Changed: Visplane Explorer plugin is now initialized only in Doom/Hexen map formats.
Fixed, Visual mode: thing cages were not rendered when things didn't have a sprite.
Fixed, Internal, DB2 bug: Plug.Dispose() was never called.
More detailed info is now saved to the log file (GZBuilder.log) when an editing mode fails to initialize.
General interface: added "Help -> Program Configuration Folder" menu item.
Changed: OS name, GPU name and GZDB revision info are now added to the exception text and GZCrash.log.
Fixed, cosmetic: toolstrip separators visibility must be updated when resizing the main window.
Internal: removed Plug.DisplaySize, Plug.DisplayLocationAbs and Renderer.ViewportSize. The same data can be accessed from anywhere using General.Interface.Display.Size and General.Interface.Display.LocationAbs. Also Plug.DisplayLocationAbs returned incorrect coordinates...
Numeric textbox: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN', you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide the values.
Configurations, ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: some linedef action arguments were missing a proper type.
Rewritten parts of hints system. Hints are now loaded from "Hints.cfg" file.
Plugins: fixed a crash caused by inability to find referenced assembly when loading a plugin, which depends on other plugin(s).
Undo-redo, UDMF: undo information was not created properly for several types of UDMF fields for the last map element in the selection when the selection contained more that 1 element.
Updated documentation.
Maintenance stuff:
Core/Plugins/Plug: made current display location and size information properly available to plugins.
Made Core/Controls/ColorControl available to be used by plugins.
Floor and ceiling textures are now moved more predictably by arrow keys in GZDoom Visual mode.
Walls texture coordinates are always rounded when moved by arrow keys in Visual modes.
Linedef info panel: relative UDMF light values are now shown like this: 16 (128), which means "UDMF light value" ("total surface brightness (UDMF light value + sector brightness)")
Player is now spawned at camera height when testing from current location in Visual modes.
Focus is now properly restored after testing from current location in Visual modes.
Updated Heretic_sectors.cfg and Heretic_things.cfg as described here:
Changed sprites of artifacts in Hexen_things.cfg to proper ones.
Renamed Skulltag configs to Zandronum
Enhanced scripting workflow.
Thing and linedef arguments can now have default value in configuration files.
Fixed laggy visual camera movement on systems with big uptime.
Fixed incorrect alignment of Things with "hangs" flag in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed Editor crash when nodebuilder fails to build map. A window with error description will be shown instead.
Doom light levels were used even in maps in non-doom map format.
Tag Explorer plugin:
Elements list wasn't updated when map element was deleted.
Pugin wasn't disposed properly, which may led to Doom Builder 2 crash on map close.
Fixed plugin crash after opening another map.
Fixed unresponsive text entry in Filter text box.
Fixed plugin crash when Doom Builder can't determmine thing category ("UNKNOWN" category will be used instead).
Added "Test Map from current position" action (default shortcut is Ctrl-F9), which lets you play the game from cursor position, if you are in 2D-Mode, and from camera location if you are in Visual Mode.
Added "Sync camera position between 2D and 3D modes" (found in Preferences -> Interface -> Options), which automatically centers 2D-mode on camera position when you leave Visual Mode, and places camera at cursor position when you toggle from 2D-mode to Visual Mode (unless you have Visual Mode camera thing in your map).
Several improvements in Draw Rectangle and Draw Ellipse modes: added info label with current bevel amount and subdivision level; bevel amount now applied properly when shape size is smaller than it.
Visplane Explorer plugin will show warning message instead of chashing if current map is not in Doom map format.
Fixed a crash when trying to undo sector creation in Visual Modes.
Fixed incorrect colors in Script Editor.
Added Color Picker plugin
Point, Flicker and Pulse light animation should now look almost exactly as seen in GZDoom.
Fixed a bug when editing thing properties in Visual mode didn't update visual thing.
Fixed incorrect doom-style walls shading when sector has "lightcolor" property set.
Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array in CalculateNormalsAndShading()" error.
GZDoomBuilder will now show error message prior to failing.
Added two new type handlers that can be used in UDMF ('Thing Type' and 'Thing Class')
Polished the browse icons and browse buttons.
Added more events for plugins to intercept.