Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain mode: floor height of each created sector is now set to the average height of an .obj polygon it was created from.
Import Wavefront .obj as Terrain Settings window: added "Use slopes" checkbox. When enabled, the mode will create slopes using vertex height offsets (UDMF) or Floor Vertex Height things (1504).
Fixed, Visual Mode: things were rendered at wrong height after using "Lower/Raise Height" actions in sectors with sloped floor (or ceiling for ceiling-aligned things)
Fixed: info panel was not updated after switching to another Edit Mode.
Fixed, Texture Browser Form: well, I broke "Tab" key functionality again (in previous commit)...
Maintenance: changed curly braces style to match DB2 one (hopefully not breaking anything in the process...).
Maintenance: changed private method names casing to match DB2 one.
Also, I would like to use this opportunity to thank Siberian Tiger from DTD Team for helping me with SVN builds for more than two years. You made my constant wrestling with the code a much less tedious process.
Draw Settings panel: added "All" buttons to "Fill Selection with Textures" and "Remove Textures form Selection" groups
Export to .obj: fixed a crash when trying to export an unsaved map.
Texture preview are now created ~25% faster.