Reverted "Delete Item" action to the way it worked in DB2.
Added "Dissolve Item" action, which works the way "Delete Item" worked in previous revisions of GZDB.
Added "Auto Clear Sidedef Textures" action, "Edit" menu and toolbar button, which toggle automatic removal of sidedef textures when floor or ceiling height is changed or when geometry is drawn, copied or pasted.
Draw Settings panel: upper/lower texture overrides can now be used.
Draw Settings panel: added 2 sets of buttons, which allow to quickly set or clear textures in current selection.
Things are now rendered behind AND on top of the grid/linedefs/vertices when they are dragged.
Redesigned hints system. They are now shown in a side panel.
Edit area auto-focusing is now disabled when script editor is open.
Texture Browser form: no texture group was selected when opening the form in some cases.
Fixed several strange/misleading text messages.
Info panel was not updated after leaving Visual mode.
Moved hints logic to ClassicMode, so hints can be displayed by any plugin.
Visual mode: dynamic light animation was not working.
Minor performance improvements in Actor, Configuration, UDMF and TEXTURES parsers.
Sectors mode: optimized sector highlight rendering logic.
Sectors mode: optimized sector effect/tag labels update logic.
Geometry tools: optimized several core functions.
Hints for current editing mode can now be displayed when nothing is highlighted (currently the hints are shown only in Draw Geometry mode).
GZDB is now build with LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag, which increases amount of RAM GZDB can use from 1.4 to 2.8 GB.
Visual mode: changed "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 8" actions to "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by cur. grid size"
Visual mode: holding Ctrl-Shift while dragging texture with the mouse will snap texture offsets to current grid size.
Classic modes: interiors of highlighted sectors are now highlighted when the action target of currently highlighted map element is sector.
Unhandeled exceptions infos are now written to the event log.
Location and active tab of all Edit Forms are now stored while GZDB is running.
Focus management between editing window and the rest of the interface should work better now.
Tag Explorer plugin: editing window was not updated properly when Edit forms were opened from Tag Explorer.
Tag Explorer plugin, UDMF: comment editing was incorrectly initialized in some cases.
"Snap Map Elements to Grid" mode now tries to fix invalid geometry after vertex snapping.
Vertices mode: in some cases not all vertices were removed when deleting vertices.
Removed "Load GZDoom light definitions" from preferences. If you want to use GZDoom's GLDEFS definitions, add "lights.pk3" as a resource.
Visual mode: fixed a crash when toggling GZDoom Geometry Effects (Tab)
Fixed sector bounding box calculation error.
Renamed "Edit -> Grid Setup..." to "Edit -> Grid and Backdrop Setup..."
Updated documentation
Increased maximum zoom level in Classic modes to 3000%.
Added "1 mp" option in grid size menu.
Added "400%" option in zoom menu.
Renamed "Toggle GZDoom rendering effects" action to "Toggle Geometry Effects".
Sync camera position: Visual Camera height is now changed only if camera is above or below current sector.
Classic modes: view was not redrawn after "Test map from current position" action.
"Test map from current position" action: incorrect player start was used when a map had several Player 1 Start things.
Added Selection Groups options to Edit menu.
Selection Groups can now be cleared using either Edit -> Clear Group or Ctrl-Shift-[group number] shortcut.
Toolbar button groups can now be toggled using context menu. Hold "Shift" to toggle several button groups at once.
Floor and ceiling textures are now moved more predictably by arrow keys in GZDoom Visual mode.
Walls texture coordinates are always rounded when moved by arrow keys in Visual modes.
Linedef info panel: relative UDMF light values are now shown like this: 16 (128), which means "UDMF light value" ("total surface brightness (UDMF light value + sector brightness)")
Player is now spawned at camera height when testing from current location in Visual modes.
Focus is now properly restored after testing from current location in Visual modes.
Updated Heretic_sectors.cfg and Heretic_things.cfg as described here:
Changed sprites of artifacts in Hexen_things.cfg to proper ones.
Renamed Skulltag configs to Zandronum
UDMF: changing brightness of a wall or ceiling in GZDoom Visual mode will change brightness of selected surface, not sector brightness.
Sector and Sidedef info panels show additional info if a map is in UDMF format.
Fixed: GZDoom menu panel wasn't updated when a map was opened via "recent files" item click.
Things can now be rotated in visual mode.
Added JPG and TGA image format support.
Fixed: TEXTURES files with names other than "textures.ext" will now be loaded (as an example, files named like "textures.something.txt" or "textures_walls.ccp" will be loaded by (G)ZDoom, but not by Doom Builder 2 or previous versions of GZDB).
Fixed: textures defined in TEXTURES have higher priority in (G)ZDoom than images with the same name in "textures" folder.
Fixed another possible crash when MODELDEF is reloaded.
GZDoom Builder now uses SharpCompress.dll instead of SharpZip.dll.
Added PK7 archive support.
PK3 archives now load aprox. 40% faster.
Textures browser now shows Folder/PK3/PK7 folder structure.
TextureBrowserForm is now used to display both Textures and Flats.
ACS scripts from #include and #import directives are now shown in Script name/number dropdowns.
Fixed several cases when ACS scripts lists used in Edit Thing and Edit Linedef forms wasn't updated when they should've (i.e. after compiling a script).
Added drawing modes to Mode menu, so they are much easier to spot now.
Warnings notify panel blinks much more noticeable when there are warnings.
UDMF Controls plugin:
3D-floor surfaces can be edited now.
Relative mode is now enabled by default.
Scale control now works properly in relative mode.
Angle control's angle indicator in now drawn properly when value is changed using numeric control.
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported).
Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes.
Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section).
MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame.
Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters.
Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.
Fog rendering (including colored fog in maps in UDMF format).
Fixed lots of bugs in model loading and rendering.
Added "Toggle GZDoom Effects" button, which currently toggles dynamic lights, models and fog rendering.
Model loading process is more verbose now, so if something goes wrong, check Errors and Warnings window (F11) for details.
ColorPicker plugin:
You can now select surfaces in 3D-mode and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sectors, to which these surfaces belong.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a surface and then open Color Picker window to edit sector colors of sector, to which hilighted surface belongs.
If nothing is selected, you can hilight a Light Thing and then open Color Picker window to edit it's properties.
Added Color Picker plugin
Point, Flicker and Pulse light animation should now look almost exactly as seen in GZDoom.
Fixed a bug when editing thing properties in Visual mode didn't update visual thing.
Fixed incorrect doom-style walls shading when sector has "lightcolor" property set.
Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array in CalculateNormalsAndShading()" error.
GZDoomBuilder will now show error message prior to failing.
- Changed the menu and status bar color to Tan instead of Blue for the default XP theme
- Fixed a crash after a warning when Direct3D could not be started