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2007-10-20 19:50:03 +00:00
[15:49] <SoM> if you split a linedef with a vertex, there should be an option that will align the second half of the split
[15:49] <SoM> so like, if I have a line that is 128 units long
[15:49] <SoM> and I split them in half
[15:50] <SoM> the second linedef of the split would have the offset of the first + 64
[15:50] <SoM> I don't think it would take much effort
[15:50] <SoM> and it could easily be optional
[15:51] <SoM> I've been doing a lot of detailing that would be made a lot easier with a feature like this
[15:52] <CodeImp> i dont even think that should be an option, but normal behaviour
2007-11-10 01:58:08 +00:00
2007-11-10 01:58:08 +00:00
[20:55] <esselaptop> CodeImp_: i thought of another nice feature that i don't think DB has. in slade, you can middle-click (or bind it to something else) to select the nearest vertex. like, if you're drawing a line and you want to connect it to something that's off-grid, you can just put the mouse nearby the off-grid vertex and middle-click, and it'll snap to it.
2007-11-10 01:58:08 +00:00
Make Sector feature allows you to click somewhere and all surrounding lines will form a new sector. handy to split merged sectors.
typed linedef arguments
the possible types are also defined in the configuration
this allows a user to pick from a list instead of entering a number for the linedef args
Slider to change transparency amount of doublesided lines
Draw association on top of highlight so that a highligted sector referring to it's own
lines still show the line association. But for a line referring to the sector the association
should be drawn underneath the highlight or the highlight would be invisible.
The idea is actual extremely simple; having a tool to freely select things, verticies, lines, sectors, etc in a fashion other than being limited by an expanding rectangle select shape or by selecting one by one would be very nice indeed.
Actually I got the idea from GIMP (though just about all basic image editors have something similar). I think something like this could really speed up the selecting process, especially when your working with lots of things or verticies, etc. Being limited to just a square selecting box in some situations can be annoying.
Stemming from the same concept is FreeDraw, which I think is also a pretty simple idea as well (though I don't know if it would be harder to implement or not). Again, the idea came through me by a combination of image editing and doing lots and lots of tedious rock-type structures in maps. In particular, I was working on a very large cave-type map which required lots and lots of jutting and curvy wall structures. Of course this requires lots of repetitive line drawing; before you know it you've spent two hours on what is basically just a bunch of squiggly lines and curves. The idea with FreeDraw is to help cut down the time that's needed on doing structures likes this by merely drawing out a path for Doom Builder 2 to follow and draw the lines by. Think of MSPaint's pencil tool integrated into Doom Builder in a sense; you would select FreeDraw and then draw a square shape with it. Afterward you hit enter (or something similar to this to let DB2 know that your done drawing in FreeDraw mode) and it will create the linedefs. Of course the concept as it was described above could be a little problematic since tight curves and such might end up drawing waaay more lines than you really want in the end. So to add to that, I think a custom parameter box (much like what is used when you curve a linedef) would be in order to set some boundaries on how DB2 interprets and then draws the linedefs. Something along the lines of how strictly you want it to interpret the FreeDrawn line, much like how many verticies are used when curving a linedef. Of course I think something like FreeDraw would be very useful for even normal sector drawing, especially if the parameters by which DB2 reads the lines are fairly specific. It could greatly increase the speed at which structures are drawn, espeically large and complex ones.
2008-09-05 05:44:27 +00:00
<esselfortium> Make Sector mode is sweet.
<esselfortium> it'd be nice if it could somehow show you both that and what sector it currently belongs to, though.