2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2010-09-04 14:51:35 +00:00
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
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using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZDoomEditing
internal sealed class VisualFloor : BaseVisualGeometrySector
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
#region ================== Properties
#region ================== Constructor / Setup
// Constructor
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public VisualFloor(BaseVisualMode mode, VisualSector vs) : base(mode, vs)
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
// We have no destructor
// This builds the geometry. Returns false when no geometry created.
2010-09-16 12:09:17 +00:00
public override bool Setup(SectorLevel level, Effect3DFloor extrafloor)
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WorldVertex[] verts;
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Sector s = level.sector;
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Vector2D texscale;
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base.Setup(level, extrafloor);
2010-09-15 20:41:40 +00:00
// Fetch ZDoom fields
float rotate = Angle2D.DegToRad(s.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0.0f));
Vector2D offset = new Vector2D(s.Fields.GetValue("xpanningfloor", 0.0f),
s.Fields.GetValue("ypanningfloor", 0.0f));
Vector2D scale = new Vector2D(s.Fields.GetValue("xscalefloor", 1.0f),
s.Fields.GetValue("yscalefloor", 1.0f));
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// Load floor texture
base.Texture = General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(s.LongFloorTexture);
if(base.Texture == null)
base.Texture = General.Map.Data.MissingTexture3D;
setuponloadedtexture = s.LongFloorTexture;
setuponloadedtexture = s.LongFloorTexture;
// Determine texture scale
texscale = new Vector2D(1.0f / base.Texture.ScaledWidth, 1.0f / base.Texture.ScaledHeight);
texscale = new Vector2D(1.0f / 64.0f, 1.0f / 64.0f);
// Make vertices
2010-09-04 14:51:35 +00:00
ReadOnlyCollection<Vector2D> triverts = base.Sector.Sector.Triangles.Vertices;
verts = new WorldVertex[triverts.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < triverts.Count; i++)
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// Color shading
2010-09-10 15:59:47 +00:00
PixelColor c = PixelColor.FromInt(level.color);
verts[i].c = c.WithAlpha((byte)General.Clamp(level.alpha, 0, 255)).ToInt();
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// Vertex coordinates
2010-09-04 14:51:35 +00:00
verts[i].x = triverts[i].x;
verts[i].y = triverts[i].y;
verts[i].z = level.plane.GetZ(triverts[i]); //(float)s.FloorHeight;
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// Texture coordinates
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Vector2D pos = triverts[i];
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
pos = pos.GetRotated(rotate);
pos.y = -pos.y;
pos = (pos + offset) * scale * texscale;
verts[i].u = pos.x;
verts[i].v = pos.y;
2010-09-16 19:38:46 +00:00
// The sector triangulation created clockwise triangles that
// are right up for the floor. For the ceiling we must flip
// the triangles upside down.
if((extrafloor != null) && !extrafloor.VavoomType)
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2010-09-10 15:59:47 +00:00
// Determine render pass
2010-09-17 22:00:21 +00:00
if(extrafloor != null)
if(level.alpha < 255)
this.RenderPass = RenderPass.Alpha;
this.RenderPass = RenderPass.Mask;
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2010-09-17 22:00:21 +00:00
2010-09-10 15:59:47 +00:00
this.RenderPass = RenderPass.Solid;
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2010-09-10 15:59:47 +00:00
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
// Apply vertices
return (verts.Length > 0);
#region ================== Methods
2011-12-05 15:06:28 +00:00
// Return texture coordinates
protected override Point GetTextureOffset()
Point p = new Point();
p.X = (int)Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("xpanningfloor", 0.0f);
p.Y = (int)Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("ypanningfloor", 0.0f);
return p;
// Move texture coordinates
protected override void MoveTextureOffset(Point xy)
float oldx = Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("xpanningfloor", 0.0f);
float oldy = Sector.Sector.Fields.GetValue("ypanningfloor", 0.0f);
Sector.Sector.Fields["xpanningfloor"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, oldx + (float)xy.X);
Sector.Sector.Fields["ypanningfloor"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, oldy + (float)xy.Y);
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
// Paste texture
public override void OnPasteTexture()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedFlat != null)
mode.CreateUndo("Paste floor " + BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedFlat);
mode.SetActionResult("Pasted flat " + BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedFlat + " on floor.");
2010-09-17 06:11:56 +00:00
// Call to change the height
public override void OnChangeTargetHeight(int amount)
// Only do this when not done yet in this call
// Because we may be able to select the same 3D floor multiple times through multiple sectors
SectorData sd = mode.GetSectorData(level.sector);
sd.FloorChanged = true;
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// This changes the height
protected override void ChangeHeight(int amount)
2010-09-16 19:38:46 +00:00
mode.CreateUndo("Change floor height", UndoGroup.FloorHeightChange, level.sector.FixedIndex);
level.sector.FloorHeight += amount;
mode.SetActionResult("Changed floor height to " + level.sector.FloorHeight + ".");
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
// This performs a fast test in object picking
public override bool PickFastReject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir)
2010-09-06 06:09:22 +00:00
// Check if our ray starts at the correct side of the plane
if(level.plane.Distance(from) > 0.0f)
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2010-09-06 06:09:22 +00:00
// Calculate the intersection
if(level.plane.GetIntersection(from, to, ref pickrayu))
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2010-09-06 06:09:22 +00:00
if(pickrayu > 0.0f)
pickintersect = from + (to - from) * pickrayu;
// Intersection point within bbox?
RectangleF bbox = Sector.Sector.BBox;
return ((pickintersect.x >= bbox.Left) && (pickintersect.x <= bbox.Right) &&
(pickintersect.y >= bbox.Top) && (pickintersect.y <= bbox.Bottom));
2010-09-04 11:19:37 +00:00
2010-09-06 06:09:22 +00:00
2010-09-04 11:19:37 +00:00
return false;
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
// This performs an accurate test for object picking
public override bool PickAccurate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir, ref float u_ray)
u_ray = pickrayu;
// Check on which side of the nearest sidedef we are
Sidedef sd = MapSet.NearestSidedef(Sector.Sector.Sidedefs, pickintersect);
float side = sd.Line.SideOfLine(pickintersect);
return (((side <= 0.0f) && sd.IsFront) || ((side > 0.0f) && !sd.IsFront));
// Return texture name
public override string GetTextureName()
2010-09-14 19:50:16 +00:00
return level.sector.FloorTexture;
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// This changes the texture
protected override void SetTexture(string texturename)
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2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00
2010-09-14 19:50:16 +00:00
if(level.sector == this.Sector.Sector)
else if(mode.VisualSectorExists(level.sector))
BaseVisualSector vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(level.sector);
2010-09-01 21:05:08 +00:00