
1195 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.Interface;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
[EditMode(DisplayName = "Vertices Mode",
SwitchAction = "verticesmode", // Action name used to switch to this mode
ButtonImage = "VerticesMode.png", // Image resource name for the button
ButtonOrder = int.MinValue, // Position of the button (lower is more to the left)
ButtonGroup = "000_editing",
UseByDefault = true,
SafeStartMode = true)]
public class VerticesMode : BaseClassicMode
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Highlighted item
private Vertex highlighted;
private Vector2D insertpreview = new Vector2D(float.NaN, float.NaN); //mxd
// Interface
private bool editpressed;
#region ================== Properties
public override object HighlightedObject { get { return highlighted; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
#region ================== Methods
public override void OnHelp()
// Cancel mode
public override void OnCancel()
// Return to this mode
General.Editing.ChangeMode(new VerticesMode());
// Mode engages
public override void OnEngage()
// Add toolbar buttons
General.Interface.BeginToolbarUpdate(); //mxd
General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.PastePropertiesOptions); //mxd
General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.TextureOffsetLock, ToolbarSection.Geometry); //mxd
General.Interface.EndToolbarUpdate(); //mxd
// Convert geometry selection to vertices only
UpdateSelectionInfo(); //mxd
// Mode disengages
public override void OnDisengage()
// Remove toolbar buttons
General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.PastePropertiesOptions); //mxd
General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.TextureOffsetLock); //mxd
// Going to EditSelectionMode?
EditSelectionMode mode = General.Editing.NewMode as EditSelectionMode;
if(mode != null)
// Not pasting anything?
// No selection made? But we have a highlight!
if((General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true).Count == 0) && (highlighted != null))
// Make the highlight the selection
highlighted.Selected = true;
// Hide highlight info
// This redraws the display
public override void OnRedrawDisplay()
// Render lines and vertices
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, ColorCollection.HIGHLIGHT);
// Render things
renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.HiddenThings, General.Settings.HiddenThingsAlpha);
renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings, General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha);
// Render selection
if(selecting && renderer.StartOverlay(true))
// This highlights a new item
private void Highlight(Vertex v)
// Update display
// Undraw previous highlight
if(highlighted != null && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, renderer.DetermineVertexColor(highlighted));
// Set new highlight
highlighted = v;
// Render highlighted item
if(highlighted != null && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, ColorCollection.HIGHLIGHT);
// Done
// Show highlight info
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
// Selection
protected override void OnSelectBegin()
// Item highlighted?
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
// Redraw highlight to show selection
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, renderer.DetermineVertexColor(highlighted));
// End selection
protected override void OnSelectEnd()
// Not stopping from multiselection?
// Item highlighted?
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//mxd. Flip selection
highlighted.Selected = !highlighted.Selected;
// Render highlighted item
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, ColorCollection.HIGHLIGHT);
else if(BuilderPlug.Me.AutoClearSelection && General.Map.Map.SelectedVerticessCount > 0)
// Start editing
protected override void OnEditBegin()
bool snaptogrid = General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid;
bool snaptonearest = General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge;
// Vertex highlighted?
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
// Edit pressed in this mode
editpressed = true;
// Highlighted item not selected?
if(!highlighted.Selected && (BuilderPlug.Me.AutoClearSelection || (General.Map.Map.SelectedVerticessCount == 0)))
// Make this the only selection
highlighted.Selected = true;
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Selection, "1 vertex selected.");
// Update display
// Redraw highlight to show selection
renderer.PlotVertex(highlighted, renderer.DetermineVertexColor(highlighted));
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
else if(!selecting) //mxd. We don't want to do this stuff while multiselecting
// Find the nearest linedef within highlight range
Linedef l = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedefRange(mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange / renderer.Scale);
if(l != null)
// Create undo
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Split linedef");
Vector2D insertpos;
// Snip to grid also?
// Find all points where the grid intersects the line
List<Vector2D> points = l.GetGridIntersections();
insertpos = mousemappos;
float distance = float.MaxValue;
foreach(Vector2D p in points)
float pdist = Vector2D.DistanceSq(p, mousemappos);
if(pdist < distance)
insertpos = p;
distance = pdist;
// Just use the nearest point on line
insertpos = l.NearestOnLine(mousemappos);
// Make the vertex
Vertex v = General.Map.Map.CreateVertex(insertpos);
if(v == null)
// Snap to map format accuracy
// Split the line with this vertex
Linedef sld = l.Split(v);
if(sld == null)
//BuilderPlug.Me.AdjustSplitCoordinates(l, sld);
// Update
// Highlight it
// Redraw display
else if(BuilderPlug.Me.AutoDrawOnEdit)
// Start drawing mode
DrawGeometryMode drawmode = new DrawGeometryMode();
DrawnVertex v = DrawGeometryMode.GetCurrentPosition(mousemappos, snaptonearest, snaptogrid, false, renderer, new List<DrawnVertex>());
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Failed to draw point: outside of map boundaries.");
// Done editing
protected override void OnEditEnd()
// Edit pressed in this mode?
// Anything selected?
ICollection<Vertex> selected = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
if(selected.Count > 0)
//mxd. Show realtime vertex edit dialog
General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged += vertexEditForm_OnValuesChanged;
DialogResult result = General.Interface.ShowEditVertices(selected);
General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged -= vertexEditForm_OnValuesChanged;
// When a single vertex was selected, deselect it now
if(selected.Count == 1)
else if(result == DialogResult.Cancel) //mxd. Restore selection...
foreach(Vertex v in selected) v.Selected = true;
UpdateSelectionInfo(); //mxd
editpressed = false;
private void vertexEditForm_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update entire display
// Mouse moves
public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if(panning) return; //mxd. Skip all this jazz while panning
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
if(selectpressed && !editpressed && !selecting)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Check if moved enough pixels for multiselect
Vector2D delta = mousedownpos - mousepos;
if((Math.Abs(delta.x) > MULTISELECT_START_MOVE_PIXELS) ||
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Start multiselecting
else if(paintselectpressed && !editpressed && !selecting) //mxd. Drag-select
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Find the nearest thing within highlight range
Vertex v = General.Map.Map.NearestVertexSquareRange(mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.HighlightRange / renderer.Scale);
if(v != null)
if(v != highlighted)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//toggle selected state
if(General.Interface.ShiftState ^ BuilderPlug.Me.AdditiveSelect)
v.Selected = true;
else if(General.Interface.CtrlState)
v.Selected = false;
v.Selected = !v.Selected;
highlighted = v;
UpdateSelectionInfo(); //mxd
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Update entire display
else if(highlighted != null)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
highlighted = null;
// Update entire display
else if(e.Button == MouseButtons.None) // Not holding any buttons?
//mxd. Render insert vertex preview
Linedef l = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedefRange(mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange / renderer.Scale);
if(l != null)
// Snip to grid?
if(General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid)
// Find all points where the grid intersects the line
List<Vector2D> points = l.GetGridIntersections();
if(points.Count == 0)
insertpreview = l.NearestOnLine(mousemappos);
insertpreview = mousemappos;
float distance = float.MaxValue;
foreach(Vector2D p in points)
float pdist = Vector2D.DistanceSq(p, mousemappos);
if(pdist < distance)
insertpreview = p;
distance = pdist;
// Just use the nearest point on line
insertpreview = l.NearestOnLine(mousemappos);
//render preview
float dist = Math.Min(Vector2D.Distance(mousemappos, insertpreview), BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange);
byte alpha = (byte)(255 - (dist / BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange) * 128);
float vsize = (renderer.VertexSize + 1.0f) / renderer.Scale;
renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(insertpreview.x - vsize, insertpreview.y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), General.Colors.InfoLine.WithAlpha(alpha), true);
else if(insertpreview.IsFinite())
insertpreview.x = float.NaN;
//undraw preveiw
// Find the nearest vertex within highlight range
Vertex v = General.Map.Map.NearestVertexSquareRange(mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.HighlightRange / renderer.Scale);
// Highlight if not the same
if(v != highlighted) Highlight(v);
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Mouse leaves
public override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
// Highlight nothing
protected override void BeginViewPan()
insertpreview.x = float.NaN;
//undraw preveiw
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
protected override void OnPaintSelectBegin()
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
highlighted = null;
// Mouse wants to drag
protected override void OnDragStart(MouseEventArgs e)
// Edit button used?
if(General.Actions.CheckActionActive(null, "classicedit"))
// Anything highlighted?
if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
// Highlighted item not selected?
// Select only this vertex for dragging
highlighted.Selected = true;
// Start dragging the selection
if(!BuilderPlug.Me.DontMoveGeometryOutsideMapBoundary || CanDrag()) //mxd
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
General.Editing.ChangeMode(new DragVerticesMode(highlighted, mousedownmappos));
//mxd. Check if any selected vertex is outside of map boundary
private static bool CanDrag()
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
ICollection<Vertex> selectedverts = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
int unaffectedCount = 0;
foreach(Vertex v in selectedverts)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
// Make sure the vertex is inside the map boundary
if(v.Position.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary || v.Position.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary
|| v.Position.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary || v.Position.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
v.Selected = false;
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
if(unaffectedCount == selectedverts.Count)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Unable to drag selection: " + (selectedverts.Count == 1 ? "selected vertex is" : "all of selected vertices are") + " outside of map boundary!");
return false;
if(unaffectedCount > 0)
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, unaffectedCount + " of selected vertices " + (unaffectedCount == 1 ? "is" : "are") + " outside of map boundary!");
return true;
// This is called wheh selection ends
protected override void OnEndMultiSelection()
bool selectionvolume = ((Math.Abs(selectionrect.Width) > 0.1f) && (Math.Abs(selectionrect.Height) > 0.1f));
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
case MarqueSelectionMode.SELECT:
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
v.Selected = selectionrect.Contains(v.Position.x, v.Position.y);
case MarqueSelectionMode.ADD:
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
v.Selected |= selectionrect.Contains(v.Position.x, v.Position.y);
case MarqueSelectionMode.SUBTRACT:
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
if(selectionrect.Contains(v.Position.x, v.Position.y)) v.Selected = false;
default: //should be Intersect
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
if(!selectionrect.Contains(v.Position.x, v.Position.y)) v.Selected = false;
// Clear overlay
if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) renderer.Finish();
// Redraw
// This is called when the selection is updated
protected override void OnUpdateMultiSelection()
// Render selection
// When copying
public override bool OnCopyBegin()
// No selection made? But we have a highlight!
if((General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true).Count == 0) && (highlighted != null))
// Make the highlight the selection
highlighted.Selected = true;
//mxd. Actually, we want it marked, not selected
bool result = base.OnCopyBegin();
highlighted.Selected = false;
return result;
return base.OnCopyBegin();
#region ================== Actions
// This copies the properties
public void CopyProperties()
// Determine source vertices
ICollection<Vertex> sel = null;
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
if(General.Map.Map.SelectedVerticessCount > 0) sel = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
else if(highlighted != null) sel = new List<Vertex> { highlighted };
if(sel != null)
// Copy properties from first source vertex
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps = new VertexProperties(General.GetByIndex(sel, 0));
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Copied vertex properties.");
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "This action requires highlight or selection!");
// This pastes the properties
public void PasteProperties()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps != null)
// Determine target vertices
ICollection<Vertex> sel = null;
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
if(General.Map.Map.SelectedVerticessCount > 0) sel = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
else if(highlighted != null) sel = new List<Vertex> { highlighted };
if(sel != null)
// Apply properties to selection
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
string rest = (sel.Count == 1 ? "a single vertex" : sel.Count + " vertices"); //mxd
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Paste properties to " + rest);
foreach(Vertex v in sel)
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps.Apply(v, false);
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Pasted properties to " + rest + ".");
// Update and redraw
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "This action requires highlight or selection!");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Copy vertex properties first!");
//mxd. This pastes the properties with options
public void PastePropertiesWithOptions()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps != null)
// Determine target vertices
ICollection<Vertex> sel = null;
if(General.Map.Map.SelectedVerticessCount > 0) sel = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
else if(highlighted != null) sel = new List<Vertex> { highlighted };
if(sel != null)
PastePropertiesOptionsForm form = new PastePropertiesOptionsForm();
Game Configurations: added Vanilla Strife, Vanilla Heretic and Vanilla Hexen game configurations. Added "makedoorceil" game configuration property. Works the same way as "makedoortrack" and "makedoordoor", but for ceilings of door sectors. Changed, Game configurations: the editor no longer tries to load DECORATE/MODELDEF/VOXELDEF/GLDEFS/REVERBS lumps when "decorategames" setting is not specified / is set to empty string. Changed, General interface: "Tools -> Reload MODELDEF/VOXELDEF" and "Tools -> Reload GLDEFS" menu items are no longer shown when current game configuration doesn't support DECORATE. Fixed a crash when pasting linedef/thing properties in Hexen map format. Fixed, Visual mode: Visual Thing resources were not fully unloaded when resetting D3D device leading to crash when switching to the editor from a DX-using game engine (like ZDoom) running in fullscreen. Fixed: in some cases, when current game configuration supported multiple script compilers, it was possible to open/create a map or change map options without selecting any script compiler. Fixed, New Map Options window: default map name was not updated when switching game configurations. Fixed: copied map element properties were not reset after switching to another map. Fixed: stored textures for "Make Door" action were not reset after switching to another map. Fixed, Game Configurations window: currently selected test engine name was not updated when pasting test engines from another configuration. Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Heretic in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list. Fixed, Game Configurations: all "Strife in Doom map format" configurations were using Doom sector effects list.
2015-10-21 13:35:42 +00:00
if(form.Setup(MapElementType.VERTEX) && form.ShowDialog(General.Interface) == DialogResult.OK)
Removed "Paste Properties Options" action. Added "Paste Properties Special" actions in "Classic" and "Visual" categories. They work the same way as "Paste Special" action. Added: "Copy Properties", "Paste Properties" and "Paste Properties Special" options are now shown in the Edit menu if current classic mode supports them. Changed, Paste Properties Special window: only options relevant to current map format are now displayed. Changed, Paste Properties Special window, UDMF: all UI-managed options are now available. Fixed: MAPINFO parser was unable to process "include" directives. Fixed, General interface: selection info was reset to "Nothing selected" after few seconds regardless of current selection. Fixed, Visual mode: thing bounding boxes were not updated when changing things positions using Randomize mode. Fixed, Visual mode: event lines were displayed at incorrect height when entering Visual mode for the first time. Fixed, Texture Browser window: when MixTexturesFlats Game Configuration option is disabled, textures/flats are no longer shown in the Used group when flats/textures with the same names are used in the map. Fixed(?): probably fixed an exception some users reported when trying to initialize a Classic mode after switching from Visual mode with "Sync cameras" option enabled. Changed, Game configurations, Thing Categories: a block must have at least one thing category property to be recognized as a thing category. Changed, Visplane Explorer: the plugin now outputs more info when it fails to initialize vpo.dll. Cosmetic, Thing Edit window, Doom/Hexen map format: adjusted UI layout so thing flags control no longer displays scrollbars in Hexen map format. Internal: merged methods from UDMFTools into UniFields, removed UDMFTools. Updated Inno Setup script (added VC++ 2008 SP1 distributive). Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_CheckBlock). Updated documentation (added "System Requirements" page).
2015-10-09 12:38:12 +00:00
// Apply properties to selection
string rest = (sel.Count == 1 ? "a single vertex" : sel.Count + " vertices");
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Paste properties with options to " + rest);
foreach(Vertex v in sel)
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps.Apply(v, true);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Pasted properties with options to " + rest + ".");
// Update and redraw
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "This action requires highlight or selection!");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Copy vertex properties first!");
// This clears the selection
[BeginAction("clearselection", BaseAction = true)]
public void ClearSelection()
// Clear selection
//mxd. Clear selection info
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Selection, string.Empty);
// Redraw
// This creates a new vertex at the mouse position
[BeginAction("insertitem", BaseAction = true)]
private void InsertVertex()
bool snaptogrid = General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid;
bool snaptonearest = General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge;
// Mouse in window?
Vector2D insertpos;
// Create undo
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Insert vertex");
// Snap to geometry?
Linedef l = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedefRange(mousemappos, BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange / renderer.Scale);
if(snaptonearest && (l != null))
// Snip to grid also?
// Find all points where the grid intersects the line
List<Vector2D> points = l.GetGridIntersections();
if(points.Count == 0)
//mxd. Just use the nearest point on line
insertpos = l.NearestOnLine(mousemappos);
insertpos = mousemappos;
float distance = float.MaxValue;
foreach(Vector2D p in points)
float pdist = Vector2D.DistanceSq(p, mousemappos);
if(pdist < distance)
insertpos = p;
distance = pdist;
// Just use the nearest point on line
insertpos = l.NearestOnLine(mousemappos);
// Snap to grid?
else if(snaptogrid)
// Snap to grid
insertpos = General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(mousemappos);
// Just insert here, don't snap to anything
insertpos = mousemappos;
// Make the vertex
Vertex v = General.Map.Map.CreateVertex(insertpos);
if(v == null)
// Snap to map format accuracy
// Split the line with this vertex
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//mxd. Check if snapped vertex is still on top of a linedef
l = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedefRange(v.Position, BuilderPlug.Me.SplitLinedefsRange / renderer.Scale);
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
if(l != null)
if(v.Position == l.Start.Position || v.Position == l.End.Position)
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "There's already a vertex here.");
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Split a linedef.");
Linedef sld = l.Split(v);
if(sld == null)
2013-03-18 13:52:27 +00:00
//BuilderPlug.Me.AdjustSplitCoordinates(l, sld);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Inserted a vertex.");
// Update
// Redraw screen
[BeginAction("deleteitem", BaseAction = true)]
public void DeleteItem()
// Make list of selected vertices
ICollection<Vertex> selected = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
if((selected.Count == 0) && (highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) selected.Add(highlighted);
if(selected.Count == 0) return;
// Make undo
if(selected.Count > 1)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Delete " + selected.Count + " vertices");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Deleted " + selected.Count + " vertices.");
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Delete vertex");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Deleted a vertex.");
// Go for all vertices that need to be removed
foreach(Vertex v in selected)
// Not already removed automatically?
// If the vertex only has 2 linedefs attached, then merge the linedefs
if(v.Linedefs.Count == 2)
Linedef ld1 = General.GetByIndex(v.Linedefs, 0);
Linedef ld2 = General.GetByIndex(v.Linedefs, 1);
Vertex v2 = (ld2.Start == v) ? ld2.End : ld2.Start;
if(ld1.Start == v) ld1.SetStartVertex(v2); else ld1.SetEndVertex(v2);
// Trash vertex
// Update cache values
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// Invoke a new mousemove so that the highlighted item updates
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, 0, (int)mousepos.x, (int)mousepos.y, 0);
// Redraw screen
UpdateSelectionInfo(); //mxd
General.Map.Renderer2D.UpdateExtraFloorFlag(); //mxd
[BeginAction("dissolveitem", BaseAction = true)] //mxd
public void DissolveItem()
// Make list of selected vertices
ICollection<Vertex> selected = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
if(selected.Count == 0)
if(highlighted == null || highlighted.IsDisposed) return;
// Make undo
if(selected.Count > 1)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Dissolve " + selected.Count + " vertices");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dissolved " + selected.Count + " vertices.");
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Dissolve vertex");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dissolved a vertex.");
//collect linedefs count per vertex
Dictionary<Vertex, int> linesPerVertex = new Dictionary<Vertex, int>();
foreach(Vertex v in selected)
linesPerVertex.Add(v, v.Linedefs.Count);
// Go for all vertices that need to be removed
foreach(Vertex v in selected)
// Not already removed automatically?
// If the vertex only had 2 linedefs attached, then merge the linedefs
if(linesPerVertex[v] == 2)
Linedef ld1 = General.GetByIndex(v.Linedefs, 0);
Linedef ld2 = General.GetByIndex(v.Linedefs, 1);
Vertex v1 = (ld1.Start == v) ? ld1.End : ld1.Start;
Vertex v2 = (ld2.Start == v) ? ld2.End : ld2.Start;
//don't merge if it will collapse 3-sided sector
bool dontMerge = false;
foreach(Linedef l in v1.Linedefs)
if(l == ld2) continue;
if(l.Start == v2 || l.End == v2)
dontMerge = true;
if(!dontMerge) MergeLines(selected, ld1, ld2, v);
// Trash vertex
// Update cache values
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// Invoke a new mousemove so that the highlighted item updates
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, 0, (int)mousepos.x, (int)mousepos.y, 0);
// Redraw screen
UpdateSelectionInfo(); //mxd
General.Map.Renderer2D.UpdateExtraFloorFlag(); //mxd
[BeginAction("placethings")] //mxd
public void PlaceThings()
// Make list of selected vertices
ICollection<Vertex> selected = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
if(selected.Count == 0)
if(highlighted != null && !highlighted.IsDisposed)
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "This action requires selection of some description!");
List<Vector2D> positions = new List<Vector2D>(selected.Count);
foreach(Vertex v in selected)
if(!positions.Contains(v.Position)) positions.Add(v.Position);
public void SelectSimilar()
ICollection<Vertex> selection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedVertices(true);
if(selection.Count == 0)
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "This action requires a selection!");
var form = new SelectSimilarElementOptionsPanel();
if(form.Setup(this)) form.ShowDialog();
#region ================== Action assist (mxd)
private static void MergeLines(ICollection<Vertex> selected, Linedef ld1, Linedef ld2, Vertex v)
Vertex v1 = (ld1.Start == v) ? ld1.End : ld1.Start;
Vertex v2 = (ld2.Start == v) ? ld2.End : ld2.Start;
if(ld1.Start == v) ld1.SetStartVertex(v2);
else ld1.SetEndVertex(v2);
bool redraw = true;
if(!v2.IsDisposed && selected.Contains(v2) && v2.Linedefs.Count == 2)
Linedef[] lines = new Linedef[2];
v2.Linedefs.CopyTo(lines, 0);
Linedef other = lines[0] == ld2 ? lines[1] :lines[0];
MergeLines(selected, ld1, other, v2);
redraw = false;
if(!v1.IsDisposed && selected.Contains(v1) && v1.Linedefs.Count == 2)
Linedef[] lines = new Linedef[2];
v1.Linedefs.CopyTo(lines, 0);
Linedef other = lines[0] == ld1 ? lines[1] : lines[0];
MergeLines(selected, other, ld1, v1);
redraw = false;
if(redraw && ld1.Start != null && ld1.End != null)
Vector2D start = ld1.Start.Position;
Vector2D end = ld1.End.Position;
DrawLine(start, end);
private static void DrawLine(Vector2D start, Vector2D end)
DrawnVertex dv1 = new DrawnVertex();
DrawnVertex dv2 = new DrawnVertex();
dv1.stitchline = true;
dv2.stitchline = true;
dv1.stitch = true;
dv2.stitch = true;
dv1.pos = start;
dv2.pos = end;
Tools.DrawLines(new List<DrawnVertex> { dv1, dv2 }, false, false);
// Update cache values
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
//mxd. If there are different sectors on both sides of given linedef, join them
private static void TryJoinSectors(Linedef ld)
if(ld.IsDisposed) return;
if(ld.Front != null && ld.Front.Sector != null && ld.Back != null
&& ld.Back.Sector != null && ld.Front.Sector.Index != ld.Back.Sector.Index)
if(ld.Front.Sector.BBox.Width * ld.Front.Sector.BBox.Height > ld.Back.Sector.BBox.Width * ld.Back.Sector.BBox.Height)