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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using System.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows
internal partial class ConfigForm : DelayedForm
// Variables
private GameConfiguration gameconfig;
private ConfigurationInfo configinfo;
private List<DefinedTextureSet> copiedsets;
private bool preventchanges;
private bool reloadresources;
// Properties
public bool ReloadResources { get { return reloadresources; } }
// Constructor
public ConfigForm()
ListViewItem lvi;
// Initialize
// Make list column header full width
columnname.Width = listconfigs.ClientRectangle.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth - 2;
// Fill list of configurations
foreach(ConfigurationInfo ci in General.Configs)
// Add a copy
lvi = listconfigs.Items.Add(ci.Name);
lvi.Tag = ci.Clone();
lvi.Checked = ci.Enabled; //mxd
lvi.ForeColor = (ci.Enabled ? SystemColors.WindowText : SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText); //mxd
// This is the current configuration?
if((General.Map != null) && (General.Map.ConfigSettings.Filename == ci.Filename))
lvi.Selected = true;
// No skill
skill.Value = 0;
// Nodebuilders are allowed to be empty
nodebuildersave.Items.Add(new NodebuilderInfo());
nodebuildertest.Items.Add(new NodebuilderInfo());
// Fill comboboxes with nodebuilders
// Fill list of editing modes
foreach(EditModeInfo emi in General.Editing.ModesInfo)
// Is this mode selectable by the user?
lvi = listmodes.Items.Add(emi.Attributes.DisplayName);
lvi.Tag = emi;
listconfigs.ItemChecked += listconfigs_ItemChecked;
listconfigs.SelectedIndexChanged += listconfigs_SelectedIndexChanged;
//mxd. Trigger change to update the right panel...
listconfigs_MouseUp(this, new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, 0, 0, 0, 0));
// This shows a specific page
public void ShowTab(int index)
tabs.SelectedIndex = index;
// Configuration item selected
private void listconfigs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
NodebuilderInfo ni;
// Item selected?
if(listconfigs.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
// Enable panels
tabs.Enabled = true;
preventchanges = true;
//mxd. Store current engine name
if(configinfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cbEngineSelector.Text))
configinfo.TestProgramName = cbEngineSelector.Text;
// Get config info of selected item
configinfo = listconfigs.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ConfigurationInfo;
//mxd. Load the game configuration
gameconfig = new GameConfiguration(configinfo.Configuration);
// Set defaults
// Fill resources list
// Go for all nodebuilder save items
nodebuildersave.SelectedIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < nodebuildersave.Items.Count; i++)
// Get item
ni = nodebuildersave.Items[i] as NodebuilderInfo;
// Item matches configuration setting?
if(string.Compare(ni.Name, configinfo.NodebuilderSave, false) == 0)
// Select this item
nodebuildersave.SelectedIndex = i;
// Go for all nodebuilder test items
nodebuildertest.SelectedIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < nodebuildertest.Items.Count; i++)
// Get item
ni = nodebuildertest.Items[i] as NodebuilderInfo;
// Item matches configuration setting?
if(string.Compare(ni.Name, configinfo.NodebuilderTest, false) == 0)
// Select this item
nodebuildertest.SelectedIndex = i;
// Fill skills list
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//mxd. Fill engines list
foreach(EngineInfo info in configinfo.TestEngines)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex = configinfo.CurrentEngineIndex;
btnRemoveEngine.Enabled = configinfo.TestEngines.Count > 1;
// Fill texture sets list
foreach(DefinedTextureSet ts in configinfo.TextureSets)
ListViewItem item = listtextures.Items.Add(ts.Name);
item.Tag = ts;
item.ImageIndex = 0;
// Go for all the editing modes in the list
foreach(ListViewItem lvi in listmodes.Items)
EditModeInfo emi = (lvi.Tag as EditModeInfo);
lvi.Checked = (configinfo.EditModes.ContainsKey(emi.Type.FullName) && configinfo.EditModes[emi.Type.FullName]);
// Fill start modes
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//mxd. Initialise custom linedef colors panel
colorsControl.Setup(gameconfig, configinfo);
// Done
preventchanges = false;
// Key released
private void listconfigs_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
// Nothing selected?
if(listconfigs.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
// Disable panels
gameconfig = null;
configinfo = null;
configdata.FixedResourceLocationList(new DataLocationList());
configdata.EditResourceLocationList(new DataLocationList());
nodebuildersave.SelectedIndex = -1;
nodebuildertest.SelectedIndex = -1;
testapplication.Text = "";
testparameters.Text = "";
shortpaths.Checked = false;
skill.Value = 0;
customparameters.Checked = false;
tabs.Enabled = false;
// Mouse released
private void listconfigs_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
listconfigs_KeyUp(sender, new KeyEventArgs(Keys.None));
private void listconfigs_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e) {
e.Item.ForeColor = (e.Item.Checked ? SystemColors.WindowText : SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText);
// Resource locations changed
private void resourcelocations_OnContentChanged()
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
if(!preventchanges) reloadresources = true;
// Nodebuilder selection changed
private void nodebuildersave_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
if(nodebuildersave.SelectedItem != null)
configinfo.NodebuilderSave = (nodebuildersave.SelectedItem as NodebuilderInfo).Name;
// Nodebuilder selection changed
private void nodebuildertest_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
if(nodebuildertest.SelectedItem != null)
configinfo.NodebuilderTest = (nodebuildertest.SelectedItem as NodebuilderInfo).Name;
// Test application changed
private void testapplication_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
configinfo.TestProgram = testapplication.Text;
//mxd. Update engine name if needed
cbEngineSelector.Text = configinfo.TestProgramName;
// Test parameters changed
private void testparameters_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
configinfo = listconfigs.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ConfigurationInfo;
configinfo.TestParameters = testparameters.Text;
// Show example result
// This creates a new parameters example
private void CreateParametersExample()
// Map loaded?
if(General.Map != null)
// Make converted parameters
testresult.Text = General.Map.Launcher.ConvertParameters(testparameters.Text, skill.Value, shortpaths.Checked);
// OK clicked
private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ConfigurationInfo ci;
//mxd. Apply configuration items. They should be in the same order, riiiight?
for(int i = 0; i < listconfigs.Items.Count; i++) {
// Get configuration item
ci = listconfigs.Items[i].Tag as ConfigurationInfo;
ci.Enabled = listconfigs.Items[i].Checked;
// Apply settings
General.Configs[i].Enabled = ci.Enabled;
if(ci.Changed) General.Configs[i].Apply(ci);
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//mxd. Update linedef color presets
if(General.Map != null && General.Map.Map != null)
// Close
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
// Cancel clicked
private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Close
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
// Browse test program
private void browsetestprogram_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set initial directory
if(testapplication.Text.Length > 0)
try { testprogramdialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(testapplication.Text); }
catch(Exception) { }
// Browse for test program
if(testprogramdialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// Apply
testapplication.Text = testprogramdialog.FileName;
//mxd. Update engine name
configinfo.Changed = true;
cbEngineSelector.Text = configinfo.TestProgramName;
// Customize parameters (un)checked
private void customparameters_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
configinfo.CustomParameters = customparameters.Checked;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// Update interface
labelparameters.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
testparameters.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
shortpaths.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
// Check if a map is loaded
if(General.Map != null)
// Show parameters example result
labelresult.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
testresult.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
noresultlabel.Visible = false;
// Cannot show parameters example result
labelresult.Visible = false;
testresult.Visible = false;
noresultlabel.Visible = customparameters.Checked;
// Use short paths changed
private void shortpaths_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
configinfo.TestShortPaths = shortpaths.Checked;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// Skill changes
private void skill_ValueChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply to selected configuration
configinfo.TestSkill = skill.Value;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// Make new texture set
private void addtextureset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DefinedTextureSet s = new DefinedTextureSet("New Texture Set");
TextureSetForm form = new TextureSetForm();
if(form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
// Add to texture sets
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
ListViewItem item = listtextures.Items.Add(s.Name);
item.Tag = s;
item.ImageIndex = 0;
reloadresources = true;
// Edit texture set
private void edittextureset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Texture Set selected?
if(listtextures.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
DefinedTextureSet s = (listtextures.SelectedItems[0].Tag as DefinedTextureSet);
TextureSetForm form = new TextureSetForm();
listtextures.SelectedItems[0].Text = s.Name;
reloadresources = true;
// Remove texture set
private void removetextureset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Texture Set selected?
while(listtextures.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
// Remove from config info and list
DefinedTextureSet s = (listtextures.SelectedItems[0].Tag as DefinedTextureSet);
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
reloadresources = true;
// Texture Set selected/deselected
private void listtextures_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
edittextureset.Enabled = (listtextures.SelectedItems.Count > 0);
removetextureset.Enabled = (listtextures.SelectedItems.Count > 0);
copytexturesets.Enabled = (listtextures.SelectedItems.Count > 0);
// Doubleclicking a texture set
private void listtextures_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
edittextureset_Click(sender, e);
// Copy selected texture sets
private void copytexturesets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make copies
copiedsets = new List<DefinedTextureSet>();
foreach(ListViewItem item in listtextures.SelectedItems)
DefinedTextureSet s = (item.Tag as DefinedTextureSet);
// Enable button
pastetexturesets.Enabled = true;
// Paste copied texture sets
private void pastetexturesets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(copiedsets != null)
// Add copies
foreach(DefinedTextureSet ts in copiedsets)
DefinedTextureSet s = ts.Copy();
ListViewItem item = listtextures.Items.Add(s.Name);
item.Tag = s;
item.ImageIndex = 0;
reloadresources = true;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// This will add the default sets from game configuration
private void restoretexturesets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Ask nicely first
if(MessageBox.Show(this, "This will add the default Texture Sets from the Game Configuration. Do you want to continue?",
"Add Default Sets", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
// Add copies
foreach(DefinedTextureSet ts in gameconfig.TextureSets)
DefinedTextureSet s = ts.Copy();
ListViewItem item = listtextures.Items.Add(s.Name);
item.Tag = s;
item.ImageIndex = 0;
reloadresources = true;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// This is called when an editing mode item is checked or unchecked
private void listmodes_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return; //mxd
// Leave when no configuration selected
if(configinfo == null) return;
// Apply changes
EditModeInfo emi = (e.Item.Tag as EditModeInfo);
bool currentstate = (configinfo.EditModes.ContainsKey(emi.Type.FullName) && configinfo.EditModes[emi.Type.FullName]);
if(e.Item.Checked && !currentstate)
// Add
configinfo.EditModes[emi.Type.FullName] = true;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
else if(!e.Item.Checked && currentstate)
// Remove
configinfo.EditModes[emi.Type.FullName] = false;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
preventchanges = true;
preventchanges = false;
// Help requested
private void ConfigForm_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent)
hlpevent.Handled = true;
// This refills the start mode cobobox
private void RefillStartModes()
// Refill the startmode combobox
foreach(ListViewItem item in listmodes.Items)
EditModeInfo emi = (item.Tag as EditModeInfo);
int newindex = startmode.Items.Add(emi);
if(emi.Type.Name == configinfo.StartMode) startmode.SelectedIndex = newindex;
// Select the first in the combobox if none are selected
if((startmode.SelectedItem == null) && (startmode.Items.Count > 0))
startmode.SelectedIndex = 0;
EditModeInfo emi = (startmode.SelectedItem as EditModeInfo);
configinfo.StartMode = emi.Type.Name;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
// Start mode combobox changed
private void startmode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges || (configinfo == null)) return;
// Apply start mode
if(startmode.SelectedItem != null)
EditModeInfo emi = (startmode.SelectedItem as EditModeInfo);
configinfo.StartMode = emi.Type.Name;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
private void btnNewEngine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
EngineInfo newInfo = new EngineInfo();
newInfo.TestSkill = (int)Math.Ceiling(gameconfig.Skills.Count / 2f); //set Medium skill level
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
//store current engine name
configinfo.TestProgramName = cbEngineSelector.Text;
//refresh engines list
foreach(EngineInfo info in configinfo.TestEngines)
cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex = configinfo.TestEngines.Count - 1;
btnRemoveEngine.Enabled = true;
private void btnRemoveEngine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//remove params
int index = cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex;
cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex = -1;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
//refresh engines list
foreach(EngineInfo info in configinfo.TestEngines)
if (index >= configinfo.TestEngines.Count)
index = configinfo.TestEngines.Count - 1;
cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex = index;
if (configinfo.TestEngines.Count < 2)
btnRemoveEngine.Enabled = false;
private void cbEngineSelector_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex == -1) return;
//set new values
configinfo.CurrentEngineIndex = cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
cbEngineSelector.Tag = cbEngineSelector.SelectedIndex; //store for later use
// Set test application and parameters
if (!configinfo.CustomParameters)
configinfo.TestParameters = gameconfig.TestParameters;
configinfo.TestShortPaths = gameconfig.TestShortPaths;
configinfo.TestProgramName = cbEngineSelector.Text;
testapplication.Text = configinfo.TestProgram;
testparameters.Text = configinfo.TestParameters;
shortpaths.Checked = configinfo.TestShortPaths;
int skilllevel = configinfo.TestSkill;
skill.Value = skilllevel - 1; //mxd. WHY???
skill.Value = skilllevel;
customparameters.Checked = configinfo.CustomParameters;
private void cbEngineSelector_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) {
int index = (int)cbEngineSelector.Tag;
if(index != -1 && cbEngineSelector.Text != cbEngineSelector.Items[index].ToString()) {
cbEngineSelector.Items[index] = cbEngineSelector.Text;
configinfo.TestProgramName = cbEngineSelector.Text;
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
private void colorsControl_PresetsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(configinfo == null) return;
configinfo.LinedefColorPresets = colorsControl.GetPresets();
configinfo.Changed = true; //mxd
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
private void ConfigForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (listconfigs.SelectedItems.Count > 0) {