF light value" ("total surface brightness (UDMF light value + sector brightness)")
Player is now spawned at camera height when testing from current location in Visual modes.
Focus is now properly restored after testing from current location in Visual modes.
Updated Heretic_sectors.cfg and Heretic_things.cfg as described here:
Changed sprites of artifacts in Hexen_things.cfg to proper ones.
Renamed Skulltag configs to Zandronum
Event lines for "event activators" (ActorMover, Camera and things with Thing_SetGoal special) are now drawn with different color.
Fixed a crash when a Thing with arguments is pasted in Visual modes.
Several other small fixes.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_things.cfg.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_ACS.cfg
GZDoom Builder now uses SharpCompress.dll instead of SharpZip.dll.
Added PK7 archive support.
PK3 archives now load aprox. 40% faster.
Textures browser now shows Folder/PK3/PK7 folder structure.
TextureBrowserForm is now used to display both Textures and Flats.
ACS scripts from #include and #import directives are now shown in Script name/number dropdowns.
Fixed several cases when ACS scripts lists used in Edit Thing and Edit Linedef forms wasn't updated when they should've (i.e. after compiling a script).
Things can now be cut, copied and pasted in Visual modes.
Sector geometry was not updated properly after Undo/Redo in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed an error when user selects multiple things and attempts to view their properties in Doom map format.
Added Decorate and Modeldef syntax hilighting, autocompletion and item recognition to Script editor.
Script Editor can now autodetect several script types when you open them (currently ACS, Decorate and Modeldef scripts are recognized).
Tag Explorer: fixed a bug when Tag Explorer update can block keyboard keys release detection logic.
Replaced all doubles with floats.
Script Editor:
Navigator drop-down now updates automatically.
Navigator drop-down now also works for external files.
Added Navigator drop-down support for Decorate and Modeldef.
Enhanced scripting workflow.
Thing and linedef arguments can now have default value in configuration files.
Fixed laggy visual camera movement on systems with big uptime.
Fixed incorrect alignment of Things with "hangs" flag in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed Editor crash when nodebuilder fails to build map. A window with error description will be shown instead.
Doom light levels were used even in maps in non-doom map format.
Tag Explorer plugin:
Elements list wasn't updated when map element was deleted.
Pugin wasn't disposed properly, which may led to Doom Builder 2 crash on map close.
Fixed plugin crash after opening another map.
Fixed unresponsive text entry in Filter text box.
Fixed plugin crash when Doom Builder can't determmine thing category ("UNKNOWN" category will be used instead).
Added drawing modes to Mode menu, so they are much easier to spot now.
Warnings notify panel blinks much more noticeable when there are warnings.
UDMF Controls plugin:
3D-floor surfaces can be edited now.
Relative mode is now enabled by default.
Scale control now works properly in relative mode.
Angle control's angle indicator in now drawn properly when value is changed using numeric control.
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported).
Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes.
Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section).
MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame.
Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters.
Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.
MODELDEFs and models can now be loaded from PK3 resources (does anybody know if models or MODELDEFs can be stored in WADs?).
Negative scale and zOffset are now correctly parsed from MODELDEFs (model surfaces may be inverted though).
Fixed a crash while reading MODELDEFs when Operation System's decimal separator was set to comma.
Fixed a crash when user changed Thing type in Visual mode to a new one with model override, which wasn't previously used in a map.
Fixed a bug introduced in 1.06 when models weren't rendered in Visual mode when Fullbright mode was on.
Non-breaking space is now correctly handled by all Doom Builder's data parsers.
ColorPicker plugin:
Fixed a crash when user attempted to open ColorPicker window to edit sector properties in Visual mode, using hilighted surface as selection source, without selecting anything before doing so.
Fog rendering (including colored fog in maps in UDMF format).
Fixed lots of bugs in model loading and rendering.
Added "Toggle GZDoom Effects" button, which currently toggles dynamic lights, models and fog rendering.
Model loading process is more verbose now, so if something goes wrong, check Errors and Warnings window (F11) for details.
ColorPicker plugin:
You can now select surfaces in 3D-mode and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sectors, to which these surfaces belong.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a surface and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sector, to which hilighted surface belongs.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a Light Thing and then open Color Picker window to edit it's properties.
Added Color Picker plugin
Point, Flicker and Pulse light animation should now look almost exactly as seen in GZDoom.
Fixed a bug when editing thing properties in Visual mode didn't update visual thing.
Fixed incorrect doom-style walls shading when sector has "lightcolor" property set.
Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array in CalculateNormalsAndShading()" error.
GZDoomBuilder will now show error message prior to failing.
Increased dynamic lights rendering performance (currently I'm getting around 25 FPS in Spawn's MAP01 with 32 dynamic lights and rendering distance set to 3000, was getting 4-6 FPS in GZDoomBuilder 1.02).
Several fixes in animated lights rendering (secondary light radius can now be smaller than primary light radius, Pulse Light's maximum radius was rendered twise bigger than in GZDoom).
All dynamic light types are now rendered correctly.
Added Doom-style shading on walls (walls going from west to east are slightly darker than walls going from north to south)
Masked surfaces are now correctly lit by dynamic lights.
Fixed several bugs in models rendering.
Added two new type handlers that can be used in UDMF ('Thing Type' and 'Thing Class')
Polished the browse icons and browse buttons.
Added more events for plugins to intercept.