mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 19:02:12 +00:00
- remove SlimDX dependency
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 754 additions and 4 deletions
@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
<Compile Include="SlimDX.cs" />
<Compile Include="Windows\ThingStatisticsForm.cs">
@ -591,10 +592,6 @@
<Reference Include="SlimDX, Version=v4.0.30319, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1b0c32fd1ffe4f9, processorArchitecture=x86">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
using System;
namespace SlimDX
#region Device context
namespace Direct3D9
public class Device
public Device(Direct3D d3d, int adapter, DeviceType type, IntPtr windowHandle, CreateFlags createFlags, PresentParameters pp) { }
public void Reset(PresentParameters pp) { }
public void SetStreamSource(int index, VertexBuffer buffer, long offset, long stride) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, float v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, bool v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, int v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, Compare v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, ColorWriteEnable v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, ColorSource v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, Cull v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, Blend v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, BlendOperation v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, FillMode v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, FogMode v) { }
public void SetRenderState(RenderState state, ShadeMode v) { }
public Matrix GetTransform(TransformState state) { return Matrix.Identity; }
public void SetTransform(TransformState state, Matrix matrix) { }
public void SetSamplerState(int unit, SamplerState state, TextureAddress address) { }
public void BeginScene() { }
public void EndScene() { }
public void Present() { }
public void Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color4 color, float depth, int stencil) { }
public void DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType type, int startIndex, int primitiveCount) { }
public void DrawUserPrimitives<T>(PrimitiveType type, int startIndex, int primitiveCount, T[] data) where T : struct { }
public void GetRenderTargetData(Surface renderTarget, Surface destinationSurface) { } // Copies the render-target data from device memory to system memory
public void SetRenderTarget(int i, Surface surface) { }
public Surface GetBackBuffer(int i, int j) { return null; }
public Capabilities Capabilities { get; }
public Material Material { private get; set; }
public VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration { private get; set; }
public object PixelShader { private get; set; }
public object VertexShader { private get; set; }
public Surface DepthStencilSurface { get; set; }
public Viewport Viewport { get; private set; }
public Result TestCooperativeLevel() { return new Result { IsSuccess = true }; }
public void Dispose() { }
public class Material
public Color4 Ambient;
public Color4 Diffuse;
public Color4 Specular;
public struct Viewport { }
#region High level mesh rendering
namespace Direct3D9
public class Mesh
public Mesh(Device device, int indexCount, int vertexCount, MeshFlags flags, VertexElement[] elements) { }
public VertexBuffer VertexBuffer { get; private set; }
public IndexBuffer IndexBuffer { get; private set; }
public DataStream LockVertexBuffer(LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public DataStream LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void UnlockVertexBuffer() { }
public void UnlockIndexBuffer() { }
public void OptimizeInPlace(MeshOptimizeFlags flags) { }
public void DrawSubset(int index) { }
public void Dispose() { }
public class Macro { }
public class Include { }
public class EffectPool { }
public class Effect
public static Effect FromStream(Device device, System.IO.Stream stream, Macro[] macro, Include include, string skipConstants, ShaderFlags flags, EffectPool pool, out string errors) { errors = ""; return null; }
public void SetTexture(EffectHandle handle, BaseTexture texture) { }
public void SetValue<T>(EffectHandle handle, T value) where T : struct { }
public EffectHandle GetParameter(EffectHandle parameter, string name) { return null; }
public string Technique { set; private get; }
public void CommitChanges() { }
public void Begin(FX fx) { }
public void BeginPass(int index) { }
public void EndPass() { }
public void End() { }
public void Dispose() { }
public class EffectHandle
public void Dispose() { }
#region Vertex buffer format / Input assembly
namespace Direct3D9
public class VertexDeclaration
public VertexDeclaration(Device device, VertexElement[] elements) { }
public void Dispose() { }
public struct VertexElement
public VertexElement(short stream, short offset, DeclarationType type, DeclarationMethod method, DeclarationUsage usage, byte usageIndex) { }
public static readonly VertexElement VertexDeclarationEnd;
#region Buffer objects
namespace Direct3D9
public class VertexBuffer
public VertexBuffer(Device device, int sizeInBytes, Usage usage, VertexFormat format, Pool pool) { }
public DataStream Lock(int offset, int size, LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void Unlock() { }
public object Tag { get; set; }
public bool Disposed { get; }
public void Dispose() { }
public class IndexBuffer
public DataStream Lock(int offset, int size, LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void Unlock() { }
public object Tag { get; set; }
public bool Disposed { get; }
public void Dispose() { }
#region Images (textures and surfaces)
namespace Direct3D9
public class Surface
public static Surface CreateRenderTarget(Device device, int width, int height, Format format, MultisampleType multisample, int multisampleQuality, bool lockable) { return null; }
public static Surface CreateDepthStencil(Device device, int width, int height, Format format, MultisampleType multisample, int multisampleQuality, bool discard) { return null; }
public static Surface CreateOffscreenPlain(Device device, int width, int height, Format format, Pool pool) { return null; }
public SurfaceDescription Description { get; private set; }
public DataRectangle LockRectangle(LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void UnlockRectangle() { }
public void Dispose() { }
public class SurfaceDescription
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public Format Format { get; set; }
public class BaseTexture
public bool Disposed { get; }
public void Dispose() { }
public class Texture : BaseTexture
public Texture(Device device, int width, int height, int levels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool) { }
public object Tag { get; set; }
public DataRectangle LockRectangle(int level, LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void UnlockRectangle(int level) { }
public SurfaceDescription GetLevelDescription(int level) { return null; }
public Surface GetSurfaceLevel(int level) { return null; }
public static Texture FromStream(Device device, System.IO.Stream stream) { return null; }
public static Texture FromStream(Device device, System.IO.Stream stream, int length, int width, int height, int levels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool, Filter filter, Filter mipFilter, int colorkey) { return null; }
public class CubeTexture : BaseTexture
public CubeTexture(Device device, int size, int levels, Usage usage, Format format, Pool pool) { }
public Surface GetCubeMapSurface(CubeMapFace face, int level) { return null; }
public DataRectangle LockRectangle(CubeMapFace face, int level, LockFlags flags) { return null; }
public void UnlockRectangle(CubeMapFace face, int level) { }
#region Locked buffer writing and reading
public class DataRectangle
public DataRectangle(int pitch, DataStream s) { Data = s; Pitch = pitch; }
public DataStream Data { get; private set; }
public int Pitch { get; private set; }
public class DataStream : IDisposable
public void Seek(long offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin origin) { }
public void Write(ushort v) { }
public void Write(Array data, long offset, long size) { }
public void WriteRange(Array data) { }
public void WriteRange(Array data, long offset, long size) { }
public void WriteRange(IntPtr data, long size) { }
public void Dispose() { }
public void ReadRange(Array data, long offset, long size) { }
public bool CanRead { get; private set; }
public bool CanWrite { get; private set; }
public long Length { get; private set; }
public IntPtr DataPointer { get; private set; }
#region Enumerations
namespace Direct3D9
public enum RenderState
public enum Compare { GreaterEqual }
public enum ColorWriteEnable { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
public enum ColorSource { Material, Color1 }
public enum Cull { None, Counterclockwise }
public enum Blend { InverseSourceAlpha, SourceAlpha, One, BlendFactor }
public enum BlendOperation { Add, ReverseSubtract }
public enum FillMode { Solid, Wireframe }
public enum FogMode { Linear }
public enum ShadeMode { Gouraud }
public enum TransformState { World, View, Projection }
public enum SamplerState { AddressU, AddressV, AddressW }
public enum TextureAddress { Wrap, Clamp }
public enum ClearFlags { Target, ZBuffer }
public enum Format { Unknown, A8R8G8B8, D24X8 }
public enum Usage { None, WriteOnly, Dynamic, RenderTarget }
public enum VertexFormat { None }
public enum Pool { Default, Managed, SystemMemory }
public enum LockFlags { None, Discard, NoSystemLock }
public enum MeshFlags { Use32Bit, IndexBufferManaged, VertexBufferManaged, Managed }
public enum MeshOptimizeFlags { AttributeSort }
public enum ShaderFlags { None, Debug }
public enum FX { DoNotSaveState }
public enum SwapEffect { Discard }
public enum MultisampleType { None }
public enum PresentInterval { Immediate }
public enum PrimitiveType { LineList, TriangleList, TriangleStrip }
public enum Filter { None, Point, Box }
public enum CubeMapFace { PositiveX, PositiveY, PositiveZ, NegativeX, NegativeY, NegativeZ }
public enum TextureFilter { None, Point, Linear, Anisotropic }
public enum DeclarationType { Float2, Float3, Color }
public enum DeclarationMethod { Default }
public enum DeclarationUsage { Position, Color, TextureCoordinate, Normal }
#region Matrix, vector, color
public struct Matrix
public float M11, M12, M13, M14;
public float M21, M22, M23, M24;
public float M31, M32, M33, M34;
public float M41, M42, M43, M44;
public static Matrix Null { get; }
public static Matrix Identity { get { Matrix m = Null; m.M11 = 1.0f; m.M22 = 1.0f; m.M33 = 1.0f; m.M44 = 1.0f; return m; } }
public static Matrix Translation(Vector3 v) { Matrix m = Null; m.M11 = v.X; m.M22 = v.Y; m.M33 = v.Z; m.M44 = 1.0f; return m; }
public static Matrix Translation(float x, float y, float z) { Matrix m = Null; m.M11 = x; m.M22 = y; m.M33 = z; m.M44 = 1.0f; return m; }
public static Matrix RotationX(float angle) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix RotationY(float angle) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix RotationZ(float angle) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix Scaling(float x, float y, float z) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix Scaling(Vector3 v) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix LookAtLH(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix LookAtRH(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix PerspectiveFovLH(float fov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix PerspectiveFovRH(float fov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix Multiply(Matrix a, Matrix b) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Matrix operator *(Matrix a, Matrix b) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Matrix)
Matrix v = (Matrix)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
M11.GetHashCode() + M12.GetHashCode() + M13.GetHashCode() + M14.GetHashCode() +
M21.GetHashCode() + M22.GetHashCode() + M23.GetHashCode() + M24.GetHashCode() +
M31.GetHashCode() + M32.GetHashCode() + M33.GetHashCode() + M34.GetHashCode() +
M41.GetHashCode() + M42.GetHashCode() + M43.GetHashCode() + M44.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Matrix left, Matrix right)
left.M11 == right.M11 && left.M12 == right.M12 && left.M13 == right.M13 && left.M14 == right.M14 &&
left.M21 == right.M21 && left.M22 == right.M22 && left.M23 == right.M23 && left.M24 == right.M24 &&
left.M31 == right.M31 && left.M32 == right.M32 && left.M33 == right.M33 && left.M34 == right.M34 &&
left.M41 == right.M41 && left.M42 == right.M42 && left.M43 == right.M43 && left.M44 == right.M44;
public static bool operator !=(Matrix left, Matrix right)
left.M11 != right.M11 || left.M12 != right.M12 || left.M13 != right.M13 || left.M14 != right.M14 ||
left.M21 != right.M21 || left.M22 != right.M22 || left.M23 != right.M23 || left.M24 != right.M24 ||
left.M31 != right.M31 || left.M32 != right.M32 || left.M33 != right.M33 || left.M34 != right.M34 ||
left.M41 != right.M41 || left.M42 != right.M42 || left.M43 != right.M43 || left.M44 != right.M44;
public struct Color3
public Color3(float r, float g, float b) { Red = r; Green = g; Blue = b; }
public Color3(Vector3 c) { Red = c.X; Green = c.Y; Blue = c.Z; }
public Color3(System.Drawing.Color c) { Red = c.R / 255.0f; Green = c.G / 255.0f; Blue = c.B / 255.0f; }
public float Red, Green, Blue;
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Color3)
Color3 v = (Color3)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode() { return Red.GetHashCode() + Green.GetHashCode() + Blue.GetHashCode(); }
public static bool operator ==(Color3 left, Color3 right) { return left.Red == right.Red && left.Green == right.Green && left.Blue == right.Blue; }
public static bool operator !=(Color3 left, Color3 right) { return left.Red != right.Red || left.Green != right.Green || left.Blue != right.Blue; }
public struct Color4
public Color4(int argb)
uint v = (uint)argb;
Alpha = ((v >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Red = ((v >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Green = ((v >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Blue = (v & 0xff) / 255.0f;
public Color4(float r, float g, float b, float a) { Red = r; Green = g; Blue = b; Alpha = a; }
public Color4(Vector4 c) { Red = c.X; Green = c.Y; Blue = c.Z; Alpha = c.W; }
public Color4(System.Drawing.Color c) { Red = c.R / 255.0f; Green = c.G / 255.0f; Blue = c.B / 255.0f; Alpha = c.A / 255.0f; }
public float Red, Green, Blue, Alpha;
public int ToArgb()
uint r = (uint)Math.Max(Math.Min(Red * 255.0f, 255.0f), 0.0f);
uint g = (uint)Math.Max(Math.Min(Green * 255.0f, 255.0f), 0.0f);
uint b = (uint)Math.Max(Math.Min(Blue * 255.0f, 255.0f), 0.0f);
uint a = (uint)Math.Max(Math.Min(Alpha * 255.0f, 255.0f), 0.0f);
return (int)((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
public System.Drawing.Color ToColor()
return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(ToArgb());
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Color4)
Color4 v = (Color4)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public static Color4 operator +(Color4 left, Color4 right) { return new Color4(left.Red + right.Red, left.Green + right.Green, left.Blue + right.Blue, left.Alpha + right.Alpha); }
public static Color4 operator -(Color4 left, Color4 right) { return new Color4(left.Red - right.Red, left.Green - right.Green, left.Blue - right.Blue, left.Alpha - right.Alpha); }
public static Color4 operator -(Color4 v) { return new Color4(-v.Red, -v.Green, -v.Blue, -v.Alpha); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return Red.GetHashCode() + Green.GetHashCode() + Blue.GetHashCode() + Alpha.GetHashCode(); }
public static bool operator ==(Color4 left, Color4 right) { return left.Red == right.Red && left.Green == right.Green && left.Blue == right.Blue && left.Alpha == right.Alpha; }
public static bool operator !=(Color4 left, Color4 right) { return left.Red != right.Red || left.Green != right.Green || left.Blue != right.Blue || left.Alpha != right.Alpha; }
public struct Vector2
public Vector2(float v) { X = v; Y = v; }
public Vector2(float x, float y) { X = x; Y = y; }
public float X;
public float Y;
public static Vector2 Hermite(Vector2 value1, Vector2 tangent1, Vector2 value2, Vector2 tangent2, float amount) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Vector2)
Vector2 v = (Vector2)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode() { return X.GetHashCode() + Y.GetHashCode(); }
public static Vector2 operator +(Vector2 left, Vector2 right) { return new Vector2(left.X + right.X, left.Y + right.Y); }
public static Vector2 operator -(Vector2 left, Vector2 right) { return new Vector2(left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y); }
public static Vector2 operator -(Vector2 v) { return new Vector2(-v.X, -v.Y); }
public static bool operator ==(Vector2 left, Vector2 right) { return left.X == right.X && left.Y == right.Y; }
public static bool operator !=(Vector2 left, Vector2 right) { return left.X != right.X || left.Y != right.Y; }
public struct Vector3
public Vector3(float v) { X = v; Y = v; Z = v; }
public Vector3(Vector2 xy, float z) { X = xy.X; Y = xy.Y; Z = z; }
public Vector3(float x, float y, float z) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; }
public float X;
public float Y;
public float Z;
public static Vector4 Transform(Vector3 v, Matrix m) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Vector3 Hermite(Vector3 value1, Vector3 tangent1, Vector3 value2, Vector3 tangent2, float amount) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static float DistanceSquared(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { Vector3 c = b - a; return Vector3.Dot(c, c); }
public static float Dot(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { return a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z; }
public float Length() { return (float)Math.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(this, this)); }
public void Normalize()
float len = Length();
if (len > 0.0f)
X /= len;
Y /= len;
Z /= len;
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Vector3)
Vector3 v = (Vector3)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode() { return X.GetHashCode() + Y.GetHashCode() + Z.GetHashCode(); }
public static Vector3 operator +(Vector3 left, Vector3 right) { return new Vector3(left.X + right.X, left.Y + right.Y, left.Z + right.Z); }
public static Vector3 operator -(Vector3 left, Vector3 right) { return new Vector3(left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y, left.Z - right.Z); }
public static Vector3 operator -(Vector3 v) { return new Vector3(-v.X, -v.Y, -v.Z); }
public static bool operator ==(Vector3 left, Vector3 right) { return left.X == right.X && left.Y == right.Y && left.Z == right.Z; }
public static bool operator !=(Vector3 left, Vector3 right) { return left.X != right.X || left.Y != right.Y || left.Z != right.Z; }
public struct Vector4
public Vector4(float v) { X = v; Y = v; Z = v; W = v; }
public Vector4(Vector2 xy, float z, float w) { X = xy.X; Y = xy.Y; Z = z; W = w; }
public Vector4(Vector3 xyz, float w) { X = xyz.X; Y = xyz.Y; Z = xyz.Z; W = w; }
public Vector4(float x, float y, float z, float w) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; W = w; }
public float X;
public float Y;
public float Z;
public float W;
public override bool Equals(object o)
if (o is Vector4)
Vector4 v = (Vector4)o;
return this == v;
return false;
public static Vector4 operator +(Vector4 left, Vector4 right) { return new Vector4(left.X + right.X, left.Y + right.Y, left.Z + right.Z, left.W + right.W); }
public static Vector4 operator -(Vector4 left, Vector4 right) { return new Vector4(left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y, left.Z - right.Z, left.W - right.W); }
public static Vector4 operator -(Vector4 v) { return new Vector4(-v.X, -v.Y, -v.Z, -v.W); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return X.GetHashCode() + Y.GetHashCode() + Z.GetHashCode() + W.GetHashCode(); }
public static bool operator ==(Vector4 left, Vector4 right) { return left.X == right.X && left.Y == right.Y && left.Z == right.Z && left.W == right.W; }
public static bool operator !=(Vector4 left, Vector4 right) { return left.X != right.X || left.Y != right.Y || left.Z != right.Z || left.W != right.W; }
#region Direct3D init
namespace Direct3D9
public enum DeviceType { Reference, Hardware }
public enum CreateFlags { SoftwareVertexProcessing, HardwareVertexProcessing }
public enum DeviceCaps { HWTransformAndLight }
public class Direct3D : ComObject
public Capabilities GetDeviceCaps(int adapter, DeviceType type) { return null; }
public bool CheckDeviceMultisampleType(int adapter, DeviceType type, Format format, bool windowed, MultisampleType multisample) { return true; }
public Adapter[] Adapters = new Adapter[1];
public class AdapterDetails
public string Description { get; private set; }
public class DisplayMode
public Format Format { get; private set; }
public class Adapter
public AdapterDetails Details { get; private set; }
public DisplayMode CurrentDisplayMode { get; private set; }
public class ShaderVersion
public int Major;
public class Capabilities
public float MaxAnisotropy { get; }
public DeviceCaps DeviceCaps { get; }
public ShaderVersion PixelShaderVersion { get; }
public class Result
public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class PresentParameters
public bool Windowed { get; set; }
public SwapEffect SwapEffect { private get; set; }
public int BackBufferCount { private get; set; }
public Format BackBufferFormat { private get; set; }
public int BackBufferWidth { private get; set; }
public int BackBufferHeight { private get; set; }
public bool EnableAutoDepthStencil { private get; set; }
public Format AutoDepthStencilFormat { private get; set; }
public MultisampleType Multisample { private get; set; }
public PresentInterval PresentationInterval { private get; set; }
#region DirectInput mouse handling
namespace DirectInput
public enum DeviceAxisMode { Relative }
public enum CooperativeLevel { Nonexclusive, Foreground }
public class DirectInput
public void Dispose() { }
public class MouseProperties
public DeviceAxisMode AxisMode { private get; set; }
public class MouseState
public float X { get; }
public float Y { get; }
public class Result
public bool IsSuccess { get; }
public class Mouse
public Mouse(DirectInput dinput) { }
public MouseProperties Properties { get; }
public void SetCooperativeLevel(System.Windows.Forms.Control control, CooperativeLevel level) { }
public void Acquire() { }
public void Unacquire() { }
public Result Poll() { return null; }
public MouseState GetCurrentState() { return null; }
public void Dispose() { }
#region Stop watch timer
// Actually System.Diagnostics (System.Runtime.Extensions.dll, System.dll, netstandard.dll)
public class StopWatch
public long ElapsedMilliseconds { get; }
public void Reset() { }
public void Start() { }
public class Configuration
public static StopWatch Timer { get; set; }
#region COM infrastructure
public class ComObject
public object Tag { get; set; }
public string CreationSource { get; set; }
public void Dispose() { }
public class ObjectTable
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<ComObject> Objects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<ComObject>();
#region Exceptions
public class SlimDXException : ApplicationException
namespace Direct3D9
public class Direct3D9NotFoundException : SlimDXException
public class Direct3DX9NotFoundException : SlimDXException
namespace DirectInput
public class DirectInputException : SlimDXException
#region Junk
namespace Direct3D10_1
Reference in a new issue