2009-06-04 20:21:31 +00:00
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using Configuration = CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO.Configuration;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering
internal class SurfaceManager : ID3DResource
#region ================== Constants
// The true maximum lies at 65535 if I remember correctly, but that
// is a scary big number for a vertexbuffer.
private const int MAX_VERTICES_PER_BUFFER = 30000;
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// When a sector exceeds this number of vertices, it should split up it's triangles
// This number must be a multiple of 3.
public const int MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR = 6000;
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#region ================== Variables
// Set of buffers for a specific number of vertices per sector
private Dictionary<int, SurfaceBufferSet> sets;
// List of buffers that are locked
// This is null when not in the process of updating
private List<VertexBuffer> lockedbuffers;
// Surface to be rendered.
// Each BinaryHeap in the Dictionary contains all geometry that needs
// to be rendered with the associated ImageData.
// The BinaryHeap sorts the geometry by sector to minimize stream switchs.
// This is null when not in the process of rendering
private Dictionary<ImageData, List<SurfaceEntry>> surfaces;
// This is 1 to add the number of vertices to the offset
// (effectively rendering the ceiling vertices instead of floor vertices)
private int surfacevertexoffsetmul;
// This is set to true when the resources have been unloaded
private bool resourcesunloaded;
#region ================== Properties
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public SurfaceManager()
sets = new Dictionary<int, SurfaceBufferSet>();
lockedbuffers = new List<VertexBuffer>();
// Disposer
public void Dispose()
if(sets != null)
// Dispose all sets
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
// Dispose vertex buffers
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for(int i = 0; i < set.Value.buffers.Count; i++)
if(set.Value.buffers[i] != null)
set.Value.buffers[i] = null;
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sets = null;
#region ================== Management
// Called when all resource must be unloaded
public void UnloadResource()
resourcesunloaded = true;
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
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// Dispose vertex buffers
for(int i = 0; i < set.Value.buffers.Count; i++)
if(set.Value.buffers[i] != null)
set.Value.buffers[i] = null;
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// Called when all resource must be reloaded
public void ReloadResource()
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
// Rebuild vertex buffers
for(int i = 0; i < set.Value.buffersizes.Count; i++)
// Make the new buffer!
VertexBuffer b = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, FlatVertex.Stride * set.Value.buffersizes[i],
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Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
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// Start refilling the buffer with sector geometry
DataStream bstream = b.Lock(0, FlatVertex.Stride * set.Value.buffersizes[i], LockFlags.Discard);
foreach(SurfaceEntry e in set.Value.entries)
if(e.bufferindex == i)
// Fill buffer
bstream.Seek(e.vertexoffset * FlatVertex.Stride, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Unlock buffer
// Add to list
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set.Value.buffers[i] = b;
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resourcesunloaded = false;
// This resets all buffers and requires all sectors to get new entries
public void Reset()
// Clear all items
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in set.Value.entries)
entry.numvertices = -1;
entry.bufferindex = -1;
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in set.Value.holes)
entry.numvertices = -1;
entry.bufferindex = -1;
foreach(VertexBuffer vb in set.Value.buffers)
// New dictionary
sets = new Dictionary<int, SurfaceBufferSet>();
// Updating sector surface geometry should go in this order;
// - Triangulate sectors
// - Call FreeSurfaces to remove entries that have changed number of vertices
// - Call AllocateBuffers
// - Call UpdateSurfaces to add/update entries
// - Call UnlockBuffers
// This (re)allocates the buffers based on an analysis of the map
// The map must be updated (triangulated) before calling this
public void AllocateBuffers()
// Make analysis of sector geometry
Dictionary<int, int> sectorverts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
if(s.Triangles != null)
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int numvertices = s.Triangles.Vertices.Count;
while(numvertices > 0)
// Determine for how many vertices in this entry
int vertsinentry = (numvertices > MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR) ? MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR : numvertices;
// We count the number of sectors that have specific number of vertices
sectorverts.Add(vertsinentry, 0);
numvertices -= vertsinentry;
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// Now (re)allocate the needed buffers
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, int> sv in sectorverts)
// Zero vertices can't be drawn
if(sv.Key > 0)
SurfaceBufferSet set = GetSet(sv.Key);
// Calculte how many free entries we need
int neededentries = sv.Value;
int freeentriesneeded = neededentries - set.entries.Count;
// Allocate the space needed
EnsureFreeBufferSpace(set, freeentriesneeded);
// This ensures there is enough space for a given number of free entries (also adds new bufers if needed)
private void EnsureFreeBufferSpace(SurfaceBufferSet set, int freeentries)
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DataStream bstream = null;
VertexBuffer vb = null;
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// Check if we have to add entries
int addentries = freeentries - set.holes.Count;
// Begin resizing buffers starting with the last in this set
int bufferindex = set.buffers.Count - 1;
// Calculate the maximum number of entries we can put in a new buffer
// Note that verticesperentry is the number of vertices multiplied by 2, because
// we have to store both the floor and ceiling
int verticesperentry = set.numvertices * 2;
int maxentriesperbuffer = MAX_VERTICES_PER_BUFFER / verticesperentry;
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// Make a new bufer when the last one is full
if((bufferindex > -1) && (set.buffersizes[bufferindex] >= (maxentriesperbuffer * verticesperentry)))
bufferindex = -1;
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while(addentries > 0)
// Create a new buffer?
if((bufferindex == -1) || (bufferindex > (set.buffers.Count - 1)))
// Determine the number of entries we will be making this buffer for
int bufferentries = (addentries > maxentriesperbuffer) ? maxentriesperbuffer : addentries;
// Calculate the number of vertices that will be
int buffernumvertices = bufferentries * verticesperentry;
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// Make the new buffer!
vb = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, FlatVertex.Stride * buffernumvertices,
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Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
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2009-06-16 17:29:00 +00:00
// Add it.
// We can't make a vertexbuffer right now
// Also add available entries as holes, because they are not used yet.
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for(int i = 0; i < bufferentries; i++)
set.holes.Add(new SurfaceEntry(set.numvertices, set.buffers.Count - 1, i * verticesperentry));
// Done
addentries -= bufferentries;
// Reallocate a buffer
// Trash the old buffer
if(set.buffers[bufferindex].Tag != null)
bstream = (DataStream)set.buffers[bufferindex].Tag;
set.buffers[bufferindex].Tag = null;
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if((set.buffers[bufferindex] != null) && !resourcesunloaded)
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// Get the entries that are in this buffer only
List<SurfaceEntry> theseentries = new List<SurfaceEntry>();
foreach(SurfaceEntry e in set.entries)
if(e.bufferindex == bufferindex)
// Determine the number of entries we will be making this buffer for
int bufferentries = ((theseentries.Count + addentries) > maxentriesperbuffer) ? maxentriesperbuffer : (theseentries.Count + addentries);
// Calculate the number of vertices that will be
int buffernumvertices = bufferentries * verticesperentry;
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// Make the new buffer and lock it
vb = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, FlatVertex.Stride * buffernumvertices,
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Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
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bstream = vb.Lock(0, FlatVertex.Stride * theseentries.Count * verticesperentry, LockFlags.Discard);
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// Start refilling the buffer with sector geometry
int vertexoffset = 0;
foreach(SurfaceEntry e in theseentries)
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// Fill buffer
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// Set the new location in the buffer
e.vertexoffset = vertexoffset;
// Move on
vertexoffset += verticesperentry;
2009-06-16 17:29:00 +00:00
// Unlock buffer
set.buffers[bufferindex] = vb;
// No vertex buffer at this time, sorry
set.buffers[bufferindex] = null;
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// Set the new buffer and add available entries as holes, because they are not used yet.
set.buffersizes[bufferindex] = buffernumvertices;
for(int i = 0; i < bufferentries - theseentries.Count; i++)
set.holes.Add(new SurfaceEntry(set.numvertices, bufferindex, i * verticesperentry + vertexoffset));
// Done
addentries -= bufferentries;
// Always continue in next (new) buffer
bufferindex = set.buffers.Count;
// This adds or updates sector geometry into a buffer.
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// Modiies the list of SurfaceEntries with the new surface entry for the stored geometry.
public void UpdateSurfaces(SurfaceEntryCollection entries, SurfaceUpdate update)
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// Free entries when number of vertices has changed
if((entries.Count > 0) && (entries.totalvertices != update.numvertices))
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if((entries.Count == 0) && (update.numvertices > 0))
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if((update.floorvertices == null) || (update.ceilvertices == null))
General.Fail("We need both floor and ceiling vertices when the number of vertices changes!");
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// If we have no entries yet, we have to make them now
int vertsremaining = update.numvertices;
while(vertsremaining > 0)
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// Determine for how many vertices in this entry
int vertsinentry = (vertsremaining > MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR) ? MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR : vertsremaining;
// Lookup the set that holds entries for this number of vertices
SurfaceBufferSet set = GetSet(vertsinentry);
// Make sure we can get a new entry in this set
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EnsureFreeBufferSpace(set, 1);
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// Get a new entry in this set
SurfaceEntry e = set.holes[set.holes.Count - 1];
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set.holes.RemoveAt(set.holes.Count - 1);
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// Fill the entry data
e.floorvertices = new FlatVertex[vertsinentry];
e.ceilvertices = new FlatVertex[vertsinentry];
Array.Copy(update.floorvertices, update.numvertices - vertsremaining, e.floorvertices, 0, vertsinentry);
Array.Copy(update.ceilvertices, update.numvertices - vertsremaining, e.ceilvertices, 0, vertsinentry);
e.floortexture = update.floortexture;
e.ceiltexture = update.ceiltexture;
vertsremaining -= vertsinentry;
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// We re-use the same entries, just copy over the updated data
int vertsremaining = update.numvertices;
foreach(SurfaceEntry e in entries)
if(update.floorvertices != null)
Array.Copy(update.floorvertices, update.numvertices - vertsremaining, e.floorvertices, 0, e.numvertices);
e.floortexture = update.floortexture;
if(update.ceilvertices != null)
Array.Copy(update.ceilvertices, update.numvertices - vertsremaining, e.ceilvertices, 0, e.numvertices);
e.ceiltexture = update.ceiltexture;
vertsremaining -= e.numvertices;
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entries.totalvertices = update.numvertices;
// Time to update or create the buffers
foreach(SurfaceEntry e in entries)
SurfaceBufferSet set = GetSet(e.numvertices);
// Update bounding box
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// Lock the buffer
DataStream bstream;
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VertexBuffer vb = set.buffers[e.bufferindex];
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if(vb.Tag == null)
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// Note: DirectX warns me that I am not using LockFlags.Discard or LockFlags.NoOverwrite here,
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// but we don't have much of a choice since we want to update our data and not destroy other data
bstream = vb.Lock(0, set.buffersizes[e.bufferindex] * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.None);
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vb.Tag = bstream;
bstream = (DataStream)vb.Tag;
// Write the vertices to buffer
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bstream.Seek(e.vertexoffset * FlatVertex.Stride, SeekOrigin.Begin);
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// This frees the given surface entry
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public void FreeSurfaces(SurfaceEntryCollection entries)
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foreach(SurfaceEntry e in entries)
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2010-08-26 21:47:25 +00:00
if((e.numvertices > 0) && (e.bufferindex > -1))
SurfaceBufferSet set = sets[e.numvertices];
SurfaceEntry newentry = new SurfaceEntry(e);
e.numvertices = -1;
e.bufferindex = -1;
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// This unlocks the locked buffers
public void UnlockBuffers()
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foreach(VertexBuffer vb in lockedbuffers)
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2009-06-16 17:29:00 +00:00
if(vb.Tag != null)
DataStream bstream = (DataStream)vb.Tag;
vb.Tag = null;
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2009-06-16 17:29:00 +00:00
// Clear list
lockedbuffers = new List<VertexBuffer>();
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// This gets or creates a set for a specific number of vertices
private SurfaceBufferSet GetSet(int numvertices)
SurfaceBufferSet set;
// Get or create the set
set = new SurfaceBufferSet();
set.numvertices = numvertices;
set.buffers = new List<VertexBuffer>();
set.buffersizes = new List<int>();
set.entries = new List<SurfaceEntry>();
set.holes = new List<SurfaceEntry>();
sets.Add(numvertices, set);
set = sets[numvertices];
return set;
#region ================== Rendering
// This renders all sector floors
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internal void RenderSectorFloors(RectangleF viewport)
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surfaces = new Dictionary<ImageData, List<SurfaceEntry>>();
surfacevertexoffsetmul = 0;
// Go for all surfaces as they are sorted in the buffers, so that
// they are automatically already sorted by vertexbuffer
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in set.Value.entries)
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AddSurfaceEntryForRendering(entry, entry.floortexture);
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// This renders all sector ceilings
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internal void RenderSectorCeilings(RectangleF viewport)
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surfaces = new Dictionary<ImageData, List<SurfaceEntry>>();
surfacevertexoffsetmul = 1;
// Go for all surfaces as they are sorted in the buffers, so that
// they are automatically already sorted by vertexbuffer
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in set.Value.entries)
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AddSurfaceEntryForRendering(entry, entry.ceiltexture);
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// This renders all sector brightness levels
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internal void RenderSectorBrightness(RectangleF viewport)
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surfaces = new Dictionary<ImageData, List<SurfaceEntry>>();
surfacevertexoffsetmul = 0;
// Go for all surfaces as they are sorted in the buffers, so that
// they are automatically already sorted by vertexbuffer
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, SurfaceBufferSet> set in sets)
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in set.Value.entries)
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AddSurfaceEntryForRendering(entry, 0);
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// This adds a surface entry to the list of surfaces
private void AddSurfaceEntryForRendering(SurfaceEntry entry, long longimagename)
// Determine texture to use
ImageData img;
if(longimagename == 0)
img = General.Map.Data.WhiteTexture;
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img = General.Map.Data.GetFlatImageKnown(longimagename);
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// Is the texture loaded?
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if(img.IsImageLoaded && !img.LoadFailed)
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if(img.Texture == null) img.CreateTexture();
img = General.Map.Data.WhiteTexture;
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img = General.Map.Data.UnknownTexture3D;
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// Store by texture
surfaces.Add(img, new List<SurfaceEntry>());
// This renders the sorted sector surfaces
internal void RenderSectorSurfaces(D3DDevice graphics)
foreach(KeyValuePair<ImageData, List<SurfaceEntry>> imgsurfaces in surfaces)
// Set texture
graphics.Shaders.Display2D.Texture1 = imgsurfaces.Key.Texture;
if(!graphics.Shaders.Enabled) graphics.Device.SetTexture(0, imgsurfaces.Key.Texture);
// Go for all surfaces
VertexBuffer lastbuffer = null;
foreach(SurfaceEntry entry in imgsurfaces.Value)
// Set the vertex buffer
SurfaceBufferSet set = sets[entry.numvertices];
if(set.buffers[entry.bufferindex] != lastbuffer)
lastbuffer = set.buffers[entry.bufferindex];
graphics.Device.SetStreamSource(0, lastbuffer, 0, FlatVertex.Stride);
// Draw
graphics.Device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, entry.vertexoffset + (entry.numvertices * surfacevertexoffsetmul), entry.numvertices / 3);